2014-05-21 19:42:20 +06:00
// Copyright (C) 2014 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
#include <GraphicsView_ViewPort.h>
#include <GraphicsView_Scene.h>
#include <GraphicsView_ViewFrame.h>
#include "DependencyTree_View.h"
#include "DependencyTree_Object.h"
#include "DependencyTree_Arrow.h"
#include <QMenu>
#include <QList>
#include <QString>
#include <QGraphicsView>
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <QWidgetAction>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QCloseEvent>
#include <QTimerEvent>
#include <QtxActionToolMgr.h>
// GUI includes
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Study.h>
#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
#include <SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO.hxx>
#include <GEOM_InteractiveObject.hxx>
#include <GeometryGUI.h>
#include <GEOMBase.h>
2014-05-23 11:11:17 +06:00
#include "GEOMUtils.hxx"
2014-05-21 19:42:20 +06:00
int iter = 0;
DependencyTree_View::DependencyTree_View( QWidget* theParent )
myIsUpdate( true )
SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* >( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
if ( !app ) return;
SalomeApp_Study* study = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>(app->activeStudy());
_PTR(Study) aStudy = study->studyDS();
if ( !aStudy )
SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudyDS = GeometryGUI::ClientStudyToStudy(aStudy);
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelMgr = app->selectionMgr();
if ( !aSelMgr ) return;
2014-05-23 11:11:17 +06:00
2014-05-21 19:42:20 +06:00
SALOME_ListIO aSelList;
GEOM::string_array_var ObjectIORs = new GEOM::string_array();
ObjectIORs->length( aSelList.Extent());
int aaa=0;
for ( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( aSelList ); It.More(); It.Next() ) {
Handle( SALOME_InteractiveObject ) io = It.Value();
// if ( io->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(GEOM_InteractiveObject))) {
// Handle(GEOM_InteractiveObject) objectGEOM = Handle(GEOM_InteractiveObject)::DownCast( io );
// const char* ior = objectGEOM->getIOR();
// objectGEOM.getEntry();
// objectGEOM.getName();
// std::cout << "\n\n\n !!!!! IOR = " << ior << std::endl;
// }
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var myObject = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil();
myObject = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject( io );
2014-05-23 11:11:17 +06:00
//QString ior = GEOMBase::GetIORFromObject(myObject);
QString ior = myObject->GetEntry();
2014-05-21 19:42:20 +06:00
ObjectIORs[aaa] = ior.toLatin1().constData();
std::cout << "\n\n IOR = " << ior.toStdString() << std::endl;
// if ( !CORBA::is_nil( myObject ) )
// myGrp->LineEdit1->setText( GEOMBase::GetName( myObject ) );
// SALOME_ListIO selected;
// aSelMgr->selectedObjects( selected );
// if ( selected.IsEmpty() ) return;
// GEOM::string_array ObjectIORs;
// ObjectIORs.lenght( selected.Extent())
// for ( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected ); It.More(); It.Next() ) {
// Handle( SALOME_InteractiveObject ) io = It.Value();
// const char* entry = io->getEntry();
// ObjectIORs.push_back( entry );
// //CORBA::String_var IOR = app->orb()->object_to_string( io );
// //if ( strcmp(IOR.in(), "") != 0 )
// //{
//// QString objIOR = GEOMBase::GetIORFromObject( io );
// //char* GetStringFromIOR(GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theObject)
// }
2014-05-23 11:11:17 +06:00
// get dependencies tree as a stream
2014-05-21 19:42:20 +06:00
SALOMEDS::TMPFile_var SeqFile =
2014-05-23 11:11:17 +06:00
GeometryGUI::GetGeomGen()->GetDependencyTree( aStudyDS, ObjectIORs );
