2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
// WebHelp 5.10.005
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
var gaProj = new Array ( ) ;
var gnChecked = 0 ;
var gsProjName = "" ;
var gbReady = false ;
var goMan = null ;
var gbXML = false ;
var gsFirstPane = "" ;
var gServerEnabled = false ;
var gsPath = "" ;
var gbWhPHost = false ;
var goDiv = null ;
var gsHTML = "" ;
if ( navigator . currentNavPen )
gsFirstPane = navigator . currentNavPen ;
function delayLoad ( )
if ( goDiv && gsHTML )
goDiv . innerHTML = gsHTML ;
goDiv = null ;
gsHTML = "" ;
function whCom ( sName , sComFile )
this . msName = sName ;
this . msDivId = sName + "Div" ;
this . msIFrameId = sName + "IFrame" ;
this . msComFile = sComFile ;
this . mbloaded = false ;
this . mbShow = false ;
this . show = function ( bShow )
if ( this . mbShow != bShow )
if ( bShow && ! this . mbloaded )
this . load ( ) ;
var oDiv = getElement ( this . msDivId ) ;
if ( oDiv )
if ( gbIE55 || ( gbIE5 && gbMac ) )
var oIframe = getElement ( this . msIFrameId ) ;
if ( oIframe )
if ( bShow )
oDiv . style . zIndex = 3 ;
if ( oIframe != null )
oIframe . style . zIndex = 3 ;
if ( ! gbIE55 )
oIframe . style . visibility = "visible" ;
oDiv . style . zIndex = 2 ;
if ( oIframe != null )
oIframe . style . zIndex = 2 ;
if ( ! gbIE55 )
oIframe . style . visibility = "hidden" ;
if ( ! gbIE55 )
oDiv . style . visibility = ( bShow == true ) ? 'visible' : 'hidden' ;
this . mbShow = bShow ;
this . load = function ( )
if ( ! this . mbloaded )
if ( this . msComFile . length > 0 ) {
var strFile = _getFullPath ( getPath ( ) , this . msComFile ) ;
var oDiv = getElement ( this . msDivId ) ;
if ( oDiv ) {
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
if ( gbIE4 || gbOpera7 ) {
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
var nIFrameHeight = oDiv . style . pixelHeight ;
var nIFrameWidth = oDiv . style . pixelWidth ;
var sHTML = "<IFRAME ID=" + this . msIFrameId + " title=\"" + this . msName + "\" SRC=\"" + strFile + "\" BORDER=0 FRAMEBORDER=no STYLE=\"width:" ;
if ( gbMac ) {
sHTML += nIFrameWidth + "px;height:" + nIFrameHeight + "px;\"></IFRAME>" ;
} else {
sHTML += "100%; height:100%;\"></IFRAME>" ;
oDiv . innerHTML = sHTML ;
} else if ( gbNav6 ) {
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
gsHTML = "<IFRAME ID=" + this . msIFrameId + " title=\"" + this . msName + "\" SRC=\"" + strFile + "\" BORDER=0 FRAMEBORDER=no STYLE=\"width:100%;border:0;height:100%;\"></IFRAME>" ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
goDiv = oDiv ;
setTimeout ( "delayLoad()" , 100 ) ;
this . mbloaded = true ;
this . unload = function ( )
var oDiv = getElement ( this . msDivId ) ;
if ( oDiv )
oDiv . innerHTML = "" ;
this . getDivHTML = function ( )
var sHTML = "" ;
if ( gbMac && gbIE4 )
sHTML += "<DIV ID=" + this . msDivId + " ALIGN=left STYLE=\"position:absolute;z-index:1;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;margin:0;padding:0;border:0;\">" ;
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
else if ( gbIE5 )
sHTML += "<DIV ID=" + this . msDivId + " ALIGN=left STYLE=\"position:absolute;z-index:1;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;\">" ;
else if ( gbIE4 || gbWindows )
sHTML += "<DIV ID=" + this . msDivId + " ALIGN=left STYLE=\"position:absolute;z-index:1;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;visibility:hidden\">" ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
2006-06-06 12:35:18 +00:00
sHTML += "<DIV ID=" + this . msDivId + " ALIGN=left STYLE=\"position:absolute;z-index:1;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;visibility:hidden\">" ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
sHTML += "</DIV>" ;
return sHTML ;
function whComMan ( )
