mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 19:31:27 +05:00
Implementation of [bos #35140] [EDF] (2023-T1) Memory communication between SHAPER and GEOM
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ geompy.ExportVTK(sphere, f_vtk2, 0.1)
f_xao = os.path.join(tmpdir, "sphere.xao")
geompy.ExportXAO(sphere, [], [], "author", f_xao)
# export sphere to XAO format memory buffer (bytes array)
buff_xao = geompy.ExportXAOMem(sphere, [], [], "author")
# import BREP file
sphere_brep = geompy.ImportBREP(f_brep)
@ -64,6 +67,9 @@ sphere_stl2 = geompy.ImportSTL(f_stl2)
# import XAO file
ok, sphere_xao, sub_shapes, groups, fields = geompy.ImportXAO(f_xao)
# import XAO data from memory buffer (bytes array)
ok_mem, sphere_xao_mem, sub_shapes_mem, groups_mem, fields_mem = geompy.ImportXAOMem(buff_xao)
# clean up
for f in f_brep, f_iges, f_step, f_stl1, f_stl2, f_vtk1, f_vtk2, f_xao:
@ -88,6 +88,16 @@ In the \b File menu select <b>Import/XAO</b>.
It is possible to import a shape from XAO file using the TUI Command:
<em>ok, Shape, Sub_Shapes, Groups, Fields = geompy.ImportXAO(FileName)</em>
It is also possible to import a shape from XAO format memory buffer (bytes array) using the TUI Command:
<em>ok, Shape, Sub_Shapes, Groups, Fields = geompy.ImportXAOMem(aBuffer)</em>
<em>To export a shape in the \b XAO format:</em>
@ -104,6 +114,12 @@ In this dialog:
- Select the \b Fields of the chosen shape to be exported.
- Press "Apply" or "Apply & Close" button to get the result.
It is also possible to export a shape using the TUI Command: <em>geompy.ExportXAO(Shape, Groups, Fields, Author, FileName, ShapeFileName)</em>
It is possible to export a shape in XAO file using the TUI Command:
<em>geompy.ExportXAO(Shape, Groups, Fields, Author, FileName, ShapeFileName)</em>
It is also possible to export a shape in XAO format memory buffer (bytes array) using the TUI Command:
<em>aBuffer = geompy.ExportXAOMem(Shape, Groups, Fields, Author)</em>
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
\anchor tui_creation_exportxao
<br><h2>Creation of ExportXAO</h2>
import salome
import GEOM
from salome.geom import geomBuilder
geompy = geomBuilder.New()
gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")
# create ExportXAO object
exportxao = geompy.ExportXAO([value], [value], [value], [value])
# add object in the study
id_exportxao = geompy.addToStudy(exportxao,"ExportXAO")
# display exportxao
@ -46,6 +46,19 @@ module GEOM
in string fileName,
in string shapeFileName );
* Export a shape to XAO format in a byte array
* \param shape The shape to export
* \param groups The list of groups to export
* \param fields The list of fields to export
* \param author The author of the export
* \return Byte array with exported data.
SALOMEDS::TMPFile ExportXAOMem( in GEOM::GEOM_Object shape,
in GEOM::ListOfGO groups,
in GEOM::ListOfFields fields,
in string author );
* Import a shape from XAO format
* \param fileName The name of the file to import
@ -60,6 +73,21 @@ module GEOM
out GEOM::ListOfGO subShapes,
out GEOM::ListOfGO groups,
out GEOM::ListOfFields fields );
* Import a shape from XAO format byte array
* \param theBuff The byte array with data in XAO format
* \param shape The imported shape
* \param subShapes The list of imported subShapes
* \param groups The list of imported groups
* \param fields The list of imported fields
* \return boolean indicating if import was successful.
