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2005-12-05 21:23:52 +05:00
// Copyright (C) 2005 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
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2005-01-20 11:24:17 +05:00
-- File: BlockFix_PeriodicSurfaceModifier.cdl
-- Created: Wed Dec 15 10:03:50 2004
-- Author: Sergey KUUL
-- <>
---Copyright: Open CASCADE SA 2004
class PeriodicSurfaceModifier from BlockFix inherits Modification from BRepTools
Vertex from TopoDS,
Edge from TopoDS,
Face from TopoDS,
Location from TopLoc,
Shape from GeomAbs,
Pnt from gp,
Curve from Geom,
Curve from Geom2d,
Surface from Geom,
IndexedMapOfTransient from TColStd,
DataMapOfShapeInteger from TopTools
Create returns mutable PeriodicSurfaceModifier from BlockFix;
SetTolerance(me: mutable; Toler: Real);
---Purpose: Sets the tolerance for recognition of geometry
NewSurface(me: mutable; F : Face from TopoDS;
S : out Surface from Geom;
L : out Location from TopLoc;
Tol: out Real from Standard;
RevWires : out Boolean from Standard;
RevFace : out Boolean from Standard)
returns Boolean from Standard;
---Purpose: Returns Standard_True if the face <F> has been
-- modified. In this case, <S> is the new geometric
-- support of the face, <L> the new location, <Tol>
-- the new tolerance. Otherwise, returns
-- Standard_False, and <S>, <L>, <Tol> are not
-- significant.
NewCurve(me: mutable; E : Edge from TopoDS;
C : out Curve from Geom;
L : out Location from TopLoc;
Tol: out Real from Standard)
returns Boolean from Standard;
---Purpose: Returns Standard_True if the edge <E> has been
-- modified. In this case, <C> is the new geometric
-- support of the edge, <L> the new location, <Tol>
-- the new tolerance. Otherwise, returns
-- Standard_False, and <C>, <L>, <Tol> are not
-- significant.
NewPoint(me: mutable; V : Vertex from TopoDS;
P : out Pnt from gp;
Tol: out Real from Standard)
returns Boolean from Standard;
---Purpose: Returns Standard_True if the vertex <V> has been
-- modified. In this case, <P> is the new geometric
-- support of the vertex, <Tol> the new tolerance.
-- Otherwise, returns Standard_False, and <P>, <Tol>
-- are not significant.
NewCurve2d(me: mutable; E : Edge from TopoDS;
F : Face from TopoDS;
NewE : Edge from TopoDS;
NewF : Face from TopoDS;
C : out Curve from Geom2d;
Tol : out Real from Standard)
returns Boolean from Standard;
---Purpose: Returns Standard_True if the edge <E> has a new
-- curve on surface on the face <F>.In this case, <C>
-- is the new geometric support of the edge, <L> the
-- new location, <Tol> the new tolerance.
-- Otherwise, returns Standard_False, and <C>, <L>,
-- <Tol> are not significant.
-- <NewE> is the new edge created from <E>. <NewF>
-- is the new face created from <F>. They may be usefull.
NewParameter(me: mutable; V : Vertex from TopoDS;
E : Edge from TopoDS;
P : out Real from Standard;
Tol: out Real from Standard)
returns Boolean from Standard;
---Purpose: Returns Standard_True if the Vertex <V> has a new
-- parameter on the edge <E>. In this case, <P> is
-- the parameter, <Tol> the new tolerance.
-- Otherwise, returns Standard_False, and <P>, <Tol>
-- are not significant.
Continuity(me: mutable; E : Edge from TopoDS;
F1,F2 : Face from TopoDS;
NewE : Edge from TopoDS;
NewF1,NewF2: Face from TopoDS)
returns Shape from GeomAbs;
---Purpose: Returns the continuity of <NewE> between <NewF1>
-- and <NewF2>.
-- <NewE> is the new edge created from <E>. <NewF1>
-- (resp. <NewF2>) is the new face created from <F1>
-- (resp. <F2>).
myTolerance : Real;
myMapOfFaces : DataMapOfShapeInteger from TopTools;
myMapOfSurfaces: IndexedMapOfTransient from TColStd;
end PeriodicSurfaceModifier;