2006-05-06 14:44:32 +06:00
# Copyright (C) 2005 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# See http://www.salome-platform.org/
2004-12-01 15:39:14 +05:00
def TestMeasureOperations (geompy, math):
p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0 , 0, 0)
p137 = geompy.MakeVertex(10, 30, 70)
box = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, p137)
p678 = geompy.MakeVertex(60, 70, 80)
p789 = geompy.MakeVertex(70, 80, 90)
cube = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p678, p789)
####### PointCoordinates #######
Coords = geompy.PointCoordinates(p137)
if Coords[0] != 10 or Coords[1] != 30 or Coords[2] != 70:
print "Coordinates of p137 must be (10, 30, 70), but returned (", Coords[0], ", ", Coords[1], ", ", Coords[2], ")"
####### CheckShape #######
IsValid = geompy.CheckShape(box)
if IsValid == 0:
raise RuntimeError, "Invalid box created"
print "\nBox is valid"
####### WhatIs #######
Descr = geompy.WhatIs(box)
print "\nBox 10x30x70 description:"
print Descr
####### BasicProperties #######
Props = geompy.BasicProperties(box)
print "\nBox 10x30x70 Basic Properties:"
print " Wires length: ", Props[0]
print " Surface area: ", Props[1]
print " Volume : ", Props[2]
dl = math.sqrt((Props[0] - 880)*(Props[0] - 880))
da = math.sqrt((Props[1] - 6200)*(Props[1] - 6200))
dv = math.sqrt((Props[2] - 21000)*(Props[2] - 21000))
#print "|Props[0] - 880| = ", dl
if dl > 1e-7 or da > 1e-7 or dv > 1e-7:
print "While must be:"
print " Wires length: ", 880
print " Surface area: ", 6200
print " Volume : ", 21000
####### BoundingBox #######
BB = geompy.BoundingBox(box)
print "\nBounding Box of box 10x30x70:"
print " Xmin = ", BB[0], ", Xmax = ", BB[1]
print " Ymin = ", BB[2], ", Ymax = ", BB[3]
print " Zmin = ", BB[4], ", Zmax = ", BB[5]
####### Inertia #######
In = geompy.Inertia(box)
print "\nInertia matrix of box 10x30x70:"
print " (", In[0], ", ", In[1], ", ", In[2], ")"
print " (", In[3], ", ", In[4], ", ", In[5], ")"
print " (", In[6], ", ", In[7], ", ", In[8], ")"
print "Main moments of inertia of box 10x30x70:"
print " Ix = ", In[9], ", Iy = ", In[10], ", Iz = ", In[11]
####### Tolerance #######
Toler = geompy.Tolerance(box)
print "\nBox 10x30x70 tolerance:"
print " Face min. tolerance: ", Toler[0]
print " Face max. tolerance: ", Toler[1]
print " Edge min. tolerance: ", Toler[2]
print " Edge max. tolerance: ", Toler[3]
print " Vertex min. tolerance: ", Toler[4]
print " Vertex max. tolerance: ", Toler[5]
####### MakeCDG #######
pcdg = geompy.MakeCDG(box)
if pcdg is None:
raise RuntimeError, "MakeCDG(box) failed"
print "\nCentre of gravity of box has been successfully obtained:"
Coords = geompy.PointCoordinates(pcdg)
print "(", Coords[0], ", ", Coords[1], ", ", Coords[2], ")"
if Coords[0] != 5 or Coords[1] != 15 or Coords[2] != 35:
print "But must be (5, 15, 35)"
####### MinDistance #######
MinDist = geompy.MinDistance(box, cube)
#print "\nMinimal distance between Box and Cube = ", MinDist[0]
#print "It is reached at points:"
#print " On Box (", MinDist[1], ", ", MinDist[2], ", ", MinDist[3], ")"
#print " On Cube (", MinDist[4], ", ", MinDist[5], ", ", MinDist[6], ")"
print "\nMinimal distance between Box and Cube = ", MinDist