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synced 2025-03-28 06:18:35 +05:00
0022094: EDF GEOM 2438 : Pipe T-Shape publish the group of internal surfaces
This commit is contained in:
@ -4907,6 +4907,10 @@ Ignoring units will cause model scaling (as dimensions are supposed to be specif
<translation>Junction 3</translation>
<translation>Internal faces</translation>
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "GEOM_PythonDump.hxx"
#include "GEOMUtils.hxx"
#include "GEOMAlgo_Splitter.hxx"
#include "GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOn1.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_Gen.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_Types.hxx"
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
#include "GEOMImpl_I3DPrimOperations.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_ILocalOperations.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_IHealingOperations.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_GlueDriver.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_PipeTShapeDriver.hxx"
@ -70,6 +72,7 @@
#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
#include <BRepAlgoAPI_Cut.hxx>
#include <BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse.hxx>
#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.hxx>
@ -82,6 +85,8 @@
#include <gp_Pln.hxx>
#include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
#include <gp_Vec.hxx>
#include <GC_MakeConicalSurface.hxx>
#include <Geom_CylindricalSurface.hxx>
#include <cmath>
@ -119,6 +124,7 @@ GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations::GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations(GEOM_Engine* theEngin
my3DPrimOperations = new GEOMImpl_I3DPrimOperations(GetEngine(), GetDocID());
myLocalOperations = new GEOMImpl_ILocalOperations(GetEngine(), GetDocID());
myHealingOperations = new GEOMImpl_IHealingOperations(GetEngine(), GetDocID());
myGroupOperations = new GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations(GetEngine(), GetDocID());
@ -137,6 +143,7 @@ GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations::~GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations()
delete my3DPrimOperations;
delete myLocalOperations;
delete myHealingOperations;
delete myGroupOperations;
@ -790,6 +797,337 @@ bool GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations::MakeGroups(Handle(GEOM_Object) theShape, int
return true;
* Return faces that are laying on surface.
bool GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations::GetFacesOnSurf
(const TopoDS_Shape &theShape,
const Handle_Geom_Surface& theSurface,
const Standard_Real theTolerance,
TopTools_ListOfShape &theFaces)
GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOn1 aFinder;
// Sets the minimal number of inner points for the faces that do not have own
// inner points at all (for e.g. rectangular planar faces have just 2 triangles).
// Default value=3
// Sets the maximal number of inner points for edges or faces.
// It is usefull for the cases when this number is very big (e.g =2000) to improve
// the performance. If this value =0, all inner points will be taken into account.
// Default value=0
// Interprete results
Standard_Integer iErr = aFinder.ErrorStatus();
// the detailed description of error codes is in GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOn1.cxx
if (iErr) {
MESSAGE(" iErr : " << iErr);
TCollection_AsciiString aMsg (" iErr : ");
aMsg += TCollection_AsciiString(iErr);
return false;
Standard_Integer iWrn = aFinder.WarningStatus();
// the detailed description of warning codes is in GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOn1.cxx
if (iWrn) {
MESSAGE(" *** iWrn : " << iWrn);
const TopTools_ListOfShape &aListRes = aFinder.Shapes(); // the result
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape anIter (aListRes);
for (; anIter.More(); anIter.Next()) {
return true;
* Creates and returns conical face.
TopoDS_Shape GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations::MakeConicalFace
(const gp_Ax2 &theAxis,
const double theRadius,
const double theRadiusThin,
const double theHeight,
const gp_Trsf &theTrsf)
BRepPrimAPI_MakeCone aMkCone (theAxis, theRadius, theRadiusThin, theHeight);
TopoDS_Shape aResult;
if (aMkCone.IsDone()) {
TopExp_Explorer anExp(aMkCone.Shape(), TopAbs_FACE);
for (; anExp.More(); anExp.Next()) {
TopoDS_Face aFace = TopoDS::Face(anExp.Current());
if (aFace.IsNull() == Standard_False) {
BRepAdaptor_Surface anAdaptor(aFace, Standard_False);
if (anAdaptor.GetType() == GeomAbs_Cone) {
// This is a conical face. Transform and return it.