// convert stream into string
char* treeStr;
treeStr = (char*) &SeqFile[0];
std::cout << "\n TREE = " << treeStr << std::endl;
2014-05-21 19:42:20 +06:00
2014-05-23 11:11:17 +06:00
// parse string to deal with 'TreeModel' object
GEOMUtils::TreeModel tree;
GEOMUtils::ConvertStringToTree( treeStr, tree );
2014-05-21 19:42:20 +06:00
void DependencyTree_View::drawArrows()
QMap<QString,QPair<LevelsList,LevelsList> >::iterator i;
for (i = myTreeModel.begin(); i != myTreeModel.end(); i++ ) {
DependencyTree_Object* Main_object = myTreeMap[i.key()];
LevelInfo Levelup = i.value().first.at(0);
if( myDisplayAscendants ->isChecked() ) {
QMap<QString, NodeLinks>::iterator node;
for (node = Levelup.begin(); node != Levelup.end(); node++ ) {
DependencyTree_Object* object = myTreeMap[node.key()];
addArrow(Main_object, object);
if( myDisplayAscendants ->isChecked() )
drawWardArrows( i.value().first );
if( myDisplayDescendants->isChecked() )
drawWardArrows( i.value().second );
void DependencyTree_View::drawWardArrows( LevelsList theWard )
for(int j = 0; j < theWard.size(); j++ ) {
if( j >= myLevelsNumber )
LevelInfo Level = theWard.at(j);
QMap<QString, NodeLinks>::iterator node;
for (node = Level.begin(); node != Level.end(); node++ ) {
DependencyTree_Object* object = myTreeMap[node.key()];
QList<QString> Links = node.value();
for( int link = 0; link < Links.size(); link++ ) {
DependencyTree_Object* LinkObject = myTreeMap[Links[link]];
if( isItemAdded( object ) && isItemAdded( LinkObject ) ) {
addArrow(object, LinkObject);
void DependencyTree_View::parseData( QString& theData )
int cursor = 0;
while( theData.indexOf('-',cursor) != -1 ) //find next selected object
int objectIndex = theData.indexOf( '-', cursor );
QString objectEntry = theData.mid( cursor, objectIndex - cursor );
addNode( objectEntry );
std::cout<<"\n\nMainObject = " << objectEntry.toStdString() <<std::endl;
cursor = objectIndex;
int upwardIndexBegin = theData.indexOf("{",cursor) + 1;
int upwardIndexFinish = theData.indexOf("}",upwardIndexBegin);
std::cout<<" Upward:" << std::endl;
LevelsList upwardList = parseWard( theData, cursor );
if( upwardList.size() > myMaxUpwardLevelsNumber )
myMaxUpwardLevelsNumber = upwardList.size();
std::cout<<" Downward:" << std::endl;
LevelsList downwardList = parseWard( theData, cursor );
if( downwardList.size() > myMaxDownwardLevelsNumber )
myMaxDownwardLevelsNumber = downwardList.size();
myTreeModel[objectEntry] = QPair<LevelsList,LevelsList>( upwardList, downwardList );
void DependencyTree_View::addNode( const QString& theEntry )
if( !myTreeMap[theEntry] )
myTreeMap[theEntry] = new DependencyTree_Object( theEntry );
void DependencyTree_View::addArrow( DependencyTree_Object *startItem, DependencyTree_Object *endItem )
bool isFind = false;
std::cout << " " << startItem->getEntry().toStdString() << " " << endItem->getEntry().toStdString() << std::endl;
for( int i = 0; i < Arrows.size(); i++ ) {
DependencyTree_Arrow* arrow = Arrows.at(i);
if( arrow->getStartItem() == startItem && arrow->getEndItem() == endItem ) {
isFind = true;
std::cout<<" theSame " << std::endl;
else if( arrow->getStartItem() == endItem && arrow->getEndItem() == startItem ) {
arrow->setIsBiLink( true );
std::cout<<" Bilink " << std::endl;
isFind = true;
if( !isFind ) {
DependencyTree_Arrow *arrow = new DependencyTree_Arrow(startItem, endItem);
Arrows.append( arrow );
std::cout<<" addArrow " << std::endl;
DependencyTree_View::LevelsList DependencyTree_View::parseWard( const QString& theData, int& theCursor )
int indexStart = theData.indexOf( "{", theCursor ) + 1;
int indexEnd = theData.indexOf( "}", indexStart );
