diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1e3f5a26 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. + + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. + + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. + + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. + + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries + + If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that +everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting +redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the +ordinary General Public License). + + To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is +safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the +"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the + library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. + + , 1 April 1990 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +That's all there is to it! + + diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/doc/Makefile.in b/Makefile.am similarity index 55% rename from doc/Makefile.in rename to Makefile.am index af9e2aae5..b92e7ddb0 100644 --- a/doc/Makefile.in +++ b/Makefile.am @@ -17,54 +17,35 @@ # # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # - # -* Makefile *- # # Author : Patrick GOLDBRONN (CEA) -# Date : 30/11/2001 -# $Header$ +# Date : 28/06/2001 +# Modified by : Alexander BORODIN (OCN) - autotools usage # -# source path -top_srcdir=@top_srcdir@ -top_builddir=.. -srcdir=@srcdir@ -VPATH=.:@srcdir@ -SUBDIRS= salome +include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am -@COMMENCE@ +SUBDIRS = idl adm_local resources src doc bin -docs: - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ - done +DIST_SUBDIRS = idl adm_local resources src doc bin + +DISTCLEANFILES = a.out aclocal.m4 configure + +salomeinclude_DATA=GEOM_version.h + +EXTRA_DIST+= \ + build_configure \ + clean_configure \ + LICENCE + +dist-hook: + rm -rf `find $(distdir) -name CVS` usr_docs: - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ - done + (cd doc && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) usr_docs) + +docs:usr_docs dev_docs: - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ - done - -clean: - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ - done - -distclean: clean - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ - done - -install: - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ - done - -uninstall: - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ - done + (cd doc && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) dev_docs) diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/adm_local/Makefile.am b/adm_local/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7ae83a6fc --- /dev/null +++ b/adm_local/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2005 OPEN CASCADE, CEA, EDF R&D, LEG +# PRINCIPIA R&D, EADS CCR, Lip6, BV, CEDRAT +# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +# version 2.1 of the License. +# +# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# Lesser General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +# +# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com +# +SUBDIRS = unix diff --git a/adm_local/unix/Makefile.am b/adm_local/unix/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 000000000..facd4e6f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/adm_local/unix/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2005 OPEN CASCADE, CEA, EDF R&D, LEG +# PRINCIPIA R&D, EADS CCR, Lip6, BV, CEDRAT +# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +# version 2.1 of the License. +# +# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# Lesser General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +# +# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com +# + +include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am + +SUBDIRS = config_files diff --git a/adm_local/unix/config_files/Makefile.am b/adm_local/unix/config_files/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5dd0b63ae --- /dev/null +++ b/adm_local/unix/config_files/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2005 OPEN CASCADE, CEA, EDF R&D, LEG +# PRINCIPIA R&D, EADS CCR, Lip6, BV, CEDRAT +# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +# version 2.1 of the License. +# +# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# Lesser General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +# +# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com +# +include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am + +dist_admlocalm4_DATA=\ +check_GEOM.m4\ +README diff --git a/adm_local/unix/config_files/check_GEOM.m4 b/adm_local/unix/config_files/check_GEOM.m4 index c4ce644f7..1c4b2df93 100644 --- a/adm_local/unix/config_files/check_GEOM.m4 +++ b/adm_local/unix/config_files/check_GEOM.m4 @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ if test "x$GEOM_DIR" == "x" ; then # fi -if test -f ${GEOM_DIR}/bin/salome/libGEOM_Swig.py ; then +if test -f ${GEOM_DIR}/bin/salome/geompy.py ; then Geom_ok=yes AC_MSG_RESULT(Using Geom module distribution in ${GEOM_DIR}) diff --git a/adm_local/unix/make_commence.in b/adm_local/unix/make_commence.in deleted file mode 100644 index 8805b6d6d..000000000 --- a/adm_local/unix/make_commence.in +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ -# common directories to put headerfiles -inc_builddir=$(top_builddir)/include/salome - -@SET_MAKE@ -SHELL=/bin/sh - -# header missing - -HAVE_SSTREAM=@HAVE_SSTREAM@ - - -LIBS=@LIBS@ -LDFLAGS=@LDFLAGS@ -L$(top_builddir)/lib@LIB_LOCATION_SUFFIX@/salome -Xlinker -rpath-link -Xlinker -# add libstdc++ to link c++ library with libtool ! -LDFLAGS+= -lstdc++ - -CP=@CP@ - -# CPP - -CPP=@CPP@ -CXXCPP=@CXXCPP@ -CPPFLAGS=@CPPFLAGS@ -I$(inc_builddir) -I$(srcdir) -I. - -# C - -CC = @CC@ -CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ -C_DEPEND_FLAG = @C_DEPEND_FLAG@ - -# C++ - -CXX = @CXX@ -CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ -CXX_DEPEND_FLAG = @CXX_DEPEND_FLAG@ - -# BOOST Library - -BOOST_CPPFLAGS = @BOOST_CPPFLAGS@ - -# JAVA - -JAVA_INCLUDES = @JAVA_INCLUDES@ -JAVA_LIBS = @JAVA_LIBS@ -JAVA_LDPATH = @JAVA_LDPATH@ - -# PYTHON - -PYTHON = @PYTHON@ -PYTHONHOME = @PYTHONHOME@ -PYTHON_INCLUDES = @PYTHON_INCLUDES@ -PYTHON_LIBS = @PYTHON_LIBS@ -PYTHON_VERSION = @PYTHON_VERSION@ -PYTHON_SITE = $(prefix)/lib@LIB_LOCATION_SUFFIX@/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages -PYTHON_SITE_INSTALL = $(prefix)/lib@LIB_LOCATION_SUFFIX@/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages/salome -# QT - -QT_ROOT = @QT_ROOT@ -QT_INCLUDES = @QT_INCLUDES@ -QT_MT_INCLUDES = @QT_INCLUDES@ -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -QT_LIBS = @QT_LIBS@ -QT_MT_LIBS = @QT_MT_LIBS@ - -MOC = @MOC@ -UIC = @UIC@ - -MSG2QM = @MSG2QM@ - -#QWT - -QWT_INCLUDES=@QWT_INCLUDES@ -QWT_LIBS=@QWT_LIBS@ - -# SIP -SIP = @SIP@ -SIP_INCLUDES = @SIP_INCLUDES@ -SIP_LIBS = @SIP_LIBS@ - -# PYQT -PYQT_SIPS = @PYQT_SIPS@ -PYQT_LIBS = @PYQT_LIBS@ - -# openGL -OGL_INCLUDES=@OGL_INCLUDES@ -OGL_LIBS=@OGL_LIBS@ - -# VTK -VTK_INCLUDES=@VTK_INCLUDES@ -VTK_LIBS=@VTK_LIBS@ - -# HDF5 - -HDF5_INCLUDES=@HDF5_INCLUDES@ -HDF5_LIBS=@HDF5_LIBS@ -HDF5_MT_LIBS=@HDF5_MT_LIBS@ - -# OpenCasCade - -OCC_INCLUDES=@CAS_CPPFLAGS@ -OCC_CXXFLAGS=@CAS_CXXFLAGS@ - -CAS_KERNEL=@CAS_KERNEL@ -CAS_MATH=@CAS_MATH@ -CAS_OCAF=@CAS_OCAF@ -CAS_OCAFVIS=@CAS_OCAFVIS@ -CAS_TKTopAlgo=@CAS_TKTopAlgo@ -CAS_VIEWER=@CAS_VIEWER@ -CAS_MODELER=@CAS_MODELER@ -CAS_DATAEXCHANGE=@CAS_DATAEXCHANGE@ -CAS_LDPATH=@CAS_LDPATH@ -# MPICH - -MPICH_INCLUDES=@MPICH_INCLUDES@ -MPICH_LIBS=@MPICH_LIBS@ - -# Swig C++ Python - -SWIG = @SWIG@ -SWIG_FLAGS = @SWIG_FLAGS@ -I$(inc_builddir) -I$(srcdir) -I. - -# OMNIORB - -OMNIORB_ROOT = @OMNIORB_ROOT@ -OMNIORB_INCLUDES = @OMNIORB_INCLUDES@ -OMNIORB_LIBS = @OMNIORB_LIBS@ -OMNIORB_CXXFLAGS = @OMNIORB_CXXFLAGS@ - -OMNIORB_IDL = @OMNIORB_IDL@ -OMNIORB_IDLCXXFLAGS = @OMNIORB_IDLCXXFLAGS@ -OMNIORB_IDLPYFLAGS = @OMNIORB_IDLPYFLAGS@ -I$(top_srcdir)/idl -I$(KERNEL_ROOT_DIR)/idl/salome - -OMNIORB_IDL_CLN_H = @OMNIORB_IDL_CLN_H@ -OMNIORB_IDL_CLN_CXX = @OMNIORB_IDL_CLN_CXX@ -OMNIORB_IDL_CLN_OBJ = @OMNIORB_IDL_CLN_OBJ@ - -OMNIORB_IDL_SRV_H = @OMNIORB_IDL_SRV_H@ -OMNIORB_IDL_SRV_CXX = @OMNIORB_IDL_SRV_CXX@ -OMNIORB_IDL_SRV_OBJ = @OMNIORB_IDL_SRV_OBJ@ - -# Default ORB - -CORBA_ROOT = @CORBA_ROOT@ -CORBA_INCLUDES = @CORBA_INCLUDES@ -CORBA_LIBS = @CORBA_LIBS@ -CORBA_CXXFLAGS = @CORBA_CXXFLAGS@ - -IDLCXXFLAGS = -bcxx @IDLCXXFLAGS@ -I$(top_srcdir)/idl -I$(KERNEL_ROOT_DIR)/idl/salome -IDLPYFLAGS = @IDLPYFLAGS@ - -IDL = @IDL@ - -IDL_CLN_H = @IDL_CLN_H@ -IDL_CLN_CXX = @IDL_CLN_CXX@ -IDL_CLN_OBJ = @IDL_CLN_OBJ@ - -IDL_SRV_H = @IDL_SRV_H@ -IDL_SRV_CXX = @IDL_SRV_CXX@ -IDL_SRV_OBJ = @IDL_SRV_OBJ@ - -CPPFLAGS+= $(CORBA_INCLUDES) -CXXFLAGS+= $(CORBA_CXXFLAGS) - -# add corba libs when link salome application ! -#LDFLAGS+= $(CORBA_LIBS) -LIBS+=$(CORBA_LIBS) - -DOXYGEN = @DOXYGEN@ -DOXYGEN_WITH_PYTHON = @DOXYGEN_WITH_PYTHON@ -DOXYGEN_WITH_STL = @DOXYGEN_WITH_STL@ - -## Shared libraries -LT_STATIC_EXEC=@LT_STATIC_EXEC@ -DYNAMIC_DIRS=@DYNAMIC_DIRS@ -LT_LIB=libtool -LT=$(top_builddir)/libtool -LT_COMPILE=$(LT) --mode=compile $(CC) -LT_LINK_LIB=$(LT_LIB) --mode=link $(CC) -rpath $(libdir) -LT_LINK_EXE=$(LT) --mode=link $(CC) $(LT_STATIC_EXEC) -dlopen self -rpath $(bindir) $(DYNAMIC_DIRS) -LT_RUN=$(LT) --mode=execute -LT_INSTALL_PROG=$(LT) --mode=install $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -LT_INSTALL_LIB=$(LT) --mode=install $(INSTALL_DATA) -LT_UNINSTALL=$(LT) --mode=uninstall $(RM) - -INSTALL=@INSTALL@ -INSTALL_PROGRAM=@INSTALL_PROGRAM@ -INSTALL_DATA=@INSTALL_DATA@ - -# create a symbolic link (or a copie ?) -LN_S=@LN_S@ - -KERNEL_ROOT_DIR=@KERNEL_ROOT_DIR@ -KERNEL_SITE_DIR=@KERNEL_SITE_DIR@ -KERNEL_LDFLAGS=@KERNEL_LDFLAGS@ -KERNEL_CXXFLAGS=@KERNEL_CXXFLAGS@ - -GUI_ROOT_DIR=@GUI_ROOT_DIR@ -GUI_LDFLAGS=@GUI_LDFLAGS@ -GUI_CXXFLAGS=@GUI_CXXFLAGS@ - -## Installation points -prefix=@prefix@ -exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@ -bindir=@exec_prefix@/bin/salome -libdir=@exec_prefix@/lib@LIB_LOCATION_SUFFIX@/salome -# warning : if user give this path in configure we could have salome/salome :-( -includedir=@includedir@/salome -datadir=@datadir@/salome -idldir=${prefix}/idl/salome -sharedpydir=@exec_prefix@/lib@LIB_LOCATION_SUFFIX@/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages/salome/shared_modules -incmakedir=${prefix}/salome_adm/unix - -docdir=${prefix}/doc/salome - -# -# begin of package rules -# - -.PHONY: all lib bin inc resources data docs tests install uninstall dep depend depend_idl cleandep mostlyclean clean distclean - -.SUFFIXES: .cxx .cc .c .f .o .lo .idl .py .i .ui .po .qm - -all: - $(MAKE) inc - $(MAKE) depend_idl - $(MAKE) depend - $(MAKE) lib - $(MAKE) bin - $(MAKE) resources - -# -# add target to build administrative files -# - -Makefile: $(top_builddir)/config.status $(srcdir)/Makefile.in - cd $(top_builddir) ; ./config.status - -LOCAL_MAKE = make_commence make_omniorb - -KERNEL_MAKE = make_module make_conclude depend SALOMEconfig.h F77config.h sstream envScript - -$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure \ - $(LOCAL_MAKE:%=$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/%.in) \ - $(KERNEL_MAKE:%=$(KERNEL_ROOT_DIR)/salome_adm/unix/%.in) - cd $(top_builddir) ; ./config.status --recheck - -# VPATH contain $(srcdir), so make configure is good in top_srcdir and we must add target configure otherwise :-) -ifneq ($(top_srcdir),$(srcdir)) -configure: $(top_srcdir)/configure -endif - -$(top_srcdir)/configure: $(top_srcdir)/configure.in $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 - cd $(top_srcdir) ; autoconf - -$(top_srcdir)/configure.in: $(top_srcdir)/configure.in.base - cd $(top_srcdir) && ./build_configure - - -ACLOCAL_KERNEL = \ -ac_cxx_bool.m4 check_corba.m4 \ -ac_cxx_depend_flag.m4 check_hdf5.m4 enable_pthreads.m4 \ -ac_cxx_mutable.m4 check_mico.m4 libtool.m4 \ -ac_cxx_namespaces.m4 check_omniorb.m4 pyembed.m4 \ -ac_cxx_partial_specialization.m4 python.m4 \ -ac_cxx_typename.m4 check_pthreads.m4 check_cas.m4 \ -ac_cc_warnings.m4 check_swig.m4 - -ACLOCAL_GUI = \ -check_vtk.m4 check_opengl.m4 check_qt.m4 \ -check_GUI.m4 check_corba_in_GUI.m4 - -$(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4: $(ACLOCAL_KERNEL:%=@KERNEL_ROOT_DIR@/salome_adm/unix/config_files/%) \ - $(ACLOCAL_GUI:%=@GUI_ROOT_DIR@/adm_local/unix/config_files/%) - cd $(top_srcdir) ; aclocal -I adm_local/unix/config_files -I @KERNEL_ROOT_DIR@/salome_adm/unix/config_files \ - -I @GUI_ROOT_DIR@/adm_local/unix/config_files diff --git a/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am b/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am new file mode 100644 index 000000000..533941331 --- /dev/null +++ b/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# +# ============================================================ +# This file defines the common definitions used in several +# Makefile. This file must be included, if needed, by the file +# Makefile.am. +# ============================================================ +# + +# Standard directory for installation +salomeincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +libdir = $(prefix)/lib@LIB_LOCATION_SUFFIX@/@PACKAGE@ +bindir = $(prefix)/bin/@PACKAGE@ +salomescriptdir = $(bindir) + +# Directory for installing idl files +salomeidldir = $(prefix)/idl/@PACKAGE@ + +# Directory for installing resource files +salomeresdir = $(prefix)/share/@PACKAGE@/resources/@MODULE_NAME@ + +# Directories for installing admin files +admlocaldir = $(prefix)/adm_local +admlocalunixdir = $(admlocaldir)/unix +admlocalm4dir = $(admlocaldir)/unix/config_files + +# Shared modules installation directory +sharedpkgpythondir =$(pkgpythondir)/shared_modules + +# Documentation directory +docdir = $(datadir)/doc/@PACKAGE@ + +# common rules + +# moc-files generation +%_moc.cxx: %.h + $(MOC) $< -o $@ + +# qm-files generation +%.qm: %.po + $(MSG2QM) $< $@ + +EXTRA_DIST=$(MOC_FILES:%_moc.cxx=%.h) $(nodist_salomeres_DATA:%.qm=%.po) + +mostlyclean-local: + rm -f @builddir@/*_moc.cxx + rm -f @builddir@/*.qm + +# tests +tests: unittest + +unittest: $(UNIT_TEST_PROG) + @if test "x$(UNIT_TEST_PROG)" != "x"; then \ + $(UNIT_TEST_PROG); \ + fi; diff --git a/adm_local/unix/make_omniorb.in b/adm_local/unix/make_omniorb.in deleted file mode 100644 index aace887c0..000000000 --- a/adm_local/unix/make_omniorb.in +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -#======================================================================= -# Begin specific part to omniorb -# (include from file adm/unix/make_omniorb generated by -# adm/unix/make_omniorb.in) -#======================================================================= -# -* Makefile *- -# -# Author : Patrick GOLDBRONN (CEA) -# Date : 29/06/2001 -# $Header$ -# - -# Client and server object are the same with omniorb -# There are one header file and one source file generate - -#IDLOBJ=$(IDLSRC:%.idl=%$(IDL_CLN_OBJ)) - -# dependancies between idl and it's generated files -%$(OMNIORB_IDL_CLN_CXX) %$(OMNIORB_IDL_CLN_H): ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/idl/salome/%.idl - $(OMNIORB_IDL) $(IDLCXXFLAGS) $(OMNIORB_IDLCXXFLAGS) $< - -%$(OMNIORB_IDL_CLN_CXX) %$(OMNIORB_IDL_CLN_H): ${GUI_ROOT_DIR}/idl/salome/%.idl - $(OMNIORB_IDL) $(IDLCXXFLAGS) $(OMNIORB_IDLCXXFLAGS) $< - -%$(OMNIORB_IDL_CLN_CXX) %$(OMNIORB_IDL_CLN_H): ${top_srcdir}/idl/%.idl - $(OMNIORB_IDL) $(IDLCXXFLAGS) $(OMNIORB_IDLCXXFLAGS) $< - -# dependncies between idl files -depend_idl: .depidl - -# we use cpp to generate dependencies between idl files. -# we change cpp output to keep only idl file and transform it to get a suitable rule -.depidl: $(IDL_FILES) - @touch $@ - @for dep in $? dummy; do \ - if [ $$dep != "dummy" ]; then \ - echo Building dependencies for $$dep; \ - basedep=`basename $$dep .idl`; \ - header="$$basedep"$(IDL_CLN_H); \ - sed '\%^'"$$header"':%,\%[^\\]$$%d' <$@ >$@- && mv $@- $@; \ - $(CPP) $(C_DEPEND_FLAG) -I$(srcdir) $$dep 2>/dev/null | \ - sed `echo "s%$$basedep\\.idl%$$header:%g"` | \ - sed 's% $(srcdir)/% %g' | \ - sed 's% $(top_srcdir)/% %g' | \ - sed 's% $(top_builddir)/% %g' | \ - sed 's%^.*:\.o: *%%' | sed 's%^ *\\ *%%'| sed 's%^ *\(.*\):%\1:%' | \ - sed 's/\.idl/$(IDL_CLN_H)/' >>$@; \ - echo '' >>$@; \ - fi; \ - done ; - --include .depidl - -#======================================================================= -# End specific part to omniorb -#======================================================================= diff --git a/bin/Makefile.am b/bin/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7f7da1ce --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2005 OPEN CASCADE, CEA, EDF R&D, LEG +# PRINCIPIA R&D, EADS CCR, Lip6, BV, CEDRAT +# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +# version 2.1 of the License. +# +# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# Lesser General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +# +# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com +# -* Makefile *- +# +# Author : Guillaume Boulant (CSSI) +# Module : GEOM +# + +include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am + +# +# =============================================================== +# Files to be installed +# =============================================================== +# + +# These files are data, module or lib files +nodist_salomescript_DATA= VERSION + +EXTRA_DIST+= VERSION.in diff --git a/build_configure b/build_configure index 7e516789c..27672f14d 100755 --- a/build_configure +++ b/build_configure @@ -6,11 +6,15 @@ # # Author : Marc Tajchman - CEA # Date : 10/10/2002 +# Modified by : Alexander BORODIN (OCN) - autotools usage # $Header$ # +# 13/03/2007: Alexander BORODIN - OCN +# Reorganization for usage of autotools ORIG_DIR=`pwd` CONF_DIR=`echo $0 | sed -e "s,[^/]*$,,;s,/$,,;s,^$,.,"` +GEOM_WITH_GUI="yes" ######################################################################## # Test if the KERNEL_ROOT_DIR is set correctly @@ -25,199 +29,106 @@ fi # echo "failed : KERNEL_SRC variable is not correct !" # exit #fi + +for option +do + case $option in + -with-ihm | --with-ihm) + GEOM_WITH_GUI="yes" + break;; + -without-ihm | --without-ihm | -with-ihm=no | --with-ihm=no) + GEOM_WITH_GUI="no" + break;; + esac +done + ######################################################################## # Test if the GUI_ROOT_DIR is set correctly -if test ! -d "${GUI_ROOT_DIR}"; then - echo "failed : GUI_ROOT_DIR variable is not correct !" - exit +if test ${GEOM_WITH_GUI} = yes; then + if test ! -d "${GUI_ROOT_DIR}"; then + echo "failed : GUI_ROOT_DIR variable is not correct !" + exit + fi fi -######################################################################## -# find_in - utility function -# -# usage : -# find_in directory filename -# -# Finds files following the *.in pattern, recursively in the -# directory (first argument). -# Results are appended into the file (second argument) -# -# Difference from the standard unix find is that files are tested -# before directories -# - -find_in() -{ - local i - local f=$2 - -# if the first argument is not a directory, returns - - if [ ! -d "$1" ] ; then - return - fi - -# dont look in the CVS directories - - case $1 in - */CVS) return ;; - */adm_local/*) return ;; - *) ;; - esac - -# for each regular file contained in the directory -# test if it's a .in file - - for i in "$1"/* - do - if [ -f "$i" ] ; then - case $i in - *.in) echo " "$i" \\" >> $f;; - *) ;; - esac - fi - done - -# for each subdirectory of the first argument, proceeds recursively - - for i in "$1"/* - do - if [ -d "$i" ] ; then - find_in "$i" "$f" - fi - done -} - - -####################################################################### -# Generate list of .in files (Makefile.in, config.h.in, etc) -# appending it in file configure.in - cd ${CONF_DIR} ABS_CONF_DIR=`pwd` -# -# Common part of the configure.in file -# -chmod u+w configure.in.base -if ! \cp -f configure.in.base configure.in_tmp1 -then - echo - echo "error : can't create files in" ${CONF_DIR} - echo "aborting ..." - chmod u-w configure.in.base - exit -fi -chmod u-w configure.in.base +####################################################################### +# Update configure.ac script: to set NETGENPLUGIN_WITH_GUI variable +sed -e s/GEOM_WITH_GUI=[a-z]*/GEOM_WITH_GUI=${GEOM_WITH_GUI}/g configure.ac > configure.tmp +mv -f configure.tmp configure.ac -if [ -e "${CONF_DIR}/salome_adm" ] ; then - \rm -f ${CONF_DIR}/salome_adm -fi +mkdir -p salome_adm/unix/config_files +#cp -f ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/salome_adm/unix/config_files/* salome_adm/unix/config_files +#cp -f ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/salome_adm/unix/pythonbe.py salome_adm/unix -# make a link allowing AC_OUTPUT to find the salome_adm/.../*.in files -echo "" >> configure.in_tmp1 -echo 'ln -fs ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/salome_adm ${ROOT_SRCDIR}/.' >> configure.in_tmp1 +cp -f ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/salome_adm/unix/SALOMEconfig.h.in salome_adm/unix -echo "" >> configure.in_tmp1 -echo "AC_OUTPUT([ \\" >> configure.in_tmp1 +#cp -f ${GUI_ROOT_DIR}/adm_local/unix/config_files/* salome_adm/unix/config_files -# -# List of .in files in the adm/unix directory -# These files MUST be on top of AC_OUTPUT list so we -# put them "manually" -# +# remove KERNEL deprecated configure files +#for deprecated in ac_cc_warnings.m4 ac_cxx_partial_specialization.m4 \ +# check_mico.m4 config.guess ltmain.sh ac_cxx_bool.m4 ltconfig ac_cxx_typename.m4 \ +# check_pthreads.m4 config.sub libtool.m4 ac_cxx_mutable.m4 missing +# do +# rm -f salome_adm/unix/config_files/${deprecated} +# done + -echo " ./salome_adm/unix/SALOMEconfig.h \\" >> configure.in_tmp1 -echo " ./salome_adm/unix/F77config.h \\" >> configure.in_tmp1 -echo " ./salome_adm/unix/sstream \\" >> configure.in_tmp1 -echo " ./salome_adm/unix/depend \\" >> configure.in_tmp1 -echo " ./adm_local/unix/make_omniorb:${ABS_CONF_DIR}/adm_local/unix/make_omniorb.in \\" >> configure.in_tmp1 -echo " ./salome_adm/unix/envScript \\" >> configure.in_tmp1 -echo " ./adm_local/unix/make_commence:${ABS_CONF_DIR}/adm_local/unix/make_commence.in \\" >> configure.in_tmp1 -echo " ./salome_adm/unix/make_conclude \\" >> configure.in_tmp1 -echo " ./salome_adm/unix/make_module \\" >> configure.in_tmp1 +# ____________________________________________________________________ +# aclocal creates the aclocal.m4 file from the standard macro and the +# custom macro embedded in the directory salome_adm/unix/config_files +# and KERNEL config_files directory. +# output: +# aclocal.m4 +# autom4te.cache (directory) +echo "====================================================== aclocal" -\rm -f configure.in_tmp2 configure.in_tmp3 -touch configure.in_tmp2 -find_in . configure.in_tmp2 -sed -e '/^...salome_adm/d' configure.in_tmp2 > configure.in_tmp3 -sed -e '/^...adm_local.unix.make_omniorb/d' configure.in_tmp3 > configure.in_tmp2 -sed -e '/^...adm_local.unix.make_commence/d' configure.in_tmp2 > configure.in_tmp3 -sed -e '/configure.in/d' configure.in_tmp3 > configure.in_tmp2 -sed -e 's/.in / /' configure.in_tmp2 >> configure.in_tmp1 -#sed '/^.salome_adm/d' configure.in_tmp2 > configure.in_tmp3 -#sed '/configure.in/d' configure.in_tmp3 > configure.in_tmp2 -#sed 's/.in / /' configure.in_tmp2 >> configure.in_tmp1 - -echo "])" >> configure.in_tmp1 - -# delete the link created for AC_OUTPUT -echo "" >> configure.in_tmp1 -#echo 'rm -f ${ROOT_SRCDIR}/salome_adm' >> configure.in_tmp1 -\mv configure.in_tmp1 configure.in_new -\rm -f configure.in_tmp2 configure.in_tmp3 - - -######################################################################## -# Create new (or replace old) configure.in file -# Print a message if the file is write protected -# - -echo -if test ! -f configure.in -then - echo -n "Creating new file 'configure.in' ... " - if \mv configure.in_new configure.in >& /dev/null - then - echo "done" - else - echo "error, check your file permissions" - fi +if test ${GEOM_WITH_GUI} = yes; then + aclocal -I adm_local/unix/config_files \ + -I ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/salome_adm/unix/config_files \ + -I ${GUI_ROOT_DIR}/adm_local/unix/config_files || exit 1 else - echo -n "Updating 'configure.in' file ... " - if ! \cp configure.in configure.in_old >& /dev/null - then - echo - echo - echo "Can't backup previous configure.in" - echo -n "Continue (you will not be able to revert) - (Y/N) ? " - read R - case "x$R" in - xn*) exit;; - xN*) exit;; - esac - echo - echo -n " " - fi - if \cp configure.in_new configure.in >& /dev/null - then - echo "done" - else - echo - echo "error, can't update previous configure.in" - fi + aclocal -I adm_local/unix/config_files \ + -I ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/salome_adm/unix/config_files || exit 1 fi -######################################################################## -# Use autoconf to rebuild the configure script -# +# ____________________________________________________________________ +# libtoolize creates some configuration files (ltmain.sh, +# config.guess and config.sub). It only depends on the libtool +# version. The files are created in the directory specified with the +# AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR() tag (see configure.ac). +# output: +# salome_adm/unix/config_files/config.guess +# salome_adm/unix/config_files/config.sub +# salome_adm/unix/config_files/ltmain.sh +#echo "====================================================== libtoolize" -if test -f configure -then - echo -n "Updating 'configure' script ... " -else - echo -n "Creating 'configure' script ... " -fi +libtoolize --force --copy --automake || exit 1 -aclocal -I adm_local/unix/config_files -I ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/salome_adm/unix/config_files \ - -I ${GUI_ROOT_DIR}/adm_local/unix/config_files -if autoconf -then - echo "done" -else - echo "failed (check file permissions and/or user quotas ...)" -fi +# ____________________________________________________________________ +# autoconf creates the configure script from the file configure.ac (or +# configure.in if configure.ac doesn't exist) +# output: +# configure +echo "====================================================== autoconf" -cd ${ORIG_DIR} +autoconf -echo +# ____________________________________________________________________ +# automake creates some scripts used in building process +# (install-sh, missing, ...). It only depends on the automake +# version. The files are created in the directory specified with the +# AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR() tag (see configure.ac). This step also +# creates the Makefile.in files from the Makefile.am files. +# output: +# salome_adm/unix/config_files/compile +# salome_adm/unix/config_files/depcomp +# salome_adm/unix/config_files/install-sh +# salome_adm/unix/config_files/missing +# salome_adm/unix/config_files/py-compile +# Makefile.in (from Makefile.am) +echo "====================================================== automake" + +automake --copy --gnu --add-missing diff --git a/configure.in.base b/configure.ac similarity index 55% rename from configure.in.base rename to configure.ac index 1a444a104..45f01b5c8 100644 --- a/configure.in.base +++ b/configure.ac @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ # -# PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY configure.in FILE -# -# ALL CHANGES WILL BE DISCARDED BY THE NEXT -# build_configure COMMAND -# -# CHANGES MUST BE MADE IN configure.in.base FILE -# -# # Author : Marc Tajchman (CEA) # Date : 28/06/2001 # Modified by : Patrick GOLDBRONN (CEA) # Modified by : Marc Tajchman (CEA) +# Modified by : Alexander BORODIN (OCN) - autotools usage # # Created from configure.in.base # -AC_INIT(src) -AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/salome_adm/unix/config_files) +AC_INIT([Salome2 Project GEOM module], [4.1.1], [webmaster.salome@opencascade.com], [salome]) +AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(salome_adm/unix/config_files) AC_CANONICAL_HOST +AC_CANONICAL_TARGET +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE -PACKAGE=salome -AC_SUBST(PACKAGE) - -VERSION=3.2.0 -XVERSION=0x030200 -AC_SUBST(VERSION) +XVERSION=`echo $VERSION | awk -F. '{printf("0x%02x%02x%02x",$1,$2,$3)}'` AC_SUBST(XVERSION) +# set up MODULE_NAME variable for dynamic construction of directories (resources, etc.) +MODULE_NAME=geom +AC_SUBST(MODULE_NAME) + +echo +echo --------------------------------------------- +echo Initialize source and build root directories +echo --------------------------------------------- +echo + dnl dnl Initialize source and build root directories dnl @@ -64,9 +64,14 @@ echo AC_PROG_MAKE_SET AC_PROG_INSTALL -dnl +dnl dnl libtool macro check for CC, LD, NM, LN_S, RANLIB, STRIP + pour les librairies dynamiques ! +echo +echo --------------------------------------------- +echo Coniguring production +echo --------------------------------------------- +echo AC_ENABLE_DEBUG(yes) AC_DISABLE_PRODUCTION @@ -85,7 +90,7 @@ dnl Fix up the INSTALL macro if it s a relative path. We want the dnl full-path to the binary instead. case "$INSTALL" in *install-sh*) - INSTALL='\${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}'/salome_adm/unix/config_files/install-sh + INSTALL='\${ROOT_BUILDDIR}'/salome_adm/unix/config_files/install-sh ;; esac @@ -99,6 +104,8 @@ cc_ok=no dnl inutil car libtool dnl AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CXX +AC_CXX_WARNINGS +AC_CXX_TEMPLATE_OPTIONS AC_DEPEND_FLAG # AC_CC_WARNINGS([ansi]) cc_ok=yes @@ -109,7 +116,7 @@ AC_CHECK_LIB(dl,dlopen) dnl add library libm : AC_CHECK_LIB(m,ceil) -dnl +dnl dnl Well we use sstream which is not in gcc pre-2.95.3 dnl We must test if it exists. If not, add it in include ! dnl @@ -157,6 +164,7 @@ echo testing swig echo --------------------------------------------- echo +AM_PATH_PYTHON(2.3) CHECK_SWIG echo @@ -167,6 +175,7 @@ echo ENABLE_PTHREADS +if test "x${GUI_DISABLE_CORBA}" != "xyes" ; then echo echo --------------------------------------------- echo testing omniORB @@ -190,43 +199,78 @@ echo --------------------------------------------- echo DEFAULT_ORB=omniORB + +echo +echo --------------------------------------------- +echo testing Corba +echo --------------------------------------------- +echo + CHECK_CORBA AC_SUBST_FILE(CORBA) corba=make_$ORB CORBA=adm_local/unix/$corba -echo -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo testing openGL -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo +fi -CHECK_OPENGL +GEOM_WITH_GUI=yes -echo -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo testing QT -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo +AM_CONDITIONAL(GEOM_ENABLE_GUI, [test "${GEOM_WITH_GUI}" = "yes"]) -CHECK_QT +if test "${GEOM_WITH_GUI}" = "yes"; then + echo + echo --------------------------------------------- + echo testing msg2qm + echo --------------------------------------------- + echo -echo -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo testing MSG2QM -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo + CHECK_MSG2QM -CHECK_MSG2QM + echo + echo --------------------------------------------- + echo testing openGL + echo --------------------------------------------- + echo -echo -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo testing VTK -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo + CHECK_OPENGL -CHECK_VTK + echo + echo --------------------------------------------- + echo testing QT + echo --------------------------------------------- + echo + + CHECK_QT + + echo + echo --------------------------------------------- + echo testing VTK + echo --------------------------------------------- + echo + + CHECK_VTK + + echo + echo --------------------------------------------- + echo Testing GUI + echo --------------------------------------------- + echo + + CHECK_SALOME_GUI + + echo + echo --------------------------------------------- + echo Testing full GUI + echo --------------------------------------------- + echo + + CHECK_CORBA_IN_GUI + if test "x${CORBA_IN_GUI}" != "xyes"; then + echo "failed : For configure GEOM module necessary full GUI !" + exit + fi +fi echo echo --------------------------------------------- @@ -260,26 +304,6 @@ echo CHECK_HTML_GENERATORS -echo -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo Testing GUI -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo - -CHECK_SALOME_GUI - -echo -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo Testing full GUI -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo - -CHECK_CORBA_IN_GUI -if test "x${CORBA_IN_GUI}" != "xyes"; then - echo "failed : For configure GEOM module necessary full GUI !" - exit -fi - echo echo --------------------------------------------- echo Testing Kernel @@ -295,7 +319,13 @@ echo --------------------------------------------- echo echo Configure + +if test "${GEOM_WITH_GUI}" = "yes"; then variables="cc_ok lex_yacc_ok python_ok swig_ok threads_ok OpenGL_ok qt_ok vtk_ok hdf5_ok omniORB_ok boost_ok occ_ok doxygen_ok graphviz_ok Kernel_ok" +fi +if test "${GEOM_WITH_GUI}" = "no"; then +variables="cc_ok lex_yacc_ok python_ok swig_ok threads_ok hdf5_ok omniORB_ok boost_ok occ_ok doxygen_ok graphviz_ok Kernel_ok" +fi for var in $variables do @@ -307,15 +337,6 @@ echo echo "Default ORB : $DEFAULT_ORB" echo -dnl generals files which could be included in every makefile - -AC_SUBST_FILE(COMMENCE) COMMENCE=adm_local/unix/make_commence -AC_SUBST_FILE(CONCLUDE) CONCLUDE=salome_adm/unix/make_conclude -AC_SUBST_FILE(MODULE) MODULE=salome_adm/unix/make_module - -dnl les dependences -AC_SUBST_FILE(DEPEND) DEPEND=salome_adm/unix/depend - dnl We don t need to say when we re entering directories if we re using dnl GNU make becuase make does it for us. if test "X$GMAKE" = "Xyes"; then @@ -324,67 +345,10 @@ else AC_SUBST(SETX) SETX="set -x" fi -# make other build directories -for rep in salome_adm adm_local doc bin/salome include/salome lib${LIB_LOCATION_SUFFIX}/salome share/salome/resources idl -do -# if test ! -d $rep ; then -# eval mkdir $rep -# fi - $INSTALL -d $rep -done - -echo -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo copying resource files, shell scripts, and -echo xml files -echo --------------------------------------------- -echo - - -dnl copy resources directories - -#for i in `find $ROOT_SRCDIR -name 'resources' -print` -#do -# local_res=`echo $i | sed -e "s,$ROOT_SRCDIR,.,"` -# local_res_dir=`echo $local_res | sed -e "s,[[^/]]*$,,;s,/$,,;s,^$,.,"` -# mkdir -p $local_res_dir -# cd $local_res_dir -# ln -fs $i -# echo $local_res -# cd $ROOT_BUILDDIR -#done - dnl copy shells and utilities contained in the bin directory -dnl excluding .in files (treated in AC-OUTPUT below) and CVS +dnl excluding .in files (treated in AC-OUTPUT below) and CVS dnl directory -mkdir -p bin/salome -cd bin/salome - -for i in $ROOT_SRCDIR/bin/* -do - local_bin=`echo $i | sed -e "s,$ROOT_SRCDIR,.,"` - case "$local_bin" in - *.in | *~) ;; - ./bin/CVS | ./bin/salome) ;; - *) /usr/bin/install $i .; echo $local_bin ;; - esac -done -cd $ROOT_BUILDDIR - -AC_SUBST_FILE(ENVSCRIPT) ENVSCRIPT=salome_adm/unix/envScript - -dnl copy xml files to the build tree (lib directory) -dnl pourquoi ???? - -#cd lib -#for i in `find $ROOT_SRCDIR -name "*.xml" -print` -#do -# ln -fs $i -# echo `echo $i | sed -e "s,$ROOT_SRCDIR,.,"` -#done -#cd $ROOT_BUILDDIR - echo echo --------------------------------------------- @@ -393,7 +357,72 @@ echo --------------------------------------------- echo AC_OUTPUT_COMMANDS([ \ - chmod +x ./bin/* \ + chmod +x ./bin/*; \ ]) -## do not delete this line +# This list is initiated using autoscan and must be updated manually +# when adding a new file .in to manage. When you execute +# autoscan, the Makefile list is generated in the output file configure.scan. +# This could be helpfull to update de configuration. +AC_OUTPUT([ \ + ./salome_adm/unix/SALOMEconfig.h \ + ./adm_local/Makefile \ + ./adm_local/unix/Makefile \ + ./adm_local/unix/config_files/Makefile \ + ./bin/VERSION \ + ./bin/Makefile \ + ./GEOM_version.h \ + ./doc/Makefile \ + ./doc/salome/Makefile \ + ./doc/salome/gui/Makefile \ + ./doc/salome/gui/GEOM/doxyfile \ + ./doc/salome/gui/GEOM/doxyfile_py \ + ./doc/salome/tui/Makefile \ + ./doc/salome/tui/GEOM/doxyfile \ + ./doc/salome/tui/GEOM/sources/static/tree.js \ + ./src/Makefile \ + ./src/ARCHIMEDE/Makefile \ + ./src/BREPExport/Makefile \ + ./src/BREPImport/Makefile \ + ./src/BasicGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/BlocksGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/BooleanGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/BuildGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/DisplayGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/DlgRef/Makefile \ + ./src/EntityGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/GEOM/Makefile \ + ./src/GEOMAlgo/Makefile \ + ./src/GEOMBase/Makefile \ + ./src/GEOMClient/Makefile \ + ./src/GEOMFiltersSelection/Makefile \ + ./src/GEOMGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/GEOMImpl/Makefile \ + ./src/GEOMToolsGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/GEOM_I/Makefile \ + ./src/GEOM_I_Superv/Makefile \ + ./src/GEOM_SWIG/Makefile \ + ./src/GEOM_SWIG_WITHIHM/Makefile \ + ./src/GenerationGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/GroupGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/IGESExport/Makefile \ + ./src/IGESImport/Makefile \ + ./src/MeasureGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/NMTAlgo/Makefile \ + ./src/NMTDS/Makefile \ + ./src/NMTTools/Makefile \ + ./src/OBJECT/Makefile \ + ./src/OperationGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/PrimitiveGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/RepairGUI/Makefile \ + ./src/SKETCHER/Makefile \ + ./src/STEPExport/Makefile \ + ./src/STEPImport/Makefile \ + ./src/STLExport/Makefile \ + ./src/ShHealOper/Makefile \ + ./src/TransformationGUI/Makefile \ + ./resources/Makefile \ + ./resources/GEOMCatalog.xml \ + ./idl/Makefile \ + Makefile \ +]) diff --git a/adm_local/Makefile.in b/doc/Makefile.am similarity index 71% rename from adm_local/Makefile.in rename to doc/Makefile.am index e2133b49b..dcbc00f24 100644 --- a/adm_local/Makefile.in +++ b/doc/Makefile.am @@ -17,44 +17,14 @@ # # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # + +# -* Makefile *- +# +# Author : Patrick GOLDBRONN (CEA) +# Date : 30/11/2001 +# Modified by : Alexander BORODIN (OCN) - autotools usage +# $Header$ +# # source path -top_srcdir=@top_srcdir@ -top_builddir=.. -srcdir=@srcdir@ -VPATH=.:$(srcdir)/adm_local - - -all: resources - -install: - cp -rf @top_srcdir@/adm_local @prefix@ - -bin: - -resources : - cp -rf @top_srcdir@/adm_local $(top_builddir) - -inc: - -lib: - -depend: - -depend_idl: - -install-end: - -install-include: - -install-bin: - -uninstall: - -uninstall-idl: - -distclean: - -clean: - -distclean-other: +SUBDIRS= salome diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/Makefile.in b/doc/salome/Makefile.am similarity index 52% rename from doc/salome/gui/Makefile.in rename to doc/salome/Makefile.am index 78cad82e0..43c97dd62 100644 --- a/doc/salome/gui/Makefile.in +++ b/doc/salome/Makefile.am @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -# Copyright (C) 2005 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, -# CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS +# Copyright (C) 2005 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE, PRINCIPIA R&D # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public @@ -15,35 +14,29 @@ # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # -# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com +# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # -# File : Makefile.in -# Author : Vasily Rusyaev (Open Cascade NN) -# Module : doc -top_srcdir=@top_srcdir@ -top_builddir=../../.. -srcdir=@srcdir@ -VPATH=.:@srcdir@ +# -* Makefile *- +# +# Author : Patrick GOLDBRONN (CEA) +# Date : 30/11/2001 +# Modified by : Alexander BORODIN (OCN) - autotools usage +# $Header: +# -@COMMENCE@ +SUBDIRS= tui gui +SUBDIRSTUI= tui +SUBDIRSGUI= gui usr_docs: - cp -fr $(srcdir)/GEOM ./ - -find $(PWD) -name CVS -prune -exec rm -rf {} \; + @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRSGUI); do \ + (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ + done; docs: usr_docs -clean: - rm -fr `ls | grep -v "Makefile"` - -distclean: clean - rm -fr GEOM - -install: - mkdir -p $(docdir)/gui - cp -rf GEOM $(docdir)/gui - -find $(PWD) -name CVS -prune -exec rm -rf {} \; - -uninstall: - rm -rf $(docdir)/gui/GEOM +dev_docs: + @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRSTUI); do \ + (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ + done; diff --git a/doc/salome/Makefile.in b/doc/salome/Makefile.in deleted file mode 100644 index d65e5cd8f..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/Makefile.in +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (C) 2005 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, -# CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS -# -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -# version 2.1 of the License. -# -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -# Lesser General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -# -# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com -# -# File : Makefile.in -# Author : Vasily Rusyaev (Open Cascade NN) -# Module : doc - -top_srcdir=@top_srcdir@ -top_builddir=../.. -srcdir=@srcdir@ -VPATH=.:@srcdir@ - -SUBDIRS= tui gui -SUBDIRSGUI= gui -SUBDIRSTUI= tui - -@COMMENCE@ - -usr_docs: - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRSGUI); do \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ - done; \ - -docs: usr_docs - -dev_docs: - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRSTUI); do \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ - done; \ - -clean: - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \ - if test -d $$d/GEOM; then \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ - fi; \ - done - -distclean: clean - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \ - if test -d $$d/GEOM; then \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ - fi; \ - done - -install: - $(MAKE) docs - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \ - if test -d $$d/GEOM; then \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@); \ - fi; \ - done - -uninstall: - @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \ - if test -d $$d/GEOM; then \ - (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \ - fi; \ - done; \ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/add_point_on_edge.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/add_point_on_edge.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 454e1b3d1..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/add_point_on_edge.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Add Point on Edge - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Add Point on Edge

- -

To Add Point on Edge in the Main Menu select - Repair - > Add Point on Edge.

- -


- -

This operation splits an edge in two in accordance - with the specified mode (by length or by parameter) and a value specifying - the position of the point on edge (for example val =0.5; mode = Length). - This operation is available in OCC Viewer - only.

- -


- -

The Result will - be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

TUI Command : - geompy.DivideEdge(Shape, EdgeID, - Value, IsByParameter), where Shape is a shape which contains an - edge to be divided, EdgeID is the ID of the edge to be divided, if it - = -1, then Shape is an edge, Value is a paramter on the edge or a length. - IsByParameter if it is True then Value is the edge parameter in the range - [0:1] otherwise it is a length of the edge in the range [0:1]

- -


- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 Edge + 1 value setting the position of the point according to - one of the selected modes

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our - TUI Scripts provide you with useful - examples of the use of Repairing - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/arc.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/arc.htm deleted file mode 100755 index ab5373695..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/arc.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Arc - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create an Arc in the Main - Menu select New Entity - > - Basic - > Arc

- -


- -

You - can define an Arc by - three - Points that lie on it, where - Point1 is the starting point, Point2 is a middle point of the - arc and Point3 is the ending point of the arc.

- -

The - Result of the operation will be a - GEOM_Object (edge).

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeArc(Point1, Point2, Point3)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 3 vertices.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Basic Geometric - Objects.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/archimede.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/archimede.htm deleted file mode 100755 index ac3616f4d..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/archimede.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Archimede - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To produce - an Archimede operation in the - Main Menu select Operations - > Archimede

- -


- -

This - operation creates a plane corresponding to the modeled water-line of the - object plunged into the water (in Z direction).

- -


- -

The - Result will be any GEOM_Object.

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.Archimede(Shape,Weight,WaterDensity,MeshingDeflection), - where Shape is a shape to put into the water, Weight is a weight of the - shape, WaterDensity  is - density of water, MeshingDeflection is a deflection of the mesh, using - to compute the section.

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 shape  + - 3 values (Weight, Water Density & Meshing Deflection).

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of the use of Basic Operations. -

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/basic_geometrical_objects.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/basic_geometrical_objects.htm deleted file mode 100755 index b25b5cb41..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/basic_geometrical_objects.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,661 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Basic Geometrical Objects - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Basic Geometrical Objects

- -

Creation of a Point

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., - 0., 0.)

- -

p100 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(p0, - 100., 100., 100.)

- -

px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., - 0., 0.)

- -

py = geompy.MakeVertex(0., - 100., 0.)

- -

pz = geompy.MakeVertex(0., - 0., 100.)

- -


- -

# create a curve and a vertex on it

- -

Arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, - pz, px)

- -

p_on_arc = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Arc, - 0.25)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_p0       = - geompy.addToStudy(p0,   "Vertex - 0")

- -

id_p100     = - geompy.addToStudy(p100, "Vertex 100")

- -

id_px       = - geompy.addToStudy(px,   "Vertex - X")

- -

id_py       = - geompy.addToStudy(py,   "Vertex - Y")

- -

id_pz       = - geompy.addToStudy(pz,   "Vertex - Z")

- -

id_Arc      = - geompy.addToStudy(Arc,  "Arc")

- -

id_p_on_arc = geompy.addToStudy(p_on_arc, - "Vertex on Arc")

- -


- -

# display vertices

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p_on_arc) -

- -


- -

Creation of a Line

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., - 0., 0.)

- -

p100 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(p0, - 100., 100., 100.)

- -

px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., - 0.  , 0. -  )

- -

py = geompy.MakeVertex(0. -  , 100., - 0.  )

- -

pz = geompy.MakeVertex(0. -  , 0.  , - 100.)

- -


- -

# create a vector from two points

- -

vxy  = - geompy.MakeVector(px, py)

- -


- -

# create a line from a point and a vector

- -

line1 = geompy.MakeLine(pz, - vxy)

- -


- -

#create a line from two points

- -

line2 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(p0, - p100)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_vxy      = - geompy.addToStudy(vxy,  "Vector")

- -

id_line1    = - geompy.addToStudy(line1,"Line1")

- -

id_line2    = - geompy.addToStudy(line2,"Line2")

- -


- -

# display lines

- -


- -


- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_line2) -

- -


- -

Creation of  a - Circle

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., - 0., 0.)

- -

px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., - 0.  , 0. -  )

- -

py = geompy.MakeVertex(0. -  , 100., - 0.  )

- -

pz = geompy.MakeVertex(0. -  , 0.  , - 100.)

- -


- -

# create a vector on two points

- -

vxy  = - geompy.MakeVector(px, py)

- -


- -

# create a circle from a point, a vector and a radius

- -

circle1 = geompy.MakeCircle(pz, - vxy, 30)

- -


- -

#create a circle from three points

- -

circle2 = geompy.MakeCircleThreePnt(p0, - px, py)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_vxy      = - geompy.addToStudy(vxy,    "Vector")

- -

id_circle1  = - geompy.addToStudy(circle1,"Circle1")

- -

id_circle2  = - geompy.addToStudy(circle2,"Circle2")

- -


- -

# display circles

- -


- -


- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_circle2) -

- -


- -

Creation of an Ellipse

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., - 0., 0.)

- -

p50 = geompy.MakeVertex(50., - 50., 50.)

- -


- -

# create a vector from two points

- -

vector  = - geompy.MakeVector(p0, p50)

- -


- -

# create an ellipse from a point, a vector and radiuses

- -

ellipse = geompy.MakeEllipse(p50, - vector, 50, 25)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_vector  = - geompy.addToStudy(vector, "Vector")

- -

id_ellipse = geompy.addToStudy(ellipse,"Ellipse")

- -


- -

# display the ellipse and its normal vector

- -


- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_ellipse) -

- -


- -

Creation of a Curve

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. -  , 0.  , - 0.  )

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(50. - , 100., 200.)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(150., -  50., 100.)

- -

p3 = geompy.MakeVertex(100., - 150., 170.)

- -

p4 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., - 200., 150.)

- -


- -

# create a polyline from a list of points

- -

polyline = geompy.MakePolyline([p0, - p1, p2, p3, p4])

- -


- -

# create a bezier curve from a list of points

- -

bezier = geompy.MakeBezier([p0, - p1, p2, p3, p4])

- -


- -

#create a b-spline curve from a list of points

- -

interpol = geompy.MakeInterpol([p0, - p1, p2, p3, p4])

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_p0       = - geompy.addToStudy(p0,       "Point1")

- -

id_p1       = - geompy.addToStudy(p1,       "Point2")

- -

id_p2       = - geompy.addToStudy(p2,       "Point3")

- -

id_p3       = - geompy.addToStudy(p3,       "Point4")

- -

id_p4       = - geompy.addToStudy(p4,       "Point5")

- -

id_polyline = geompy.addToStudy(polyline, - "Polyline")

- -

id_bezier   = - geompy.addToStudy(bezier,   "Bezier")

- -

id_interpol = geompy.addToStudy(interpol, - "Interpol")

- -


- -

# display the points and the curves

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_interpol) -

- -


- -

Creation of a Vector

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(10., - 50., 20.)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(70., - 70., 70.)

- -


- -

# create a vector from two points

- -

vector1 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -


- -

# create a vector from the given components

- -

vector2 = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(30, - 30, 100)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_p1      = - geompy.addToStudy(p1,     "Point1")

- -

id_p2      = - geompy.addToStudy(p2,     "Point2")

- -

id_vector1 = geompy.addToStudy(vector1,"Vector1")

- -

id_vector2 = geompy.addToStudy(vector2,"Vector2")

- -


- -

# display the points and the vectors

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_vector2) -

- -


- -

Creation of a Plane

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  0.,   0., - 100.)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(100., -   0., -   0.)

- -

p3 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., - 200., 200.)

- -

p4 = geompy.MakeVertex(100., - 100.,   0.)

- -

p5 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. -  , 100., -   0.)

- -


- -

# create a vector from the given components

- -

vector = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(100., - 100., 100.)

- -


- -

# create a vector from two points

- -

vector_arc = geompy.MakeVector(p2, - p5)

- -


- -

# create an arc from three points

- -

arc = geompy.MakeArc(p2, - p4, p5)

- -


- -

# create a wire

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vector_arc, - arc])

- -


- -

# create a face

- -

isPlanarWanted = 1

- -

face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, - isPlanarWanted)

- -

trimsize = 1000.

- -


- -

# create a plane from a point, a vector and a trimsize

- -

plane1 = geompy.MakePlane(p1, - vector, trimsize)

- -


- -

# create a plane from three points and a trimsize

- -

plane2 = geompy.MakePlaneThreePnt(p1, - p2, p3, trimsize)

- -


- -

# create a plane from the given face

- -

plane3 = geompy.MakePlaneFace(face, - trimsize)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_face   = - geompy.addToStudy(face,  "Face")

- -

id_plane1 = geompy.addToStudy(plane1,"Plane1")

- -

id_plane2 = geompy.addToStudy(plane2,"Plane2")

- -

id_plane3 = geompy.addToStudy(plane3,"Plane3")

- -


- -

# display the points and the vectors

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setTransparency(id_plane3,0.5) -

- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/basic_operations.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/basic_operations.htm deleted file mode 100755 index ba7a0c611..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/basic_operations.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,248 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Basic Operations - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Basic Operations

- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p0   = - geompy.MakeVertex(  0., -   0., -   0.)

- -

p200 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., - 200., 200.)

- -

pz   = - geompy.MakeVertex(  0., -   0., - 100.)

- -


- -

# create a vector

- -

vxyz = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(100., - 100., 100.)

- -


- -

# create a box from two points

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, - p200)

- -


- -

# create a plane

- -

trimsize  = - 500.

- -

plane = geompy.MakePlane(pz, - vxyz, trimsize)

- -


- -

# create partition objects

- -

partition1 = geompy.MakePartition([box], - [plane])

- -

partition2 = geompy.Partition([box], - [plane])

- -

partition3 = geompy.MakeHalfPartition(box, - plane)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box,"Box")

- -

id_plane = geompy.addToStudy(plane,"Plane")

- -

id_partition1 = geompy.addToStudy(partition1,"MakePartition")

- -

id_partition2 = geompy.addToStudy(partition2,"Partition")

- -

id_partition3 = geompy.addToStudy(partition3,"MakeHalfPartition")

- -


- -

# display the partition objects and the plane

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_partition3) -

- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p0   = - geompy.MakeVertex(  0., -   0., -   0.)

- -

p200 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., - 200., 200.)

- -


- -

# create a box from two points

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, - p200)

- -


- -

# perform an Archimede operation on the selected shape with selected - parameters

- -

weight  = - 1000000.

- -

waterdensity = 1.

- -

meshingdeflection - = 0.01

- -

archimede  = - geompy.Archimede(box, weight, waterdensity, meshingdeflection)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box,"Box")

- -

id_archimede = geompy.addToStudy(archimede,"Archimede")

- -


- -

# display the box and the result of Archimede operation

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_archimede,1) -

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/blocks_operations.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/blocks_operations.htm deleted file mode 100755 index ece24133c..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/blocks_operations.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,263 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Blocks Operations - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Blocks Operations

- -

Multi Transformation

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p_25_25_50 = geompy.MakeVertex(25., - 25., 50.)

- -

p_50_25_25 = geompy.MakeVertex(50., - 25., 25.)

- -

p_25_50_25 = geompy.MakeVertex(25., - 50., 25.)

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(50, - 50, 50)

- -

top_face = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(box, - p_25_25_50)

- -

yz_face = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(box, - p_50_25_25)

- -

xz_face = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(box, - p_25_50_25)

- -

top_face_ind = geompy.LocalOp.GetSubShapeIndex(box, - top_face)

- -

yz_face_ind = geompy.LocalOp.GetSubShapeIndex(box, - yz_face)

- -

xz_face_ind = geompy.LocalOp.GetSubShapeIndex(box, - xz_face)

- -


- -

# Multi-transformate block and glue the result

- -

box_tr1 = geompy.MakeMultiTransformation1D(box, - yz_face_ind, top_face_ind, 3)

- -

box_tr2 = geompy.MakeMultiTransformation2D(box, - xz_face_ind, yz_face_ind, 3, top_face_ind, 0, 2)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box, - "Box")

- -

id_box_tr1 = geompy.addToStudy(box_tr1, - "Multi-transformed Block 1D")

- -

id_box_tr2 = geompy.addToStudy(box_tr2, - "Multi-transformed Block 2D")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box_tr2) -

- -


- -

Explode on Blocks

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a box and a sphere

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, - 200, 200)

- -

sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR(100)

- -


- -

# make a compound

- -

compound = geompy.MakeCompound([box, - sphere])

- -


- -

# get all the blocks, contained in the given compound

- -

make_block_explode - = geompy.MakeBlockExplode(compound, 1, 1)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_compound = geompy.addToStudy(compound, - "Compound")

- -

id_make_block_explode - = geompy.addToStudy(make_block_explode[0], "MakeBlockExplode")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_make_block_explode,1) -

- -


- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -


- -

# create a box and a sphere

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, - 200, 200)

- -


- -

# check and improve

- -

check_box = geompy.CheckAndImprove(box)

- -


- -

# build all possible propagation groups

- -

listChains = geompy.Propagate(check_box)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

geompy.addToStudy(check_box, - "Box")

- -

for chain in listChains:

- -

    geompy.addToStudyInFather(check_box, - chain, "propagation chain")

- -

salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) -

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/boolean_operations.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/boolean_operations.htm deleted file mode 100755 index bb2aaee73..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/boolean_operations.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,353 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Boolean Operations - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Boolean Operations

- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(25, - 55, 0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0,  0, 0)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -


- -

# create a cylinder

- -

height = 35

- -

radius1 = 20

- -

cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, - v, radius1, height)

- -


- -

# create a sphere

- -

sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR(40)

- -


- -

# fuse

- -

fuse = geompy.MakeFuse(cylinder, - sphere)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_cylinder = geompy.addToStudy(cylinder, - "Cylinder")

- -

id_sphere = geompy.addToStudy(sphere, - "Sphere")

- -

id_fuse = geompy.addToStudy(fuse, - "Fuse")

- -


- -

# display results

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_fuse,1) -

- -


- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(25, - 55, 0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0,  0, 0)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -


- -

# create a cylinder

- -

height = 35

- -

radius1 = 20

- -

cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, - v, radius1, height)

- -


- -

# create a sphere

- -

sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR(40)

- -


- -

# make common

- -

common = geompy.MakeCommon(cylinder, - sphere)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_common = geompy.addToStudy(common, - "Common")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_common,1) -

- -


- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(25, - 55, 0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0,  0, 0)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -


- -

# create a cylinder

- -

height = 35

- -

radius1 = 20

- -

cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, - v, radius1, height)

- -


- -

# create a sphere

- -

sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR(40)

- -


- -


- -

cut = geompy.MakeCut(cylinder, - sphere)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_cut = geompy.addToStudy(cut, - "Cut")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_cut,1) -

- -


- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(25, - 55, 0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0,  0, 0)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -


- -

# create a cylinder

- -

height = 35

- -

radius1 = 20

- -

cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, - v, radius1, height)

- -


- -

# create a sphere

- -

sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR(40)

- -


- -

# make a section

- -

section = geompy.MakeSection(cylinder, - sphere)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_section = geompy.addToStudy(section, - "Section")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_section,1) -

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/box.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/box.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 6342a165b..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/box.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,177 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Box - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create a Box - in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Primitives - > Box

- -


- -

There are 2 algorithms for creation of a Box. -

- -

The - Result of each operation will be a - GEOM_Object (SOLID).

- -


- -

Firstly, you can define a Box - by two specified Vertices (its - opposite corners), and with edges, parallel to the coordinate axes.

- -

TUI Command - : geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(Point1, - Point2)

- -

Arguments: Name - + 2 vertices (opposite corners of the box).

- -


- -

- -


- -

Secondly, - you can define a Box by specified dimensions along the coordinate - axes and with edges, parallel to them.  The - center of the box will be at point (DX/2, DY/2, DZ/2).

- -

TUI Command - : geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(DX, - DY, DZ)

- -

Arguments: Name - + 3 values (dimensions at origin).

- -

- -


- -

NB! There is - a third way to create a Box, which is currently accessible only via TUI commands.

- -

You - can define a Box by the coordinates - of two Vertices (in this way - you don't need to create them in advance).

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeBox(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2) -

- -Arguments: Name - + X, Y and Z coordinates of both points. - -


- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of creation of Primitives. -

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/building_by_blocks.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/building_by_blocks.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 7f4ea3e97..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/building_by_blocks.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,335 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Building by Blocks - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Building by Blocks

- -

Quadrangle Face

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  0.,   0., -   0.)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(150., -  30.,   0.)

- -

p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  0., 120., -  50.)

- -

p4 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  0.,  40., -  70.)

- -


- -

# create edges

- -

edge1 = geompy.MakeEdge(p1, - p2)

- -

edge2 = geompy.MakeEdge(p2, - p3)

- -

edge3 = geompy.MakeEdge(p3, - p4)

- -

edge4 = geompy.MakeEdge(p4, - p1)

- -


- -

# create a quadrangle face from four edges

- -

qface1 = geompy.MakeQuad(edge1, - edge2, edge3, edge4)

- -


- -

# create a quadrangle face from two edges

- -

qface2 = geompy.MakeQuad2Edges(edge1, - edge3)

- -


- -

# create a quadrangle from four points in its corners

- -

qface3 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p1, - p2, p3, p4)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_p1 = geompy.addToStudy(p1,"Point1")

- -

id_p2 = geompy.addToStudy(p2,"Point2")

- -

id_p3 = geompy.addToStudy(p3,"Point3")

- -

id_p4 = geompy.addToStudy(p4,"Point4")

- -

id_edge1 = geompy.addToStudy(edge1,"Edge1")

- -

id_edge2 = geompy.addToStudy(edge2,"Edge2")

- -

id_edge3 = geompy.addToStudy(edge3,"Edge3")

- -

id_edge4 = geompy.addToStudy(edge4,"Edge4")

- -

id_qface1 = geompy.addToStudy(qface1,"Qface1")

- -

id_qface2 = geompy.addToStudy(qface2,"Qface2")

- -

id_qface3 = geompy.addToStudy(qface3,"Qface3")

- -


- -

# display the vertices, the edges and the quadrangle faces

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_qface3,1) -

- -


- -

Hexagonal Solid

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  0.,   0., -   0.)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(150., -  30.,   0.)

- -

p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  0., 120., -  50.)

- -

p4 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  0.,  40., -  70.)

- -

p5 = geompy.MakeVertex(100., -  20.,  45.)

- -

p6 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  0., 70., -  40.)

- -

p7 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 70., 70.,  70.)

- -

p8 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 70.,-15.,  70.)

- -

p9 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  0.,  0., -  40.)

- -

p10 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  0., 70., -   0.)

- -

p11 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 70., 70.,   0.)

- -

p12 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 70., -15.,   0.)

- -

p13 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  0.,  0., -   0.)

- -


- -

# create faces

- -

qface1 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p1, - p2, p3, p4)

- -

qface2 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p1, - p2, p5, p4)

- -

qface3 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p13, - p12, p11, p10)

- -

qface4 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p9, - p8, p7, p6)

- -

qface5 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p13, - p9, p6, p10)

- -

qface6 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p13, - p9, p8, p12)

- -

qface7 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p12, - p8, p7, p11)

- -

qface8 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p11, - p7, p6, p10)

- -


- -

# create a hexahedral solid between two given faces

- -

solid1 = geompy.MakeHexa2Faces(qface1, - qface2)

- -


- -

# create a hexahedral solids, bounded by six given faces

- -

solid2 = geompy.MakeHexa(qface3, - qface4, qface5, qface6, qface7, qface8)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_solid1 = geompy.addToStudy(solid1,"Solid1")

- -

id_solid2 = geompy.addToStudy(solid2,"Solid2")

- -


- -

# display solids

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_solid2,1) -

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/chamfer.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/chamfer.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 573ad682f..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/chamfer.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,197 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Chamfer - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To produce - a Chamfer in the Main Menu select - Operations - > Transformation - > - Chamfer

- -


- -

This operation allows you to make chamfer - of the edges of a Shape.

- -

The Result will - be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

To create - chamfer on all edges of the given shape, you need to define the Main Object to create a chamfer on and - the Dimension (radius) of the - chamfer.  

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeChamferAll(Shape, D) -

- -

Arguments: Name - + 1 SHAPE + 1 value (Chamfer dimension).

- -


- -


- -


- -

To create chamfer on the specified edges of - the given shape,  you - need to define the Main Object - to create a fillet on, select the two faces to which belongs the necessary common edge in the viewer and define - the Dimension of the Chamfer.

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeChamferEdge(Shape, D1, - D2, Face1, Face2), where Shape is a shape to create a chamfer on, - D1 is a chamfer size along Face1, D2 is a chamfer size along Face2, Face1 - and Face2 are indices of faces in Shape.

- -


- -


- -


- -

To create chamfer on the specified faces of - the given shape,  you - need to define the Main Object - to create a fillet on, select the necessary faces the OCC Viewer and define - the Dimension of the Chamfer.

