
402 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (C) 2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
// Author : Frederic Pons (OpenCascade)
#include <cassert>
#include <Standard_TypeMismatch.hxx>
#include <BRepTools.hxx>
#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
#include <TopAbs.hxx>
#include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <GProp_GProps.hxx>
#include <BRepGProp.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
#include "XAO_BrepGeometry.hxx"
#include "XAO_XaoUtils.hxx"
using namespace XAO;
BrepGeometry::BrepGeometry() : Geometry("")
BrepGeometry::BrepGeometry(const std::string& name) : Geometry(name)
const std::string BrepGeometry::getShapeString()
std::ostringstream streamShape;
BRepTools::Write(m_shape, streamShape);
std::string data = streamShape.str();
char* res = new char[data.size()];
strcpy(res, data.c_str());
return res;
void BrepGeometry::setShapeString(const std::string& shape)
std::istringstream streamBrep(shape.c_str());
BRep_Builder builder;
BRepTools::Read(m_shape, streamBrep, builder);
TopoDS_Shape BrepGeometry::getTopoDS_Shape()
return m_shape;
void BrepGeometry::setTopoDS_Shape(const TopoDS_Shape& shape)
m_shape = shape;
void BrepGeometry::initIds()
// intialization of Ids
initListIds(TopAbs_VERTEX, m_vertices);
initListIds(TopAbs_EDGE, m_edges);
initListIds(TopAbs_FACE, m_faces);
initListIds(TopAbs_SOLID, m_solids);
void BrepGeometry::initListIds(const TopAbs_ShapeEnum& shapeType, GeometricElementList& eltList)
TopTools_MapOfShape mapShape;
TopTools_ListOfShape listShape;
int nbElt = 0;
TopExp_Explorer exp(m_shape, shapeType);
for (; exp.More(); exp.Next())
if (mapShape.Add(exp.Current()))
if (listShape.IsEmpty())
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape indices;
TopExp::MapShapes(m_shape, indices);
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itSub(listShape);
for (int index = 0; itSub.More(); itSub.Next(), ++index)
TopoDS_Shape value = itSub.Value();
int ref = indices.FindIndex(value);
eltList.setReference(index, XaoUtils::intToString(ref));
TopoDS_Shape BrepGeometry::getSubShape(const TopoDS_Shape& mainShape, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum& shapeType, const int& shapeIndex)
throw (XAO_Exception)
TopTools_MapOfShape mapShape;
TopTools_ListOfShape listShape;
TopExp_Explorer exp(mainShape, shapeType);
for (; exp.More(); exp.Next())
if (mapShape.Add(exp.Current()))
if (!listShape.IsEmpty())
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itSub(listShape);
for (int index = 0; itSub.More(); itSub.Next(), ++index)
if (shapeIndex == index)
TopoDS_Shape value = itSub.Value();
return value;
throw XAO_Exception(MsgBuilder() << "Shape with reference [" << shapeIndex << "] not found.");
// -----------------------------
const int BrepGeometry::countGeometricalElements(const TopoDS_Shape& shape, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum& shapeType)
int res = 0;
TopExp_Explorer exp(shape, shapeType);
for (; exp.More(); exp.Next())
return res;
std::vector<int> BrepGeometry::getGeometricalElements(const TopoDS_Shape& shape, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum& shapeType, const XAO::Dimension& dim)
std::vector<int> indexList;
TopTools_MapOfShape mapShape;
TopTools_ListOfShape listShape;
TopExp_Explorer exp(shape, shapeType);
for (; exp.More(); exp.Next())
if (mapShape.Add(exp.Current()))
if (!listShape.IsEmpty())
// use the shape of the geometry for the indices
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape indices;
TopExp::MapShapes(m_shape, indices);
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itSub(listShape);
for (int index = 0; itSub.More(); itSub.Next(), ++index)
TopoDS_Shape value = itSub.Value();
int id = indices.FindIndex(value);
indexList.push_back(findElement(dim, id));
return indexList;
void BrepGeometry::getEdgeVertices(const int& edgeIndex, int& vertexA, int& vertexB)
TopoDS_Shape edge = getSubShape(m_shape, TopAbs_EDGE, edgeIndex);
std::vector<int> vertices = getGeometricalElements(edge, TopAbs_VERTEX, XAO::VERTEX);
assert(vertices.size() == 2);
vertexA = vertices[0];
vertexB = vertices[1];
const int BrepGeometry::countFaceWires(const int& faceIndex)
TopoDS_Shape face = getSubShape(m_shape, TopAbs_FACE, faceIndex);
return countGeometricalElements(face, TopAbs_WIRE);
std::vector<int> BrepGeometry::getFaceEdges(const int& faceIndex, const int& wireIndex)
// get the face
TopoDS_Shape face = getSubShape(m_shape, TopAbs_FACE, faceIndex);
// get the wire
TopoDS_Shape wire = getSubShape(face, TopAbs_WIRE, wireIndex);
