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2003-07-09 20:33:44 +06:00
// GEOM GEOMGUI : GUI for Geometry component
// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
// File : GeometryGUI.h
// Author : Lucien PIGNOLONI
// Module : GEOM
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
// $Header$
#ifndef GeometryGUI_HeaderFile
#define GeometryGUI_HeaderFile
// SALOME Includes
#include "QAD_Desktop.h"
#include "SALOME_Selection.h"
#include "SALOME_InteractiveObject.hxx"
#include "GEOM_InteractiveObject.hxx"
#include "GEOM_AISShape.hxx"
#include "GEOM_Actor.h"
#include "GEOM_Sketcher.h"
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
#include "GEOM_Client.hxx"
#include <AIS_ListOfInteractive.hxx>
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
// Open CASCADE Includes
#include <AIS_InteractiveContext.hxx>
#include <Standard.hxx>
#include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
#include <V3d_View.hxx>
#include <Quantity_Color.hxx>
// IDL Headers
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
enum {
} ;
// class : GeometryGUI
// purpose :
class GeometryGUI : public QObject
Q_OBJECT /* for QT compatibility */
private :
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var myComponentGeom;
GEOM_Client myShapeReader;
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
QAD_Desktop* myDesktop;
QAD_Study* myActiveStudy;
QDialog* myActiveDialogBox; /* Unique active dialog box */
Handle(AIS_Shape) mySimulationShape; /* AIS shape used only during topo/geom simulations */
vtkActorCollection* mySimulationActor; /* GEOM Actor used only during topo/geom simulations */
int myNbGeom ; /* Unique name for a geom entity */
int myState ; /* Identify a method */
Sketch mySketcher;
Quantity_Color myShadingColor;
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
AIS_ListOfInteractive myListDisplayedObject;
bool mySettings_AddInStudy;
bool mySettings_Copy;
Standard_CString myFatherior;
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
public :
static GeometryGUI* GetOrCreateGeometryGUI( QAD_Desktop* desktop );
static GeometryGUI* GetGeometryGUI() ;
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
QAD_Study* GetActiveStudy();
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
QAD_Desktop* GetDesktop() ;
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
GEOM_Client& GetShapeReader();
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
QDialog* GetActiveDialogBox(); /* Returns the active DialogBox */
void SetActiveDialogBox(QDialog* aDlg); /* Sets 'myActiveDialogBox' a pointer to the active Dialog Box */
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
void SetState(int aState);
void ResetState(); /* Sets myState = -1 a private field to indicate wich method is active */
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
bool AddInStudy( bool selection = false, const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& anIO = 0 );
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
bool DefineDlgPosition(QWidget* aDlg, int& x, int& y) ;
bool SObjectExist(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theFatherObject, const char* IOR);
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
static int GetIndex(const TopoDS_Shape& subshape, const TopoDS_Shape& shape, int ShapeType) ;
static bool VertexToPoint(const TopoDS_Shape& S, gp_Pnt& P) ;
static void GetBipointDxDyDz( gp_Pnt P1, gp_Pnt P2, double& dx, double& dy, double& dz) ;
static bool GetShapeTypeString( const TopoDS_Shape& aShape, Standard_CString& aTypeString ) ;
static bool LinearEdgeExtremities( const TopoDS_Shape& S, gp_Pnt& P1, gp_Pnt& P2) ;
static gp_Pnt ConvertClickToPoint( Standard_Real x, Standard_Real y, Handle(V3d_View) aView ) ;
/* User dialog 1 parameter returned */
static double Parameter( Standard_Boolean& res,
const char* aValue1 = 0,
const char* aTitle1 = 0,
const char* aTitle = 0,
const double bottom = -1E6,
const double top = +1E6,
const int decimals = 6 ) ;
/* Managed by IAPP */
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
Standard_EXPORT bool OnGUIEvent ( int theCommandID, QAD_Desktop* parent) ;
Standard_EXPORT bool OnMousePress ( QMouseEvent* pe, QAD_Desktop* parent,
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
QAD_StudyFrame* studyFrame );
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
Standard_EXPORT bool OnMouseMove ( QMouseEvent* pe, QAD_Desktop* parent,
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
QAD_StudyFrame* studyFrame );
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
Standard_EXPORT bool OnKeyPress ( QKeyEvent* pe, QAD_Desktop* parent,
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
QAD_StudyFrame* studyFrame );
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
Standard_EXPORT void activeStudyChanged ( QAD_Desktop* parent );
Standard_EXPORT bool SetSettings ( QAD_Desktop* parent );
Standard_EXPORT void DefinePopup( QString & theContext,
