\n The appropriate "local" selection is automatically switched on. If there are several entities of allowed types under the mouse cursor, first of them (top-level one) is highlighted.
Press <CTRL> button and scroll the mouse wheel to switch between different available shapes that are pointed by the mouse cursor. The corresponding entities are highlighted in the viewer.
Press left mouse button to select appropriate object to the dialog box.
The query for minimum distance can find one or more solutions, or even an infinite set of solutions.
However, the currently used OCCT algorithm finds a finite number of
solutions even if an infinite set of solutions exists.
Select one of the found solutions in the \b Solution list to display it in the Viewer show values corresponding to this solution in the following fields:
- \b Length - the distance value;
- \b DX, \b DY and \b DZ the vector coordinates.
Press \b Apply or <b>Apply and Close</b> button to create a set of closest