QString ward = theData.mid( indexStart, indexEnd - indexStart );
QStringList levelsListStr = ward.split( ';' );
LevelsList levelsListData;
for( int level = 0; level < levelsListStr.size(); level++ ) {
std::cout<<" Level" << level + 1 << ":" << std::endl;
QStringList namesListStr = levelsListStr[level].split( ',' );
LevelInfo levelInfoData;
for( int node = 0; node < namesListStr.size(); node++ ) {
QStringList linksListStr = namesListStr[node].split( '_' );
QString nodeItem = linksListStr[0];
if( !nodeItem.isEmpty() ) {
addNode( nodeItem );
NodeLinks linksListData;
std::cout<<" " << nodeItem.toStdString() << " - ";
for( int link = 1; link < linksListStr.size(); link++ ) {
QString linkItem = linksListStr[link];
addNode( linkItem );
linksListData.append( linkItem );
std::cout << linkItem.toStdString() << ", ";
}// Links
levelInfoData[nodeItem] = linksListData;
std::cout << std::endl;
}// Level's objects
}// Levels
theCursor = indexEnd + 1;
return levelsListData;
void DependencyTree_View::drawTree()
int horDistance, verDistance;
myCurrentLevel = 0;
std::cout<<"\n\n\n\n MY TREE MODEL SIZE = " << myTreeModel.size() << std::endl;
std::cout<<"\n\n\n\n MY TREE MAP SIZE = " << myTreeMap.size() << std::endl;
for( int j = 0; j < myTreeModel.keys().size(); j++ )
std::cout<< " STRING = " << myTreeModel.keys().at(j).toStdString() << std::endl;
QMap<QString,QPair<LevelsList,LevelsList> >::iterator i;
for (i = myTreeModel.begin(); i != myTreeModel.end(); i++ ) {
myCurrentLevel = 0;
QString objectEntry = i.key();
std::cout<< " NAME = " << objectEntry.toStdString() << std::endl;
DependencyTree_Object* objectItem = myTreeMap[ objectEntry ];
if( objectItem->isEnabled() )
std::cout<<"OK!!! "<< std::endl;
horDistance = 100 + int( objectItem->boundingRect().width() );
verDistance = 3 * int( objectItem->boundingRect().height() );
if( isItemAdded( objectItem ) ) {
myCurrentLevel = myLevelMap[ objectEntry ];
else {
addItem( objectItem );
std::cout<<"\nLevel = " << myCurrentLevel << " Object = " << objectEntry.toStdString() << std::endl;
myLevelMap[ objectEntry ] = myCurrentLevel;
myLevelsObject[ myCurrentLevel ].append( objectEntry );
objectItem->setIsMainObject( true );
int levelposition = myCurrentLevel;
if( myDisplayAscendants ->isChecked() ){
drawWard( i.value().first, -1 );
myCurrentLevel = levelposition;
if( myDisplayDescendants->isChecked() )
drawWard( i.value().second, 1 );
//centerOn( objectItem );
QMap< int, QList<QString> >::iterator j;
for (j = myLevelsObject.begin(); j != myLevelsObject.end(); j++ ) {
int step = -horDistance*( j.value().size() - 1 )/2;
std::cout<<"\n\n LEVEL = " << j.key() << std::endl;
for( int object = 0; object < j.value().size(); object++ ) {
if( myIsCompute ) {
std::cout << j.value().at( object ).toStdString() << ", ";
DependencyTree_Object* anObject = myTreeMap[ j.value().at( object ) ];
anObject->setPos( step, verDistance*j.key() );
step += horDistance;
void DependencyTree_View::drawWard( const DependencyTree_View::LevelsList theWard, const int theLevelStep )
int levelsNumber = theWard.size();
for( int level = 0; level < levelsNumber; level++ ) {
if( level >= myLevelsNumber )
myCurrentLevel += theLevelStep;
LevelInfo levelInfo = theWard.at( level );
QMap<QString, NodeLinks>::iterator node;
for (node = levelInfo.begin(); node != levelInfo.end(); node++ ) {
DependencyTree_Object* object = myTreeMap[ node.key() ];
if( !isItemAdded( object ) ) {
addItem( object );
myLevelMap[ node.key() ] = myCurrentLevel;
myLevelsObject[ myCurrentLevel ].append( node.key() );
void DependencyTree_View::onUpdateTree()
QMap<QString,DependencyTree_Object*>::iterator i;
for (i = myTreeMap.begin(); i != myTreeMap.end(); i++ ) {