boolean ImportXAOMem( in SALOMEDS::TMPFile theBuff,
out GEOM::GEOM_Object shape,
out GEOM::ListOfGO subShapes,
out GEOM::ListOfGO groups,
out GEOM::ListOfFields fields );
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
import GEOM
from GEOM import IXAOOperations
# Engine Library Name
@ -57,6 +58,32 @@ def ExportXAO(self, shape, groups, fields, author, fileName, shapeFileName = "")
RaiseIfFailed("ExportXAO", anOp)
return res
## Export a shape to XAO format in byte array
# @param shape The shape to export
# @param groups The list of groups to export
# @param fields The list of fields to export
# @param author The author of the file
# @return Byte array with exported data
# @ingroup l2_import_export
def ExportXAOMem(self, shape, groups, fields, author):
Export a shape to XAO format in byte array
shape The shape to export
groups The list of groups to export
fields The list of fields to export
Byte array with exported data
from salome.geom.geomBuilder import RaiseIfFailed
anOp = GetXAOPluginOperations(self)
res = anOp.ExportXAOMem(shape, groups, fields, author)
RaiseIfFailed("ExportXAOMem", anOp)
return res
## Import a shape from XAO format
# @param fileName The name of the file to import
# @param theName Object name; when specified, this parameter is used
@ -91,7 +118,78 @@ def ImportXAO(self, fileName, theName=None):
from salome.geom.geomBuilder import RaiseIfFailed
anOp = GetXAOPluginOperations(self)
res = anOp.ImportXAO(fileName)
(res, shape, subShapes, groups, fields) = anOp.ImportXAO(fileName)
RaiseIfFailed("ImportXAO", anOp)
self._autoPublish(res[1], theName, "imported")
return res
if res:
# publish imported shape
self._autoPublish(shape, theName, "imported")
# publish imported sub shapes, groups and fields
if theName or self.myMaxNbSubShapesAllowed:
for ss in (subShapes + groups + fields):
self.addToStudyInFather(shape, ss, ss.GetName())
if isinstance( ss, GEOM._objref_GEOM_Field ):
listStepIDs = ss.GetSteps()
for stepID in listStepIDs:
step = ss.GetStep(stepID)
self.addToStudyInFather(ss, step, step.GetName())
return (res, shape, subShapes, groups, fields)
## Import a shape from XAO format byte array
# @param byteArray byte array with XAO data
# @param theName Object name; when specified, this parameter is used
# for result publication in the study. Otherwise, if automatic
# publication is switched on, default value is used for result name.
# @return tuple (\a res, \a shape, \a subShapes, \a groups, \a fields)
# \a res Flag indicating if the import was successful
# \a shape The imported shape
# \a subShapes The list of imported subShapes
# \a groups The list of imported groups
# \a fields The list of imported fields
# @ingroup l2_import_export
def ImportXAOMem(self, byteArray, theName=None):
Import a shape from XAO format byte array
byteArray byte array with XAO data
theName Object name; when specified, this parameter is used
for result publication in the study. Otherwise, if automatic
publication is switched on, default value is used for result name.
A tuple (res, shape, subShapes, groups, fields):
- res: Flag indicating if the import was successful
- shape: The imported shape
- subShapes: The list of imported subShapes
- groups: The list of imported groups
- fields: The list of imported fields
from salome.geom.geomBuilder import RaiseIfFailed
anOp = GetXAOPluginOperations(self)
(res, shape, subShapes, groups, fields) = anOp.ImportXAOMem(byteArray)
RaiseIfFailed("ImportXAOMem", anOp)
if res:
# publish imported shape
self._autoPublish(shape, theName, "imported")
# publish imported sub shapes, groups and fields
if theName or self.myMaxNbSubShapesAllowed:
for ss in (subShapes + groups + fields):
self.addToStudyInFather(shape, ss, ss.GetName())
if isinstance( ss, GEOM._objref_GEOM_Field ):
listStepIDs = ss.GetSteps()
for stepID in listStepIDs:
step = ss.GetStep(stepID)
self.addToStudyInFather(ss, step, step.GetName())
return (res, shape, subShapes, groups, fields)
@ -655,7 +655,9 @@ const std::string XaoExporter::saveToXml(Xao* xaoObject)
xmlChar *xmlbuff;
int buffersize;
xmlDocDumpFormatMemory(doc, &xmlbuff, &buffersize, 1); // format = 1 for node indentation
//xmlDocDumpFormatMemory(doc, &xmlbuff, &buffersize, 1); // format = 1 for node indentation
// save with encoding to correspond to "saveToFile" and provide the same file size
xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(doc, &xmlbuff, &buffersize, "UTF-8", 1); // format = 1 for node indentation
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <algorithm>
XAO::Dimension shapeEnumToDimension(const TopAbs_ShapeEnum& shape)
XAO::Dimension dim;
@ -323,12 +325,13 @@ void XAOPlugin_IOperations::exportSubshapes( const Handle(GEOM_Object)& shape, X
* Export a shape to XAO format
* \param shape The shape to export
* \param groups The list of groups to export
* \param fields The list of fields to export
* \param fileName The name of the file to exported
* \return boolean indicating if export was succeful.
