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2004-12-01 15:39:14 +05:00
! Parameters for Shape Healing
ShapeProcess.exec.op : FixShape,FixFaceSize,DropSmallEdges,SameParameter
ShapeProcess.SplitAngle.Angle : 3.1415928
ShapeProcess.SplitAngle.MaxTolerance : 0.1
ShapeProcess.SplitAngle.SegmentSurfaceMode : 1
ShapeProcess.SplitClosedFaces.NbSplitPoints : 1
ShapeProcess.SplitClosedFaces.CloseTolerance : 0.05
ShapeProcess.SplitClosedFaces.MaxTolerance : 0.1
ShapeProcess.SplitClosedFaces.SegmentSurfaceMode : 1
ShapeProcess.FixFaceSize.Tolerance : 0.05
ShapeProcess.DropSmallEdges.Tolerance3d : 0.05
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.SurfaceMode : 1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.Curve3dMode : 1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.Curve2dMode : 1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.OffsetSurfaceMode : 1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.OffsetCurve3dMode : 1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.OffsetCurve2dMode : 1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.LinearExtrusionMode : 1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.RevolutionMode : 1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.Tolerance3d : 1e-3
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.Tolerance2d : 1e-5
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.Continuity3d : C1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.Continuity2d : C1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.RequiredDegree : 15
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.RequiredNbSegments : 100
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.PreferDegree : 1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.RationalToPolynomial : 1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.MaxDegree : 15
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.MaxNbSegments : 10000
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.SegmentSurfaceMode : 1
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.ConvCurve3dMode : 0
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.ConvCurve2dMode : 0
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.PlaneMode : 0
ShapeProcess.BSplineRestriction.BezierMode : 0
ShapeProcess.SplitContinuity.Tolerance3d :1.e-3
ShapeProcess.SplitContinuity.SurfaceContinuity :C0
ShapeProcess.SplitContinuity.CurveContinuity :C1
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.EdgeMode : 0
2005-01-24 21:12:57 +05:00
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.SurfaceMode : 0
2004-12-01 15:39:14 +05:00
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.PlaneMode : 1
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.RevolutionMode : 1
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.ExtrusionMode : 1
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.BSplineMode : 1
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.Curve3dMode : 1
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.Curve2dMode : 1
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.Line3dMode : 1
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.Circle3dMode : 1
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.Conic3dMode : 1
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.MaxTolerance : 0.1
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.SegmentSurfaceMode : 1
ShapeProcess.ToBezier.MinCurveLength : 0.05
ShapeProcess.FixShape.Tolerance3d : 1.e-7
ShapeProcess.FixShape.MaxTolerance3d : 1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.MinTolerance3d : 1.e-7
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixFreeShellMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixFreeFaceMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixFreeWireMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixSameParameterMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixSolidMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixShellMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixFaceMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixWireMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixOrientationMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixMissingSeamMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixSmallAreaWireMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.ModifyTopologyMode : 0
ShapeProcess.FixShape.ModifyGeometryMode : 1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.ClosedWireMode : 1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.PreferencePCurveMode : 1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixReorderMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixSmallMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixConnectedMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixEdgeCurvesMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixDegeneratedMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixLackingMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixSelfIntersectionMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixReversed2dMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixRemovePCurveMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixRemoveCurve3dMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixAddPCurveMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixAddCurve3dMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixSeamMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixShiftedMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixEdgeSameParameterMode : 0
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixSelfIntersectingEdgeMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixIntersectingEdgesMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixNonAdjacentIntersectingEdgesMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixIntersectingWiresMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.FixLoopWiresMode : -1
ShapeProcess.FixShape.CreateOpenSolidMode :0
ShapeProcess.SameParameter.Force : 0
ShapeProcess.SameParameter.Tolerance3d : 1.e-7
! Description of parameters for Operations
! .MaxTolerance : Maximal tolerance for comparing curves, points which is
! used by splitting tools. The tools that are used this
! parameter are the following: SplitAngle, SplitClosedFaces,
! ToBezier. This value should be the same for all tools in
! one sequence. To redefine default value uncomment
! appropriate line in each operator.
! .SegmentSurfaceMode : Mode for limiting surface by UV boundaries of face that
! is based on this surface. If flag is 1 the surface is
! limited. This mode is used by splitting tools (SplitAngle,
! SplitClosedFaces, ToBezier). This value should be the same
! for all tools in one sequence. To redefine default value
! uncomment appropriate line in each operator.
