- <b>Level of check</b> - The combo box that allows to set the level of checking shape on self-interference. It defines which interferferences will be checked. Default value is "All interferences".
Select the intersection(s) to show <b>Sub-shapes</b> in the field to the right.
- \b Apply and <b>Apply and Close</b> buttons are used to store interferences selected in the "Self-intersections" list box in the study for further analysis.
If no any interference is selected, all interferences are published in the study. Each interference is published as a child compound of the source shape and contains a couple of intersecting sub-shapes.
<li>Detect self-intersections of the given shape with algorithm based on mesh intersections.
\image html measures13.png
This algorithm works on the faces level, i.e. it computes only face-to-face intersections. No additional types of intersections is computed. This case can be useful in order to detect all the intersections between the subshapes of type "surface" inside assembly
Quality of result will depend on the quality of tesselation (managed via the deflection parameter). However, small values of deflection can significantly decrease performance of the algorithm.
Nevertheless, performance of Fast Intersect algorithm is much higher than topological intersection.