<li> Choose a \b segment or an \b arc element to start a \b profile or choose \b rectangle to draw a rectangle.
\n If you draw a \b profile:
<li> Select a start point. By default the start point of the curve is located at the point of
origin of the reference coordinate system.</li>
<li> Create curve portions and click on \b Apply after each step.</li>
<li> Select either \b Close or <b>Sketch Closure</b> if you want to close the profile before closing the window.</li>
\n To create a \b Segment:
<li> In the <b>Element Type</b> part of the dialog box select:
\image html line_icon.png </li>
<li> You can define the segment by either its <b>end point</b> or \b direction and \b length. The direction is defined relatively to the tangent at the last point of the sketch. It can be:
<li> In the <b>Element Type</b> part of the dialog box select \image html arc_icon.png </li>
<li> You can define the segment by either its <b>end point</b> or \b direction \b radius and \b angle. </li>
<li>In case of an end point the arc can be built in three different ways:</li>
<li>From the end point only. The arc is \b tangential to the end of the sketch.</li>
<li>From the end point and a \b radius. (The radius must be greater than half of the distance between the last point and the end point of the arc).</li>
<li>From the \b center of the circle and the end point. The constraint on the center is first taken into account.
The destination point is only used to define the angle of the arc and won't lie on the arc in the general case.</li>
<li>The direction is defined relatively to the tangent at the last point of the sketch. It can be:</li>
<li>Tangent (colinear to the tangent at the last point)</li><
<li>Defined by an angle</li>
<li>Defined by a vector (Vx, Vy)</li>
\note For the first segment or arc of the sketch the reference direction is the X direction of the reference coordinate system.