* Export a shape to XAO format file.
* \param shape The shape to export.
* \param groups The list of groups to export.
* \param fields The list of fields to export.
* \param fileName The name of the file to be exported.
* \param shapeFileName The name of the file for shape, if it should be exported separately.
* \return boolean indicating if export was successful.
bool XAOPlugin_IOperations::ExportXAO( Handle(GEOM_Object) shape,
@ -338,21 +341,67 @@ bool XAOPlugin_IOperations::ExportXAO( Handle(GEOM_Object) shape,
const char* fileName,
const char* shapeFileName )
if (!fileName || !strlen(fileName)) {
SetErrorCode("Empty file name");
return false;
if (shape.IsNull()) return false;
exportXAO( shape, groupList, fieldList, author, fileName, shapeFileName );
return IsDone();
* Export a shape to XAO format string.
* \param shape The shape to export.
* \param groups The list of groups to export.
* \param fields The list of fields to export.
* \return The exported string.
std::string XAOPlugin_IOperations::ExportXAOMem( Handle(GEOM_Object) shape,
std::list<Handle(GEOM_Object)> groupList,
std::list<Handle(GEOM_Field)> fieldList,
const char* author )
std::string anXML = exportXAO( shape, groupList, fieldList, author, NULL, NULL );
return anXML;
* Export a shape to XAO format file or string.
* \param shape The shape to export.
* \param groups The list of groups to export.
* \param fields The list of fields to export.
* \param fileName The name of the file to be exported. If empty, export to string.
* \param shapeFileName The name of the file for shape, if it should be exported separately.
* \return The exported string, if fileName is empty, or empty string.
std::string XAOPlugin_IOperations::exportXAO( Handle(GEOM_Object) shape,
std::list<Handle(GEOM_Object)> groupList,
std::list<Handle(GEOM_Field)> fieldList,
const char* author,
const char* fileName,
const char* shapeFileName )
std::string anXML ("");
if (shape.IsNull()) return anXML;
// add a new shape function with parameters
Handle(GEOM_Function) lastFunction = shape->GetLastFunction();
if (lastFunction.IsNull()) return false;
if (lastFunction.IsNull()) return anXML;
// add a new result object
Handle(GEOM_Object) result = GetEngine()->AddObject(GEOM_IMPORT);
// add an Export function
Handle(GEOM_Function) exportFunction = result->AddFunction(XAOPlugin_Driver::GetID(), EXPORT_SHAPE);
if (exportFunction.IsNull()) return false;
if (exportFunction->GetDriverGUID() != XAOPlugin_Driver::GetID()) return false;
if (exportFunction.IsNull()) return anXML;
if (exportFunction->GetDriverGUID() != XAOPlugin_Driver::GetID()) return anXML;
// create the XAO object
XAO::Xao* xaoObject = new XAO::Xao();
@ -369,16 +418,36 @@ bool XAOPlugin_IOperations::ExportXAO( Handle(GEOM_Object) shape,
exportSubshapes(shape, geometry);
if (!exportGroups(groupList, xaoObject, geometry)) return false;
if (!exportGroups(groupList, xaoObject, geometry)) return anXML;
exportFields(fieldList, xaoObject, geometry);
// export the XAO to the file
xaoObject->exportXAO(fileName, shapeFileName);
bool isFile = (fileName && strlen(fileName));
if (isFile) {
// export the XAO to the file
xaoObject->exportXAO(fileName, shapeFileName);
else {
// export the XAO to the string
anXML = xaoObject->getXML();
// make a Python command
GEOM::TPythonDump pd(exportFunction);