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeChamferFaces(Shape, D1, - D2, ListOfFaceID), where Shape is a shape to create chamfer on, - D1 is a chamfer size along a face from  ListOfFaceID, -  D2 is a - chamfer size along two faces connected to the edge to which the chamfer - is applied, ListOfFaceID is a list of indices of faces in Shape.

- -


- -


- -


- -

  Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation - Operations.

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/changing_display_parameters.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/changing_display_parameters.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 7106304d4..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/changing_display_parameters.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,183 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Changing Display Parameters - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Viewing Geometrical Objects

- -

Changing Display Mode

- -

import - salome

- -

import geompy

- -

box = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0, - 50,50,50)

- -


- -

sphere = geompy.MakeSphere(50,50,50, - 30)

- -

fuse = geompy.MakeBoolean(box,sphere,3)

- -

fuse_id = geompy.addToStudy(fuse,"Fuse")

- -


- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(fuse_id,1) -

- -


- -

Changing Color

- -

import salome

- -

import geompy

- -

box = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0, - 50,50,50)

- -


- -

sphere = geompy.MakeSphere(50,50,50, - 30)

- -

fuse = geompy.MakeBoolean(box,sphere,3)

- -

fuse_id = geompy.addToStudy(fuse,"Fuse")

- -


- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -


- -

gg.setColor(fuse_id,218,165,31) -

- -


- -


- -

Changing Transparency

- -

import salome

- -

import geompy

- -


- -

box = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0, - 50,50,50)

- -

sphere = geompy.MakeSphere(50,50,50, - 30)

- -


- -

fuse = geompy.MakeBoolean(box,sphere,3)

- -

fuse_id = geompy.addToStudy(fuse,"Fuse")

- -


- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setTransparency(fuse_id,0.5) -

- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/check_free_boundaries.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/check_free_boundaries.htm deleted file mode 100755 index dae8b55ef..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/check_free_boundaries.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Check Free Boundaries - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Check Free Boundaries

- -

To Check Free Boundaries in the Main Menu - select Repair - > Check Free Boundaries.

- -


- -

This operation detects wires and edges that - correspond to the shape's boundary, and highlights it

- -


- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

TUI Command : (NoError, ClosedWires, OpenWires) = geompy.GetFreeBoundary(Shape), - where Shape is a shape to be checked, NoError is false if an error occurred - while checking free boundaries, ClosedWires is a list of closed free boundary - wires, OpenWires is a list of open free boundary wires.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our - TUI Scripts provide you with useful - examples of the use of Repairing - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/check_free_faces.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/check_free_faces.htm deleted file mode 100755 index a7d3bccb4..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/check_free_faces.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Check Free Faces - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Check Free Faces

- -

To Check Free Faces in the Main Menu select - Repair - > Check Free Faces.

- -

This operation retrieves all free faces from - a given shape. A free face is a face not shared between two shells of - the shape.

- -


- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object - (a list of IDs of all free faces, containing in the shape).

- -

TUI Command : - GetFreeFacesIDs(Shape), where Shape is a shape to be checked.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our - TUI Scripts provide you with useful - examples of the use of Repairing - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/circle.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/circle.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 41bc118a8..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/circle.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Circle - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create a Circle - in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Basic - > Circle

- -


- -

There - are 2 algorithms to create a Circle in - the 3D space.

- -

The - Result of each operation will be a - GEOM_Object (edge).

- -


- -

Firstly, - you can define a Circle by a Center Point, a - Vector giving the circle’s - normal and a Radius.

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeCircle(Point, Vector, Radius)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 vertex (for the center) - + 1 edge (for the direction) + Radius.

- -


- -

- -


- -

Secondly, - you can define a Circle by three - Points that lie on it.

- -

TUI - Command:  geompy.MakeCircleThreePnt(Point1, - Point2, Point3)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 3 points which will form - the circle.

- -


- -

- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Basic - Geometric Objects.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/close_contour.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/close_contour.htm deleted file mode 100755 index f79f52efe..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/close_contour.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Close Contour - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Close Contour

- -

To produce - a Close Contour operation in the - Main Menu select Repair - > Close - Contour.

- -


- -

This operation closes an open contour and modifies - the underlying face (if needed) in accordance with user specified mode:

- -
    - -
  • By common vertex – a - vertex is created between the end points of the contour and its tolerance - is increased to a value of the gap between the ends of the contour;

  • - -
  • By new edge – a new edge - is inserted between the end points of the contour.

  • -
- -

This operation is available in OCC - Viewer only.

- -


- -

The Result will - be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.CloseContour(Shape, Wires, - IsCommonVertex), where Shape is a shape to be processed, Wires - is a list of edges or wires ID’s which has to be closed within the shape - (if the list contains only one element = -1, the shape itself is considered - as a wire),  IsCommonVertex - if this parameter is True a closure has to be done by creation of a common - vertex, otherwise an edge is added between the end vertices.

- -


- -

Arguments: Name + 1 shape + contour (Wire, - or a set of Edges) + mode of closure (by vertex or by edge)

- -


- -

- -


- -

Our - TUI Scripts provide you with useful - examples of the use of Repairing - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/color.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/color.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 9fb11eff0..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/color.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Color - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

You can change the filling color of your object in the standard Select Color menu accessible by right-clicking - on an object and selecting Color - in the pop-up menu box.

- -


- -

TUI - Command: gg.setColor(ID, Short, Short, Short)

- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of Changing Display - Parameters.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/common.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/common.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 2cbd320c6..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/common.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Common - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To produce - a Common operation in the Main - Menu select Operations - > Boolean - - > Common

- -


- -

This - operation cuts the common part of two shapes and transforms - it into an independent geometrical object.

- -


- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object - (COMPOUND).

- -

TUI Command: -  geompy.MakeCommon(s1, - s2)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 2 shapes.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of the use of Boolean Operations. -

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/complex_objects.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/complex_objects.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 1486576b6..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/complex_objects.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,489 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Complex Objects - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Complex Objects

- -

Creation of a Prism

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( -   0., -   0., -   0.)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 100.,   0., -   0.)

- -

p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 100., 100.,   0.)

- -

p4 = geompy.MakeVertex( -   0., - 100.,   0.)

- -

p5 = geompy.MakeVertex( -   0., -   0., -  60.)

- -

p6 = geompy.MakeVertex(-100., -   0., -   0.)

- -

p7 = geompy.MakeVertex(-100.,-100., -   0.)

- -

p8 = geompy.MakeVertex( -   0.,-100., -   0.)

- -


- -

# create a vector from the given components

- -

vector = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(50., - 50., 50.)

- -


- -

#create vectors from two points

- -

vector1_arc1 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -

vector2_arc1 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p4)

- -

vector1_arc2 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p6)

- -

vector2_arc2 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p8)

- -


- -

# create arcs from three points

- -

arc1 = geompy.MakeArc(p2, - p3, p4)

- -

arc2 = geompy.MakeArc(p6, - p7, p8)

- -


- -

# create wires

- -

wire1 = geompy.MakeWire([vector1_arc1, - arc1, vector2_arc1])

- -

wire2 = geompy.MakeWire([vector1_arc2, - arc2, vector2_arc2])

- -


- -

# create faces

- -

isPlanarWanted = 1

- -

face1 = geompy.MakeFace(wire1, - isPlanarWanted)

- -

face2 = geompy.MakeFace(wire2, - isPlanarWanted)

- -


- -

# create prisms

- -

prism1 = geompy.MakePrism(face2, - p1, p5)

- -

prism2 = geompy.MakePrismVecH(face1, - vector, 50)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_face1   = - geompy.addToStudy(face1,"Face1")

- -

id_face2   = - geompy.addToStudy(face2,"Face2")

- -

id_prism1 = geompy.addToStudy(prism1,"Prism1")

- -

id_prism2 = geompy.addToStudy(prism2,"Prism2")

- -


- -

# display cylinders

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_prism2,1) -

- -

Creation of a Revolution

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  10.,  10., -  10.)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  15.,  15., -  50.)

- -

p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  40.,  40., -   0.)

- -


- -

#create vectors from two points

- -

vector1 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -

vector2 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p3)

- -


- -

# create a vector from the given components

- -

vector3 = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(-20., - -20., 100.)

- -


- -

# create a wire

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vector1, - vector2])

- -


- -

# create a revolution

- -

revolution = geompy.MakeRevolution(wire, - vector3, 2.3)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_vector3    = - geompy.addToStudy(vector3,"Axis")

- -

id_wire       = - geompy.addToStudy(wire,"Wire")

- -

id_revolution = geompy.addToStudy(revolution,"Revolution")

- -


- -

# display the vector, the wire and the revolution

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_revolution,1) -

- -

Creation of a Filling

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -

mindeg = 2

- -

maxdeg = 5

- -

tol3d   = - 0.0001

- -

tol2d   = - 0.0001

- -

nbiter = 5

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  -30.,  -30., -  50.)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  -60.,  -60., -  30.)

- -

p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  -30.,  -30., -  10.)

- -


- -

# create an arc from three points

- -

arc = geompy.MakeArc(p1, - p2, p3)

- -

ShapeListCompound - = []

- -

i = 0

- -

while i <= 3 :

- -

    S - = geompy.MakeTranslation(arc, i * 50., 0., 0.)

- -


- -

    i - = i + 1

- -

compound = geompy.MakeCompound(ShapeListCompound)

- -


- -

# create a filling

- -

filling = geompy.MakeFilling(compound, - mindeg, maxdeg, tol3d, tol2d, nbiter)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_compound = geompy.addToStudy(compound,"Compound")

- -

id_filling = geompy.addToStudy(filling,"Filling")

- -


- -

# display the compound and the filling

- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_filling,1) -

- -


- -

Creation of a Pipe

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p0   = - geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , - 0.  , 0. -  )

- -

px   = - geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0.  , - 0.  )

- -

py   = - geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , - 100., 0.  )

- -

pz   = - geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , - 0.  , 100.)

- -

pxyz = geompy.MakeVertex(100., - 100., 100.)

- -


- -

# create a vector from two points

- -

vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, - py)

- -


- -

# create an arc from three points

- -

arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, - pz, px)

- -


- -

# create a wire

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, - arc])

- -


- -

# create an edge

- -

edge = geompy.MakeEdge(p0, - pxyz)

- -


- -

# create a pipe

- -

pipe = geompy.MakePipe(wire, - edge)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_wire = geompy.addToStudy(wire,"Wire")

- -

id_edge = geompy.addToStudy(edge,"Edge")

- -

id_pipe = geompy.addToStudy(pipe,"Pipe")

- -


- -

# display the wire, the edge (path) and the pipe

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_pipe,1) -

- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/compound.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/compound.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 245fc80ac..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/compound.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Compound - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create - a Compound in the Main Menu select - New Entity - > Build - > Compound.

- -


- -

You can create a compound from a list of shells. -

- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object - (COMPOUND).

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeCompound(ListOfShape)

- -

Arguments: - Name + List of shapes.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Advanced Geometric - Objects.

- -


- -


- -


- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cone.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cone.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 7c41e1a56..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cone.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Cone - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create a Cone - in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Primitives - > Cone

- -


- -

There are two algorithms for creation of a Cone. -

- -

The - Result of each operation will be a - GEOM_Object (SOLID).

- -


- -

Firstly, you can define a Cone - by the Base Point (the central - point of the cone base), the Axis, - the Height and the first and the - second Radiuses.

- -

TUI Command: geompy.MakeCone(Point, - Axis, Radius1, Radius2)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 vertex - + 1 vector (for direction) + 3 values (Radius of the base part, radius - of the upper part, height).

- -


- -

- -


- -

Secondly, you can define a Cone - with the center at the origin of coordinates by its Height - and Radiuses. The Axis - of the Cone will be collinear - to the OZ axis of the coordinate system.

- -

TUI Command: geompy.MakeConeR1R2H(Radius1, - Radius2, Height)

- -

Arguments: Name - + 3 values (Radius of the base part, radius of the upper part, height).

- -

- -


- -

Note: If both radiuses are non-zero, - the Cone will be truncated. If - the radiuses are equal, a Cylinder - will be created instead.

- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Primitives.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cshdat_robohelp.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cshdat_robohelp.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 5a510432b..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cshdat_robohelp.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - -Geometry Module Reference Manual - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cshdat_webhelp.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cshdat_webhelp.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 00606ec88..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cshdat_webhelp.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - -Geometry Module Reference Manual - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/curve.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/curve.htm deleted file mode 100755 index b14b7199c..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/curve.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,168 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Curve - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create a Curve in the Main Menu select New - Entity - > Basic - > Curve

- -


- -

There are three algorithms to create - a Curve in the 3D space. Each time you define it by - a list of Points through which the curve passes. The three Curve Construction menu choices correspond to three possible types - of curves: Polyline, Besier or B-spline (Interpolated).

- -

The Result of - each operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge).

- -


- -

TUI Commands: -

- -
    - -
  • geompy.MakePolyline(ListOfShapes)

  • - -
  • geompy.MakeBezier(ListOfShapes)

  • - -
  • geompy.MakeInterpol(ListOfShapes)

  • -
- -

ListOfShape is a list of points through which - the curve passes.

- -

Arguments: - Name + at least 2 points which will serve as nodes on the curve.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

Polyline -                                                                      Bezier -                                                                        B-Spline

- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Basic - Geometric Objects.

- -


- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cut.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cut.htm deleted file mode 100755 index f279d0fb1..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cut.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,144 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Cut - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To produce - a Cut operation in the Main Menu - select Operations - > Boolean - > - Cut

- -


- -

This operation cuts a shape with another - one.

- -

The - Result will be a  GEOM_Object - (COMPOUND).

- -

Arguments: - Name + 2 shapes.

- -


- -

Dialog Box:

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of the use of Boolean Operations. -

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cylinder.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cylinder.htm deleted file mode 100755 index b8749b801..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/cylinder.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,168 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Cylinder - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create a Cylinder - in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Primitives - > Cylinder

- -


- -

There are 2 algorithms for creation of a Cylinder. -

- -

The - Result of each operation will be a - GEOM_Object (SOLID).

- -


- -

Firstly, you can define a Cylinder - by the Base Point (the central - point of the cylinder base), the Vector - (the axis of the cylinder), and its dimensions: the Radius and the Height.

- -

TUI Command: geompy.MakeCylinder(Point, - Axis, Radius, Height),

- -

Arguments: -  Name - + 1 vertex + 1 vector + 2 values (Dimensions: radius and height).

- -

- -


- -

Secondly, you can define a - Cylinder by the given radius - and the height at  the - origin of coordinate system. The axis of the cylinder will be collinear - to the OZ axis of the coordinate system.

- -

TUI Command: geompy.MakeCylinderRH(Radius, - Height)

- -

Arguments: Name + 2 values - (Dimensions at origin: radius and height).

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Primitives.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/default.css b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/default.css deleted file mode 100755 index de2e5d955..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/default.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -BODY { - background-color:#ffffff; - font-family:"Times New Roman" , serif; } -H1 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:24.0pt; } -LI.kadov-H1 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:24.0pt; } -H2 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:18.0pt; } -LI.kadov-H2 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:18.0pt; } -H3 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:14.0pt; } -LI.kadov-H3 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:14.0pt; } -H4 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:12.0pt; } -LI.kadov-H4 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:12.0pt; } -H5 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:10.0pt; } -LI.kadov-H5 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:10.0pt; } -H6 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:8.0pt; } -LI.kadov-H6 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:8.0pt; } -P { - font-size:12.0pt; - margin-top:0pt; - margin-bottom:0pt; } -LI.kadov-P { - font-size:12.0pt; } -A.expandspot { - color:#008000; - cursor:hand; - font-style:italic; - x-text-underline:off; - x-text-overline:off; - x-text-line-through:off; - text-decoration:none none none; } -SPAN.expandtext { - font-style:italic; - font-weight:normal; - color:#ff0000; } -A.dropspot { - cursor:hand; - color:#008000; - font-style:italic; - x-text-underline:off; - x-text-overline:off; - x-text-line-through:off; - text-decoration:none none none; } -A.glossterm { - color:#800000; - cursor:hand; - font-style:italic; - x-text-underline:off; - x-text-overline:off; - x-text-line-through:off; - text-decoration:none none none; } -SPAN.glosstext { - font-style:italic; - font-weight:normal; - color:#0000ff; } -OL { - margin-top:0px; - margin-bottom:0px; } -UL { - margin-top:0px; - margin-bottom:0px; } -A:active { } -A:hover { - x-text-underline:Off; - text-decoration:none; } -A:link { - x-text-underline:Off; - text-decoration:none; } -A:visited { - x-text-underline:Off; - text-decoration:none; } -P.TODO { - font-weight:normal; - font-style:italic; - font-family:"Arial Black" , sans-serif; } -LI.kadov-P-CTODO { - font-weight:normal; - font-style:italic; - font-family:"Arial Black" , sans-serif; } diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/default_ns.css b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/default_ns.css deleted file mode 100755 index 3eeb3c496..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/default_ns.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -BODY { - background-color:#ffffff; - font-family:"Times New Roman" , serif; } -H1 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:24.0pt; - font-family:"Times New Roman" , serif; } -LI.kadov-H1 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:24.0pt; } -H2 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:18.0pt; - font-family:"Times New Roman" , serif; } -LI.kadov-H2 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:18.0pt; } -H3 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:14.0pt; - font-family:"Times New Roman" , serif; } -LI.kadov-H3 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:14.0pt; } -H4 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:12.0pt; - font-family:"Times New Roman" , serif; } -LI.kadov-H4 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:12.0pt; } -H5 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:10.0pt; - font-family:"Times New Roman" , serif; } -LI.kadov-H5 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:10.0pt; } -H6 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:8.0pt; - font-family:"Times New Roman" , serif; } -LI.kadov-H6 { - font-weight:bold; - font-size:8.0pt; } -P { - font-size:12.0pt; - margin-top:1pt; - margin-bottom:1pt; - font-family:"Times New Roman" , serif; } -LI.kadov-P { - font-size:12.0pt; } -A.expandspot { - color:#008000; - cursor:hand; - font-style:italic; - x-text-underline:off; - x-text-overline:off; - x-text-line-through:off; - text-decoration:none none none; } -SPAN.expandtext { - font-style:italic; - font-weight:normal; - color:#ff0000; } -A.dropspot { - cursor:hand; - color:#008000; - font-style:italic; - x-text-underline:off; - x-text-overline:off; - x-text-line-through:off; - text-decoration:none none none; } -A.glossterm { - color:#800000; - cursor:hand; - font-style:italic; - x-text-underline:off; - x-text-overline:off; - x-text-line-through:off; - text-decoration:none none none; } -SPAN.glosstext { - font-style:italic; - font-weight:normal; - color:#0000ff; } -OL { - margin-top:0px; - margin-bottom:0px; - font-family:"Times New Roman" , serif; } -UL { - margin-top:0px; - margin-bottom:0px; - font-family:"Times New Roman" , serif; } -A:active { } -A:hover { - x-text-underline:Off; - text-decoration:none; } -A:link { - x-text-underline:Off; - text-decoration:none; } -A:visited { - x-text-underline:Off; - text-decoration:none; } -P.TODO { - font-weight:normal; - font-style:italic; - font-family:"Arial Black" , sans-serif; } -LI.kadov-P-CTODO { - font-weight:normal; - font-style:italic; - font-family:"Arial Black" , sans-serif; } -ol ol { - margin-top:1px; } -ol ul { - margin-top:1px; } -ul ul { - margin-top:1px; } -ul ol { - margin-top:1px; } diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/doxyfile.in b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/doxyfile.in new file mode 100755 index 000000000..75b0c99aa --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/doxyfile.in @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Project related configuration options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +PROJECT_NAME = "Geometry Module Reference Manual v.@VERSION@" +OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = ./ +CREATE_SUBDIRS = NO +OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = English +TAB_SIZE = 5 + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to warning and progress messages +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +QUIET = NO +WARNINGS = YES + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#Input related options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +INPUT = @srcdir@/input +FILE_PATTERNS = *.doc +IMAGE_PATH = @srcdir@/images + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#HTML related options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +GENERATE_HTML = YES +HTML_OUTPUT = ./ +HTML_HEADER = @srcdir@/static/header.html +HTML_FOOTER = @srcdir@/static/footer.html +#HTML_STYLESHEET = @srcdir@/static/doxygen.css +TOC_EXPAND = YES +DISABLE_INDEX = NO +GENERATE_TREEVIEW = YES +TREEVIEW_WIDTH = 300 + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#LaTeX related option +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +GENERATE_LATEX = NO + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#RTF related options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +GENERATE_RTF = NO + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#External reference options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +TAGFILES = geompy_doc.tag=./geompy_doc \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/doxyfile_py.in b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/doxyfile_py.in new file mode 100755 index 000000000..88df45eb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/doxyfile_py.in @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Project related configuration options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +PROJECT_NAME = "Geometry Module Reference Manual v.@VERSION@" +OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = ./ +CREATE_SUBDIRS = NO +OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = English +USE_WINDOWS_ENCODING = NO +BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC = YES +REPEAT_BRIEF = NO +ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC = YES +INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB = YES +FULL_PATH_NAMES = NO +SHORT_NAMES = NO +JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF = YES +MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF = NO +DETAILS_AT_TOP = NO +INHERIT_DOCS = YES +SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES = NO +TAB_SIZE = 5 +OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C = YES +OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA = YES +BUILTIN_STL_SUPPORT = NO +DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC = NO +SUBGROUPING = YES + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Build related options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +EXTRACT_ALL = YES +EXTRACT_PRIVATE = YES +EXTRACT_STATIC = YES +EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES = YES +EXTRACT_LOCAL_METHODS = NO +HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS = NO +HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES = NO +HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS = NO +HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS = NO +INTERNAL_DOCS = YES +CASE_SENSE_NAMES = YES +HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES = NO +SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES = YES +INLINE_INFO = YES +SORT_MEMBER_DOCS = NO +SORT_BRIEF_DOCS = NO +SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME = NO +GENERATE_TODOLIST = YES +GENERATE_TESTLIST = YES +GENERATE_BUGLIST = YES +GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST= YES +MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES = 25 +SHOW_USED_FILES = NO +SHOW_DIRECTORIES = NO + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to source browsing +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +SOURCE_BROWSER = NO +INLINE_SOURCES = NO +STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS = YES +REFERENCED_BY_RELATION = NO +REFERENCES_RELATION = YES +USE_HTAGS = NO +VERBATIM_HEADERS = YES + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# configuration options related to warning and progress messages +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +QUIET = NO +WARNINGS = YES +WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED = YES +WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR = YES +WARN_NO_PARAMDOC = NO +EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS = NO +EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE = NO + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#Input related options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +INPUT = @top_srcdir@/src/GEOM_SWIG +FILE_PATTERNS = geompyDC.py +IMAGE_PATH = @srcdir@/images +RECURSIVE = NO + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#HTML related options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +GENERATE_HTML = YES +HTML_OUTPUT = ./geompy_doc +HTML_HEADER = @srcdir@/static/header.html +HTML_FOOTER = @srcdir@/static/footer.html +#HTML_STYLESHEET = @srcdir@/static/doxygen.css +TOC_EXPAND = YES +DISABLE_INDEX = YES +GENERATE_TREEVIEW = NO + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#LaTeX related option +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +GENERATE_LATEX = NO + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#RTF related options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +GENERATE_RTF = NO + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Configuration options related to the dot tool +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#CLASS_DIAGRAMS = YES +CLASS_DIAGRAMS = NO +HIDE_UNDOC_RELATIONS = NO +#HAVE_DOT = YES +HAVE_DOT = NO +#CLASS_GRAPH = YES +CLASS_GRAPH = NO +COLLABORATION_GRAPH = NO +GROUP_GRAPHS = NO +UML_LOOK = NO +#TEMPLATE_RELATIONS = YES +#INCLUDE_GRAPH = YES +TEMPLATE_RELATIONS = NO +INCLUDE_GRAPH = NO +INCLUDED_BY_GRAPH = NO +CALL_GRAPH = NO +#GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY = YES +#DIRECTORY_GRAPH = YES +GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY = NO +DIRECTORY_GRAPH = NO +DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT = jpg +DOT_PATH = +DOTFILE_DIRS = +MAX_DOT_GRAPH_WIDTH = 1024 +MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT = 1200 +MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH = 0 +DOT_TRANSPARENT = NO +DOT_MULTI_TARGETS = NO +GENERATE_LEGEND = NO +DOT_CLEANUP = YES + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#External reference options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +GENERATE_TAGFILE = geompy_doc.tag diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/edge.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/edge.htm deleted file mode 100755 index be2c13039..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/edge.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,135 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Edge - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To - create an Edge in the Main - Menu select New Entity - > - Build - > Edge

- -


- -

You can create an Edge - from two points (Point1 and Point2), being the first and the last - vertices of the edge.

- -

The - Result  will - be a GEOM_Object (EDGE).

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeEdge(Vertex1, Vertex2), - where Vertex1 and Vertex2 are correspondingly the first and the last vertex - of the edge.

- -

Arguments: - Name + 2 vertices.

- -


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- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Advanced Geometric - Objects.

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- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/ehelp.xml b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/ehelp.xml deleted file mode 100755 index 190aa2369..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/ehelp.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - WebSearch - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/ehlpdhtm.js b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/ehlpdhtm.js deleted file mode 100755 index 6cfd2e463..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/ehlpdhtm.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4239 +0,0 @@ -// eHelp® Corporation Dynamic HTML JavaScript -// Copyright© 1998-2003 eHelp® Corporation.All rights reserved. -// Version=4.82 - -// Warning:Do not modify this file.It is generated by RoboHELP® and changes will be overwritten. - -//// Segment Begin -- (JavaScript 1.0) - -/// Section Begin - General and relative topics(JavaScript 1.0) - -//{{HH_SYMBOL_SECTION -var HH_ChmFilename = ""; -var HH_WindowName = ""; -var HH_GlossaryFont = ""; -var HH_Glossary = ""; -var HH_Avenue = ""; -var HH_ActiveX = false; -//}}HH_SYMBOL_SECTION - -//Begin to support previous generic parameters -//Get the information about the browser. -var gstrBsAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); 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-var gOlddocumentClick = null; - -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// -// Popup Menu code -// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -var g_bIsPopupMenuInit = false; -function _WritePopupMenuLayer() -{ - if (!g_bIsPopupMenuInit) - { - if (gbBsNS4&&!gbBsNS6) { -//Do not try to write ininle styles for NS! NS can not handle it and will not stop downloading the html page... - document.write("
"); - } else{ - document.write(""); - if (!(gbBsNS4&&!gbBsNS6)) { - document.write(""); - } - } - g_bIsPopupMenuInit = true; - } -} - -//Seek for the bsscright frame -function _SeekFrameByName( cRoot, strName ) -{ - if( cRoot == null ) return null; - if( cRoot.frames == null ) return null; - if( cRoot.frames[strName] != null ) return cRoot.frames[strName]; - for (var i=0; i'; - } else { - strMenu += '' + gbPopupMenuTopicList[fn_arguments[i]].strTitle + ''; - } - strMenu += ''; - - if (isNaN(fn_arguments[i]) || (gbPopupMenuTopicList == null)) { - i += 2; - } else { - i += 1; - } - } - strMenu += ""; - - if (gbBsMac) { - // totally hack. because ie5 in mac need something. is one of them. mac is mad. - strMenu +="
"; - } - - var layerPopup = null; - var stylePopup = null; - var nEventX = 0; - var nEventY = 0; - var nWindowWidth = 0; - if (gbBsIE4 || gbBsOpera7) { - - layerPopup = getElement("PopupMenu"); - layerPopup.innerHTML = strMenu; - stylePopup = layerPopup.style; - - _BSPSGetClientSize(); - - // Get the position of the item causing the event (relative to its parent) - nEventX = window.event.clientX; - nEventY = window.event.clientY; - - if (nEventY + layerPopup.scrollHeight + 10 < gBsClientHeight) { - nEventY += document.body.scrollTop + 10; - } else { - nEventY = (document.body.scrollTop + gBsClientHeight) - layerPopup.scrollHeight - 20; - } - stylePopup.top = nEventY; - - var nPopupWidth = layerPopup.scrollWidth; - if (gbBsMac) { - nPopupWidth = 80; // we have no idea how to get the dynamic width of the popup. - } - if (nEventX + nPopupWidth + 20 > gBsClientWidth) { - if (gBsClientWidth - nPopupWidth < 5) { - stylePopup.left = 5; - } else { - stylePopup.left = gBsClientWidth - nPopupWidth - 5; - } - } else { - stylePopup.left = nEventX + document.body.scrollLeft + 20; - } - - stylePopup.visibility = "visible"; - if (!gOlddocumentClick && document.onclick) - gOlddocumentClick = document.onclick; - document.onclick = PopupMenu_HandleClick; - - } else if (gbBsNS6 || gbBsKonqueror3||gbBsSafari) { - layerPopup = getElement("PopupMenu"); - layerPopup.style.visibility = "hidden"; - - if (gbBsNS6) - { - var e = fn_arguments[0]; - nEventX = e.pageX; - nEventY = e.pageY; - } - else - { - nEventX = window.event.clientX; - nEventY = window.event.clientY; - } - _BSPSGetClientSize(); - layerPopup.innerHTML = strMenu; - - if (nEventY + layerPopup.offsetHeight + 20 < window.pageYOffset + gBsClientHeight) { - nEventY += 20; - } else { - nEventY = gBsClientHeight + window.pageYOffset - layerPopup.offsetHeight - 20; - } - - if (nEventX + layerPopup.offsetWidth + 20 > gBsClientWidth + window.pageXOffset) { - if (gBsClientWidth + window.pageXOffset - layerPopup.offsetWidth < 20) { - nEventX = 5; - } else { - nEventX = gBsClientWidth + window.pageXOffset - layerPopup.offsetWidth - 20; - } - } else { - nEventX += 20; - } - layerPopup.style.top = nEventY; - layerPopup.style.left = nEventX; - // set again to avoid the stupid frash in netscape 6. - layerPopup.innerHTML = strMenu; - layerPopup.style.visibility = "visible"; - //window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); - if (!gOlddocumentClick && document.onclick) - gOlddocumentClick = document.onclick; - window.onclick = PopupMenu_HandleClick; - } - else if (gbBsNS4) { - layerPopup = document.layers.PopupMenu; - layerPopup.visibility = "hide"; - stylePopup = layerPopup.document; - stylePopup.write(strMenu); - stylePopup.close(); - var e = fn_arguments[0]; - nEventX = e.pageX; - nEventY = e.pageY; - _BSPSGetClientSize(); - if (nEventY + layerPopup.clip.height + 20 < window.pageYOffset + gBsClientHeight) { - nEventY += 20; - } else { - nEventY = gBsClientHeight + window.pageYOffset- layerPopup.clip.height - 20; - } - layerPopup.top = nEventY; - - if (nEventX + layerPopup.clip.width + 20 > gBsClientWidth + window.pageXOffset) { - if (gBsClientWidth + window.pageXOffset - layerPopup.clip.width < 20) { - nEventX = 5; - } else { - nEventX = gBsClientWidth + window.pageXOffset - layerPopup.clip.width - 20; - } - } else { - nEventX += 20; - } - - layerPopup.left = nEventX; - - layerPopup.visibility = "show"; - - window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); - if (!gOlddocumentClick && document.onmousedown) - gOlddocumentClick = document.onmousedown; - window.onmousedown = PopupMenu_HandleClick; - } - - window.gbInPopupMenu = true; - window.gbPopupMenuTimeoutExpired = false; - setTimeout("PopupMenu_Timeout();", 100); - return false; -} - -function PopupMenu_Timeout() -{ - window.gbPopupMenuTimeoutExpired = true; -} - -function PopupMenu_Over(e) -{ - if (gbBsIE4||gbBsOpera7) - e.srcElement.className = "PopupOver"; - else if (gbBsNS6) - e.target.parentNode.className = "PopupOver"; - return; -} - -function PopupMenu_Out(e) -{ - if (gbBsIE4||gbBsOpera7) - e.srcElement.className = "PopupNotOver"; - else if (gbBsNS6) - e.target.parentNode.className = "PopupNotOver"; - return; -} - -function PopupMenu_HandleClick(e) -{ - if (window.gbPopupMenuTimeoutExpired) { - window.gbInPopupMenu = false; - if (gbBsNS4 && !gbBsNS6) { - window.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); - } - - var layerPopup = null; - if (gbBsNS4&&!gbBsNS6) { - layerPopup = document.layers.PopupMenu; - layerPopup.visibility = "hide"; - } else { - layerPopup = getElement("PopupMenu"); - layerPopup.style.visibility = "hidden"; - } - - if (gOlddocumentClick) - { - if (gbBsNS4 && !gbBsNS6) - document.onmousedown = gOlddocumentClick; - else - document.onclick = gOlddocumentClick; - } - } - return; -} - -function BSSCPopup_ClickMac() -{ - if ((!DHTMLPopupSupport()) && (gbBsIE4 || gbBsOpera7)) - { - var bClickOnAnchor = false; - var el; - if ((window.event != null) && - (window.event.srcElement != null)) - { - el = window.event.srcElement; - while (el != null) - { - if ((el.tagName == "A") || (el.tagName == "AREA")) { - bClickOnAnchor = true; - break; - } - if (el.tagName == "BODY") { - break; - } - el = getParentNode(el); - } - } - if (BSSCPopup_IsPopup()) - { - if (!bClickOnAnchor) { - parent.window.gPopupWindow = null; - self.close(); - } - } - else - { - bClosePopupWindow = true; - if ((bClickOnAnchor) && - (el.href) && - ((el.href.indexOf("javascript:BSSCPopup") != -1) || (el.href.indexOf("javascript:null") != -1) || (el.href.indexOf("javascript:void(0)") != -1))) - { - bClosePopupWindow = false; - } - if (bClosePopupWindow) - { - if (window.gPopupWindow != null && !window.gPopupWindow.closed ) - { - window.gPopupWindow.close(); - } - } - } - } -} - -function BsPopupOnClick() -{ - if (!gbBsIE4 && !gbBsOpera7) - return; - - BSSCPopup_ClickMac(); -} - -function _BSSCOnError(message) -{ - if(-1 != message.indexOf("denied") - || -1 != message.indexOf("Object required")) - return true; -} - -//End to support previous relative topics - -/// Section End - General and relative topics (JavaScript 1.0) - -/// Section Begin - Popup (JavaScript 1.0) -//Begin to support previous popup functions - -//variables used to isolate the browser type -var gBsStyVisShow = null; -var gBsStyVisHide = null; -var gBsClientWidth = 640; -var gBsClientHeight = 480; - -// here is the varible for judge popup windows size. these parameter is for IE5.0, it may need adjust for others. -var gBRateH_W = 0.618; // 1.618 Golden cut. -var gBMaxXOfParent = 0.8; -var gBMaxYOfParent = 0.8; -var gBscrollHeight = 16; -var gBscrollWidth = 16; -var gBpermitXDelta = 3; -var gBpermitYDelta = 3; - - -var arrayPopupURL = new Array(); -var arrayAbsPopupURL = new Array(); - -var arrayDirty = new Array(); - -function setAbsPopupURL(nIndex, strURL) -{ - arrayAbsPopupURL[nIndex] = strURL; -} - -function getAbsPopupURL(nIndex) -{ - if (nIndex == -1 || arrayAbsPopupURL.length <= nIndex) return null; - else - return arrayAbsPopupURL[nIndex]; -} - -function getPopupURL(nIndex) -{ - if (nIndex == -1 || arrayPopupURL.length <= nIndex) return null; - else - return arrayPopupURL[nIndex]; -} - -function getPopupID(nIndex) -{ - return gstrPopupID + nIndex; -} - -function getPopupShadowID(nIndex) -{ - return gstrPopupShadowID + nIndex; -} - -function getPopupTopicID(nIndex) -{ - return gstrPopupTopicID + nIndex; -} - -function getPopupIFrameID(nIndex) -{ - return gstrPopupIFrameID + nIndex; -} - -function getPopupIFrameName(nIndex) -{ - return gstrPopupIFrameName + nIndex; -} - - -function getPopupTopicStyle(nIndex) -{ - return getElement(getPopupTopicID(nIndex)).style; -} - -function getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex) -{ - return getElement(getPopupShadowID(nIndex)).style; -} - -function getPopupIFrame(nIndex) -{ - if (gbBsNS6) - return eval("window.frames['" + getPopupIFrameName(nIndex) + "']"); - else - return eval("document.frames['" + getPopupIFrameName(nIndex) + "']"); -} - -function getPopupDivStyle(nIndex) -{ - return getElement(getPopupID(nIndex)).style; -} - -function getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex) -{ - return getElement(getPopupIFrameID(nIndex)).style; -} - - -function findDiv(strURL) -{ - for (var i = 0; i < arrayPopupURL.length; i ++ ) { - if (arrayPopupURL[i] == strURL) { - return i; - } - } - return -1; -} - -var gnToken = -1; -function takeToken() -{ - gnToken ++; - if (gnToken > 10000) gnToken = 0; - return gnToken; -} - -function IsValidToken(nToken) -{ - return (gnToken == nToken); -} - -function addDiv(strURL) -{ - for (var i = 0; i < arrayPopupURL.length; i ++) { - if (arrayPopupURL[i] == null) { - arrayPopupURL[i] = strURL; - return i; - } - } - arrayPopupURL[i] = strURL; - arrayDirty[i] = true; - return i; -} - -function setDirty() -{ - for (var i = 0; i < arrayPopupURL.length; i ++ ) - arrayDirty[i] = true; -} - -function IsDirty(nIndex) -{ - if (nIndex == -1) - return true; - else - if (arrayDirty.length > nIndex) - return arrayDirty[nIndex]; - else - return true; -} - -function hideAll() -{ - for (var i = 0; i < arrayPopupURL.length; i ++ ) - { - getPopupDivStyle(i).visibility = gBsStyVisHide; - getPopupIFrameStyle(i).visibility = gBsStyVisHide; - } -} - -function getCurrentPopupIFrame() -{ - for (var i = 0; i < arrayPopupURL.length; i ++) - if (getPopupDivStyle(i).visibility == gBsStyVisShow) - return getPopupIFrame(i); - return null; -} - -function setClear(nIndex) -{ - if (nIndex != -1) - arrayDirty[nIndex] = false; -} - -function _BSSCCreatePopupDiv(strURL) -{ - var nIndex = findDiv(strURL); - if (nIndex == -1 ) { - nIndex = addDiv(strURL); - BsPopup_CreateDiv(nIndex); - } - else { - if (IsDirty(nIndex)) { - if("object" == typeof(getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document)) - getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location.href = strURL; - } - } - return nIndex; -} - -//Here is the browser type -function _BSPSGetBrowserInfo() -{ - if (gbBsNS4&&!gbBsNS6) - { - gBsStyVisShow = "show"; - gBsStyVisHide = "hide"; - } - else - { - gBsStyVisShow = "visible"; - gBsStyVisHide = "hidden"; - } -} - -_BSPSGetBrowserInfo(); - -//Get client size info -function _BSPSGetClientSize() -{ - if (gbBsNS4||gbBsKonqueror3||gbBsSafari) - { - gBsClientWidth = innerWidth; - gBsClientHeight = innerHeight; - } - else if (gbBsIE4 || gbBsOpera7) - { - gBsClientWidth = document.body.clientWidth; - gBsClientHeight = document.body.clientHeight; - } -} - -var gstrPopupID = 'BSSCPopup'; -var gstrPopupShadowID = 'BSSCPopupShadow'; -var gstrPopupTopicID = 'BSSCPopupTopic'; -var gstrPopupIFrameID = 'BSSCPopupIFrame'; -var gstrPopupIFrameName = 'BSSCPopupIFrameName'; - -var gstrPopupSecondWindowName = 'BSSCPopup'; - -var gPopupWindow = null; -var gnPopupClickX = 0; -var gnPopupClickY = 0; - -var gnPopupScreenClickX = 0; -var gnPopupScreenClickY = 0; - -var gbPopupTimeoutExpired = false; - -function DHTMLPopupSupport() -{ - if (((gbBsIE4) && (!gbBsMac))||gbBsOpera7|| gbBsNS7) { - return true; - } - return false; -} - -function BSSCPopup_IsPopup() -{ - if (DHTMLPopupSupport() && (this.name.indexOf(gstrPopupIFrameName) != -1)) { - return true; - } else if ((gbBsNS4 || gbBsIE4 || gbBsOpera7) && (this.name.indexOf(gstrPopupID) != -1)) { - return true; - } else { - return false; - } -} - -// If there is a hyperlink in a popup window, display the hyperlink in -// the original window. (bsscright) -if (BSSCPopup_IsPopup() && !gbBsIE4 && !gbBsOpera7) { - document.write(""); -} - -// Local functions. -function BsPopup_CreateDiv(nIndex) -{ - if(!DHTMLPopupSupport()) - return; - // DO NOT SET Width and height for the div, otherwize it will make IE4 popup do not work when view the topic alone. - var strPopupDiv = ""; - - var objBody = getElementsByTag(document, "BODY")[0]; - if( typeof(objBody) != "object" ) - return; - - insertAdjacentHTML(objBody, "beforeEnd", strPopupDiv); -} - -function handleLoadNS() -{ - if (this.id) - { - var nIndex = parseInt(this.id.substring(gstrPopupIFrameID.length)); - BSSCPopup_PostWork(nIndex); - } -} - -function BSSCPopup_PostWork(nIndex) -{ - getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).visibility = gBsStyVisShow; - getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).visibility =gBsStyVisShow; - - setClear(nIndex); - window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired = true; - - BSSCPopup_ChangeTargettoParent(getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document); - if (gbBsNS6) - getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.body.addEventListener("click",BSSCPopupClicked,false); - else - getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.body.onclick = BSSCPopupClicked; - - if (!gbOrignalOnMouseDown && document.onmousedown) - gbOrignalOnMouseDown = document.onmousedown; - - if (gbBsNS6) - document.addEventListener("mousedown", BSSCPopupParentClicked,false); - else - document.onmousedown = BSSCPopupParentClicked; -} - -function BSSCPopup_Timeout(nIndex, nToken) -{ - if (!IsValidToken(nToken)) return; - - if (gbBsNS6||((getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.readyState == "complete") && - (getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.body != null))) { - BSSCPopup_PostWork(nIndex); - } else { - setTimeout("BSSCPopup_Timeout(" + nIndex + "," + nToken + ")", 100); - } -} - -// VH 08/10/00 -// do not change target to parent if the href is using javascript -function BSSCPopup_ChangeTargettoParent(tagsObject) -{ - var collA = getElementsByTag(tagsObject, "A"); - BSSCPopup_ChangeTargettoParent2(collA); - - var collIMG = getElementsByTag(tagsObject,"IMG"); - BSSCPopup_ChangeTargettoParent2(collIMG); -} - -function BSSCPopup_ChangeTargettoParent2(colls) -{ - if (colls != null) { - for (var j = 0; j < colls.length; j ++ ) - { - var strtemp = colls[j].href; - if (strtemp) - { - strtemp = strtemp.toLowerCase(); - if (strtemp.indexOf("javascript:") == -1) - if (colls[j].target == "") - colls[j].target = "_parent"; - } - } - } -} - -function BSPSPopupTopicWinHelp(strURL) -{ - _BSSCPopup(strURL); - return; -} - -function _BSSCPopup(strURL, width, height) -{ - var cuswidth = 0; - var cusheight = 0; - if ("undefined" != typeof(width) && "undefined" != typeof(height)) { - cuswidth = width; - cusheight= height; - } - - if (DHTMLPopupSupport()) { - var nToken = takeToken(); // take token first. - var nIndex = _BSSCCreatePopupDiv(strURL); - window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired = false; - var ntWidth = gBsClientWidth; - var ntHeight = gBsClientHeight; - _BSPSGetClientSize(); - if (ntWidth != gBsClientWidth || ntHeight != gBsClientHeight) { - setDirty(); - } - - if (IsDirty(nIndex)) { - if (gbBsMac) { - setTimeout("BSSCPopup_AfterLoad(" + nIndex + "," + nToken + "," + cuswidth + "," + cusheight +")", 400); - } else { - setTimeout("BSSCPopup_AfterLoad(" + nIndex + "," + nToken + "," + cuswidth + "," + cusheight + ")", 100); - } - } - else { - MoveDivAndShow(nIndex ,nToken, cuswidth, cusheight); - } - } else { - _BSSCPopup2(strURL, cuswidth, cusheight); - } - return; -} - -if (gbBsIE55) -{ - var ehlpdhtm_fOldBefureUnload = window.onbeforeunload; - var gnBsUnload=0; - window.onbeforeunload = window_BUnload; -} - -function window_BUnload() -{ - gnBsUnload++; - if (gnBsUnload>1) - return; - for (var i = 0; i < arrayPopupURL.length; i ++) - removeThis(document.all(getPopupID(i))); - arrayPopupURL.length = 0; - if (ehlpdhtm_fOldBefureUnload) - ehlpdhtm_fOldBefureUnload(); -} - -function _BSSCPopup2(strURL, width, height) -{ - if (gbBsOpera6&&gbBsMac) - { - var wmTemp = window.open(document.location.href, gstrPopupSecondWindowName); - wmTemp.close(); - setTimeout("_BSSCPopup3(\""+strURL+"\","+width+","+height+");",100); - } - else - _BSSCPopup3(strURL, width, height); -} - -function _BSSCPopup3(strURL, width, height) -{ - if (window.name == gstrPopupSecondWindowName) { - window.location = strURL; - } else { - if (!gbBsMac || !gbBsNS4) { - BSSCHidePopupWindow(); - } - var nX = 0; - var nY = 0; - var nHeight = 300; - var nWidth = 400; - if (width > 0 && height > 0) { - nHeight = height; - nWidth = width; - } - _BSPSGetClientSize(); - - nX = window.gnPopupScreenClickX; - nY = window.gnPopupScreenClickY; - - if (nY + nHeight + 40 > screen.availHeight) { - nY = screen.availHeight - nHeight - 40; - } - if (nX + nWidth + 40 > screen.availWidth) { - nX = screen.availWidth - nWidth - 40; - } - - // Launch a separate window - var strParam="titlebar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes"; - if (gbBsNS) { - if (gbBsNS6) { - strParam += ",Height=" + nHeight + ",Width=" + nWidth; - strParam += ",screenX=" + nX + ",screenY=" + nY; - strParam += ",dependent=yes"; - } - else { - strParam += ",OuterHeight=" + nHeight + ",OuterWidth=" + nWidth; - strParam += ",screenX=" + nX + ",screenY=" + nY; - strParam += ",dependent=yes"; - } - } - else { - strParam += ",height=" + nHeight + ",width=" + nWidth; - strParam += ",left=" + nX + ",top=" + nY; - } - if (gbBsSafari) - { - if (window.gPopupWindow) - window.gPopupWindow.close(); - window.gPopupWindow = window.open(strURL, "", strParam); - window.gPopupWindow.name = gstrPopupSecondWindowName; - window.gPopupWindow.moveTo(nX, nY); - widnow.gPopupWindow.document.location.reload(); - } - else - { - var wmTemp=null; - if (gbBsKonqueror3) - { - if (window.gPopupWindow) - window.gPopupWindow.close(); - } - if (gbBsOpera&&gbBsMac) - { - wmTemp= window.open(document.location.href, "Temp", strParam); - } - window.gPopupWindow = window.open(strURL, gstrPopupSecondWindowName, strParam); - if (!gbBsIE) - window.gPopupWindow.focus(); - - if (wmTemp) - wmTemp.close(); - } - - if (gbBsNS4) - setEventHandle(); - else if (gbBsIE4 || gbBsOpera7||gbBsKonqueror3) - setTimeout("setPopupFocus();", 100); - } - return; -} - -function setEventHandle() -{ - window.gPopupWindow.captureEvents(Event.CLICK | Event.BLUR); - window.gPopupWindow.onclick = NonIEPopup_HandleClick; - window.gPopupWindow.onblur = NonIEPopup_HandleBlur; -} - -function setPopupFocus() -{ - window.gPopupWindow.focus(); -} - -function NonIEPopup_HandleBlur(e) -{ - window.gPopupWindow.focus(); -} - -function NonIEPopup_HandleClick(e) -{ - // Because navigator will give the event to the handler before the hyperlink, let's - // first route the event to see if we are clicking on a Popup menu in a popup. - document.routeEvent(e); - - // If a popup menu is active then don't do anything with the click - if (window.gPopupWindow.gbInPopupMenu) { - window.gPopupWindow.captureEvents(Event.CLICK); - window.gPopupWindow.onclick = NonIEPopup_HandleClick; - return false; - } - - // Close the popup window - if(e.target.href) - { - if(e.target.href.indexOf("javascript:")==-1) - { - if (e.target.target=="") - window.location.href = e.target.href; - else - window.open(e.target.href, e.target.target); - this.close(); - } - } - else - this.close(); - return false; -} - -function BSSCPopup_AfterLoad(nIndex, nToken, cuswidth, cusheight) -{ - if (!window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document) { - _BSSCPopup2(getPopupURL(nIndex), cuswidth, cusheight); - return; - } - - if (!IsValidToken(nToken)) return; - - if (gbBsNS6) - { - setAbsPopupURL(nIndex, window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location.href); // change URL to abs url. - BSSCPopup_ResizeAfterLoad(nIndex, nToken, cuswidth, cusheight); - return; - } - - if ((window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.readyState == "complete") && - (window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.body != null)) { - if (window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location.href.indexOf("about:blank") != -1) { // add this check. IE will use about:blank" as the default vaule for Iframe. - window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location = getPopupURL(nIndex); - setTimeout("BSSCPopup_AfterLoad(" + nIndex + "," + nToken + "," + cuswidth + "," + cusheight + ")", 200); - } - else - { - setAbsPopupURL(nIndex, window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location.href); // change URL to abs url. - BSSCPopup_ResizeAfterLoad(nIndex, nToken, cuswidth, cusheight); - } - } else { - setTimeout("BSSCPopup_AfterLoad(" + nIndex + "," + nToken + "," + cuswidth + "," + cusheight + ")", 200); - } -} - -function BSSCPopup_ResizeAfterLoad(nIndex, nToken, cuswidth, cusheight) -{ - if (window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired) return; - - if (!IsValidToken(nToken)) return; - - getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).visibility = gBsStyVisHide; - getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).visibility = gBsStyVisHide; - - // Determine the width and height for the window - _BSPSGetClientSize(); - - var size = new BSSCSize(0, 0); - - if (cuswidth <= 0 || cusheight <= 0) - BSSCGetContentSize(window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex), size); - else { - size.x = cuswidth; - size.y = cusheight; - } - - // Determine the width and height for the window - var nWidth = size.x; - var nHeight = size.y; - - // for small popup size, we should allow any size. - // The popup size should be ok if bigger than 0 - if (nWidth < 0 || nHeight < 0) return; // there must be something terribly wrong. - - getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).width = nWidth; - getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).height = nHeight; - - getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).width = nWidth; - getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).height = nHeight; - getPopupTopicStyle(nIndex).width = nWidth; - getPopupTopicStyle(nIndex).height = nHeight; - if (gbBsIE55) - { - getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).width = nWidth + 2; - getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).height = nHeight + 2; - getPopupTopicStyle(nIndex).width = nWidth + 2; - getPopupTopicStyle(nIndex).height = nHeight + 2; - } - - getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).width = nWidth; - getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).height = nHeight; - if (gbBsIE55 || gbBsNS6) - { - getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).top = 0; - getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).left = 0; - } - - var strURL = getPopupURL(nIndex); - if (strURL.indexOf("#") != -1&&gbBsNS6) - getPopupIFrame(nIndex).location.reload(); - else if (strURL.indexOf("#") != -1||gbBsNS6) - getPopupIFrame(nIndex).location.href = strURL; // reload again, this will fix the bookmark misunderstand in IE5. - - MoveDivAndShow(nIndex, nToken, cuswidth, cusheight); -} - -function getScrollLeft() -{ - if (document.body.scrollLeft) - return document.body.scrollLeft; - else if (window.pageXOffset) - return window.pageXOffset; - else - return 0; -} - -function getScrollTop() -{ - if (document.body.scrollTop) - return document.body.scrollTop; - else if (window.pageYOffset) - return window.pageYOffset; - else - return 0; -} - - -function MoveDivAndShow(nIndex, nToken, cuswidth, cusheight) -{ - if (window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location.href != getAbsPopupURL(nIndex)) { // if redirect, reload again. - window.getPopupIFrame(nIndex).document.location = getPopupURL(nIndex); - setTimeout("BSSCPopup_AfterLoad(" + nIndex + "," + nToken + "," + cuswidth + "," + cusheight + ")", 200); - return; - } - - // Determine the position of the window - var nClickX = window.gnPopupClickX; - var nClickY = window.gnPopupClickY; - var nTop = 0; - var nLeft = 0; - - var nWidth = parseInt(getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).width); - var nHeight = parseInt(getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).height); - - if (nClickY + nHeight + 20 < gBsClientHeight + getScrollTop()) { - nTop = nClickY + 10; - } else { - nTop = (getScrollTop() + gBsClientHeight) - nHeight - 20; - } - if (nClickX + nWidth < gBsClientWidth + getScrollLeft()) { - nLeft = nClickX; - } else { - nLeft = (getScrollLeft() + gBsClientWidth) - nWidth - 8; - } - - if (nTop < getScrollTop()) nTop = getScrollTop() + 1; - if (nLeft< getScrollLeft()) nLeft = getScrollLeft() + 1; - - getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).left = nLeft; - getPopupDivStyle(nIndex).top = nTop; - - // Set the location of the background blocks - getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).left = 6; - getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).top = 6; - if (gbBsIE55) - { - getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).left = 4; - getPopupShadowStyle(nIndex).top = 4; - } - - if (gbBsMac&&gbBsIE4) { - // Total hack on the iMac to get the IFrame to position properly - getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).pixelLeft = 100; - getPopupIFrameStyle(nIndex).pixelLeft = 0; - // Explicitly call BSSCOnLoad because the Mac doesn't seem to do it - getPopupIFrame(nIndex).window.BSSCOnLoad(); - } - - if (gbBsNS6&&IsDirty(nIndex)) - getElement(getPopupIFrameID(nIndex)).addEventListener("load", handleLoadNS, false); - else - BSSCPopup_Timeout(nIndex , nToken ); - return; -} - -function BSSCSize(x, y) -{ - this.x = x; - this.y = y; -} - -function BSSCGetContentSize(thisWindow, size) -{ - if (!gbBsIE4 && !gbBsOpera7 && !gbBsNS4) - return; - - if ((gbBsMac&&gbBsIE4)||gbBsNS4||gbBsOpera7) { - size.x = 320; - size.y = 180; - return; - } - - // Resize the width until it is wide enough to handle the content - // The trick is to start wide and determine when the scrollHeight changes - // because then we know a scrollbar is necessary. We can then go back - // to the next widest size (for no scrollbar) - - var ClientRate = gBsClientHeight / gBsClientWidth; - - - var GoldenSize = new BSSCSize(0,0); - GoldenSize.x = gBsClientWidth * gBMaxXOfParent; - GoldenSize.y = gBsClientHeight *gBMaxYOfParent ; - - if (ClientRate > gBRateH_W) { - GoldenSize.y = GoldenSize.x * gBRateH_W; - } - else { - GoldenSize.x = GoldenSize.y / gBRateH_W; - } - - // Try to using parent specified max x. - var x = 0; - var maxgoldx = GoldenSize.x; - var maxx = gBsClientWidth * gBMaxXOfParent; - - // This double resize causes the document to re-render (and we need it to) - if (!gbBsIE5) - thisWindow.moveTo(10000,10000); // this is used to fix the flash on IE4. - - thisWindow.resizeTo(1, 1); - thisWindow.resizeTo(1, 1); - thisWindow.resizeTo(maxgoldx, thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight); - thisWindow.resizeTo(maxgoldx, thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight); - - var miny = thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight; - - if (miny > GoldenSize.y) // the popup does not fix in the parent wanted golden area. so try to expand itself as large as it can - { - thisWindow.resizeTo(maxx , thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight); - thisWindow.resizeTo(maxx , thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight); - - miny = thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight; - maxy = gBsClientHeight * gBMaxYOfParent; - - if (miny > maxy) { // the popup must have a scroll, OK let it be. - miny = maxy; - size.x = maxx; - size.y = maxy; - thisWindow.document.body.scroll = 'yes'; // At this time we do want to show scroll any more. so it will looks better a little. - } - else { // popup still can fit in the parent area by someway. now we choose the same h/w rate as parent. - size.y = miny; - - // downsize from maxx , now I try to using binary divide. - x = maxx; - deltax = -maxx/2; - //j = 0; - while (true) { - x = x + deltax; - thisWindow.resizeTo(x, miny); - thisWindow.resizeTo(x, miny); - diffy = thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight - x * ClientRate; - if (diffy > gBpermitYDelta ) // it is higher than wanted, so x need to be wide a little bitter - deltax = Math.abs(deltax) /2; - else if (diffy < -gBpermitYDelta) // it is shorter than wanted, so x need to be narrow a little bitter - deltax = -Math.abs(deltax) /2; - else - // the y is close enough to wanted. - break; - if (Math.abs(deltax) < gBpermitXDelta) // the next change is too slight and it can be ignore. - break; - } - size.x = thisWindow.document.body.scrollWidth; //+ gBscrollWidth; - size.y = thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight;// + gBscrollHeight; - thisWindow.document.body.scroll = 'no'; - } - } - else { - if (thisWindow.document.body.scrollWidth > maxgoldx) { - size.x = maxx; - size.y = miny; - thisWindow.document.body.scroll = 'yes'; - } - else { - // downsize from maxgoldx , now I try to using binary divide. - x = maxgoldx; - deltax = -maxgoldx/2; - while (true) { - x = x + deltax; - thisWindow.resizeTo(x, miny); - thisWindow.resizeTo(x, miny); - diffy = thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + gBscrollHeight - x * gBRateH_W; - if (diffy > gBpermitYDelta ) // it is higher than wanted, so x need to be wide a little bitter - deltax = Math.abs(deltax) /2; - else if (diffy < -gBpermitYDelta) // it is shorter than wanted, so x need to be narrow a little bitter - deltax = -Math.abs(deltax) /2; - else - // the y is close enough to wanted. - break; - if (Math.abs(deltax) < gBpermitXDelta) // the next change is too slight and it can be ignore. - break; - } - size.x = thisWindow.document.body.scrollWidth; //+ gBscrollWidth; - size.y = thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight ; - thisWindow.document.body.scroll = 'no'; // At this time we do not want to show scroll any more. so it will looks better a little. - thisWindow.resizeTo(size.x, size.y); - if (thisWindow.document.body.scrollWidth > size.x) - { - size.x = thisWindow.document.body.scrollWidth; - } - if (thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight > size.y) - { - size.y = thisWindow.document.body.scrollHeight; - } - } - } - thisWindow.resizeTo(size.x, size.y); - thisWindow.resizeTo(size.x, size.y); - return; -} - -function BSSCPopupParentClicked() -{ - if (!window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired) { - return false; - } - - document.onmousedown = gbOrignalOnMouseDown; - - // Simply hide the popup - hideAll(); - - window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired = false; - - return true; -} - -function isInsideHyperLink(obj) -{ - if (obj&&obj!=getParentNode(obj)) - { - if (obj.tagName=="A"||obj.tagName=="IMG") - return true; - else - return isInsideHyperLink(getParentNode(obj)); - } - else - return false; -} - -function BSSCPopupClicked(e) -{ - if (!window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired) { - return false; - } - - var popupIFrame = getCurrentPopupIFrame(); - if (popupIFrame == null) { - return true; - } - - if (gbBsIE4 && (!((popupIFrame.window.event != null) && - (popupIFrame.window.event.srcElement != null) && - isInsideHyperLink(popupIFrame.window.event.srcElement)))) { - document.onmousedown = gbOrignalOnMouseDown; - - // Simply hide the popup - hideAll(); - window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired = false; - return true; - } - else if (gbBsNS6 && (!((e != null) && - (e.target!= null) && isInsideHyperLink(e.target)))) - { - document.addEventListener("mousedown", gbOrignalOnMouseDown,false); - // Simply hide the popup - hideAll(); - window.gbPopupTimeoutExpired = false; - return true; - } -} - -//trace the mouse over's position for hotspot -function BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event) -{ - if (gbBsIE4 || gbBsOpera7||gbBsKonqueror3) { - window.gnPopupClickX = event.clientX + getScrollLeft(); - window.gnPopupClickY = event.clientY + getScrollTop(); - window.gnPopupScreenClickX = event.screenX; - window.gnPopupScreenClickY = event.screenY; - } else if (gbBsSafari) { - window.gnPopupClickX = event.clientX + getScrollLeft(); - window.gnPopupClickY = event.clientY + getScrollTop(); - window.gnPopupScreenClickX = event.screenX + window.screenX; - window.gnPopupScreenClickY = event.screenY + window.screenY; - } else if (gbBsNS4) { - window.gnPopupClickX = event.pageX - window.pageXOffset; - window.gnPopupClickY = event.pageY - window.pageYOffset; - window.gnPopupScreenClickX = event.screenX - window.pageXOffset; - window.gnPopupScreenClickY = event.screenY - window.pageYOffset; - } -} - -function BSSCHidePopupWindow() -{ - if (window.gPopupWindow != null) { - if (gbBsNS4) { - if ((typeof window.gPopupWindow != "undefined") && (!window.gPopupWindow.closed)) { - window.gPopupWindow.close(); - window.gPopupWindow = null; - } - } - } - return; -} - -// Add the PopupOnClick to the onclick array. -if (typeof(BsscRegisterOnClick) != "undefined") -{ - BsscRegisterOnClick(BsPopupOnClick); -} -//End to support previous popup functions - -/// Section End - Popup (JavaScript 1.0) - -/// Section Begin - Embedded Stub (JavaScript 1.0) - -function BSSCCreatePopupDiv() -{ - return; -} - -function WritePopupMenuLayer() -{ - if (BsscHasExtJs()) {_WritePopupMenuLayer();} -} - -function BSSCPopup(strURL, width, height) -{ - var re = new RegExp("'", 'g'); - strURL = strURL.replace(re, "%27"); - - if (BsscHasExtJs()) { - _BSSCPopup(strURL, width, height); - }else{ - //Create a temporary window first to ensure the real popup comes up on top - var wndTemp = null; - if (!gbBsNS3) { - wndTemp = window.open("", "temp", "titlebar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=3,width=4"); - } - // Create the real popup window - var wndPopup = window.open(strURL, "BSSCPopup", "titlebar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=300,width=400"); - // Close the temporary - if (!gbBsNS3) { - wndTemp.close(); - } else { - wndPopup.focus(); - } - } -} - -var gbWndTemp = null, gbWndPopupLinks = null; -var gbstrParaTotal = ""; - -function PopupMenu_Invoke() -{ - if (typeof(wfRelatedTopic) == 'function' && typeof(IsFlashSupported) == 'function') - { - if (Number(gsSkinVersion) > 2 && IsFlashSupported()) - { - return wfRelatedTopic(PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments); - } - } - if (BsscHasExtJs()) { - return _PopupMenu_Invoke(PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments); - } - if (gbBsNS3Before || gbBsIE3Before ) { - var argLen = PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments.length; - if (argLen < 5) { - window.document.location.href = PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments[3]; - return false; - } - gbWndTemp = null; - gbWndPopupLinks = null; - gbstrParaTotal = ""; - for (var i = 0; i < (argLen - 2) / 2; i++) { - var strParaLine = ""; - if (gbBsNS2){ - strParaLine += "" - strParaLine += PopupMenu_Invoke.arguments[2 * i + 2]; - strParaLine += ""; - } else { - strParaLine += ""); - if (gbBsNS2) { - gbWndPopupLinks.document.write(""); - } else { - //YJ: IE301,302 and NS3.x works fine - gbWndPopupLinks.document.write("<"); - gbWndPopupLinks.document.write("script>"); - gbWndPopupLinks.document.write("function gotoUrl(aUrl) {opener.window.location=aUrl; close();}"); - gbWndPopupLinks.document.write("<"); - gbWndPopupLinks.document.write("/script>"); - } - gbWndPopupLinks.document.write(""); - gbWndPopupLinks.document.write(gbstrParaTotal); - gbWndPopupLinks.document.write(""); - gbWndPopupLinks.document.close(); - - // Close the temporary - if (!gbBsNS3 && gbWndTemp != null) { - gbWndTemp.close(); - }else { - gbWndPopupLinks.focus(); - } - - return true; - } - return false; -} - -/// Section End - Embedded Stub (JavaScript 1.0) - -//// Segment End -- (JavaScript 1.0) - -//// Segment Begin -- (JavaScript 1.2) -/// Section Begin - kadov DHTM (JavaScript 1.2) - -//Begin to support extended and dropdown text effects. -function kadovIsParagraph(el) -{ - return( el.tagName == "P" || el.tagName.indexOf("H") == 0 ) ? true : false; -} - -function kadovInitEachChild(el) -{ - for(var i=0; i "") ) - child.style.setAttribute( "x-on-pageload", "" ); - } - - var href = child.getAttribute("href") - if( href != null && href > "" && href.indexOf( "BSSCPopup" ) >= 0 ) - kadovFilePopupInit(child.id); // Init for Popup - else if( child.className == "dropspot" || child.className == "expandspot" || - child.className == "glossterm" ) - kadovTextPopupInit(child.id);// Init for Expanding/Glossary or DropDown text - else if( child.className == "trigger") - kadovInitTrigger(child.id);// Init for Trigger - else - { - kadovInitEffects(child.id);// Init for DHTML effects - CEngine.SetOneTargetInitialState( child.id ); - } - } - - if( (child.tagName == "IMG") && (child.getAttribute("dynsrc") > "") ) - child.start = "mouseover";// to start a AVI file. fileopen doesn't work - - kadovInitEachChild(child); - } -} - -function kadovRetrieveTextInner(el) -{ - var x = ""; - if( (!el) || (el.tagName == "!") || (el.tagName == "SCRIPT" )) - return x; - - if( kadovIsParagraph(el) ) - { - var strNewID = " "; - if( el.id != "" ) - strNewID += "id=" + el.id + "_NewSpan "; - x = "" + el.innerHTML + ""; - } - else - { - for(var i=0; i 0 ) - if( (nTagClose - nTagOpen) != nDistance ) - return strRawHTML; - - var strCleanOnce = strRawHTML.substring(0, nTagOpen) + strRawHTML.substr(nTagClose + strTagClose.length) ; - return kadovRetrieveCleanHTML( strCleanOnce, strTagOpen, strTagClose ); -} - -function kadovAdjustObjectTag(strRawHTML, nStartPos) -{// adjust object tag for related topics HTML control, because innerHTML misses out the item settings - - //Is there any DTC? - var strDTCTagOpen = ''; - var nDTCTagOpen = strRawHTML.indexOf( strDTCTagOpen, nStartPos ); - if( nDTCTagOpen < 0 ) - return strRawHTML; - var nDTCTagClose = strRawHTML.indexOf( strDTCTagClose, nDTCTagOpen ); - if( nDTCTagClose < nDTCTagOpen) - return strRawHTML; // no Design Time Controls; - - //Is the DTC HTML Help Control? - var strRTObjTagOpen = 'classid=clsid:ADB880A6-D8FF-11CF-9377-00AA003B7A11'; - var strRTObjTagClose = ''; - var nRTObjTagOpen = strRawHTML.indexOf( strRTObjTagOpen, nDTCTagOpen ); - if( nRTObjTagOpen < nDTCTagOpen ) - return strRawHTML; - var nRTObjTagClose = strRawHTML.indexOf( strRTObjTagClose, nRTObjTagOpen ); - if( nRTObjTagClose < nRTObjTagOpen ) - return strRawHTML; // is not a HTML help control - - // Is it a related Topics html help control? - var strRTObjLabel = ''; - } - - // to insert the reconstructed item params into runtime object tag - var strAdjustedHTML = strRawHTML.substring(0,nRTObjTagClose) + strRunTimeItemParam + strRawHTML.substring(nRTObjTagClose, strRawHTML.length); - return kadovAdjustObjectTag(strAdjustedHTML, nDTCTagClose + strDTCTagClose.length); -} - -function kadovTextPopupOnLoad( el ) -{ - if( typeof(el) == "string" ) - el = getElement(el); - - var src = el.getAttribute( "x-use-popup" ); - var bNeedMove=true; - if(!src&&el.id) - { - for (var i=0;i"); - strCleanHTML = kadovRetrieveCleanHTML(strCleanHTML, ""); - - //work around the bug in HH.exe that highlight the phrases when use Search tab - //this approach is just removing the tag inserted by Microsoft in the runtime - strCleanHTML = kadovRetrieveCleanHTML(strCleanHTML, "", 52); - - var strStyle = " style='display:none; position:relative;"; - var newDiv = "
" + strCleanHTML + "
"; - - removeThis(srcDiv); // empty the original DIV tag - var elParentPra = kadovFindParentParagraph(el); - if( elParentPra ) - insertAdjacentHTML(elParentPra, "afterEnd", newDiv ); - } - else if( type == "expanding" ) - { - var inner = kadovRetrieveTextInner(srcDiv); - if( inner == "" ) - inner = srcDiv.innerHTML; - var strAdjust = kadovAdjustObjectTag(inner,0); - var strCleanHTML = kadovRetrieveCleanHTML(strAdjust, ""); - strCleanHTML = kadovRetrieveCleanHTML(strCleanHTML, ""); - var strClassName = (el.className == "glossterm") ? "glosstext" : "expandtext"; - var newSpan = ""; - removeThis(srcDiv); // empty the original DIV tag - insertAdjacentHTML(el, "afterEnd", newSpan ); - } - } - } - else - { - srcDiv.style.display = "none"; - } - return 0; -} - -function getElementsByTag(obj,sTagName) -{ - if(obj.getElementsByTagName) - return obj.getElementsByTagName(sTagName); - else if(obj.all) - return obj.all.tags(sTagName); - return null; -} - -function getElement(sID) -{ - if(document.getElementById) - return document.getElementById(sID); - else if(document.all) - return document.all(sID); - return null; -} - -function getParentNode(obj) -{ - if(obj.parentNode) - return obj.parentNode; - else if(obj.parentElement) - return obj.parentElement; - return null; -} - -function getChildNodes(obj) -{ - if(obj.childNodes) - { - var children = new Array(); - for (var i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++) - { - if (obj.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1) - children[children.length] = obj.childNodes[i]; - } - return children; - } - else if(obj.children) - return obj.children; - return null; -} - -function removeThis(obj) -{ - if(obj.parentNode) - obj.parentNode.removeChild(obj); - else - obj.outerHTML=""; -} - -function kadovTextPopup( el ) -{ - if (!gbBsIE4 && !gbBsOpera7 && !gbBsSafari && !gbBsNS6 && !gbBsKonqueror3 ) - return; - - var bNeedMove=true; - - if (window.event) - window.event.cancelBubble = true; - - if( typeof(el) == "string" ) - el = getElement(el); - - if (!el||el==window) - return; - - var src = el.getAttribute( "x-use-popup" ); - if(!src&&el.id) - { - for (var i=0;i= 0 && nNext < values.length ) - { - functions[nIdx] = values.substr( nStart, nNext-nStart+1); - nStart = nNext + 1; - nIdx++; - nNext = values.indexOf( "\)", nStart); - } - - for( var i=0; i= 0 ) - { - nPageClick = arrForClickCount[j].indexOf("="); - if( nPageClick > 0 ) - { - nClickTimes = arrForClickCount[j].substring( nPageClick + 1, arrForClickCount[j].length) * 1; - break; - } - } - } - var args = srcargs; - if( j < arrForClickCount.length ) - {// to strip out the "clicks=99" from the arguments string - args = ""; - for( var k = 0; k < arrForClickCount.length; k ++ ) - { - if( k != j ) - { - args += arrForClickCount[k]; - if( k < arrForClickCount.length - 1 ) - args += ","; - } - } - } - bsscFXInit( null, id, translatedProp, fnname, args, nClickTimes ); - } -} - -function kadovTranslateProp( prop ) -{ - switch( prop ) - { - case "x-on-hover" : return "bsschover"; - case "x-on-pageclick" : return "bsscpageclick"; - case "x-on-pageload" : return "bsscpageload"; - case "x-on-trigger-1" : return "bssctrigger1"; - case "x-on-trigger-2" : return "bssctrigger2"; - } - return null; -} -//End to convert iWrite format to RoboEditor Format for DHTML effects - -//Begin the definition of one entry to DHTML effects -function bsscFXInit( trigger_ID, target_ID, event_type, - action_type, action_setting, event_addional ) -{ - if( (!gbBsWindows && !gbBsSunOS && !(gbBsMac&&gbBsIE5)) || typeof(target_ID) != "string" )//MUST have a target_ID - return; // we don't support Navigator yet - - if( typeof(event_type) == "string" ) - event_type = event_type.toLowerCase(); - if( typeof(action_type) == "string" ) - action_type = action_type.toLowerCase(); - if( typeof(action_setting) == "string" ) - action_setting = action_setting.toLowerCase(); - - // to get the target element then add it to the target list - var eleTarget = CCSSP.GetObject( target_ID ); - if( (eleTarget != null) && (event_type != null) && (action_type != null) ) - { - CEngine.AddOneTarget( target_ID, eleTarget ); - CEngine.BuildTargetObject(target_ID, event_type, action_type, action_setting, event_addional); - } - - // to validate the trigger_ID parameter - if( typeof(trigger_ID) == "string" && trigger_ID != "" ) - CEngine.BuildTriggerObject( trigger_ID, target_ID ); -} -//End the definition of one entry to DHTML effects - -/// Section End - kadov DHTM (JavaScript 1.2) - -/// Section Begin - CCSSP DHTM (JavaScript 1.2) - -//Begin JavaScript libary for cross-platform positioning object. -function CCSSP(){} // constructor of CCSSP class - -CCSSP.GetObject = function( obj ) -{//convert object name string or reference into a valid object reference - if( typeof(obj) == "object" ) - return obj; - else if( typeof(obj) == "string" && obj != "") - { - if( gbBsNS4 ) - return eval("document." + obj); - else - return eval("document.all(\"" + obj + "\")"); - } - else - return null; -} - -CCSSP.MoveObjectTo = function(obj, x, y) -{//positioning an object at a specific pixel coordinate - if( gbBsNS4 ) - obj.moveTo(x,y); - else - { - obj.style.pixelLeft = x; - obj.style.pixelTop = y; - } -} - -CCSSP.MoveObjectBy = function(obj, dx, dy) -{//moveing a object by x and/or y pixel - if( gbBsNS4 ) - obj.moveBy(dx,dy); - else - { - obj.style.pixelLeft += dx; - obj.style.pixelTop += dy; - } -} - -CCSSP.SetObjectBGColor = function(obj, color) -{//set the background color of an object - if( gbBsNS4 ) - obj.bgColor = color; - else - obj.style.backgroundColor = color; -} - -CCSSP.ShowObject = function(obj, bShow) -{// set the object to be visible or invisible - if( gbBsNS4 ) - obj.visibility = (bShow == true) ? 'show' : 'hide'; - else - obj.style.visibility = (bShow == true) ? 'visible' : 'hidden';// when hidden, it still occupy some space. -} - -CCSSP.GetObjectLeft = function(obj) -{// retrieve the x coordinate of a posionable object - if( gbBsNS4 ) - return obj.left; - else - return obj.style.pixelLeft; -} - -CCSSP.GetObjectTop = function(obj) -{// retrieve the y coordinate of a posionable object - if( gbBsNS4 ) - return obj.top; - else - return obj.style.pixelTop; -} - -CCSSP.GetObjectContainLeft = function(obj) -{// retrieve the x coordinate of a posionable object relative to it's parent element - if( gbBsNS4 ) - return obj.pageX; - else - { - if( obj == document.body ) - return obj.clientLeft; - else - return obj.offsetLeft; - } -} - -CCSSP.GetObjectWindowLeft = function(obj) -{// retrieve the x coordinate of a posionable object relative to browser window - if( gbBsNS4 ) - return obj.pageX; - else - { - var nOffsetWindowLeft = 0; - for(var element = obj; element; element = element.offsetParent) - nOffsetWindowLeft += CCSSP.GetObjectContainLeft(element); - return nOffsetWindowLeft; - } -} - -CCSSP.GetObjectContainTop = function(obj) -{// retrieve the y coordinate of a posionable object relative to it's parent element - if( gbBsNS4 ) - return obj.pageY; - else - { - if( obj == document.body ) - return obj.clientTop; - else - return obj.offsetTop; - } -} - -CCSSP.GetObjectWindowTop = function(obj) -{// retrieve the y coordinate of a posionable object relative to browser window - if( gbBsNS4 ) - return obj.pageY; - else - { - var nOffsetWindowTop = 0; - for(var element = obj; element; element = element.offsetParent) - nOffsetWindowTop += CCSSP.GetObjectContainTop(element); - return nOffsetWindowTop; - } -} - -CCSSP.GetObjectHeight = function(obj) -{// retrieve the height of a posionable object - if( gbBsNS4 ) - return obj.clip.height; - else - return obj.offsetHeight; -} - -CCSSP.GetObjectWidth = function(obj) -{// retrieve the width of a posionable object - if( gbBsNS4 ) - return obj.clip.width; - else - return obj.offsetWidth; -} - -CCSSP.RegisterEventHandler = function( srcObj, rawEventName, funcHandler ) -{ // to add the "funcHandler" as the "rawEventName" 's handler to the "srcObj" object,the original event handler will be combined - if (gbBsNS4 && !gbBsNS6) - return ; - - var oldHandler = ""; - - if (gbBsMac &&gbBsIE4&&!gbBsIE5) - { - if (typeof(srcObj[rawEventName.toLowerCase()])=="unknown") - { //search for - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create an Ellipse in the Main - Menu select New Entity - > - Basic - > Ellipse

