To create a curving face using several edges you need to define the
following parameters:
\n <b>Edges Compound</b> - the list of edges used for creation of the
\n \b Minimum and <b>Maximum Degree</b> of equation of the resulting BSpline or Besier curves describing the surface;
\n \b Tolerance for \b 2D and for \b 3D - minimum distance between the
created surface and the reference edge;
\n <b>Number of
Iterations</b> - defines the maximum number of iterations. The iterations are repeated until the required tolerance is reached. So, a greater number of iterations allows producing a better surface.
\n <b>Approximation</b> - if checked, BSpline curves are generated in the process of surface construction (using GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface functionality). By default the surface is created using Besier curves. The usage of <b>Approximation</b> makes the algorithm work slower, but allows building the