! BSplineRestriction : Approximation of general B-Spline and Bezier with particular B-Spline
! BSplineRestriction.ConvCurve3dMode : Mode of conversion of any 3D curve to BSpline and approximation,
! BSplineRestriction.ConvCurve2dMode : Mode of conversion of any 2D curve to BSpline and approximation,
! BSplineRestriction.PlaneMode : Mode of conversion of Geom_Plane to BSpline surface,
! BSplineRestriction.BezierMode : Mode of conversion of Besier surface to BSpline and approximation,
! BSplineRestriction.SurfaceMode : Mode of approximation of surfaces if restriction is necessary, yes/no
! BSplineRestriction.Curve3dMode : Mode of approximation of 3D curves if restriction is necessary, yes/no
! BSplineRestriction.Curve2dMode : Mode of approximation of 2D curves if restriction is necessary, yes/no
! BSplineRestriction.OffsetSurfaceMode : Mode of conversion of offset surfaces to BSpline surface, yes/no
! : Yes - surface is converted to BSpline surface
! : No - basis surface is processed but offset surface is kept.
! : This mode acts if BSplineRestriction.SurfaceMode is yes.
! BSplineRestriction.LinearExtrusionMode: Mode of conversion of linear extrusion surfaces to BSpline surface, yes/no
! : Yes - surface is converted to BSpline surface
! : No - basis curve is processed but extrusion surface is kept.
! : This mode acts if BSplineRestriction.SurfaceMode is yes.
! BSplineRestriction.RevolutionMode : Mode of conversion surfaces of revolution to BSpline surface, yes/no
! : Yes - surface is converted to BSpline surface
! : No - basis curve is processed but revolution surface is kept.
! : This mode acts if BSplineRestriction.SurfaceMode is yes.
! BSplineRestriction.OffsetCurve3dMode : Mode of conversion of 3d offset curves to BSpline curves, yes/no
! : Yes - curve is converted to BSpline curve
! : No - basis curve is processed but offset curve is kept.
! : This mode acts if BSplineRestriction.Curve3dMode is yes.
! BSplineRestriction.OffsetCurve2dMode : Mode of conversion of 2d offset curves to BSpline curves, yes/no
! : Yes - curve is converted to BSpline curve
! : No - basis curve is processed but offset curve is kept.
! : This mode acts if BSplineRestriction.Curve2dMode is yes.
! BSplineRestriction.Tolerance3d : Tolerance of 3D approximation
! BSplineRestriction.Tolerance2d : Tolerance of 2D approximation
! BSplineRestriction.Continuity3d : Required continuity of 3D geometry
! BSplineRestriction.Continuity2d : Required continuity of 2D geometry
! BSplineRestriction.RequiredDegree : Required degree of B-Spline
! BSplineRestriction.RequiredNbSegments : Required maximum number of segments of B-Spline
! BSplineRestriction.PreferDegree : Preference between requirement to degree and maximum number of segments, true/false
! BSplineRestriction.RationalToPolynomial: Mode of conversion of rational B-Spline to polynomial, yes/no
! BSplineRestriction.MaxDegree : Maximum allowed degree of B-Spline
! BSplineRestriction.MaxNbSegments : Maximum allowed number of segments in a B-Spline
! DirectFaces : Conversion of elementary surface in left-handed coordinate system into right-handed
! no parameters
! ElementaryToRevolution : Conversion of elementary revolutive surface into general surface of revolution
! no parameters
! SameParameter : Conversion of edge to be SameRange and SameParameter
! SameParameter.Force : Mode of forced invoking, true/false
! SameParameter.Tolerance3d : 3D tolerance
! SplitAngle : Split revolutive surface (elementary and general) into several surfaces
! SplitAngle.Angle : Maximum angle of revolution, radian
! SplitClosedFaces : Split faces that have seam-edge or geometrically closed on closed surface.
! SplitClosedFaces.NbSplitPoints : Number of cuttings (number of resulting faces will be NbSplitPoints+1)
! SplitClosedFaces.CloseTolerance : Precision to define geometric closure.
! SplitContinuity : Correction or split shapes to have speicified continuity
! SplitContinuity.Tolerance3d : 3D tolerance for correction of geometry
! SplitContinuity.SurfaceContinuity : Required continuity for surfaces
! SplitContinuity.CurveContinuity : Required continuity for curves
! ToBezier : Conversion of geometry into Bezier
! ToBezier.SurfaceMode : Mode of conversion of surfaces, yes/no
! ToBezier.PlaneMode : Mode of conversion of Planes,yes/no. This mode acts if SurfaceMode is yes.