- -


- -

You - can define an Ellipse by its - Center Point, a Vector giving its normal, and its Major & - Minor Radiuses.

- -

The - Result of the operation will be a - GEOM_Object (edge).

- -


- -

TUI Command: geompy.MakeEllipse(Point, Vector, RadiusMajor, - RadiusMinor),

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 vertex (for the center) + 1 edge (for the direction) + 1 X Radius - + 1 Y Radius.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -
- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/explode.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/explode.htm deleted file mode 100755 index bbde464f4..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/explode.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Explode - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To Explode - an object into subshapes, in the main menu select New - Entity > Explode.

- -


- -

To create a list of  subshapes - (vertices, edges, wires etc.) of the given shape using the Explode - operation, you need to define the Main - Object, which will be exploded and - the Type of Subshapes you wish to obtain from it.

- -

The - Result of the operation will be a List - of GEOM_Objects (edges, faces, solids or compsolids).

- -


- -

Using - TUI Commands you can perform this operation - in a variety of ways:

- -
    - -
  • geompy.SubShapeAll(Shape, - Type) explodes a Shape on subshapes of a given Type and returns - a List of sub-shapes.

  • - -
  • geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(Shape, - Type)  explodes - a Shape on subshapes of a given Type and returns a List of IDs of sub-shapes. -

  • - -
  • geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Shape, - Type)  explodes - a shape on subshapes of a given type and sorts - them by coordinates of their gravity centers, returning      a - list of sub-shapes.

  • - -
  • geompy.SubShapeAllSortedIDs(Shape, - Type)  explodes - a shape on subshapes of a given type and - sorts them by coordinates of their gravity centers,  returning - a List of IDs of sub-shapes.

  • - -
  • geompy.SubShape(Shape, Type, ListOfInd) -  allows - to obtain a compound of sub-shapes of  the - Shape,  selected - by they indices in a list of all sub-shapes of the given Type. Each index - is in the range [1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type].

  • - -
  • geompy.SubShapeSorted(Shape, - Type, ListOfInd) allows to obtain a compound of sub-shapes of the Shape, - selected by they indices in sorted list of all sub-shapes of the given - Type. Each index is in the range [1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type]

  • -
- -


- -

Arguments: - 1 SHAPE + 1 type of SubShape.

- -


- -


- -

- -


- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/explode_on_blocks.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/explode_on_blocks.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 64c847a2c..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/explode_on_blocks.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,168 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Explode on Blocks - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Explode on Blocks

- -

To produce - an Explode on Blocks operation - in the Main Menu select Operations - - > Blocks - > Explode on Blocks.

- -


- -

This operation - returns blocks of the given compound. The user may define the type of - blocks to be extracted by setting the minimum and maximum number of faces - in the target block. By checking the corresponding box the user may also - interactively choose the blocks from a compound .

- -


- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeBlockExplode(Compound, - MinNbFaces, MaxNbFaces), where Compound is a compound to be exploded - into the blocks, MinNbFaces, MaxNbFaces are correspondingly the minimal - and  the - maximal number of faces of the resulting blocks.

- -

Arguments: 1 compound + 2 integers (min. and max. number - of faces in the block to be extracted).

- -


- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -


- -

   Our TUI - Scripts provide you with useful examples - of the use of Blocks - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/extrusion.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/extrusion.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 0b7d9f88f..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/extrusion.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Extrusion - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To generate an Extrusion on an object in the Main Menu select New - Entity - > Generation  - - > Extrusion

- -


- -

To create an Extrusion (Prism) you should define - the Base Shape (a basis of the - extrusion), the Vector - (a direction of the extrusion) and the Height - of extrusion.  

- -

The - Result of the operation will be a - GEOM_Object (edge, face, solid or compsolid).

- -

TUI - Command : geompy.MakePrismVecH(Base, - Vector, Height)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 shape (vertex, edge, wire, face or shell) serving as base object - + 1 vector (for direction of the extrusion) + 1 value (dimension).

- -


- -

- -


- -

NB! The - is another way to create an Extrusion, which - is currently accessible only via TUI commands.

- -

You - can define the Extrusion by - the Base Shape and the Start and End Point - of the Vector  (in - this way you don't need to create it in advance).

- -

TUI - Command: geompy.MakePrism(Base, - Point1, Point2)

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Base Shape                                                          Prisms

- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of creation of Complex - Geometric Objects.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/face.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/face.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 86c6b79da..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/face.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,155 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Face - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create - a Face in the Main Menu select - New Entity - > Build - > Face

- -


- -

To - create a Face - you need to select a wire, whose elements will be connected so that the - surface of the resulting object was minimal. Check Try - to create a planar face to create - a planar face or nothing if it is impossible.

- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object - (FACE).

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeFace(Wire, isPlanarWanted)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 wire.

- -


- -

- -


- -

There are some advanced possibilities accessible - only via TUI commands.

- -


- -

geompy.MakeFaceWires(Wires, - isPlanarWanted) - Creates a face on the given wires set. The argument - is not a single wire, but a list of wires.

- -

geompy.MakeFaces(Wires, - isPlanarWanted) is a shortcut to MakeFaceWires(). -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Advanced Geometric - Objects.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/introduction_to_geom.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/introduction_to_geom.htm index c1689fa49..d39bc391f 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/introduction_to_geom.htm +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/introduction_to_geom.htm @@ -1,143 +1,143 @@ - - - - - -Introduction to GEOM - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Introduction to Geometry

- -

Geometry module - of SALOME is destined for:

- -


- -
    - -
  • Import and export of geometrical models in IGES, - BREP and STEP formats.

  • - -
  • Construction and optimization of geometrical models - using a wide range of  CAD - functions:

  • -
- -


- - --- - - - -
    - -
  • Creation of basic geometrical objects

  • - -
  • Construction of primitives

  • - -
  • Building shapes

  • - -
  • Generation of complex shapes

  • - -
  • Working with groups

  • - -
  • Geometrical repairing of objects

  • - -
  • Geometrical boolean operations

  • - -
  • Geometrical transformations

  • - -
  • Building by blocks

  • -



- -


- - - - + + + + + +Introduction to GEOM + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Introduction to Geometry

+ +

Geometry module + of SALOME is destined for:

+ +


+ +
    + +
  • Import and export of geometrical models in IGES, + BREP and STEP formats.

  • + +
  • Construction and optimization of geometrical models + using a wide range of  CAD + functions:

  • +
+ +


+ + +++ + + + +
    + +
  • Creation of basic geometrical objects

  • + +
  • Construction of primitives

  • + +
  • Building shapes

  • + +
  • Generation of complex shapes

  • + +
  • Working with groups

  • + +
  • Geometrical repairing of objects

  • + +
  • Geometrical boolean operations

  • + +
  • Geometrical transformations

  • + +
  • Building by blocks

  • +



+ +


+ + + + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/salome2_sp3_booleangui_functions.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/salome2_sp3_booleangui_functions.htm index 093622233..ff110b02c 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/salome2_sp3_booleangui_functions.htm +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/salome2_sp3_booleangui_functions.htm @@ -1,159 +1,159 @@ - - - - - -Titre - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Using boolean operations

- -


- -

You can use the following - boolean operations for construction of more complex geometrical objects - (2D & 3D elements) :

- -


- - - - - -


- -

There is a general TUI command covering - all these operations, which can be used alongside with separate commands - for each operation.

- -

geompy.MakeBoolean(Shape1, - Shape2, Operation), where Shape1 is the first argument and Shape2 - is the second argument of Boolean operation, Operation is a type of the - Boolean operation (1 – Common, 2 – Cut, 3 – Fuse, 4 – Section).

- -


- -

Our TUI - Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of Boolean - Operations.

- -


- - - - + + + + + +Using Boolean Operations + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Using Boolean Operations

+ +


+ +

You can use the following + boolean operations for construction of more complex geometrical objects + (2D & 3D elements) :

+ +


+ + + + + +


+ +

There is a general TUI command covering + all these operations, which can be used alongside with separate commands + for each operation.

+ +

geompy.MakeBoolean(Shape1, + Shape2, Operation), where Shape1 is the first argument and Shape2 + is the second argument of Boolean operation, Operation is a type of the + Boolean operation (1 – Common, 2 – Cut, 3 – Fuse, 4 – Section).

+ +


+ +

Our TUI + Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of Boolean + Operations.

+ +


+ + + + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/salome2_sp3_geomtoolsgui_functions.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/salome2_sp3_geomtoolsgui_functions.htm index ae1adaf59..de5df125d 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/salome2_sp3_geomtoolsgui_functions.htm +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/salome2_sp3_geomtoolsgui_functions.htm @@ -1,146 +1,146 @@ - - - - - -Titre - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Importing/exporting geometrical objects

- -

In Geometry module you - can import and export geometrical objects from/into BREP, IGES, STEP files. The mechanisms of import and export - are implemented via plug-ins, which gives you the opportunity to expand - the range of available formats by adding more plug-ins (for example, CATIA - 5).  

- -  - -

To import geometrical objects from a BREP, IGES, STEP file:

- -


- -

From the File - menu choose Import. In - the opening dialog box Import - select the required format of the file for importation and search for - a *.brep, *.iges or *.step  file. -

- -


- -

- -


- -

Select the required file and click Open. Your file will be imported in - the module and its contents (geometrical object) will be displayed in - the Object Browser.

- -


- -


- -

To export geometrical objects into a BREP, IGES, STEP file:

- -


- -

Select the object you wish to export, then - from the File menu choose Export. In the opening dialog box Export define the required format, - the name and the location of the file for exportation. -

- -


- -

- -


- -

Click Save - to confirm your exportation.  

- - - - + + + + + +Importing and exporting geometrical objects + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Importing/exporting geometrical objects

+ +

In Geometry module you + can import and export geometrical objects from/into BREP, IGES, STEP files. The mechanisms of import and export + are implemented via plug-ins, which gives you the opportunity to expand + the range of available formats by adding more plug-ins (for example, CATIA + 5).  

+ +  + +

To import geometrical objects from a BREP, IGES, STEP file:

+ +


+ +

From the File + menu choose Import. In + the opening dialog box Import + select the required format of the file for importation and search for + a *.brep, *.iges or *.step  file. +

+ +


+ +

+ +


+ +

Select the required file and click Open. Your file will be imported in + the module and its contents (geometrical object) will be displayed in + the Object Browser.

+ +


+ +


+ +

To export geometrical objects into a BREP, IGES, STEP file:

+ +


+ +

Select the object you wish to export, then + from the File menu choose Export. In the opening dialog box Export define the required format, + the name and the location of the file for exportation. +

+ +


+ +

+ +


+ +

Click Save + to confirm your exportation.  

+ + + + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions.htm index 40c66d82f..acb24e686 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions.htm +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/files/salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions.htm @@ -1,509 +1,483 @@ - - - - - -Titre - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Using measurement tools

- -

Measurement tools in GEOM are necessary for getting different - data concerning created or imported geometrical objects. They are:

- -


- - - -


- -

Our TUI Scripts - show how to use Measurement Tools - with  TUI - commands.

- -


- -

To use measurement tools:

- -


- -

In the main menu select Measures - submenu.

- -


- -


- -

  Point coordinates

- -


- -

Description: - Returns the coordinates of a point.

- -


- -

Result: Point - coordinates (X, Y, Z) in 3D space in the form of Python Tuple.

- -


- -

TUI command: - geompy.PointCoordinates(Point), - where Point is a point whose coordinates are inquired.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -

Basic properties -

- -


- -

Description: - Return the properties (Length, Surface & Volume) of a definite geometrical - object.

- -


- -

Result: Display - Length, Surface & Volume in the form of Python Tuple.

- -


- -

TUI command: - geompy.BasicProperties(Shape), - where Shape is a shape whose properties are inquired.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -

- Center of mass

- -


- -

Description: - Creates a gravity center of a shape and returns its coordinates.

- -


- -

Result: GEOM_Object - (vertex).

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeCDG(Shape), where - Shape is the shape for which a center of gravity is computed.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -

Inertia -

- -


- -

Description: - Returns the inertia axis of a geometrical object.

- -


- -

Result: Display - the matrix and moments of inertia in the form of Python Tuple (I11, I12, - I13,

- -

 I21, - I22, I23,

- -

 I31, - I32, I33,

- -

 Ix, - Iy, Iz).

- -


- -

TUI command: - geompy.Inertia(Shape), where - Shape is a shape for which a matrix of inertia and moment of inertia are - returned.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -

Bounding - box

- -


- -

Description: - Returns the dimensions of the bounding box of a geometrical object.

- -


- -

Result: Displays - the dimensions of the bounding box of a geometrical object in the form - of Python Tuple (Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax, Zmin, Zmax).

- -


- -

TUI command: geompy.BoundingBox(Shape), where Shape is a shape for which a bounding - box is computed.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -

Min. distance

- -


- -

Description: - Returns the min. distance between 2 geometrical objects.

- -


- -

Result: Displays - the min. distance.

- -


- -

TUI command: geompy.MinDistance(Shape1, - Shape2), where Shape1 and Shape2 - are shapes between which the minimal distance computed.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -

- Tolerance

- -


- -

Description: - Returns the tolerance of a geometrical object.

- -


- -

Result: Displays - the tolerance values (FaceMinTol, FaceMaxTol, EgdeMinTol, EgdeMaxTol, - VertexMinTol, VertexMaxTol).

- -


- -

TUI command: geompy.Tolerance(Shape), where Shape is a shape for which minimal - and maximal tolerances are returned.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -

WhatIs -

- -


- -

Description: - Returns the type of a geometrical object.

- -


- -

Result: Displays - all elements composing your geometrical object.

- -


- -

TUI command: - geompy.WhatIs(Shape), where Shape - is a shape from which a description is returned.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -

Check -

- -


- -

Description: - Returns True if this geometrical object is valid.

- -


- -

Result: Boolean.

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.CheckShape(Shape), - where is shape which is checked for validity.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

Check compound - of blocks

- -


- -

Description: - Checks whether a shape is a compound of glued blocks. To be considered - as a compound of blocks, the given shape must satisfy the following conditions:

- -
    - -
  •  Each - element of the compound should be a Block (6 faces and 12 edges);

  • - -
  •  A - connection between two Blocks should be an entire quadrangle face or an - entire edge;

  • - -
  •  The - compound should be connected;

  • - -
  •  Two - quadrangle faces should be glued.

  • -
- -


- -

Informs of the following possible errors:

- -
    - -
  • not a block,

  • - -
  • not glued,

  • - -
  • not connected,

  • - -
  • extra - or degenerated edge.

  • -
- -


- -

Result: Boolean; - highlight in the viewer.

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.CheckCompoundOfBlocks(Compound). - Checks if the shape is - a valid compound of blocks. If it is true, then the validity flag is returned, - and encountered errors are printed in the python console.

- -


- -

- -


- - - - + + + + + +Using Measurement Tools + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Using measurement tools

+ +

Measurement tools in GEOM are necessary for getting different + data concerning created or imported geometrical objects. They are:

+ +


+ + + +


+ +

Our TUI Scripts + show how to use Measurement Tools + with  TUI + commands.

+ +


+ +

To use measurement tools:

+ +


+ +

In the main menu select Measures + submenu.

+ +


+ +


+ +

  Point coordinates

+ +


+ +

Returns the + coordinates of a point.

+ +


+ +

Result: Point + coordinates (X, Y, Z) in 3D space in the form of Python Tuple.

+ +

TUI command: + geompy.PointCoordinates(Point), + where Point is a point whose coordinates are inquired.

+ +


+ +

+ +


+ +


+ +

Basic properties +

+ +


+ +

Returns the properties (Length, Surface & + Volume) for the selected geometrical object.

+ +


+ +

Result: Display + Length, Surface & Volume in the form of Python Tuple.

+ +

TUI command: + geompy.BasicProperties(Shape), + where Shape is a shape whose properties are inquired.

+ +


+ +

+ +


+ +


+ +

+ Center of mass

+ +


+ +

Calculates and returns the coordinates of the + gravity center for the selected geometrical object.

+ +


+ +

Result: GEOM_Object + (vertex).

+ +

TUI Command: + geompy.MakeCDG(Shape), where + Shape is the shape for which a center of gravity is computed.

+ +


+ +

+ +


+ +


+ +

Inertia +

+ +


+ +

Returns the axis of inertia for the selected + geometrical object.

+ +


+ +

Result: Displays + the matrix and moments of inertia in the form of Python Tuple (I11, I12, + I13,

+ +

 I21, + I22, I23,

+ +

 I31, + I32, I33,

+ +

 Ix, + Iy, Iz).

+ +


+ +

TUI command: + geompy.Inertia(Shape), where + Shape is a shape for which a matrix of inertia and moment of inertia are + returned.

+ +


+ +

+ +


+ +


+ +

Bounding + box

+ +


+ +

Returns the dimensions of the bounding box + for the selected geometrical object.

+ +


+ +

Result: Displays + the dimensions of the bounding box of a geometrical object in the form + of Python Tuple (Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax, Zmin, Zmax).

+ +

TUI command: geompy.BoundingBox(Shape), where Shape is a shape for which a bounding + box is computed.

+ +


+ +

+ +


+ +


+ +

Min. distance

+ +


+ +

Returns the minimum distance between two geometrical + objects.

+ +


+ +

TUI command: geompy.MinDistance(Shape1, + Shape2), where Shape1 and Shape2 + are shapes between which the minimal distance computed.

+ +


+ +

+ +


+ +


+ +

+ Tolerance

+ +


+ +

Returns the maximum and the minimum tolerance + for the selected geometrical object.

+ +


+ +

Result: Displays + the tolerance values (FaceMinTol, FaceMaxTol, EgdeMinTol, EgdeMaxTol, + VertexMinTol, VertexMaxTol).

+ +

TUI command: geompy.Tolerance(Shape), where Shape is a shape for which minimal + and maximal tolerances are returned.

+ +


+ +

+ +


+ +


+ +

WhatIs +

+ +


+ +

Displays types and quantities of all elements + composing the selected geometrical object.

+ +


+ +

TUI command: + geompy.WhatIs(Shape), where Shape + is a shape from which a description is returned.

+ +


+ +

+ +


+ +


+ +

Check +

+ +


+ +

Checks the topology of the selected geometrical + object and returns True if it is valid. Check + also geometry checkbox allows to test the geometry as well.

+ +


+ +

Result: Boolean.

+ +

TUI Command: + geompy.(theShape, theIsCheckGeom + = 0), where is shape which is checked for validity.

+ +


+ +

+ +


+ +


+ +

Check compound + of blocks

+ +


+ +

Checks whether a shape is a compound of glued + blocks. To be considered as a compound of blocks, the given shape must + satisfy the following conditions:

+ +
    + +
  •  Each + element of the compound should be a Block (6 faces and 12 edges);

  • + +
  •  A + connection between two Blocks should be an entire quadrangle face or an + entire edge;

  • + +
  •  The + compound should be connected;

  • + +
  •  Two + quadrangle faces should be glued.

  • +
+ +


+ +

Informs of the following possible errors:

+ +
    + +
  • not a block,

  • + +
  • not glued,

  • + +
  • not connected,

  • + +
  • extra + or degenerated edge.

  • +
+ +


+ +

Result: Boolean; + highlight in the viewer.

+ +

TUI Command: + geompy.CheckCompoundOfBlocks(Compound). + Checks if the shape is + a valid compound of blocks. If it is true, then the validity flag is returned, + and encountered errors are printed in the python console.

+ +


+ +

+ +


+ + + + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/fillet.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/fillet.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 611536ba5..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/fillet.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,182 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Fillet - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To produce - a Fillet in the Main Menu select - Operations - > Transformation - > - Fillet  

- -


- -

This operation creates - fillets on the edges of a shape.

- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

To create fillets on all edges of the given - shape, you need to define the Main Object - to create a fillet on and the Radius - of the Fillet.  

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeFilletAll(Shape, R)

- -

Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 1 value - (fillet radius).

- -


- -

- -


- -

To create fillets on the specified edges or - faces of the given shape,  you - need to define the Main Object - to create a fillet on, select the necessary edges or faces in the OCC - Viewer and define the  Radius - of the Fillet.

- -

TUI - Command: geompy.MakeFillet(Shape, R, ShapeType, ListShapes) -

- -

Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 1 Selection - of edges (or faces) + 1 value (Fillet radius).

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Fillet on all                                           Fillet - on an edge                             Fillet - on a Face

- -


- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/filling.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/filling.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 46d367edf..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/filling.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Filling - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 Filling - Surface with Curves

- -

To generate - a Filling in the Main - Menu select New Entity - > - Generation  - - > Filling

- -


- -

To create a curving face using several curves - you need to define the Curves, - which will be the components of your face, Minimum - and Maximum Degree, Tolerance - for 2D and for 3D -  and - the Number of Iterations.

- -

The - Result of the operation will be a - GEOM_Object (face).

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeFilling(Shape, MinDegree, - MaxDegree, Tol2D, Tol3D, NbIter),

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 List of edges + 5 Parameters (Min. degree, Max. degree, Number - of iterations, 2D tolerance, 3D tolerance).

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Complex Geometric - Objects.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/fuse.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/fuse.htm deleted file mode 100755 index d8eb90cdb..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/fuse.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Fuse - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To produce - a Fuse operation in the Main Menu - select Operations - > Boolean - > - Fuse

- -


- -

This operation creates a shape from two - shapes.

- -


- -

The Result - will be a GEOM_Object (COMPOUND).

- -

Arguments: - Name + 2 shapes.

- -

TUI - Command:  geompy.MakeFuse(s1, - s2)

- -


- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of Boolean - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geom.log b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geom.log deleted file mode 100755 index 4b05cc3e8..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geom.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,582 +0,0 @@ -|SourceProjectName:GEOM.hpr -|DestinationProjectName:index.htm -whhost.js -whmsg.js -whmozemu.js -whproxy.js -whstub.js -whutils.js -whver.js -whform.js -whphost.js -whstart.js -whtopic.js -whframes.js -whlang.js -whskin_info.htm -whskin_blank.htm -whskin_pickup.htm -whskin_homepage.htm -whskin_tw.htm -whnjs.htm -whthost.js -whtdhtml.htm -whihost.js -whibody.htm -whiform.htm -whfhost.js -whfbody.htm -whfform.htm -whghost.js -whgbody.htm -whgdhtml.htm -whgdef.htm -whproj.js -whproj.xml -whproj.htm -whxdata\whtoc.xml -whxdata\whidx.xml -whxdata\whfts.xml -whxdata\whglo.xml -whdata\whtoc.js -whdata\whtoc.htm -whdata\whtdata.js -whdata\whidx.js -whdata\whidx.htm -whdata\whidata.js -whdata\whfts.js -whdata\whfts.htm -whdata\whglo.js -whdata\whglo.htm -whdata\whgdata.js -whdata\whftdata.js 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-whidhtml.htm -whfdhtml.htm -index_hha.hhk -index.hhc -index.hhk -add_point_on_edge.htm -arc.htm -archimede.htm -basic_geometrical_objects.htm -basic_operations.htm -blocks_operations.htm -boolean_operations.htm -box.htm -building_by_blocks.htm -chamfer.htm -changing_display_parameters.htm -check_free_boundaries.htm -check_free_faces.htm -circle.htm -close_contour.htm -color.htm -common.htm -complex_objects.htm -compound.htm -cone.htm -curve.htm -cut.htm -cylinder.htm -edge.htm -ellipse.htm -explode.htm -explode_on_blocks.htm -extrusion.htm -face.htm -files\introduction_to_geom.htm -files\salome2_sp3_booleangui_functions.htm -files\salome2_sp3_geomtoolsgui_functions.htm -files\salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions.htm -fillet.htm -filling.htm -fuse.htm -geometrical_objects.htm -geometry.htm -glue_faces.htm -groups.htm -isos.htm -line.htm -local_coordinate_system.htm -measurement_tools.htm -mirror_image.htm -modify_the_location.htm -multi_rotation.htm -multi_transformation.htm 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-files\salome2_sp3_primitivegui_functions_salome2_sp3_primitivegui_functions_image102.gif -files\salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_image71.gif -files\salome2_sp3_booleangui_functions_salome2_sp3_booleangui_functions_image2.gif -salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image15.gif -image33.gif -pics\image102.gif -pics\image96.gif -pics\geomexport.png -pics\multi_translation_initialsn.png -pics\plane_on_face.png -pics\bezier.png -pics\repair10.png -pics\transformation2.png -pics\mtransf1.png -pics\editgroup.png -pics\extrusion.png -pics\box2.png -image44.gif -files\salome2_sp3_primitivegui_functions_salome2_sp3_primitivegui_functions_image103.gif -files\salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_salome2_sp3_measuregui_functions_image72.gif -files\salome2_sp3_booleangui_functions_salome2_sp3_booleangui_functions_image3.gif -salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image16.gif -ehlpdhtm.js -index.ppf -default_ns.css 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-whgdata\whlstfl19.htm -whgdata\whlstfl20.htm -whgdata\whlstfl21.htm -whgdata\whlstfl22.htm -whgdata\whlstfl23.htm -whgdata\whlstfl24.htm -whgdata\whlstfl25.htm -whgdata\whlstfl26.htm -whgdata\whlstf0.htm -whgdata\whlstf1.htm -whgdata\whlstf2.htm -whgdata\whlstf3.htm -whgdata\whlstf4.htm -whgdata\whlstf5.htm -whgdata\whlstf6.htm -whgdata\whlstf7.htm -whgdata\whlstf8.htm -whgdata\whlstf9.htm -whgdata\whlstf10.htm -whgdata\whlstf11.htm -whgdata\whlstf12.htm -whgdata\whlstf13.htm -whgdata\whlstg0.htm -index.htm -index_csh.htm -index_rhc.htm diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geometrical_objects.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geometrical_objects.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 5822ead2a..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geometrical_objects.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,585 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Geometrical Objects - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Advanced Geometrical Objects

- -

Creation of an Edge

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p0   = - geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , - 0.  , 0. -  )

- -

pxyz = geompy.MakeVertex(100., - 100., 100.)

- -


- -

# create an edge

- -

edge = geompy.MakeEdge(p0, - pxyz)

- -


- -

# add object in the study

- -

id_edge = geompy.addToStudy(edge,"Edge")

- -


- -

# display an edge

- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_edge) -

- -


- -

Creation of a Wire

- -

import - geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

px   = - geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0.  , - 0.  )

- -

py   = - geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , - 100., 0.  )

- -

pz   = - geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , - 0.  , 100.)

- -


- -

# create a vector from - two points

- -

vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, - py)

- -


- -

# create an arc from - three points

- -

arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, - pz, px)

- -


- -

# create a wire

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, - arc])

- -


- -

# add an object in the - study

- -

id_wire = geompy.addToStudy(wire,"Wire")

- -


- -

# display the wire

- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_wire) -

- -


- -


- -

Creation of a Face

- -

import - geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p0   = - geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , - 0.  , 0. -  )

- -

px   = - geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0.  , - 0.  )

- -

py   = - geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , - 100., 0.  )

- -

pz   = - geompy.MakeVertex(0.  , - 0.  , 100.)

- -

pxyz = geompy.MakeVertex(100., - 100., 100.)

- -


- -

# create a vector from - two points

- -

vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, - py)

- -


- -

# create an arc from - three points

- -

arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, - pz, px)

- -


- -

# create a wire

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, - arc])

- -


- -

# create sketchers

- -

sketcher1 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F - -100 -100:TT 250 -100:R 0:C 100 150:R 0:L 300:WW",

- -

                                [100,0,0, - 1,1,1, -1,1,0])

- -

sketcher2 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F - 0 0:TT 70 0:TT 70 70:TT 0 70:WW")

- -

sketcher3 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F - 20 20:TT 50 20:TT 50 50:TT 20 50:WW")

- -

isPlanarFace = 1

- -


- -

# create a face from - the wire

- -

face1 = geompy.MakeFace(wire, - isPlanarFace)

- -


- -

# create faces from two - wires

- -

face2 = geompy.MakeFaceWires([wire, - sketcher1],isPlanarFace)

- -

face3 = geompy.MakeFaces([sketcher2, - sketcher3],isPlanarFace)

- -


- -

# add objects in the - study

- -

id_face1 = geompy.addToStudy(face1,"Face1")

- -

id_face2 = geompy.addToStudy(face2,"Face2")

- -

id_face3 = geompy.addToStudy(face3,"Face3")

- -


- -

# display the faces

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setTransparency(id_face3,0.2) -

- -


- -

Creation of a Shell

- -

import - geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

#create vertices

- -

p0   = - geompy.MakeVertex( 0.,  0., -  0.)

- -

pxyz = geompy.MakeVertex( - 5.,  5., - 40.)

- -


- -

# create sketchers

- -

sketcher1 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F - 0 0:TT 70 0:TT 70 70:TT 0 70:WW")

- -

sketcher2 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F - 20 20:TT 50 20:TT 50 50:TT 20 50:WW")

- -

isPlanarFace = 1

- -


- -

# create a face from - two wires

- -

face = geompy.MakeFaces([sketcher1, - sketcher2],isPlanarFace)

- -


- -

# create a prism

- -

prism = geompy.MakePrism(face, - p0, pxyz)

- -


- -

# explode the prism into - faces

- -

prism_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(prism, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -


- -

# create a shell from - a set of faces

- -

shell = geompy.MakeShell([prism_faces[0], - prism_faces[2], prism_faces[3],

- -

                          prism_faces[7], - prism_faces[9]])

- -


- -

# add objects in the - study

- -

id_shell = geompy.addToStudy(shell,"Shell")

- -


- -

# display the shell

- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_shell,1) -

- -


- -

Creation of a Solid

- -

import - geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

#create vertices

- -

p0 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0.,  0., -  0.)

- -

pz = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0.,  0., - 40.)

- -


- -

# create sketchers

- -

sketcher = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F - -50 -50:TT 100 -50:R 0:C 50 70:R 0:L 100:WW")

- -


- -

# create faces from two - wires

- -

face = geompy.MakeFace(sketcher,1)

- -


- -

# create a prism

- -

prism = geompy.MakePrism(face, - p0, pz)

- -


- -

# explode the prism into - faces

- -

prism_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(prism, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -


- -

# create a shell from - a set of faces

- -

shell = geompy.MakeShell([prism_faces[0], - prism_faces[1],

- -

                          prism_faces[3], - prism_faces[4],

- -

                          prism_faces[5], - prism_faces[2]])

- -


- -

# create a solid, bounded - by the given shells

- -

solid = geompy.MakeSolid([shell])

- -


- -

# add objects in the - study

- -

id_solid = geompy.addToStudy(solid,"Solid")

- -


- -

# display the solid

- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_solid,1) -

- -


- -

Creation of a Compound

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

#create vertices

- -

p0 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0.,  0., -  0.)

- -

pz = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0.,  0., - 40.)

- -


- -

# create sketchers

- -

sketcher = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F - -50 -50:TT 100 -50:R 0:C 50 70:R 0:L 100:WW")

- -


- -

# create faces from two - wires

- -

face = geompy.MakeFace(sketcher,1)

- -


- -

# create a prism

- -

prism = geompy.MakePrism(face, - p0, pz)

- -


- -

# explode the prism into - faces

- -

prism_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(prism, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -


- -

# create a shell from - a set of faces

- -

shell = geompy.MakeShell([prism_faces[0], - prism_faces[1],

- -

                          prism_faces[3], - prism_faces[4],

- -

                          prism_faces[5], - prism_faces[2]])

- -


- -

# create a solid, bounded - by the given shells

- -

solid = geompy.MakeSolid([shell])

- -


- -

# add objects in the - study

- -

id_solid = geompy.addToStudy(solid,"Solid")

- -


- -

# display the solid

- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_solid,1) -

- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geometry.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geometry.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 3e2e4ceaf..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geometry.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,144 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -geometry - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Introduction to Geometry

- -

Geometry module - of SALOME is destined for:

- -


- -
    - -
  • Import and export of geometrical models in IGES, - BREP and STEP formats.

  • - -
  • Construction and optimization of geometrical models - using a wide range of  CAD - functions:

  • -
- -


- - --- - - - -
    - -
  • Creation of basic geometrical objects

  • - -
  • Construction of primitives

  • - -
  • Building shapes

  • - -
  • Generation of complex shapes

  • - -
  • Working with groups

  • - -
  • Geometrical repairing of objects

  • - -
  • Geometrical boolean operations

  • - -
  • Geometrical transformations

  • - -
  • Building by blocks

  • -



- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/classgeompyDC_1_1geompyDC.html b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/classgeompyDC_1_1geompyDC.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..60cc4ce43 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/classgeompyDC_1_1geompyDC.html @@ -0,0 +1,9410 @@ + + + + + + Main Page + + + + +  + + + + +

geompyDC.geompyDC Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for geompyDC.geompyDC:

Inheritance graph
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def init_geom
def SubShapeName
 Get name for sub-shape aSubObj of shape aMainObj.
def addToStudy
 Publish in study aShape with name aName.
def addToStudyInFather
 Publish in study aShape with name aName as sub-object of previously published aFather.
def MakeVertex
 Create point by three coordinates.
def MakeVertexWithRef
 Create a point, distant from the referenced point on the given distances along the coordinate axes.
def MakeVertexOnCurve
 Create a point, corresponding to the given parameter on the given curve.
def MakeTangentOnCurve
 Create a tangent, corresponding to the given parameter on the given curve.
def MakeVectorDXDYDZ
 Create a vector with the given components.
def MakeVector
 Create a vector between two points.
def MakeLine
 Create a line, passing through the given point and parrallel to the given direction.
def MakeLineTwoPnt
 Create a line, passing through the given points.
def MakePlane
 Create a plane, passing through the given point and normal to the given vector.
def MakePlaneThreePnt
 Create a plane, passing through the three given points.
def MakePlaneFace
 Create a plane, similar to the existing one, but with another size of representing face.
def MakeMarker
 Create a local coordinate system.
def MakeMarkerPntTwoVec
 Create a local coordinate system.
def MakeArc
 Create an arc of circle, passing through three given points.
def MakeArcCenter
 Create an arc of circle from a center and 2 points.
def MakeCircle
 Create a circle with given center, normal vector and radius.
def MakeCircleThreePnt
 Create a circle, passing through three given points.
def MakeEllipse
 Create an ellipse with given center, normal vector and radiuses.
def MakePolyline
 Create a polyline on the set of points.
def MakeBezier
 Create bezier curve on the set of points.
def MakeInterpol
 Create B-Spline curve on the set of points.
def MakeSketcher
 Create a sketcher (wire or face), following the textual description, passed through theCommand argument.
def MakeSketcherOnPlane
 Create a sketcher (wire or face), following the textual description, passed through theCommand argument.
def MakeBox
 Create a box by coordinates of two opposite vertices.
def MakeBoxDXDYDZ
 Create a box with specified dimensions along the coordinate axes and with edges, parallel to the coordinate axes.
def MakeBoxTwoPnt
 Create a box with two specified opposite vertices, and with edges, parallel to the coordinate axes.
def MakeCylinder
 Create a cylinder with given base point, axis, radius and height.
def MakeCylinderRH
 Create a cylinder with given radius and height at the origin of coordinate system.
def MakeSpherePntR
 Create a sphere with given center and radius.
def MakeSphere
 Create a sphere with given center and radius.
def MakeSphereR
 Create a sphere with given radius at the origin of coordinate system.
def MakeCone
 Create a cone with given base point, axis, height and radiuses.
def MakeConeR1R2H
 Create a cone with given height and radiuses at the origin of coordinate system.
def MakeTorus
 Create a torus with given center, normal vector and radiuses.
def MakeTorusRR
 Create a torus with given radiuses at the origin of coordinate system.
def MakePrism
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along a vector, defined by two points.
def MakePrismVecH
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the vector, i.e.
def MakePipe
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the path shape.
def MakeRevolution
 Create a shape by revolution of the base shape around the axis on the given angle, i.e.
def MakeThruSections
 Create a shell or solid passing through set of sections.Sections should be wires,edges or vertices.
def MakePipeWithDifferentSections
 Create a shape by extrusion of the profile shape along the path shape.
def MakePipeWithShellSections
 Create a shape by extrusion of the profile shape along the path shape.
def MakeEdge
 Create a linear edge with specified ends.
def MakeWire
 Create a wire from the set of edges and wires.
def MakeFace
 Create a face on the given wire.
def MakeFaceWires
 Create a face on the given wires set.
def MakeFaces
 Shortcut to MakeFaceWires().
def MakeShell
 Create a shell from the set of faces and shells.
def MakeSolid
 Create a solid, bounded by the given shells.
def MakeCompound
 Create a compound of the given shapes.
def NumberOfFaces
 Gives quantity of faces in the given shape.
def NumberOfEdges
 Gives quantity of edges in the given shape.
def ChangeOrientation
 Reverses an orientation the given shape.
def OrientationChange
 Shortcut to ChangeOrientation().
def GetFreeFacesIDs
 Retrieve all free faces from the given shape.
def GetSharedShapes
 Get all sub-shapes of theShape1 of the given type, shared with theShape2.
def GetShapesOnPlane
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified plane by the certain way, defined through theState parameter.
def GetShapesOnPlaneIDs
 Works like the above method, but returns list of sub-shapes indices.
def GetShapesOnPlaneWithLocation
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified plane by the certain way, defined through theState parameter.
def GetShapesOnPlaneWithLocationIDs
 Works like the above method, but returns list of sub-shapes indices.
def GetShapesOnCylinder
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified cylinder by the certain way, defined through theState parameter.
def GetShapesOnCylinderIDs
 Works like the above method, but returns list of sub-shapes indices.
def GetShapesOnSphere
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified sphere by the certain way, defined through theState parameter.
def GetShapesOnSphereIDs
 Works like the above method, but returns list of sub-shapes indices.
def GetShapesOnQuadrangle
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified quadrangle by the certain way, defined through theState parameter.
def GetShapesOnQuadrangleIDs
 Works like the above method, but returns list of sub-shapes indices.
def GetShapesOnBox
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified theBox by the certain way, defined through theState parameter.
def GetShapesOnBoxIDs
 Works like the above method, but returns list of sub-shapes indices.
def GetInPlace
 Get sub-shape(s) of theShapeWhere, which are coincident with theShapeWhat or could be a part of it.
def GetSame
 Get sub-shape of theShapeWhere, which is equal to theShapeWhat.
def GetSubShape
 Obtain a composite sub-shape of <aShape>, composed from sub-shapes of <aShape>, selected by their unique IDs inside <aShape>.
def GetSubShapeID
 Obtain unique ID of sub-shape <aSubShape> inside <aShape>.
def SubShapeAll
 Explode a shape on subshapes of a given type.
def SubShapeAllIDs
 Explode a shape on subshapes of a given type.
def SubShapeAllSorted
 Explode a shape on subshapes of a given type.
def SubShapeAllSortedIDs
 Explode a shape on subshapes of a given type.
def SubShape
 Obtain a compound of sub-shapes of <aShape>, selected by they indices in list of all sub-shapes of type <aType>.
def SubShapeSorted
 Obtain a compound of sub-shapes of <aShape>, selected by they indices in sorted list of all sub-shapes of type <aType>.
def ProcessShape
 Apply a sequence of Shape Healing operators to the given object.
def SuppressFaces
 Remove faces from the given object (shape).
def MakeSewing
 Sewing of some shapes into single shape.
def Sew
 Sewing of the given object.
def SuppressInternalWires
 Remove internal wires and edges from the given object (face).
def SuppressHoles
 Remove internal closed contours (holes) from the given object.
def CloseContour
 Close an open wire.
def DivideEdge
 Addition of a point to a given edge object.
def ChangeOrientationShell
 Change orientation of the given object.
def ChangeOrientationShellCopy
 Change orientation of the given object.
def GetFreeBoundary
 Get a list of wires (wrapped in GEOM_Object-s), that constitute a free boundary of the given shape.
def MakeCopy
 Create a copy of the given object.
def MakeFilling
 Create a filling from the given compound of contours.
def MakeGlueFaces
 Replace coincident faces in theShape by one face.
def GetGlueFaces
 Find coincident faces in theShape for possible gluing.
def MakeGlueFacesByList
 Replace coincident faces in theShape by one face in compliance with given list of faces.
def MakeBoolean
 Perform one of boolean operations on two given shapes.
def MakeCommon
 Shortcut to MakeBoolean(s1, s2, 1).
def MakeCut
 Shortcut to MakeBoolean(s1, s2, 2).
def MakeFuse
 Shortcut to MakeBoolean(s1, s2, 3).
def MakeSection
 Shortcut to MakeBoolean(s1, s2, 4).
def MakePartition
 Perform partition operation.
def MakePartitionNonSelfIntersectedShape
 Perform partition operation.
def Partition
 Shortcut to MakePartition().
def MakeHalfPartition
 Perform partition of the Shape with the Plane.
def MakeTranslationTwoPoints
 Translate the given object along the vector, specified by its end points, creating its copy before the translation.
def MakeTranslation
 Translate the given object along the vector, specified by its components, creating its copy before the translation.
def MakeTranslationVector
 Translate the given object along the given vector, creating its copy before the translation.
def MakeRotation
 Rotate the given object around the given axis on the given angle, creating its copy before the rotatation.
def MakeRotationThreePoints
 Rotate given object around vector perpendicular to plane containing three points, creating its copy before the rotatation.
def MakeScaleTransform
 Scale the given object by the factor, creating its copy before the scaling.
def MakeMirrorByPlane
 Create an object, symmetrical to the given one relatively the given plane.
def MakeMirrorByAxis
 Create an object, symmetrical to the given one relatively the given axis.
def MakeMirrorByPoint
 Create an object, symmetrical to the given one relatively the given point.
def MakePosition
 Modify the Location of the given object by LCS, creating its copy before the setting.
def MakeOffset
 Create new object as offset of the given one.
def MakeMultiTranslation1D
 Translate the given object along the given vector a given number times.
def MakeMultiTranslation2D
 Conseqently apply two specified translations to theObject specified number of times.
def MultiRotate1D
 Rotate the given object around the given axis a given number times.
def MultiRotate2D
 Rotate the given object around the given axis on the given angle a given number times and multi-translate each rotation result.
def MakeMultiRotation1D
 The same, as MultiRotate1D(), but axis is given by direction and point.
def MakeMultiRotation2D
 The same, as MultiRotate2D(), but axis is given by direction and point.
def MakeFilletAll
 Perform a fillet on all edges of the given shape.
def MakeFillet
 Perform a fillet on the specified edges/faces of the given shape.
def MakeChamferAll
 Perform a symmetric chamfer on all edges of the given shape.
def MakeChamferEdge
 Perform a chamfer on edges, common to the specified faces, with distance D1 on the Face1.
def MakeChamferFaces
 Perform a chamfer on all edges of the specified faces, with distance D1 on the first specified face (if several for one edge).
def MakeChamfer
 Shortcut to MakeChamferEdge() and MakeChamferFaces().
def Archimede
 Perform an Archimde operation on the given shape with given parameters.
def PointCoordinates
 Get point coordinates.
def BasicProperties
 Get summarized length of all wires, area of surface and volume of the given shape.
def BoundingBox
 Get parameters of bounding box of the given shape.
def Inertia
 Get inertia matrix and moments of inertia of theShape.
def MinDistance
 Get minimal distance between the given shapes.
def Tolerance
 Get min and max tolerances of sub-shapes of theShape.
def WhatIs
 Obtain description of the given shape (number of sub-shapes of each type).
def MakeCDG
 Get a point, situated at the centre of mass of theShape.
def CheckShape
 Check a topology of the given shape.
def GetPosition
 Get position (LCS) of theShape.
def KindOfShape
 Get kind of theShape.
def Import
 Import a shape from the BREP or IGES or STEP file (depends on given format) with given name.
def ImportBREP
 Shortcut to Import() for BREP format.
def ImportIGES
 Shortcut to Import() for IGES format.
def ImportSTEP
 Shortcut to Import() for STEP format.
def Export
 Export the given shape into a file with given name.
def ExportBREP
 Shortcut to Export() for BREP format.
def ExportIGES
 Shortcut to Export() for IGES format.
def ExportSTEP
 Shortcut to Export() for STEP format.
def MakeQuad
 Create a quadrangle face from four edges.
def MakeQuad2Edges
 Create a quadrangle face on two edges.
def MakeQuad4Vertices
 Create a quadrangle face with specified corners.
def MakeHexa
 Create a hexahedral solid, bounded by the six given faces.
def MakeHexa2Faces
 Create a hexahedral solid between two given faces.
def GetPoint
 Get a vertex, found in the given shape by its coordinates.
def GetEdge
 Get an edge, found in the given shape by two given vertices.
def GetEdgeNearPoint
 Find an edge of the given shape, which has minimal distance to the given point.
def GetFaceByPoints
 Returns a face, found in the given shape by four given corner vertices.
def GetFaceByEdges
 Get a face of block, found in the given shape by two given edges.
def GetOppositeFace
 Find a face, opposite to the given one in the given block.
def GetFaceNearPoint
 Find a face of the given shape, which has minimal distance to the given point.
def GetFaceByNormale
 Find a face of block, whose outside normale has minimal angle with the given vector.
def CheckCompoundOfBlocks
 Check, if the compound of blocks is given.
def RemoveExtraEdges
 Remove all seam and degenerated edges from theShape.
def CheckAndImprove
 Check, if the given shape is a blocks compound.
def MakeBlockExplode
 Get all the blocks, contained in the given compound.
def GetBlockNearPoint
 Find block, containing the given point inside its volume or on boundary.
def GetBlockByParts
 Find block, containing all the elements, passed as the parts, or maximum quantity of them.
def GetBlocksByParts
 Return all blocks, containing all the elements, passed as the parts.
def MakeMultiTransformation1D
 Multi-transformate block and glue the result.
def MakeMultiTransformation2D
 Multi-transformate block and glue the result.
def Propagate
 Build all possible propagation groups.
def CreateGroup
 Creates a new group which will store sub shapes of theMainShape.
def AddObject
 Adds a sub object with ID theSubShapeId to the group.
def RemoveObject
 Removes a sub object with ID theSubShapeId from the group.
def UnionList
 Adds to the group all the given shapes.
def UnionIDs
 Works like the above method, but argument theSubShapes here is a list of sub-shapes indices.
def DifferenceList
 Removes from the group all the given shapes.
def DifferenceIDs
 Works like the above method, but argument theSubShapes here is a list of sub-shapes indices.
def GetObjectIDs
 Returns a list of sub objects ID stored in the group.
def GetType
 Returns a type of sub objects stored in the group.
def GetMainShape
 Returns a main shape associated with the group.
def GetEdgesByLength
 Create group of edges of theShape, whose length is in range [min_length, max_length].
def SelectEdges
 Create group of edges of selected shape, whose length is in range [min_length, max_length].
def addPath
 Add Path to load python scripts from.

Data Fields


Member Function Documentation

+ +
+ + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.__init__ (  self  ) 
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.init_geom (  self,
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.SubShapeName (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.addToStudy (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.addToStudyInFather (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeVertex (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theX The X coordinate of the point.
theY The Y coordinate of the point.
theZ The Z coordinate of the point.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created point.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeVertexWithRef (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
theReference The referenced point.
theX Displacement from the referenced point along OX axis.
theY Displacement from the referenced point along OY axis.
theZ Displacement from the referenced point along OZ axis.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created point.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeVertexOnCurve (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theRefCurve The referenced curve.
theParameter Value of parameter on the referenced curve.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created point.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeTangentOnCurve (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theRefCurve The referenced curve.
theParameter Value of parameter on the referenced curve.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created tangent.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeVectorDXDYDZ (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theDX X component of the vector.
theDY Y component of the vector.
theDZ Z component of the vector.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created vector.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeVector (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
thePnt1 Start point for the vector.
thePnt2 End point for the vector.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created vector.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeLine (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
thePnt Point. The resulting line will pass through it.
theDir Direction. The resulting line will be parallel to it.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created line.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeLineTwoPnt (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
thePnt1 First of two points, defining the line.
thePnt2 Second of two points, defining the line.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created line.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakePlane (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
thePnt Point, the plane has to pass through.
theVec Vector, defining the plane normal direction.
theTrimSize Half size of a side of quadrangle face, representing the plane.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created plane.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakePlaneThreePnt (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
thePnt1 First of three points, defining the plane.
thePnt2 Second of three points, defining the plane.
thePnt3 Fird of three points, defining the plane.
theTrimSize Half size of a side of quadrangle face, representing the plane.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created plane.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakePlaneFace (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theFace Referenced plane or LCS(Marker).
theTrimSize New half size of a side of quadrangle face, representing the plane.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created plane.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeMarker (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
OX,OY,OZ Three coordinates of coordinate system origin.
XDX,XDY,XDZ Three components of OX direction
YDX,YDY,YDZ Three components of OY direction
New GEOM_Object, containing the created coordinate system.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeMarkerPntTwoVec (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theOrigin Point of coordinate system origin.
theXVec Vector of X direction
theYVec Vector of Y direction
New GEOM_Object, containing the created coordinate system.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeArc (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
thePnt1 Start point of the arc.
thePnt2 Middle point of the arc.
thePnt3 End point of the arc.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created arc.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeArcCenter (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
thePnt1 Center of the arc
thePnt2 Start point of the arc. (Gives also the radius of the arc)
thePnt3 End point of the arc (Gives also a direction)
New GEOM_Object, containing the created arc.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeCircle (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
thePnt Circle center.
theVec Vector, normal to the plane of the circle.
theR Circle radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created circle.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeCircleThreePnt (  self,
+ +


+ + +
thePnt1,thePnt2,thePnt3 Points, defining the circle.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created circle.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeEllipse (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
thePnt Ellipse center.
theVec Vector, normal to the plane of the ellipse.
theRMajor Major ellipse radius.
theRMinor Minor ellipse radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created ellipse.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakePolyline (  self,
+ +


+ + +
thePoints Sequence of points for the polyline.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created polyline.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeBezier (  self,
+ +


+ + +
thePoints Sequence of points for the bezier curve.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created bezier curve.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeInterpol (  self,
+ +


+ + +
thePoints Sequence of points for the B-Spline curve.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created B-Spline curve.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeSketcher (  self,
  theWorkingPlane = [0 
+ +

+ Edges of the resulting wire or face will be arcs of circles and/or linear segments.
+ Format of the description string have to be the following:

+"Sketcher[:F x1 y1]:CMD[:CMD[:CMD...]]"


  • x1, y1 are coordinates of the first sketcher point (zero by default),
  • CMD is one of
    • "R angle" : Set the direction by angle
    • "D dx dy" : Set the direction by DX & DY
    • "TT x y" : Create segment by point at X & Y
    • "T dx dy" : Create segment by point with DX & DY
    • "L length" : Create segment by direction & Length
    • "IX x" : Create segment by direction & Intersect. X
    • "IY y" : Create segment by direction & Intersect. Y
    • "C radius length" : Create arc by direction, radius and length(in degree)
    • "WW" : Close Wire (to finish)
    • "WF" : Close Wire and build face (to finish)


+ + + +
theCommand String, defining the sketcher in local coordinates of the working plane.
theWorkingPlane Nine double values, defining origin, OZ and OX directions of the working plane.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created wire.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeSketcherOnPlane (  self,
+ +

+ For format of the description string see the previous method.

+ + + +
theCommand String, defining the sketcher in local coordinates of the working plane.
theWorkingPlane Planar Face or LCS(Marker) of the working plane.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created wire.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeBox (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeBoxDXDYDZ (  self,
+ +

+Center of the box will be at point (DX/2, DY/2, DZ/2).

+ + + + +
theDX Length of Box edges, parallel to OX axis.
theDY Length of Box edges, parallel to OY axis.
theDZ Length of Box edges, parallel to OZ axis.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created box.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeBoxTwoPnt (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
thePnt1 First of two opposite vertices.
thePnt2 Second of two opposite vertices.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created box.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeCylinder (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
thePnt Central point of cylinder base.
theAxis Cylinder axis.
theR Cylinder radius.
theH Cylinder height.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created cylinder.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeCylinderRH (  self,
+ +

+Axis of the cylinder will be collinear to the OZ axis of the coordinate system.

+ + + +
theR Cylinder radius.
theH Cylinder height.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created cylinder.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeSpherePntR (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
thePnt Sphere center.
theR Sphere radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created sphere.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeSphere (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
x,y,z Coordinates of sphere center.
theR Sphere radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created sphere.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeSphereR (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theR Sphere radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created sphere.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeCone (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
thePnt Central point of the first cone base.
theAxis Cone axis.
theR1 Radius of the first cone base.
theR2 Radius of the second cone base.
If both radiuses are non-zero, the cone will be truncated.

+If the radiuses are equal, a cylinder will be created instead.

+ + +
theH Cone height.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created cone.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeConeR1R2H (  self,
+ +

+Axis of the cone will be collinear to the OZ axis of the coordinate system.

+ + + +
theR1 Radius of the first cone base.
theR2 Radius of the second cone base.
If both radiuses are non-zero, the cone will be truncated.

+If the radiuses are equal, a cylinder will be created instead.

+ + +
theH Cone height.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created cone.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeTorus (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
thePnt Torus central point.
theVec Torus axis of symmetry.
theRMajor Torus major radius.
theRMinor Torus minor radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created torus.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeTorusRR (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theRMajor Torus major radius.
theRMinor Torus minor radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created torus.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakePrism (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theBase Base shape to be extruded.
thePoint1 First end of extrusion vector.
thePoint2 Second end of extrusion vector.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created prism.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakePrismVecH (  self,
+ +

+all the space, transfixed by the base shape during its translation along the vector on the given distance.

+ + + + +
theBase Base shape to be extruded.
theVec Direction of extrusion.
theH Prism dimension along theVec.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created prism.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakePipe (  self,
+ +

+The path shape can be a wire or an edge.

+ + + +
theBase Base shape to be extruded.
thePath Path shape to extrude the base shape along it.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created pipe.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeRevolution (  self,
+ +

+all the space, transfixed by the base shape during its rotation around the axis on the given angle.

+ + + + +
theBase Base shape to be rotated.
theAxis Rotation axis.
theAngle Rotation angle in radians.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created revolution.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeThruSections (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
theSeqSections - set of specified sections.
theModeSolid - mode defining building solid or shell
thePreci - precision 3D used for smoothing by default 1.e-6
theRuled - mode defining type of the result surfaces (ruled or smoothed).
New GEOM_Object, containing the created shell or solid.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakePipeWithDifferentSections (  self,
+ +

+The path shape can be a wire or an edge. the several profiles can be specified in the several locations of path.

+ + + + + + +
theSeqBases - list of Bases shape to be extruded.
theLocations - list of locations on the path corresponding specified list of the Bases shapes. Number of locations should be equal to number of bases or list of locations can be empty.
thePath - Path shape to extrude the base shape along it.
theWithContact - the mode defining that the section is translated to be in contact with the spine.
- WithCorrection - defining that the section is rotated to be orthogonal to the spine tangent in the correspondent point
New GEOM_Object, containing the created pipe.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakePipeWithShellSections (  self,
+ +

+The path shape can be a shell or a face. the several profiles can be specified in the several locations of path.

+ + + + + + + +
theSeqBases - list of Bases shape to be extruded.
theSeqSubBases - list of corresponding subshapes of section shapes.
theLocations - list of locations on the path corresponding specified list of the Bases shapes. Number of locations should be equal to number of bases or list of locations can be empty.
thePath - Path shape to extrude the base shape along it.
theWithContact - the mode defining that the section is translated to be in contact with the spine.
- WithCorrection - defining that the section is rotated to be orthogonal to the spine tangent in the correspondent point
New GEOM_Object, containing the created solids.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeEdge (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
thePnt1 Point for the first end of edge.
thePnt2 Point for the second end of edge.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created edge.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeWire (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theEdgesAndWires List of edges and/or wires.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created wire.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeFace (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theWire closed Wire or Edge to build the face on.
isPlanarWanted If TRUE, only planar face will be built. If impossible, NULL object will be returned.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created face.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeFaceWires (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theWires List of closed wires or edges to build the face on.
isPlanarWanted If TRUE, only planar face will be built. If impossible, NULL object will be returned.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created face.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeFaces (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeShell (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theFacesAndShells List of faces and/or shells.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created shell.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeSolid (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShells Sequence of bounding shells.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created solid.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeCompound (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShapes List of shapes to put in compound.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created compound.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.NumberOfFaces (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShape Shape to count faces of.
Quantity of faces.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.NumberOfEdges (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShape Shape to count edges of.
Quantity of edges.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.ChangeOrientation (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShape Shape to be reversed.
The reversed copy of theShape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.OrientationChange (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetFreeFacesIDs (  self,
+ +

+Free face is a face, which is not shared between two shells of the shape.