std::string convFileName = Kernel_Utils::BackSlashToSlash(fileName);
pd << "exported = geompy.ExportXAO(" << shape;
GEOM::TPythonDump pd (exportFunction);
if (isFile) {
pd << "exported = geompy.ExportXAO(";
else {
if (!shape->GetName().IsEmpty()) {
std::string aGeometryNamePy (shape->GetName().ToCString());
std::replace(aGeometryNamePy.begin(), aGeometryNamePy.end(), ' ', '_');
pd << "aXAOBuff_" << aGeometryNamePy.c_str() << " = geompy.ExportXAOMem(";
pd << "aXAOBuff = geompy.ExportXAOMem(";
// shape
pd << shape;
// list of groups
pd << ", [";
@ -404,12 +473,24 @@ bool XAOPlugin_IOperations::ExportXAO( Handle(GEOM_Object) shape,
pd << "], ";
pd << "\"" << author << "\", \"" << convFileName.c_str() << "\", \"" << shapeFileName << "\")";
// author
pd << "\"" << author << "\"";
// files
if (isFile) {
std::string convFileName = Kernel_Utils::BackSlashToSlash(fileName);
std::string convShapeFileName;
if (shapeFileName && strlen(shapeFileName))
convShapeFileName = Kernel_Utils::BackSlashToSlash(shapeFileName);
pd << ", \"" << convFileName.c_str() << "\", \"" << convShapeFileName.c_str() << "\"";
pd << ")";
delete xaoObject;
return true;
return anXML;
void XAOPlugin_IOperations::importSubShapes( XAO::Geometry* xaoGeometry,
@ -440,7 +521,10 @@ void XAOPlugin_IOperations::importSubShapes( XAO::Geometry* xaoGeometry,
// commented out, as it prevents correct operation information filling
// type should be a GEOM_SUBSHAPE
GEOM_ISubShape aSSI(aFunction);
@ -456,13 +540,13 @@ void XAOPlugin_IOperations::importSubShapes( XAO::Geometry* xaoGeometry,
* Import a shape from XAO format
* \param fileName The name of the file to import
* \param shape The imported shape
* \param subShapes The list of imported groups
* \param groups The list of imported groups
* \param fields The list of imported fields
* \return boolean indicating if import was succeful.
* Import a shape from XAO format file.
* \param fileName The name of the file to import.
* \param shape The imported shape.
* \param subShapes The list of imported sub-shapes.
* \param groups The list of imported groups.
* \param fields The list of imported fields.
* \return boolean indicating if import was successful.
bool XAOPlugin_IOperations::ImportXAO( const char* fileName,
@ -470,17 +554,70 @@ bool XAOPlugin_IOperations::ImportXAO( const char* fileName,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& subShapes,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& groups,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& fields )
if (fileName == NULL || !strlen(fileName)) {
SetErrorCode("Empty file name");
importXAO( fileName, "", shape, subShapes, groups, fields );
return IsDone();
* Import a shape from XAO format string.
* \param theXML The input buffer.
* \param shape The imported shape.
* \param subShapes The list of imported sub-shapes.
* \param groups The list of imported groups.
* \param fields The list of imported fields.
* \return boolean indicating if import was successful.
bool XAOPlugin_IOperations::ImportXAOMem( const std::string& theXML,
Handle(GEOM_Object)& shape,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& subShapes,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& groups,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& fields )
importXAO( NULL, theXML, shape, subShapes, groups, fields );
return IsDone();
* Import a shape from XAO format file.