! ToBezier.RevolutionMode : Mode of conversion of Surfaces of Revolution (generatrix to bezier), yes/no.
! This mode acts if SurfaceMode is yes.
! ToBezier.ExtrusionMode : Mode of conversion of Surfaces of Extrusion (whole surface not only generatrix), yes/no.
! This mode acts if SurfaceMode is yes.
! ToBezier.BSplineMode : Mode of conversion of BSpline Surfaces, yes/no. This mode acts if SurfaceMode is yes.
! ToBezier.EdgeMode : Mode of translation edges (0- Free,1 - Shared,2- Both)
! : .Default - Free. Acts on translation curves 3d .
| : If it is 0 (Free) that only free edges are taken into
! : account for translation 3d curves,
! : if it is 1 (Shared) that only shared edges are taken into
! : account for translation 3d curves,
! : if it is 2 (Both) that all edges are taken into
! : account for translation 3d curves,
! ToBezier.Curve3dMode : Mode of conversion 3D curves, yes/no
! ToBezier.Curve2dMode : Mode of conversion 2D curves, yes/no
! ToBezier.Line3dMode : Mode of conversion 3D lines, yes/no
! ToBezier.Circle3dMode : Mode of conversion 3D circles, yes/no
! ToBezier.Conic3dMode : Mode of conversion 3D conics, yes/no
! ToBezier.MinCurveLength : Min length of created curves 3d.( default 0.05)
! FixFaceSize : Removing small faces
! FixFaceSize.Tolerance : Tolerance in 3d
! DropSmallEdges : Eliminate small edges by removing or merging with neighbour
! DropSmallEdges.Tolerance3d : Tolerance (3d)
! FixShape.Tolerance3d : Tolerance (3d) for fixing of shape.
! FixShape.MaxTolerance3d : Maximal possible value of increasing of tolerance during fixing.
! FixShape.MinTolerance3d : Minimal value of tolerance.
! FixShape.FixFreeShellMode : Mode for fixing free shells in the shape (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixFreeFaceMode : Mode for fixing free faces in the shape (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixFreeWireMode : Mode for fixing free wires in the shape (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixSameParameterMode : Mode for fixing same parameter on the whole shape (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixSolidMode : Mode for fixing solids (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixShellMode : Mode for fixing shells (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixFaceMode : Mode for fixing faces (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixWireMode : Mode for fixing wires (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixOrientationMode : Mode for fixing face orientation (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixMissingSeamMode : Mode for fixing face missing seam (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixSmallAreaWireMode : Mode for fixing small area wires (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.ModifyTopologyMode : Mode allowing of modifing of topology (default - 0, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.ModifyGeometryMode : Mode allowing of modifing of geometry (default - 1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.ClosedWireMode : Mode defining whether the wire is to be closed. (default - 1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.PreferencePCurveMode : Mode defining of preference of 2d representation (default - 1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixReorderMode : Mode for fixing of order of the edges in the wire (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixSmallMode : Mode for removing of the small edges from the wire in the case when
! : ModifyTopologyMode equaled "yes" (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixConnectedMode : Mode for fixing of connecting of edges in the wire(default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixEdgeCurvesMode : Moge for fixing each edge from the wire (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixDegeneratedMode : Moge for fixing cases of degenerate pcurve (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixLackingMode : Moge for fixing cases of lacking edge (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixSelfIntersectionMode : Mode for fixing of cases self-intersection of wire (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixReversed2dMode : Mode for fixing cases when pcurve is opposite curve3d (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixRemovePCurveMode : Mode for removing of pcurves from edges (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixRemoveCurve3dMode : Mode for removing of 3d curves from edges (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixAddPCurveMode : Mode for adding pcurves of the edges if missing (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixAddCurve3dMode : Mode for adding curves 3d of the edges if missing (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixSeamMode : Mode for fixing cases of seam edges.
! FixShape.FixShiftedMode : Mode for fixing cases when pcurves can be shifted on period on the closed surface
! (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixEdgeSameParameterMode : Mode for fixing same parameter for each edge (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixSelfIntersectingEdgeMode : Mode for fixing cases self-intrsection edge (default - -1, yes - 1 , no - 0).
! FixShape.FixIntersectingEdgesMode : Mode for fixing intersection adjacent edges.
! FixShape.FixNonAdjacentIntersectingEdgesMode : Mode for fixing intersection non-adjacent edges.