+ + +
theShape Shape to find free faces in.
List of IDs of all free faces, contained in theShape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetSharedShapes (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theShape1 Shape to find sub-shapes in.
theShape2 Shape to find shared sub-shapes with.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
List of sub-shapes of theShape1, shared with theShape2.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetShapesOnPlane (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
theShape Shape to find sub-shapes of.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
theAx1 Vector (or line, or linear edge), specifying normal direction and location of the plane to find shapes on.
theState The state of the subshapes to find. It can be one of ST_ON, ST_OUT, ST_ONOUT, ST_IN, ST_ONIN.
List of all found sub-shapes.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetShapesOnPlaneIDs (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetShapesOnPlaneWithLocation (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + + +
theShape Shape to find sub-shapes of.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
theAx1 Vector (or line, or linear edge), specifying normal direction of the plane to find shapes on.
thePnt Point specifying location of the plane to find shapes on.
theState The state of the subshapes to find. It can be one of ST_ON, ST_OUT, ST_ONOUT, ST_IN, ST_ONIN.
List of all found sub-shapes.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetShapesOnPlaneWithLocationIDs (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetShapesOnCylinder (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + + +
theShape Shape to find sub-shapes of.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
theAxis Vector (or line, or linear edge), specifying axis of the cylinder to find shapes on.
theRadius Radius of the cylinder to find shapes on.
theState The state of the subshapes to find. It can be one of ST_ON, ST_OUT, ST_ONOUT, ST_IN, ST_ONIN.
List of all found sub-shapes.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetShapesOnCylinderIDs (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetShapesOnSphere (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + + +
theShape Shape to find sub-shapes of.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
theCenter Point, specifying center of the sphere to find shapes on.
theRadius Radius of the sphere to find shapes on.
theState The state of the subshapes to find. It can be one of ST_ON, ST_OUT, ST_ONOUT, ST_IN, ST_ONIN.
List of all found sub-shapes.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetShapesOnSphereIDs (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetShapesOnQuadrangle (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + + + + +
theShape Shape to find sub-shapes of.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
theTopLeftPoint Point, specifying top left corner of a quadrangle
theTopRigthPoint Point, specifying top right corner of a quadrangle
theBottomLeftPoint Point, specifying bottom left corner of a quadrangle
theBottomRigthPoint Point, specifying bottom right corner of a quadrangle
theState The state of the subshapes to find. It can be one of ST_ON, ST_OUT, ST_ONOUT, ST_IN, ST_ONIN.
List of all found sub-shapes.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetShapesOnQuadrangleIDs (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetShapesOnBox (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
theBox Shape for relative comparing.
theShape Shape to find sub-shapes of.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
theState The state of the subshapes to find. It can be one of ST_ON, ST_OUT, ST_ONOUT, ST_IN, ST_ONIN.
List of all found sub-shapes.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetShapesOnBoxIDs (  self,
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetInPlace (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShapeWhere Shape to find sub-shapes of.
theShapeWhat Shape, specifying what to find.
Group of all found sub-shapes or a single found sub-shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetSame (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShapeWhere Shape to find sub-shape of.
theShapeWhat Shape, specifying what to find.
New GEOM_Object for found sub-shape.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetSubShape (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetSubShapeID (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.SubShapeAll (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Shape to be exploded.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
List of sub-shapes of type theShapeType, contained in theShape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.SubShapeAllIDs (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Shape to be exploded.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
List of IDs of sub-shapes.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.SubShapeAllSorted (  self,
+ +

+Sub-shapes will be sorted by coordinates of their gravity centers.

+ + + +
theShape Shape to be exploded.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
List of sub-shapes of type theShapeType, contained in theShape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.SubShapeAllSortedIDs (  self,
+ +

+Sub-shapes will be sorted by coordinates of their gravity centers.

+ + + +
theShape Shape to be exploded.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
List of IDs of sub-shapes.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.SubShape (  self,
+ +

+Each index is in range [1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type]

+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.SubShapeSorted (  self,
+ +

+Each index is in range [1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type]

+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.ProcessShape (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
theShape Shape to be processed.
theOperators List of names of operators ("FixShape", "SplitClosedFaces", etc.).
theParameters List of names of parameters ("FixShape.Tolerance3d", "SplitClosedFaces.NbSplitPoints", etc.).
theValues List of values of parameters, in the same order as parameters are listed in theParameters list.
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.SuppressFaces (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theObject Shape to be processed.
theFaces Indices of faces to be removed, if EMPTY then the method removes ALL faces of the given object.
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeSewing (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.Sew (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theObject Shape to be processed.
theTolerance Required tolerance value.
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
+Example: see MakeSewing() above +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.SuppressInternalWires (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theObject Shape to be processed.
theWires Indices of wires to be removed, if EMPTY then the method removes ALL internal wires of the given object.
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.SuppressHoles (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theObject Shape to be processed.
theWires Indices of wires to be removed, if EMPTY then the method removes ALL internal holes of the given object
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.CloseContour (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theObject Shape to be processed.
theWires Indexes of edge(s) and wire(s) to be closed within theObject's shape, if -1, then theObject itself is a wire.
isCommonVertex If TRUE : closure by creation of a common vertex, If FALS : closure by creation of an edge between ends.
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.DivideEdge (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
theObject Shape to be processed.
theEdgeIndex Index of edge to be divided within theObject's shape, if -1, then theObject itself is the edge.
theValue Value of parameter on edge or length parameter, depending on isByParameter.
isByParameter If TRUE : theValue is treated as a curve parameter [0..1], if FALSE : theValue is treated as a length parameter [0..1]
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.ChangeOrientationShell (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theObject Shape to be processed. given shape
+ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.ChangeOrientationShellCopy (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theObject Shape to be processed.
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetFreeBoundary (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theObject Shape to get free boundary of.
[status, theClosedWires, theOpenWires] status: FALSE, if an error(s) occured during the method execution. theClosedWires: Closed wires on the free boundary of the given shape. theOpenWires: Open wires on the free boundary of the given shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeCopy (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeFilling (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + + + +
theShape the compound of contours
theMinDeg a minimal degree
theMaxDeg a maximal degree
theTol2D a 2d tolerance
theTol3D a 3d tolerance
theNbIter a number of iteration
New GEOM_Object, containing the created filling surface.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeGlueFaces (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Initial shape.
theTolerance Maximum distance between faces, which can be considered as coincident.
New GEOM_Object, containing a copy of theShape without coincident faces.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetGlueFaces (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Initial shape.
theTolerance Maximum distance between faces, which can be considered as coincident.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeGlueFacesByList (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theShape Initial shape.
theTolerance Maximum distance between faces, which can be considered as coincident.
theFaces List of faces for gluing.
New GEOM_Object, containing a copy of theShape without some faces.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeBoolean (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theShape1 First argument for boolean operation.
theShape2 Second argument for boolean operation.
theOperation Indicates the operation to be done: 1 - Common, 2 - Cut, 3 - Fuse, 4 - Section.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeCommon (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeCut (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeFuse (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeSection (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakePartition (  self,
  ListTools = [],
  ListKeepInside = [],
  ListRemoveInside = [],
  Limit = ShapeType["SHAPE"],
  RemoveWebs = 0,
  ListMaterials = [] 
+ +


+ + + + +
ListShapes Shapes to be intersected.
ListTools Shapes to intersect theShapes. !!!NOTE: Each compound from ListShapes and ListTools will be exploded in order to avoid possible intersection between shapes from this compound.
Limit Type of resulting shapes (corresponding to TopAbs_ShapeEnum).
+After implementation new version of PartitionAlgo (October 2006) other parameters are ignored by current functionality. They are kept in this function only for support old versions. Ignored parameters:
+ + + + + +
ListKeepInside Shapes, outside which the results will be deleted. Each shape from theKeepInside must belong to theShapes also.
ListRemoveInside Shapes, inside which the results will be deleted. Each shape from theRemoveInside must belong to theShapes also.
RemoveWebs If TRUE, perform Glue 3D algorithm.
ListMaterials Material indices for each shape. Make sence, only if theRemoveWebs is TRUE.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shapes.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakePartitionNonSelfIntersectedShape (  self,
  ListTools = [],
  ListKeepInside = [],
  ListRemoveInside = [],
  Limit = ShapeType["SHAPE"],
  RemoveWebs = 0,
  ListMaterials = [] 
+ +

+This method may be useful if it is needed to make a partition for compound contains nonintersected shapes. Performance will be better since intersection between shapes from compound is not performed.

+Description of all parameters as in previous method MakePartition()

+!!!NOTE: Passed compounds (via ListShapes or via ListTools) have to consist of nonintersecting shapes.


New GEOM_Object, containing the result shapes.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.Partition (  self,
  ListTools = [],
  ListKeepInside = [],
  ListRemoveInside = [],
  Limit = ShapeType["SHAPE"],
  RemoveWebs = 0,
  ListMaterials = [] 
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeHalfPartition (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Shape to be intersected.
thePlane Tool shape, to intersect theShape.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeTranslationTwoPoints (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theObject The object to be translated.
thePoint1 Start point of translation vector.
thePoint2 End point of translation vector.
New GEOM_Object, containing the translated object.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeTranslation (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theObject The object to be translated.
theDX,theDY,theDZ Components of translation vector.
New GEOM_Object, containing the translated object.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeTranslationVector (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theObject The object to be translated.
theVector The translation vector.
New GEOM_Object, containing the translated object.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeRotation (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theObject The object to be rotated.
theAxis Rotation axis.
theAngle Rotation angle in radians.
New GEOM_Object, containing the rotated object.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeRotationThreePoints (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theObject The object to be rotated.
theCentPoint central point - the axis is the vector perpendicular to the plane containing the three points.
thePoint1 and thePoint2 - in a perpendicular plan of the axis.
New GEOM_Object, containing the rotated object.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeScaleTransform (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theObject The object to be scaled.
thePoint Center point for scaling.
theFactor Scaling factor value.
New GEOM_Object, containing the scaled shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeMirrorByPlane (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theObject The object to be mirrored.
thePlane Plane of symmetry.
New GEOM_Object, containing the mirrored shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeMirrorByAxis (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theObject The object to be mirrored.
theAxis Axis of symmetry.
New GEOM_Object, containing the mirrored shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeMirrorByPoint (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theObject The object to be mirrored.
thePoint Point of symmetry.
New GEOM_Object, containing the mirrored shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakePosition (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theObject The object to be displaced.
theStartLCS Coordinate system to perform displacement from it. If theStartLCS is NULL, displacement will be performed from global CS. If theObject itself is used as theStartLCS, its location will be changed to theEndLCS.
theEndLCS Coordinate system to perform displacement to it.
New GEOM_Object, containing the displaced shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeOffset (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theObject The base object for the offset.
theOffset Offset value.
New GEOM_Object, containing the offset object.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeMultiTranslation1D (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
theObject The object to be translated.
theVector Direction of the translation.
theStep Distance to translate on.
theNbTimes Quantity of translations to be done.
New GEOM_Object, containing compound of all the shapes, obtained after each translation.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeMultiTranslation2D (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + + + + +
theObject The object to be translated.
theVector1 Direction of the first translation.
theStep1 Step of the first translation.
theNbTimes1 Quantity of translations to be done along theVector1.
theVector2 Direction of the second translation.
theStep2 Step of the second translation.
theNbTimes2 Quantity of translations to be done along theVector2.
New GEOM_Object, containing compound of all the shapes, obtained after each translation.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MultiRotate1D (  self,
+ +

+Rotation angle will be 2*PI/theNbTimes.

+ + + + +
theObject The object to be rotated.
theAxis The rotation axis.
theNbTimes Quantity of rotations to be done.
New GEOM_Object, containing compound of all the shapes, obtained after each rotation.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MultiRotate2D (  self,
+ +

+Translation direction passes through center of gravity of rotated shape and its projection on the rotation axis.

+ + + + + + + +
theObject The object to be rotated.
theAxis Rotation axis.
theAngle Rotation angle in graduces.
theNbTimes1 Quantity of rotations to be done.
theStep Translation distance.
theNbTimes2 Quantity of translations to be done.
New GEOM_Object, containing compound of all the shapes, obtained after each transformation.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeMultiRotation1D (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeMultiRotation2D (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeFilletAll (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Shape, to perform fillet on.
theR Fillet radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeFillet (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
theShape Shape, to perform fillet on.
theR Fillet radius.
theShapeType Type of shapes in <theListShapes>.
theListShapes Global indices of edges/faces to perform fillet on.
Global index of sub-shape can be obtained, using method geompy.GetSubShapeID().
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeChamferAll (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Shape, to perform chamfer on.
theD Chamfer size along each face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeChamferEdge (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
theShape Shape, to perform chamfer on.
theD1 Chamfer size along theFace1.
theD2 Chamfer size along theFace2.
theFace1,theFace2 Global indices of two faces of theShape.
Global index of sub-shape can be obtained, using method geompy.GetSubShapeID().
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeChamferFaces (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
theShape Shape, to perform chamfer on.
theD1 Chamfer size along face from theFaces. If both faces, connected to the edge, are in theFaces, theD1 will be get along face, which is nearer to theFaces beginning.
theD2 Chamfer size along another of two faces, connected to the edge.
theFaces Sequence of global indices of faces of theShape.
Global index of sub-shape can be obtained, using method geompy.GetSubShapeID().
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeChamfer (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.Archimede (  self,
+ +

+The object presenting the resulting face is returned.

+ + + + + +
theShape Shape to be put in water.
theWeight Weight og the shape.
theWaterDensity Density of the water.
theMeshDeflection Deflection of the mesh, using to compute the section.
New GEOM_Object, containing a section of theShape by a plane, corresponding to water level.
+Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.PointCoordinates (  self,
+ +


[x, y, z]
+Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.BasicProperties (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShape Shape to define properties of.
[theLength, theSurfArea, theVolume] theLength: Summarized length of all wires of the given shape. theSurfArea: Area of surface of the given shape. theVolume: Volume of the given shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.BoundingBox (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShape Shape to obtain bounding box of.
[Xmin,Xmax, Ymin,Ymax, Zmin,Zmax] Xmin,Xmax: Limits of shape along OX axis. Ymin,Ymax: Limits of shape along OY axis. Zmin,Zmax: Limits of shape along OZ axis.
+Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.Inertia (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShape Shape to calculate inertia of.
[I11,I12,I13, I21,I22,I23, I31,I32,I33, Ix,Iy,Iz] I(1-3)(1-3): Components of the inertia matrix of the given shape. Ix,Iy,Iz: Moments of inertia of the given shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MinDistance (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShape1,theShape2 Shapes to find minimal distance between.
Value of the minimal distance between the given shapes.
+Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.Tolerance (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShape Shape, to get tolerances of.
[FaceMin,FaceMax, EdgeMin,EdgeMax, VertMin,VertMax] FaceMin,FaceMax: Min and max tolerances of the faces. EdgeMin,EdgeMax: Min and max tolerances of the edges. VertMin,VertMax: Min and max tolerances of the vertices.
+Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.WhatIs (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShape Shape to be described.
Description of the given shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeCDG (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShape Shape to define centre of mass of.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created point.
+Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.CheckShape (  self,
  theIsCheckGeom = 0 
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Shape to check validity of.
theIsCheckGeom If FALSE, only the shape's topology will be checked, if TRUE, the shape's geometry will be checked also.
TRUE, if the shape "seems to be valid". If theShape is invalid, prints a description of problem.
+Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetPosition (  self,
+ +

+Origin of the LCS is situated at the shape's center of mass. Axes of the LCS are obtained from shape's location or, if the shape is a planar face, from position of its plane.


+ + +
theShape Shape to calculate position of.
[Ox,Oy,Oz, Zx,Zy,Zz, Xx,Xy,Xz]. Ox,Oy,Oz: Coordinates of shape's LCS origin. Zx,Zy,Zz: Coordinates of shape's LCS normal(main) direction. Xx,Xy,Xz: Coordinates of shape's LCS X direction.
+Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.KindOfShape (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theShape Shape to get a kind of.
Returns a kind of shape in terms of GEOM_IKindOfShape.shape_kind enumeration and a list of parameters, describing the shape.
Concrete meaning of each value, returned via theIntegers or theDoubles list depends on the kind of the shape. The full list of possible outputs is:
+geompy.kind.COMPOUND nb_solids nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices geompy.kind.COMPSOLID nb_solids nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices

+geompy.kind.SHELL geompy.info.CLOSED nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices geompy.kind.SHELL geompy.info.UNCLOSED nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices

+geompy.kind.WIRE geompy.info.CLOSED nb_edges nb_vertices geompy.kind.WIRE geompy.info.UNCLOSED nb_edges nb_vertices

+geompy.kind.SPHERE xc yc zc R geompy.kind.CYLINDER xb yb zb dx dy dz R H geompy.kind.BOX xc yc zc ax ay az geompy.kind.ROTATED_BOX xc yc zc zx zy zz xx xy xz ax ay az geompy.kind.TORUS xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2 geompy.kind.CONE xb yb zb dx dy dz R_1 R_2 H geompy.kind.POLYHEDRON nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices geompy.kind.SOLID nb_faces nb_edges nb_vertices

+geompy.kind.SPHERE2D xc yc zc R geompy.kind.CYLINDER2D xb yb zb dx dy dz R H geompy.kind.TORUS2D xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2 geompy.kind.CONE2D xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2 H geompy.kind.DISK_CIRCLE xc yc zc dx dy dz R geompy.kind.DISK_ELLIPSE xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2 geompy.kind.POLYGON xo yo zo dx dy dz nb_edges nb_vertices geompy.kind.PLANE xo yo zo dx dy dz geompy.kind.PLANAR xo yo zo dx dy dz nb_edges nb_vertices geompy.kind.FACE nb_edges nb_vertices

+geompy.kind.CIRCLE xc yc zc dx dy dz R geompy.kind.ARC_CIRCLE xc yc zc dx dy dz R x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 geompy.kind.ELLIPSE xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2 geompy.kind.ARC_ELLIPSE xc yc zc dx dy dz R_1 R_2 x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 geompy.kind.LINE xo yo zo dx dy dz geompy.kind.SEGMENT x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 geompy.kind.EDGE nb_vertices

+geompy.kind.VERTEX x y z

+Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.Import (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theFileName The file, containing the shape.
theFormatName Specify format for the file reading. Available formats can be obtained with InsertOp.ImportTranslators() method.
New GEOM_Object, containing the imported shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.ImportBREP (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.ImportIGES (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.ImportSTEP (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.Export (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theObject Shape to be stored in the file.
theFileName Name of the file to store the given shape in.
theFormatName Specify format for the shape storage. Available formats can be obtained with InsertOp.ImportTranslators() method.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.ExportBREP (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.ExportIGES (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.ExportSTEP (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeQuad (  self,
+ +

+Order of Edges is not important. It is not necessary that edges share the same vertex.

+ + +
E1,E2,E3,E4 Edges for the face bound.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created face.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeQuad2Edges (  self,
+ +

+The missing edges will be built by creating the shortest ones.

+ + +
E1,E2 Two opposite edges for the face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created face.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeQuad4Vertices (  self,
+ +

+The missing edges will be built by creating the shortest ones.

+ + +
V1,V2,V3,V4 Corner vertices for the face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created face.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeHexa (  self,
+ +

+Order of faces is not important. It is not necessary that Faces share the same edge.

+ + +
F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6 Faces for the hexahedral solid.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created solid.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeHexa2Faces (  self,
+ +

+The missing faces will be built by creating the smallest ones.

+ + +
F1,F2 Two opposite faces for the hexahedral solid.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created solid.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetPoint (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
theX,theY,theZ Coordinates of the sought vertex.
theEpsilon Maximum allowed distance between the resulting vertex and point with the given coordinates.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found vertex.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetEdge (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
thePoint1,thePoint2 Points, close to the ends of the desired edge.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found edge.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetEdgeNearPoint (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
thePoint Point, close to the desired edge.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found edge.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetFaceByPoints (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
thePoint1-thePoint4 Points, close to the corners of the desired face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found face.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetFaceByEdges (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
theEdge1,theEdge2 Edges, close to the edges of the desired face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found face.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetOppositeFace (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theBlock Must be a hexahedral solid.
theFace Face of theBlock, opposite to the desired face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found face.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetFaceNearPoint (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
thePoint Point, close to the desired face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found face.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetFaceByNormale (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
theVector Vector, close to the normale of the desired face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found face.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.CheckCompoundOfBlocks (  self,
+ +

+To be considered as a compound of blocks, the given shape must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Each element of the compound should be a Block (6 faces and 12 edges).
  • A connection between two Blocks should be an entire quadrangle face or an entire edge.
  • The compound should be connexe.
  • The glue between two quadrangle faces should be applied.
    + + +
    theCompound The compound to check.
    TRUE, if the given shape is a compound of blocks. If theCompound is not valid, prints all discovered errors.
    +Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py
+ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.RemoveExtraEdges (  self,
+ +

+Unite faces and edges, sharing one surface. It means that this faces must have references to one C++ surface object (handle).

+ + +
theShape The compound or single solid to remove irregular edges from.
Improved shape.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.CheckAndImprove (  self,
+ +

+Fix all detected errors.

Single block can be also fixed by this method.
+ + +
theCompound The compound to check and improve.
Improved compound.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeBlockExplode (  self,
+ +


+ + + + +
theCompound The compound to explode.
theMinNbFaces If solid has lower number of faces, it is not a block.
theMaxNbFaces If solid has higher number of faces, it is not a block.
If theMaxNbFaces = 0, the maximum number of faces is not restricted.
List of GEOM_Objects, containing the retrieved blocks.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetBlockNearPoint (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theCompound Compound, to find block in.
thePoint Point, close to the desired block. If the point lays on boundary between some blocks, we return block with nearest center.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found block.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetBlockByParts (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theCompound Compound, to find block in.
theParts List of faces and/or edges and/or vertices to be parts of the found block.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found block.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetBlocksByParts (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theCompound Compound, to find blocks in.
theParts List of faces and/or edges and/or vertices to be parts of the found blocks.
List of GEOM_Objects, containing the found blocks.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeMultiTransformation1D (  self,
+ +

+Transformation is defined so, as to superpose direction faces.

+ + + + + +
Block Hexahedral solid to be multi-transformed.
DirFace1 ID of First direction face.
DirFace2 ID of Second direction face.
NbTimes Quantity of transformations to be done.
Unique ID of sub-shape can be obtained, using method GetSubShapeID().
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.MakeMultiTransformation2D (  self,
+ +


+ + + + + +
Block Hexahedral solid to be multi-transformed.
DirFace1U,DirFace2U IDs of Direction faces for the first transformation.
DirFace1V,DirFace2V IDs of Direction faces for the second transformation.
NbTimesU,NbTimesV Quantity of transformations to be done.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
+Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.Propagate (  self,
+ +

+Propagation group is a set of all edges, opposite to one (main) edge of this group directly or through other opposite edges. Notion of Opposite Edge make sence only on quadrangle face.

+ + +
theShape Shape to build propagation groups on.
List of GEOM_Objects, each of them is a propagation group.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.CreateGroup (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theMainShape is a GEOM object on which the group is selected
theShapeType defines a shape type of the group
a newly created GEOM group
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.AddObject (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theGroup is a GEOM group to which the new sub shape is added
theSubShapeID is a sub shape ID in the main object.
Use method GetSubShapeID() to get an unique ID of the sub shape
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.RemoveObject (  self,
+ +


+ + + +
theGroup is a GEOM group from which the new sub shape is removed
theSubShapeID is a sub shape ID in the main object.
Use method GetSubShapeID() to get an unique ID of the sub shape
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.UnionList (  self,
+ +

+No errors, if some shapes are alredy included.

+ + + +
theGroup is a GEOM group to which the new sub shapes are added.
theSubShapes is a list of sub shapes to be added.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.UnionIDs (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.DifferenceList (  self,
+ +

+No errors, if some shapes are not included.

+ + + +
theGroup is a GEOM group from which the sub-shapes are removed.
theSubShapes is a list of sub-shapes to be removed.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.DifferenceIDs (  self,
+ +

+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetObjectIDs (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theGroup is a GEOM group for which a list of IDs is requested
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetType (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theGroup is a GEOM group which type is returned.
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetMainShape (  self,
+ +


+ + +
theGroup is a GEOM group for which a main shape object is requested
a GEOM object which is a main shape for theGroup
+Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.GetEdgesByLength (  self,
  include_min = 1,
  include_max = 1 
+ +

+If include_min/max == 0, edges with length == min/max_length will not be included in result. +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.SelectEdges (  self,
  include_min = 1,
  include_max = 1 
+ +

+If include_min/max == 0, edges with length == min/max_length will not be included in result. +


+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
def geompyDC.geompyDC.addPath (  self,
+ +

+ +



Field Documentation

+ +
+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ +
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/classgeompyDC_1_1geompyDC__inherit__graph.jpg b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/classgeompyDC_1_1geompyDC__inherit__graph.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b635532c1 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/classgeompyDC_1_1geompyDC__inherit__graph.jpg differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/classgeompyDC_1_1info.html b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/classgeompyDC_1_1info.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dc220ec43 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/classgeompyDC_1_1info.html @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ + + + + + + Main Page + + + + +  + + + + +

geompyDC.info Class Reference

+ + + + + + + + +

Static Public Attributes

int UNKNOWN = 0
int CLOSED = 1
int UNCLOSED = 2

Field Documentation

+ +
+ + + + +
int geompyDC.info.UNKNOWN = 0 [static]
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ + + + +
int geompyDC.info.CLOSED = 1 [static]
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ + + + +
int geompyDC.info.UNCLOSED = 2 [static]
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/namespacegeompy.html b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/namespacegeompy.html index 768eb3629..5a7d6e1a2 100644 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/namespacegeompy.html +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/namespacegeompy.html @@ -5,9249 +5,45 @@ Main Page +   - +

Package geompy


+For available methods please see documentation of +geompyDC class, +implemented in geompyDC.py script. +All methods of geompyDC class are accessible via geompy namespace, for example "box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(10.,20.,30.)". +

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


def init_geom
def SubShapeName
 Get name for sub-shape aSubObj of shape aMainObj.
def addToStudy
 Publish in study aShape with name aName.
def addToStudyInFather
 Publish in study aShape with name aName as sub-object of previously published aFather.
def MakeVertex
 Create point by three coordinates.
def MakeVertexWithRef
 Create a point, distant from the referenced point on the given distances along the coordinate axes.
def MakeVertexOnCurve
 Create a point, corresponding to the given parameter on the given curve.
def MakeVectorDXDYDZ
 Create a vector with the given components.
def MakeVector
 Create a vector between two points.
def MakeLine
 Create a line, passing through the given point and parrallel to the given direction.
def MakeLineTwoPnt
 Create a line, passing through the given points.
def MakePlane
 Create a plane, passing through the given point and normal to the given vector.
def MakePlaneThreePnt
 Create a plane, passing through the three given points.
def MakePlaneFace
 Create a plane, similar to the existing one, but with another size of representing face.
def MakeMarker
 Create a local coordinate system.
def MakeMarkerPntTwoVec
 Create a local coordinate system.
def MakeArc
 Create an arc of circle, passing through three given points.
def MakeCircle
 Create a circle with given center, normal vector and radius.
def MakeCircleThreePnt
 Create a circle, passing through three given points.
def MakeEllipse
 Create an ellipse with given center, normal vector and radiuses.
def MakePolyline
 Create a polyline on the set of points.
def MakeBezier
 Create bezier curve on the set of points.
def MakeInterpol
 Create B-Spline curve on the set of points.
def MakeSketcher
 Create a sketcher (wire or face), following the textual description, passed through theCommand argument.
def MakeSketcherOnPlane
 Create a sketcher (wire or face), following the textual description, passed through theCommand argument.
def MakeBox
 Create a box by coordinates of two opposite vertices.
def MakeBoxDXDYDZ
 Create a box with specified dimensions along the coordinate axes and with edges, parallel to the coordinate axes.
def MakeBoxTwoPnt
 Create a box with two specified opposite vertices, and with edges, parallel to the coordinate axes.
def MakeCylinder
 Create a cylinder with given base point, axis, radius and height.
def MakeCylinderRH
 Create a cylinder with given radius and height at the origin of coordinate system.
def MakeSpherePntR
 Create a sphere with given center and radius.
def MakeSphere
 Create a sphere with given center and radius.
def MakeSphereR
 Create a sphere with given radius at the origin of coordinate system.
def MakeCone
 Create a cone with given base point, axis, height and radiuses.
def MakeConeR1R2H
 Create a cone with given height and radiuses at the origin of coordinate system.
def MakeTorus
 Create a torus with given center, normal vector and radiuses.
def MakeTorusRR
 Create a torus with given radiuses at the origin of coordinate system.
def MakePrism
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along a vector, defined by two points.
def MakePrismVecH
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the vector, i.e.
def MakePipe
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the path shape.
def MakeRevolution
 Create a shape by revolution of the base shape around the axis on the given angle, i.e.
def MakeEdge
 Create a linear edge with specified ends.
def MakeWire
 Create a wire from the set of edges and wires.
def MakeFace
 Create a face on the given wire.
def MakeFaceWires
 Create a face on the given wires set.
def MakeFaces
 Shortcut to MakeFaceWires().
def MakeShell
 Create a shell from the set of faces and shells.
def MakeSolid
 Create a solid, bounded by the given shells.
def MakeCompound
 Create a compound of the given shapes.
def NumberOfFaces
 Gives quantity of faces in the given shape.
def NumberOfEdges
 Gives quantity of edges in the given shape.
def ChangeOrientation
 Reverses an orientation the given shape.
def OrientationChange
 Shortcut to ChangeOrientation().
def GetFreeFacesIDs
 Retrieve all free faces from the given shape.
def GetSharedShapes
 Get all sub-shapes of theShape1 of the given type, shared with theShape2.
def GetShapesOnPlane
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified plane by the certain way, defined through theState parameter.
def GetShapesOnPlaneIDs
 Works like the above method, but returns list of sub-shapes indices.
def GetShapesOnCylinder
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified cylinder by the certain way, defined through theState parameter.
def GetShapesOnCylinderIDs
 Works like the above method, but returns list of sub-shapes indices.
def GetShapesOnSphere
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified sphere by the certain way, defined through theState parameter.
def GetShapesOnSphereIDs
 Works like the above method, but returns list of sub-shapes indices.
def GetShapesOnQuadrangle
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified quadrangle by the certain way, defined through theState parameter.
def GetShapesOnQuadrangleIDs
 Works like the above method, but returns list of sub-shapes indices.
def GetInPlace
 Get sub-shape(s) of theShapeWhere, which are coincident with theShapeWhat or could be a part of it.
def GetSubShape
 Obtain a composite sub-shape of <aShape>, composed from sub-shapes of <aShape>, selected by their unique IDs inside <aShape>.
def GetSubShapeID
 Obtain unique ID of sub-shape <aSubShape> inside <aShape>.
def SubShapeAll
 Explode a shape on subshapes of a given type.
def SubShapeAllIDs
 Explode a shape on subshapes of a given type.
def SubShapeAllSorted
 Explode a shape on subshapes of a given type.
def SubShapeAllSortedIDs
 Explode a shape on subshapes of a given type.
def SubShape
 Obtain a compound of sub-shapes of <aShape>, selected by they indices in list of all sub-shapes of type <aType>.
def SubShapeSorted
 Obtain a compound of sub-shapes of <aShape>, selected by they indices in sorted list of all sub-shapes of type <aType>.
def ProcessShape
 Apply a sequence of Shape Healing operators to the given object.
def SuppressFaces
 Remove faces from the given object (shape).
def MakeSewing
 Sewing of some shapes into single shape.
def Sew
 Sewing of the given object.
def SuppressInternalWires
 Remove internal wires and edges from the given object (face).
def SuppressHoles
 Remove internal closed contours (holes) from the given object.
def CloseContour
 Close an open wire.
def DivideEdge
 Addition of a point to a given edge object.
def GetFreeBoundary
 Get a list of wires (wrapped in GEOM_Object-s), that constitute a free boundary of the given shape.
def MakeCopy
 Create a copy of the given object.
def MakeFilling
 Create a filling from the given compound of contours.
def MakeGlueFaces
 Replace coincident faces in theShape by one face.
def MakeBoolean
 Perform one of boolean operations on two given shapes.
def MakeCommon
 Shortcut to MakeBoolean(s1, s2, 1).
def MakeCut
 Shortcut to MakeBoolean(s1, s2, 2).
def MakeFuse
 Shortcut to MakeBoolean(s1, s2, 3).
def MakeSection
 Shortcut to MakeBoolean(s1, s2, 4).
def MakePartition
 Perform partition operation.
def Partition
 Shortcut to MakePartition().
def MakeHalfPartition
 Perform partition of the Shape with the Plane.
def MakeTranslationTwoPoints
 Translate the given object along the vector, specified by its end points, creating its copy before the translation.
def MakeTranslation
 Translate the given object along the vector, specified by its components, creating its copy before the translation.
def MakeTranslationVector
 Translate the given object along the given vector, creating its copy before the translation.
def MakeRotation
 Rotate the given object around the given axis on the given angle, creating its copy before the rotatation.
def MakeScaleTransform
 Scale the given object by the factor, creating its copy before the scaling.
def MakeMirrorByPlane
 Create an object, symmetrical to the given one relatively the given plane.
def MakeMirrorByAxis
 Create an object, symmetrical to the given one relatively the given axis.
def MakeMirrorByPoint
 Create an object, symmetrical to the given one relatively the given point.
def MakePosition
 Modify the Location of the given object by LCS creating its copy before the setting.
def MakeOffset
 Create new object as offset of the given one.
def MakeMultiTranslation1D
 Translate the given object along the given vector a given number times.
def MakeMultiTranslation2D
 Conseqently apply two specified translations to theObject specified number of times.
def MultiRotate1D
 Rotate the given object around the given axis a given number times.
def MultiRotate2D
 Rotate the given object around the given axis on the given angle a given number times and multi-translate each rotation result.
def MakeMultiRotation1D
 The same, as MultiRotate1D(), but axis is given by direction and point.
def MakeMultiRotation2D
 The same, as MultiRotate2D(), but axis is given by direction and point.
def MakeFilletAll
 Perform a fillet on all edges of the given shape.
def MakeFillet
 Perform a fillet on the specified edges/faces of the given shape.
def MakeChamferAll
 Perform a symmetric chamfer on all edges of the given shape.
def MakeChamferEdge
 Perform a chamfer on edges, common to the specified faces, with distance D1 on the Face1.
def MakeChamferFaces
 Perform a chamfer on all edges of the specified faces, with distance D1 on the first specified face (if several for one edge).
def MakeChamfer
 Shortcut to MakeChamferEdge() and MakeChamferFaces().
def Archimede
 Perform an Archimde operation on the given shape with given parameters.
def PointCoordinates
 Get point coordinates.
def BasicProperties
 Get summarized length of all wires, area of surface and volume of the given shape.
def BoundingBox
 Get parameters of bounding box of the given shape.
def Inertia
 Get inertia matrix and moments of inertia of theShape.
def MinDistance
 Get minimal distance between the given shapes.
def Tolerance
 Get min and max tolerances of sub-shapes of theShape.
def WhatIs
 Obtain description of the given shape (number of sub-shapes of each type).
def MakeCDG
 Get a point, situated at the centre of mass of theShape.
def CheckShape
 Check a topology of the given shape.
def Import
 Import a shape from the BREP or IGES or STEP file (depends on given format) with given name.
def ImportBREP
 Shortcut to Import() for BREP format.
def ImportIGES
 Shortcut to Import() for IGES format.
def ImportSTEP
 Shortcut to Import() for STEP format.
def Export
 Export the given shape into a file with given name.
def ExportBREP
 Shortcut to Export() for BREP format.
def ExportIGES
 Shortcut to Export() for IGES format.
def ExportSTEP
 Shortcut to Export() for STEP format.
def MakeQuad
 Create a quadrangle face from four edges.
def MakeQuad2Edges
 Create a quadrangle face on two edges.
def MakeQuad4Vertices
 Create a quadrangle face with specified corners.
def MakeHexa
 Create a hexahedral solid, bounded by the six given faces.
def MakeHexa2Faces
 Create a hexahedral solid between two given faces.
def GetPoint
 Get a vertex, found in the given shape by its coordinates.
def GetEdge
 Get an edge, found in the given shape by two given vertices.
def GetEdgeNearPoint
 Find an edge of the given shape, which has minimal distance to the given point.
def GetFaceByPoints
 Returns a face, found in the given shape by four given corner vertices.
def GetFaceByEdges
 Get a face of block, found in the given shape by two given edges.
def GetOppositeFace
 Find a face, opposite to the given one in the given block.
def GetFaceNearPoint
 Find a face of the given shape, which has minimal distance to the given point.
def GetFaceByNormale
 Find a face of block, whose outside normale has minimal angle with the given vector.
def CheckCompoundOfBlocks
 Check, if the compound of blocks is given.
def RemoveExtraEdges
 Remove all seam and degenerated edges from theShape.
def CheckAndImprove
 Check, if the given shape is a blocks compound.
def MakeBlockExplode
 Get all the blocks, contained in the given compound.
def GetBlockNearPoint
 Find block, containing the given point inside its volume or on boundary.
def GetBlockByParts
 Find block, containing all the elements, passed as the parts, or maximum quantity of them.
def GetBlocksByParts
 Return all blocks, containing all the elements, passed as the parts.
def MakeMultiTransformation1D
 Multi-transformate block and glue the result.
def MakeMultiTransformation2D
 Multi-transformate block and glue the result.
def Propagate
 Build all possible propagation groups.
def CreateGroup
 Creates a new group which will store sub shapes of theMainShape.
def AddObject
 Adds a sub object with ID theSubShapeId to the group.
def RemoveObject
 Removes a sub object with ID theSubShapeId from the group.
def UnionList
 Adds to the group all the given shapes.
def UnionIDs
 Works like the above method, but argument theSubShapes here is a list of sub-shapes indices.
def DifferenceList
 Removes from the group all the given shapes.
def DifferenceIDs
 Works like the above method, but argument theSubShapes here is a list of sub-shapes indices.
def GetObjectIDs
 Returns a list of sub objects ID stored in the group.
def GetType
 Returns a type of sub objects stored in the group.
def GetMainShape
 Returns a main shape associated with the group.
def GetEdgesByLength
def SelectEdges
def addPath
 Add Path to load python scripts from.


tuple g = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM")
tuple geom = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM")
tuple geom = g._narrow( GEOM.GEOM_Gen )
 myBuilder = None
int myStudyId = 0
 father = None
 BasicOp = None
 CurvesOp = None
 PrimOp = None
 ShapesOp = None
 HealOp = None
 InsertOp = None
 BoolOp = None
 TrsfOp = None
 LocalOp = None
 MeasuOp = None
 BlocksOp = None
 GroupOp = None
dictionary ShapeType = {"COMPOUND":0, "COMPSOLID":1, "SOLID":2, "SHELL":3, "FACE":4, "WIRE":5, "EDGE":6, "VERTEX":7, "SHAPE":8}
tuple g = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM")
tuple geom = g._narrow( GEOM.GEOM_Gen )
 myBuilder = None
int myStudyId = 0
 father = None
 BasicOp = None
 CurvesOp = None
 PrimOp = None
 ShapesOp = None
 HealOp = None
 InsertOp = None
 BoolOp = None
 TrsfOp = None
 LocalOp = None
 MeasuOp = None
 BlocksOp = None
 GroupOp = None
dictionary ShapeType = {"COMPOUND":0, "COMPSOLID":1, "SOLID":2, "SHELL":3, "FACE":4, "WIRE":5, "EDGE":6, "VERTEX":7, "SHAPE":8}

Function Documentation


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::init_geom   theStudy  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::SubShapeName   aSubObj,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::addToStudy   aShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::addToStudyInFather   aFather,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeVertex   theX,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theX The X coordinate of the point.
theY The Y coordinate of the point.
theZ The Z coordinate of the point.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created point.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeVertexWithRef   theReference,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
theReference The referenced point.
theX Displacement from the referenced point along OX axis.
theY Displacement from the referenced point along OY axis.
theZ Displacement from the referenced point along OZ axis.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created point.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeVertexOnCurve   theRefCurve,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theRefCurve The referenced curve.
theParameter Value of parameter on the referenced curve.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created point.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeVectorDXDYDZ   theDX,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theDX X component of the vector.
theDY Y component of the vector.
theDZ Z component of the vector.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created vector.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeVector   thePnt1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
thePnt1 Start point for the vector.
thePnt2 End point for the vector.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created vector.

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeLine   thePnt,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
thePnt Point. The resulting line will pass through it.
theDir Direction. The resulting line will be parallel to it.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created line.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeLineTwoPnt   thePnt1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
thePnt1 First of two points, defining the line.
thePnt2 Second of two points, defining the line.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created line.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakePlane   thePnt,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
thePnt Point, the plane has to pass through.
theVec Vector, defining the plane normal direction.
theTrimSize Half size of a side of quadrangle face, representing the plane.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created plane.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakePlaneThreePnt   thePnt1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
thePnt1 First of three points, defining the plane.
thePnt2 Second of three points, defining the plane.
thePnt3 Fird of three points, defining the plane.
theTrimSize Half size of a side of quadrangle face, representing the plane.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created plane.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakePlaneFace   theFace,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theFace Referenced plane.
theTrimSize New half size of a side of quadrangle face, representing the plane.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created plane.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeMarker   OX,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
OX,OY,OZ Three coordinates of coordinate system origin.
XDX,XDY,XDZ Three components of OX direction
YDX,YDY,YDZ Three components of OY direction
New GEOM_Object, containing the created coordinate system.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeMarkerPntTwoVec   theOrigin,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theOrigin Point of coordinate system origin.
theXVec Vector of X direction
theYVec Vector of Y direction
New GEOM_Object, containing the created coordinate system.

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeArc   thePnt1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
thePnt1 Start point of the arc.
thePnt2 Middle point of the arc.
thePnt3 End point of the arc.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created arc.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeCircle   thePnt,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
thePnt Circle center.
theVec Vector, normal to the plane of the circle.
theR Circle radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created circle.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeCircleThreePnt   thePnt1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
thePnt1,thePnt2,thePnt3 Points, defining the circle.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created circle.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeEllipse   thePnt,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
thePnt Ellipse center.
theVec Vector, normal to the plane of the ellipse.
theRMajor Major ellipse radius.
theRMinor Minor ellipse radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created ellipse.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakePolyline   thePoints  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
thePoints Sequence of points for the polyline.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created polyline.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeBezier   thePoints  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
thePoints Sequence of points for the bezier curve.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created bezier curve.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeInterpol   thePoints  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
thePoints Sequence of points for the B-Spline curve.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created B-Spline curve.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeSketcher   theCommand,
  theWorkingPlane = [0
- - - - - -
-   - - -

- Edges of the resulting wire or face will be arcs of circles and/or linear segments.
- Format of the description string have to be the following:

-"Sketcher[:F x1 y1]:CMD[:CMD[:CMD...]]"


  • x1, y1 are coordinates of the first sketcher point (zero by default),
  • CMD is one of
    • "R angle" : Set the direction by angle
    • "D dx dy" : Set the direction by DX & DY
    • "TT x y" : Create segment by point at X & Y
    • "T dx dy" : Create segment by point with DX & DY
    • "L length" : Create segment by direction & Length
    • "IX x" : Create segment by direction & Intersect. X
    • "IY y" : Create segment by direction & Intersect. Y
    • "C radius length" : Create arc by direction, radius and length(in degree)
    • "WW" : Close Wire (to finish)
    • "WF" : Close Wire and build face (to finish)


- - - -
theCommand String, defining the sketcher in local coordinates of the working plane.
theWorkingPlane Nine double values, defining origin, OZ and OX directions of the working plane.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created wire.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeSketcherOnPlane   theCommand,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

- For format of the description string see the previous method.

- - - -
theCommand String, defining the sketcher in local coordinates of the working plane.
theWorkingPlane Planar Face of the working plane.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created wire.

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeBox   x1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeBoxDXDYDZ   theDX,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Center of the box will be at point (DX/2, DY/2, DZ/2).

- - - - -
theDX Length of Box edges, parallel to OX axis.
theDY Length of Box edges, parallel to OY axis.
theDZ Length of Box edges, parallel to OZ axis.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created box.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeBoxTwoPnt   thePnt1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
thePnt1 First of two opposite vertices.
thePnt2 Second of two opposite vertices.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created box.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeCylinder   thePnt,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
thePnt Central point of cylinder base.
theAxis Cylinder axis.
theR Cylinder radius.
theH Cylinder height.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created cylinder.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeCylinderRH   theR,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Axis of the cylinder will be collinear to the OZ axis of the coordinate system.

- - - -
theR Cylinder radius.
theH Cylinder height.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created cylinder.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeSpherePntR   thePnt,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
thePnt Sphere center.
theR Sphere radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created sphere.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeSphere   x,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
x,y,z Coordinates of sphere center.
theR Sphere radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created sphere.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeSphereR   theR  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theR Sphere radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created sphere.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeCone   thePnt,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
thePnt Central point of the first cone base.
theAxis Cone axis.
theR1 Radius of the first cone base.
theR2 Radius of the second cone base.
If both radiuses are non-zero, the cone will be truncated.

-If the radiuses are equal, a cylinder will be created instead.

- - -
theH Cone height.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created cone.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeConeR1R2H   theR1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Axis of the cone will be collinear to the OZ axis of the coordinate system.

- - - -
theR1 Radius of the first cone base.
theR2 Radius of the second cone base.
If both radiuses are non-zero, the cone will be truncated.

-If the radiuses are equal, a cylinder will be created instead.

- - -
theH Cone height.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created cone.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeTorus   thePnt,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
thePnt Torus central point.
theVec Torus axis of symmetry.
theRMajor Torus major radius.
theRMinor Torus minor radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created torus.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeTorusRR   theRMajor,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theRMajor Torus major radius.
theRMinor Torus minor radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created torus.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakePrism   theBase,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theBase Base shape to be extruded.
thePoint1 First end of extrusion vector.
thePoint2 Second end of extrusion vector.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created prism.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakePrismVecH   theBase,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-all the space, transfixed by the base shape during its translation along the vector on the given distance.

- - - - -
theBase Base shape to be extruded.
theVec Direction of extrusion.
theH Prism dimension along theVec.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created prism.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakePipe   theBase,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-The path shape can be a wire or an edge.

- - - -
theBase Base shape to be extruded.
thePath Path shape to extrude the base shape along it.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created pipe.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeRevolution   theBase,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-all the space, transfixed by the base shape during its rotation around the axis on the given angle.

- - - - -
theBase Base shape to be rotated.
theAxis Rotation axis.
theAngle Rotation angle in radians.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created revolution.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeEdge   thePnt1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
thePnt1 Point for the first end of edge.
thePnt2 Point for the second end of edge.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created edge.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeWire   theEdgesAndWires  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theEdgesAndWires List of edges and/or wires.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created wire.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeFace   theWire,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theWire Wire to build the face on.
isPlanarWanted If TRUE, only planar face will be built. If impossible, NULL object will be returned.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created face.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeFaceWires   theWires,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theWires List of wires to build the face on.
isPlanarWanted If TRUE, only planar face will be built. If impossible, NULL object will be returned.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created face.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeFaces   theWires,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeShell   theFacesAndShells  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theFacesAndShells List of faces and/or shells.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created shell.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeSolid   theShells  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShells Sequence of bounding shells.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created solid.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeCompound   theShapes  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShapes List of shapes to put in compound.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created compound.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::NumberOfFaces   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShape Shape to count faces of.
Quantity of faces.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::NumberOfEdges   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShape Shape to count edges of.
Quantity of edges.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::ChangeOrientation   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShape Shape to be reversed.
The reversed copy of theShape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::OrientationChange   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetFreeFacesIDs   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Free face is a face, which is not shared between two shells of the shape.

- - -
theShape Shape to find free faces in.
List of IDs of all free faces, contained in theShape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetSharedShapes   theShape1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theShape1 Shape to find sub-shapes in.
theShape2 Shape to find shared sub-shapes with.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
List of sub-shapes of theShape1, shared with theShape2.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetShapesOnPlane   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
theShape Shape to find sub-shapes of.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
theAx1 Vector (or line, or linear edge), specifying normal direction and location of the plane to find shapes on.
theState The state of the subshapes to find. It can be one of ST_ON, ST_OUT, ST_ONOUT, ST_IN, ST_ONIN.
List of all found sub-shapes.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetShapesOnPlaneIDs   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetShapesOnCylinder   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - - -
theShape Shape to find sub-shapes of.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
theAxis Vector (or line, or linear edge), specifying axis of the cylinder to find shapes on.
theRadius Radius of the cylinder to find shapes on.
theState The state of the subshapes to find. It can be one of ST_ON, ST_OUT, ST_ONOUT, ST_IN, ST_ONIN.
List of all found sub-shapes.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetShapesOnCylinderIDs   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetShapesOnSphere   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - - -
theShape Shape to find sub-shapes of.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
theCenter Point, specifying center of the sphere to find shapes on.
theRadius Radius of the sphere to find shapes on.
theState The state of the subshapes to find. It can be one of ST_ON, ST_OUT, ST_ONOUT, ST_IN, ST_ONIN.
List of all found sub-shapes.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetShapesOnSphereIDs   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetShapesOnQuadrangle   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - - -
theShape Shape to find sub-shapes of.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
theCenter Point, specifying center of the sphere to find shapes on.
theRadius Radius of the sphere to find shapes on.
theState The state of the subshapes to find. It can be one of ST_ON, ST_OUT, ST_ONOUT, ST_IN, ST_ONIN.
List of all found sub-shapes.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetShapesOnQuadrangleIDs   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetInPlace   theShapeWhere,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShapeWhere Shape to find sub-shapes of.
theShapeWhat Shape, specifying what to find.
Group of all found sub-shapes or a single found sub-shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetSubShape   aShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetSubShapeID   aShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::SubShapeAll   aShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShape Shape to be exploded.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
List of sub-shapes of type theShapeType, contained in theShape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::SubShapeAllIDs   aShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShape Shape to be exploded.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
List of IDs of sub-shapes.

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::SubShapeAllSorted   aShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Sub-shapes will be sorted by coordinates of their gravity centers.

- - - -
theShape Shape to be exploded.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
List of sub-shapes of type theShapeType, contained in theShape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::SubShapeAllSortedIDs   aShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Sub-shapes will be sorted by coordinates of their gravity centers.

- - - -
theShape Shape to be exploded.
theShapeType Type of sub-shapes to be retrieved.
List of IDs of sub-shapes.

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::SubShape   aShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Each index is in range [1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type]

-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::SubShapeSorted   aShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Each index is in range [1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type]

-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::ProcessShape   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
theShape Shape to be processed.
theOperators List of names of operators ("FixShape", "SplitClosedFaces", etc.).
theParameters List of names of parameters ("FixShape.Tolerance3d", "SplitClosedFaces.NbSplitPoints", etc.).
theValues List of values of parameters, in the same order as parameters are listed in theParameters list.
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::SuppressFaces   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theObject Shape to be processed.
theFaces Indices of faces to be removed, if EMPTY then the method removes ALL faces of the given object.
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeSewing   ListShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::Sew   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theObject Shape to be processed.
theTolerance Required tolerance value.
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
-Example: see MakeSewing() above

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::SuppressInternalWires   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theObject Shape to be processed.
theWires Indices of wires to be removed, if EMPTY then the method removes ALL internal wires of the given object.
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::SuppressHoles   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theObject Shape to be processed.
theWires Indices of wires to be removed, if EMPTY then the method removes ALL internal holes of the given object
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::CloseContour   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theObject Shape to be processed.
theWires Indexes of edge(s) and wire(s) to be closed within theObject's shape, if -1, then theObject itself is a wire.
isCommonVertex If TRUE : closure by creation of a common vertex, If FALS : closure by creation of an edge between ends.
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::DivideEdge   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
theObject Shape to be processed.
theEdgeIndex Index of edge to be divided within theObject's shape, if -1, then theObject itself is the edge.
theValue Value of parameter on edge or length parameter, depending on isByParameter.
isByParameter If TRUE : theValue is treated as a curve parameter [0..1], if FALSE : theValue is treated as a length parameter [0..1]
New GEOM_Object, containing processed shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetFreeBoundary   theObject  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theObject Shape to get free boundary of.
[status, theClosedWires, theOpenWires] status: FALSE, if an error(s) occured during the method execution. theClosedWires: Closed wires on the free boundary of the given shape. theOpenWires: Open wires on the free boundary of the given shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestHealing.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeCopy   theOriginal  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeFilling   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - - - -
theShape the compound of contours
theMinDeg a minimal degree
theMaxDeg a maximal degree
theTol2D a 2d tolerance
theTol3D a 3d tolerance
theNbIter a number of iteration
New GEOM_Object, containing the created filling surface.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeGlueFaces   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShape Initial shape.
theTolerance Maximum distance between faces, which can be considered as coincident.
New GEOM_Object, containing a copy of theShape without coincident faces.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeBoolean   theShape1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theShape1 First argument for boolean operation.
theShape2 Second argument for boolean operation.
theOperation Indicates the operation to be done: 1 - Common, 2 - Cut, 3 - Fuse, 4 - Section.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeCommon   s1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeCut   s1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeFuse   s1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeSection   s1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakePartition   ListShapes,
  ListTools = [],
  ListKeepInside = [],
  ListRemoveInside = [],
  Limit = ShapeType["SHAPE"],
  RemoveWebs = 0,
  ListMaterials = []
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - - - - -
ListShapes Shapes to be intersected.
ListTools Shapes to intersect theShapes.
ListKeepInside Shapes, outside which the results will be deleted. Each shape from theKeepInside must belong to theShapes also.
ListRemoveInside Shapes, inside which the results will be deleted. Each shape from theRemoveInside must belong to theShapes also.
Limit Type of resulting shapes (corresponding to TopAbs_ShapeEnum).
RemoveWebs If TRUE, perform Glue 3D algorithm.
ListMaterials Material indices for each shape. Make sence, only if theRemoveWebs is TRUE.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shapes.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::Partition   ListShapes,
  ListTools = [],
  ListKeepInside = [],
  ListRemoveInside = [],
  Limit = ShapeType["SHAPE"],
  RemoveWebs = 0,
  ListMaterials = []
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeHalfPartition   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShape Shape to be intersected.
thePlane Tool shape, to intersect theShape.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeTranslationTwoPoints   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theObject The object to be translated.
thePoint1 Start point of translation vector.
thePoint2 End point of translation vector.
New GEOM_Object, containing the translated object.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeTranslation   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theObject The object to be translated.
theDX,theDY,theDZ Components of translation vector.
New GEOM_Object, containing the translated object.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeTranslationVector   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theObject The object to be translated.
theVector The translation vector.
New GEOM_Object, containing the translated object.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeRotation   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theObject The object to be rotated.
theAxis Rotation axis.
theAngle Rotation angle in radians.
New GEOM_Object, containing the rotated object.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeScaleTransform   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theObject The object to be scaled.
thePoint Center point for scaling.
theFactor Scaling factor value.
New GEOM_Object, containing the scaled shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeMirrorByPlane   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theObject The object to be mirrored.
thePlane Plane of symmetry.
New GEOM_Object, containing the mirrored shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeMirrorByAxis   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theObject The object to be mirrored.
theAxis Axis of symmetry.
New GEOM_Object, containing the mirrored shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeMirrorByPoint   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theObject The object to be mirrored.
thePoint Point of symmetry.
New GEOM_Object, containing the mirrored shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakePosition   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeOffset   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theObject The base object for the offset.
theOffset Offset value.
New GEOM_Object, containing the offset object.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeMultiTranslation1D   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
theObject The object to be translated.
theVector Direction of the translation.
theStep Distance to translate on.
theNbTimes Quantity of translations to be done.
New GEOM_Object, containing compound of all the shapes, obtained after each translation.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeMultiTranslation2D   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - - - - -
theObject The object to be translated.
theVector1 Direction of the first translation.
theStep1 Step of the first translation.
theNbTimes1 Quantity of translations to be done along theVector1.
theVector2 Direction of the second translation.
theStep2 Step of the second translation.
theNbTimes2 Quantity of translations to be done along theVector2.
New GEOM_Object, containing compound of all the shapes, obtained after each translation.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MultiRotate1D   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Rotation angle will be 2*PI/theNbTimes.

- - - - -
theObject The object to be rotated.
theAxis The rotation axis.
theNbTimes Quantity of rotations to be done.
New GEOM_Object, containing compound of all the shapes, obtained after each rotation.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MultiRotate2D   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Translation direction passes through center of gravity of rotated shape and its projection on the rotation axis.

- - - - - - - -
theObject The object to be rotated.
theAxis Rotation axis.
theAngle Rotation angle in graduces.
theNbTimes1 Quantity of rotations to be done.
theStep Translation distance.
theNbTimes2 Quantity of translations to be done.
New GEOM_Object, containing compound of all the shapes, obtained after each transformation.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeMultiRotation1D   aShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeMultiRotation2D   aShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeFilletAll   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShape Shape, to perform fillet on.
theR Fillet radius.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeFillet   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
theShape Shape, to perform fillet on.
theR Fillet radius.
theShapeType Type of shapes in <theListShapes>.
theListShapes Global indices of edges/faces to perform fillet on.
Global index of sub-shape can be obtained, using method geompy.GetSubShapeID().
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeChamferAll   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShape Shape, to perform chamfer on.
theD Chamfer size along each face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeChamferEdge   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
theShape Shape, to perform chamfer on.
theD1 Chamfer size along theFace1.
theD2 Chamfer size along theFace2.
theFace1,theFace2 Global indices of two faces of theShape.
Global index of sub-shape can be obtained, using method geompy.GetSubShapeID().
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeChamferFaces   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
theShape Shape, to perform chamfer on.
theD1 Chamfer size along face from theFaces. If both faces, connected to the edge, are in theFaces, theD1 will be get along face, which is nearer to theFaces beginning.
theD2 Chamfer size along another of two faces, connected to the edge.
theFaces Sequence of global indices of faces of theShape.
Global index of sub-shape can be obtained, using method geompy.GetSubShapeID().
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeChamfer   aShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::Archimede   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-The object presenting the resulting face is returned.

- - - - - -
theShape Shape to be put in water.
theWeight Weight og the shape.
theWaterDensity Density of the water.
theMeshDeflection Deflection of the mesh, using to compute the section.
New GEOM_Object, containing a section of theShape by a plane, corresponding to water level.
-Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::PointCoordinates   Point  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


[x, y, z]
-Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::BasicProperties   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShape Shape to define properties of.
[theLength, theSurfArea, theVolume] theLength: Summarized length of all wires of the given shape. theSurfArea: Area of surface of the given shape. theVolume: Volume of the given shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::BoundingBox   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShape Shape to obtain bounding box of.
[Xmin,Xmax, Ymin,Ymax, Zmin,Zmax] Xmin,Xmax: Limits of shape along OX axis. Ymin,Ymax: Limits of shape along OY axis. Zmin,Zmax: Limits of shape along OZ axis.
-Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::Inertia   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShape Shape to calculate inertia of.
[I11,I12,I13, I21,I22,I23, I31,I32,I33, Ix,Iy,Iz] I(1-3)(1-3): Components of the inertia matrix of the given shape. Ix,Iy,Iz: Moments of inertia of the given shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MinDistance   theShape1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShape1,theShape2 Shapes to find minimal distance between.
Value of the minimal distance between the given shapes.
-Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::Tolerance   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShape Shape, to get tolerances of.
[FaceMin,FaceMax, EdgeMin,EdgeMax, VertMin,VertMax] FaceMin,FaceMax: Min and max tolerances of the faces. EdgeMin,EdgeMax: Min and max tolerances of the edges. VertMin,VertMax: Min and max tolerances of the vertices.
-Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::WhatIs   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShape Shape to be described.
Description of the given shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeCDG   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShape Shape to define centre of mass of.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created point.
-Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::CheckShape   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theShape Shape to check validity of.
TRUE, if the shape "seems to be valid" from the topological point of view. If theShape is invalid, prints a description of problem.
-Example: see GEOM_TestMeasures.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::Import   theFileName,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theFileName The file, containing the shape.
theFormatName Specify format for the file reading. Available formats can be obtained with InsertOp.ImportTranslators() method.
New GEOM_Object, containing the imported shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::ImportBREP   theFileName  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::ImportIGES   theFileName  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::ImportSTEP   theFileName  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::Export   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theObject Shape to be stored in the file.
theFileName Name of the file to store the given shape in.
theFormatName Specify format for the shape storage. Available formats can be obtained with InsertOp.ImportTranslators() method.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::ExportBREP   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::ExportIGES   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::ExportSTEP   theObject,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeQuad   E1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Order of Edges is not important. It is not necessary that edges share the same vertex.

- - -
E1,E2,E3,E4 Edges for the face bound.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created face.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeQuad2Edges   E1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-The missing edges will be built by creating the shortest ones.

- - -
E1,E2 Two opposite edges for the face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created face.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeQuad4Vertices   V1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-The missing edges will be built by creating the shortest ones.

- - -
V1,V2,V3,V4 Corner vertices for the face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created face.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeHexa   F1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Order of faces is not important. It is not necessary that Faces share the same edge.

- - -
F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6 Faces for the hexahedral solid.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created solid.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeHexa2Faces   F1,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-The missing faces will be built by creating the smallest ones.

- - -
F1,F2 Two opposite faces for the hexahedral solid.
New GEOM_Object, containing the created solid.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetPoint   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
theX,theY,theZ Coordinates of the sought vertex.
theEpsilon Maximum allowed distance between the resulting vertex and point with the given coordinates.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found vertex.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetEdge   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
thePoint1,thePoint2 Points, close to the ends of the desired edge.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found edge.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetEdgeNearPoint   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
thePoint Point, close to the desired edge.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found edge.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetFaceByPoints   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
thePoint1-thePoint4 Points, close to the corners of the desired face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found face.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetFaceByEdges   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
theEdge1,theEdge2 Edges, close to the edges of the desired face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found face.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetOppositeFace   theBlock,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theBlock Must be a hexahedral solid.
theFace Face of theBlock, opposite to the desired face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found face.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetFaceNearPoint   theShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
thePoint Point, close to the desired face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found face.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetFaceByNormale   theBlock,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theShape Block or a compound of blocks.
theVector Vector, close to the normale of the desired face.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found face.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::CheckCompoundOfBlocks   theCompound  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-To be considered as a compound of blocks, the given shape must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Each element of the compound should be a Block (6 faces and 12 edges).
  • A connection between two Blocks should be an entire quadrangle face or an entire edge.
  • The compound should be connexe.
  • The glue between two quadrangle faces should be applied.
    - - -
    theCompound The compound to check.
    TRUE, if the given shape is a compound of blocks. If theCompound is not valid, prints all discovered errors.
    -Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::RemoveExtraEdges   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Unite faces and edges, sharing one surface.

- - -
theShape The compound or single solid to remove irregular edges from.
Improved shape.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::CheckAndImprove   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Fix all detected errors.

Single block can be also fixed by this method.
- - -
theCompound The compound to check and improve.
Improved compound.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeBlockExplode   theCompound,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - -
theCompound The compound to explode.
theMinNbFaces If solid has lower number of faces, it is not a block.
theMaxNbFaces If solid has higher number of faces, it is not a block.
If theMaxNbFaces = 0, the maximum number of faces is not restricted.
List of GEOM_Objects, containing the retrieved blocks.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetBlockNearPoint   theCompound,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theCompound Compound, to find block in.
thePoint Point, close to the desired block. If the point lays on boundary between some blocks, we return block with nearest center.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found block.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetBlockByParts   theCompound,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theCompound Compound, to find block in.
theParts List of faces and/or edges and/or vertices to be parts of the found block.
New GEOM_Object, containing the found block.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetBlocksByParts   theCompound,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theCompound Compound, to find blocks in.
theParts List of faces and/or edges and/or vertices to be parts of the found blocks.
List of GEOM_Objects, containing the found blocks.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeMultiTransformation1D   Block,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Transformation is defined so, as to superpose direction faces.

- - - - - -
Block Hexahedral solid to be multi-transformed.
DirFace1 ID of First direction face.
DirFace2 ID of Second direction face.
NbTimes Quantity of transformations to be done.
Unique ID of sub-shape can be obtained, using method GetSubShapeID().
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::MakeMultiTransformation2D   Block,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - - - -
Block Hexahedral solid to be multi-transformed.
DirFace1U,DirFace2U IDs of Direction faces for the first transformation.
DirFace1V,DirFace2V IDs of Direction faces for the second transformation.
NbTimesU,NbTimesV Quantity of transformations to be done.
New GEOM_Object, containing the result shape.
-Example: see GEOM_Spanner.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::Propagate   theShape  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Propagation group is a set of all edges, opposite to one (main) edge of this group directly or through other opposite edges. Notion of Opposite Edge make sence only on quadrangle face.

- - -
theShape Shape to build propagation groups on.
List of GEOM_Objects, each of them is a propagation group.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::CreateGroup   theMainShape,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theMainShape is a GEOM object on which the group is selected
theShapeType defines a shape type of the group
a newly created GEOM group
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::AddObject   theGroup,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theGroup is a GEOM group to which the new sub shape is added
theSubShapeID is a sub shape ID in the main object.
Use method GetSubShapeID() to get an unique ID of the sub shape
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::RemoveObject   theGroup,
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - - -
theGroup is a GEOM group from which the new sub shape is removed
theSubShapeID is a sub shape ID in the main object.
Use method GetSubShapeID() to get an unique ID of the sub shape
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::UnionList   theGroup,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-No errors, if some shapes are alredy included.

- - - -
theGroup is a GEOM group to which the new sub shapes are added.
theSubShapes is a list of sub shapes to be added.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::UnionIDs   theGroup,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::DifferenceList   theGroup,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-No errors, if some shapes are not included.