* \param fileName The name of the file to import.
* \param shape The imported shape.
* \param subShapes The list of imported sub-shapes.
* \param groups The list of imported groups.
* \param fields The list of imported fields.
* \return boolean indicating if import was successful.
bool XAOPlugin_IOperations::importXAO( const char* fileName,
const std::string& theXML,
Handle(GEOM_Object)& shape,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& subShapes,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& groups,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& fields )
if (fileName == NULL || groups.IsNull() || fields.IsNull())
if (groups.IsNull() || fields.IsNull())
return false;
bool isFile = (fileName && strlen(fileName));
// Read the XAO
XAO::Xao* xaoObject = new XAO::Xao();
if (isFile)
else {
catch (XAO::XAO_Exception& exc)
@ -503,7 +640,14 @@ bool XAOPlugin_IOperations::ImportXAO( const char* fileName,
if (function.IsNull()) return false;
if (function->GetDriverGUID() != XAOPlugin_Driver::GetID()) return false;
function->SetString( XAOPlugin_Driver::GetFileNameTag(), fileName );
// Initialize python dimp here to prevent dumping of sub shapes, groups and fields
GEOM::TPythonDump pd(function);
if (isFile)
function->SetString( XAOPlugin_Driver::GetFileNameTag(), fileName );
else {
function->SetString( XAOPlugin_Driver::GetFileNameTag(), "NO, imported from byte array" );
// set the geometry
if (xaoGeometry->getFormat() == XAO::BREP)
@ -658,7 +802,6 @@ bool XAOPlugin_IOperations::ImportXAO( const char* fileName,
// make a Python command
GEOM::TPythonDump pd(function);
pd << "(imported, " << shape << ", ";
// list of sub shapes
@ -695,9 +838,21 @@ bool XAOPlugin_IOperations::ImportXAO( const char* fileName,
pd << obj << ((i < nbFields) ? ", " : "");
std::string convFileName = Kernel_Utils::BackSlashToSlash( fileName );
pd << "]";
pd << ") = geompy.ImportXAO(\"" << convFileName.c_str() << "\")";
pd << "]) = geompy.";
if (isFile) {
std::string convFileName = Kernel_Utils::BackSlashToSlash( fileName );
pd << "ImportXAO(\"" << convFileName.c_str() << "\")";
else {
if (!shape->GetName().IsEmpty()) {
std::string aGeometryNamePy (shape->GetName().ToCString());
std::replace(aGeometryNamePy.begin(), aGeometryNamePy.end(), ' ', '_');
pd << "ImportXAOMem(aXAOBuff_" << aGeometryNamePy.c_str() << ")";
pd << "ImportXAOMem(aXAOBuff)";
delete xaoObject;
@ -49,14 +49,37 @@ public:
const char* author,
const char* fileName,
const char* shapeFileName );
std::string ExportXAOMem( Handle(GEOM_Object) shape,
std::list<Handle(GEOM_Object)> groupList,
std::list<Handle(GEOM_Field)> fieldList,
const char* author );
bool ImportXAO( const char* fileName,
Handle(GEOM_Object)& shape,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& subShapes,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& groups,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& fields );
bool ImportXAOMem( const std::string& theXML,
Handle(GEOM_Object)& shape,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& subShapes,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& groups,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& fields );
std::string exportXAO( Handle(GEOM_Object) shape,
std::list<Handle(GEOM_Object)> groupList,
std::list<Handle(GEOM_Field)> fieldList,
const char* author,
const char* fileName,
const char* shapeFileName );
bool importXAO( const char* fileName,
const std::string& theXML,
Handle(GEOM_Object)& shape,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& subShapes,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& groups,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& fields );
void importSubShapes( XAO::Geometry* xaoGeometry,
Handle(GEOM_Function) function,
int shapeType,
@ -49,14 +49,14 @@ XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::~XAOPlugin_IOperations_i()
* Export a shape to XAO format
* Export a shape to XAO format file
* \param shape The shape to export
* \param groups The list of groups to export
* \param fields The list of fields to export
* \param author The author of the export
* \param fileName The name of the exported file
* \param shapeFileName If not empty, save to shape to this external file
* \return boolean indicating if export was succeful.