BRepBuilderAPI_Transform aTransf(aFace, theTrsf, Standard_False);
aResult = aTransf.Shape();
return aResult;
* Generate the internal group of a Pipe T-Shape
bool GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations::MakeInternalGroup
(const Handle(GEOM_Object) &theShape,
const double theR1, const double theLen1,
const double theR2, const double theLen2,
const double theRL, double theTransLenL,
const double theRR, double theTransLenR,
const double theRI, double theTransLenI,
const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) &theSeq,
const gp_Trsf &theTrsf)
if (theShape.IsNull()) {
return false;
TopoDS_Shape aShape = theShape->GetValue();
if (aShape.IsNull()) {
SetErrorCode("Shape is not defined");
return false;
// Compute tolerance
Standard_Real aMaxTol = -RealLast();
TopExp_Explorer anExp(aShape, TopAbs_VERTEX);
for (; anExp.More(); anExp.Next()) {
TopoDS_Vertex aVertex = TopoDS::Vertex(anExp.Current());
if (aVertex.IsNull() == Standard_False) {
const Standard_Real aTol = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(aVertex);
if (aTol > aMaxTol) {
aMaxTol = aTol;
// Construct internal surfaces.
Standard_Integer i = 0;
const Standard_Integer aMaxNbSurf = 5;
Handle(Geom_Surface) aSurface[aMaxNbSurf];
TopTools_ListOfShape aConicalFaces;
Standard_Real aTolConf = Precision::Confusion();
// 1. Construct the internal surface of main pipe.
gp_Ax2 anAxis1 (gp::Origin(), gp::DX(), gp::DZ());
gp_Ax2 anAxis2 (gp::Origin(), gp::DZ(), gp::DX());
aSurface[i++] = new Geom_CylindricalSurface(anAxis1, theR1);
// 2. Construct the internal surface of incident pipe.
aSurface[i++] = new Geom_CylindricalSurface(anAxis2, theR2);
// 3. Construct the internal surface of left reduction pipe.
if (theRL > aTolConf) {
aSurface[i++] = new Geom_CylindricalSurface(anAxis1, theRL);
if (theTransLenL > aTolConf) {
// 3.1. Construct the internal surface of left transition pipe.
gp_Pnt aPLeft (-theLen1, 0., 0.);
gp_Ax2 anAxisLeft (aPLeft, -gp::DX(), gp::DZ());
TopoDS_Shape aConeLeft =
MakeConicalFace(anAxisLeft, theR1, theRL, theTransLenL, theTrsf);
if (aConeLeft.IsNull() == Standard_False) {
// 4. Construct the internal surface of right reduction pipe.
if (theRR > aTolConf) {
// There is no need to construct another cylinder of the same radius. Skip it.
if (Abs(theRR - theRL) > aTolConf) {
aSurface[i++] = new Geom_CylindricalSurface(anAxis1, theRR);
if (theTransLenL > aTolConf) {
// 4.1. Construct the internal surface of right transition pipe.
gp_Pnt aPRight (theLen1, 0., 0.);
gp_Ax2 anAxisRight (aPRight, gp::DX(), gp::DZ());
TopoDS_Shape aConeRight =
MakeConicalFace(anAxisRight, theR1, theRR, theTransLenR, theTrsf);
if (aConeRight.IsNull() == Standard_False) {
// 5. Construct the internal surface of incident reduction pipe.
if (theRI > aTolConf) {
aSurface[i++] = new Geom_CylindricalSurface(anAxis2, theRI);
if (theTransLenI > aTolConf) {
// 5.1. Construct the internal surface of incident transition pipe.
gp_Pnt aPInci (0., 0., theLen2);
gp_Ax2 anAxisInci (aPInci, gp::DZ(), gp::DX());
TopoDS_Shape aConeInci =
MakeConicalFace(anAxisInci, theR2, theRI, theTransLenI, theTrsf);
if (aConeInci.IsNull() == Standard_False) {
// Get faces that are laying on cylindrical surfaces.
TopTools_ListOfShape aFaces;
gp_Trsf anInvTrsf = theTrsf.Inverted();
for (i = 0; i < aMaxNbSurf; i++) {
if (aSurface[i].IsNull()) {
TopTools_ListOfShape aLocalFaces;
if (!GetFacesOnSurf(aShape, aSurface[i], aMaxTol, aLocalFaces)) {
return false;
if (i < 2) {
// Check if the result contains outer cylinders.
// It is required for main and incident pipes.