return getGeometricalElements(wire, TopAbs_EDGE, XAO::EDGE);
const int BrepGeometry::countSolidShells(const int& solidIndex)
TopoDS_Shape solid = getSubShape(m_shape, TopAbs_SOLID, solidIndex);
return countGeometricalElements(solid, TopAbs_SHELL);
std::vector<int> BrepGeometry::getSolidFaces(const int& solidIndex, const int& shellIndex)
TopoDS_Shape solid = getSubShape(m_shape, TopAbs_SOLID, solidIndex);
TopoDS_Shape shell = getSubShape(solid, TopAbs_SHELL, shellIndex);
return getGeometricalElements(shell, TopAbs_FACE, XAO::FACE);
void BrepGeometry::getVertexXYZ(const int& vertexIndex, double& xCoord, double& yCoord, double& zCoord)
throw (XAO_Exception)
xCoord = 0.;
yCoord = 0.;
zCoord = 0.;
TopoDS_Shape vertex = getSubShape(m_shape, TopAbs_VERTEX, vertexIndex);
if (vertex.ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX)
throw XAO_Exception(MsgBuilder() << "Shape " << vertexIndex<< " is not a point.");
TopoDS_Vertex point = TopoDS::Vertex(vertex);
if (!point.IsNull())
gp_Pnt aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(point);
xCoord = aPnt.X();
yCoord = aPnt.Y();
zCoord = aPnt.Z();
// -----------------------------
const double BrepGeometry::getEdgeLength(const int& edgeIndex)
TopoDS_Shape edge = getSubShape(m_shape, TopAbs_EDGE, edgeIndex);
GProp_GProps system;
BRepGProp::LinearProperties(edge, system);
return system.Mass();
const double BrepGeometry::getFaceArea(const int& faceIndex)
TopoDS_Shape face = getSubShape(m_shape, TopAbs_FACE, faceIndex);
GProp_GProps system;
BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(face, system);
return system.Mass();
const double BrepGeometry::getSolidVolume(const int& solidIndex)
TopoDS_Shape solid = getSubShape(m_shape, TopAbs_SOLID, solidIndex);
GProp_GProps system;
BRepGProp::VolumeProperties(solid, system);
return system.Mass();
// -----------------------------
const int BrepGeometry::getVertexID(const int& index)
return XaoUtils::stringToInt(getVertexReference(index));
const int BrepGeometry::getEdgeID(const int& index)
return XaoUtils::stringToInt(getEdgeReference(index));
const int BrepGeometry::getFaceID(const int& index)
return XaoUtils::stringToInt(getFaceReference(index));
const int BrepGeometry::getSolidID(const int& index)
return XaoUtils::stringToInt(getSolidReference(index));
// -----------------------------
void BrepGeometry::setVertexID(const int& index, const int& id)
setVertexReference(index, XaoUtils::intToString(id));
void BrepGeometry::setEdgeID(const int& index, const int& id)
setEdgeReference(index, XaoUtils::intToString(id));
void BrepGeometry::setFaceID(const int& index, const int& id)
setEdgeReference(index, XaoUtils::intToString(id));
void BrepGeometry::setSolidID(const int& index, const int& id)
setEdgeReference(index, XaoUtils::intToString(id));
// -----------------------------
const int BrepGeometry::findElement(const XAO::Dimension& dim, const int& id)
throw (XAO_Exception)
if (dim == XAO::VERTEX)
return findVertex(id);
if (dim == XAO::EDGE)
return findEdge(id);
if (dim == XAO::FACE)
return findFace(id);
if (dim == XAO::SOLID)
return findSolid(id);
throw XAO_Exception(MsgBuilder() << "Unknown Dimension: " << dim);
const int BrepGeometry::findVertex(const int& id)
return getVertexIndexByReference(XaoUtils::intToString(id));
const int BrepGeometry::findEdge(const int& id)
return getEdgeIndexByReference(XaoUtils::intToString(id));
const int BrepGeometry::findFace(const int& id)
return getFaceIndexByReference(XaoUtils::intToString(id));
const int BrepGeometry::findSolid(const int& id)
return getSolidIndexByReference(XaoUtils::intToString(id));
// -----------------------------
const std::string BrepGeometry::findVertexName(const int& id)
return getVertexName(findVertex(id));
const std::string BrepGeometry::findEdgeName(const int& id)
return getEdgeName(findEdge(id));
const std::string BrepGeometry::findFaceName(const int& id)
return getFaceName(findFace(id));
const std::string BrepGeometry::findSolidName(const int& id)
return getSolidName(findSolid(id));
// -----------------------------
void BrepGeometry::changeVertexName(const int& id, const std::string& name)
throw (XAO_Exception)
setVertexName(findVertex(id), name);
void BrepGeometry::changeEdgeName(const int& id, const std::string& name)
throw (XAO_Exception)
setEdgeName(findEdge(id), name);
void BrepGeometry::changeFaceName(const int& id, const std::string& name)
throw (XAO_Exception)
setFaceName(findFace(id), name);
void BrepGeometry::changeSolidName(const int& id, const std::string& name)
throw (XAO_Exception)
setSolidName(findSolid(id), name);