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
QString & theParent,
QString & theObject );
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
Standard_EXPORT bool CustomPopup ( QAD_Desktop* parent,
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
QPopupMenu* popup,
const QString& theContext,
const QString& theParent,
const QString& theObject );
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
Standard_EXPORT void BuildPresentation(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)&);
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
/* Selection and objects management */
TopoDS_Shape GetShapeFromIOR( QString IOR );
bool GetTopoFromSelection(SALOME_Selection *Sel, TopoDS_Shape& tds) ;
int GetNameOfSelectedIObjects( SALOME_Selection* Sel, QString& aName ) ;
GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr ConvertIOinGEOMShape( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& IO,
Standard_Boolean& testResult ) ;
Handle(GEOM_AISShape) ConvertIOinGEOMAISShape( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& IO,
Standard_Boolean& testResult,
bool onlyInActiveView = false ) ;
Handle(GEOM_AISShape) ConvertIORinGEOMAISShape( const char * IOR,
Standard_Boolean& testResult,
bool onlyInActiveView = false ) ;
GEOM_Actor* ConvertIORinGEOMActor( const char * IOR,
Standard_Boolean& testResult,
bool onlyInActiveView = false ) ;
void ConvertListOfIOInListOfIOR( const SALOME_ListIO& aList,
GEOM::GEOM_Gen::ListOfIOR& listIOR ) ;
/* Method used by dialog boxes called when used has entered a name of object in a LineEdit */
bool SelectionByNameInDialogs( QWidget* aWidget, const QString& userObjectName, SALOME_Selection *Sel ) ;
/* Method opening context for any sub shape selection */
bool PrepareSubShapeSelection( const int SubShapeType,
Standard_Integer& returnLocalContextId ) ;
/* Method opening context for sub shape selection on an argument shape */
bool PrepareSubShapeSelectionArgumentShape( const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
const int SubShapeType,
Standard_Integer& returnLocalContextId ) ;
/* Define a list of indices of sub shapes selected in a local context */
bool GetIndexSubShapeSelected( const TopoDS_Shape& ShapeTopo,
const int SubShapeType,
GEOM::GEOM_Shape::ListOfSubShapeID& ListOfID,
Standard_Integer& aLocalContextId,
bool& myUseLocalContext ) ;
/* Methods for sub shapes explode */
bool OnSubShapeGetAll( const TopoDS_Shape& ShapeTopo, const char* ShapeTopoIOR, const int SubShapeType) ;
bool OnSubShapeGetSelected( const TopoDS_Shape& ShapeTopo,
const char* ShapeTopoIOR,
const int SubShapeType,
Standard_Integer& aLocalContextId,
bool& myUseLocalContext ) ;
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
/* Import and export topology methods */
bool Import();
bool Export();
void OnEditCopy();
void OnEditDelete();
void OnVTKDisplayOnly();
void OnDisplayOnly();
void OnDisplayAll(bool onlyPreviousDisplayedObject = false);
void SetDisplayedObjectList();
bool Display(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr aShape, Standard_CString name = "");
/* Simulation management */
bool CreateArrowForLinearEdge(const TopoDS_Shape& tds, TopoDS_Shape& ArrowCone);
void DisplaySimulationShape(const TopoDS_Shape& S);
void EraseSimulationShape();
void MakePointAndDisplay(const double x, const double y, const double z);
void MakeLineAndDisplay(const gp_Pnt InitPoint, const gp_Pnt LastPoint);
void MakeCircleAndDisplay(const gp_Pnt CenterPoint, const gp_Dir dir, const Standard_Real Radius);
void MakeEllipseAndDisplay(const gp_Pnt CenterPoint, const gp_Dir dir, const Standard_Real Major_Radius,
const Standard_Real Minor_Radius);
void MakeArcAndDisplay(gp_Pnt InitPoint, gp_Pnt CirclePoint, gp_Pnt EndPoint);
void MakeVectorAndDisplay(const gp_Pnt P1, const gp_Pnt P2);
void MakePlaneAndDisplay(const gp_Pnt P1, const Standard_Real dx, const Standard_Real dy,
const Standard_Real dz, const Standard_Real TrimSize);
void MakeWorkingPlane(const gp_Pnt P, const gp_Dir D);
void MakePrismAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr BaseShape, const gp_Pnt P1, const gp_Pnt P2);
void MakeRevolutionAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr Shape, const gp_Pnt loc,
const gp_Dir dir, Standard_Real revolAngle);
void MakeFillingAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr SectionShape, const short mindeg, const short maxdeg,
const double tol3d, const double tol2d, const short nbiter);
void MakePipeAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr aPath, GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr aBase);
void MakeLinearEdgeAndDisplay(const gp_Pnt P1, const gp_Pnt P2);
void MakeWireAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Gen::ListOfIOR& listShapesIOR);
void MakeFaceAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr aWire, const Standard_Boolean wantPlanar);
void MakeShellAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Gen::ListOfIOR& listShapesIOR);
void MakeSolidAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Gen::ListOfIOR& listShapesIOR);
void MakeCompoundAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Gen::ListOfIOR& listShapesIOR);
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
/* Remove faces in a shape */
bool OnSuppressFaces( const TopoDS_Shape& ShapeTopo,
const char* ShapeTopoIOR,
const Standard_Integer& aLocalContextId,
bool& myUseLocalContext ) ;
/* Remove an hole in a topology (ListOfIdEndFace may be an empty list ) */
bool OnSuppressHole( const char* ShapeTopoIOR,
const GEOM::GEOM_Shape::ListOfSubShapeID& ListOfIdFace,
const GEOM::GEOM_Shape::ListOfSubShapeID& ListOfIdWire,
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
const GEOM::GEOM_Shape::ListOfSubShapeID& ListOfIdEndFace ) ;
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
/* Remove one or more holes in a face or a shell */
bool OnSuppressHolesInFaceOrShell( const char* ShapeTopoIOR,
const GEOM::GEOM_Shape::ListOfSubShapeID& ListOfIdWires ) ;
/* Create a face corresponding to a hole on a shape */
bool OnFillingHole( const TopoDS_Shape& MainShape,
const char* ShapeTopoIOR,
const Standard_Integer& aLocalContextId,
bool& myUseLocalContext ) ;
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
void MakeTranslationAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr Shape, const gp_Vec V);
void MakeRotationAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr Shape, const gp_Pnt loc,
const gp_Dir dir, const Standard_Real angle);
void MakeMirrorAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr Shape1, GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr Shape2);
void MakeScaleAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr Shape, const gp_Pnt centralPoint,
const Standard_Real factor);
void MakeMultiTranslation1DAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr Shape,
const gp_Dir Dir, const double Step, const short NbTimes);
void MakeMultiTranslation2DAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr Shape,
const gp_Dir Dir1, const double Step1, const short NbTimes1,
const gp_Dir Dir2, const double Step2, const short NbTimes2);
void MakeMultiRotation1DAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr Shape,
const gp_Dir Dir, const gp_Pnt Loc, const short NbTimes);
void MakeMultiRotation2DAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr Shape,
const gp_Dir Dir, const gp_Pnt Loc, const double Ang,
const short NbTimes1, const double Step, const short NbTimes2);
void MakePartitionAndDisplay(const GEOM::GEOM_Gen::ListOfIOR& listShapesIOR,
const GEOM::GEOM_Gen::ListOfIOR& listToolsIOR,
const GEOM::GEOM_Gen::ListOfIOR& listKeepInsIOR,
const GEOM::GEOM_Gen::ListOfIOR& listRemoveInsIOR,
const GEOM::shape_type limit ) ;
void Archimede(const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& IO, const double aWeight,
const double aWaterDensity, const double aMeshingDeflection);
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
/* Method for Fillet */
bool OnFilletGetAll(const TopoDS_Shape& ShapeTopo, const double Radius, const int SubShapeType, const char* ShapeTopoIOR) ;
bool OnFilletGetSelected(const TopoDS_Shape& ShapeTopo,
const char* ShapeTopoIOR,
const double Radius,
const int SubShapeType,
Standard_Integer& aLocalContextId,
bool& myUseLocalContext );
/* Methods for Chamfer */
bool OnChamferGetAll(const TopoDS_Shape& ShapeTopo, const double D1, const double D2, const int SubShapeType, const char* ShapeTopoIOR) ;
bool OnChamferGetSelected(const TopoDS_Shape& ShapeTopo,
const char* ShapeTopoIOR,
const double D1, const double D2, const int SubShapeType,
Standard_Integer& aLocalContextId,
bool& myUseLocalContext ) ;
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
void MakeSewingAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Gen::ListOfIOR& listShapesIOR,
const Standard_Real precision);
void MakeOrientationChangeAndDisplay(GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr Shape);
void MakeCDGAndDisplay( GEOM::GEOM_Shape_ptr Shape );
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
/* Sketcher management */
void OnSketchSegment();
void OnSketchArc();
void OnSketchSetAngle();
void OnSketchSetx();
void OnSketchSety();
void OnSketchDelete();
void OnSketchClose();
void OnSketchEnd();
void OnSketchOptionsOnoffangledimension();
void OnSketchOptionsOnofflengthdimension();
void OnSketchOptionsOnoffradiusdimension();
void OnSketchOptionsOnoffxdimension();
void OnSketchOptionsOnoffydimension();
void OnSettingsNoconstraint();
void OnSettingsPerpendicular();
void OnSettingsTangent();
2003-09-25 21:49:07 +06:00
/* Non modal dialog boxes magement */
void EmitSignalDeactivateDialog() ;
void EmitSignalCloseAllDialogs() ;
2003-05-12 21:24:23 +06:00
void SignalDeactivateActiveDialog() ;
void SignalCloseAllDialogs() ;
void SignalDefaultStepValueChanged( double newVal ) ;