- - - -
theGroup is a GEOM group from which the sub-shapes are removed.
theSubShapes is a list of sub-shapes to be removed.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::DifferenceIDs   theGroup,
- - - - - -
-   - - -

-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py


- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetObjectIDs   theGroup  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theGroup is a GEOM group for which a list of IDs is requested
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetType   theGroup  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theGroup is a GEOM group which type is returned.
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetMainShape   theGroup  ) 
- - - - - -
-   - - -


- - -
theGroup is a GEOM group for which a main shape object is requested
a GEOM object which is a main shape for theGroup
-Example: see GEOM_TestOthers.py

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::GetEdgesByLength   theShape,
  include_min = 1,
  include_max = 1
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::SelectEdges   min_length,
  include_min = 1,
  include_max = 1
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
def geompy::addPath   Path  ) 
- - - - -
-   - - -


Variable Documentation


- - - - -
- + +
- +
tuple geompy.g = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM") [static] tuple geompy.geom = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM") [static]
- - - - - -
-   - + +



- - - - -
- - - - -
tuple geompy.geom = g._narrow( GEOM.GEOM_Gen ) [static]
- - - - - -
-   - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.myBuilder = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
int geompy.myStudyId = 0 [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.father = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.BasicOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.CurvesOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.PrimOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.ShapesOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.HealOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.InsertOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.BoolOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.TrsfOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.LocalOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.MeasuOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.BlocksOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.GroupOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
dictionary geompy.ShapeType = {"COMPOUND":0, "COMPSOLID":1, "SOLID":2, "SHELL":3, "FACE":4, "WIRE":5, "EDGE":6, "VERTEX":7, "SHAPE":8} [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
tuple geompy.g = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "GEOM") [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
tuple geompy.geom = g._narrow( GEOM.GEOM_Gen ) [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.myBuilder = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
int geompy.myStudyId = 0 [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.father = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.BasicOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.CurvesOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.PrimOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.ShapesOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.HealOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.InsertOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.BoolOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.TrsfOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.LocalOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.MeasuOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.BlocksOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
geompy.GroupOp = None [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -



- - - - -
- - - - -
dictionary geompy.ShapeType = {"COMPOUND":0, "COMPSOLID":1, "SOLID":2, "SHELL":3, "FACE":4, "WIRE":5, "EDGE":6, "VERTEX":7, "SHAPE":8} [static]
- - - - - -
-   - - -


+ +


diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/namespacegeompyDC.html b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/namespacegeompyDC.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..313f21f5c --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/geompy_doc/namespacegeompyDC.html @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ + + + + + + Main Page + + + + +  + + + +

Package geompyDC


+ + + + + + + + + + + + +

Data Structures

class  info
class  geompyDC


dictionary ShapeType = {"COMPOUND":0, "COMPSOLID":1, "SOLID":2, "SHELL":3, "FACE":4, "WIRE":5, "EDGE":6, "VERTEX":7, "SHAPE":8}
 kind = GEOM.GEOM_IKindOfShape

Variable Documentation

+ +
+ + + + +
dictionary geompyDC.ShapeType = {"COMPOUND":0, "COMPSOLID":1, "SOLID":2, "SHELL":3, "FACE":4, "WIRE":5, "EDGE":6, "VERTEX":7, "SHAPE":8} [static]
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ + + + +
geompyDC.kind = GEOM.GEOM_IKindOfShape [static]
+ +

+ +


+ +

+ + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/glue_faces.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/glue_faces.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 3f4d92b43..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/glue_faces.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,165 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Glue Faces - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Glue Faces

- -

To - Glue Faces in the Main Menu select Repair - > Glue Faces.

- -


- -

This operation - glues faces that are coincident with respect to the given tolerance - value.

- -


- -

The Result will - be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

TUI Command : geompy.MakeGlueFaces(theShape, - theTolerance), where theShape is a compound of shapes to be glued, - theTolerance is a maximum distance between two faces, which can be considered - as coincident.

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 Compound - + Tolerance value

- -


- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our - TUI Scripts provide you with useful - examples of the use of Repairing - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/groups.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/groups.htm deleted file mode 100755 index a95d45034..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/groups.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,327 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Groups - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

Creation of a group

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create two vertices

- -

p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. -  , 0.  , - 0.  )

- -

p200 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., - 200., 200.)

- -


- -

# create a box from two points

- -

Box = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, - p200)

- -


- -

# create a group from the faces of the box

- -

group = geompy.CreateGroup(Box, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -


- -

# add objects to the group

- -

SubFaceList = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Box, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -

for i in [0, 3, 5] - :

- -

    FaceID - = geompy.GetSubShapeID(Box, SubFaceList[i])

- -

    geompy.AddObject(group, - FaceID)

- -


- -

# add all selected shapes from the list to the group

- -

# (the program doesn't raise error, if some shapes are already included)

- -

geompy.UnionList(group, - [SubFaceList[0], SubFaceList[2], SubFaceList[5]])

- -


- -

# remove an object from the group

- -

geompy.RemoveObject(group, - FaceID)

- -


- -

# remove all selected shapes from the group

- -

# (the program doesn't raise error, if some shapes are not included)

- -

geompy.DifferenceList(group, - [SubFaceList[2], SubFaceList[3], SubFaceList[4]])

- -

id_group1 = geompy.addToStudy(group, - "Group1")

- -


- -

# display the contents of the group

- -


- -

salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) -

- -

Adding an object to the group.

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create two vertices

- -

p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. -  , 0.  , - 0.  )

- -

p200 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., - 200., 200.)

- -


- -

# create a box from two points

- -

Box = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, - p200)

- -


- -

# create a group from the faces of the box

- -

group = geompy.CreateGroup(Box, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -


- -

# add objects to the group

- -

SubFaceList = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Box, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -

for i in [0, 3, 5] - :

- -

    FaceID - = geompy.GetSubShapeID(Box, SubFaceList[i])

- -

    geompy.AddObject(group, - FaceID)

- -

id_group1 = geompy.addToStudy(group, - "Group1")

- -


- -

# display the contents of the group

- -


- -

salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) -

- -


- -

Removing an object from the group

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create two vertices

- -

p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. -  , 0.  , - 0.  )

- -

p200 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., - 200., 200.)

- -


- -

# create a box from two points

- -

Box = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, - p200)

- -


- -

# create a group from the faces of the box

- -

group = geompy.CreateGroup(Box, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -


- -

# add objects to the group

- -

SubFaceList = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Box, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -

for i in [0, 3, 5] - :

- -

    FaceID - = geompy.GetSubShapeID(Box, SubFaceList[i])

- -

    geompy.AddObject(group, - FaceID)

- -


- -

# add all selected shapes from the list to the group

- -

# (the program doesn't raise errors, if some shapes are already included)

- -

geompy.UnionList(group, - [SubFaceList[0], SubFaceList[2], SubFaceList[5]])

- -


- -

# remove an object from the group

- -

geompy.RemoveObject(group, - FaceID)

- -

id_group1 = geompy.addToStudy(group, - "Group1")

- -


- -

# display the contents of the group

- -


- -

salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/i_blue.jpg b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/i_blue.jpg deleted file mode 100755 index ed3acfac2..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/i_blue.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image1.jpg b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image1.jpg deleted file mode 100755 index 8e5d78b30..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image1.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image10.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image10.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 01327b7a8..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image10.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image27.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image27.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 52d87e25b..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image27.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image28.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image28.gif deleted file mode 100755 index e8ce5a3fa..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image28.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image29.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image29.gif deleted file mode 100755 index bb00746d4..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image29.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image3.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image3.gif deleted file mode 100755 index a3cdf64a3..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image3.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image32.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image32.gif deleted file mode 100755 index bbdf48a24..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image32.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image35.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image35.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 30f430ade..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image35.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image37.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image37.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 8c1a2c52a..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/image37.gif and /dev/null differ diff 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100755 index 000000000..623ae3b58 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/images/wiresn.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/images/workplane4.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/images/workplane4.png new file mode 100755 index 000000000..00835eb54 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/images/workplane4.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/images/workplane5.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/images/workplane5.png new file mode 100755 index 000000000..925ac573b Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/images/workplane5.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/images/workplane6.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/images/workplane6.png new file mode 100755 index 000000000..1f65862f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/images/workplane6.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/index.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/index.htm deleted file mode 100755 index aff470fc2..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/index.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ - - -Geometry Module Reference Manual - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/index_csh.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/index_csh.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 6aeea9d3f..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/index_csh.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ - - -Geometry Module Reference Manual - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/index_rhc.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/index_rhc.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 431b5e60e..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/index_rhc.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ - - -Geometry Module Reference Manual - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/add_point_on_edge_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/add_point_on_edge_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00951bcd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/add_point_on_edge_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/*! + +\page add_point_on_edge_operation_page Add Point on Edge + +\n To Add Point on Edge in the Main Menu select +Repair - > Add Point on Edge. + +\n This operation splits an edge in two in accordance with the +specified mode (by length or by parameter) and a value specifying the +position of the point on edge (for example val =0.5; mode = +Length). This operation is available in OCC Viewer only. + +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.DivideEdge(Shape, EdgeID, Value, +IsByParameter), where \em Shape is a shape which contains an edge to +be divided, \em EdgeID is the ID of the edge to be divided, if it = -1, +then Shape is an edge, \em Value is a paramter on the edge or a +length. \em IsByParameter if it is True then Value is the edge parameter +in the range [0:1] otherwise it is a part of the length of the edge in the range +[0: full length of the edge] +\n Arguments: Name + 1 Edge + 1 value setting the position of +the point according to one of the selected modes. + +\image html repair8.png + +\n Example: + +\image html image167.jpg + +\image html image168.jpg + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_add_point_on_edge "Repairing Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/archimede.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/archimede.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6019112b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/archimede.doc @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/*! + +\page archimede_page Archimede + +\n To produce an \b Archimede operation in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Archimede + +\n This operation creates a plane corresponding to the modeled +water-line of the object plunged into the water (in Z direction). + +\n The \b Result will be any \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: +geompy.Archimede(Shape,Weight,WaterDensity,MeshingDeflection), + where \em Shape is a shape to put into the water, \em Weight is a weight of +the shape, \em WaterDensity is density of water, \em MeshingDeflection is a +deflection of the mesh, using to compute the section. +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 3 values (Weight, Water Density +& Meshing Deflection). + +\image html archimede.png + +\n Example: + +\image html archimedesn1.png + +\image html archimedesn2.png + +\image html archimedesn3.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_archimede "Basic Operations". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/basic_operations.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/basic_operations.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0dc155af --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/basic_operations.doc @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +/*! + +\page basic_operations_page Basic Operations + +
  • \subpage partition_page
  • +
  • \subpage archimede_page
  • +
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/blocks_operations.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/blocks_operations.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8fe02df8d --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/blocks_operations.doc @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/*! + +\page blocks_operations_page Blocks Operations + +
  • \subpage multi_transformation_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage explode_on_blocks_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage propagate_operation_page
  • +
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/boolean_operations.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/boolean_operations.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..80d560e6b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/boolean_operations.doc @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +/*! + +\page boolean_operations_page Boolean Operations + +
  • \subpage using_boolean_operations_page
  • +
  • \subpage fuse_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage common_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage cut_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage section_opeartion_page
  • +
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/building_by_blocks.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/building_by_blocks.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d3964eca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/building_by_blocks.doc @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/*! + +\page build_by_blocks_page Building by blocks + +


+ +Below are some general notions about blocks: + +A block is a an elementary geometric solid that has specific +geometric constraints oriented for meshing. In the hexahedral case, +blocks have 6 faces and each face has 4 edges. + +Tetrahedral Block - is a block with constraints for tetrahedral +meshing. + +Hexahedral Block - is a block with constraints for hexahedral meshing. + +Block Compound - is a compound composed of blocks only. + +These functionalities are available from the main menu via New +Entity / Blocks. + +
  • \ref quad_face_anchor "Quadrangle face"
  • +
  • \ref hexa_solid_anchor "Hexahedral solid"
  • +
+ +
+\anchor quad_face_anchor +

Quadrangle face

+ +\n Description: Builds a face using the below mentioned +arguments. This operation allows to build a face bypassing the +intermediate stage of building edges and wires (in the case of +building by 4 points) or wires (in the case of building by 4 or 2 +edges). + +\n The \b Result of the operation will be a \b GEOM_Object (face). + +\n TUI Command: +
  • geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(V1, V2, V3, V4), where V1, V2, +V3, V4 are four vertices from which a face is constructed. Edges are +created automatically.
  • +
  • geompy.MakeQuad2Edges(E1, E2), where E1, E2 are edges from +which the face is constructed, two other edges are created +automatically.
  • +
  • geompy.MakeQuad(E1, E2, E3, E4), where E1, E2, E3, E4 are +four edges from which the face is constructed.
  • +
+ +Arguments: +
  • Name + 4 Points, or
  • +
  • Name + 2 Edges, or
  • +
  • Name + 4 Edges.
  • +
+ +\n Dialog Box: + +\image html block1.png + +\image html block2.png + +\image html block3.png + +\n Example: +\image html image185.jpg + + +

+\anchor hexa_solid_anchor +

Hexahedral solid

+ +\n Description: Builds a hexahedral solid. either of the below +mentioned arguments. This operation allows to build a solid bypassing +the intermediate stage of building a shell and 4 faces (in the case of +building by 2 faces) or just a shell (in the case of building by 6 +faces). + +\n The \b Result of the operation will be a \b GEOM_Object (solid). + +\n TUI Command: +
  • geompy.MakeHexa2Faces(F1, F2), where F1 and F2 are faces +from which the hexahedron is constructed, other four faces are created +automatically.
  • +
  • geompy.MakeHexa(F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6), where F1 — F6 are six faces from which the hexahedron is constructed.
  • +
+ +\n Arguments: +
  • Name + 2 Faces, or
  • +
  • Name + 6 Faces.
  • +
+ +\n Dialog Box: + +\image html block4.png + + + +\image html block5.png + +\n Example: + +\image html image180.jpg +
Hexahedral Solid built on the base of six Faces
+ +\image html image181.jpg +
Hexahedral Solid built on the base of two Faces
+ +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of +\ref tui_building_by_blocks_page "Building by Blocks". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/chamfer_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/chamfer_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..53e114094 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/chamfer_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +/*! + +\page chamfer_operation_page Chamfer + +\n To produce a \b Chamfer in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Transformation - > Chamfer + +\n This operation allows you to make chamfer of the edges of a Shape. +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n To create chamfer on all edges of the given shape, you need to +define the Main Object to create a chamfer on and the \b +Dimension (radius) of the chamfer. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferAll(Shape, D) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 SHAPE + 1 value (Chamfer dimension). + +\image html chamfer1.png + +\image html chamfer_all.png + +\n In the algorithms below there exist two ways to define the \b +Dimension of the Chamfer +\n Firstly the \b Dimension can be defined via \b D1 and \D2, which +represent the offset on the first and the second face forming the +edge. +\n Secondly the \b Dimension can be defined via \b D, which represents +the offset on the first face, and the \b Angle, which is the angle +between the first face and the chamfer plane. + + +\n To create chamfer on the specified edges of the given shape, you +need to define the Main Object to create a fillet on, select +the two faces to which belongs the necessary common edge in the viewer +and define the \b Dimension of the Chamfer. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferEdge(Shape, D1, D2, +Face1, Face2), where \em Shape is a shape to create a chamfer on, +\em D1 is a chamfer size along \em Face1, \em D2 is a chamfer size +along \em Face2, \em Face1 and \em Face2 are indices of faces in +Shape. + +\n Alternative TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferEdge(Shape, D, Angle, +Face1, Face2), where \em D1 is a chamfer size along \em Face1 and +\em Angle is the angle between Face1 and the chamfer plane. + +\image html chamfer2.png + +\image html chamfer_edge.png + +\n To create chamfer on the specified faces of the given shape, you need +to define the Main Object to create a fillet on, select the +necessary faces the OCC Viewer and define the \b Dimension of the +Chamfer. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferFaces(Shape, D1, D2, +ListOfFaceID), where \em Shape is a shape to create chamfer on, +\em D1 and D2 are chamfer sizes along faces from \em +ListOfFaceID. For each Edge Face1 and Face2 are defined basing +on their indices. + +\n Alternative TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferFaces(Shape, D, Angle, +ListOfFaceID), where \em D1 is a chamfer size along \em Face1 and +\em Angle is the angle between Face1 and the chamfer plane. + +\image html chamfer3.png + +\image html chamfer_faces.png + +\n To create chamfer on an arbitrary set of edges of the given shape +to define the Main Object to create a fillet on, select the +necessary edges the OCC Viewer and define the \b Dimension of the +Chamfer. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferEdges(Shape, D1, D2, +ListOfEdgeID), where \em Shape is a shape to create chamfer on, +\em D1 and D2 are chamfer sizes along faces defined by the algorithm +basing on \em ListOfEdgeID, which is a list of indices of edges in +\em Shape. For each Edge the algorithm selects Face1 and Face2 basing +on their indices. + +\n Alternative TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferEdges(Shape, D, Angle, +ListOfEdgeID), where \em D1 is a chamfer size along \em Face1 and +\em Angle is the angle between Face1 and the chamfer plane. + +\image html chamfer4.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_chamfer "Transformation Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/change_orientation_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/change_orientation_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ecb01031c --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/change_orientation_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/*! + +\page change_orientation_operation_page Change Orientation + +\n To Change Orientation in the Main Menu select Repair - > Change Orientation. +\n This operation reverses the normals of selected faces or the normal +of faces composing composing the selected opened shell. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.ChangeOrientation(shape) +\n Arguments: Name + one or several objects (face(s)), opened shell(s). +\n Uncheck Create a copy checkbox if you don't wish to leave +the initial object in the project (Result name field will be +locked). + +\image html changeorientation.png + +\n Example: + +\image html image38.gif +
Inward orientation
+ +\image html image40.gif +
Outward orientation
+ +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_free_boundaries_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_free_boundaries_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f586dde4a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_free_boundaries_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/*! + +\page check_free_boundaries_operation_page Check Free Boundaries + +\n To Check Free Boundaries in the Main Menu select Repair - > Check Free Boundaries. + +\n This operation detects wires and edges that are not shared between +two faces and are considered a shape's boundary. This control highlights them. + +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: (NoError, ClosedWires, OpenWires) = +geompy.GetFreeBoundary(Shape), where \em Shape is a shape to be +checked, \em NoError is false if an error occurred while checking free +boundaries, \em ClosedWires is a list of closed free boundary wires, +\em OpenWires is a list of open free boundary wires. + +\image html repair9.png + +\n Example: + +\image html free_boudaries1.png + +\image html free_boudaries2.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_check_free_boundaries "Repairing Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_free_faces_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_free_faces_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acf9d5428 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_free_faces_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +/*! + +\page check_free_faces_operation_page Check Free Faces + +\n To Check Free Faces in the Main Menu select Repair - > Check Free Faces. +\n This operation highlights all free faces from a given shape. A free +face is a face which is not shared between two objects of the shape. + +\n \b NOTE: This functionality works only in VTK viewer. + +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object (a list of IDs of all free +faces, containing in the shape). +\n TUI Command: GetFreeFacesIDs(Shape), where \em Shape is +a shape to be checked. + +\image html repair10.png + +\n Example: + +\image html free_faces1.png + +\image html free_faces2.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_check_free_faces "Repairing Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/close_contour_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/close_contour_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54a257922 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/close_contour_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/*! + +\page close_contour_operation_page Close Contour + +\n To produce a Close Contour operation in the Main Menu +select Repair - > Close Contour. + +\n This operation closes an open contour and modifies the underlying +face (if needed) in accordance with user specified mode: +
  • By common vertex – a vertex is created between the end points +of the contour and its tolerance is increased to a value of the gap +between the ends of the contour;
  • +
  • By new edge – a new edge is inserted between the end points of the contour.
  • +
+This operation is available in OCC Viewer only. + +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.CloseContour(Shape, Wires, +IsCommonVertex), where \em Shape is a shape to be processed, \em Wires is +a list of edges or wires ID's which has to be closed within the +shape (if the list contains only one element = -1, the shape itself is +considered as a wire), \em IsCommonVertex if this parameter is True a +closure has to be done by creation of a common vertex, otherwise an +edge is added between the end vertices. +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape + contour (Wire, or a set of +Edges) + mode of closure (by vertex or by edge) + +\image html repair3.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_close_contour "Repairing Operations". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/color.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/color.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fcaff6f45 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/color.doc @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +/*! + +\page color_page Color + +\n You can change the filling color of your object in the standard +Select Color menu accessible by right-clicking on an object and +selecting \b Color in the pop-up menu box. + +\n TUI Command: gg.setColor(ID, Short, Short, Short) + +\image html selectcolor.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of +\ref tui_change_color "Changing Display Parameters". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/common_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/common_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21cd27749 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/common_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/*! + +\page common_operation_page Common + +\n To produce a \b Common operation in the Main Menu select Operations - > Boolean - > Common + +\n This operation cuts the common part of two shapes and transforms it into an independent geometrical object. + +\n The \b Result will be any \b GEOM_Object. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeCommon(s1, s2) +\n Arguments: Name + 2 shapes. + +\image html bool2.png + +\n Example: + +\image html fusesn1.png + +\image html commonsn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_common "Boolean Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_adv_obj.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_adv_obj.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ebaf38aaa --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_adv_obj.doc @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +/*! + +\page create_adv_obj_page Creating Advanced Geometrical Objects + +
  • \subpage create_explode_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_edge_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_wire_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_face_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_shell_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_solid_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_compound_page
  • +
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_arc.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_arc.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ee49ca23 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_arc.doc @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/*! + +\page create_arc_page Arc + +To create an \b Arc in the Main Menu select New Entity - > +Basic - > Arc + +\n There are 2 algorithms to create an \b Arc in the 3D space. +\n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge). + +\n Firstly, you can define an \b Arc by three \b Points that lie on it, +where Point1 is the starting point, Point2 is a middle point of the +arc and Point3 is the ending point of the arc. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeArc(Point1, Point2, Point3) +\n Arguments: Name + 3 vertices. + +\image html arc.png + +\n Secondly, you can define an \b Arc by \b Center, \b Start and \b End +points. The arc is built from the \b Start point to the \b End point. The +radius of the arc is defined by the distance between the \b Center point +and the \b Start point. The \b End point defines the angle of the arc. If +the distance between the \b Center point and the \b End point is not equal +to the radius, the arc will be built anyway. +\n \b Reverse radio button allows to change the direction of the arc. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeArcCenter(Center Point, Start +Point, End Point, boolean Sense) +\n Arguments: Name + 3 vertices + Boolean. + +\image html arc2.png + +\n Examples: + +\image html arcsn.png +
Arc by three points lying on it.
+ +\image html arcsn1.png +
Arc by Start, End and Center.
+ +\image html arcsn2.png +
Reversed arc.
+ +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_basic_go.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_basic_go.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a9a1cb3bb --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_basic_go.doc @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +/*! + +\page create_basic_geom_obj_page Creating Basic Geometric Objects + +
  • \subpage create_point_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_line_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_circle_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_ellipse_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_arc_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_curve_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_vector_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_plane_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_wplane_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_lcs_page
  • +
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_box.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_box.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c8268b07 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_box.doc @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/*! + +\page create_box_page Box + +To create a \b Box in the Main Menu select New Entity - > +Primitives - > Box + +\n There are 2 algorithms for creation of a \b Box. +\n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (SOLID). + +\n Firstly, you can define a \b Box by two specified \b Vertices (its +opposite corners). The edges of the box will be parallel to the +coordinate axes. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(Point1, Point2) +\n Arguments: Name + 2 vertices (opposite corners of the box). + +\image html box1.png + +\n Secondly, you can define a \b Box by specified dimensions along the +coordinate axes and with edges, parallel to them. The center of the +box will be at point (DX/2, DY/2, DZ/2). +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(DX, DY, DZ) +\n Arguments: Name + 3 values (dimensions at origin). + +\image html box2.png + +\b NB! There is a third way to create a \b Box, which is currently +accessible only via \b TUI commands. +\n You can define a \b Box by the coordinates of two \b Vertices (in +this way you don't need to create them in advance). +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeBox(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2) +\n Arguments: Name + X, Y and Z coordinates of both points. + +Example: + +\image html boxes.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_box "Primitives". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_circle.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_circle.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..153c61005 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_circle.doc @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/*! + +\page create_circle_page Circle + +To create a \b Circle in the Main Menu select New Entity - > +Basic - > Circle + +\n There are 3 algorithms to create a \b Circle in the 3D space. +\n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge). + +\n Firstly, you can define a \b Circle by a Center Point, a \b +Vector giving the circle's normal and a \b Radius. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeCircle(Point, Vector, +Radius) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 vertex (for the center) + 1 edge (for +the direction) + Radius. + +\image html circle1.png + +\n Secondly, you can define a \b Circle by three \b Points that lie on it. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeCircleThreePnt(Point1, Point2, Point3) +\n Arguments: Name + 3 points which will form the circle. + +\image html circle2.png + +Example: +\image html circles.png + +\n Finally, you can define a circle by a Center Point and two +\b Points. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeCircleCenter2Pnt(Point1, Point2, +Point3), where Point1 is the center of the circle, the distance +between point1 and Point2 is the radius of the circle and Point3 helps +to define the plane where the circle lies. +\n Arguments: Name + 3 points. + +\image html circle3.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_circle "Basic Geometric Objects". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_complex_obj.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_complex_obj.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6edbfd9c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_complex_obj.doc @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +/*! + +\page create_complex_obj_page Creating Complex Objects + +
  • \subpage create_extrusion_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_revolution_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_filling_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_extrusion_alongpath_page
  • +
+ +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_compound.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_compound.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..30d685ba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_compound.doc @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +/*! + +\page create_compound_page Compound + +\n To create a \b Compound in the Main Menu select New +Entity - > Build - > Compound. + +\n You can create a compound from a list of shells. +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object (COMPOUND). + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeCompound(ListOfShape) +\n Arguments: Name + List of shapes. + +\image html neo-obj7.png + +\n Example: + +\image html compoundsn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_compound "Advanced Geometric Objects". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_cone.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_cone.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..827db860f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_cone.doc @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/*! + +\page create_cone_page Cone + +\n To create a \b Cone in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Primitives - > Cone + +\n There are two algorithms for creation of a \b Cone. +\n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (SOLID). + + + +\n Firstly, you can define a \b Cone by the Base Point (the +central point of the cone base), the \b Axis, the \b Height and the +first and the second \b Radiuses. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeCone(Point, Axis, Radius1, +Radius2, height) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 vertex + 1 vector (for direction) + 3 +values (Radius of the base part, radius of the upper part, height). + +\image html cone1.png + +\n Secondly, you can define a \b Cone with the center at the origin of +coordinates by its \b Height and \b Radiuses. The \b Axis of the \b +Cone will be collinear to the OZ axis of the coordinate system. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeConeR1R2H(Radius1, Radius2, Height) +\n Arguments: Name + 3 values (Radius of the base part, radius +of the upper part, height). + +\image html cone2.png + +\note If both radiuses are non-zero, the \b Cone will be truncated. If +the radiuses are equal, a \b Cylinder will be created instead. + +Example: + +\image html cones.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_cone "Primitives". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_curve.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_curve.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e442851bf --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_curve.doc @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/*! + +\page create_curve_page Curve + +To create a \b Curve in the Main Menu select New Entity - > +Basic - > Curve + +\n There are three algorithms to create a \b Curve in the 3D space. Each +time you define it by a list of \b Points through which the curve +passes. The three Curve Construction menu choices correspond to three +possible types of curves: Polyline, Besier or B-spline (Interpolated). +\n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge). + +\n TUI Commands: +
  • geompy.MakePolyline(ListOfShapes)
  • +
  • geompy.MakeBezier(ListOfShapes)
  • +
  • geompy.MakeInterpol(ListOfShapes)
  • +
+ListOfShape is a list of points through which the curve passes. + +Arguments: Name + at least 2 points which will serve as nodes +on the curve. + +\image html curve.png + +Examples: + +\image html polyline.png +
+ +\image html bezier.png +
+ +\image html interpol.png +
+ +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_curve "Basic Geometric Objects". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_cylinder.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_cylinder.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d6debda15 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_cylinder.doc @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/*! + +\page create_cylinder_page Cylinder + +\n To create a \b Cylinder in the Main Menu select New +Entity - > Primitives - > Cylinder + +\n There are 2 algorithms for creation of a \b Cylinder. +\n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (SOLID). + +\n Firstly, you can define a \b Cylinder by the Base Point (the central +point of the cylinder base), the \b Vector (the axis of the cylinder), +and its dimensions: the Radius and the Height. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeCylinder(Point, Axis, Radius, Height) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 vertex + 1 vector + 2 values +(Dimensions: radius and height). + +\image html cylinder1.png + +\n Secondly, you can define a \b Cylinder by the given radius and the +height at the origin of coordinate system. The axis of the cylinder +will be collinear to the OZ axis of the coordinate system. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeCylinderRH(Radius, Height) +\n Arguments: Name + 2 values (Dimensions at origin: radius and +height). + +\image html cylinder2.png + +Example: + +\image html cylinders.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_cylinder "Primitives". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_edge.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_edge.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb4cebff8 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_edge.doc @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/*! + +\page create_edge_page Edge + +\n To create an \b Edge in the Main Menu select New Entity- > Build - > Edge + +\n You can create an \b Edge from two points (\b Point1 and \b Point2), being the first and the last vertices of the edge. + +The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object (EDGE). + +TUI Command: geompy.MakeEdge(Vertex1, Vertex2), where +Vertex1 and Vertex2 are correspondingly the first and the last vertex +of the edge. + +Arguments: Name + 2 vertices. + +\image html neo-obj2.png + +\n Example: + +\image html edgesn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_edge "Advanced Geometric Objects". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_ellipse.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_ellipse.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78972181b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_ellipse.doc @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/*! + +\page create_ellipse_page Ellipse + +To create an \b Ellipse in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Basic - > Ellipse + +\n You can define an \b Ellipse by its Center Point, a \b +Vector giving its normal, and its Major & Minor Radiuses. +\n The \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge). + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeEllipse(Point, Vector, RadiusMajor, RadiusMinor) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 vertex (for the center) + 1 edge (for +the direction) + 1 X Radius + 1 Y Radius. + +\image html ellipse.png + +Example: + +\image html ellipsesn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_ellipse "Basic Geometric Objects". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_explode.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_explode.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..515978e33 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_explode.doc @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/*! + +\page create_explode_page Explode + +\n To \b Explode an object into subshapes, in the Main Menu +select New Entity > Explode. + +\n To create a list of subshapes (vertices, edges, wires etc.) of the +given shape using the \b Explode operation, you need to define the Main +Object, which will be exploded and the Type of Subshapes you wish to +obtain from it. +\n The \b Result of the operation will be a List of \b GEOM_Objects +(vertexes, edges, wires, faces, shells or solids). + +\n Using TUI Commands you can perform this operation in a +variety of ways: +
  • geompy.SubShapeAll(Shape, Type) explodes a Shape on +subshapes of a given Type and returns a List of sub-shapes.
  • +
  • geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(Shape, Type) explodes a Shape on +subshapes of a given Type and returns a List of IDs of +sub-shapes.
  • +
  • geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Shape, Type) xplodes a shape on +subshapes of a given type and sorts them by coordinates of their +gravity centers, returning a list of sub-shapes.
  • +
  • geompy.SubShapeAllSortedIDs(Shape, Type) explodes a shape +on subshapes of a given type and sorts them by coordinates of their +gravity centers, returning a List of IDs of sub-shapes.
  • +
  • geompy.SubShape(Shape, Type, ListOfInd) allows to obtain +a compound of sub-shapes of the Shape, selected by they indices in a +list of all sub-shapes of the given Type. Each index is in the range +[1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type].
  • +
  • geompy.SubShapeSorted(Shape, Type, ListOfInd) allows to +obtain a compound of sub-shapes of the Shape, selected by they indices +in sorted list of all sub-shapes of the given Type. Each index is in +the range [1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type]
  • +
+ +\n Arguments:1 SHAPE + 1 type of SubShape. + +\image html neo-obj1.png + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_extrusion.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_extrusion.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3f3435ca6 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_extrusion.doc @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/*! + +\page create_extrusion_page Extrusion + +\n To generate an \b Extrusion on an object in the Main Menu +select New Entity - > Generation - > Extrusion + +\n There are 2 algorithms for creation of an \b Extrusion (Prism). +\n The \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge, face, shell +solid or compsolid). + +\n Firstly, you can define the Base Shape (a basis of the +extrusion), the \b Vector (a direction of the extrusion) and the \b +Height of extrusion. +\n The \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge, face, +shell, solid or compsolid). +\n Both Directions checkbox allows extruiding the source +object both forward and backward. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakePrismVecH(Base, Vector, Height) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape (vertex, edge, planar wire, face or +shell) serving as base object + 1 vector (for direction of the +extrusion) + 1 value (dimension). + +\image html extrusion1.png + +\n Secondly, you can define the \b Extrusion by the Base Shape +and the \b Start and End Point of the \b Vector (in this way +you don't need to create it in advance). +\n Both Directions checkbox allows extruiding the source +object both forward and backward. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakePrism(Base, Point1, Point2) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape (vertex, edge, planar wire, face or +shell) serving as base object + 2 vertices. + +\image html extrusion2.png + +Examples: + +\image html prisms_basessn.png +
Base Shape
+ +\image html prismssn.png +
+ +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_prism "Complex Geometric Objects". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_extrusion_alongpath.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_extrusion_alongpath.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77e453170 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_extrusion_alongpath.doc @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +/*! + +\page create_extrusion_alongpath_page Pipe Construction + +To generate a \b Pipe in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Generation - > Extrusion along a path + +\n To create an extruded \b Pipe shape, you need to define the Base +Object (vertex, edge, planar wire, face or shell), which will be extruded +and the Path Object (edge or wire) along which the Base +Object will be extruded. +\n The \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge, face, shell, +solid or compsolid). + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakePipe(baseShape, pathShape) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape (vertex, edge, planar wire, face or +shell) serving as base object + 1 shape (edge or wire) for +definition of the path. + +\image html pipe.png + +Example: + +\image html pipe_wire_edgesn.png + +\image html pipesn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_pipe "Complex Geometric Objects". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_face.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_face.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bdf6164f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_face.doc @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/*! + +\page create_face_page Face + +To create a \b Face in the Main Menu select New Entity - > +Build - > Face + +\n To create a \b Face you need to select input shape(s). The list of +input shapes can include shapes of any type; if the shapes are nor +wires or edges, the algorithm extracts all edges from +the input shapes and works on the obtaineed edges. +\n The edges and wires do not necessarily have to be closed, the +algorithm automatically builds a wire of maximum length from all +given edges and wires. If it founds multiple closed wires, it can +build a face with holes or some separate faces, depending on the +placement of the wires. If some resulting wires remain open, they will +be added in the resulting compound "as is". +\n Check Try to create a planar face to create a planar +face or nothing if it is impossible. +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object (FACE). + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeFaceWires([list of Shapes], isPlanarWanted) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 wire. + +\image html neo-obj4.png + +\n Example: + +\image html facesn1.png + +\image html facesn2.png + +\image html facesn3.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_face "Advanced Geometric Objects". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_filling.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_filling.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..82d446f2c --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_filling.doc @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +/*! + +\page create_filling_page Filling Surface with Edges + +To generate a \b Filling in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Generation - > Filling + +\n To create a curving face using several edges you need to define the +Edges Compound, \b Minimum and Maximum Degree, \b +Tolerance for \b 2D and for \b 3D , the Number of Iterations +and Approximation. +\n The \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (face). + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeFilling(Edges, MinDegree, +MaxDegree, Tol2D, Tol3D, NbIter, isApprox) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 List of edges + 6 Parameters +(Min. degree, Max. degree, Number of iterations, 2D tolerance, 3D +tolerance, Number of iterations, Approximation). + +\image html filling.png + +Example: + +\image html filling_compoundsn.png + +\image html fillingsn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_filling "Complex Geometric Objects". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_geom_objects.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_geom_objects.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c804ae71 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_geom_objects.doc @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/*! + +\page create_geom_obj_page Creating geometrical objects + +
  • \subpage create_basic_geom_obj_page
  • +
    • \ref create_point_page
    • +
    • \ref create_line_page
    • +
    • \ref create_circle_page
    • +
    • \ref create_ellipse_page
    • +
    • \ref create_arc_page
    • +
    • \ref create_curve_page
    • +
    • \ref create_vector_page
    • +
    • \ref create_plane_page
    • +
    • \ref create_wplane_page
    • +
    • \ref create_lcs_page
    • +
  • \subpage create_primitives_page
  • +
    • \ref create_box_page
    • +
    • \ref create_cylinder_page
    • +
    • \ref create_sphere_page
    • +
    • \ref create_torus_page
    • +
    • \ref create_cone_page
    • +
  • \subpage create_complex_obj_page
  • +
    • \ref create_extrusion_page
    • +
    • \ref create_revolution_page
    • +
    • \ref create_filling_page
    • +
    • \ref create_extrusion_alongpath_page
    • +
  • \subpage work_with_groups_page
  • +
  • \subpage build_by_blocks_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_sketcher_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_adv_obj_page
  • +
    • \ref create_explode_page
    • +
    • \ref create_edge_page
    • +
    • \ref create_wire_page
    • +
    • \ref create_face_page
    • +
    • \ref create_shell_page
    • +
    • \ref create_solid_page
    • +
    • \ref create_compound_page
    • +
+ +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_lcs.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_lcs.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..106effc00 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_lcs.doc @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/*! + +\page create_lcs_page Local Coordinate System + +To create a Local Coordinate System in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Basic - > Local Coordinate System +\n There are three algorithms to choose from. + +\n Firstly, you can define the values of X, Y, and Z coordinates of origin and the directions of X and Y axes directly in the menu. +\n TUI command: geompy.MakeMarker(OX, OY, OZ, XDX, XDY, XDZ, +YDX, YDY, YDZ), where OX, OY, OZ are coordinates of the origin of +LCS, XDX, XDY, XDZ is a vector of OX direction of the LCS and YDX, +YDY, YDZ is a a vector of OY direction of the LCS. +\n Arguments: Name + Coordinates of origin, X axis direction, Y axis direction. + +\image html neo-localcs1.png + +\n Secondly, you can simply select any object in the object browser or +3D viewer, in this case the coordinates of origin and axes direction +of the LCS are calculated automatically basing on the selected object. +\n Arguments: Name + reference object. + +\image html neo-localcs2.png + +\n The last algorithm of LCS construction allows to define the +coordinates of origin by a point and axes directions by a line or a +vector. +\n Arguments: Name + 1 point of origin + X axis direction, Y +axis direction. + +\image html neo-localcs3.png + +Press «OK» or «Apply» button to create an LCS at the location with the +specified coordinates. The new object is shown in the Object Browser +and in 3D viewer. + +Example: + +\image html image145.jpg + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_line.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_line.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fafdfcea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_line.doc @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/*! + +\page create_line_page Line + +To create a \b Line in the Main Menu select New Entity - >Basic - > Line + + +There are 2 algorithms to create a \b Line in the 3D space. +The Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge). + +\n Firstly you can define a \b Line through \b Point1 and \b Point2, +which are the points through which the \b Line passes. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(Point1, Point2) +\n Arguments: Name + 2 vertices. + +\image html line1.png + +\n Secondly you can define a \b Line as intersection of \b Plane1 and +\b Plane2. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeLineTwoFaces(myFace1, myFace2) +\n Arguments: Name + 2 faces. + +\image html line2.png + + +Example: + +\image html lines.png + +\b NB! There is another way to create a line, which is currently +accessible only via \b TUI commands. + +You can define a line passing through the given \b Point and parallel +to the given \b Vector. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeLine(Point, Vector) + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_line "Basic Geometric Objects". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_plane.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_plane.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7c9e8f9f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_plane.doc @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/*! + +\page create_plane_page Plane + +To create a \b Plane in the Main Menu select New Entity - > +Basic - > Plane + +\n There are three algorithms to create a plane in the 3D space. +\n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (face). + +\n Firstly, you can define a \b Plane by a \b Point through which the +plane passes, a \b Vector giving a normal of the plane and a Size +of the Plane (size of a side of quadrangle face, representing the +plane). +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakePlane(Point, Vector, TrimSize) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 vertex + 1 vector + 1 value (to define +the size of the plane). + +\image html plane1.png + +\n Secondly, you can define a \b Plane by three \b Points through +which the plane passes and a Size of the Plane. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakePlaneThreePnt(Point1, Point2, Point3, TrimSize) +\n Arguments: Name + 3 vertices + 1 value (to define the size +of the plane). + +\image html plane2.png + +\n Finally, you can define a \b Plane by another \b Plane or Local +Coordinate System and a Size of the Plane. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakePlaneFace(Face, TrimSize) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 face + 1 value (to define the size of +the plane). + +\image html plane3.png + +Examples: + +\image html planes1.png +
Planes created on the basis of the Global Coordinate System
+ +\image html plane_on_face.png +
A Plane created on a Face of another Shape
+ +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_plane "Basic Geometric Objects". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_point.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_point.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e1703270 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_point.doc @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/*! + +\page create_point_page Point + +To create a \b Point in the Main Menu select New Entity - > +Basic - > Point + +\n There are four algorithms to create a \b Point in the 3D space. +\n Each time the \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object +(vertex). + +\n Firstly, we can define a point by setting its X, Y and Z \b Coordinates. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeVertex(X, Y, Z) +\n \b Arguments: Name (Vertex_n by default) + X, Y and Z coordinates of +the point. + +\image html point1.png + +\n Secondly, we can define a point by a \b Reference to another point +and the shift of the coordinates of the new point regarding the +coordinates of the old one. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(Reference, X,Y,Z). +\n Arguments: Name + 1 reference point + 3 coordinates defining +the position of this point regarding the reference one. + +\image html point2.png + +\n Thirdly, we can define a point by an \b Edge and a \b Parameter +indicating its position on the Edge, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. For example, 0.5 means that the +point is located in the middle of the edge. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge,Parameter). +\n Arguments: Name + 1 edge + 1 Parameter defining the +position of the point on the given edge. + +\image html point3.png + +\n Finally, we can define a point by intersection of two \b Lines. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakePointOnLinesIntersection(myLine1,myLine2). +\n Arguments: Name + 2 lines + +\image html point4.png +Example: + +\image html points.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_point "Basic Geometric Objects". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_primitives.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_primitives.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d13a5ee18 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_primitives.doc @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +/*! + +\page create_primitives_page Creating Primitives + +
  • \subpage create_box_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_cylinder_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_sphere_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_torus_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_cone_page
  • +
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_revolution.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_revolution.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b9d2d7086 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_revolution.doc @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/*! + +\page create_revolution_page Revolution + +To create an extruded shape by \b Revolution in the Main Menu +select New Entity - > Generation - > Revolution + +\n To create an extruded shape by \b Revolution you need to define the +source \b Object to rotate, the \b Axis of revolution and the \b Angle by which +the \b Shape has to be rotated around the \b Axis (in degrees). +\n Both Directions checkbox allows extruding the source +object both forward and backward. +\n The \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge, face, shell, +solid or compsolid). + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeRevolution(Shape, Axis, Angle). +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape (vertex, edge, planar wire, face or shell) serving as base object + 1 vector (for direction) + 1 value (angle). + +\image html revolution.png + +Example: + +\image html revolutionsn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_revolution "Complex Geometric Objects". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_shell.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_shell.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c87d3d22 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_shell.doc @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +/*! + +\page create_shell_page Shell + +To create a \b Shell in the Main Menu select New Entity - > +Build - > Shell + +\n You can create a \b Shell from a list of faces and (or) shells. +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object (shell). + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeShell(ListOfShape) +\n Arguments: Name + List of faces having connected edges. + +\image html neo-obj5.png + +\n Example: + +\image html shellsn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_shell "Advanced Geometric Objects". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_sketcher.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_sketcher.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..88629274f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_sketcher.doc @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +/*! + +\page create_sketcher_page Sketcher + +Sketcher allows to create curves of 2 types: line segment and arc. +By default the start point of the curve is located at the point of +origin of the reference coordinate system and the curve lies in the +plane XOY. The end of the curve is defined by +means of "destination", which can be a destination point (for segment +only) or destination direction coupled with length of a segment or +angle and radius of an arc. + +\n Sketcher is able to create planar curves only. Therefore, it is +necessary to select a working plane before starting a sketch (by +default, XOY plane is used). Sketcher creates curves lying in the +current working plane (New Entity -> Basic -> Working Plane). + +\n This functionality is available from the main menu via New +Entity / Sketch. + +\n The Result of the operation will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeSketcher(Command, WorkingPlane) +\n This algorithm creates a sketcher (wire or face), following the +textual description, passed through the Command argument. The edges of +the resulting wire or face will be arcs of circles and/or linear +segments. +\n \em Command is a string, defining the sketcher by the coordinates of +points in the local working plane. +\n WorkingPlane can be a plane or a planar face. The plane is +defined by the XYZ coordinates of three non-coincident points. The +planar face is an existing GEOM_Object. + +\n Arguments: +
  1. Element type (segment or arc).
  2. +
  3. Destination type (point or direction).
  4. +
  5. Destination point by means of:
  6. +
    • absolute coordinates X,Y;
    • +
    • relative coordinates DX, DY (with respect to the current point);
    • +
    • selection of an existing point.
    • +
  7. Destination direction by means of:
  8. +
    • angle between the new segment and the previous one;
    • +
    • perpendicular to the previous segment (same as previous, but angle +is predefined and is equal to 90 degrees);
    • +
    • tangent to the previous segment;
    • +
    • vector components DX, DY.
    • +
  9. Parameters of an element (for segment : length or target X or Y coordinate value, for arc : radius and angle).
  10. +
+ +\n Dialog Box: + +\image html neo-scetcher1.png + +\image html neo-scetcher2.png + +\n Example: + +\image html image204.jpg + +\image html image206.jpg + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_sketcher_page "Sketcher". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_solid.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_solid.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..139dbfe3d --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_solid.doc @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/*! + +\page create_solid_page Solid + +\n To create a \b Solid in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Build - > +Solid. + +You can create a \b Solid from a list of shells. + +The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object (SOLID). + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeSolid(ListOfShape), where +ListOfShape is a list of shells from which the solid is constructed. +\n Arguments: Name + A closed shell or a list of closed shells. + +\image html neo-obj6.png + +\n Example: + +\image html solidsn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_solid "Advanced Geometric Objects". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_sphere.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_sphere.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4437cadc --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_sphere.doc @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/*! + +\page create_sphere_page Sphere + +\n To create a \b Sphere in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Primitives - > Sphere + +\n There are two algorithms for creation of a \b Sphere. +\n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (SOLID). + +\n Firstly, you can define a \b Sphere by the Center Point and the \b Radius. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeSphere(Point, Radius) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 vertex + 1 value (Radius). + +\image html sphere1.png + +\n Secondly, you can define a \b Sphere with the center at the origin of +coordinate system by the \b Radius. +\n TUI Command: geompy. MakeSphereR(Radius) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 value (Radius from the origin). + +\image html sphere2.png + +\n NB! The is another way to create a\b Sphere, which is +currently accessible only via \b TUI commands. +\n You can define the \b Sphere by the coordinates of the Center +Point and its \b Radius (in this way you don't need to create it in advance). +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeSphere(X, Y, Z, Radius) + +Example: + +\image html spheres.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_sphere "Primitives". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_torus.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_torus.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd8b63412 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_torus.doc @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/*! + +\page create_torus_page Torus + +To create a \b Torus in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Primitives - > Torus + +\n There are two algorithms for creation of a \b Torus. +\n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (SOLID). + +\n Firstly, you can define a \b Torus by the given Base Point, +the normal \b Vector and the Major and Minor \b Radiuses. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeTorus(Point, Vector, RadiusMajor, RadiusMinor) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 vertex + 1 vector (for direction) + 2 +values (1 & 2 Radius). + +\image html torus1.png + +\n Secondly, you can define a \b Torus with the center at the origin +of coordinates by its Major and Minor \b Radiuses. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeTorusRR(RadiusMajor, RadiusMinor) +\n Arguments: Name + 2 values (1 & 2 Radius from the origin). + +\image html torus2.png + +Example: + +\image html toruses.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_torus "Primitives". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_vector.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_vector.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a914bea1 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_vector.doc @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/*! + +\page create_vector_page Vector + +To create a \b Vector in the Main Menu select New Entity - > +Basic - > Vector + +\n There are 2 algorithms to create a \b Vector in the 3D space. +\n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge). + +\n Firstly, you can define a Vector by its \b Start and End Points. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeVector(Point1, Point2) +\n Arguments: Name + 2 vertices. + +\image html vector1.png + +\n Secondly, you can define a \b Vector starting in the Origin of +coordinates by its End Point. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(DX, DY, DZ) +\n Arguments: Name + 3 values + +\image html vector2.png + +Example: + +\image html image34.gif + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_vector "Basic Geometric Objects". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_wire.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_wire.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..34a24b0e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_wire.doc @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +/*! + +\page create_wire_page Wire + +\n To create a \b Wire in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Build - > Wire + +\n You can create a \b Wire from several connected edges and wires by +selecting them in the object browser or in the viewer holding Shift +button. +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object (WIRE). + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeWire(ListOfShape) + +Arguments: Name + List of connected wires or edges. + +\n Dialog Box: + +\image html neo-obj3.png + +\n Example: + +\image html wiresn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of +\ref tui_creation_wire "Advanced Geometric Objects". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_wplane.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_wplane.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb453c8a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/creating_wplane.doc @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/*! + +\page create_wplane_page Working Plane + +Definition of a Working Plane is necessary for work with +\ref create_sketcher_page "Sketcher". + +\n To create a Working Plane in the Main Menu select +New Entity - > Basic - > Working Plane + +\n There is a number of algorithms to set the Working Plane and the +Camera Position. + +\n Firstly, you can select a \b Plane, a Planar Face or a Local Coordinate System to be your Working Plane. +\n Arguments: Name + 1 selection (plane or planar face). + +\image html workplane4.png + +\n Secondly, you can define a Working Plane by two Vectors. +\n Arguments: Name + 2 vectors. + +\image html workplane5.png + +\n Finally, you can select one of three basic projections of XYZ +coordinate system to be your Working Plane. + +\image html workplane6.png + +Reverse the plane normal checkbox allows changing the direction +of the working plane. + +Example: Working plane on the upper face of a box. + +\image html image36.gif +
Normal Direction
+ +\image html image47.gif +
Reversed Direction
+ +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/cut_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/cut_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ccc84b0a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/cut_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/*! + +\page cut_operation_page Cut + +\n To produce a \b Cut operation in the Main Menu select Operations - > Boolean - > Cut + +\n This operation cuts a shape with another one. +\n The \b Result will be any \b GEOM_Object. +\n Arguments: Name + 2 shapes. + +\n Dialog Box: + +\image html bool3.png + +\n Example: + +\image html fusesn1.png + +\image html cutsn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_cut "Boolean Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/display_mode.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/display_mode.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8fe2d92f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/display_mode.doc @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/*! + +\page display_mode_page Display Mode + +\n This option is relevant for viewing 3D objects. Wireframe mode means +that you can see only edges of the object, while its shells remain +transparent. Shading mode means that the shells are filled with color. + +\n To change the display mode right-click on this geometrical object +in the viewer and from the pop-up menu select Display mode --> +Wireframe or Shading. + +\n TUI Command: gg.setDisplayMode(ID, Short) + +\n Examples: + +\image html disp_mode1sn.png +
+ +\image html /disp_mode2sn.png +
+ +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of +\ref tui_change_disp_mode "Changing Display Parameters". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/explode_on_blocks_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/explode_on_blocks_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..635f70561 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/explode_on_blocks_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/*! + +\page explode_on_blocks_operation_page Explode on Blocks + +\n To produce an Explode on Blocks operation in the Main +Menu select Operations - > Blocks - > Explode on Blocks. + +\n This operation returns blocks of the given compound. The user may +define the type of blocks to be extracted by setting the minimum and +maximum number of faces in the target block. By checking the +corresponding box the user may also interactively choose the blocks +from a compound. + +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeBlockExplode(Compound, +MinNbFaces, MaxNbFaces), where \em Compound is a compound to be +exploded into the blocks, \em MinNbFaces, \em MaxNbFaces are correspondingly +the minimal and the maximal number of faces of the resulting blocks. +\n Arguments: 1 compound + 2 integers (min. and max. number of +faces in the block to be extracted). + +\image html mtransf3.png + +\n Example: + +\image html block_explodesn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_explode_on_blocks "Blocks Operations". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/fillet_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/fillet_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8bf2ee1f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/fillet_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +/*! + +\page fillet_operation_page Fillet + +\n To produce a \b Fillet in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Transformation - > Fillet + +\n This operation creates fillets on the edges of a shape. +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n To create fillets on all edges of the given shape, you need to +select the Main Object to create a fillet on and to define the \b Radius of the +Fillet. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeFilletAll(Shape, R) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 1 value (fillet radius). + +\image html fillet1.png + +\n To create fillets on the specified edges or faces of the given +shape, you need to define the Main Object to create a fillet +on, select the necessary edges or faces in the OCC Viewer and define +the \b Radius of the Fillet. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeFillet(Shape, R, ShapeType, ListShapes) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape + one or several edges (or faces) ++ 1 value (Fillet radius). + +\n Alternatively, there is a possibility to create a fillet with a +variable radius. For this, toggle the lower radio button and define +\b R1 (the radius at the start of the selected edge(s)) and \b R2 +(the radius at the end of the selected edge(s)) + +\image html fillet2.png + +\image html fillet3.png + +\n Examples: + +\image html fillet_all.png +
Fillet on all
+ +\image html fillet_edge.png +
Fillet on an edge
+ +\image html fillet_prism.png +
Fillet on a Face
+ +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_fillet "Transformation Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/fuse_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/fuse_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5eb168bcd --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/fuse_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/*! + +\page fuse_operation_page Fuse + +\n To produce a \b Fuse operation in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Boolean - > Fuse + +\n This operation creates a shape from two shapes. + +\n The \b Result will be any \b GEOM_Object. +\n Arguments: Name + 2 shapes. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeFuse(s1, s2) + +\image html bool1.png + +\n Example: + +\image html fusesn1.png + +\image html fusesn2.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_fuse "Boolean Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/geompy.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/geompy.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cde054cb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/geompy.doc @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +/*! + +\page geompy_page Python Interface geompy.py + +\n Please, see \ref geompyDC::geompyDC "documentation for geompy.py" + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/glue_faces_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/glue_faces_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..340f4afa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/glue_faces_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/*! + +\page glue_faces_operation_page Glue Faces + +\n To Glue Faces in the Main Menu select Repair - > Glue Faces. + +\n This operation glues faces that are coincident with respect to the +given tolerance value. + +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeGlueFaces(theShape, +theTolerance), where \em theShape is a compound of solids to be +glued, \em theTolerance is a maximum distance between two faces, which can +be considered as coincident. +\n Arguments: Name + Compound of solids + Tolerance value. + +\image html glue1.png + +\n It is also possible to manually select the faces that will be +glued - select the shape, specify the tolerance and press \b Detect button. + +\image html glue2.png + +\n \b Geometry module detects the faces where gluing can be performed and +displays a notification. + +\image html glue3.png + +\n The faces that can be glued are colored in red. It is possible to +select the faces for gluing in the 3D viewer. The selected faces will +be marked in white. + +\n Example: + +\image html glue_faces1.png +
Object that needs gluing
+ +\image html glue_faces2.png +
Glued object
+ +\image html glue_faces3.png +
Manual selection of faces for gluing
+ +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_glue_faces "Repairing Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/import_export.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/import_export.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a5219ebe --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/import_export.doc @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +/*! + +\page import_export_geom_obj_page Importing/exporting geometrical objects + +In Geometry module you can import and export geometrical objects +from/into BREP, IGES, STEP files. The mechanisms of import and export +are implemented via plug-ins, which gives you the opportunity to +expand the range of available formats by adding more plug-ins (for +example, CATIA 5). + +To import geometrical objects from a BREP, IGES, STEP file: + +\par +From the \b File menu choose \b Import. In the opening dialog box \b Import +select the required format of the file for importation and search for +a *.brep, *.iges or *.step file. + +\image html geomimport.png + +\par +Select the required file and click \b Open. Your file will be imported in +the module and its contents (geometrical object) will be displayed in +the Object Browser. + +\n To export geometrical objects into a BREP, IGES, STEP +file: + +\par +Select the object you wish to export, then from the \b File menu choose +\b Export. In the opening dialog box \b Export define the required format, +the name and the location of the file for exportation. + +\image html geomexport.png + +\par +Click \b Save to confirm your exportation. + +*/ + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/index.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/index.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..45eb2ac65 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/index.doc @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +/*! + +\mainpage Geometry Module Reference Documentation + +
  • \subpage introduction_page
  • +
  • \subpage import_export_geom_obj_page
  • +
  • \subpage create_geom_obj_page
  • +
    • \ref create_basic_geom_obj_page
    • +
      • \ref create_point_page
      • +
      • \ref create_line_page
      • +
      • \ref create_circle_page
      • +
      • \ref create_ellipse_page
      • +
      • \ref create_arc_page
      • +
      • \ref create_curve_page
      • +
      • \ref create_vector_page
      • +
      • \ref create_plane_page
      • +
      • \ref create_wplane_page
      • +
      • \ref create_lcs_page
      • +
    • \ref create_primitives_page
    • +
      • \ref create_box_page
      • +
      • \ref create_cylinder_page
      • +
      • \ref create_sphere_page
      • +
      • \ref create_torus_page
      • +
      • \ref create_cone_page
      • +
    • \ref create_complex_obj_page
    • +
      • \ref create_extrusion_page
      • +
      • \ref create_revolution_page
      • +
      • \ref create_filling_page
      • +
      • \ref create_extrusion_alongpath_page
      • +
    • \ref work_with_groups_page
    • +
    • \ref build_by_blocks_page
    • +
    • \ref create_sketcher_page
    • +
    • \ref create_adv_obj_page
    • +
      • \ref create_explode_page
      • +
      • \ref create_edge_page
      • +
      • \ref create_wire_page
      • +
      • \ref create_face_page
      • +
      • \ref create_shell_page
      • +
      • \ref create_solid_page
      • +
      • \ref create_compound_page
      • +
  • \subpage view_geom_obj_chapter_page
  • +
    • \ref view_geom_obj_page
    • +
    • \ref display_mode_page
    • +
    • \ref color_page
    • +
    • \ref transparency_page
    • +
    • \ref isolines_page
    • +
  • \subpage transform_geom_obj_page
  • +
    • \ref basic_operations_page
    • +
      • \ref partition_page
      • +
      • \ref archimede_page
      • +
    • \ref boolean_operations_page
    • +
      • \ref using_boolean_operations_page
      • +
      • \ref fuse_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref common_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref cut_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref section_opeartion_page
      • +
    • \ref transformation_operations_page
    • +
      • \ref translation_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref rotation_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref modify_location_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref mirror_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref scale_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref offset_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref multi_translation_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref multi_rotation_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref fillet_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref chamfer_operation_page
      • +
    • \ref blocks_operations_page
    • +
      • \ref multi_transformation_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref explode_on_blocks_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref propagate_operation_page
      • +
    • \ref repairing_operations_page
    • +
      • \ref shape_processing_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref suppress_faces_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref close_contour_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref suppress_internal_wires_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref suppress_holes_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref sewing_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref glue_faces_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref add_point_on_edge_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref check_free_boundaries_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref check_free_faces_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref change_orientation_operation_page
      • +
      • \ref remove_extra_edges_operation_page
      • +
  • \subpage using_measurement_tools_page
  • +
  • \subpage geompy_page
  • +
  • \subpage tui_scripts_page
  • +
    • \ref tui_viewing_geom_objs_page
    • +
    • \ref tui_creating_geom_objs_page
    • +
      • \ref tui_basic_geom_objs_page
      • +
      • \ref tui_primitives_page
      • +
      • \ref tui_complex_objs_page
      • +
      • \ref tui_working_with_groups_page
      • +
      • \ref tui_building_by_blocks_page
      • +
      • \ref tui_sketcher_page
      • +
      • \ref tui_advanced_geom_objs_page
      • +
    • \ref tui_transformation_page
    • +
      • \ref tui_basic_operations_page
      • +
      • \ref tui_boolean_operations_page
      • +
      • \ref tui_transformation_operations_page
      • +
      • \ref tui_blocks_operations_page
      • +
      • \ref tui_repairing_operations_page
      • +
    • \ref tui_measurement_tools_page
    • +
+ +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/introduction.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/introduction.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e1005c6d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/introduction.doc @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/*! + +\page introduction_page Introduction to Geometry + +\b Geometry module of SALOME is destined for: +
  • Import and export of geometrical models in IGES, BREP and STEP formats.
  • +
  • Construction and optimization of geometrical models using a wide +range of CAD functions:
  • +
    • Creation of basic geometrical objects
    • +
    • Construction of primitives
    • +
    • Building shapes
    • +
    • Generation of complex shapes
    • +
    • Working with groups
    • +
    • Geometrical repairing of objects
    • +
    • Geometrical boolean operations
    • +
    • Geometrical transformations
    • +
    • Building by blocks
    • +
+ +\image html image3.jpg + + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/isolines.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/isolines.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10862f046 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/isolines.doc @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +/*! + +\page isolines_page Isolines + +\n In this menu you can change the number of isolines displayed within +a shape. +\n Arguments:2 values (number of isolines). + +\image html neo-isos.png + +\n Example: + +\image html colorsn.png + +\image html isos_u12_v12sn.png + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/mirror_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/mirror_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f852902b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/mirror_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/*! + +\page mirror_operation_page Mirror Image + +\n To produce a Mirror Image in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Transformation - > Mirror Image + +\n This operation creates a symmetrical copy of an \b Object, which +can be mirrored in three different ways. +\n Create a copy checkbox allows to keep the initial object, +otherwise it will be removed. +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n Firstly an \b Object can be mirrored through a \b Point of symmetry +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeMirrorByPoint(Object, Point) +\n Arguments: Name + one or several objects + 1 vertex. + +\image html transformation7.png + +\image html mirror_pointsn1.png + +\image html mirror_pointsn2.png + +\n Secondly an \b Object can be mirrored through an \b Axis of +symmetry +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeMirrorByAxis(Object, Axis) +\n Arguments: Name + one or several objects + 1 vector. + +\image html transformation8.png + +\image html mirror_axissn1.png + +\image html mirror_axissn2.png + +\n Finally an \b Object can be mirrored through a \b Plane of symmetry +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeMirrorByPlane(Shape, Plane) +\n Arguments: Name + one or several objects + 1 plane + +\image html transformation9.png + +\image html mirror_planesn1.png + +\image html mirror_planesn2.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_mirror "Transformation Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/modify_location_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/modify_location_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c25e0875c --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/modify_location_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/*! + +\page modify_location_operation_page Modify the Location + +\n To Modify the Location in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Transformation - > Modify the Location. + +\n This operation modifies the \b Location of \b Objects. + +\n The first algorithm places the object(s) so that its center coincides +with the origin of the Local Coordinate System. +\n Create a copy checkbox allows to keep the initial objects, otherwise they +will be removed. +\n Arguments: Name + one or several objects + End Coordinate System. + +\image html transformation5.png + +\n In the picture the initial cube with the global coordinate system +is to the right and the modified cube with the Local Coordinate +System in the center of it is to the left . + +\image html image30.gif + +\n The second algorithm modifies the location of an object using Start +and End LSC, although the final position of the object will not +coincide with the center of either of the two systems. In this method +the object is shifted from its initial position by the value of the +remainder after subtraction of the coordinates of the Start LSC from +the coordinates of the End LSC. +\n Create a copy checkbox allows to keep the initial object, +otherwise it will be removed. +\n Arguments: Name + one or several objects + Start Coordinate System + End +Coordinate System. + +\image html transformation6.png + +In this picture we see the initial cube with the global coordinate +system and two LCS: LocalCS1 (GCS+100 along x-axis) and LocalCS2 +(GCS+200 along x-axis) + +\image html image1.gif + +Selecting Start LCS = LCS1 and End LCS = LCS2, we obtain the +translated cube at the position (100;0;0) + +\image html image2.gif + +Selecting Start LCS = LCS2 and End LCS = LCS1, we obtain the +translated cube at the position (-100;0;0) + +\image html image4.gif + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakePosition(theObject, theStartLCS, +theEndLCS), where \em theObject is a shape, location of which is +modified, \em theStartLCS is a location to move the shape from, \em +theEndLCS is a location to move the shape to. + +\n Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use +of \ref tui_translation "Transformation Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/multi_rotation_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/multi_rotation_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7ad469f89 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/multi_rotation_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/*! + +\page multi_rotation_operation_page Multi Rotation + +\n To produce a Multi Rotation in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Transformation - > Multi Rotation + +\n This operation creates several geometrical objects rotated in one +or two dimensions basing on the initial geometrical object. +\n The \b Result will be one or several \b GEOM_Objects (compound). + +\n To produce a Simple Multi Rotation (in one dimension) you +need to define a \b Shape to be rotated, an \b Axis of rotation and a +Number of Times the shape must be rotated. Rotation Angle will +be 2*PI/NbTimes +\n TUI Command: geompy.MultiRotate1D(Shape, Axis, NbTimes) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 1 vector for direction + 1 value +(repetition). + +\b NB! There is another way to execute a Multi-rotation +operation, which is currently accessible only via TUI commands: +geompy.MakeMultiRotation1D(Shape, Dir, Point, NbTimes) which works in +the same way, but the Axis is defined by direction and point. + +\image html neo-mrot1.png + +\image html multi_rotation1d1.png + +\image html multi_rotation1d2.png + +\n Double Multi Rotation (in two dimensions) rotates the given +\b Object around the given \b Axis on the given \b Angle a given +Number of Times and multi-translates each rotation +result. Translation direction passes through the center of gravity of +the rotated shape and its projection on the rotation axis. +\b Reverse checkbox allows to set the direction of rotation. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MultiRotate2D(Shape, Axis, Angle, NbTimes1, Step, NbTimes2) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 1 vector for direction + 1 angle ++ 1 value (repetition) + 1 step value + 1 value (repetition). + +NB! There is another way to execute a Double Multi-rotation +operation, which is currently accessible only via TUI commands: +geompy.MakeMultiRotation2D(Shape, Dir, Point, Angle, nbtimes1, Step,nbtimes2) +which works in the same way, +but the Axis is defined by direction and point. + +\image html neo-mrot2.png + +\image html multi_rotation2d1.png + +\image html multi_rotation2d2.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_multi_rotation "Transformation Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/multi_transformation_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/multi_transformation_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2bb30e7f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/multi_transformation_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/*! + +\page multi_transformation_operation_page Block Multi Transformation + +\n To produce a Multi Transformation operation in the Main +Menu select Operations - > Blocks - > Multi Transformation + +\n This operation makes several translations of a block (solid) in one +or two directions depending on the arguments specified by the user. +\n The \b Result in both cases will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +

Simple Multi Transformation (in one direction)

+ +\n TUI Command: geompy. MakeMultiTransformation1D(Block, +DirFaceID1, DirFaceID2, NbTimes), where \em Block is a block to be +transformed, \em DirFaceID1 is an ID of the face which defines the first +direction of transformation, \em DirFaceID2 is an ID of the face which +defines the second direction of transformation, \em NbTimes is a number of +transformations. +\n Arguments: Name + 1 hexahedral solid + 1 or 2 faces + 1 +integer (number of blocks). + +\image html mtransf1.png + +\image html multi_transformationsn1d.png + +

Double Multi Transformation (in two directions)

+ +\n TUI Command: geompy. MakeMultiTransformation2D(Block, +DirFaceID1U, DirFaceID2U, NbTimesU, DirFaceID1V, DirFaceID2V, +NbTimesV), where \em Block is a block to be transformed, \em DirFaceID1U +and \em DirFaceID2U are IDs of the faces, which define directions of the +first transformation, \em DirFaceID1V and \em DirFaceID2V are ID's of the +faces which define directions of the second transformation, \em NbTimesU +and \em NbTimesV are numbers of transformations. +\n Arguments: Name + 1 hexahedral solid + 2, 3 or 4 faces + 2 +integers (number of blocks). + +\image html mtransf2.png + +\image html multi_transformationsn2d.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_multi_transformation "Blocks Operations". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/multi_translation_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/multi_translation_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5bd20ff65 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/multi_translation_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +/*! + +\page multi_translation_operation_page Multi Translation + +\n To produce a Multi Translation in the Main Menu +select Operations - > Transformation - > Multi Translation + +\n This operation makes several translations of a shape in \b one or \b +two directions. +\n The \b Result will be one or several \b GEOM_Objects (compound). + +\n To produce a Simple Multi Translation (in one direction) you +need to indicate an \b Object to be translated, a \b Vector of +translation, a \b Step of translation and a Number of Times the +Object should be duplicated. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeMultiTranslation1D(Shape, Dir, +Step, NbTimes) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 1 vector (for direction) + 1 +step value + 1 value (repetition). + +\image html mtrans1.png + +\image html multi_translation_initialsn.png + +\image html multi_translation1dsn.png + +\n To produce a Double Multi Translation (in two directions) you need to +indicate an \b Object to be translated, and, for both axes, a \b +Vector of translation, a \b Step of translation and a Number of Times the shape must be duplicated. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeMultiTranslation2D(Shape, Dir1, +Step1, NbTimes1, Dir2, Step2, NbTimes2), where \em Shape is a shape +to be translated, \em Dir1 is the first direction of translation, \em Step1 of +the first translation, \em NbTimes1 is a number of translations to be done +along \em Dir1, \em Dir2 is the second direction of translation, \em Step2 of the +second translation, \em NbTimes2 is a number of translations to be done +along \em Dir2. +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 2 vectors defining the direction ++ 2 step values + 2 values (repetitions). + +\image html mtrans2.png + +\image html multi_translation_initialsn.png + +\image html multi_translation2dsn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_multi_translation "Transformation Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/offset_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/offset_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2b4b6766 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/offset_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/*! + +\page offset_operation_page Offset Surface + +\n To produce an Offset Surface in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Transformation - > Offset Surface + +\n This operation translates each point of an \b Object (a set of +Objects) along a local normal by a given \b Offset distance (signed +number, negative value meaning inner offset). +\n \b Offset operation is applicable to faces, shells and solids. +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeOffset(Shape, Offset), +where Shape is a shape(s) which has to be an offset, Offset is a value of +the offset. +\n Arguments: Name + Object (face(s), shell(s), solid(s)) + +Offset value + +\image html transformation11.png + +\n Example: + +\image html offsetsn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_offset "Transformation Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/partition.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/partition.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7dfc5310d --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/partition.doc @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +/*! + +\page partition_page Partition + +\n To produce a \b Partition in the Main Menu select Operations - > Partition + +\n This operation builds a compound by intersection of several shapes with a tool object or a plane. +\n The \b Result will be any \b GEOM_Object. + +

Intersection of two shapes.