* \param shapeFileName If not empty, save the BREP shape to this external file
* \return boolean indicating if export was successful.
CORBA::Boolean XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::ExportXAO( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape,
@ -66,12 +66,63 @@ CORBA::Boolean XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::ExportXAO( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape,
const char* fileName,
const char* shapeFileName)
bool isGood = false;
exportXAO( shape, groups, fields, author, true, fileName, shapeFileName );
return IsDone();
* Export a shape to XAO format buffer
* \param shape The shape to export
* \param groups The list of groups to export
* \param fields The list of fields to export
* \param author The author of the export
* \return The output buffer
SALOMEDS::TMPFile* XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::ExportXAOMem( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& groups,
const GEOM::ListOfFields& fields,
const char* author )
std::string anXMLBuf = exportXAO( shape, groups, fields, author, false, "", "" );
int size = anXMLBuf.size();
CORBA::Octet* OctetBuf = SALOMEDS::TMPFile::allocbuf(size);
memcpy(OctetBuf, anXMLBuf.c_str(), size);
SALOMEDS::TMPFile_var SeqFile = new SALOMEDS::TMPFile (size,size,OctetBuf,1);
return SeqFile._retn();
* Export a shape to XAO format
* \param shape The shape to export
* \param groups The list of groups to export
* \param fields The list of fields to export
* \param author The author of the export
* \param toFile Export to file if true, otherwise export to memory buffer (the returned string)
* \param fileName The name of the exported file
* \param shapeFileName If not empty, save the BREP shape to this external file
* \return string The exported buffer if toFile=false, otherwise an empty string
std::string XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::exportXAO( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& groups,
const GEOM::ListOfFields& fields,
const char* author,
const bool toFile,
const char* fileName,
const char* shapeFileName)
std::string anXMLBuff;
// Set a not done flag
// Get the reference shape
Handle(GEOM_Object) reference = GetObjectImpl( shape );
if( reference.IsNull() )
return anXMLBuff;
// Get the reference groups
CORBA::ULong ind = 0;
@ -79,7 +130,7 @@ CORBA::Boolean XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::ExportXAO( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape,
for (; ind < groups.length(); ind++)
Handle(GEOM_Object) gobj = GetObjectImpl( groups[ind] );
if (gobj.IsNull()) return false;
if (gobj.IsNull()) return anXMLBuff;
@ -89,17 +140,21 @@ CORBA::Boolean XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::ExportXAO( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape,
for( ; ind < fields.length(); ind++ )
Handle(GEOM_Field) fobj = Handle(GEOM_Field)::DownCast( GetBaseObjectImpl( fields[ind] ) );
if( fobj.IsNull() ) return false;
if( fobj.IsNull() ) return anXMLBuff;
if( !reference.IsNull() )
if ( toFile )
// Export XAO
isGood = GetOperations()->ExportXAO( reference, groupsObj, fieldsObj, author, fileName, shapeFileName );
GetOperations()->ExportXAO( reference, groupsObj, fieldsObj, author, fileName, shapeFileName );
anXMLBuff = GetOperations()->ExportXAOMem( reference, groupsObj, fieldsObj, author );
return isGood;
return anXMLBuff;
@ -110,7 +165,7 @@ CORBA::Boolean XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::ExportXAO( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape,
* \param subShapes The list of imported subShapes
* \param groups The list of imported groups
* \param fields The list of imported fields
* \return boolean indicating if import was succeful.
* \return boolean indicating if import was successful.