this . sName = "" ;
this . maCom = new Array ( ) ;
this . addCom = function ( sName , sComFile )
var owhCom = new whCom ( sName , sComFile ) ;
this . maCom [ this . maCom . length ] = owhCom ;
this . init = function ( )
var sHTML = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . maCom . length ; i ++ )
sHTML += this . maCom [ i ] . getDivHTML ( ) ;
document . body . insertAdjacentHTML ( "beforeEnd" , sHTML ) ;
this . showById = function ( nId )
for ( var s = 0 ; s < this . maCom . length ; s ++ )
if ( s !== nId )
this . maCom [ s ] . show ( false ) ;
this . maCom [ nId ] . show ( true ) ;
this . show = function ( sName )
navigator . currentNavPen = sName ;
var bFound = false ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . maCom . length ; i ++ )
if ( sName == this . maCom [ i ] . msName )
bFound = true ;
break ;
if ( bFound )
this . showById ( i ) ;
this . sName = sName ;
this . unload = function ( )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . maCom . length ; i ++ )
this . maCom [ i ] . unload ( ) ;
this . getCurrent = function ( )
return this . sName ;
function getPath ( )
if ( gsPath == "" )
gsPath = location . href ;
gsPath = _replaceSlash ( gsPath ) ;
var nPosFile = gsPath . lastIndexOf ( "/" ) ;
gsPath = gsPath . substring ( 0 , nPosFile + 1 ) ;
return gsPath ;
goMan = new whComMan ( ) ;
function addPane ( sName , sFileName )
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
var oParam = new Object ( ) ;
oParam . sName = sName ;
var oMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _GETPANE , this , 1 , oParam ) ;
if ( SendMessage ( oMsg ) )
if ( oMsg . oParam . bEnable )
goMan . addCom ( sName , sFileName ) ;
goMan . addCom ( sName , sFileName ) ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
function setShowPane ( sName , bForce )
if ( ( gsFirstPane == "" ) || bForce )
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
var oMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _GETDEFPANE , this , 1 , null ) ;
if ( SendMessage ( oMsg ) )
if ( oMsg . oParam )
gsFirstPane = oMsg . oParam ;
gsFirstPane = sName ;
gsFirstPane = sName ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
function window _OnLoad ( )
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
var oMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _GETCMD , this , 1 , null ) ;
var bHidePane = false ;
if ( SendMessage ( oMsg ) )
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
if ( oMsg . oParam > 0 )
if ( oMsg . oParam == 1 )
gsFirstPane = "toc" ;
else if ( oMsg . oParam == 2 )
gsFirstPane = "idx" ;
else if ( oMsg . oParam == 3 )
gsFirstPane = "fts" ;
else if ( oMsg . oParam == 4 )
gsFirstPane = "glo" ;
else if ( oMsg . oParam == 0 )
bHidePane = true ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
goMan . init ( ) ;
if ( gsProjName != "" )
loadData2 ( gsProjName ) ;
if ( bHidePane )
gsFirstPane = "" ;
var oMsg1 = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _HIDEPANE , this , 1 , null )
SendMessage ( oMsg1 ) ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
if ( gsFirstPane != "" )
goMan . show ( gsFirstPane ) ;
goMan . showById ( 0 ) ;
function setServerEnabled ( )
gServerEnabled = true ;
function loadData2 ( strFile )
if ( gbXML )
loadDataXML ( strFile ) ;
loadData ( strFile ) ;
function addProject ( bPreferXML , sXMLName , sHTMLName )
var bLoadXML = bPreferXML ;
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
if ( ! gbIE4 && ! gbNav6 && ! gbOpera7 )
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
return ;
if ( gbIE4 && ! gbIE5 )
bLoadXML = false ;
if ( gbIE5 && ! gbMac )
bLoadXML = true ;
if ( gbIE55 || gbNav6 )
bLoadXML = true ;
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
if ( gbOpera7 )