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape anIter(aLocalFaces);
while (anIter.More()) {
TopExp_Explorer anExp(anIter.Value(), TopAbs_VERTEX);
Standard_Boolean isInside = Standard_False;
// Get a vertex from this shape
if (anExp.More()) {
TopoDS_Vertex aVtx = TopoDS::Vertex(anExp.Current());
if (aVtx.IsNull() == Standard_False) {
gp_Pnt aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(aVtx);
if (i == 0) {
// Check if the point is inside the main pipe.
isInside = (Abs(aPnt.X()) <= theLen1);
} else { // i == 1
// Check if the point is inside the incident pipe.
isInside = (aPnt.Z() <= theLen2);
if (isInside) {
// Keep this face.
} else {
// Remove this face.
// Get faces that are laying on conical faces.
if (aConicalFaces.IsEmpty() == Standard_False) {
Handle(GEOM_Object) aCone =
GetEngine()->AddObject(GetDocID(), GEOM_TSHAPE);
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction =
aCone->AddFunction(GEOMImpl_PipeTShapeDriver::GetID(), TSHAPE_BASIC);
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aFIter(aConicalFaces);
Handle(GEOM_Object) aConeFromShape;
for (; aFIter.More(); aFIter.Next()) {
aConeFromShape = myShapesOperations->GetInPlace(theShape, aCone);
if (aConeFromShape.IsNull() == Standard_False) {
TopoDS_Shape aConeFaces = aConeFromShape->GetValue();
TopExp_Explorer anExp(aConeFaces, TopAbs_FACE);
for (; anExp.More(); anExp.Next()) {
TopoDS_Face aConeFace = TopoDS::Face(anExp.Current());
if (aConeFace.IsNull() == Standard_False) {
// Create a group of internal faces.
if (aFaces.IsEmpty() == Standard_False) {
Handle(GEOM_Object) aGroup = myGroupOperations->CreateGroup(theShape, TopAbs_FACE);
if (aGroup.IsNull() == Standard_False) {
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape anIndices;
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) aSeqIDs = new TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger;
TopExp::MapShapes(aShape, anIndices);
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape anIter(aFaces);
for (; anIter.More(); anIter.Next()) {
const TopoDS_Shape &aFace = anIter.Value();
const Standard_Integer anIndex = anIndices.FindIndex(aFace);
if (anIndex > 0) {
myGroupOperations->UnionIDs(aGroup, aSeqIDs);
return true;
bool GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations::MakePipeTShapePartition(Handle(GEOM_Object) theShape,
double theR1, double theW1, double theL1,
double theR2, double theW2, double theL2,
@ -1663,19 +2001,26 @@ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aSeq = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
if (theHexMesh) {
// Get the groups
try {
try {
if (theHexMesh) {
// Get the groups
if (!MakeGroups(aShape, TSHAPE_BASIC, theR1, theW1, theL1, theR2, theW2, theL2,
0., 0., 0., aSeq, gp_Trsf()))
return NULL;
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
// Get internal group.
if (!MakeInternalGroup(aShape, theR1, theL1, theR2, theL2, theRL, theLtransL,
theRR, theLtransR, theRI, theLtransI,
aSeq, gp_Trsf())) {
return NULL;
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
return NULL;
//Make a Python command
TCollection_AsciiString anEntry, aListRes("[");
@ -1828,20 +2173,27 @@ GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations::MakePipeTShapeWithPosition
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aSeq = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
if (theHexMesh) {
// Get the groups
try {
try {
if (theHexMesh) {
// Get the groups
if (!MakeGroups(aShape,TSHAPE_BASIC, theR1, theW1, theL1, theR2, theW2, theL2,
0., 0., 0., aSeq, aTrsf)) {
return NULL;
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
// Get internal group.
if (!MakeInternalGroup(aShape, theR1, theL1, theR2, theL2, theRL, theLtransL,
theRR, theLtransR, theRI, theLtransI,
aSeq, aTrsf)) {
return NULL;
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
return NULL;
//Make a Python command
TCollection_AsciiString anEntry, aListRes("[");
@ -2049,19 +2401,26 @@ GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations::MakePipeTShapeChamfer
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aSeq = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
if (theHexMesh) {
// Get the groups
try {
try {
if (theHexMesh) {
// Get the groups
if (!MakeGroups(aShape, TSHAPE_CHAMFER, theR1, theW1, theL1, theR2, theW2, theL2,
theH, theW, 0., aSeq, gp_Trsf()))
return NULL;
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
// Get internal group.