+ +\n As far as the intersection of two objects can produce any type of +geometrical objects, Reconstruction Limit box allows choosing the +preferrable result, i.e. a solid, a shell, a list of faces, etc. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakePartition(ListOfShapes, +ListOfTools, ListOfKeepInside, ListOfRemoveInside, Limit, RemoveWebs, +ListOfMaterials), where where \em ListOfShapes is a list of shapes to +be intersected and \em ListOfTools is a list of shapes to intersect the +shapes from ListOfShapes. +\n Since the implementation of a new version of PartitionAlgo other +parameters are ignored by the current functionality and remain there +only to support the old scripts. +\n Arguments: Name + 2 lists of shapes (the shapes from the +first list will be intersected with the shapes from the second list) + +reconstruction limit. + +\image html partition1.png + +Keep nonlimit shapes checkbox allows building geometrical objects of +all types at the same time i.e. no reconstruction limit is applied. + + +

Intersection of a Shape and a Plane.

+ +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeHalfPartition(Shapes, +Plane), where \em Shapes are a list of Shapes to be intersected +and \em Plane is a Tool shape, to intersect the \em Shapes. +\n Arguments: Name + a list of shapes which will be intersected ++ 1 cutting plane. + +\image html partition2.png + +\n Example: + +\image html partitionsn1.png + +\image html partitionsn2.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_partition "Basic Operations". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/propagate_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/propagate_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3882ee75e --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/propagate_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/*! + +\page propagate_operation_page Propagate + +\n To produce a \b Propagate operation in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Blocks - > Propagate + +\n This operation breaks a multitude of edges of a shape into groups +(builds all possible propagation groups). +\n The \b Result will be a List of GEOM_Objects. Each Geom +Object will contain a group of edges. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.Propagate(Shape), where \em Shape +is a shape to build propagation groups on. +\n Arguments: 1 Shape. + +\image html mtransf4.png + +\n Example: + +\image html image15.jpg + +\image html image16.jpg + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_propagate "Blocks Operations". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/remove_extra_edges_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/remove_extra_edges_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3be4c4d3b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/remove_extra_edges_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/*! + +\page remove_extra_edges_operation_page Remove Extra Edges + +\n To Remove extra edges in the Main Menu select +Repair - > Remove extra edges. +\n This operation removes all seam and degenerated edges from a given +shape and unites faces and edges, sharing one surface. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.RemoveExtraEdges(theShape), +there theShape is a compound or a single solid to remove irregular edges from. +\n Arguments: Name + one shape. + +\image html remove_extra_edges.png + +\n Example: + +\image html remove_extra_edges1.png +
Shape with extra edges
+ +\image html remove_extra_edges2.png +
Improved shape
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/repairing_operations.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/repairing_operations.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cb41f8102 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/repairing_operations.doc @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +/*! + +\page repairing_operations_page Repairing Operations + +
  • \subpage shape_processing_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage suppress_faces_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage close_contour_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage suppress_internal_wires_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage suppress_holes_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage sewing_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage glue_faces_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage add_point_on_edge_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage change_orientation_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage remove_extra_edges_operation_page
  • +
+ +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/rotation_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/rotation_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e546f002b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/rotation_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/*! + +\page rotation_operation_page Rotation + +\n To produce a \b Rotation in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Transformation - > Rotation + +\n This operation \b rotates the initial shape. + +\n The first \b Rotation algorithm needs you to define an \b Object to +be rotated, an \b Axis of rotation and an \b Angle of rotation. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeRotation(Shape, Axis, Angle) +\n Arguments: Name + one or several objects + 1 vector for direction of rotation + 1 +angle. + +\image html transformation4.png + +\b Reverse checkbox allows to specify the direction of rotation. +\n Create a copy checkbox allows to keep the initial object, +otherwise it will be removed. +\n The \b Result will be any \b GEOM_Object. + +\n The second algorithm allows to define the rotated \b Object by +three points. Rotation axis will pass through the Central Point +and will be will be orthogonal to a plane defned by three points. In +this case rotation \b Angle is the angle between two vectors directed +from the first point to the second and to the third. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeRotationThreePoints(Shape, CentralPoint, Point1, Point2) +\n Arguments: 1 shape + 3 points. + +\image html transformation4a.png + +\n Example: + +\image html rotationsn1.png + +\image html rotationsn2.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_rotation "Transformation Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/scale_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/scale_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..65d8d9583 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/scale_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/*! + +\page scale_operation_page Scale Transform + +\n To produce a Scale Transform in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Transformation - > Scale Transform + +\n This operation creates a scaled shape basing on the initial +shape. For this, you need to define the \b Shape to be scaled, the +Central Point of scale and the Scale Factor. +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeScaleTransform(Shape, CenterOfScale, Factor) +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape(s) + 1 vertex + 1 Scale Factor. + +\image html transformation10.png + +\n Example: + +\image html scale_transformsn1.png + +\image html scale_transformsn2.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_scale "Transformation Operations". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/section_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/section_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..911b76545 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/section_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/*! + +\page section_opeartion_page Section + +\n To produce a \b Section operation in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Boolean - > Section + +\n This operation creates the section between 2 shapes. + +\n The \b Result will be any \b GEOM_Object (EDGE or WIRE). +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeSection(s1, s2) +\n Arguments: Name + 2 shapes. + +\image html neo-section.png + +\n Example: + +\image html fusesn1.png + +\image html sectionsn.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_section "Boolean Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/sewing_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/sewing_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69da0597c --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/sewing_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/*! + +\page sewing_operation_page Sewing + +\n To produce a \b Sewing operation in the Main Menu select Repair - > Sewing. + +\n This operation allows to sew several faces or shells. + +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeSewing(ListOfShape, Precision), + where \em ListOfShape is list of faces or shells to be sewed, \em Precision is a +precision for sewing. + +\image html repair6.png + +\n Arguments: Name + 1 or more shapes + 1 value (sew +precision). +\n \b Detect button allows to display the number of free boundaries in +your shape: + +\image html neo-detect2.png + +\n Example: + +\image html image112.jpg + +\image html image113.jpg + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_sewing "Repairing Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/shape_processing_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/shape_processing_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca438ada1 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/shape_processing_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +/*! + +\page shape_processing_operation_page Shape Processing + +\n To produce a Shape Processing operation in the Main Menu +select Repair - > Shape Processing. +\n This operation processes one or more shapes using various operators. + +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.ProcessShape(Shape, Operators, +Parameters, Values), where \em Shape is a processed shape, \em Operators +is a list of operators ("FixShape", "SplitClosedFaces", etc.), +\em Parameters is a list of parameters ("FixShape.Tolerance3d", +etc), \em Values is a list of values of parameters placed in the same +order as in the list of Parameters. + +\n In this dialog box you can select the object that you need to +process, define its name and operators applied to it during +processing. + +\image html repair1.png + +Operators and Parameters (TUI names are given in brackets): + +
  • Fix Shape (FixShape) - corrects invalid shapes.
  • +
    • 3D Tolerance (FixShape.Tolerance3d) - work tolerance for +detection of the problems and correction of them.
    • +
    • Max 3D Tolerance (FixShape.MaxTolerance3d) - maximal +possible tolerance of the shape after correction.
    • +
  • Fix Face Size (FixFaceSize) - removes small faces, such as +spots and strips.
  • +
    • Tolerance (FixFaceSize.Tolerance) - defines minimum +possible face size.
    • +
  • Drop Small Edges (DropSmallEdges) - removes edges, which +merge with neighbouring edges.
  • +
    • 3D Tolerance (DropSmallEdges.Tolerance3d) - defines minimum +possible distance between two parallel edges.
    • +
  • Split Angle (SplitAngle) - splits faces based on conical +surfaces, surfaces of revolution and cylindrical surfaces in segments +using a certain angle.
  • +
    • Angle (SplitAngle.Angle) - the central angle of the +resulting segments (i.e. we obtain two segments if Angle=180, four if +Angle=90, etc).
    • +
    • Max. Tolerance (SplitAngle.MaxTolerance) - maximum possible +tolerance among the resulting segments.
    • +
  • Split Closed Faces (SplitClosedFaces) - splits closed faces +in segments. The number of segments depends on the number of splitting +points.
  • +
    • Number of splitting points (SplitClosedFaces.NbSplitPoints) - the number of splitting points.
    • +
  • Split Continuity (SplitContinuity) - splits shapes to +reduce continuities of curves and surfaces.
  • +
    • 3D Tolerance (SplitContinuity.Tolerance3d) - 3D tolerance for correction of geometry.
    • +
    • Surface Continuity (SplitContinuity.SurfaceContinuity) - required continuity for surfaces.
    • +
    • Curve Continuity (SplitContinuity.CurveContinuity) - required continuity for curves.
    • +
    +\n This and the previous parameters can take the following values: +\par +Parametric Continuity +\n \b C0 (Positional Continuity): curves are joined (the end positions +of curves or surfaces are coincidental. The curves or surfaces may +still meet at an angle, giving rise to a sharp corner or edge). +\n \b C1 (Tangential Continuity): first derivatives are equal (the end +vectors of curves or surfaces are parallel, ruling out sharp edges). +\n \b C2 (Curvature Continuity): first and second derivatives are +equal (the end vectors of curves or surfaces are of the same +magnitude). +\n \b CN N-th derivatives are equal (both the direction and the +magnitude of the Nth derivatives of curves or surfaces (d/du C(u)) are +the same at junction. +\par +Geometric Continuity +\n \b G1: first derivatives are proportional at junction. +\n The curve tangents thus have the same direction, but not necessarily +the same magnitude. i.e., C1'(1) = (a,b,c) and C2'(0) = (k*a, k*b, +k*c). +\n \b G2: first and second derivatives are proportional at junction. +\n As the names imply, geometric continuity requires the geometry to +be continuous, while parametric continuity requires that the +underlying parameterization was continuous as well. +\n Parametric continuity of order n implies geometric continuity of +order n, but not vice-versa. + +
  • Bspline Restriction (BsplineRestriction) - converts curves +and surfaces to Bsplines and processes them with the following +parameters:
  • +
    • Surface Mode (BSplineRestriction.SurfaceMode) - +approximation of surfaces if restriction is necessary.
    • +
    • 3D Curve Mode (BSplineRestriction.Curve3dMode) - conversion +of any 3D curve to BSpline and approximation.
    • +
    • 2D Curve Mode (BSplineRestriction.Curve2dMode) - conversion +of any 2D curve to BSpline and approximation.
    • +
    • 3D Tolerance (BSplineRestriction.Tolerance3d) - defines the +possibility of surfaces and 3D curves approximation with the specified +parameters.
    • +
    • 2D Tolerance (BSplineRestriction.Tolerance2d) - defines the +possibility of surfaces and 2D curves approximation with the specified +parameters.
    • +
    • Required Degree (BSplineRestriction.RequiredDegree) - +required degree of the resulting BSplines.
    • +
    • Required number of segments +(BSplineRestriction.RequiredNbSegments) - required maximum number of +segments of resultant BSplines.
    • +
    • 3D Continuity (BSplineRestriction.Continuity3d) - +continuity of the resulting surfaces and 3D curves.
    • +
    • 2D Continuity (BSplineRestriction.Continuity2d) - +continuity of the resulting 2D curves.
    • +
  • To Bezier (ToBezier) - converts curves and surfaces of any +type to Bezier curves and surfaces.
  • +
    • Surface Mode (ToBezier.SurfaceMode) - if checked in, allows +conversion of surfaces.
    • +
    • 3D Curve Mode (ToBezier.Curve3dMode) - if checked in, +allows conversion of 3D curves.
    • +
    • 2D Curve Mode (ToBezier.Curve2dMode) - if checked in, +allows conversion of 2D curves.
    • +
    • Max Tolerance (ToBezier.MaxTolerance) - defines tolerance +for detection and correction of problems.
    • +
  • Same Parameter (SameParameter) - fixes edges of 2D and 3D +curves not having the same parameter.
  • +
    • 3D Tolerance (SameParameter.Tolerance3d) - defines tolerance for fixing of edges.
    • +
+ +\n Example: + +\image html image154.jpg +
Shape before applying Shape Processing (FixShape +operator). View # 1.
+ +\image html image156.jpg +
Shape before applying Shape Processing (FixShape +operator). View # 2.
+ +\image html image160.jpg +
The same shape after applying Shape +Processing.
+ +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_shape_processing "Repairing Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/suppress_faces_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/suppress_faces_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2d7569e03 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/suppress_faces_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +/*! + +\page suppress_faces_operation_page Suppress Faces + +\n To produce a Suppress Faces operation in the Main +Menu select Repair - > Suppress Faces. + +\n This operation suppresses a face of a shape. This operation is +available in OCC Viewer only. + +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object (ListOfGeomShapes). + +\n TUI Command: geompy.SuppressFaces(Shape, ListOfID), +where \em Shape is a shape to be processed, \em ListOfID is a list of faces +ID's to be removed. +\n Arguments: Name + Faces which should be removed (you can +select them in the 3D viewer). + +\image html repair2.png + +\n Example: + +\image html suppress_faces1.png + +\image html suppress_faces2.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_suppress_faces "Repairing Operations". + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/suppress_holes_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/suppress_holes_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b9e25e065 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/suppress_holes_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/*! + +\page suppress_holes_operation_page Suppress Holes + +\n To Suppress Holes in the Main Menu select Repair - > Suppress Holes. + +\n This operation removes holes with free boundaries on a selected +shell or face. This operation is available in OCC Viewer only. + +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.SuppressHoles(Shape, +ListOfWireID), where \em Shape is a shell or face, where holes +with free boundaries must be removed, \em ListOfWireID is a list of wire sub shapes ID's. If it is +empty, then all holes are removed. + +\image html repair5.png + +\n Arguments: Name + 1 shape + Wires which should be removed. +\n Remove all holes checkbox allows to fill all holes of a definite shape. +\n \b Detect button allows to display the number of free boundaries in +your shape: + +\image html neo-detect2.png + +\n Example: + +\image html image109.jpg + +\image html image110.jpg + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_suppress_holes "Repairing Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/suppress_internal_wires_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/suppress_internal_wires_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8aa245d4c --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/suppress_internal_wires_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +/*! + +\page suppress_internal_wires_operation_page Suppress Internal Wires + +\n To Suppress Internal Wires in the Main Menu select +Repair - > Suppress Internal Wires. + +\n This operation removes all internal wires or specified internal +wires from user specified shapes. This operation is available in OCC +Viewer only. + +\n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.SuppressInternalWires(Shape, Wires), + where \em Shape is a shape where wires are to be removed, \em Wires is a +list of wires ID's to be removed; if the list is empty then all +internal wires are removed. + +Arguments: +
  • Name of the resulting object
  • +
  • User specified shape
  • +
  • User specified internal wires (lying on this shape except for its +boundary), or all internal wires if Remove all internal wires box is +checked
  • +
+ +\image html repair4.png + +\n Example: + +\image html supp_int_wires1.png + +\image html supp_int_wires2.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_suppress_internal_wires "Repairing Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/transformation_operations.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/transformation_operations.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..efb331f1c --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/transformation_operations.doc @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +/*! + +\page transformation_operations_page Transformation Operations + +
  • \subpage translation_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage rotation_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage modify_location_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage mirror_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage scale_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage offset_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage multi_translation_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage multi_rotation_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage fillet_operation_page
  • +
  • \subpage chamfer_operation_page
  • +
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/transforming_geom_objs.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/transforming_geom_objs.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..487387388 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/transforming_geom_objs.doc @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/*! + +\page transform_geom_obj_page Transforming geometrical objects + +
  • \subpage basic_operations_page
  • +
    • \ref partition_page
    • +
    • \ref archimede_page
    • +
  • \subpage boolean_operations_page
  • +
    • \ref using_boolean_operations_page
    • +
    • \ref fuse_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref common_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref cut_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref section_opeartion_page
    • +
  • \subpage transformation_operations_page
  • +
    • \ref translation_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref rotation_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref modify_location_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref mirror_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref scale_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref offset_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref multi_translation_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref multi_rotation_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref fillet_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref chamfer_operation_page
    • +
  • \subpage blocks_operations_page
  • +
    • \ref multi_transformation_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref explode_on_blocks_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref propagate_operation_page
    • +
  • \subpage repairing_operations_page
  • +
    • \ref shape_processing_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref suppress_faces_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref close_contour_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref suppress_internal_wires_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref suppress_holes_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref sewing_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref glue_faces_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref add_point_on_edge_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref check_free_boundaries_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref check_free_faces_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref change_orientation_operation_page
    • +
    • \ref remove_extra_edges_operation_page
    • +
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/translation_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/translation_operation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..caf1fd7a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/translation_operation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/*! + +\page translation_operation_page Translation + +\n To produce a \b Translation in the Main Menu select +Operations - > Transformation - > Translation + +This Operation makes a translation of an \b Object. To translate a +shape you need to define the base shape and the coordinates of the +vector of translation. Create a copy checkbox allows to keep the +initial object, otherwise it will be removed. +\n The \b Result of all operations will be any \b GEOM_Object. + +\n Firstly you can define an \b Object and the vector coordinates along the +axes. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeTranslation(Shape, DX, DY, +DZ), where Shape is a shape to be translated, DX, DY, DZ are +components of translation vector. +\n Arguments: Name + one or several objects + 3 values (coordinates). + +\image html transformation1.png + +\n Secondly you can define an \b Object and the start and the end points +of the vector. +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeTranslationTwoPoints(Object, Point1, Point2) +\n Arguments: Name + one or several objects + 2 vertices + +\image html transformation2.png + +\n Finally you can define an \b Object and the vector +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeTranslationVector(Object, Vector) +\n Arguments: Name + one or several objects + 1 vector. + +\image html transformation3.png + +\n Example: + +\image html translationsn1.png + +\image html translationsn2.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_translation "Transformation Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/transparency.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/transparency.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9586c9546 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/transparency.doc @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/*! + +\page transparency_page Transparency + +\n You can change the transparency of a shape in the range between 0 +(absolutely opaque) and 1 (absolutely transparent and thus invisible) +in the following dialog box. + +\image html neo-transparency.png + +or using a TUI Command: gg.setTransparency(ID, Double) + +\n Examples: + +\image html colorsn.png +
+ +\image html transparencysn.png +
50% Transparent
+ +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of +\ref tui_change_transparency "Changing Display Parameters". + +*/ + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_advanced_geom_objs.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_advanced_geom_objs.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21efff941 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_advanced_geom_objs.doc @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_advanced_geom_objs_page Advanced Geometrical Objects + +\anchor tui_creation_edge +

Creation of an Edge

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 0. ) +pxyz = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 100., 100.) + +# create an edge +edge = geompy.MakeEdge(p0, pxyz) + +# add object in the study +id_edge = geompy.addToStudy(edge,"Edge") + +# display an edge +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_edge) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_wire +

Creation of a Wire

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0. , 0. ) +py = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 100., 0. ) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 100.) + +# create a vector from two points +vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, py) + +# create an arc from three points +arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, pz, px) + +# create a wire +wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, arc]) + +# add an object in the study +id_wire = geompy.addToStudy(wire,"Wire") + +# display the wire +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_wire) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_face +

Creation of a Face

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 0. ) +px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0. , 0. ) +py = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 100., 0. ) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 100.) +pxyz = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 100., 100.) + +# create a vector from two points +vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, py) + +# create an arc from three points +arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, pz, px) + +# create a wire +wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, arc]) + +# create sketchers +sketcher1 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F -100 -100:TT 250 -100:R 0:C 100 150:R 0:L 300:WW", + [100,0,0, 1,1,1, -1,1,0]) +sketcher2 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F 0 0:TT 70 0:TT 70 70:TT 0 70:WW") +sketcher3 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F 20 20:TT 50 20:TT 50 50:TT 20 50:WW") +isPlanarFace = 1 + +# create a face from the wire +face1 = geompy.MakeFace(wire, isPlanarFace) + +# create faces from two wires +face2 = geompy.MakeFaceWires([wire, sketcher1],isPlanarFace) +face3 = geompy.MakeFaces([sketcher2, sketcher3],isPlanarFace) + +# add objects in the study +id_face1 = geompy.addToStudy(face1,"Face1") +id_face2 = geompy.addToStudy(face2,"Face2") +id_face3 = geompy.addToStudy(face3,"Face3") + +# display the faces +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_face1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_face1,1) +gg.setTransparency(id_face1,0.2) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_face2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_face2,1) +gg.setTransparency(id_face2,0.2) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_face3) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_face3,1) +gg.setTransparency(id_face3,0.2) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_shell +

Creation of a Shell

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +#create vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 0.) +pxyz = geompy.MakeVertex( 5., 5., 40.) + +# create sketchers +sketcher1 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F 0 0:TT 70 0:TT 70 70:TT 0 70:WW") +sketcher2 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F 20 20:TT 50 20:TT 50 50:TT 20 50:WW") +isPlanarFace = 1 + +# create a face from two wires +face = geompy.MakeFaces([sketcher1, sketcher2],isPlanarFace) + +# create a prism +prism = geompy.MakePrism(face, p0, pxyz) + +# explode the prism into faces +prism_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(prism, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) + +# create a shell from a set of faces +shell = geompy.MakeShell([prism_faces[0], prism_faces[2], prism_faces[3], + prism_faces[7], prism_faces[9]]) + +# add objects in the study +id_shell = geompy.addToStudy(shell,"Shell") + +# display the shell +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_shell) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_shell,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_solid +

Creation of a Solid

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +#create vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 0.) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 40.) + +# create sketchers +sketcher = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F -50 -50:TT 100 -50:R 0:C 50 70:R 0:L 100:WW") + +# create faces from two wires +face = geompy.MakeFace(sketcher,1) + +# create a prism +prism = geompy.MakePrism(face, p0, pz) + +# explode the prism into faces +prism_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(prism, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) + +# create a shell from a set of faces +shell = geompy.MakeShell([prism_faces[0], prism_faces[1], + prism_faces[3], prism_faces[4], + prism_faces[5], prism_faces[2]]) + +# create a solid, bounded by the given shells +solid = geompy.MakeSolid([shell]) + +# add objects in the study +id_solid = geompy.addToStudy(solid,"Solid") + +# display the solid +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_solid) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_solid,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_compound +

Creation of a Compound

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( -30., -30., 50.) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( -60., -60., 30.) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( -30., -30., 10.) + +# create an arc from three points +arc = geompy.MakeArc(p1, p2, p3) +ShapeListCompound = [] +i = 0 +while i <= 3 : + S = geompy.MakeTranslation(arc, i * 50., 0., 0.) + ShapeListCompound.append(S) + i = i + 1 + +# create a compund of the given shapes +compound = geompy.MakeCompound(ShapeListCompound) + +# add object in the study +id_compound = geompy.addToStudy(compound,"Compound") + +# display the compound +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_compound) +\endcode + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_basic_geom_objs.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_basic_geom_objs.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d9c30a23b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_basic_geom_objs.doc @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_basic_geom_objs_page Basic Geometrical Objects + +\anchor tui_creation_point +

Creation of a Point

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., 0., 0.) +p100 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(p0, 100., 100., 100.) +px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0., 0.) +py = geompy.MakeVertex(0., 100., 0.) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex(0., 0., 100.) + +# create a curve and a vertex on it +Arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, pz, px) +p_on_arc = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Arc, 0.25) + +# add objects in the study +id_p0 = geompy.addToStudy(p0, "Vertex 0") +id_p100 = geompy.addToStudy(p100, "Vertex 100") +id_px = geompy.addToStudy(px, "Vertex X") +id_py = geompy.addToStudy(py, "Vertex Y") +id_pz = geompy.addToStudy(pz, "Vertex Z") +id_Arc = geompy.addToStudy(Arc, "Arc") +id_p_on_arc = geompy.addToStudy(p_on_arc, "Vertex on Arc") + +# display vertices +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p0) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p100) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_Arc) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p_on_arc) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_line +

Creation of a Line

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., 0., 0.) +p100 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(p0, 100., 100., 100.) +px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0. , 0. ) +py = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 100., 0. ) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 100.) + +# create a vector from two points +vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, py) + +# create a line from a point and a vector +line1 = geompy.MakeLine(pz, vxy) + +#create a line from two points +line2 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(p0, p100) + +# add objects in the study +id_vxy = geompy.addToStudy(vxy, "Vector") +id_line1 = geompy.addToStudy(line1,"Line1") +id_line2 = geompy.addToStudy(line2,"Line2") + +# display lines +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_vxy) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_line1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_line2) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_circle +

Creation of a Circle

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., 0., 0.) +px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0. , 0. ) +py = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 100., 0. ) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 100.) + +# create a vector on two points +vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, py) + +# create a circle from a point, a vector and a radius +circle1 = geompy.MakeCircle(pz, vxy, 30) + +#create a circle from three points +circle2 = geompy.MakeCircleThreePnt(p0, px, py) + +# add objects in the study +id_vxy = geompy.addToStudy(vxy, "Vector") +id_circle1 = geompy.addToStudy(circle1,"Circle1") +id_circle2 = geompy.addToStudy(circle2,"Circle2") + +# display circles +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_vxy) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_circle1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_circle2) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_ellipse +

Creation of an Ellipse

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., 0., 0.) +p50 = geompy.MakeVertex(50., 50., 50.) + +# create a vector from two points +vector = geompy.MakeVector(p0, p50) + +# create an ellipse from a point, a vector and radiuses +ellipse = geompy.MakeEllipse(p50, vector, 50, 25) + +# add objects in the study +id_vector = geompy.addToStudy(vector, "Vector") +id_ellipse = geompy.addToStudy(ellipse,"Ellipse") + +# display the ellipse and its normal vector +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_vector) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_ellipse) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_curve +

Creation of a Curve

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 0. ) +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(50. , 100., 200.) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(150., 50., 100.) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 150., 170.) +p4 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., 200., 150.) + +# create a polyline from a list of points +polyline = geompy.MakePolyline([p0, p1, p2, p3, p4]) + +# create a bezier curve from a list of points +bezier = geompy.MakeBezier([p0, p1, p2, p3, p4]) + +#create a b-spline curve from a list of points +interpol = geompy.MakeInterpol([p0, p1, p2, p3, p4]) + +# add objects in the study +id_p0 = geompy.addToStudy(p0, "Point1") +id_p1 = geompy.addToStudy(p1, "Point2") +id_p2 = geompy.addToStudy(p2, "Point3") +id_p3 = geompy.addToStudy(p3, "Point4") +id_p4 = geompy.addToStudy(p4, "Point5") +id_polyline = geompy.addToStudy(polyline, "Polyline") +id_bezier = geompy.addToStudy(bezier, "Bezier") +id_interpol = geompy.addToStudy(interpol, "Interpol") + +# display the points and the curves +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p0) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p2) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p3) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p4) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_polyline) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_bezier) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_interpol) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_vector +

Creation of a Vector

+ +\code +mport geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(10., 50., 20.) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(70., 70., 70.) + +# create a vector from two points +vector1 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) + +# create a vector from the given components +vector2 = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(30, 30, 100) + +# add objects in the study +id_p1 = geompy.addToStudy(p1, "Point1") +id_p2 = geompy.addToStudy(p2, "Point2") +id_vector1 = geompy.addToStudy(vector1,"Vector1") +id_vector2 = geompy.addToStudy(vector2,"Vector2") + +# display the points and the vectors +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p2) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_vector1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_vector2) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_plane +

Creation of a Plane

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 100.) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0., 0.) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., 200., 200.) +p4 = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 100., 0.) +p5 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 100., 0.) + +# create a vector from the given components +vector = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(100., 100., 100.) + +# create a vector from two points +vector_arc = geompy.MakeVector(p2, p5) + +# create an arc from three points +arc = geompy.MakeArc(p2, p4, p5) + +# create a wire +wire = geompy.MakeWire([vector_arc, arc]) + +# create a face +isPlanarWanted = 1 +face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, isPlanarWanted) +trimsize = 1000. + +# create a plane from a point, a vector and a trimsize +plane1 = geompy.MakePlane(p1, vector, trimsize) + +# create a plane from three points and a trimsize +plane2 = geompy.MakePlaneThreePnt(p1, p2, p3, trimsize) + +# create a plane from the given face +plane3 = geompy.MakePlaneFace(face, trimsize) + +# add objects in the study +id_face = geompy.addToStudy(face, "Face") +id_plane1 = geompy.addToStudy(plane1,"Plane1") +id_plane2 = geompy.addToStudy(plane2,"Plane2") +id_plane3 = geompy.addToStudy(plane3,"Plane3") + +# display the points and the vectors +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_face) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_plane1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_plane2) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_plane3) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_plane1,1) +gg.setTransparency(id_plane1,0.5) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_plane2,1) +gg.setTransparency(id_plane2,0.5) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_plane3,1) +gg.setTransparency(id_plane3,0.5) +\endcode + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_basic_operations.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_basic_operations.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..14f7c07f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_basic_operations.doc @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_basic_operations_page Basic Operations + +\anchor tui_partition +


+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 0.) +p200 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., 200., 200.) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 100.) + +# create a vector +vxyz = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(100., 100., 100.) + +# create a box from two points +box = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, p200) + +# create a plane +trimsize = 500. +plane = geompy.MakePlane(pz, vxyz, trimsize) + +# create partition objects +partition1 = geompy.MakePartition([box], [plane]) +partition2 = geompy.Partition([box], [plane]) +partition3 = geompy.MakeHalfPartition(box, plane) + +# add objects in the study +id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box,"Box") +id_plane = geompy.addToStudy(plane,"Plane") +id_partition1 = geompy.addToStudy(partition1,"MakePartition") +id_partition2 = geompy.addToStudy(partition2,"Partition") +id_partition3 = geompy.addToStudy(partition3,"MakeHalfPartition") + +# display the partition objects and the plane +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_box,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_plane) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_plane,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_partition1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_partition2) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_partition3) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_archimede +


+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 0.) +p200 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., 200., 200.) + +# create a box from two points +box = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, p200) + +# perform an Archimede operation on the selected shape with selected parameters +weight = 1000000. +waterdensity = 1. +meshingdeflection = 0.01 +archimede = geompy.Archimede(box, weight, waterdensity, meshingdeflection) + +# add objects in the study +id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box,"Box") +id_archimede = geompy.addToStudy(archimede,"Archimede") + +# display the box and the result of Archimede operation +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_box,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_archimede) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_archimede,1) +\endcode + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_blocks_operations.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_blocks_operations.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8544667f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_blocks_operations.doc @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_blocks_operations_page Blocks Operations + +\anchor tui_multi_transformation +

Multi Transformation

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p_25_25_50 = geompy.MakeVertex(25., 25., 50.) +p_50_25_25 = geompy.MakeVertex(50., 25., 25.) +p_25_50_25 = geompy.MakeVertex(25., 50., 25.) + +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(50, 50, 50) + +top_face = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(box, p_25_25_50) +yz_face = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(box, p_50_25_25) +xz_face = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(box, p_25_50_25) + +top_face_ind = geompy.GetSubShapeID(box, top_face) +yz_face_ind = geompy.GetSubShapeID(box, yz_face) +xz_face_ind = geompy.GetSubShapeID(box, xz_face) + +# Multi-transformate block and glue the result +box_tr1 = geompy.MakeMultiTransformation1D(box, yz_face_ind, top_face_ind, 3) +box_tr2 = geompy.MakeMultiTransformation2D(box, xz_face_ind, yz_face_ind, 3, top_face_ind, 0, 2) + +# add objects in the study +id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box, "Box") +id_box_tr1 = geompy.addToStudy(box_tr1, "Multi-transformed Block 1D") +id_box_tr2 = geompy.addToStudy(box_tr2, "Multi-transformed Block 2D") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_box,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box_tr1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box_tr2) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_explode_on_blocks +

Explode on Blocks

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a box and a sphere +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, 200, 200) +sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR(100) + +# make a compound +compound = geompy.MakeCompound([box, sphere]) + +# get all the blocks of the given compound, by criteria: min_nb_faces <= nb. of faces <= max_nb_faces +min_nb_faces = 6 +max_nb_faces = 6 +make_block_explode = geompy.MakeBlockExplode(compound, min_nb_faces, max_nb_faces) + +# add objects in the study +id_compound = geompy.addToStudy(compound, "Compound") +id_make_block_explode = geompy.addToStudyInFather(compound, make_block_explode[0], "MakeBlockExplode") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_compound) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_make_block_explode) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_make_block_explode,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_propagate +


+ +\code +import geompy +import salome + +# create a box +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, 200, 200) + +# build all possible propagation groups +listChains = geompy.Propagate(check_box) + +# add objects in the study +geompy.addToStudy(check_box, "Box") +ii = 1 +for chain in listChains: + geompy.addToStudyInFather(check_box, chain, "propagation chain " + `ii`) + ii = ii + 1 + pass + +salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) +\endcode + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_boolean_operations.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_boolean_operations.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f88047f48 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_boolean_operations.doc @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_boolean_operations_page Boolean Operations + +\anchor tui_fuse +


+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(25, 55, 0) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, 0, 0) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) + +# create a cylinder +height = 35 +radius1 = 20 +cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, v, radius1, height) + +# create a sphere +sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR(40) + +# fuse +fuse = geompy.MakeFuse(cylinder, sphere) + +# add objects in the study +id_cylinder = geompy.addToStudy(cylinder, "Cylinder") +id_sphere = geompy.addToStudy(sphere, "Sphere") +id_fuse = geompy.addToStudy(fuse, "Fuse") + +# display results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cylinder) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cylinder,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_sphere) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_sphere,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_fuse) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_fuse,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_common +


+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(25, 55, 0) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, 0, 0) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) + +# create a cylinder +height = 35 +radius1 = 20 +cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, v, radius1, height) + +# create a sphere +sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR(40) + +# make common +common = geompy.MakeCommon(cylinder, sphere) + +# add objects in the study +id_common = geompy.addToStudy(common, "Common") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_common) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_common,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_cut +


+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(25, 55, 0) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, 0, 0) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) + +# create a cylinder +height = 35 +radius1 = 20 +cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, v, radius1, height) + +# create a sphere +sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR(40) + +#cut +cut = geompy.MakeCut(cylinder, sphere) + +# add objects in the study +id_cut = geompy.addToStudy(cut, "Cut") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cut) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cut,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_section +


+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(25, 55, 0) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, 0, 0) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) + +# create a cylinder +height = 35 +radius1 = 20 +cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, v, radius1, height) + +# create a sphere +sphere = geompy.MakeSphereR(40) + +# make a section +section = geompy.MakeSection(cylinder, sphere) + +# add objects in the study +id_section = geompy.addToStudy(section, "Section") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_section) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_section,1) +\endcode + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_building_by_blocks.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_building_by_blocks.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3584c7ef5 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_building_by_blocks.doc @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_building_by_blocks_page Building by Blocks + +

Quadrangle Face

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 0.) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(150., 30., 0.) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 120., 50.) +p4 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 40., 70.) + +# create edges +edge1 = geompy.MakeEdge(p1, p2) +edge2 = geompy.MakeEdge(p2, p3) +edge3 = geompy.MakeEdge(p3, p4) +edge4 = geompy.MakeEdge(p4, p1) + +# create a quadrangle face from four edges +qface1 = geompy.MakeQuad(edge1, edge2, edge3, edge4) + +# create a quadrangle face from two edges +qface2 = geompy.MakeQuad2Edges(edge1, edge3) + +# create a quadrangle from four points in its corners +qface3 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p1, p2, p3, p4) + +# add objects in the study +id_p1 = geompy.addToStudy(p1,"Point1") +id_p2 = geompy.addToStudy(p2,"Point2") +id_p3 = geompy.addToStudy(p3,"Point3") +id_p4 = geompy.addToStudy(p4,"Point4") +id_edge1 = geompy.addToStudy(edge1,"Edge1") +id_edge2 = geompy.addToStudy(edge2,"Edge2") +id_edge3 = geompy.addToStudy(edge3,"Edge3") +id_edge4 = geompy.addToStudy(edge4,"Edge4") +id_qface1 = geompy.addToStudy(qface1,"Qface1") +id_qface2 = geompy.addToStudy(qface2,"Qface2") +id_qface3 = geompy.addToStudy(qface3,"Qface3") + +# display the vertices, the edges and the quadrangle faces +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p2) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p3) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p4) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_edge1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_edge2) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_edge3) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_edge4) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_qface1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_qface1,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_qface2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_qface2,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_qface3) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_qface3,1) +\endcode + +

Hexagonal Solid

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 0.) +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 40.) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 70., -15., 0.) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( 70., -15., 70.) + +p4 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 70., 0.) +p5 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 70., 40.) +p6 = geompy.MakeVertex( 70., 70., 0.) +p7 = geompy.MakeVertex( 70., 70., 70.) + +p8 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., -50., 0.) +p9 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., -50., 40.) +p10 = geompy.MakeVertex( 70., -35., 0.) +p11 = geompy.MakeVertex( 70., -35., 70.) + +# create faces +qface1 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p0, p1, p2, p3) +qface2 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p4, p5, p6, p7) +qface3 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p0, p1, p4, p5) +qface4 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p2, p3, p6, p7) +qface5 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p0, p2, p4, p6) +qface6 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p1, p3, p5, p7) +qface7 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(p8, p9, p10, p11) + +# create a hexahedral solid between two given faces +solid1 = geompy.MakeHexa2Faces(qface1, qface7) + +# create a hexahedral solid, bounded by six given faces +solid2 = geompy.MakeHexa(qface1, qface2, qface3, qface4, qface5, qface6) + +# add objects in the study +geompy.addToStudy(qface1,"qface1") +geompy.addToStudy(qface2,"qface2") +geompy.addToStudy(qface3,"qface3") +geompy.addToStudy(qface4,"qface4") +geompy.addToStudy(qface5,"qface5") +geompy.addToStudy(qface6,"qface6") +geompy.addToStudy(qface7,"qface7") + +id_solid1 = geompy.addToStudy(solid1,"Solid1") +id_solid2 = geompy.addToStudy(solid2,"Solid2") + +# display solids +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_solid1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_solid1, 1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_solid2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_solid2, 1) +\endcode + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_complex_objs.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_complex_objs.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..29813a9a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_complex_objs.doc @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_complex_objs_page Complex Objects + +\anchor tui_creation_prism +

Creation of a Prism

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 0.) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 100., 0., 0.) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( 100., 100., 0.) +p4 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 100., 0.) +p5 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 60.) +p6 = geompy.MakeVertex(-100., 0., 0.) +p7 = geompy.MakeVertex(-100.,-100., 0.) +p8 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0.,-100., 0.) + +# create a vector from the given components +vector = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(50., 50., 50.) + +#create vectors from two points +vector1_arc1 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) +vector2_arc1 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p4) +vector1_arc2 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p6) +vector2_arc2 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p8) + +# create arcs from three points +arc1 = geompy.MakeArc(p2, p3, p4) +arc2 = geompy.MakeArc(p6, p7, p8) + +# create wires +wire1 = geompy.MakeWire([vector1_arc1, arc1, vector2_arc1]) +wire2 = geompy.MakeWire([vector1_arc2, arc2, vector2_arc2]) + +# create faces +isPlanarWanted = 1 +face1 = geompy.MakeFace(wire1, isPlanarWanted) +face2 = geompy.MakeFace(wire2, isPlanarWanted) + +# create prisms +prism1 = geompy.MakePrism(face2, p1, p5) +prism2 = geompy.MakePrismVecH(face1, vector, 50) + +# add objects in the study +id_face1 = geompy.addToStudy(face1,"Face1") +id_face2 = geompy.addToStudy(face2,"Face2") +id_prism1 = geompy.addToStudy(prism1,"Prism1") +id_prism2 = geompy.addToStudy(prism2,"Prism2") + +# display cylinders +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_face1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_face1,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_face2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_face2,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_prism1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_prism1,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_prism2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_prism2,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_revolution +

Creation of a Revolution

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( 10., 10., 10.) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 15., 15., 50.) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( 40., 40., 0.) + +#create vectors from two points +vector1 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) +vector2 = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p3) + +# create a vector from the given components +vector3 = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(-20., -20., 100.) + +# create a wire +wire = geompy.MakeWire([vector1, vector2]) + +# create a revolution +revolution = geompy.MakeRevolution(wire, vector3, 2.3) + +# add objects in the study +id_vector3 = geompy.addToStudy(vector3,"Axis") +id_wire = geompy.addToStudy(wire,"Wire") +id_revolution = geompy.addToStudy(revolution,"Revolution") + +# display the vector, the wire and the revolution +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_vector3) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_wire) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_revolution) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_revolution,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_filling +

Creation of a Filling

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +mindeg = 2 +maxdeg = 5 +tol3d = 0.0001 +tol2d = 0.0001 +nbiter = 5 + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( -30., -30., 50.) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( -60., -60., 30.) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( -30., -30., 10.) + +# create an arc from three points +arc = geompy.MakeArc(p1, p2, p3) +ShapeListCompound = [] +i = 0 +while i <= 3 : + S = geompy.MakeTranslation(arc, i * 50., 0., 0.) + ShapeListCompound.append(S) + i = i + 1 + +compound = geompy.MakeCompound(ShapeListCompound) + +# create a filling +filling = geompy.MakeFilling(compound, mindeg, maxdeg, tol3d, tol2d, nbiter) + +# add objects in the study +id_compound = geompy.addToStudy(compound,"Compound") +id_filling = geompy.addToStudy(filling,"Filling") + +# display the compound and the filling +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_compound) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_filling) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_filling,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_pipe +

Creation of a Pipe

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 0. ) +px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0. , 0. ) +py = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 100., 0. ) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 100.) +pxyz = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 100., 100.) + +# create a vector from two points +vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, py) + +# create an arc from three points +arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, pz, px) + +# create a wire +wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, arc]) + +# create an edge +edge = geompy.MakeEdge(p0, pxyz) + +# create a pipe +pipe = geompy.MakePipe(wire, edge) + +# add objects in the study +id_wire = geompy.addToStudy(wire,"Wire") +id_edge = geompy.addToStudy(edge,"Edge") +id_pipe = geompy.addToStudy(pipe,"Pipe") + +# display the wire, the edge (path) and the pipe +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_wire) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_edge) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_pipe) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_pipe,1) +\endcode + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_creating_geom_objs.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_creating_geom_objs.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7ba4445f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_creating_geom_objs.doc @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_creating_geom_objs_page Creating Geometric Objects + +
  • \subpage tui_basic_geom_objs_page
  • +
  • \subpage tui_primitives_page
  • +
  • \subpage tui_complex_objs_page
  • +
  • \subpage tui_working_with_groups_page
  • +
  • \subpage tui_building_by_blocks_page
  • +
  • \subpage tui_sketcher_page
  • +
  • \subpage tui_advanced_geom_objs_page
  • +
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_measurement_tools.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_measurement_tools.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27483708d --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_measurement_tools.doc @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_measurement_tools_page Measurement Tools + +

Point Coordinates

+ +\code +import math +import geompy + +# create a point +point = geompy.MakeVertex(15., 23., 80.) + +# get the coordinates of the point and check its values +coords = geompy.PointCoordinates(point) + +# check the obtained coordinate values +tolerance = 1.e-07 +def IsEqual(val1, val2): return (math.fabs(val1 - val2) < tolerance) + +if IsEqual(coords[0], 15.) and IsEqual(coords[1], 23.) and IsEqual(coords[2], 80.): + print "All values are OK." +else : + print "Coordinates of point must be (15, 23, 80), but returned (", + print coords[0], ", ", coords[1], ", ", coords[2], ")" + pass +\endcode + +

Basic Properties

+ +\code +import geompy +import math + +# create a box +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100) +props = geompy.BasicProperties(box) +print "\nBox 100x30x100 Basic Properties:" +print " Wires length: ", props[0] +print " Surface area: ", props[1] +print " Volume : ", props[2] +length = math.sqrt((props[0] - 1840)*(props[0] - 1840)) +area = math.sqrt((props[1] - 32000)*(props[1] - 32000)) +volume = math.sqrt((props[2] - 300000)*(props[2] - 300000)) +if length > 1e-7 or area > 1e-7 or volume > 1e-7: + print "While must be:" + print " Wires length: ", 1840 + print " Surface area: ", 32000 + print " Volume : ", 300000. +\endcode + +

Center of masses

+ +\code +import geompy +import math + +# create a box +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100) +cm = geompy.MakeCDG(box) +if cm is None: + raise RuntimeError, "MakeCDG(box) failed" +else: + print "\nCentre of gravity of box has been successfully obtained:" + coords = geompy.PointCoordinates(cm) + print "(", coords[0], ", ", coords[1], ", ", coords[2], ")" + dx = math.sqrt((coords[0] - 50)*(coords[0] - 50)) + dy = math.sqrt((coords[1] - 15)*(coords[1] - 15)) + dz = math.sqrt((coords[2] - 50)*(coords[2] - 50)) + if dx > 1e-7 or dy > 1e-7 or dz > 1e-7: + print "But must be (50, 15, 50)" +\endcode + +


+ +\code +import geompy +import math + +# create a box +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100) +In = geompy.Inertia(box) +print "\nInertia matrix of box 100x30x100:" +print " (", In[0], ", ", In[1], ", ", In[2], ")" +print " (", In[3], ", ", In[4], ", ", In[5], ")" +print " (", In[6], ", ", In[7], ", ", In[8], ")" +print "Main moments of inertia of box 100x30x100:" +print " Ix = ", In[9], ", Iy = ", In[10], ", Iz = ", In[11] +\endcode + +

Check Free Boundaries

+ +\code +import os +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create boxes +box1 = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0,100,50,100) +box2 = geompy.MakeBox(100,0,0,250,50,100) + +# make a compound +compound = geompy.MakeCompound([box1, box2]) + +# import from *.brep +ImportFromBREP = geompy.ImportBREP(os.getenv("DATA_DIR")+"/Shapes/Brep/flight_solid.brep") + +# get a face +faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(ImportFromBREP, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) + +# get the free boundary for face 32 +Res = geompy.GetFreeBoundary(faces[32]) +isSuccess = Res[0] +ClosedWires = Res[1] +OpenWires = Res[2] + +if isSuccess == 1 : + print "Checking free boudaries is OK." +else : + print "Checking free boudaries is KO!" +print "len(ClosedWires) = ", len(ClosedWires) + +i = 0 +for wire in ClosedWires : + wire_name = "Face 32 -> Close wires : WIRE %d"%(i+1) + geompy.addToStudy(ClosedWires[i], wire_name) + if i < len(ClosedWires) : + i = i+ 1 + +print "len(OpenWires) = ", len(OpenWires) + +i = 0 +for wire in OpenWires : + wire_name = "Face 32 -> Open wires : WIRE %d"%(i+1) + geompy.addToStudy(OpenWires[i], wire_name) + if i < len(OpenWires) : + i = i+ 1 + +# get the free boundary for face 41 +Res = geompy.GetFreeBoundary(faces[41]) +isSuccess = Res[0] +ClosedWires = Res[1] +OpenWires = Res[2] + +if isSuccess == 1 : + print "Checking free boudaries is OK." +else : + print "Checking free boudaries is KO!" +print "len(ClosedWires) = ", len(ClosedWires) + +i = 0 +for wire in ClosedWires : + wire_name = "Face 41 -> Close wires : WIRE %d"%(i+1) + geompy.addToStudy(ClosedWires[i], wire_name) + if i < len(ClosedWires) : + i = i+ 1 + +print "len(OpenWires) = ", len(OpenWires) + +i = 0 +for wire in OpenWires : + wire_name = "Face 41 -> Open wires : WIRE %d"%(i+1) + geompy.addToStudy(OpenWires[i], wire_name) + if i < len(OpenWires) : + i = i+ 1 + +# add the imported object to the study +id_ImportFromBREP = geompy.addToStudy(ImportFromBREP, "ImportFromBREP") +salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) +\endcode + + +

Check Free Faces

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, 35, 0) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, 35, 50) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) + +# create a cylinder +cylinder = geompy.MakeCone(p1, v, 30, 20, 20) + +# create a cone +cone = geompy.MakeCone(p1, v, 70, 40, 60) + +# make cut +cut = geompy.MakeCut(cone, cylinder) + +# get faces as sub-shapes +faces = [] +faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(cut, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) +f_2 = geompy.GetSubShapeID(cut, faces[0]) + +# remove one face from the shape +cut_without_f_2 = geompy.SuppressFaces(cut, [f_2]) + +# suppress the specified wire +result = geompy.GetFreeFacesIDs(cut_without_f_2) +print "A number of free faces is ", len(result) + +# add objects in the study +all_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(cut_without_f_2, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) +for face in all_faces : + sub_shape_id = geompy.GetSubShapeID(cut_without_f_2, face) + if result.count(sub_shape_id) > 0 : + face_name = "Free face %d"%(sub_shape_id) + geompy.addToStudy(face, face_name) + +# in this example all faces from cut_without_f_2 are free +id_cut_without_f_2 = geompy.addToStudy(cut_without_f_2, "Cut without f_2") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cut_without_f_2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cut_without_f_2,1) +\endcode + + + +

Bounding Box

+ +\code +import geompy + +# create a box +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100) +bb = geompy.BoundingBox(box) +print "\nBounding Box of box 100x30x100:" +print " Xmin = ", bb[0], ", Xmax = ", bb[1] +print " Ymin = ", bb[2], ", Ymax = ", bb[3] +print " Zmin = ", bb[4], ", Zmax = ", bb[5] +\endcode + +

Minimal Distance

+ +\code +import geompy + +# create boxes +box1 = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100) +box2 = geompy.MakeBox(105,0,0,200,30,100) +min_dist = geompy.MinDistance(box1,box2) +print "\nMinimal distance between box1 and box2 = ", min_dist +\endcode + +


+ +\code +import geompy + +# create a box +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100) +Toler = geompy.Tolerance(box) +print "\nBox 100x30x100 tolerance:" +print " Face min. tolerance: ", Toler[0] +print " Face max. tolerance: ", Toler[1] +print " Edge min. tolerance: ", Toler[2] +print " Edge max. tolerance: ", Toler[3] +print " Vertex min. tolerance: ", Toler[4] +print " Vertex max. tolerance: ", Toler[5] +\endcode + +


+ +\code +import salome +salome.salome_init() + +import math +import geompy +geompy.init_geom(salome.myStudy) + +OX = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(10, 0,0) +OXY = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(10,10,0) + +# in one plane +Angle = geompy.GetAngle(OX, OXY) + +print "\nAngle between OX and OXY = ", Angle +if math.fabs(Angle - 45.0) > 1e-05: + print " Error: returned angle is", Angle, "while must be 45.0" + pass + +# not in one plane +OXY_shift = geompy.MakeTranslation(OXY,10,-10,20) +Angle = geompy.GetAngle(OX, OXY_shift) + +print "Angle between OX and OXY_shift = ", Angle +if math.fabs(Angle - 45.0) > 1e-05: + print " Error: returned angle is", Angle, "while must be 45.0" + pass + +# not linear +pnt1 = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0) +pnt2 = geompy.MakeVertex(10, 0, 0) +pnt3 = geompy.MakeVertex(20, 10, 0) +arc = geompy.MakeArc(pnt1, pnt2, pnt3) +Angle = geompy.GetAngle(OX, arc) + +if (math.fabs(Angle + 1.0) > 1e-6 or geompy.MeasuOp.IsDone()): + print "Error. Angle must not be computed on curvilinear edges" + pass + +\endcode + + + +

What Is

+ +\code +import geompy + +# create a box +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100) +Descr = geompy.WhatIs(box) +print "\nBox 100x30x100 description:" +print Descr +\endcode + +

Check Shape

+ +\code +import geompy + +# create a box +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100) +IsValid = geompy.CheckShape(box) +if IsValid == 0: + raise RuntimeError, "Invalid box created" +else: + print "\nBox is valid" +\endcode + +

Check Compound of Blocks

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create boxes +box1 = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0,100,50,100) +box2 = geompy.MakeBox(100,0,0,250,50,100) + +# make a compound +compound = geompy.MakeCompound([box1, box2]) + +# glue the faces of the compound +tolerance = 1e-5 +glue = geompy.MakeGlueFaces(compound, tolerance) +IsValid = geompy.CheckCompoundOfBlocks(glue) +if IsValid == 0: + raise RuntimeError, "Invalid compound created" +else: + print "\nCompound is valid" +\endcode + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_primitives.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_primitives.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..827825605 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_primitives.doc @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_primitives_page Primitives + +\anchor tui_creation_box +

Creation of a Box

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(15, 25, 35) +p70 = geompy.MakeVertex(70, 70, 70) + +# create boxes +box1 = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(10, 20, 30) +box2 = geompy.MakeBox(10,20,30, 15,25,35) +box3 = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, p70) + +# add objects in the study +id_box1 = geompy.addToStudy(box1,"Box1") +id_box2 = geompy.addToStudy(box2,"Box2") +id_box3 = geompy.addToStudy(box3,"Box3") + +# display the boxes +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_box1,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_box2,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box3) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_box3,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_cylinder +

Creation of a Cylinder

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome + +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(25, 35, 45) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(70, 70, 70) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) + +# create cylinders +height = 40 + +radius1 = 15 +cylinder1 = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, v, radius1, height) + +radius2 = 30 +cylinder2 = geompy.MakeCylinderRH(radius2, height) + +# add objects in the study +id_cylinder1 = geompy.addToStudy(cylinder1,"Cylinder1") +id_cylinder2 = geompy.addToStudy(cylinder2,"Cylinder2") + +# display the cylinders +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cylinder1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cylinder1,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cylinder2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cylinder2,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_sphere +

Creation of a Sphere

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex +p = geompy.MakeVertex(55, 45, 25) + +# create spheres +radius1 = 20 +sphere1 = geompy.MakeSpherePntR(p, radius1) +radius2 = 15 +sphere2 = geompy.MakeSphere(0, 0, 45, radius2) +radius3 = 30 +sphere3 = geompy.MakeSphereR(radius3) + +# add objects in the study +id_sphere1 = geompy.addToStudy(sphere1,"Sphere1") +id_sphere2 = geompy.addToStudy(sphere2,"Sphere2") +id_sphere3 = geompy.addToStudy(sphere3,"Sphere3") + +# display spheres +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_sphere1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_sphere1,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_sphere2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_sphere2,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_sphere3) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_sphere3,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_torus +

Creation of a Torus

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, 40, 45) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, 45, 70) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) + +# create toruses +torus1 = geompy.MakeTorus(p1, v, 20, 10) +torus2 = geompy.MakeTorusRR(30, 15) + +# add objects in the study +id_torus1 = geompy.addToStudy(torus1,"Torus1") +id_torus2 = geompy.addToStudy(torus2,"Torus2") + +# display toruses +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_torus1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_torus1,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_torus2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_torus2,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_creation_cone +

Creation of a Cone

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, 35, 0) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, 35, 70) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) + +# create cones +cone1 = geompy.MakeCone(p1, v, 17, 1, 20) +cone2 = geompy.MakeConeR1R2H(30, 10, 30) + +# add objects in the study +id_cone1 = geompy.addToStudy(cone1,"Cone1") +id_cone2 = geompy.addToStudy(cone2,"Cone2") + +# display cones +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cone1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cone1,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cone2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cone2,1) +\endcode + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_repairing_operations.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_repairing_operations.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98dccc6f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_repairing_operations.doc @@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_repairing_operations_page Repairing Operations + +\anchor tui_shape_processing +

Shape Processing

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices, an edge, an arc, a wire, a face and a prism +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(0,0,0) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(200,0,0) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex(100,150,0) +edge = geompy.MakeEdge(p1,p2) +arc = geompy.MakeArc(p1,p3,p2) +wire = geompy.MakeWire([edge,arc]) +face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, 1) +theShape = geompy.MakePrismVecH(face, edge, 130) + +# check the shape at the beginning +print "Before ProcessShape:" +isValid = geompy.CheckShape(theShape) +if isValid == 0: + print "The shape is not valid" +else: + print "The shape seems to be valid" + +# process the Shape +Operators = ["FixShape"] +Parameters = ["FixShape.Tolerance3d"] +Values = ["1e-7"] +PS = geompy.ProcessShape(theShape, Operators, Parameters, Values) + +# check the shape at the end +print "After ProcessShape:" +isValid = geompy.CheckShape(PS) +if isValid == 0: + print "The shape is not valid" + raise RuntimeError, "It seems, that the ProcessShape() has failed" +else: + print "The shape seems to be valid" + +# add in the study and display +Id_Shape = geompy.addToStudy(theShape, "Invalid Shape") +Id_PS = geompy.addToStudy(PS, "Processed Shape") +gg.createAndDisplayGO(Id_Shape) +gg.setDisplayMode(Id_Shape,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(Id_PS) +gg.setDisplayMode(Id_PS,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_suppress_faces +

Suppress Faces

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a box +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, 200, 200) + +# The list of IDs (IDList) for suppress faces +sup_faces = [] +sup_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) + +# get indices of the sub-shape +f1_id = geompy.GetSubShapeID(box, sup_faces[3]) + +# remove faces from the given object (shape) +result = geompy.SuppressFaces(box, [f1_id]) + +# add objects in the study +id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box, "Box") +id_result = geompy.addToStudy(result, "Result") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_box,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_result) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_result,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_close_contour +

Close Contour

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices and vectors +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 0.) +px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0., 0.) +py = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 100., 0.) +py1 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 140., 0.) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 100.) +vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, py) + +# create an arc +arc = geompy.MakeArc(py1, pz, px) + +# create a wire +wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, arc]) + +# close an open wire by creation of an edge between ends +wire_close = geompy.CloseContour(wire, [1], 0) + +# add objects in the study +id_wire = geompy.addToStudy(wire, "Wire") +id_wire_close = geompy.addToStudy(wire_close, "Wire close") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_wire) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_wire_close) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_suppress_internal_wires +

Suppress Internal Wires

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(55, 65, 50) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(55, 0, 50) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) + +# create a cylinder +height = 100 +radius1 = 40 +cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, v, radius1, height) + +# create a box +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100, 100, 100) + +# make a cut +cut = geompy.MakeCut(box, cylinder) + +# suppress all internal wires +result = geompy.SuppressInternalWires(cut, []) + +# add objects in the study +id_cut = geompy.addToStudy(cut, "Cut") +id_result = geompy.addToStudy(result, "Result") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cut) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cut,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_result) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_result,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_suppress_holes +

Suppress Holes

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, 35, 0) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, 35, 50) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) + +# create a cylinder +height = 20 +radius1 = 20 +cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, v, radius1, height) + +# create a cone +cone = geompy.MakeCone(p1, v, 70, 0, 80) + +# make a cut +cut = geompy.MakeCut(cone, cylinder) + +# get faces as sub-shapes +faces = [] +faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(cut, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) +f_2 = geompy.GetSubShapeID(cut, faces[2]) + +# remove one face from the shape +cut_without_f_2 = geompy.SuppressFaces(cut, [f_2]) + +# get wires as sub-shapes +wires = [] +wires = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(cut_without_f_2, geompy.ShapeType["WIRE"]) +w_0 = geompy.GetSubShapeID(cut_without_f_2, wires[0]) + +# suppress the selected wire +result = geompy.SuppressHoles(cut_without_f_2, [w_0]) + +# add objects in the study +id_cut = geompy.addToStudy(cut, "Cut") +id_cut_without_f_2 = geompy.addToStudy(cut_without_f_2, "Cut without f_2") +id_result = geompy.addToStudy(result, "Result") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cut) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cut,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cut_without_f_2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cut_without_f_2,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_result) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_result,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_sewing +


+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +import math +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create base points +px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0., 0.) +py = geompy.MakeVertex(0., 100., 0.) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex(0., 0., 100.) + +# create base geometry 2D & 3D +vector = geompy.MakeVector(px, py) +arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, pz, px) + +# create base objects +angle = 45. * math.pi / 180 +WantPlanarFace = 1 #True +wire = geompy.MakeWire([vector, arc]) +face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, WantPlanarFace) +face_rot = geompy.MakeRotation(face, vector, angle) + +# make sewing +precision = 0.00001 +sewing = geompy.MakeSewing([face, face_rot], precision) + +# add objects in the study +id_face = geompy.addToStudy(face, "Face") +id_face_rot = geompy.addToStudy(face_rot, "Face rotation") +id_sewing = geompy.addToStudy(sewing, "Sewing") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_face) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_face,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_face_rot) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_face_rot,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_sewing) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_sewing,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_glue_faces +

Glue Faces

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create boxes +box1 = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0,100,50,100) +box2 = geompy.MakeBox(100,0,0,250,50,100) + +# make compound +compound = geompy.MakeCompound([box1, box2]) + +# glue compound's faces +tolerance = 1e-5 +glue = geompy.MakeGlueFaces(compound, tolerance) + +# add objects in study +id_box1 = geompy.addToStudy(box1, "Box1") +id_box2 = geompy.addToStudy(box2, "Box2") +id_compound = geompy.addToStudy(compound, "Compound") +id_glue = geompy.addToStudy(glue, "Glue faces") + +# display results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_box1,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_box2,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_compound) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_compound,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_glue) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_glue,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_add_point_on_edge +

Add Point on Edge

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome + +# create vertices +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(0,0,50) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(60,0,50) + +# make an edge +edge = geompy.MakeEdge(p1, p2) #geompy.GetSubShape(box, edge_ind) + +# divide an edge +divide = geompy.DivideEdge(edge, -1, 0.5, 0) + +# add objects in the study +id_edge = geompy.addToStudy(edge, "Edge") +edge_points = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(edge, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"]) +for point in edge_points: + geompy.addToStudyInFather(edge, point, "Edge's point") + +id_divide = geompy.addToStudy(divide, "Divided edge") +edge_points = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(divide, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"]) +for point in edge_points: + geompy.addToStudyInFather(divide, point, "Edge's point after divide") + +salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) +\endcode + + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_scripts.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_scripts.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..08195e67f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_scripts.doc @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_scripts_page TUI Scripts + +
  • \subpage tui_viewing_geom_objs_page
  • +
  • \subpage tui_creating_geom_objs_page
  • +
    • \ref tui_basic_geom_objs_page
    • +
    • \ref tui_primitives_page
    • +
    • \ref tui_complex_objs_page
    • +
    • \ref tui_working_with_groups_page
    • +
    • \ref tui_building_by_blocks_page
    • +
    • \ref tui_sketcher_page
    • +
    • \ref tui_advanced_geom_objs_page
    • +
  • \subpage tui_transformation_page
  • +
    • \ref tui_basic_operations_page
    • +
    • \ref tui_boolean_operations_page
    • +
    • \ref tui_transformation_operations_page
    • +
    • \ref tui_blocks_operations_page
    • +
    • \ref tui_repairing_operations_page
    • +
  • \subpage tui_measurement_tools_page
  • +
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_sketcher.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_sketcher.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31c576f23 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_sketcher.doc @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_sketcher_page Sketcher + +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(70., 0., 0.) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(70., 70., 80.) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 70., 0.) + +#create a vector from two points +vector_arc = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p3) + +# create an arc from three points +arc = geompy.MakeArc(p1, p2, p3) + +# create a wire +wire = geompy.MakeWire([vector_arc, arc]) + +# create a planar face +isPlanarWanted = 1 +face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, isPlanarWanted) + +# create a sketcher (face), following the textual description +sketcher1 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F -100 -100:TT 250 -100:R 0:C 100 150:R 0:L 300:WF", + [100,0,0, 1,1,1, -1,1,0]) + +# create a sketcher (wire) on the given face +sketcher2 = geompy.MakeSketcherOnPlane("Sketcher:F 10 -30:R 10:C 20 180:R 15:L 50:WW", face) + +# add objects in the study +id_face = geompy.addToStudy(face,"Face") +id_sketcher1 = geompy.addToStudy(sketcher1,"Sketcher1") +id_sketcher2 = geompy.addToStudy(sketcher2,"Sketcher2") + +# display the first sketcher and the second sketcher with its planar face +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_face) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_face,1) +gg.setTransparency(id_face,0.5) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_sketcher1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_sketcher2) +\endcode + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_transformation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_transformation.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df8636f0f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_transformation.doc @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_transformation_page Transformation + +
  • \subpage tui_basic_operations_page
  • +
  • \subpage tui_boolean_operations_page
  • +
  • \subpage tui_transformation_operations_page
  • +
  • \subpage tui_blocks_operations_page
  • +
  • \subpage tui_repairing_operations_page
  • +
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_transformation_operations.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_transformation_operations.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a05846a79 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_transformation_operations.doc @@ -0,0 +1,464 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_transformation_operations_page Transformation Operations + +\anchor tui_translation +