bLoadXML = false ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
if ( bLoadXML )
addProjectXML ( sXMLName ) ;
addProjectHTML ( sHTMLName ) ;
function addProjectHTML ( sName )
gbXML = false ;
gsProjName = sName ;
function addProjectXML ( sName )
gbXML = true ;
gsProjName = sName ;
function window _MyBunload ( )
goMan . unload ( ) ;
window _BUnload ( ) ;
function putDataXML ( xmlDoc , sdocPath )
if ( xmlDoc != null )
var projectNode = xmlDoc . getElementsByTagName ( "project" ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( projectNode )
var aRProj = new Array ( ) ;
aRProj [ 0 ] = new Object ( ) ;
aRProj [ 0 ] . sPPath = _getPath ( sdocPath ) ;
var sLangId = projectNode . getAttribute ( "langid" ) ;
if ( sLangId )
aRProj [ 0 ] . sLangId = sLangId ;
var sDPath = projectNode . getAttribute ( "datapath" ) ;
if ( sDPath )
if ( sDPath . lastIndexOf ( "/" ) != sDPath . length - 1 )
sDPath += "/" ;
aRProj [ 0 ] . sDPath = sDPath ;
aRProj [ 0 ] . sDPath = "" ;
aRProj [ 0 ] . sToc = projectNode . getAttribute ( "toc" ) ;
aRProj [ 0 ] . sIdx = projectNode . getAttribute ( "index" ) ;
aRProj [ 0 ] . sFts = projectNode . getAttribute ( "fts" ) ;
aRProj [ 0 ] . sGlo = projectNode . getAttribute ( "glossary" ) ;
var RmtProject = projectNode . getElementsByTagName ( "remote" ) ;
var nCount = 1 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < RmtProject . length ; i ++ )
var sURL = RmtProject [ i ] . getAttribute ( "url" ) ;
if ( sURL )
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
if ( sURL . lastIndexOf ( "/" ) != sURL . length - 1 )
sURL += "/" ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
aRProj [ nCount ] = new Object ( ) ;
aRProj [ nCount ++ ] . sPPath = _getFullPath ( aRProj [ 0 ] . sPPath , sURL ) ;
putProjectInfo ( aRProj ) ;
// on Netscape 6.0 under some situation the xml file cannot be loaded.
// so we use pure html instead.
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
if ( gnChecked == 0 )
setTimeout ( "redirectToList();" , 100 ) ;
gnChecked ++ ;
setTimeout ( "checkRemoteProject();" , 1 ) ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
function onLoadXMLError ( )
gnChecked ++ ;
setTimeout ( "checkRemoteProject();" , 1 ) ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
function redirectToList ( )
if ( gbReDirectThis )
document . location = gsNavReDirect ;
parent . document . location = gsNavReDirect ;
function putProjectInfo ( aRProj )
if ( gnChecked == 0 || isSamePath ( gaProj [ gnChecked ] . sPPath , aRProj [ 0 ] . sPPath ) )
if ( gnChecked != 0 )
if ( aRProj [ 0 ] . sLangId != gaProj [ 0 ] . sLangId )
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
alert ( "The merged Help system " + aRProj [ 0 ] . sPPath + " is using a different language from the master Help system, which will cause the index and full-text search functionality to be disabled in the merged Help system." ) ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
gaProj [ gnChecked ] = aRProj [ 0 ] ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < aRProj . length ; i ++ )
var bFound = false ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < gaProj . length ; j ++ )
if ( isSamePath ( gaProj [ j ] . sPPath , aRProj [ i ] . sPPath ) )
bFound = true ;
break ;
if ( ! bFound )
gaProj [ gaProj . length ] = aRProj [ i ] ;
gnChecked ++ ;
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
setTimeout ( "checkRemoteProject();" , 1 ) ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
alert ( "Could not load correctly, please click Refresh." ) ;
function isSamePath ( sPath1 , sPath2 )
return ( sPath1 . toLowerCase ( ) == sPath2 . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
function checkRemoteProject ( )
if ( gaProj . length != gnChecked )