DependencyTree_Object* object = myTreeMap[ i.key() ];
if( isItemAdded( object ) && object )
removeItem( object );
std::cout<<"\n\n\n\n ARROWS = " << Arrows.size() << std::endl;
for(int j = 0; j<Arrows.size();j++)
if( isItemAdded( Arrows[j]) )
removeItem( Arrows[j] );
int DependencyTree_View::checkMaxLevelsNumber()
if( myDisplayAscendants ->isChecked() && myDisplayDescendants->isChecked() )
return myMaxUpwardLevelsNumber>myMaxDownwardLevelsNumber?myMaxUpwardLevelsNumber:myMaxDownwardLevelsNumber;
else if( myDisplayAscendants ->isChecked() )
return myMaxUpwardLevelsNumber;
else if( myDisplayDescendants->isChecked() )
return myMaxDownwardLevelsNumber;
void DependencyTree_View::init( GraphicsView_ViewFrame* theViewFrame )
SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
QString Data = "MainObject1-upward{up11_up21_up22,up12_up23,up13_up24;up21_up11,up22_up21_up12,up23_up23,up24}"
parseData( Data );
myNodesMovable = new QCheckBox( tr( "MOVE_NODES" ) );
QWidgetAction* moveNodesAction = new QWidgetAction( theViewFrame );
moveNodesAction->setDefaultWidget( myNodesMovable );
myDisplayAscendants = new QCheckBox( tr( "DISPLAY_ASCENDANTS" ));
myDisplayAscendants ->setChecked( true );
QWidgetAction* ShowParentsAction = new QWidgetAction(theViewFrame);
ShowParentsAction->setDefaultWidget( myDisplayAscendants );
myDisplayDescendants = new QCheckBox(tr("DISPLAY_DESCENDANTS"));
QWidgetAction* ShowChildrenAction = new QWidgetAction(theViewFrame);
ShowChildrenAction->setDefaultWidget( myDisplayDescendants );
myLevelsNumber = checkMaxLevelsNumber();
myHierarchyDepth = new QSpinBox();
myHierarchyDepth->setRange( 0, checkMaxLevelsNumber() );
myHierarchyDepth->setValue( 0 );
myHierarchyDepth->setSpecialValueText( "All" );
QWidgetAction* LevelsAction = new QWidgetAction(theViewFrame);
LevelsAction->setDefaultWidget( myHierarchyDepth );
QLabel* LevelsLabel = new QLabel( tr("HIERARCHY_DEPTH") );
QWidgetAction* LevelsLebelAction = new QWidgetAction(theViewFrame);
LevelsLebelAction->setDefaultWidget( LevelsLabel );
QPushButton* UpdateButton = new QPushButton(tr("Update"));
QWidgetAction* UpdateAction = new QWidgetAction(theViewFrame);
UpdateAction->setDefaultWidget( UpdateButton );
cancelButton = new QPushButton(tr("CANCEL"));
cancelButton->setVisible( false );
cancelAction = new QWidgetAction(theViewFrame);
cancelAction->setDefaultWidget( cancelButton );
progressBar = new QProgressBar(this);
progressBar->setMinimum( 0 );
progressBar->setMaximum( 1000 );
progressAction = new QWidgetAction(theViewFrame);
progressAction->setDefaultWidget( progressBar );
QAction* separator = theViewFrame->toolMgr()->separator(false);
theViewFrame->toolMgr()->append( separator, theViewFrame->getToolBarId() );
theViewFrame->toolMgr()->append( moveNodesAction, theViewFrame->getToolBarId() );
theViewFrame->toolMgr()->append( LevelsLebelAction, theViewFrame->getToolBarId() );
theViewFrame->toolMgr()->append( LevelsAction, theViewFrame->getToolBarId() );
theViewFrame->toolMgr()->append( ShowParentsAction, theViewFrame->getToolBarId() );
theViewFrame->toolMgr()->append( ShowChildrenAction, theViewFrame->getToolBarId() );
QAction* separator2 = theViewFrame->toolMgr()->separator(false);
theViewFrame->toolMgr()->append( separator2, theViewFrame->getToolBarId() );
theViewFrame->toolMgr()->append( UpdateAction, theViewFrame->getToolBarId() );
std::cout<<"\n\n\n\n ToolBarId = " << theViewFrame->getToolBarId() << std::endl;
theViewFrame->toolMgr()->append( progressAction, theViewFrame->getToolBarId() );
theViewFrame->toolMgr()->append( cancelAction, theViewFrame->getToolBarId() );
connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onCancel()));