+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(10, 40, 0) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, 0, 50) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex(50, 80, 0) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) +vt = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p3) + +# create a cylinder +height = 35 +radius1 = 20 +cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, v, radius1, height) + +# translate the given object along the vector, specified by its end points +# (all three functions produce the same result) +translation1 = geompy.MakeTranslationTwoPoints(cylinder, p1, p3) +translation2 = geompy.MakeTranslation(cylinder, 40, 40, 0) +translation3 = geompy.MakeTranslationVector(cylinder, vt) + +# add objects in the study +id_cylinder = geompy.addToStudy(cylinder, "Cylinder") +id_translation1 = geompy.addToStudy(translation1, "Translation1") +id_translation2 = geompy.addToStudy(translation2, "Translation2") +id_translation3 = geompy.addToStudy(translation3, "Translation3") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cylinder) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cylinder,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_translation1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_translation1,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_translation2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_translation2,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_translation3) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_translation3,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_rotation +


+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +import math +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(10, 40, 0) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, 0, 50) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex(10, 50,-20) +p4 = geompy.MakeVertex(10, 50, 60) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) +vr = geompy.MakeVector(p3, p4) + +# create a cylinder +height = 35 +radius1 = 20 +cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, v, radius1, height) + +# rotate the given object around the given axis by the given angle +rotation1 = geompy.MakeRotation(cylinder, vr, math.pi) +rotation2 = geompy.MakeRotationThreePoints(cylinder, p4, p1, p2) + +# add objects in the study +id_vr = geompy.addToStudy(vr, "Rotation 1 axis") +id_p4 = geompy.addToStudy(p4, "Rotation 2 center") +id_p1 = geompy.addToStudy(p1, "Rotation 2 point 1") +id_p2 = geompy.addToStudy(p2, "Rotation 2 point 2") +id_cylinder = geompy.addToStudy(cylinder, "Cylinder") +id_rotation1 = geompy.addToStudy(rotation1, "Rotation 1") +id_rotation2 = geompy.addToStudy(rotation2, "Rotation 2") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_vr) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p4) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p2) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cylinder) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cylinder,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_rotation1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_rotation2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_rotation1,1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_rotation2,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_modify_location +

Modify Location

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +import math +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a vertex and a vector +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(10, 40, 0) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, 0, 50) +v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, p2) + +# create a cylinder +height = 35 +radius1 = 20 +cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, v, radius1, height) + +# create local coordinate systems +cs1 = geompy.MakeMarker( 0, 0, 0, 1,0,0, 0,1,0) +cs2 = geompy.MakeMarker(30,40,40, 1,0,0, 0,1,0) + +# modify the location of the given object +position = geompy.MakePosition(cylinder, cs1, cs2) + +# add objects in the study +id_cs1 = geompy.addToStudy(cs1, "Coordinate system 1") +id_cs2 = geompy.addToStudy(cs2, "Coordinate system 2") +id_cylinder = geompy.addToStudy(cylinder, "Cylinder") +id_position = geompy.addToStudy(position, "Position") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_cylinder) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_cylinder,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_position) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_position,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_mirror +

Mirror Image

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a box +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, 200, 200) + +# create an object, symmetrical to another object through the given plane +p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, 25, 0) +p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 5, 25, 0) +p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0,-30, 40) +plane = geompy.MakePlaneThreePnt(p1, p2, p3, 1000.) +mirror1 = geompy.MakeMirrorByPlane(box, plane) + +# create an object, symmetrical to another object through the given axis +p4 = geompy.MakeVertex( 210, 210, -20) +p5 = geompy.MakeVertex( 210, 210, 220) +axis = geompy.MakeVector(p4, p5) +mirror2 = geompy.MakeMirrorByAxis(box, axis) + +# create an object, symmetrical to another object through the given point +mirror3 = geompy.MakeMirrorByPoint(box, p4) + +# add objects in the study +id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box, "Box") +id_plane = geompy.addToStudy(plane, "Plane") +id_mirror1 = geompy.addToStudy(mirror1, "Mirror plane") +id_axis = geompy.addToStudy(axis, "Axis") +id_mirror2 = geompy.addToStudy(mirror2, "Mirror axis") +id_p4 = geompy.addToStudy(p4, "Point") +id_mirror3 = geompy.addToStudy(mirror3, "Mirror point") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_box,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_plane) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_mirror1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_mirror1,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_axis) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_mirror2) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_mirror2,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_p4) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_mirror3) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_mirror3,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_scale +

Scale Transform

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a box and a sphere +box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, 200, 200) + +# scale the given object by the factor +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(100, 100, 100) +factor = 0.5 +scale = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(box, p0, factor) + +# add objects in the study +id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box, "Box") +id_scale = geompy.addToStudy(scale, "Scale") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_box,1) +gg.setTransparency(id_box,0.5) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_scale) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_scale,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_offset +

Offset Surface

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create a box and a sphere +box = geompy.MakeBox(20, 20, 20, 200, 200, 200) + +# create a new object as offset of the given object +offset = geompy.MakeOffset(box, 70.) + +# add objects in the study +id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box, "Box") +id_offset = geompy.addToStudy(offset, "Offset") + +# display the results +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_box) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_box,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_offset) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_multi_translation +

Multi Translation

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices and vectors +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 0.) +px = geompy.MakeVertex(20., 0., 0.) +py = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 20., 0.) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 20.) +pxy = geompy.MakeVertex( 50., 0., 0.) +pxyz = geompy.MakeVertex( 50., 50., 50.) +vz = geompy.MakeVector(p0, pz) +vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, py) +vtr1d = geompy.MakeVector(p0, pxyz) +vtr2d = geompy.MakeVector(p0, pxy) + +# create an arc +arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, pz, px) + +# create a wire +wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, arc]) + +# create a planar face +face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, 1) + +# create a prism +prism = geompy.MakePrismVecH(face, vz, 20.0) + +# translate the given object along the given vector a given number of times +tr1d = geompy.MakeMultiTranslation1D(prism, vtr1d, 20, 4) + +# consequently apply two specified translations to the object a given number of times +tr2d = geompy.MakeMultiTranslation2D(prism, vtr1d, 20, 4, vtr2d, 80, 3) + +# add objects in the study +id_prism = geompy.addToStudy(prism,"Prism") +id_tr1d = geompy.addToStudy(tr1d,"Translation 1D") +id_tr2d = geompy.addToStudy(tr2d,"Translation 2D") + +# display the prism and the results of fillet operation +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_prism) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_prism,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_tr1d) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_tr1d,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_tr2d) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_tr2d,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_multi_rotation +

Multi Rotation

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create vertices and vectors +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 0.) +px = geompy.MakeVertex(20., 0., 0.) +py = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 20., 0.) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 20.) +pxyz = geompy.MakeVertex( 50., 50., 10.) +vz = geompy.MakeVector(p0, pz) +vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, py) +vrot1d = geompy.MakeVector(p0, pxyz) + +# create an arc +arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, pz, px) + +# create a wire +wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, arc]) + +# create a planar face +face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, 1) + +# create a prism +prism = geompy.MakePrismVecH(face, vz, 20.0) + +# rotate the given object around the given axis by the given angle a given number of times +rot1d = geompy.MultiRotate1D(prism, vrot1d, 4) + +# rotate the given object around the given axis by the given angle a given number of times +# and multi-translate the result of each rotation +rot2d = geompy.MultiRotate2D(prism, vrot1d, 60, 4, 50, 5) + +# add objects in the study +id_prism = geompy.addToStudy(prism,"Prism") +id_rot1d = geompy.addToStudy(rot1d,"Rotation 1D") +id_rot2d = geompy.addToStudy(rot2d,"Rotation 2D") + +# display the prism and the results of fillet operation +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_prism) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_prism,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_rot1d) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_rot1d,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_rot2d) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_rot2d,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_fillet +


+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") +radius = 10. +ShapeTypeEdge = geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"] + +# create vertices and vectors +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 0.) +px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0., 0.) +py = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 100., 0.) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 100.) +vz = geompy.MakeVector(p0, pz) +vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, py) + +# create an arc +arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, pz, px) + +# create a wire +wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, arc]) + +# create a planar face +face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, 1) + +# create a prism +prism = geompy.MakePrismVecH(face, vz, 100.0) + +# get the list of IDs (IDList) for the fillet +prism_edges = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(prism, ShapeTypeEdge) +IDlist_e = [] +IDlist_e.append(geompy.GetSubShapeID(prism, prism_edges[0])) +IDlist_e.append(geompy.GetSubShapeID(prism, prism_edges[1])) +IDlist_e.append(geompy.GetSubShapeID(prism, prism_edges[2])) + +# make a fillet on the specified edges of the given shape +fillet = geompy.MakeFillet(prism, radius, ShapeTypeEdge, IDlist_e) + +# make a fillet on all edges of the given shape +filletall = geompy.MakeFilletAll(prism, radius) + +# add objects in the study +id_prism = geompy.addToStudy(prism,"Prism") +id_fillet = geompy.addToStudy(fillet,"Fillet") +id_filletall = geompy.addToStudy(filletall,"Fillet all") + +# display the prism and the results of fillet operation +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_prism) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_prism,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_fillet) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_fillet,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_filletall) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_filletall,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_chamfer +


+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") +d1 = 10. +d2 = 10. +ShapeTypeFace = geompy.ShapeType["FACE"] + +# create vertices and vectors +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 0.) +px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0., 0.) +py = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 100., 0.) +pz = geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 0., 100.) +vz = geompy.MakeVector(p0, pz) +vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, py) + +# create an arc +arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, pz, px) + +# create a wire +wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, arc]) + +# create a planar face +face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, 1) + +# create a prism +prism = geompy.MakePrismVecH(face, vz, 100.0) + +# get the list of IDs (IDList) for the chamfer +prism_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(prism, ShapeTypeFace) +f_ind_1 = geompy.GetSubShapeID(prism, prism_faces[0]) +f_ind_2 = geompy.GetSubShapeID(prism, prism_faces[1]) +IDlist_f = [f_ind_1, f_ind_2] + +# perform a chamfer on the edges common to the specified faces +chamfer_e = geompy.MakeChamferEdge(prism, d1, d2, f_ind_1, f_ind_2) + +# perform a chamfer on all edges of the specified faces +chamfer_f = geompy.MakeChamferFaces(prism, d1, d2, IDlist_f) +chamfer_f1 = geompy.MakeChamfer(prism, d1, d2, ShapeTypeFace, IDlist_f) + +# perform a symmetric chamfer on all edges of the given shape +chamfer_all = geompy.MakeChamferAll(prism, d1) + +# add objects in the study +id_prism = geompy.addToStudy(prism,"Prism") +id_chamfer_e = geompy.addToStudy(chamfer_e,"Chamfer edge") +id_chamfer_f = geompy.addToStudy(chamfer_f,"Chamfer faces") +id_chamfer_f1 = geompy.addToStudy(chamfer_f1,"Chamfer faces 1") +id_chamfer_all = geompy.addToStudy(chamfer_all,"Chamfer all") + +# display the prism and the results of chamfer operation +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_prism) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_prism,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_chamfer_e) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_chamfer_e,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_chamfer_f) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_chamfer_f,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_chamfer_f1) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_chamfer_f1,1) +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_chamfer_all) +gg.setDisplayMode(id_chamfer_all,1) +\endcode + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_viewing_geom_objs.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_viewing_geom_objs.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..146bd33fd --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_viewing_geom_objs.doc @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_viewing_geom_objs_page Viewing Geometrical Objects + +\anchor tui_change_disp_mode +

Changing Display Mode

+ +\code +import salome +import geompy +box = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0, 50,50,50) + +sphere = geompy.MakeSphere(50,50,50, 30) +fuse = geompy.MakeBoolean(box,sphere,3) +fuse_id = geompy.addToStudy(fuse,"Fuse") + +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") +gg.createAndDisplayGO(fuse_id) +gg.setDisplayMode(fuse_id,1) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_change_color +

Changing Color

+ +\code +import salome +import geompy +box = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0, 50,50,50) + +sphere = geompy.MakeSphere(50,50,50, 30) +fuse = geompy.MakeBoolean(box,sphere,3) +fuse_id = geompy.addToStudy(fuse,"Fuse") + +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") +gg.createAndDisplayGO(fuse_id) +gg.setDisplayMode(fuse_id,1) +gg.setColor(fuse_id,218,165,31) +\endcode + +\anchor tui_change_transparency +

Changing Transparency

+ +\code +import salome +import geompy + +box = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0, 50,50,50) +sphere = geompy.MakeSphere(50,50,50, 30) + +fuse = geompy.MakeBoolean(box,sphere,3) +fuse_id = geompy.addToStudy(fuse,"Fuse") + +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") +gg.createAndDisplayGO(fuse_id) +gg.setDisplayMode(fuse_id,1) +gg.setColor(fuse_id,218,165,31) +gg.setTransparency(fuse_id,0.5) +\endcode + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_working_with_groups.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_working_with_groups.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..786e81816 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_working_with_groups.doc @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +/*! + +\page tui_working_with_groups_page Working with Groups + +

Creation of a group

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create two vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 0. ) +p200 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., 200., 200.) + +# create a box from two points +Box = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, p200) + +# create a group from the faces of the box +group = geompy.CreateGroup(Box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) + +# add objects to the group +SubFaceList = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) +for i in [0, 3, 5] : + FaceID = geompy.GetSubShapeID(Box, SubFaceList[i]) + geompy.AddObject(group, FaceID) + +# add all selected shapes from the list to the group +# (the program doesn't raise error, if some shapes are already included) +geompy.UnionList(group, [SubFaceList[0], SubFaceList[2], SubFaceList[5]]) + +# remove an object from the group +geompy.RemoveObject(group, FaceID) + +# remove all selected shapes from the group +# (the program doesn't raise error, if some shapes are not included) +geompy.DifferenceList(group, [SubFaceList[2], SubFaceList[3], SubFaceList[4]]) +id_group1 = geompy.addToStudy(group, "Group1") + +# display the contents of the group +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_group1) +salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) +\endcode + +

Adding an object to the group

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create two vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 0. ) +p200 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., 200., 200.) + +# create a box from two points +Box = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, p200) + +# create a group from the faces of the box +group = geompy.CreateGroup(Box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) + +# add objects to the group +SubFaceList = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) +for i in [0, 3, 5] : + FaceID = geompy.GetSubShapeID(Box, SubFaceList[i]) + geompy.AddObject(group, FaceID) +id_group1 = geompy.addToStudy(group, "Group1") + +# display the contents of the group +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_group1) +salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) +\endcode + +

Removing an object from the group

+ +\code +import geompy +import salome +gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM") + +# create two vertices +p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 0. ) +p200 = geompy.MakeVertex(200., 200., 200.) + +# create a box from two points +Box = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, p200) + +# create a group from the faces of the box +group = geompy.CreateGroup(Box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) + +# add objects to the group +SubFaceList = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) +for i in [0, 3, 5] : + FaceID = geompy.GetSubShapeID(Box, SubFaceList[i]) + geompy.AddObject(group, FaceID) + +# add all selected shapes from the list to the group +# (the program doesn't raise errors, if some shapes are already included) +geompy.UnionList(group, [SubFaceList[0], SubFaceList[2], SubFaceList[5]]) + +# remove an object from the group +geompy.RemoveObject(group, FaceID) +id_group1 = geompy.addToStudy(group, "Group1") + +# display the contents of the group +gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_group1) +salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) +\endcode + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/using_boolean_operations.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/using_boolean_operations.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..88152d543 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/using_boolean_operations.doc @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/*! + +\page using_boolean_operations_page Using Boolean Operations + +\n You can use the following boolean operations for construction of more +complex geometrical objects (2D & 3D elements): + +
  • \ref fuse_operation_page "Fuse"
  • +
  • \ref common_operation_page "Common"
  • +
  • \ref cut_operation_page "Cut"
  • +
  • \ref section_opeartion_page "Section"
  • +
+ +There is a general TUI command covering all these operations, which +can be used alongside with separate commands for each operation. +\par +geompy.MakeBoolean(Shape1, Shape2, Operation), where \em +Shape1 is the first argument and \em Shape2 is the second argument of +Boolean operation, \em Operation is a type of the Boolean operation (1 +— Common, 2 — Cut, 3 — Fuse, 4 — Section). + + +Besides, you can use advanced TUI commands performing these operations +independently from each other: +\par +geompy.MakeFuse(Shape1, Shape2), where \em Shape1 and \em +Shape2 is the second argument of Fuse operation; +\par +geompy.MakeCommon(Shape1, Shape2), where \em Shape1 and \em +Shape2 is the second argument of Common operation; +\par +geompy.MakeCut(Shape1, Shape2), where \em Shape1 and \em +Shape2 is the second argument of Cut operation; +\par +geompy.MakeSection(Shape1, Shape2), where \em Shape1 and \em +Shape2 is the second argument of Section operation; + +\n Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of +\ref tui_boolean_operations_page "Boolean Operations". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/using_measurement_tools.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/using_measurement_tools.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7dbee6bf --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/using_measurement_tools.doc @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +/*! + +\page using_measurement_tools_page Using measurement tools + +\n Measurement tools in GEOM are necessary for getting different data +concerning created or imported geometrical objects. They are: + +
  • \ref point_coord_anchor "Point coordinates"
  • +
  • \ref basic_prop_anchor "Basic properties"
  • +
  • \ref center_mass_anchor "Center of mass"
  • +
  • \ref inertia_anchor "Inertia"
  • +
  • \ref normale_anchor "Normal to a Face"
  • +
  • \ref boundaries_anchor "Check Free Boundaries"
  • +
  • \ref faces_anchor "Check Faces"
  • +
  • \ref bounding_box_anchor "Bounding box"
  • +
  • \ref min_distance_anchor "Min. distance"
  • +
  • \ref angle_anchor "Angle"
  • +
  • \ref tolerance_anchor "Tolerance"
  • +
  • \ref whatis_anchor "WhatIs"
  • +
  • \ref check_anchor "Check"
  • +
  • \ref check_compound_anchor "Check compound of blocks"
  • +
+ +\n Our TUI Scripts show how to use +\ref tui_measurement_tools_page "Measurement Tools" with TUI +commands. + +\n To use measurement tools: +\par +In the Main menu select \b Measures submenu. + +\anchor point_coord_anchor +

Point coordinates

+ +\n Returns the coordinates of a point. + +\n Result: Point coordinates (X, Y, Z) in 3D space in the form of Python Tuple. +\n TUI Command: geompy.PointCoordinates(Point), +where \em Point is a point whose coordinates are inquired. + +\image html measures1.png + +\anchor basic_prop_anchor +

Basic properties

+ +\n Returns the properties (Length, Surface & Volume) for the selected +geometrical object. + +\n Result: Display Length, Surface & Volume in the form of +Python Tuple. +\n TUI Command: geompy.BasicProperties(Shape), where +\em Shape is a shape whose properties are inquired. + +\image html neo-basicprop.png + +\anchor center_mass_anchor +

Center of mass

+ +\n Calculates and returns the coordinates of the gravity center for +the selected geometrical object. + +\n Result: GEOM_Object (vertex). +\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeCDG(Shape), where \em Shape is +the shape for which a center of gravity is computed. + +\image html measures3.png + +\anchor inertia_anchor +


+ +Returns the axial moments of inertia for the selected geometrical object. + +\n Result: Displays the matrix of the own moments of inertia and +the relative moments of inertia in the form of Python Tuple +
(I11, I12, I13,
I21, I22, I23,
I31, I32, I33,
Ix, Iy, Iz).
+\n TUI Command: geompy.Inertia(Shape), where \em Shape is +a shape for which the own matrix of inertia and the relative moments of inertia are +returned. + +\image html measures4.png + +\anchor normale_anchor +

Normal to a Face

+ +\n Calculates the normal vector to the selected \b Face. The \b Point +is a point of the \Face, where the Normal should be calculated. + +\image html normaletoface.png + +\anchor boundaries_anchor +

Check Free Boundaries

+ +\n Detects and highlights wires and edges that are not shared between +two faces and are considered a shape's boundary. + +\n TUI Command: (NoError, ClosedWires, OpenWires) = +geompy.GetFreeBoundary(Shape), where \em Shape is a shape to be +checked, \em NoError is false if an error occurred while checking free +boundaries, \em ClosedWires is a list of closed free boundary wires, +\em OpenWires is a list of open free boundary wires. + +\image html repair9.png + +\anchor faces_anchor +

Check Free Faces

+ +\n Highlights all free faces of a given shape. A free +face is a face which is not shared between two objects of the shape. + +\n \b NOTE: This functionality works only in VTK viewer. + +\n \b Result: a list of IDs of all free faces, containing in the shape. +\n TUI Command: GetFreeFacesIDs(Shape), where \em Shape is +a shape to be checked. + +\image html repair10.png + +\anchor bounding_box_anchor +

Bounding box

+ +\n Returns the dimensions of the bounding box for the selected +geometrical object. + +\n Result: Displays the dimensions of the bounding box of a +geometrical object in the form of Python Tuple (Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, +Ymax, Zmin, Zmax). +\n TUI Command: geompy.BoundingBox(Shape), where \em Shape +is a shape for which a bounding box is computed. + +\image html measures5.png + +\anchor min_distance_anchor +

Min. distance

+ +\n Returns the minimum distance between two geometrical objects and +the coordinates of the vector of distance and shows the vector in the viewer. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.MinDistance(Shape1, Shape2), +where \em Shape1 and \em Shape2 are shapes between which the minimal +distance is computed. + +\image html distance.png + +\anchor angle_anchor +


+ +\n Returns the angle between two lines or linear edges +\n TUI Command: geompy.GetAngle(shape1, shape2), where +Shape1 and Shape2 are shapes between which the angle is computed. + +\image html angle.png + +\anchor tolerance_anchor +


+ +\n Returns the maximum and the minimum tolerance for the selected +geometrical object. + +\n Result: Displays the tolerance values (FaceMinTol, +FaceMaxTol, EgdeMinTol, EgdeMaxTol, VertexMinTol, VertexMaxTol). +\n TUI Command: geompy.Tolerance(Shape), where \em Shape +is a shape for which minimal and maximal tolerances are returned. + +\image html new-tolerance.png + +\anchor whatis_anchor +


+ +\n Displays types and quantities of all elements composing the +selected geometrical object. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.WhatIs(Shape), where \em Shape is a +shape from which a description is returned. + +\image html measures8.png + +\anchor check_anchor +


+ +\n Checks the topology of the selected geometrical object and returns +True if it is valid. Check also geometry checkbox allows to test the +geometry as well. + +\n Result: Boolean. +\n TUI Command: geompy.(theShape, theIsCheckGeom = 0), +where is theShape is the shape checked for validity. + +\image html measures9.png + +\anchor check_compound_anchor +

Check compound of blocks

+ +\n Checks whether a shape is a compound of glued blocks. To be +considered as a compound of blocks, the given shape must satisfy the +following conditions: +
  • Each element of the compound should be a Block (6 faces and 12 edges);
  • +
  • A connection between two Blocks should be an entire quadrangle face or an entire edge;
  • +
  • The compound should be connected;
  • +
  • Two quadrangle faces should be glued.
  • +
+ +\n Informs of the following possible errors: +
  • not a block;
  • +
  • not glued;
  • +
  • not connected;
  • +
  • extra or degenerated edge.
  • +
+ +\n Result: Boolean; highlight in the viewer. +\n TUI Command: +geompy.CheckCompoundOfBlocks(Compound). Checks if the shape +is a valid compound of blocks. If it is true, then the validity flag +is returned, and encountered errors are printed in the python console. + +\image html measures10.png + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/viewing_geom_obj.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/viewing_geom_obj.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a9e42b2db --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/viewing_geom_obj.doc @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/*! + +\page view_geom_obj_page Overview + +\n Newly created geometrical objects are automatically displayed in +the OCC 3D Viewer. + +\n OCC 3D Viewer is described in the documentation on GUI +module. +\n After the object has appeared in the Viewer, you can select it with +left mouse click to change its presentation parameters and access to +other useful options by right-clicking on the selected object. + +\image html dialog.png + +
  • Rename - allows to change the name of the geometric +object.
  • +
  • Delete - irreversibly deletes the selected object from the +viewer and from the Object Browser.
  • +
  • \ref display_mode_page "Display Mode" - allows to select between +Wireframe and Shading presentation.
  • +
  • \ref color_page "Color" - allows to change the filling color in +the standard Select Color menu.
  • +
  • \ref transparency_page "Transparency" - allows to change the +transparency of geometrical objects.
  • +
  • \ref isolines_page "Isos" - allows to change the number of +isolines displayed within a shape.
  • +
  • Hide - allows to hide the selected geometrical object from the +viewer. TUI Command : sg.EraseOnly(ID) +\n \image html image18.gif +
  • +
  • Hide all - allows to hide all objects from the viewer. TUI +Command: sg.EraseAll() +\n \image html image26.gif +
  • +
  • Display Only - allows to display only the selected +geometrical object. TUI Command: sg.DisplayOnly(ID) +\n \image html image33.gif +
  • +
  • Update - refreshes the presentation of your geometrical object in the +Object Browser, applying all recent changes.
  • +
  • Dump view - exports an object from the viewer in bmp, png, +jpg or jpeg image format.
  • +
  • Change background - allows to redefine the background +color. By default it is black. +\n\n Some of these functionalities are available through right-clicking +on the viewer background: + +\image html image2.jpg
  • + +
  • Select Only provides a filter for exclusive selection of objects of a certain type.
  • +
+ +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/viewing_geom_obj_chapter.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/viewing_geom_obj_chapter.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c6eec7218 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/viewing_geom_obj_chapter.doc @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +/*! + +\page view_geom_obj_chapter_page Viewing Geometrical Objects + +
  • \subpage view_geom_obj_page
  • +
  • \subpage display_mode_page
  • +
  • \subpage color_page
  • +
  • \subpage transparency_page
  • +
  • \subpage isolines_page
  • +
+ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/working_with_groups.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/working_with_groups.doc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed0909498 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/working_with_groups.doc @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +/*! + +\page work_with_groups_page Working with groups + +Creation and editing groups of subshapes of a geometrical object makes +handling subshapes much easier. This functionality is available in OCC +viewer only. + +

Create a group

+ +\image html image56.gif + +To create a group of subshapes of a geometrical object in the main +menu select New entity > Group > Create +\n The following menu will appear: + +\image html geomcreategroup.png + +In this Menu: + +
  • Shape Type radio button define the type of elements for the +group (points, wires, faces, shells or solids).
  • +
  • Group Name - here you can enter the name of the group, by +default, it is Group_n.
  • +
  • Then, using the "Select" button, select the Main Shape (a +geometrical object on which the group will be created). You can select +the elements of your group in two ways:
  • +
    • Clicking Select Sub-Shapes button you can select them +manually in the 3D Viewer, and add to the group by clicking the \b Add +button (keep down the Shift button on the keyboard to select several +elements and add all them together). The indexes of the selected +elements will be displayed in the list. To delete elements from the +list, select them and click \b Remove button.
    • +
    • Clicking Select All button you can add all object's +elements of a certain type in the list of the elements of the +group. To delete elements from the list, select them and click \b +Remove button.
    • +
  • Finally, confirm your selection by clicking \b OK (also closes the +Menu) or \b Apply (leaves the Menu open for creation of other groups), +or skip it by clicking \b Close button.
  • +
+ +\n The Result of the operation will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: geompy.CreateGroup(MainShape, +ShapeType), where MainShape is a shape for which the group is +created, ShapeType is a type of shapes in the created group. +\n Arguments: 1 Shape + Type of subshape. + +Example: + +\image html image193.jpg + + +

Edit a group

+ +\image html image57.gif + +To \b Edit an existing group in the main menu select New entity > +Group > Edit. This menu is designed in the same way as the +Create a group menu. + +\n The \b Result of the operation will be a \b GEOM_Object. + +\n TUI Command: +
  • geompy.AddObject(Group, SubShapeID), where Group is a +group to which a sub shape has to be added, SubShapeID is an ID of the +sub shape to be added to the group.
  • +
  • geompy.RemoveObject(Group, SubShapeID), where Group is a +group from which a sub shape has to be removed, SubShapeID is an ID of +the sub shape to be removed from the group.
  • +
  • geompy.GetObjectIDs(Group), where Group is a group for which its object's are returned. +\n Returns: List of IDs.
  • +
+ +\n Arguments: 1 Shape + its subshapes. + +\n Dialog Box: + +\image html editgroup.png + +Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of +\ref tui_working_with_groups_page "Working with Groups". + +*/ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/isos.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/isos.htm deleted file mode 100755 index a238df85a..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/isos.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Isos - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

In this menu you can change the number of isolines - displayed within a shape.

- -

Arguments: - 2 values (number of isolines).

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/line.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/line.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 40c441b5e..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/line.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,159 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Line - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create a Line in the Main Menu select New - Entity - > Basic - > Line

- -


- -

To create a Line - you should define Point1 and Point2, which are the points through -  which the - Line passes.

- -

The - Result of the operation will be a - GEOM_Object (edge).

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(Point1, Point2) -

- -

Arguments: - Name + 2 vertices.

- -


- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -

NB! There - is another way to create a line, which is currently accessible only via - TUI commands.

- -


- -

You - can define a line  passing - through the given Point and - parallel to the given Vector.

- -

TUI - Command: geompy.MakeLine(Point, - Vector)

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of creation of Basic - Geometric Objects.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/local_coordinate_system.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/local_coordinate_system.htm deleted file mode 100755 index c1202e55e..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/local_coordinate_system.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,184 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Local Coordinate System - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Local Coordinate - System

- -

To create a Local Coordinate System - in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Basic - > Local Coordinate - System

- -

There are three algorithms to choose from.

- -


- -

Firstly, you can define the values of X, Y, - and Z coordinates of origin and the directions of X and Y axes directly - in the menu.

- -

TUI command: - geompy.MakeMarker(OX, OY, OZ, XDX, XDY, - XDZ, YDX, YDY, YDZ), where OX, OY, OZ are coordinates of the origin - of LCS, XDX, XDY, XDZ is a vector of OX  direction - of the LCS and YDX, YDY, YDZ is a a vector of OY direction of the LCS.

- -

Arguments: - Name + Coordinates of origin, X axis direction, Y axis direction.

- -


- -

- -


- -

Secondly, you can simply - select a point in the object browser or 3D viewer, in this case the coordinates - of origin are automatically filled in with the coordinates of the selected - point and X and Y axes direction will be parallel to the X and Y direction - of the Global CS.  

- -

Arguments: - Name + reference object.

- -


- -

- -


- -

The last algorithm also presumes that you select - a point in the object browser or 3D viewer, but in this case you define - X and Y axes direction yourselves.

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 point of origin + X axis direction, - Y axis direction.

- -


- -

- -


- -

Press «OK» or «Apply» button to create an LCS - at the location with the specified coordinates. The new object is shown - in the Object Browser and in 3D viewer.

- -


- -


- -

- -


- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/measurement_tools.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/measurement_tools.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 9cd089dbd..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/measurement_tools.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,432 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Measurement Tools - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Measurement Tools

- -

Point Coordinates

- -

import geompy

- -


- -

# create a point

- -

point = geompy.MakeVertex(15, - 23, 80)

- -


- -

# get the coordinates of the point and check its values

- -

coords = geompy.PointCoordinates(point)

- -

if coords[0] != 15 - or coords[1] != 23 or coords[2] != 80 :

- -

    print - "Coordinates of point must be (15, 23, 80), but returned (", - coords[0], ", ", coords[1], ", ", coords[2], ")"

- -

else :

- -

    print - "All values are OK."

- -

Basic Properties

- -

import geompy

- -

import math

- -


- -

# create a box

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100)

- -

props = geompy.BasicProperties(box)

- -

print "\nBox - 100x30x100 Basic Properties:"

- -

print " Wires - length: ", props[0]

- -

print " Surface - area: ", props[1]

- -

print " Volume -      : - ", props[2]

- -

length = math.sqrt((props[0] - - 1840)*(props[0] - 1840))

- -

area = math.sqrt((props[1] - - 32000)*(props[1] - 32000))

- -

volume = math.sqrt((props[2] - - 300000)*(props[2] - 300000))

- -

if length > 1e-7 - or area > 1e-7 or volume > 1e-7:

- -

    print - "While must be:"

- -

    print - " Wires length: ", 1840

- -

    print - " Surface area: ", 32000

- -

    print - " Volume      : - ", 300000.

- -

Center of masses

- -

import geompy

- -

import math

- -


- -

# create a box

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100)

- -

cm = geompy.MakeCDG(box)

- -

if cm is None:

- -

    raise - RuntimeError, "MakeCDG(box) failed"

- -


- -

    print - "\nCentre of gravity of box has been successfully obtained:"

- -

    coords - = geompy.PointCoordinates(cm)

- -

    print - "(", coords[0], ", ", coords[1], ", ", coords[2], - ")"

- -

    dx - = math.sqrt((coords[0] - 50)*(coords[0] - 50))

- -

    dy - = math.sqrt((coords[1] - 15)*(coords[1] - 15))

- -

    dz - = math.sqrt((coords[2] - 50)*(coords[2] - 50))

- -

    if - dx > 1e-7 or dy > 1e-7 or dz > 1e-7:

- -

        print - "But must be (50, 15, 50)"

- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import math

- -


- -

# create a box

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100)

- -

In = geompy.Inertia(box)

- -

print "\nInertia - matrix of box 100x30x100:"

- -

print " (", - In[0], ", ", In[1], ", ", In[2], ")"

- -

print " (", - In[3], ", ", In[4], ", ", In[5], ")"

- -

print " (", - In[6], ", ", In[7], ", ", In[8], ")"

- -

print "Main moments - of inertia of box 100x30x100:"

- -

print " Ix = - ", In[9], ", Iy = ", In[10], ", Iz = ", In[11] -

- -


- -

Bounding Box

- -

import geompy

- -


- -

# create a box

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100)

- -

bb = geompy.BoundingBox(box)

- -

print "\nBounding - Box of box 100x30x100:"

- -

print " Xmin - = ", bb[0], ", Xmax = ", bb[1]

- -

print " Ymin - = ", bb[2], ", Ymax = ", bb[3]

- -

print " Zmin - = ", bb[4], ", Zmax = ", bb[5]

- -


- -


- -

Minimal Distance

- -

import - geompy

- -


- -

# create boxes

- -

box1 = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100)

- -

box2 = geompy.MakeBox(105,0,0,200,30,100)

- -

min_dist = geompy.MinDistance(box1,box2)

- -

print "\nMinimal - distance between box1 and box2 = ", min_dist

- -


- -


- -

import - geompy

- -


- -

# create a box

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100)

- -

Toler = geompy.Tolerance(box)

- -

print "\nBox - 100x30x100 tolerance:"

- -

print " Face - min. tolerance: ", Toler[0]

- -

print " Face - max. tolerance: ", Toler[1]

- -

print " Edge - min. tolerance: ", Toler[2]

- -

print " Edge - max. tolerance: ", Toler[3]

- -

print " Vertex - min. tolerance: ", Toler[4]

- -

print " Vertex - max. tolerance: ", Toler[5]

- -


- -

What Is

- -

import - geompy

- -


- -

# create a box

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100)

- -

Descr = geompy.WhatIs(box)

- -

print "\nBox - 100x30x100 description:"

- -

print Descr

- -


- -

Check Shape

- -

import geompy

- -


- -

# create a box

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100)

- -

IsValid = geompy.CheckShape(box)

- -

if IsValid == 0:

- -

    raise - RuntimeError, "Invalid box created"

- -


- -

    print - "\nBox is valid"

- -


- -


- -

Check Compound of Blocks

- -

import - geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create boxes

- -

box1 = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0,100,50,100)

- -

box2 = geompy.MakeBox(100,0,0,250,50,100)

- -


- -

# make a compound

- -

compound = geompy.MakeCompound([box1, - box2])

- -


- -

# glue the faces of the - compound

- -

tolerance = 1e-5

- -

glue = geompy.MakeGlueFaces(compound, - tolerance)

- -

IsValid = geompy.CheckCompoundOfBlocks(glue)

- -

if IsValid == 0:

- -

    raise - RuntimeError, "Invalid compound created"

- -


- -

    print - "\nCompound is valid"

- -


- -


- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/mirror_image.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/mirror_image.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 34eb31d0e..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/mirror_image.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Mirror Image - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mirror Image

- -

To produce - a Mirror Image in the Main Menu - select Operations - > Transformation - - > Mirror Image

- -


- -

This operation creates a symmetrical copy of - an Object, which can be mirrored - in three different ways. Create a copy - checkbox allows to keep the initial object, otherwise it will be - removed.

- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

Firstly an Object - can be mirrored through a Point of symmetry

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeMirrorByPoint(Object, - Point)

- -

Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 1 vertex.

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Secondly an - Object can be mirrored through an Axis of symmetry

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeMirrorByAxis(Object, - Axis)

- -

Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 1 vector.

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Finally an Object - can be mirrored through a Plane - of symmetry

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeMirrorByPlane(Shape, - Plane),

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 shape + 1 plane

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

  Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/modify_the_location.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/modify_the_location.htm deleted file mode 100755 index ceddd9a59..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/modify_the_location.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,219 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Modify the Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Modify the Location

- -

To Modify the Location in the Main Menu - select Operations - > Transformation - - > Modify the Location.

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- -

This operation modifies the Location - of an Object.

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- -

The first algorithm places the object so that - its center coincides with the center of an End Local Coordinate System.

- -

Create a copy - checkbox allows to keep the initial object, otherwise it will be - removed.

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 Object + End Coordinate System.

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- -

In the picture the initial cube with the global - coordinate system is  to - the right and the modified cube with the Local Coordinate System in the - center of it is to the left .

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The second algorithm  modifies - the location of an object using Start and End LSC, although the final - position of the object will not coincide with the center of  either - of the two systems. In this method the object is shifted from its initial - position by the value of the remainder after subtraction of the coordinates - of the Start LSC from the coordinates of the End LSC.

- -

Create a copy - checkbox allows to keep the initial object, otherwise it will be - removed.

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 Object + Start Coordinate System + End Coordinate System.

- -


- -

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In this picture we see the initial cube with - the global coordinate system and two LCS: LocalCS1 (GCS+100 along x-axis) - and LocalCS2 (GCS+200 along x-axis)  

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- - --- - - - - - - - -

Selecting Start LCS = LCS1 and End LCS = LCS2, - we obtain the translated cube at the position (100;0;0)




Selecting Start LCS = LCS2 and End LCS = LCS1, - we obtain the translated cube at the position (-100;0;0)



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- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakePosition(theObject, theStartLCS, theEndLCS), where theObject - is a shape, location of which is modified, theStartLCS is a location to - move the shape from, theEndLCS is a location to move the shape to.

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- -

Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation - Operations.

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- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/multi_rotation.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/multi_rotation.htm deleted file mode 100755 index fa8e0ee28..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/multi_rotation.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Multi Rotation - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 Multi - Rotation

- -

To produce - a Multi Rotation in the Main Menu - select Operations - > Transformation - - > Multi Rotation

- -


- -

This operation creates several geometrical - objects rotated in one or two dimensions basing on the initial - geometrical object.

- -

The Result will - be one or several GEOM_Objects (compound).

- -


- -

To produce a Simple - Multi Rotation (in one dimension) you need to define a Shape - to be rotated, an Axis of rotation - and a Number of Times the shape - must be rotated. Rotation Angle - will be 2*PI/NbTimes

- -

TUI - Command: geompy.MultiRotate1D(Shape, - Axis, NbTimes)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 shape + 1 vector for direction - + 1 value (repetition).

- -


- -

There is a TUI-only command geompy.MakeMultiRotation1D(Shape, - Dir, Point, NbTimes) which works in the same way, but the Axis - is defined  by - direction and point.

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Double Multi - Rotation (in two dimensions) rotates the given Object - around the given Axis on the given - Angle a given Number - of Times and multi-translates each rotation result.  Translation - direction passes through the center of gravity of the rotated shape and - its projection on the rotation axis. Reverse - checkbox allows to set the direction of rotation.

- -

TUI - Command: geompy.MultiRotate2D(Shape, - Axis, Angle, NbTimes1, Step, NbTimes2)

- -

Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 1 vector - for direction + 1 angle + 1 value (repetition) + 1 step value + 1 value - (repetition);

- -


- -

There is a TUI-only - command geompy.MakeMultiRotation2D(Shape, - Dir, Point, Angle, nbtimes1, Step, nbtimes2) which works in the - same way, but the Axis is defined  by - direction and point.

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Our TUI - Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation - Operations.

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- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/multi_transformation.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/multi_transformation.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 047fbc337..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/multi_transformation.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,183 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Multi Transformation - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Block Multi Transformation

- -

To produce - a Multi Transformation operation - in the Main Menu select Operations - - > Blocks - > Multi Transformation

- -


- -

This operation makes several translations of - a block (solid) in one or two directions depending on the arguments - specified by the user.

- -

The - Result in both cases will be a - GEOM_Object.

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- -

Simple Multi - Transformation (in one direction).

- -

TUI - Command: geompy. - MakeMultiTransformation1D(Block, DirFaceID1, DirFaceID2, NbTimes), where - Block is a block to be transformed, DirFaceID1 is an ID of the face which defines the first - direction of transformation, - DirFaceID2 is an ID of the face - which defines the second direction of transformation, - NbTimes is a number of transformations.

- -

Arguments: Name - + 1 hexahedral solid + 1 or 2 faces + 1 integer (number of blocks).

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- -

Double - Multi Transformation (in two directions).

- -

TUI - Command: geompy. - MakeMultiTransformation2D(Block, DirFaceID1U, DirFaceID2U, NbTimesU, DirFaceID1V, - DirFaceID2V, NbTimesV), where Block - is a block to be transformed, DirFaceID1U and DirFaceID2U are IDs of the - faces, which define directions of the first transformation, DirFaceID1V - and DirFaceID2V are ID’s of the faces which define directions of the second - transformation, NbTimesU and NbTimesV are numbers of transformations.

- -

Arguments:  Name - + 1 hexahedral solid + 2, 3 or 4 faces + 2 integers (number of blocks).

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   Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of - Blocks Operations.

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- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/multi_translation.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/multi_translation.htm deleted file mode 100755 index f4d6e62cd..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/multi_translation.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,197 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Multi Translation - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Multi Translation

- -

To produce - a Multi Translation in the Main - Menu select Operations - > Transformation - - > Multi Translation

- -


- -

This operation - makes several translations of a shape in one - or two directions.

- -

The - Result will be one or several - GEOM_Objects (compound).

- -


- -

To produce a Simple - Multi Translation (in one direction) you need to indicate a Shape to be translated, a Vector - of translation, a Step of translation - and a Number of Times the shape - must be moved.

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeMultiTranslation1D(Shape, - Dir, Step, NbTimes)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 shape + 1 vector (for direction) + 1 step value + - 1 value (repetition).

- -

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- -

To produce a - Double Multi - Translation (in two directions) - you need to indicate a Shape to be translated and a Vector of translation, a Step of translation and a Number - of Times the shape must be moved - along each axis.

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeMultiTranslation2D(Shape, Dir1, - Step1, NbTimes1, Dir2, Step2, NbTimes2), where Shape - is a shape to be translated, Dir1 - is the first direction of translation, Step1 - of the first translation, NbTimes1 - is a number of translations to be done along Dir1, - Dir2 is the second direction - of translation, Step2 of the - second translation, NbTimes2 - is a number of translations to be done along Dir2.

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 shape + 2 vectors defining the direction + 2 step - values + 2 values (repetitions).

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Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation - Operations.

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- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/newentity_blocks.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/newentity_blocks.htm deleted file mode 100755 index bd0b02887..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/newentity_blocks.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,340 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Blocks - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Building by blocks

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- -

Below are some general notions about blocks:

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- -

A block is a an elementary geometric solid that - has specific geometric constraints oriented for meshing. In the hexahedral - case, blocks have 6 faces and each face has 4 edges.  

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- -

Tetrahedral Block - is a block with constraints for tetrahedral meshing. -

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- -

Hexahedral Block - is a block with constraints for hexahedral meshing.

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- -

Block Compound - is a compound composed of blocks only.

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- -

These functionalities are available from the main menu via New - Entity / Blocks.

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- - - -


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- -

Quadrangle - face

- -


- -

Description: - Builds a face using the below mentioned arguments. This operation allows - to build a face bypassing the intermediate stage of building edges and - wires (in the case of building by 4 points) or wires (in the case of building - by 4 or 2 edges).

- -


- -

The Result of - the operation will be a GEOM_Object (face).

- -


- -

TUI Command:

- -
    - -
  • geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(V1, - V2, V3, V4), where V1, V2, V3, V4 are - four vertices from which a face is constructed. Edges are created automatically.

  • - -
  • geompy.MakeQuad2Edges(E1, - E2), where E1, E2 are edges from which the face is constructed, - two other edges are created automatically.

  • - -
  • geompy.MakeQuad(E1, E2, E3, E4), - where E1, E2, E3, E4 are four edges from which the face is constructed.

  • -
- -


- -

Arguments: -

- -
    - -
  • Name + 4 Points, or

  • - -
  • Name + 2 Edges, or

  • - -
  • Name + 4 Edges.

  • -
- -


- -

Dialog Box:

- - ---- - - - - -



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- -

Hexahedral - solid

- -


- -

Description: - Builds a hexahedral solid. either of the below mentioned arguments. This - operation allows to build a solid bypassing the intermediate stage of - building a shell and 4 faces (in the case of building by 2 faces) or just - a shell (in the case of building by 6 faces).

- -


- -

The - Result of the operation will be a - GEOM_Object (solid).

- -


- -

TUI Command:

- -
    - -
  • geompy.MakeHexa2Faces(F1, - F2), where F1 and F2 are faces - from which the hexahedron is constructed, other four faces are created - automatically.

  • - -
  • geompy.MakeHexa(F1, - F2, F3, F4, F5, F6), where F1 – F6 are six faces from which the - hexahedron is constructed.

  • -
- -


- -

Arguments: -

- -
    - -
  • Name + 2 Faces, or

  • - -
  • Name + 6 Faces.

  • -
- -


- -

Dialog Box:

- -


- - --- - - - - - - - -







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- -

Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of Building - by Blocks.

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- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/occ_viewer.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/occ_viewer.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 171561038..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/occ_viewer.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,206 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -OCC_Viewer - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OCC 3D Viewer

- -

OCC (Open CasCade) 3D viewer - has been developed on the basis of Open CASCADE Technology. This is the - default viewer for Geometry Module, providing good representation of construction - and transformation of geometrical objects. Only this viewer allows to - work with groups and sub-shapes. This viewer can also work in Mesh module, - however, it doesn't allow to visualize meshes.

- -


- -

The functions of OCC viewer are available via its Viewer Toolbar. Buttons - marked with small downward triangles have extended functionality which - can be accessed by locking on them with left mouse button.  

- -


- -

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- -
    - -
  • Dump - View - exports an object from the viewer in bmp, png, jpg or jpeg - image format.

  • - -
  • Show/Hide - Trihedron - shows or hides coordinate axes.

  • - -
  •  Fit all - allows - to select a point to be the center of a scene representing all displayed - objects in the visible area.

  • - -
  •   Fit area - resizes - the view to place in the visible area only the contents of a frame drawn - with pressed left mouse button.

  • - -
  • Zoom - -  allows - to zoom in and out.

  • - -
  • Panning - - if the represented objects are greater that the visible area and you - don't wish to use Fit all functionality, - click on this button and you'll be able to drag the scene to see its remote - parts.

  • - -
  • Global - panning - represents all displayed objects in the visible area. -

  • - -
  • Rotation - - allows to rotate the selected object using the mouse.

  • - -
  • These buttons orientate the scene - strictly about coordinate axes.

  • - -
  • Reset - - restores the default position (isometric) of objects in the scene.

  • - -
  • Memorise - view - saves the current position of objects in the scene

  • - -
  • Restore - view - restores the saved - position of objects in the scene

  • - -
  • Clone - view - opens a new duplicate scene.

  • - -
  • Clipping - - allows to create cross-section views (clipping planes) of geometrical - objects.

  • -
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- -

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- -
    - -
  • Base - point - allows to define the coordinates of the base point for - the clipping plane. Click

  • - -
  • Reset - - returns the base point to coordinate origin.

  • - -
  • Direction - - allows to define the orientation of the clipping plane.

  • - -
  • Invert - - allows to select which part of the object will be removed and which - will remain after clipping.

  • - -
  • Preview - - allows to see the results of clipping in the viewer.

  • -
- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/offset_surface.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/offset_surface.htm deleted file mode 100755 index a051068ff..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/offset_surface.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Offset Surface - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Offset Surface

- -

To produce - an Offset Surface in the Main - Menu select Operations - > Transformation - - > Offset Surface

- -


- -

This operation - translates each point of an Object - (a set of Objects) along a local normal by a given Offset - distance (signed number, negative value meaning inner offset). Offset - operation is applicable to faces, shells and solids.

- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object -

- -

TUI - Command: geompy.MakeOffset(Shape, - Offset), where Shape is a shape which has to be an offset, Offset - is a value of the offset.

- -

Arguments: Name + Object (face, shell, solid, compound) - + Offset value

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- -

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- -

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- -

  Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/partition.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/partition.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 7efc6046d..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/partition.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Partition - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To produce - a Partition in the Main - Menu select Operations - > - Partition

- -


- -

This - operation builds a shape by intersection of two shapes or a shape - and a plane.

- -

The - Result will be any GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

Intersection - of two shapes.

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakePartition(ListOfShapes, - ListOfTools, ListOfKeepInside, ListOfRemoveInside, Limit, RemoveWebs, - ListOfMaterials), where ListOfShapes is a list of shapes to be - intersected, ListOfTools is a list of shapes to intersect the shapes from - ListOfShapes, ListOfKeepInside is a list of shapes outside which the results - will be deleted, ListOfRemoveInside is a list of shapes inside which the - results will be deleted, Limit is a type of the result shapes, if RemoveWebs - is True the Glue 3D algorithm will be performed on the results, ListOfMaterials - is a list of materials indices for each shape, it makes sense only if - RemoveWebs is True.

- -

Arguments: - Name + 2 shapes (the first shape - will be intersected by the second shape) + reconstruction limit.

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- -

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- -

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- -

Intersection of a Shape - and a Plane.

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- -

TUI Command -  geompy.MakeHalfPartition(Shape, - Plane), where Shape is - a Shape to be intersected and Plane - is a Tool shape, to intersect the Shape.

- -

Arguments: Name - + 1 shape which will be intersected + 1 cutting face.

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Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of the use of Basic Operations. -

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- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/angle.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/angle.png new file mode 100755 index 000000000..fbe753880 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/angle.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/arc2.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/arc2.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2bced2ae0 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/arc2.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/arcsn1.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/arcsn1.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..564f12edf Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/arcsn1.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/arcsn2.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/arcsn2.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f2bec5d29 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/arcsn2.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer1.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer1.png index 94fedcd12..fdbe02fbd 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer1.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer1.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer2.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer2.png index b2c09870e..24d6e124e 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer2.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer2.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer3.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer3.png index 84b52e5c6..801f8db2f 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer3.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer3.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer4.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer4.png new file mode 100755 index 000000000..14476b447 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/chamfer4.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/changeorientation.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/changeorientation.png new file mode 100755 index 000000000..95322ed69 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/changeorientation.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/circle3.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/circle3.png new file mode 100755 index 000000000..39aa5b1ba Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/circle3.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/clipping.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/clipping.png deleted file mode 100755 index 6d738558e..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/clipping.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/dialog.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/dialog.png new file mode 100755 index 000000000..63f984b75 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/dialog.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/distance.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/distance.png index 7466fc424..141ec8e5a 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/distance.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/distance.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/extrusion.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/extrusion.png deleted file mode 100755 index 2d7017e93..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/extrusion.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/extrusion1.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/extrusion1.png new file mode 100755 index 000000000..673e86325 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/extrusion1.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/extrusion2.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/extrusion2.png new file mode 100755 index 000000000..b56dc5d49 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/extrusion2.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/fillet2.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/fillet2.png index d42e333ea..2eab8754b 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/fillet2.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/fillet2.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/fillet3.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/fillet3.png index 73e453339..6e46e05dd 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/fillet3.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/fillet3.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/filling.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/filling.png index 5ed4f45a5..418c22431 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/filling.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/filling.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image100.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image100.gif deleted file mode 100755 index c44d68ffc..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image100.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image102.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image102.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 3507814ba..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image102.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image103.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image103.gif deleted file mode 100755 index be534c39e..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image103.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image105.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image105.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 4f6173f82..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image105.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image106.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image106.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 2bbcb4d94..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image106.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image77.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image77.gif deleted file mode 100755 index ef7a62f32..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image77.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image86.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image86.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 339733193..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image86.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image88.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image88.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 9466aa6ce..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image88.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image89.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image89.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 373a6c026..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image89.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image91.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image91.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 9e93c1c72..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image91.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image95.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image95.gif deleted file mode 100755 index b734add22..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image95.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image96.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image96.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 4580d5b5c..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image96.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image97.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image97.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 1d78de1bc..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image97.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image98.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image98.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 6519dbb67..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image98.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image99.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image99.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 3711be813..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/image99.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/measures9.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/measures9.png index 1767aad75..7d42d2935 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/measures9.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/measures9.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/normaletoface.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/normaletoface.png new file mode 100755 index 000000000..51bc43a8f Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/normaletoface.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/partition1.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/partition1.png index eb6bf4305..20b22d296 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/partition1.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/partition1.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/partition2.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/partition2.png index bd388a5fb..a67ec9d8b 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/partition2.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/partition2.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/plane3.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/plane3.png index bce562350..1727e3bb0 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/plane3.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/plane3.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/transformation4.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/transformation4.png index 5b1775686..323c3d0ae 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/transformation4.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/transformation4.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/transformation4a.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/transformation4a.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..64d2d4149 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/transformation4a.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/workplane4.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/workplane4.png index 1f9dab5fb..00835eb54 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/workplane4.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/workplane4.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/workplane5.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/workplane5.png index a20eb6021..925ac573b 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/workplane5.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/workplane5.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/workplane6.png b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/workplane6.png index 5e5134821..1f65862f8 100755 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/workplane6.png and b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pics/workplane6.png differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pipe_creation.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pipe_creation.htm deleted file mode 100755 index eeef6f2fc..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/pipe_creation.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Pipe Creation - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pipe Construction

- -

To generate - a Pipe - in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Generation  - - > Pipe

- -


- -

To create an extruded Pipe shape, - you need to define the Base Object (vertex, edge, wire, face or shell), which will be extruded and the Path Object (edge, - face or shell) along which the Base Object will be extruded.

- -

The - Result of the operation will be a - GEOM_Object (edge, face, solid or compsolid).

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakePipe(baseShape, pathShape) -

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 shape (vertex, edge, wire, face or shell) serving as base object - + 1 shape (edge, face or shell) for definition of the path.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Complex Geometric - Objects.

- -


- -


- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/plane.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/plane.htm deleted file mode 100755 index cef49d703..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/plane.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Plane - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create a Plane in the Main Menu select New - Entity - > Basic - > Plane

- -


- -

There are three algorithms to create - a point in the 3D space.

- -

The Result of - each operation will be a GEOM_Object - (face).

- -


- -

Firstly, you can define a Plane - by a Point through which  the - plane passes, a Vector giving - a normal of the plane and a Size of the - Plane (size of a side of quadrangle face, representing the plane).

- -

TUI - Command: geompy.MakePlane(Point, - Vector, TrimSize)

- -

Arguments: Name - + 1 vertex + 1 vector  + - 1 value (to define the size of the plane).

- -

- -


- -

Secondly, you can define a Plane - by three Points through which -  the plane - passes.

- -

TUI - Command: geompy.MakePlaneThreePnt(Point1, - Point2, Point3, TrimSize)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 3 vertices + 1 value (to - define the size of the plane).

- -


- -

- -


- -

Finally, you can define a Plane, - similar to the existing one, but with another size of representing face. -

- -

TUI - Command: geompy.MakePlaneFace(Face, TrimSize)

- -

Arguments: Name - + 1 face + 1 value (to define the size of the plane).

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

Planes -                                                             A - Plane created on a Plane of another size

- -


- - ---- - - - - -




- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Basic - Geometric Objects.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/point.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/point.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 8207fb641..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/point.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,201 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Point - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create a Point in the Main Menu select New - Entity - > Basic - > Point

- -


- -

There are three algorithms to create - a Point in the 3D space.

- -

Each - time the Result of the operation - will be a GEOM_Object (vertex).

- -


- -

Firstly, - we can define a point by setting its X, Y and Z Coordinates. -

- -

TUI Command : -   geompy.MakeVertex(X, - Y, Z)

- -

Arguments: Name - (Vertex_n by default) + - X, Y and Z coordinates of the point.

- -


- -

- -


- -

Secondly,  we - can define a point by a Reference - to another point and the shift of the coordinates of the new point regarding - the coordinates of the old one.

- -

TUI Command : -   geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(Reference, - X, Y, Z).

- -

Arguments: Name - + 1 reference point + 3 coordinates defining the position of this point - regarding the reference one.

- -


- -

- -


- -

Finally, we can define a - point by an Edge and a Parameter -  indicating - its position on the Edge. For example, 0.5 means that the point is located - in the middle of the edge.

- -

TUI - Command :   geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge, - Parameter).

- -

Arguments: Name - + 1 edge  + - 1 Parameter defining the position of the point on the given edge.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of creation of Basic - Geometric Objects.

- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/primitives.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/primitives.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 363a46db3..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/primitives.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,367 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Primitives - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

Creation of a Box

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(15, - 25, 35)

- -

p70 = geompy.MakeVertex(70, - 70, 70)

- -


- -

# create boxes

- -

box1 = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(10, - 20, 30)

- -

box2 = geompy.MakeBox(10,20,30, - 15,25,35)

- -

box3 = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, - p70)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_box1 = geompy.addToStudy(box1,"Box1")

- -

id_box2 = geompy.addToStudy(box2,"Box2")

- -

id_box3 = geompy.addToStudy(box3,"Box3")

- -


- -

# display the boxes

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_box3,1) -

- -


- -

Creation of a Cylinder

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, - 35, 0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, - 35, 70)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -


- -

# create cones

- -

cone1 = geompy.MakeCone(p1, - v, 17, 1, 20)

- -

cone2 = geompy.MakeConeR1R2H(30, - 10, 30)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_cone1 = geompy.addToStudy(cone1,"Cone1")

- -

id_cone2 = geompy.addToStudy(cone2,"Cone2")

- -


- -

# display cones

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_cone2,1) -

- -


- -

Creation of a Sphere

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex

- -

p = geompy.MakeVertex(55, - 45, 25)

- -


- -

# create spheres

- -

radius1 = 20

- -

sphere1 = geompy.MakeSpherePntR(p, - radius1)

- -

radius2 = 15

- -

sphere2 = geompy.MakeSphere(0, - 0, 45, radius2)

- -

radius3 = 30

- -

sphere3 = geompy.MakeSphereR(radius3)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_sphere1 = geompy.addToStudy(sphere1,"Sphere1")

- -

id_sphere2 = geompy.addToStudy(sphere2,"Sphere2")

- -

id_sphere3 = geompy.addToStudy(sphere3,"Sphere3")

- -


- -

# display spheres

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_sphere3,1) -

- -


- -

Creation of a Torus

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, - 40, 45)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, - 45, 70)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -


- -

# create toruses

- -

torus1 = geompy.MakeTorus(p1, - v, 20, 10)

- -

torus2 = geompy.MakeTorusRR(30, - 15)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_torus1 = geompy.addToStudy(torus1,"Torus1")

- -

id_torus2 = geompy.addToStudy(torus2,"Torus2")

- -


- -

# display toruses

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_torus2,1) -

- -

Creation of a Cone

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, - 35, 0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, - 35, 70)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -


- -

# create cones

- -

cone1 = geompy.MakeCone(p1, - v, 17, 1, 20)

- -

cone2 = geompy.MakeConeR1R2H(30, - 10, 30)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_cone1 = geompy.addToStudy(cone1,"Cone1")

- -

id_cone2 = geompy.addToStudy(cone2,"Cone2")

- -


- -

# display cones

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_cone2,1) -

- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/propagate.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/propagate.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 06263793a..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/propagate.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Propagate - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To produce - a Propagate operation in the Main - Menu select Operations - > Blocks - - > Propagate

- -


- -

This operation breaks a multitude of edges - of a shape into groups (builds all possible propagation groups).

- -

The - Result will be a List of - GEOM_Objects. Each Geom Object will contain a group of edges.

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.Propagate(Shape), - where Shape is a shape to build propagation groups on.

- -

Arguments: 1 Shape.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

   Our TUI - Scripts provide you with useful examples - of the use of Blocks - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/repairing_operations.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/repairing_operations.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 9f9bfafdc..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/repairing_operations.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1058 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Repairing Operations - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Repairing Operations

- -

Shape Processing

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices, an edge, an arc, a wire, a face and a prism

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(0,0,0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(200,0,0)

- -

p3 = geompy.MakeVertex(100,150,0)

- -

edge = geompy.MakeEdge(p1,p2)

- -

arc  = - geompy.MakeArc(p1,p3,p2)

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([edge,arc])

- -

face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, - 1)

- -

theShape = geompy.MakePrismVecH(face, - edge, 130)

- -


- -

# check the shape at the beginning

- -

print "Before - ProcessShape:"

- -

isValid = geompy.CheckShape(theShape)

- -

if isValid == 0:

- -

    print - "The shape is not valid"

- -


- -

    print - "The shape seems to be valid"

- -


- -

# process the Shape

- -

Operators = ["FixShape"]

- -

Parameters = ["FixShape.Tolerance3d"]

- -

Values = ["1e-7"]

- -

PS = geompy.ProcessShape(theShape, - Operators, Parameters, Values)

- -


- -

# check the shape at the end

- -

print "After - ProcessShape:"

- -

isValid = geompy.CheckShape(PS)

- -

if isValid == 0:

- -

    print - "The shape is not valid"

- -

    raise - RuntimeError, "It seems, that the ProcessShape() has failed"

- -


- -

    print - "The shape seems to be valid"

- -


- -

# add in the study and display

- -

Id_Shape = geompy.addToStudy(theShape, - "Invalid Shape")

- -

Id_PS    = - geompy.addToStudy(PS, "Processed Shape")

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(Id_PS,1) -

- -


- -

Suppress Faces

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a box

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, - 200, 200)

- -


- -

# The list of IDs (IDList) for suppress faces

- -

sup_faces = []

- -

sup_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(box, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -


- -

# get indices of the sub-shape

- -

f1_id = geompy.GetSubShapeID(box, - sup_faces[3])

- -


- -

# remove faces from the given object (shape)

- -

result = geompy.SuppressFaces(box, - [f1_id])

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box, - "Box")

- -

id_result = geompy.addToStudy(result, - "Result")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_result,1) -

- -


- -

Close Contour

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices and vectors

- -

p0  = - geompy.MakeVertex(  0., -   0., -   0.)

- -

px  = - geompy.MakeVertex(100.,   0., -   0.)

- -

py  = - geompy.MakeVertex(  0., - 100.,   0.)

- -

py1 = geompy.MakeVertex( -  0., 140., -   0.)

- -

pz  = - geompy.MakeVertex(  0., -   0., - 100.)

- -

vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, - py)

- -


- -

# create an arc

- -

arc = geompy.MakeArc(py1, - pz, px)

- -


- -

# create a wire

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, - arc])

- -


- -

# close an open wire by creation of an edge between ends

- -

wire_close = geompy.CloseContour(wire, - [1], 0)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_wire = geompy.addToStudy(wire, - "Wire")

- -

id_wire_close = geompy.addToStudy(wire_close, - "Wire close")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_wire_close) -

- -


- -

Suppress Internal Wires

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(55, - 65, 50)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(55, -  0, 50)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -


- -

# create a cylinder

- -

height = 100

- -

radius1 = 40

- -

cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, - v, radius1, height)

- -


- -

# create a box

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100, - 100, 100)

- -


- -

# make a cut

- -

cut = geompy.MakeCut(box, - cylinder)

- -


- -

# suppress all internal wires

- -

result = geompy.SuppressInternalWires(cut, - [])

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_cut = geompy.addToStudy(cut, - "Cut")

- -

id_result = geompy.addToStudy(result, - "Result")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_result,1) -

- -


- -

Suppress Holes

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, - 35, 0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, - 35, 50)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -


- -

# create a cylinder

- -

height = 20

- -

radius1 = 20

- -

cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, - v, radius1, height)

- -


- -

# create a cone

- -

cone = geompy.MakeCone(p1, - v, 70, 0, 80)

- -


- -

# make a cut

- -

cut = geompy.MakeCut(cone, - cylinder)

- -


- -

# get faces as sub-shapes

- -

faces = []

- -

faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(cut, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -

f_2 = geompy.GetSubShapeID(cut, - faces[2])

- -


- -

# remove one face from the shape

- -

cut_without_f_2 = - geompy.SuppressFaces(cut, [f_2])

- -


- -

# get wires as sub-shapes

- -

wires = []

- -

wires = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(cut_without_f_2, - geompy.ShapeType["WIRE"])

- -

w_0 = geompy.GetSubShapeID(cut_without_f_2, - wires[0])

- -


- -

# suppress the selected wire

- -

result = geompy.SuppressHoles(cut_without_f_2, - [w_0])

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_cut = geompy.addToStudy(cut, - "Cut")

- -

id_cut_without_f_2 - = geompy.addToStudy(cut_without_f_2, "Cut without f_2")

- -

id_result = geompy.addToStudy(result, - "Result")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_result,1) -

- -


- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

import math

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create base points

- -

px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., - 0., 0.)

