2005-11-24 15:34:00 +00:00
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addTocInfo("Geometry module\nTransforming geometrical objects\nRepairing Operations\nAdd Point on Edge");
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2005-11-24 15:34:00 +00:00
< h1 > < span style = "font-size: 12pt;" > < font size = 3 style = "font-size:12pt;" > < img src = "image42.gif" width = "22px" height = "22px" border = "0" class = "img_whs1" > < / font > < / span > Add Point on Edge< / h1 >
< p class = "whs2" > < b style = "font-weight: normal;" > T< / b > o < span
style="font-weight: bold;">< B > Add Point on Edge< / B > < / span > in the Main Menu select
< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > < B > Repair - > Add Point on Edge.< / B > < / span > < / p >
< p > < / p >
< p class = "whs2" > This operation splits an edge in two in accordance
with the specified mode (by length or by parameter) and a value specifying
the position of the point on edge (for example val =0.5; mode = Length).
This operation is available in < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > < B > OCC Viewer< / B > < / span >
only. < / p >
< p class = "whs2" > < / p >
2006-05-06 08:44:32 +00:00
< p class = "whs2" > < span style = "font-size: 12pt;" > < font size = 3 style = "font-size:12pt;" > < b style = "font-weight: bold;" > < b > < span
style="font-weight: normal;">T< / b > he< / span > Result < span style = "font-weight: normal;" > will
be a< / span > < / b > < b > < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > < B > GEOM_Object. < / B > < / span > < / b > < / font > < / span > < / p >
2005-11-24 15:34:00 +00:00
< p class = "whs2" > < / p >
< p class = "whs2" > < b style = "font-weight: bold;" > TUI Command :< / b > < i >
< / i > < span style = "font-style: italic;" > < I > geompy.DivideEdge(Shape, EdgeID,
Value, IsByParameter)< / I > < / span > , where Shape is a shape which contains an
edge to be divided, EdgeID is the ID of the edge to be divided, if it
= -1, then Shape is an edge, Value is a paramter on the edge or a length.
IsByParameter if it is True then Value is the edge parameter in the range
[0:1] otherwise it is a length of the edge in the range [0:1]< / p >
< p class = "whs2" > < / p >
< p class = "whs2" > < b style = "font-weight: bold;" > Arguments:< / b >
Name + 1 Edge + 1 value setting the position of the point according to
one of the selected modes< / p >
< p class = "whs3" > < / p >
2006-05-06 08:44:32 +00:00
< p class = "whs3" > < img src = "pics/repair8.png" x-maintain-ratio = "TRUE" width = "312px" height = "388px" border = "0" class = "img_whs4" > < / p >
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< p class = "whs5" > < / p >
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2006-05-06 08:44:32 +00:00
< p class = "whs6" > Example:< / p >
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2006-05-06 08:44:32 +00:00
< p class = "whs5" > < / p >
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< p class = "whs7" > < img src = "image167.jpg" width = "200px" height = "231px" border = "0" class = "img_whs8" > < img src = "image168.jpg" width = "185px" height = "231px" border = "0" class = "img_whs9" > < / p >
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< p class = "whs10" > < / p >
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2006-05-06 08:44:32 +00:00
< p class = "whs11" > < span style = "font-weight: normal;" > Our< / span >
2005-11-24 15:34:00 +00:00
TUI Scripts< span style = "font-weight: normal;" > provide you with useful
examples of the use of< / span > < a href = "repairing_operations.htm#bookmark7" > Repairing
Operations< / a > . < / p >
< p > < / p >
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