connect( myHierarchyDepth, SIGNAL( valueChanged ( int ) ), this, SLOT( onHierarchyType() ) );
connect( myDisplayAscendants , SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( onHierarchyType() ) );
connect( myDisplayDescendants, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( onHierarchyType() ) );
connect( UpdateButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( updateView() ) );
connect( myNodesMovable, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( onMoveNodes( bool ) ) );
setPrefBackgroundColor( resMgr->colorValue( "Geometry", "dependency_tree_background_color", QColor( 255, 255, 255 ) ) );
setNodesMovable( resMgr->booleanValue( "Geometry", "dependency_tree_move_nodes", true ) );
setHierarchyType( resMgr->integerValue( "Geometry", "dependency_tree_hierarchy_type", 0 ) );
void DependencyTree_View::onMoveNodes( bool theIsMoveNodes )
QMap<QString,DependencyTree_Object*>::iterator i;
for (i = myTreeMap.begin(); i != myTreeMap.end(); i++ ) {
DependencyTree_Object* object = myTreeMap[ i.key() ];
object->setMovable( theIsMoveNodes );
void DependencyTree_View::onHierarchyType()
myHierarchyDepth->setRange( 0, checkMaxLevelsNumber() );
if( myHierarchyDepth->value() > checkMaxLevelsNumber() )
myHierarchyDepth->setValue( checkMaxLevelsNumber() );
if( myHierarchyDepth->value() == 0 )
myLevelsNumber = myHierarchyDepth->maximum();
myLevelsNumber = myHierarchyDepth->value();
void DependencyTree_View::updateView()
if( !myIsUpdate )
QMap<QString,DependencyTree_Object*>::iterator i;
for (i = myTreeMap.begin(); i != myTreeMap.end(); i++ ) {
DependencyTree_Object* object = myTreeMap[ i.key() ];
if( isItemAdded( object ) && object )
removeItem( object );
std::cout<<"\n\n\n\n ARROWS = " << Arrows.size() << std::endl;
for(int j = 0; j<Arrows.size();j++)
if( isItemAdded( Arrows[j]) )
removeItem( Arrows[j] );
iter = 0;
qthread = new DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThread(this);// = DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThread(this);// const_cast<DependencyTree_View*>(this) );
cancelAction->setVisible( true );
startTimer(100); // millisecs
void DependencyTree_View::onRedrawTree()
void DependencyTree_View::onCancel()
cancelButton->setText( tr("CANCELING"));
void DependencyTree_View::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
if ( !cancelButton->isChecked() ) // not yet cancelled
// progressBar->setValue( progressBar->maximum() * qthread.getMesh()->GetComputeProgress() );
progressBar->setValue( iter++ );
if(!myIsCompute || qthread->isFinished())
cancelAction->setVisible( false );
cancelButton->setText( tr("CANCEL"));
void DependencyTree_View::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
void DependencyTree_View::setIsCompute( bool theIsCompute )
myIsCompute = theIsCompute;
void DependencyTree_View::setHierarchyType( const int theType )
myIsUpdate = false;
switch( theType ) {
case 0:
myDisplayAscendants->setChecked( true );
myDisplayDescendants->setChecked( true );
case 1:
myDisplayAscendants->setChecked( true );
myDisplayDescendants->setChecked( false );
case 2:
myDisplayAscendants->setChecked( false );
myDisplayDescendants->setChecked( true );
myIsUpdate = true;
void DependencyTree_View::setNodesMovable( const bool theIsMovable )
myNodesMovable->setChecked( theIsMovable );
void DependencyTree_View::setPrefBackgroundColor( const QColor& theColor )
if( isForegroundEnabled() )
setForegroundColor( theColor );
setBackgroundColor( theColor );
void DependencyTree_View::setNodeColor( const QColor& theColor )
QMap<QString,DependencyTree_Object*>::iterator i;
for (i = myTreeMap.begin(); i != myTreeMap.end(); i++ ) {