setTimeout ( "cancelProj(" + gnChecked + ");" , 10000 ) ;
loadData2 ( gaProj [ gnChecked ] . sPPath + gsProjName ) ;
else {
var oMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _PROJECTREADY , this , 1 , null ) ;
gbReady = true ;
SendMessage ( oMsg ) ;
function cancelProj ( i )
if ( i == gnChecked )
gnChecked ++ ;
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
setTimeout ( "checkRemoteProject();" , 1 ) ;
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
function window _resize ( )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < goMan . maCom . length ; i ++ )
var oFrame = getElement ( goMan . maCom [ i ] . msIFrameId ) ;
if ( oFrame )
oFrame . style . height = document . body . clientHeight ;
oFrame . style . width = document . body . clientWidth ;
window _resize2 ( ) ;
function window _resize2 ( )
if ( document . body )
if ( document . body . clientWidth > 1 && document . body . clientHeight > 1 )
var oMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _RESIZEPANE , this , 1 , null ) ;
SendMessage ( oMsg ) ;
function window _unload ( )
UnRegisterListener2 ( this , WH _MSG _GETPROJINFO ) ;
UnRegisterListener2 ( this , WH _MSG _SHOWTOC ) ;
UnRegisterListener2 ( this , WH _MSG _SHOWIDX ) ;
UnRegisterListener2 ( this , WH _MSG _SHOWFTS ) ;
UnRegisterListener2 ( this , WH _MSG _SHOWGLO ) ;
UnRegisterListener2 ( this , WH _MSG _GETPANEINFO ) ;
function onSendMessage ( oMsg )
if ( oMsg )
var nMsgId = oMsg . nMessageId ;
if ( nMsgId == WH _MSG _GETPROJINFO )
if ( gbReady )
var oProj = new Object ( ) ;
oProj . aProj = gaProj ;
oProj . bXML = gbXML ;
oMsg . oParam = oProj ;
return false ;
else if ( nMsgId == WH _MSG _SHOWTOC )
if ( goMan )
goMan . show ( "toc" ) ;
var onMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _PANEINFO , this , 1 , "toc" ) ;
SendMessage ( onMsg ) ;
onMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _SHOWPANE , this , 1 , null ) ;
SendMessage ( onMsg ) ;
else if ( nMsgId == WH _MSG _SHOWIDX )
if ( goMan )
goMan . show ( "idx" ) ;
var onMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _PANEINFO , this , 1 , "idx" ) ;
SendMessage ( onMsg ) ;
onMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _SHOWPANE , this , 1 , null ) ;
SendMessage ( onMsg ) ;
else if ( nMsgId == WH _MSG _SHOWFTS )
if ( goMan )
goMan . show ( "fts" ) ;
var onMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _PANEINFO , this , 1 , "fts" ) ;
SendMessage ( onMsg ) ;
onMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _SHOWPANE , this , 1 , null ) ;
SendMessage ( onMsg ) ;
else if ( nMsgId == WH _MSG _SHOWGLO )
if ( goMan )
goMan . show ( "glo" ) ;
var onMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _PANEINFO , this , 1 , "glo" ) ;
SendMessage ( onMsg ) ;
onMsg = new whMessage ( WH _MSG _SHOWPANE , this , 1 , null ) ;
SendMessage ( onMsg ) ;
else if ( nMsgId == WH _MSG _GETPANEINFO )
oMsg . oParam = goMan . getCurrent ( ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
if ( window . gbWhUtil && window . gbWhMsg && window . gbWhVer && window . gbWhProxy )
RegisterListener2 ( this , WH _MSG _GETPROJINFO ) ;
RegisterListener2 ( this , WH _MSG _SHOWTOC ) ;
RegisterListener2 ( this , WH _MSG _SHOWIDX ) ;
RegisterListener2 ( this , WH _MSG _SHOWFTS ) ;
RegisterListener2 ( this , WH _MSG _SHOWGLO ) ;
RegisterListener2 ( this , WH _MSG _GETPANEINFO ) ;
2004-12-17 11:18:33 +00:00
if ( ( gbMac && gbIE4 ) || ( gbSunOS && gbIE5 ) || gbOpera7 )
2004-06-16 15:45:26 +00:00
window . onresize = window _resize ;
else if ( gbIE4 )
window . onresize = window _resize2 ;
window . onload = window _OnLoad ;
window . onbeforeunload = window _MyBunload ;
window . onunload = window _unload ;
gbWhPHost = true ;
document . location . reload ( ) ;