CORBA::Boolean XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::ImportXAO( const char* fileName,
@ -118,6 +173,53 @@ CORBA::Boolean XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::ImportXAO( const char* fileName,
GEOM::ListOfGO_out subShapes,
GEOM::ListOfGO_out groups,
GEOM::ListOfFields_out fields)
SALOMEDS::TMPFile_var aBuff;
importXAO( true, fileName, aBuff, shape, subShapes, groups, fields);
return IsDone();
* Import a shape from XAO format memory buffer
* \param fileName The name of the file to import
* \param shape The imported shape
* \param subShapes The list of imported subShapes
* \param groups The list of imported groups
* \param fields The list of imported fields
* \return boolean indicating if import was successful.
CORBA::Boolean XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::ImportXAOMem( const SALOMEDS::TMPFile& theBuff,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_out shape,
GEOM::ListOfGO_out subShapes,
GEOM::ListOfGO_out groups,
GEOM::ListOfFields_out fields)
importXAO( false, NULL, theBuff, shape, subShapes, groups, fields);
return IsDone();
* Import a shape from XAO format
* \param isFile Boolean flag to switch between import from file or from buffer
* \param fileName The name of the file to import from if isFile=true
* \param theBuff The buffer to import from if isFile=false
* \param shape The imported shape
* \param subShapes The list of imported subShapes
* \param groups The list of imported groups
* \param fields The list of imported fields
* \return boolean indicating if import was successful.
CORBA::Boolean XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::importXAO( const bool isFile,
const char* fileName,
const SALOMEDS::TMPFile& theBuff,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_out shape,
GEOM::ListOfGO_out subShapes,
GEOM::ListOfGO_out groups,
GEOM::ListOfFields_out fields)
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var vshape;
shape = vshape._retn();
@ -133,9 +235,21 @@ CORBA::Boolean XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::ImportXAO( const char* fileName,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) importedGroups = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient();
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) importedFields = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient();
Handle(GEOM_Object) hshape;
bool res = GetOperations()->ImportXAO( fileName, hshape, importedSubShapes, importedGroups, importedFields );
if( !GetOperations()->IsDone() || !res )
if (isFile) {
GetOperations()->ImportXAO( fileName, hshape, importedSubShapes, importedGroups, importedFields );
else {
if (theBuff.length() < 1)
return false;
char* buf = (char*)theBuff.NP_data();
//std::string anXMLBuff (buf); // works wrongly
std::string anXMLBuff (buf, theBuff.length());
GetOperations()->ImportXAOMem( anXMLBuff, hshape, importedSubShapes, importedGroups, importedFields );
if( !GetOperations()->IsDone() )
return false;
// parse fields
@ -165,7 +279,7 @@ CORBA::Boolean XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::ImportXAO( const char* fileName,
shape = GetObject( hshape );
return res;
return IsDone();
XAOPlugin_IOperations* XAOPlugin_IOperations_i::GetOperations()
@ -50,13 +50,41 @@ public:
const char* fileName,
const char* shapeFileName );
SALOMEDS::TMPFile* ExportXAOMem( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& groups,
const GEOM::ListOfFields& fields,
const char* author );
CORBA::Boolean ImportXAO( const char* fileName,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_out shape,
GEOM::ListOfGO_out subShapes,
GEOM::ListOfGO_out groups,
GEOM::ListOfFields_out fields );
CORBA::Boolean ImportXAOMem( const SALOMEDS::TMPFile& theBuff,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_out shape,
GEOM::ListOfGO_out subShapes,
GEOM::ListOfGO_out groups,
GEOM::ListOfFields_out fields );
XAOPlugin_IOperations* GetOperations();
std::string exportXAO( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr shape,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& groups,
const GEOM::ListOfFields& fields,
const char* author,
const bool toFile,
const char* fileName,
const char* shapeFileName );
CORBA::Boolean importXAO( const bool isFile,
const char* fileName,
const SALOMEDS::TMPFile& theBuff,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_out shape,
GEOM::ListOfGO_out subShapes,
GEOM::ListOfGO_out groups,
GEOM::ListOfFields_out fields );
Reference in New Issue
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