if (!MakeInternalGroup(aShape, theR1, theL1, theR2, theL2, theRL, theLtransL,
theRR, theLtransR, theRI, theLtransI,
aSeq, gp_Trsf())) {
return NULL;
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
return NULL;
//Make a Python command
TCollection_AsciiString anEntry, aListRes("[");
@ -2285,19 +2644,26 @@ GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations::MakePipeTShapeChamferWithPosition
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aSeq = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
if (theHexMesh) {
// Get the groups
try {
try {
if (theHexMesh) {
// Get the groups
if (!MakeGroups(aShape, TSHAPE_CHAMFER, theR1, theW1, theL1, theR2, theW2, theL2,
theH, theW, 0., aSeq, aTrsf))
return NULL;
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
// Get internal group.
if (!MakeInternalGroup(aShape, theR1, theL1, theR2, theL2, theRL, theLtransL,
theRR, theLtransR, theRI, theLtransI,
aSeq, aTrsf)) {
return NULL;
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
return NULL;
//Make a Python command
TCollection_AsciiString anEntry, aListRes("[");
@ -2517,19 +2883,26 @@ GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations::MakePipeTShapeFillet
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aSeq = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
if (theHexMesh) {
// Get the groups
try {
try {
if (theHexMesh) {
// Get the groups
if (!MakeGroups(aShape, TSHAPE_FILLET, theR1, theW1, theL1, theR2, theW2, theL2,
0., 0., theRF, aSeq, gp_Trsf()))
return NULL;
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
// Get internal group.
if (!MakeInternalGroup(aShape, theR1, theL1, theR2, theL2, theRL, theLtransL,
theRR, theLtransR, theRI, theLtransI,
aSeq, gp_Trsf())) {
return NULL;
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
return NULL;
//Make a Python command
TCollection_AsciiString anEntry, aListRes("[");
@ -2765,19 +3138,26 @@ GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations::MakePipeTShapeFilletWithPosition
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aSeq = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
if (theHexMesh) {
// Get the groups
try {
try {
if (theHexMesh) {
// Get the groups
if (!MakeGroups(aShape, TSHAPE_FILLET, theR1, theW1, theL1, theR2, theW2, theL2,
0., 0., theRF, aSeq, aTrsf))
return NULL;
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
// Get internal group.
if (!MakeInternalGroup(aShape, theR1, theL1, theR2, theL2, theRL, theLtransL,
theRR, theLtransR, theRI, theLtransI,
aSeq, aTrsf)) {
return NULL;
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
return NULL;
//Make a Python command
TCollection_AsciiString anEntry, aListRes("[");
@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ class GEOMImpl_IBlocksOperations;
class GEOMImpl_I3DPrimOperations;
class GEOMImpl_ILocalOperations;
class GEOMImpl_IHealingOperations;
class GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations;
class Handle_Geom_Surface;
class TopTools_ListOfShape;
class GEOMImpl_IAdvancedOperations: public GEOM_IOperations {
@ -64,6 +67,26 @@ private:
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) theSeq,
gp_Trsf aTrsf);
bool GetFacesOnSurf(const TopoDS_Shape &theShape,
const Handle_Geom_Surface& theSurface,
const Standard_Real theTolerance,
TopTools_ListOfShape &theFaces);
TopoDS_Shape MakeConicalFace(const gp_Ax2 &theAxis,
const double theRadius,
const double theRadiusThin,
const double theHeight,
const gp_Trsf &theTrsf);
bool MakeInternalGroup(const Handle(GEOM_Object) &theShape,
const double theR1, const double theLen1,
const double theR2, const double theLen2,
const double theRL, const double theTransLenL,
const double theRR, const double theTransLenR,
const double theRI, const double theTransLenI,
const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) &theSeq,
const gp_Trsf &theTrsf);
gp_Trsf GetPositionTrsf(double theL1, double theL2,
Handle(GEOM_Object) P1 = 0,
Handle(GEOM_Object) P2 = 0,
@ -84,6 +107,7 @@ private:
GEOMImpl_I3DPrimOperations* my3DPrimOperations;
GEOMImpl_ILocalOperations* myLocalOperations;
GEOMImpl_IHealingOperations* myHealingOperations;
GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations* myGroupOperations;
Reference in New Issue
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