DependencyTree_Object* object = myTreeMap[ i.key() ];
object->setColor( theColor );
void DependencyTree_View::setMainNodeColor( const QColor& theColor )
QMap<QString,DependencyTree_Object*>::iterator i;
for (i = myTreeMap.begin(); i != myTreeMap.end(); i++ ) {
DependencyTree_Object* object = myTreeMap[ i.key() ];
object->setMainObjectColor( theColor );
void DependencyTree_View::setSelectNodeColor( const QColor& theColor )
QMap<QString,DependencyTree_Object*>::iterator i;
for (i = myTreeMap.begin(); i != myTreeMap.end(); i++ ) {
DependencyTree_Object* object = myTreeMap[ i.key() ];
object->setSelectColor( theColor );
void DependencyTree_View::setArrowColor( const QColor& theColor )
for( int i = 0; i < Arrows.size(); i++ ) {
DependencyTree_Arrow* arrow = Arrows[i];
arrow->setColor( theColor );
void DependencyTree_View::setHighlightArrowColor( const QColor& theColor )
for( int i = 0; i < Arrows.size(); i++ ) {
DependencyTree_Arrow* arrow = Arrows[i];
arrow->setHighlightColor( theColor );
void DependencyTree_View::setSelectArrowColor( const QColor& theColor )
for( int i = 0; i < Arrows.size(); i++ ) {
DependencyTree_Arrow* arrow = Arrows[i];
arrow->setSelectColor( theColor );
DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThread::DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThread(DependencyTree_View* theView)
myView = theView;
void DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThread::run()
myView->setIsCompute( true );
bool DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThread::result()
void DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThread::cancel()
myView->setIsCompute( false );
//DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThreadQDialog::DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThreadQDialog(QWidget* parent,
// DependencyTree_View* theView)
// : QDialog(parent,
// Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint |
// Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint |
// Qt::Dialog |
// Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint),
// qthread( theView )
// // --
// setWindowTitle(tr("TITLE"));
// setMinimumWidth( 200 );
// cancelButton = new QPushButton(tr("CANCEL"));
// cancelButton->setDefault(true);
// cancelButton->setCheckable(true);
// progressBar = new QProgressBar(this);
// progressBar->setMinimum( 0 );
// progressBar->setMaximum( 1000 );
// QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout(this);
// layout->setMargin( 11 );
// layout->setSpacing( 6 );
// int row = 0;
// layout->addWidget(progressBar, row++, 0, 1, 2);
// layout->addWidget(cancelButton, row++, 0, 1, 2);
// adjustSize();
// update();
// connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onCancel()));
// // --
// startTimer(300); // millisecs
// qthread.start();
//bool DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThreadQDialog::result()
// return qthread.result();
//void DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThreadQDialog::onCancel()
// qthread.cancel();
// cancelButton->setText( tr("CANCELING"));
// cancelButton->setEnabled(false);
//void DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThreadQDialog::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
// if ( !cancelButton->isChecked() ) // not yet cancelled
// // progressBar->setValue( progressBar->maximum() * qthread.getMesh()->GetComputeProgress() );
// progressBar->setValue( 10 );
// if(qthread.isFinished())
// {
// close();
// }
// event->accept();
//void DependencyTree_ComputeDlg_QThreadQDialog::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
// if(qthread.isRunning())
// {
// event->ignore();
// return;
// }
// event->accept();