- -

py = geompy.MakeVertex(0., - 100., 0.)

- -

pz = geompy.MakeVertex(0., - 0., 100.)

- -


- -

# create base geometry 2D & 3D

- -

vector = geompy.MakeVector(px, - py)

- -

arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, - pz, px)

- -


- -

# create base objects

- -

angle = 45. * math.pi - / 180

- -

WantPlanarFace = 1 - #True

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vector, - arc])

- -

face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, - WantPlanarFace)

- -

face_rot = geompy.MakeRotation(face, - vector, angle)

- -


- -

# make sewing

- -

precision = 0.00001

- -

sewing = geompy.MakeSewing([face, - face_rot], precision)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_face = geompy.addToStudy(face, - "Face")

- -

id_face_rot = geompy.addToStudy(face_rot, - "Face rotation")

- -

id_sewing = geompy.addToStudy(sewing, - "Sewing")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_sewing,1) -

- -


- -

Glue Faces

- -

import - geompy

- -

import salome

- -


- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create boxes

- -

box1 = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0,100,50,100)

- -

box2 = geompy.MakeBox(100,0,0,250,50,100)

- -


- -

# make compound

- -

compound = geompy.MakeCompound([box1, - box2])

- -


- -

# glue compound's faces

- -

tolerance = 1e-5

- -

glue = geompy.MakeGlueFaces(compound, - tolerance)

- -


- -

# add objects in study

- -

id_box1 = geompy.addToStudy(box1, - "Box1")

- -

id_box2 = geompy.addToStudy(box2, - "Box2")

- -

id_compound = geompy.addToStudy(compound, - "Compound")

- -

id_glue = geompy.addToStudy(glue, - "Glue faces")

- -


- -

# display results

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_glue,1) -

- -


- -

Add Point on Edge

- -

import - geompy

- -

import salome

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(0,0,50)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(60,0,50)

- -


- -

# make an edge

- -

edge = geompy.MakeEdge(p1, - p2) #geompy.GetSubShape(box, edge_ind)

- -


- -

# divide an edge

- -

divide = geompy.DivideEdge(edge, - -1, 0.5, 0)

- -


- -

# add objects in the - study

- -

id_edge = geompy.addToStudy(edge, - "Edge")

- -

edge_points = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(edge, - geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])

- -

for point in edge_points:

- -

    geompy.addToStudyInFather(edge, - point, "Edge's point")

- -


- -

id_divide = geompy.addToStudy(divide, - "Divided edge")

- -

edge_points = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(divide, - geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])

- -

for point in edge_points:

- -

    geompy.addToStudyInFather(divide, - point, "Edge's point after divide")

- -


- -

salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) -

- -


- -

Check Free Boundaries

- -

import os

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create boxes

- -

box1 = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0,100,50,100)

- -

box2 = geompy.MakeBox(100,0,0,250,50,100)

- -


- -

# make a compound

- -

compound = geompy.MakeCompound([box1, - box2])

- -


- -

# import from *.brep

- -

ImportBREP = geompy.ImportBREP("os.getenv("DATA_DIR")+"/Shapes/Brep/flight_solid.brep")

- -


- -

# get a face

- -

faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(ImportBREP, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -


- -

# get the free boundary - for face 32

- -

Res = geompy.GetFreeBoundary(faces[32])

- -

isSuccess   = - Res[0]

- -

ClosedWires = Res[1]

- -

OpenWires   = - Res[2]

- -


- -

if - isSuccess == 1 :

- -

    print - "Checking free boudaries is OK."

- -

else :

- -

    print - "Checking free boudaries is KO!"

- -

print "len(ClosedWires) - = ", len(ClosedWires)

- -

i = 0

- -

for wire in ClosedWires - :

- -

    wire_name - = "Face 32 -> Close wires : WIRE %d"%(i+1)

- -

    geompy.addToStudy(ClosedWires[i], - wire_name)

- -

    if - i < len(ClosedWires) :

- -

        i - = i+ 1

- -

print "len(OpenWires) - = ", len(OpenWires)

- -

i = 0

- -

for wire in OpenWires - :

- -

    wire_name - = "Face 32 -> Open wires : WIRE %d"%(i+1)

- -

    geompy.addToStudy(OpenWires[i], - wire_name)

- -

    if - i < len(OpenWires) :

- -

        i - = i+ 1

- -


- -

# get the free boundary - for face 41

- -

Res = geompy.GetFreeBoundary(faces[41])

- -

isSuccess   = - Res[0]

- -

ClosedWires = Res[1]

- -

OpenWires   = - Res[2]

- -


- -

if isSuccess == 1 - :

- -

    print - "Checking free boudaries is OK."

- -

else :

- -

    print - "Checking free boudaries is KO!"

- -

print "len(ClosedWires) - = ", len(ClosedWires)

- -

i = 0

- -

for wire in ClosedWires - :

- -

    wire_name - = "Face 41 -> Close wires : WIRE %d"%(i+1)

- -

    geompy.addToStudy(ClosedWires[i], - wire_name)

- -

    if - i < len(ClosedWires) :

- -

        i - = i+ 1

- -

print "len(OpenWires) - = ", len(OpenWires)

- -

i = 0

- -

for wire in OpenWires - :

- -

    wire_name - = "Face 41 -> Open wires : WIRE %d"%(i+1)

- -

    geompy.addToStudy(OpenWires[i], - wire_name)

- -

    if - i < len(OpenWires) :

- -

        i - = i+ 1

- -


- -

# add the imported object - to the study

- -

id_ImportBREP = geompy.addToStudy(ImportBREP, - "ImportBREP")

- -

salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1) -

- -


- -

Check Free Faces

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, - 35, 0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(35, - 35, 50)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -


- -

# create a cylinder

- -

cylinder = geompy.MakeCone(p1, - v, 30, 20, 20)

- -


- -

# create a cone

- -

cone = geompy.MakeCone(p1, - v, 70, 40, 60)

- -


- -

# make cut

- -

cut = geompy.MakeCut(cone, - cylinder)

- -


- -

# get faces as sub-shapes

- -

faces = []

- -

faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(cut, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -

f_2 = geompy.GetSubShapeID(cut, - faces[0])

- -


- -

# remove one face from the shape

- -

cut_without_f_2 = - geompy.SuppressFaces(cut, [f_2])

- -


- -

# suppress the specified wire

- -

result = geompy.GetFreeFacesIDs(cut_without_f_2)

- -

print "A number - of free faces is ", len(result)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

all_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(cut_without_f_2, - geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])

- -

for face in all_faces - :

- -

    sub_shape_id - = geompy.GetSubShapeID(cut_without_f_2, face)

- -

    if - result.count(sub_shape_id) > 0 :

- -

        face_name - = "Free face %d"%(sub_shape_id)

- -

        geompy.addToStudy(face, - face_name)

- -


- -

# in this example all faces from cut_without_f_2 are free

- -

id_cut_without_f_2 - = geompy.addToStudy(cut_without_f_2, "Cut without f_2")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_cut_without_f_2,1) -

- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/revolution.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/revolution.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 0e7b3c30c..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/revolution.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Revolution - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create - an extruded shape by Revolution - in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Generation  - - > Revolution

- -


- -

To create an extruded shape by Revolution - you need to define the source Object - to rotate, the Axis of revolution - and the Angle by which the Shape - has to be rotated around the Axis - (in degrees).

- -

The Result of - the operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge, face, solid or compsolid).

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeRevolution(Shape, Axis, - Angle).

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 shape (vertex, edge, wire, face or shell) serving as base object - + 1 vector (for direction) + 1 value (angle).

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of creation of Complex - Geometric Objects.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/rotation.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/rotation.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 374ce1204..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/rotation.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Rotation - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To produce - a Rotation in the Main Menu select - Operations - > Transformation - > - Rotation

- -


- -

This operation rotates the initial shape. To - produce a Rotation you need to - define an Object  to - be rotated, an Axis of rotation - and an Angle of rotation.

- -

Reverse - checkbox allows to specify the direction of rotation.

- -

Create a copy - checkbox allows to keep the initial object, otherwise it will be - removed.

- -


- -

The - Result will be any  GEOM_Object.

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeRotation(Shape, Axis, - Angle)

- -

Arguments: - 1 shape + 1 vector for direction of rotation + 1 angle.

- -


- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image13.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image13.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 0ec8b678c..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image13.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image14.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image14.gif deleted file mode 100755 index aff608b43..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image14.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image15.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image15.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 1a0f0f96d..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image15.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image16.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image16.gif deleted file mode 100755 index b364ba7c2..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image16.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image17.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image17.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 587e81bf9..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image17.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image18.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image18.gif deleted file mode 100755 index bda961eb7..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image18.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image19.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image19.gif deleted file mode 100755 index dd4046ce4..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_salome2_sp3_buildgui_functions_image19.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/scale_transform.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/scale_transform.htm deleted file mode 100755 index dbd4f0d4d..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/scale_transform.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Scale Transform - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 Scale - Transform

- -

To produce - a Scale Transform in the Main - Menu select Operations - > Transformation - - > Scale Transform

- -


- -

This operation creates a scaled shape basing - on the initial shape. For this, you need to define the Shape - to be scaled, the Central Point - of scale and the Scale Factor.

- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object.

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeScaleTransform(Shape, - CenterOfScale, Factor),

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 shape(s) + 1 vertex + 1 Scale Factor.

- -


- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

  Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/section.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/section.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 9e5d4fd0a..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/section.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Section - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To produce - a Section operation in the Main - Menu select Operations - > Boolean - - > Section

- -


- -

This - operation creates the section between 2 shapes.

- -


- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object - (COMPOUND).

- -

TUI Command: -  geompy.MakeSection(s1, - s2)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 2 shapes.

- -


- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

  Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of Boolean - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/sewing.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/sewing.htm deleted file mode 100755 index afcc96d75..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/sewing.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Sewing - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To produce - a Sewing operation in the Main - Menu select Repair - > Sewing.

- -


- -

This - operation allows to sew several  shapes.

- -


- -

The Result will - be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

TUI Command : - geompy.MakeSewing(ListOfShape, Precision), - where ListOfShape is list of shapes to be sewed, Precision is a precision - for sewing.

- -


- -

- -


- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 or more shapes + 1 value (sew precision).

- -

Detect - button allows to display the number of free boundaries in your - shape:

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our - TUI Scripts provide you with useful - examples of the use of Repairing - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/shape_processing.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/shape_processing.htm deleted file mode 100755 index e9d4fad77..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/shape_processing.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,388 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Shape Processing - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Shape Processing

- -

To produce - a Shape Processing operation in - the Main Menu select Repair - > - Shape Processing.

- -

This operation processes one or more shapes - using various operators.

- -


- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.ProcessShape(Shape, Operators, - Parameters, Values), where Shape is a processed shape, Operators - is a list of operators ("FixShape", "SplitClosedFaces", - etc.), Parameters is a list of parameters (“FixShape.Tolerance3d”, etc), - Values is a list of values of parameters placed in the same order as in - the list of Parameters .

- -


- -

In this dialog box you can select the object - that you need to process, define its name and operators applied to it - during processing.

- -


- -

- -


- -

Operators and Parameters (TUI names are given in brackets)

- -


- -
    - -
  • Fix - Shape (FixShape) - corrects invalid shapes.

  • - -
  • 3D Tolerance (FixShape.Tolerance3d) - - work tolerance for detection of the problems and correction of them.

  • - -
  • Max 3D Tolerance (FixShape.MaxTolerance3d) -  - maximal - possible tolerance of the shape after correction.

  • - -
  • Fix Face Size (FixFaceSize) - removes - small faces, such as spots and strips.

  • - -
  • Tolerance (FixFaceSize.Tolerance) - - defines minimum possible face size.

  • - -
  • Drop Small Edges (DropSmallEdges) - - removes edges, which merge with neighbouring edges.

  • - -
  • 3D Tolerance (DropSmallEdges.Tolerance3d) - - defines minimum possible distance between two parallel edges.

  • - -
  • Split Angle (SplitAngle) - splits faces - based on conical surfaces, surfaces of revolution and cylindrical surfaces - in segments using a certain angle .  

  • - -
  • Angle (SplitAngle.Angle) - the central - angle of the resulting segments (i.e. we obtain two segments if Angle=180, - four if Angle=90, etc).

  • - -
  • Max. Tolerance (SplitAngle.MaxTolerance) - - maximum possible tolerance among the resulting segments.

  • - -
  • Split Closed Faces - (SplitClosedFaces) - splits - closed faces in segments. The number of segments depends on the number - of splitting points.

  • - -
  • Number of splitting points (SplitClosedFaces.NbSplitPoints) - - the number of splitting points.

  • - -
  • Split Continuity (SplitContinuity) - splits shapes to reduce - continuities of curves and surfaces.

  • - -
  • 3D Tolerance - (SplitContinuity.Tolerance3d) - 3D tolerance for correction of geometry.

  • - -
  • Surface Continuity (SplitContinuity.SurfaceContinuity) - required - continuity for surfaces.

  • - -
  • Curve Continuity (SplitContinuity.CurveContinuity) - - required continuity for curves.

  • -
- -

This and the previous parameters can - take the following values:

- -

Parametric Continuity -

- -

C0 - (Positional Continuity): curves are joined (the end positions of curves - or surfaces are coincidental. The curves or surfaces may still meet at - an angle, giving rise to a sharp corner or edge).

- -

C1 - (Tangential Continuity): first derivatives are equal (the end vectors - of curves or surfaces are parallel, ruling out sharp edges).

- -

C2 - (Curvature Continuity): first and second derivatives are equal (the end - vectors of curves or surfaces are of the same magnitude).

- -

CN - N-th derivatives are equal (both the direction and the magnitude of the - Nth derivatives of curves or surfaces (d/du C(u)) are the same at junction.

- -

Geometric Continuity

- -

G1: - first derivatives are proportional at junction

- -

The curve tangents thus have the same - direction, but not necessarily the same magnitude. i.e., C1'(1) = (a,b,c) - and C2'(0) = (k*a, k*b, k*c).

- -

G2: - first and second derivatives are proportional at junction

- -

As the names imply, geometric continuity - requires the geometry to be continuous, while parametric continuity requires - that the underlying parameterization was continuous as well.

- -

Parametric continuity of order n implies - geometric continuity of order n, but not vice-versa.

- -
    - -
  • Bspline - Restriction (BsplineRestriction) - converts curves and surfaces - to Bsplines and processes them with the following parameters:

  • - -
  • Surface Mode - (BSplineRestriction.SurfaceMode) - approximation of surfaces if restriction - is necessary.

  • - -
  • 3D Curve Mode (BSplineRestriction.Curve3dMode) - conversion - of any 3D curve to BSpline and approximation.

  • - -
  • 2D Curve Mode (BSplineRestriction.Curve2dMode) - - conversion of any 2D curve to BSpline - and approximation.

  • - -
  • 3D - Tolerance (BSplineRestriction.Tolerance3d) - defines the possibility - of surfaces and 3D curves approximation with the specified parameters.

  • - -
  • 2D - Tolerance (BSplineRestriction.Tolerance2d) - defines the possibility - of surfaces and 2D curves approximation with the specified parameters.

  • - -
  • Required - Degree (BSplineRestriction.RequiredDegree) - required degree of - the resulting BSplines.

  • - -
  • Required - number of segments (BSplineRestriction.RequiredNbSegments) - required - maximum number of segments of resultant BSplines

  • - -
  • 3D - Continuity (BSplineRestriction.Continuity3d) - continuity of the - resulting surfaces and 3D curves.

  • - -
  • 2D - Continuity (BSplineRestriction.Continuity2d) - continuity of the - resulting 2D curves.

  • - -
  • To Bezier (ToBezier) - converts curves - and surfaces of any type to Bezier curves and surfaces.

  • - -
  • Surface Mode - (ToBezier.SurfaceMode) - if checked in, allows conversion of surfaces.

  • - -
  • 3D Curve Mode (ToBezier.Curve3dMode) - if checked in, allows - conversion of 2D curves.

  • - -
  • 2D Curve Mode (ToBezier.Curve2dMode) - if checked in, allows - conversion of 3D curves.

  • - -
  • Max Tolerance (ToBezier.MaxTolerance) - defines - tolerance for detection and correction - of problems.

  • - -
  • Same Parameter (SameParameter) –  fixes - edges of 2D and 3D curves not having the same parameter.

  • - -
  • 3D Tolerance (SameParameter.Tolerance3d) - – defines tolerance for fixing - of edges.

  • -
- -


- -

Dialog Box:

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Shape before applying Shape Processing (FixShape - operator).

- -


- -


- -


- -

The - same shape after applying Shape Processing.

- -


- -

- -


- -

Our - TUI Scripts provide you with useful - examples of the use of Repairing - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/shell.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/shell.htm deleted file mode 100755 index fc57cbf76..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/shell.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Shell - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create - a Shell in the Main Menu select - New Entity - > Build - > Shell

- -


- -

You - can create a Shell from a list of faces and (or) - shells.

- -

The - Result will be a  GEOM_Object - (shell).

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeShell(ListOfShape) -

- -

Arguments: - Name + List of faces having connected edges.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Advanced Geometric - Objects.

- -


- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/sketcher.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/sketcher.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 1db40edfa..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/sketcher.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,221 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Sketcher - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

Sketcher allows to create curves of 2 types: line - segment and arc.  The - curve is created from the current point (center of coordinates when the - sketcher is started).  The - end of the curve is defined by means of "destination", which - can be a destination point (for segment only) or destination direction - coupled with length of a segment or angle and radius of an arc.

- -


- -

Sketcher is able to create planar curves only. Therefore, it is necessary - to select a working plane before starting a sketch (by default, XOY plane - is used). Sketcher creates curves lying in the current working plane (New - Entity -> Basic -> Working Plane).

- -


- -

This functionality is available from the main menu via New - Entity / Sketch.

- -


- -

The Result of - the operation will be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeSketcher(Command, WorkingPlane)

- -

This algorithm creates - a sketcher (wire or face), following the textual description, passed through - the Command argument. The edges of the resulting wire or face will be - arcs of circles and/or linear segments.

- -

Command - is a string, defining the sketcher by the coordinates of points in the - local working plane.

- -

WorkingPlane - is a planar face of the working plane (a list of 9 doubles which are coordinates - of OZ and OX of the local working plane).

- -


- -

Arguments: -

- -

1. Element type (segment or arc).

- -

2. Destination type (point or direction).

- -

3. Destination point by means of:

- -
    - -
  • absolute coordinates - X,Y;

  • - -
  • relative coordinates - DX, DY (with respect to the current point);

  • - -
  • selection of an existing - point.

  • -
- -

4. Destination direction by means of:

- -
    - -
  • angle between the new - segment and the previous one;

  • - -
  • perpendicular to the - previous segment (same as previous, but angle is predefined and is equal - to 90 degrees);

  • - -
  • tangent to the previous - segment;

  • - -
  • vector components DX, - DY.

  • -
- -

5. Parameters of an element (for segment : - length or target X or Y coordinate value, for arc : radius and angle).

- -


- -

Dialog Box:

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of Sketcher. -

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/sketcher_tui.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/sketcher_tui.htm deleted file mode 100755 index d48ead5ca..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/sketcher_tui.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,182 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Sketcher - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(70., -  0.,  0.)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(70., - 70., 80.)

- -

p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0., 70.,  0.)

- -


- -

#create a vector from two points

- -

vector_arc = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p3)

- -


- -

# create an arc from three points

- -

arc = geompy.MakeArc(p1, - p2, p3)

- -


- -

# create a wire

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vector_arc, - arc])

- -


- -

# create a planar face

- -

isPlanarWanted = 1

- -

face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, - isPlanarWanted)

- -


- -

# create a sketcher (face), following the textual description

- -

sketcher1 = geompy.MakeSketcher("Sketcher:F - -100 -100:TT 250 -100:R 0:C 100 150:R 0:L 300:WF",

- -

                                [100,0,0, - 1,1,1, -1,1,0])

- -


- -

# create a sketcher (wire) on the given face

- -

sketcher2 = geompy.MakeSketcherOnPlane("Sketcher:F - 10 -30:R 10:C 20 180:R 15:L 50:WW",

- -


- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_face = geompy.addToStudy(face,"Face")

- -

id_sketcher1 = geompy.addToStudy(sketcher1,"Sketcher1")

- -

id_sketcher2 = geompy.addToStudy(sketcher2,"Sketcher2")

- -


- -

# display the first sketcher and the second sketcher with its planar - face

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_sketcher2) -

- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/solid.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/solid.htm deleted file mode 100755 index a715f69c4..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/solid.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Solid - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create - a Solid in the Main Menu select - New Entity - > Build - > Solid.

- -


- -

You - can create a Solid from a list - of shells.

- -


- -

The - Result will be a -  GEOM_Object - (SOLID).

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeSolid(ListOfShape), - where ListOfShape is a list of shells from which the solid is constructed.

- -

Arguments: Name + A closed shell or - a list of shells.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Advanced Geometric - Objects.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/sphere.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/sphere.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 7cb72f663..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/sphere.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Sphere - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create a Sphere - in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Primitives - > Sphere

- -


- -

There are two algorithms for creation of a Sphere. -

- -

The - Result of each operation will be a - GEOM_Object (SOLID).

- -


- -

Firstly, you can define a Sphere - by the Center Point and the Radius.

- -

TUI Command: geompy.MakeSphere(Point, - Radius)

- -

Arguments: Name - + 1 vertex + 1 value (Radius).

- -

- -


- -

Secondly, - you can define a Sphere with - the center at the origin of coordinate system by the Radius.

- -

TUI Command: geompy. - MakeSphereR(Radius)

- -

Arguments: Name - + 1  value - (Radius from the origin).

- -

- -


- -

NB! The - is another way to create a Sphere, - which is currently accessible only via TUI commands.

- -

You - can define the Sphere by the - coordinates of the Center Point and - its Radius (in this way you - don't need to create it in advance).

- -

TUI - Command: geompy.MakeSphere(X, - Y, Z, Radius)

- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Primitives.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/static/doxygen.css b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/static/doxygen.css new file mode 100755 index 000000000..88e613d23 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/static/doxygen.css @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +H1 { + text-align: center; +} + +CAPTION { + font-weight: bold +} + +/* Link in the top navbar */ +A.qindex {} + +A.qindexRef {} + +/* Link to any cross-referenced Doxygen element */ +A.el { + text-decoration: none; + font-weight: bold +} + +A.elRef { + font-weight: bold +} + +/* Link to any cross-referenced Doxygen element inside a code section + (ex: header) +*/ +A.code { + text-decoration: none; + font-weight: normal; + color: #4444ee +} + +A.codeRef { + font-weight: normal; + color: #4444ee +} + +A:hover { + text-decoration: none; + background-color: lightblue +} + +DL.el { + margin-left: -1cm +} + +/* A code fragment (ex: header) */ +DIV.fragment { + width: 100%; + border: none; + background-color: #CCCCCC +} + +/* In the alpha list (coumpound index), style of an alphabetical index letter */ +DIV.ah { + background-color: #CCCCCC; + font-weight: bold; + color: #ffffff; + margin-bottom: 3px; + margin-top: 3px +} + +/* Method name (+ type) */ +TD.md { + background-color: lightblue; + font-weight: bold; +} + +/* Method parameter (some of them) */ +TD.mdname1 { + background-color: lightblue; + font-weight: bold; color: #602020; +} + +/* Method parameter (some of them) */ +TD.mdname { + background-color: lightblue; + font-weight: bold; + color: #602020; + width: 600px; +} + +/* Separator between methods group (usually empty, seems not supported by IE) */ +DIV.groupHeader { + margin-left: 16px; + margin-top: 12px; + margin-bottom: 6px; + font-weight: bold +} + +DIV.groupText { + margin-left: 16px; + font-style: italic; + font-size: smaller +} + +BODY { + background: #FFFFFF; +} + +/*div.div-page { + background-color: #FFFFFF; + margin-left: 1em; + margin-right: 1em; + margin-top: 1em; + margin-bottom: 0.1em; + + padding-left: 1em; + padding-right: 1em; + padding-top: 0.5em; + padding-bottom: 0.5em; + + border: 2px solid #0D299A; + border-width: 2px; + border-color: #0D299A; +}*/ + +div.tabs { + text-align: justify; + margin-left : 2px; + margin-right : 2px; + margin-top : 2px; + margin-bottom : 2px + font-weight: bold; + color: #FFFFFF; +} + +DIV.div-footer { + margin-left: 1em; + margin-right: 1em; + margin-bottom: 0.2em; + text-align: right; + font-size: 9pt; +} + +/* In File List, Coumpound List, etc, 1st column of the index */ +TD.indexkey { + background-color: #CCCCCC; + font-weight: bold; + padding-right : 10px; + padding-top : 2px; + padding-left : 10px; + padding-bottom : 2px; + margin-left : 0px; + margin-right : 0px; + margin-top : 2px; + margin-bottom : 2px +} + +/* In File List, Coumpound List, etc, 2nd column of the index */ +TD.indexvalue { + background-color: #CCCCCC; + font-style: italic; + padding-right : 10px; + padding-top : 2px; + padding-left : 10px; + padding-bottom : 2px; + margin-left : 0px; + margin-right : 0px; + margin-top : 2px; + margin-bottom : 2px +} + +span.keyword { color: #008000 } +span.keywordtype { color: #604020 } +span.keywordflow { color: #e08000 } +span.comment { color: #800000 } +span.preprocessor { color: #806020 } +span.stringliteral { color: #002080 } +span.charliteral { color: #008080 } diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/static/footer.html b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/static/footer.html new file mode 100755 index 000000000..56d52a61a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/static/footer.html @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + + +
Copyright © 2003-2007 CEA, EDF
+ + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/static/header.html b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/static/header.html new file mode 100755 index 000000000..a70a95e30 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/static/header.html @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + + + $title + + +
+SALOME documentation central +
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/suppress_faces.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/suppress_faces.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 46bca08d6..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/suppress_faces.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Suppress Faces - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Suppress Faces

- -

To produce - a Suppress Faces operation in - the Main Menu select Repair - > Suppress - Faces.

- -


- -

This operation suppresses a face of a shape. - This operation is available in OCC Viewer - only.

- -


- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object (ListOfGeomShapes)..

- -


- -

TUI Command: geompy.SuppressFaces(Shape, - ListOfID), where Shape is a shape to be processed, ListOfID is - a list of faces ID's to be removed.

- -

Arguments: - Name + Faces which should be removed (you can select them in the 3D viewer).

- -


- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our - TUI Scripts provide you with useful - examples of the use of Repairing - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/suppress_holes.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/suppress_holes.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 52d9d29f9..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/suppress_holes.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Suppress Holes - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Suppress Holes

- -

To Suppress Holes in the Main Menu select - Repair - > Suppress Holes.

- -


- -

This operation removes holes on a selected shape. This - operation is available in OCC - Viewer only.

- -


- -

The Result will - be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.SuppressHoles(Shape, ListOfWireID), - where Shape is a shape where holes must be removed, ListOfWireID is a - list of wire sub shapes ID’s. If it is empty, then all holes are removed.

- -


- -

- -


- -

Arguments: Name - + 1 shape + Wires which should be removed.

- -

Remove all - holes checkbox allows to fill all holes of a definite shape.

- -

Detect button - allows to display the number of free boundaries in your shape:

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our - TUI Scripts provide you with useful - examples of the use of Repairing - Operations.

- -


- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/suppress_internal_wires.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/suppress_internal_wires.htm deleted file mode 100755 index debe6fe34..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/suppress_internal_wires.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Suppress Internal Wires - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Suppress Internal - Wires

- -

To Suppress Internal Wires in the Main - Menu select Repair - > Suppress Internal - Wires.

- -


- -

This operation removes all internal wires or - specified internal wires from user specified faces. This operation is - available in OCC Viewer only. -

- -


- -

The - Result will be a GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

TUI Command: - geompy.SuppressInternalWires(Shape, - Wires), where Shape is a shape where wires are to be removed, Wires - is a list of wires ID’s to be removed; if the list is empty then all internal - wires are removed.

- -


- -


- -
    - -
  • Name of the resulting - object

  • - -
  • User specified face

  • - -
  • User specified internal - wires (lying on this face except for its boundary), or, in case the Remove all internal wires box is checked, - all internal wires

  • -
- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

Our - TUI Scripts provide you with useful - examples of the use of Repairing - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/transformation_operations.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/transformation_operations.htm deleted file mode 100755 index ec8222867..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/transformation_operations.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1075 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Transformation Operations - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Transformation Operations

- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(10, - 40, 0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0,  0, 50)

- -

p3 = geompy.MakeVertex(50, - 80, 0)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -

vt = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p3)

- -


- -

# create a cylinder

- -

height = 35

- -

radius1 = 20

- -

cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, - v, radius1, height)

- -


- -

# translate the given object along the vector, specified by its end - points

- -

# (all three functions produce the same result)

- -

translation1 = geompy.MakeTranslationTwoPoints(cylinder, - p1, p3)

- -

translation2 = geompy.MakeTranslation(cylinder, - 40, 40, 0)

- -

translation3 = geompy.MakeTranslationVector(cylinder, - vt)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_cylinder = geompy.addToStudy(cylinder, - "Cylinder")

- -

id_translation1 = - geompy.addToStudy(translation1, "Translation1")

- -

id_translation2 = - geompy.addToStudy(translation2, "Translation2")

- -

id_translation3 = - geompy.addToStudy(translation3, "Translation3")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_translation3,1) -

- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

import math

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(10, - 40, 0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0,  0, 50)

- -

p3 = geompy.MakeVertex(10, - 50,-20)

- -

p4 = geompy.MakeVertex(10, - 50, 60)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -

vr = geompy.MakeVector(p3, - p4)

- -


- -

# create a cylinder

- -

height = 35

- -

radius1 = 20

- -

cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, - v, radius1, height)

- -


- -

# rotate the given object around the given axis by the given angle

- -

rotation = geompy.MakeRotation(cylinder, - vr, math.pi)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_vr = geompy.addToStudy(vr, - "Rotation axis")

- -

id_cylinder = geompy.addToStudy(cylinder, - "Cylinder")

- -

id_rotation = geompy.addToStudy(rotation, - "Rotation")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_rotation,1) -

- -


- -

Modify Location

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

import math

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a vertex and a vector

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(10, - 40, 0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0,  0, 50)

- -

v = geompy.MakeVector(p1, - p2)

- -


- -

# create a cylinder

- -

height = 35

- -

radius1 = 20

- -

cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1, - v, radius1, height)

- -


- -

# create local coordinate systems

- -

cs1 = geompy.MakeMarker( - 0, 0, 0, 1,0,0, 0,1,0)

- -

cs2 = geompy.MakeMarker(30,40,40, - 1,0,0, 0,1,0)

- -


- -

# modify the location of the given object

- -

position = geompy.MakePosition(cylinder, - cs1, cs2)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_cs1 = geompy.addToStudy(cs1, - "Coordinate system 1")

- -

id_cs2 = geompy.addToStudy(cs2, - "Coordinate system 2")

- -

id_cylinder = geompy.addToStudy(cylinder, - "Cylinder")

- -

id_position = geompy.addToStudy(position, - "Position")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_position,1) -

- -


- -

Mirror Image

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a box

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, - 200, 200)

- -


- -

# create an object, symmetrical to the given one relatively the given - plane

- -

p1 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0, 25,  0)

- -

p2 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 5, 25,  0)

- -

p3 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 0,-30, 40)

- -

plane = geompy.MakePlaneThreePnt(p1, - p2, p3, 1000.)

- -

mirror1 = geompy.MakeMirrorByPlane(box, - plane)

- -


- -

# create an object, symmetrical to the given one relatively the given - axis

- -

p4 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 210, 210, -20)

- -

p5 = geompy.MakeVertex( - 210, 210, 220)

- -

axis = geompy.MakeVector(p4, - p5)

- -

mirror2 = geompy.MakeMirrorByAxis(box, - axis)

- -


- -

# create an object, symmetrical to the given one relatively the given - point

- -

mirror3 = geompy.MakeMirrorByPoint(box, - p4)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box, - "Box")

- -

id_plane = geompy.addToStudy(plane, - "Plane")

- -

id_mirror1 = geompy.addToStudy(mirror1, - "Mirror plane")

- -

id_axis = geompy.addToStudy(axis, - "Axis")

- -

id_mirror2 = geompy.addToStudy(mirror2, - "Mirror axis")

- -

id_p4 = geompy.addToStudy(p4, - "Point")

- -

id_mirror3 = geompy.addToStudy(mirror3, - "Mirror point")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_mirror3,1) -

- -


- -

Scale Transform

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a box and a sphere

- -

box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, - 200, 200)

- -


- -

# scale the given object by the factor

- -

p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(100, - 100, 100)

- -

factor = 0.5

- -

scale = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(box, - p0, factor)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box, - "Box")

- -

id_scale = geompy.addToStudy(scale, - "Scale")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_scale,1) -

- -


- -

Offset Surface

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create a box and a sphere

- -

box = geompy.MakeBox(20, - 20, 20, 200, 200, 200)

- -


- -

# create a new object as offset of the given object

- -

offset = geompy.MakeOffset(box, - 70.)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_box = geompy.addToStudy(box, - "Box")

- -

id_offset = geompy.addToStudy(offset, - "Offset")

- -


- -

# display the results

- -


- -


- -

gg.createAndDisplayGO(id_offset) -

- -


- -

Multi Translation

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices and vectors

- -

p0  = - geompy.MakeVertex( 0.,  0., -  0.)

- -

px  = - geompy.MakeVertex(20.,  0., -  0.)

- -

py  = - geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 20.,  0.)

- -

pz  = - geompy.MakeVertex( 0.,  0., - 20.)

- -

pxy = geompy.MakeVertex( - 50., 0., 0.)

- -

pxyz = geompy.MakeVertex( - 50., 50., 50.)

- -

vz  = - geompy.MakeVector(p0, pz)

- -

vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, - py)

- -

vtr1d = geompy.MakeVector(p0, - pxyz)

- -

vtr2d = geompy.MakeVector(p0, - pxy)

- -


- -

# create an arc

- -

arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, - pz, px)

- -


- -

# create a wire

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, - arc])

- -


- -

# create a planar face

- -

face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, - 1)

- -


- -

# create a prism

- -

prism = geompy.MakePrismVecH(face, - vz, 20.0)

- -


- -

# translate the given object along the given vector a given number of - times

- -

tr1d = geompy.MakeMultiTranslation1D(prism, - vtr1d, 20, 4)

- -


- -

# consequently apply two specified translations to the object a given - number of times

- -

tr2d = geompy.MakeMultiTranslation2D(prism, - vtr1d, 20, 4, vtr2d, 80, 3)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_prism = geompy.addToStudy(prism,"Prism")

- -

id_tr1d = geompy.addToStudy(tr1d,"Translation - 1D")

- -

id_tr2d = geompy.addToStudy(tr2d,"Translation - 2D")

- -


- -

# display the prism and the results of fillet operation

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_tr2d,1) -

- -


- -

Multi Rotation

- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -


- -

# create vertices and vectors

- -

p0  = - geompy.MakeVertex( 0.,  0., -  0.)

- -

px  = - geompy.MakeVertex(20.,  0., -  0.)

- -

py  = - geompy.MakeVertex( 0., 20.,  0.)

- -

pz  = - geompy.MakeVertex( 0.,  0., - 20.)

- -

pxyz = geompy.MakeVertex( - 50., 50., 10.)

- -

vz  = - geompy.MakeVector(p0, pz)

- -

vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, - py)

- -

vrot1d = geompy.MakeVector(p0, - pxyz)

- -


- -

# create an arc

- -

arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, - pz, px)

- -


- -

# create a wire

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, - arc])

- -


- -

# create a planar face

- -

face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, - 1)

- -


- -

# create a prism

- -

prism = geompy.MakePrismVecH(face, - vz, 20.0)

- -


- -

# rotate the given object around the given axis by the given angle a - given number of times

- -

rot1d = geompy.MultiRotate1D(prism, - vrot1d, 4)

- -


- -

# rotate the given object around the given axis by the given angle a - given number of times

- -

# and multi-translate the result of each rotation

- -

rot2d = geompy.MultiRotate2D(prism, - vrot1d, 60, 4, 50, 5)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_prism = geompy.addToStudy(prism,"Prism")

- -

id_rot1d = geompy.addToStudy(rot1d,"Rotation - 1D")

- -

id_rot2d = geompy.addToStudy(rot2d,"Rotation - 2D")

- -


- -

# display the prism and the results of fillet operation

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_rot2d,1) -

- -


- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -

radius  = - 10.

- -

ShapeTypeEdge = geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"]

- -


- -

# create vertices and vectors

- -

p0  = - geompy.MakeVertex(  0., -   0., -   0.)

- -

px  = - geompy.MakeVertex(100.,   0., -   0.)

- -

py  = - geompy.MakeVertex(  0., - 100.,   0.)

- -

pz  = - geompy.MakeVertex(  0., -   0., - 100.)

- -

vz  = - geompy.MakeVector(p0, pz)

- -

vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, - py)

- -


- -

# create an arc

- -

arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, - pz, px)

- -


- -

# create a wire

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, - arc])

- -


- -

# create a planar face

- -

face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, - 1)

- -


- -

# create a prism

- -

prism = geompy.MakePrismVecH(face, - vz, 100.0)

- -


- -

# get the list of IDs (IDList) for the fillet

- -

prism_edges = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(prism, - ShapeTypeEdge)

- -

IDlist_e = []

- -

IDlist_e.append(geompy.GetSubShapeID(prism, - prism_edges[0]))

- -

IDlist_e.append(geompy.GetSubShapeID(prism, - prism_edges[1]))

- -

IDlist_e.append(geompy.GetSubShapeID(prism, - prism_edges[2]))

- -


- -

# make a fillet on the specified edges of the given shape

- -

fillet = geompy.MakeFillet(prism, - radius, ShapeTypeEdge, IDlist_e)

- -


- -

# make a fillet on all edges of the given shape

- -

filletall = geompy.MakeFilletAll(prism, - radius)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_prism = geompy.addToStudy(prism,"Prism")

- -

id_fillet = geompy.addToStudy(fillet,"Fillet")

- -

id_filletall = geompy.addToStudy(filletall,"Fillet - all")

- -


- -

# display the prism and the results of fillet operation

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_filletall,1) -

- -


- -


- -

import geompy

- -

import salome

- -

gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")

- -

d1 = 10.

- -

d2 = 10.

- -

ShapeTypeFace = geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]

- -


- -

# create vertices and vectors

- -

p0  = - geompy.MakeVertex(  0., -   0., -   0.)

- -

px  = - geompy.MakeVertex(100.,   0., -   0.)

- -

py  = - geompy.MakeVertex(  0., - 100.,   0.)

- -

pz  = - geompy.MakeVertex(  0., -   0., - 100.)

- -

vz  = - geompy.MakeVector(p0, pz)

- -

vxy = geompy.MakeVector(px, - py)

- -


- -

# create an arc

- -

arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, - pz, px)

- -


- -

# create a wire

- -

wire = geompy.MakeWire([vxy, - arc])

- -


- -

# create a planar face

- -

face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, - 1)

- -


- -

# create a prism

- -

prism = geompy.MakePrismVecH(face, - vz, 100.0)

- -


- -

# get the list of IDs (IDList) for the chamfer

- -

prism_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(prism, - ShapeTypeFace)

- -

f_ind_1 = geompy.GetSubShapeID(prism, - prism_faces[0])

- -

f_ind_2 = geompy.GetSubShapeID(prism, - prism_faces[1])

- -

IDlist_f = [f_ind_1, - f_ind_2]

- -


- -

# perform a chamfer on the edges common to the specified faces

- -

chamfer_e = geompy.MakeChamferEdge(prism, - d1, d2, f_ind_1, f_ind_2)

- -


- -

# perform a chamfer on all edges of the specified faces

- -

chamfer_f = geompy.MakeChamferFaces(prism, - d1, d2, IDlist_f)

- -

chamfer_f1 = geompy.MakeChamfer(prism, - d1, d2, ShapeTypeFace, IDlist_f)

- -


- -

# perform a symmetric chamfer on all edges of the given shape

- -

chamfer_all = geompy.MakeChamferAll(prism, - d1)

- -


- -

# add objects in the study

- -

id_prism = geompy.addToStudy(prism,"Prism")

- -

id_chamfer_e = geompy.addToStudy(chamfer_e,"Chamfer - edge")

- -

id_chamfer_f = geompy.addToStudy(chamfer_f,"Chamfer - faces")

- -

id_chamfer_f1 = geompy.addToStudy(chamfer_f1,"Chamfer - faces 1")

- -

id_chamfer_all = geompy.addToStudy(chamfer_all,"Chamfer - all")

- -


- -

# display the prism and the results of chamfer operation

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

gg.setDisplayMode(id_chamfer_all,1) -

- -


- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/translation.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/translation.htm deleted file mode 100755 index fcc9e7126..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/translation.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Translation - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To produce - a Translation in the Main Menu - select Operations - > Transformation - - > Translation

- -


- -

This Operation makes a translation of an Object. To translate a shape you need - to define the base shape and the coordinates of the vector of translation. - Create a copy checkbox allows - to keep the initial object, otherwise it will be removed.

- -

The - Result of all operations will be any - GEOM_Object.

- -


- -

Firstly you can define an Object - and the vector coordinates along the axes.

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeTranslation(Shape, DX, - DY, DZ), where Shape is a shape to be translated, DX, DY, DZ are - components of translation vector.

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 shape + 3 values (coordinates).

- -


- -

- -


- -

Secondly you can define an Object - and the start and the end points of the vector  

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeTranslationTwoPoints(Object, - Point1, Point2)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 shape + 2 vertices

- -


- -

- -


- -

Finally you can define an Object and - the vector  

- -

TUI Command: - geompy.MakeTranslationVector(Object, Vector)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 shape + 1 vector.

- -


- -

- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -


- -

  Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation - Operations.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/transparency.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/transparency.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 719dfaccc..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/transparency.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,126 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Transparency - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

You can change the transparency - of a shape in the range between 0 (absolutely opaque) and 1 (absolutely - transparent and thus invisible) in the following dialog box.

- -


- -

- -


- -

or - using a TUI Command: gg.setTransparency(ID, Double)

- -


- -


- -


- -

Opaque                                                                                         50% - Transparent

- -


- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts - provide you with useful examples of Changing - Display Parameters.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/turus.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/turus.htm deleted file mode 100755 index ca89dab00..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/turus.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Turus - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To create a Torus - in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Primitives - > Torus

- -


- -

There are two algorithms for creation of a Torus. -

- -

The - Result of each operation will be a - GEOM_Object (SOLID).

- -


- -

Firstly, you can define a Torus - by the given Base Point, the normal - Vector and the Major and Minor - Radiuses.

- -

TUI Command: geompy.MakeTorus(Point, - Vector, RadiusMajor, RadiusMinor) ,

- -

Arguments: - Name + 1 vertex - + 1 vector (for direction) + 2 values (1 & 2 Radius).

- -

- -


- -

Secondly, you can define a Torus with the center at the origin of coordinates - by its Major and Minor Radiuses. -

- -

TUI Command: geompy.MakeTorusRR(RadiusMajor, - RadiusMinor)

- -

Arguments: - Name + 2 values (1 & 2 Radius from the origin).

- -

- -


- -


- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Primitives.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/vector.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/vector.htm deleted file mode 100755 index b72725e63..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/vector.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,157 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Vector - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- -

To - create a Vector in the Main - Menu select New Entity - > - Basic - > Vector

- -


- -

There - are 2 algorithms to create a Vector in - the 3D space.

- -

The - Result of each operation will be a - GEOM_Object (edge).

- -


- -

Firstly, - you can define a Vector by its - Start and End Points

- -

TUI Command:  geompy.MakeVector(Point1, - Point2)

- -

Arguments - : Name + 2 vertices.

- -


- -

- -


- -

Secondly, you can define a Vector - starting in the Origin of coordinates - by its End Point.

- -

TUI Command: -  geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(DX, - DY, DZ)

- -

Arguments - : Name + 3 values

- -


- -

- -


- -

- -


- -

Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples - of creation of Basic - Geometric Objects.

- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/viewing_geometrical_objects.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/viewing_geometrical_objects.htm deleted file mode 100755 index b3f734767..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/viewing_geometrical_objects.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,155 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -Viewing Geometrical Objects - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Viewing Geometrical Objects

- -

Newly created geometrical objects are automatically displayed in the - OCC 3D Viewer. -

- -


- -

After the object has appeared in the Viewer, you can select it with - left mouse click to change its presentation parameters and access to other - useful options by right-clicking on the selected object.

- -


- -

- -


- -
    - -
  • Rename - allows - to change the name of the geometric object. -

  • - -
  • Display - Mode - allows to select between - Wireframe and Shading presentation.

  • - -
  • Color - - allows to change the filling color in the standard - Select Color menu.

  • - -
  • Transparency - allows to change the - transparency of mesh elements.

  • - -
  • Isos - - allows to change the number of isolines - displayed within a shape.

  • - -
  • Erase - allows to hide the selected mesh from the - viewer. TUI Command : sg.EraseOnly(ID)

  • - -
  • Erase all  - - allows to hide all objects from the viewer. TUI Command: sg.EraseAll()

  • - -
  • Display Only -allows to display only the selected - mesh, hiding all other from the viewer. TUI Command: sg.DisplayOnly(ID)

  • - -
  • Update - - refreshes the presentation of your mesh in the Object Browser, applying - all recent changes.

  • - -
  • Dump view - - exports an object from the viewer in bmp, png, jpg or jpeg image format. -

  • - -
  • Change background - - allows to redefine the background color. By default it is black.  

  • -
- -


- - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/webhelp.cab b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/webhelp.cab deleted file mode 100755 index b942f642f..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/webhelp.cab and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/webhelp.jar b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/webhelp.jar deleted file mode 100755 index 53b266636..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/webhelp.jar and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whcsh_home.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whcsh_home.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 5a486ba28..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whcsh_home.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,600 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whcshdata.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whcshdata.htm deleted file mode 100755 index c0749929c..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whcshdata.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ - - -Geometry Module Reference Manual - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_dpns.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_dpns.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 1bca23603..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_dpns.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ - - -Navigator Pane - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_hide0.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_hide0.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 97ea0bb6d..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_hide0.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_hide1.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_hide1.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 97ea0bb6d..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_hide1.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_hide2.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_hide2.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 97ea0bb6d..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_hide2.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_next0.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_next0.gif deleted file mode 100755 index d92dda522..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_next0.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_next1.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_next1.gif deleted file mode 100755 index d92dda522..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_next1.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_next2.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_next2.gif deleted file mode 100755 index d92dda522..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_next2.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_nvp10.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_nvp10.htm deleted file mode 100755 index a57fe1e49..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_nvp10.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ - 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- - - - - - - - - -"]]> - - - - -"]]> - - - - -"; -OutputInTopicNavBarDataWebSearch.form();]]> - - - - - - - - - - -"]]> - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_wbsh0.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_wbsh0.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 383688e7c..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_wbsh0.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_wbsh1.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_wbsh1.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 383688e7c..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_wbsh1.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_wbsh2.gif b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_wbsh2.gif deleted file mode 100755 index 383688e7c..000000000 Binary files a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whd_wbsh2.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whftdata.js b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whftdata.js index 071ae6fc7..addf26223 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whftdata.js +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whftdata.js @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ -// WebHelp 5.10.001 -var gTEA = new Array(); -function aTE(sTopicTitle, sTopicURL) -{ - 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gaFileMapping[gaFileMapping.length] = new fileMapping(sStartKey, sEndKey, sFileName); -} - -function window_OnLoad() -{ - if (parent && parent != this && parent.ftsReady) - { - parent.ftsReady(gaFileMapping, gaFileTopicMapping); - } -} - -function iTM(nIdBegin, nIdEnd, sFileName) -{ - gaFileTopicMapping[gaFileTopicMapping.length] = new fileTopicMapping(nIdBegin, nIdEnd, sFileName); -} - -window.onload = window_OnLoad; +// WebHelp 5.10.001 +var gaFileMapping = new Array(); +var gaFileTopicMapping = new Array(); + +function fileMapping(sStartKey, sEndKey, sFileName) +{ + this.sStartKey = sStartKey; + this.sEndKey = sEndKey; + this.sFileName = sFileName; + this.aFtsKeys = null; +} + +function fileTopicMapping(nIdBegin, nIdEnd, sFileName) +{ + this.nBegin = nIdBegin; + this.nEnd = nIdEnd; + this.sFileName = sFileName; + this.aTopics = null; +} + + +function iWM(sStartKey, sEndKey, sFileName) +{ + gaFileMapping[gaFileMapping.length] = new fileMapping(sStartKey, sEndKey, sFileName); +} + +function window_OnLoad() +{ + if (parent && parent != this && parent.ftsReady) + { + parent.ftsReady(gaFileMapping, gaFileTopicMapping); + } +} + +function iTM(nIdBegin, nIdEnd, sFileName) +{ + gaFileTopicMapping[gaFileTopicMapping.length] = new fileTopicMapping(nIdBegin, nIdEnd, sFileName); +} + +window.onload = window_OnLoad; diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whfwdata.js b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whfwdata.js index e9e8bc6c1..8340b59d5 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whfwdata.js +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whfwdata.js @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -// WebHelp 5.10.001 -var gWEA = new Array(); -function aWE() -{ - var len = gWEA.length; - gWEA[len] = new ftsEntry(aWE.arguments); -} - -function ftsEntry(fn_arguments) -{ - if (fn_arguments.length && fn_arguments.length >= 1) - { - this.sItemName = fn_arguments[0]; - this.aTopics = null; - var nLen = fn_arguments.length; - if (nLen > 1) - { - this.aTopics = new Array(); - for (var i = 0; i < nLen - 1; i ++ ) - { - this.aTopics[i] = fn_arguments[i + 1]; - } - } - } -} - -function window_OnLoad() -{ - if (parent && parent != this) { - if (parent.putFtsWData) - { - parent.putFtsWData(gWEA); - } - } -} - +// WebHelp 5.10.001 +var gWEA = new Array(); +function aWE() +{ + var len = gWEA.length; + gWEA[len] = new ftsEntry(aWE.arguments); +} + +function ftsEntry(fn_arguments) +{ + if (fn_arguments.length && fn_arguments.length >= 1) + { + this.sItemName = fn_arguments[0]; + this.aTopics = null; + var nLen = fn_arguments.length; + if (nLen > 1) + { + this.aTopics = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < nLen - 1; i ++ ) + { + this.aTopics[i] = fn_arguments[i + 1]; + } + } + } +} + +function window_OnLoad() +{ + if (parent && parent != this) { + if (parent.putFtsWData) + { + parent.putFtsWData(gWEA); + } + } +} + window.onload = window_OnLoad; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whfwdata0.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whfwdata0.htm index e55cb1765..290ddb8d8 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whfwdata0.htm +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whfwdata0.htm @@ -1,1349 +1,1379 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whgdata.js b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whgdata.js index 77e0107f3..e38a107b5 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whgdata.js +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whgdata.js @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ -// WebHelp 5.10.001 -var gIEA = new Array(); -function aGE(sName, sDef) -{ - var len = gIEA.length; - gIEA[len] = new gloEntry(sName, sDef); -} - -function gloEntry(sName, sDef) -{ - this.sName = sName; - this.sDef = sDef; - this.nNKOff = 0; -} - -function window_OnLoad() -{ - if (parent && parent != this) { - if (parent.putData) - { - parent.putData(gIEA); - } - } -} - +// WebHelp 5.10.001 +var gIEA = new Array(); +function aGE(sName, sDef) +{ + var len = gIEA.length; + gIEA[len] = new gloEntry(sName, sDef); +} + +function gloEntry(sName, sDef) +{ + this.sName = sName; + this.sDef = sDef; + this.nNKOff = 0; +} + +function window_OnLoad() +{ + if (parent && parent != this) { + if (parent.putData) + { + parent.putData(gIEA); + } + } +} + window.onload = window_OnLoad; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whgdata0.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whgdata0.htm index 9d256b1a8..3865725f4 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whgdata0.htm +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whgdata0.htm @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whglo.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whglo.htm index dc5a67786..9d7ac79f1 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whglo.htm +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whglo.htm @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whglo.js b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whglo.js index e0519afcb..c34fb24b2 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whglo.js +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whglo.js @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ -// WebHelp 5.10.001 -var gaFileMapping = new Array(); -function fileMapping(sBK, sEK, sFileName, nNum) -{ - this.sBK = sBK; - this.sEK = sEK; - this.sFileName = sFileName; - this.aKs = null; - this.nNum = nNum; - this.oUsedItems = null; -} - - -function iFM(sBK, sEK, sFileName, nNum) -{ - var i = gaFileMapping.length; - gaFileMapping[i] = new fileMapping(sBK, sEK, sFileName, nNum); - if (i == 0) { - gaFileMapping[i].nTotal = nNum; - } - else { - gaFileMapping[i].nTotal = nNum + gaFileMapping[i - 1].nTotal; - } -} - -function window_OnLoad() -{ - if (parent && parent != this && parent.projReady) - { - parent.projReady(gaFileMapping); - } -} - -window.onload = window_OnLoad; +// WebHelp 5.10.001 +var gaFileMapping = new Array(); +function fileMapping(sBK, sEK, sFileName, nNum) +{ + this.sBK = sBK; + this.sEK = sEK; + this.sFileName = sFileName; + this.aKs = null; + this.nNum = nNum; + this.oUsedItems = null; +} + + +function iFM(sBK, sEK, sFileName, nNum) +{ + var i = gaFileMapping.length; + gaFileMapping[i] = new fileMapping(sBK, sEK, sFileName, nNum); + if (i == 0) { + gaFileMapping[i].nTotal = nNum; + } + else { + gaFileMapping[i].nTotal = nNum + gaFileMapping[i - 1].nTotal; + } +} + +function window_OnLoad() +{ + if (parent && parent != this && parent.projReady) + { + parent.projReady(gaFileMapping); + } +} + +window.onload = window_OnLoad; diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whidata.js b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whidata.js index 9f0eb15ed..a92184730 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whidata.js +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whidata.js @@ -1,89 +1,89 @@ -// WebHelp 5.10.001 -// const strings -var gIEA = new Array(); -function aIE() -{ - var len = gIEA.length; - gIEA[len] = new indexEntry(aIE.arguments); -} - -function topic(sName, sURL) -{ - this.sName = sName; - this.sURL = sURL; -} - -function indexEntry(fn_arguments) -{ - if (fn_arguments.length && fn_arguments.length >= 3) - { - this.nType = fn_arguments[0]; - this.nPKOff = 0; - this.nNKOff = fn_arguments[1]; - this.sName = fn_arguments[2]; - this.aTopics = null; - var nLen = fn_arguments.length; - if (Math.floor(nLen / 2) * 2 == nLen) - { - this.sTarget = fn_arguments[3]; - if (nLen > 5) - { - this.aTopics = new Array(); - for (var i = 0; i < (nLen - 5)/2; i++) - { - this.aTopics[i] = new topic(fn_arguments[i * 2 + 4], fn_arguments[i * 2 + 5]); - } - } - - } - else - { - if (nLen > 4) - { - this.aTopics = new Array(); - for (var i = 0; i < (nLen - 4)/2; i++) - { - this.aTopics[i] = new topic(fn_arguments[i * 2 + 3], fn_arguments[i * 2 + 4]); - } - } - } - } -} - -function getIndexTopicMappingList(nItemIndex) -{ - var sTopics = ""; - if (gIEA.length > nItemIndex) - { - if (gIEA[nItemIndex].aTopics) - { - var i = 0; - var nLen = gIEA[nItemIndex].aTopics.length; - for (i = 0; i < nLen; i ++) - { - sTopics += "," + gIEA[nItemIndex].aTopics[i]; - } - } - } - return sTopics; -} - -function window_OnLoad() -{ - if (parent && parent != this) { - if (parent.putData) - { - for (var i = 0; i < gIEA.length; i ++ ) - { - if (gIEA[i].nNKOff != 0 && i + gIEA[i].nNKOff + 1 < gIEA.length) - { - - gIEA[i + gIEA[i].nNKOff + 1].nPKOff = gIEA[i].nNKOff; - } - } - parent.putData(gIEA); - } - } -} - +// WebHelp 5.10.001 +// const strings +var gIEA = new Array(); +function aIE() +{ + var len = gIEA.length; + gIEA[len] = new indexEntry(aIE.arguments); +} + +function topic(sName, sURL) +{ + this.sName = sName; + this.sURL = sURL; +} + +function indexEntry(fn_arguments) +{ + if (fn_arguments.length && fn_arguments.length >= 3) + { + this.nType = fn_arguments[0]; + this.nPKOff = 0; + this.nNKOff = fn_arguments[1]; + this.sName = fn_arguments[2]; + this.aTopics = null; + var nLen = fn_arguments.length; + if (Math.floor(nLen / 2) * 2 == nLen) + { + this.sTarget = fn_arguments[3]; + if (nLen > 5) + { + this.aTopics = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < (nLen - 5)/2; i++) + { + this.aTopics[i] = new topic(fn_arguments[i * 2 + 4], fn_arguments[i * 2 + 5]); + } + } + + } + else + { + if (nLen > 4) + { + this.aTopics = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < (nLen - 4)/2; i++) + { + this.aTopics[i] = new topic(fn_arguments[i * 2 + 3], fn_arguments[i * 2 + 4]); + } + } + } + } +} + +function getIndexTopicMappingList(nItemIndex) +{ + var sTopics = ""; + if (gIEA.length > nItemIndex) + { + if (gIEA[nItemIndex].aTopics) + { + var i = 0; + var nLen = gIEA[nItemIndex].aTopics.length; + for (i = 0; i < nLen; i ++) + { + sTopics += "," + gIEA[nItemIndex].aTopics[i]; + } + } + } + return sTopics; +} + +function window_OnLoad() +{ + if (parent && parent != this) { + if (parent.putData) + { + for (var i = 0; i < gIEA.length; i ++ ) + { + if (gIEA[i].nNKOff != 0 && i + gIEA[i].nNKOff + 1 < gIEA.length) + { + + gIEA[i + gIEA[i].nNKOff + 1].nPKOff = gIEA[i].nNKOff; + } + } + parent.putData(gIEA); + } + } +} + window.onload = window_OnLoad; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whidx.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whidx.htm index 0a0deedd0..a049a96f9 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whidx.htm +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whidx.htm @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whidx.js b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whidx.js index e0519afcb..c34fb24b2 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whidx.js +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whidx.js @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ -// WebHelp 5.10.001 -var gaFileMapping = new Array(); -function fileMapping(sBK, sEK, sFileName, nNum) -{ - this.sBK = sBK; - this.sEK = sEK; - this.sFileName = sFileName; - this.aKs = null; - this.nNum = nNum; - this.oUsedItems = null; -} - - -function iFM(sBK, sEK, sFileName, nNum) -{ - var i = gaFileMapping.length; - gaFileMapping[i] = new fileMapping(sBK, sEK, sFileName, nNum); - if (i == 0) { - gaFileMapping[i].nTotal = nNum; - } - else { - gaFileMapping[i].nTotal = nNum + gaFileMapping[i - 1].nTotal; - } -} - -function window_OnLoad() -{ - if (parent && parent != this && parent.projReady) - { - parent.projReady(gaFileMapping); - } -} - -window.onload = window_OnLoad; +// WebHelp 5.10.001 +var gaFileMapping = new Array(); +function fileMapping(sBK, sEK, sFileName, nNum) +{ + this.sBK = sBK; + this.sEK = sEK; + this.sFileName = sFileName; + this.aKs = null; + this.nNum = nNum; + this.oUsedItems = null; +} + + +function iFM(sBK, sEK, sFileName, nNum) +{ + var i = gaFileMapping.length; + gaFileMapping[i] = new fileMapping(sBK, sEK, sFileName, nNum); + if (i == 0) { + gaFileMapping[i].nTotal = nNum; + } + else { + gaFileMapping[i].nTotal = nNum + gaFileMapping[i - 1].nTotal; + } +} + +function window_OnLoad() +{ + if (parent && parent != this && parent.projReady) + { + parent.projReady(gaFileMapping); + } +} + +window.onload = window_OnLoad; diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtdata.js b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtdata.js index d5428a7de..0558e198c 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtdata.js +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtdata.js @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ -// WebHelp 5.10.001 -var gTEA = new Array(); -function aTE() -{ - gTEA[gTEA.length] = new tocEntry(aTE.arguments); -} - -function tocEntry(fn_arguments) -{ - if (fn_arguments.length < 3) - { - alert ("data format wrong!!!"); - return; - } - - this.nType = fn_arguments[0]; - this.nContents = fn_arguments[1]; - this.sItemName = fn_arguments[2]; - - if (this.nType == 1 || this.nType == 2 || this.nType == 16) - { - if (fn_arguments.length > 3) - { - this.sItemURL = fn_arguments[3]; - if (fn_arguments.length > 4) - { - this.sTarget = fn_arguments[4]; - if (fn_arguments.length > 5) - this.sIconRef = fn_arguments[5]; - } - } - } - if (this.nType == 4 || this.nType == 8) - { - if (fn_arguments.length > 3) - { - this.sRefURL = fn_arguments[3]; - if (this.nType == 4) - { - if(this.sRefURL.lastIndexOf("/")!=this.sRefURL.length-1) - this.sRefURL+="/"; - } - if (fn_arguments.length > 4) - { - this.sItemURL = fn_arguments[4]; - if (fn_arguments.length > 5) - { - this.sTarget = fn_arguments[5]; - if (fn_arguments.length > 6) - this.sIconRef = fn_arguments[6]; - } - } - } - } -} - - -function window_OnLoad() -{ - if (parent && parent != this && parent.putData) { - parent.putData(gTEA); - } -} +// WebHelp 5.10.001 +var gTEA = new Array(); +function aTE() +{ + gTEA[gTEA.length] = new tocEntry(aTE.arguments); +} + +function tocEntry(fn_arguments) +{ + if (fn_arguments.length < 3) + { + alert ("data format wrong!!!"); + return; + } + + this.nType = fn_arguments[0]; + this.nContents = fn_arguments[1]; + this.sItemName = fn_arguments[2]; + + if (this.nType == 1 || this.nType == 2 || this.nType == 16) + { + if (fn_arguments.length > 3) + { + this.sItemURL = fn_arguments[3]; + if (fn_arguments.length > 4) + { + this.sTarget = fn_arguments[4]; + if (fn_arguments.length > 5) + this.sIconRef = fn_arguments[5]; + } + } + } + if (this.nType == 4 || this.nType == 8) + { + if (fn_arguments.length > 3) + { + this.sRefURL = fn_arguments[3]; + if (this.nType == 4) + { + if(this.sRefURL.lastIndexOf("/")!=this.sRefURL.length-1) + this.sRefURL+="/"; + } + if (fn_arguments.length > 4) + { + this.sItemURL = fn_arguments[4]; + if (fn_arguments.length > 5) + { + this.sTarget = fn_arguments[5]; + if (fn_arguments.length > 6) + this.sIconRef = fn_arguments[6]; + } + } + } + } +} + + +function window_OnLoad() +{ + if (parent && parent != this && parent.putData) { + parent.putData(gTEA); + } +} window.onload = window_OnLoad; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtdata0.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtdata0.htm index c212ffbdf..159c80a3c 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtdata0.htm +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtdata0.htm @@ -1,114 +1,114 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtoc.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtoc.htm index 54e0cbf26..459c3e311 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtoc.htm +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtoc.htm @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtoc.js b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtoc.js index 163d8cc9f..62de5a132 100755 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtoc.js +++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whdata/whtoc.js @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ -// WebHelp 5.10.001 -// const strings -var gaProj = new Array(); -var gsRoot = ""; - -function setRoot(sRoot) -{ - gsRoot = sRoot -} - -function aPE(sProjPath, sRootPath) -{ - gaProj[gaProj.length] = new tocProjEntry(sProjPath, sRootPath); -} - -function tocProjEntry(sProjPath, sRootPath) -{ - if(sProjPath.lastIndexOf("/")!=sProjPath.length-1) - sProjPath+="/"; - this.sPPath = sProjPath; - this.sRPath = sRootPath; -} - - -function window_OnLoad() -{ - if (parent && parent != this && parent.projReady) { - parent.projReady(gsRoot, gaProj); - } -} +// WebHelp 5.10.001 +// const strings +var gaProj = new Array(); +var gsRoot = ""; + +function setRoot(sRoot) +{ + gsRoot = sRoot +} + +function aPE(sProjPath, sRootPath) +{ + gaProj[gaProj.length] = new tocProjEntry(sProjPath, sRootPath); +} + +function tocProjEntry(sProjPath, sRootPath) +{ + if(sProjPath.lastIndexOf("/")!=sProjPath.length-1) + sProjPath+="/"; + this.sPPath = sProjPath; + this.sRPath = sRootPath; +} + + +function window_OnLoad() +{ + if (parent && parent != this && parent.projReady) { + parent.projReady(gsRoot, gaProj); + } +} window.onload = window_OnLoad; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whfbody.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whfbody.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 5666e1b55..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whfbody.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ - - -Search Result - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whfdhtml.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whfdhtml.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 37429607b..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whfdhtml.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ - - -Search Frame - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whfform.htm b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whfform.htm deleted file mode 100755 index 87d754ec4..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whfform.htm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ - - -Search Form - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whfhost.js b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whfhost.js deleted file mode 100755 index 167acc459..000000000 --- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/whfhost.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,945 +0,0 @@ -// WebHelp 5.10.003 -var gsSK2=null; -var gsSK=null; -var gsFtsBreakChars="\t\r\n\"\\ .,!@#$%^&*()~'`:;<>?/{}[]|+-=\x85\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x99\xA9\xAE\xB7"; -var gnCLF=0; -var gsHelpCannotSearch="Cannot search for that phrase."; -var gsNoTopics="No Topics Found."; -var gsLoadingDivID="LoadingDiv"; -var gsLoadingMsg="Loading data, please wait..."; -var gsSearchMsg="Searching..."; -var gsResultDivID="ResultDiv"; -var gaaFCD=new Array(); -var gaaFTCD=new Array(); -var goCF=null; -var goCTF=null; -var gaTI=null; -var gnCurrentOp=0; -var gbNot=false; -var gbReady=false; -var gnLoadFts=1; -var gnCacheLimits=5; -var gaCCD=new Array(); -var gbXML=false; -var gaData=new Array(); -var gsBgColor="#ffffff"; -var gsBgImage=""; -var gsMargin="0pt"; -var gsIndent="0pt"; -var gsCheckKey=null; -var gnIndexNum=0; -var gaFtsContentsCon=null; -var gaTopicCheckInfo=null; -var gnTopicCheck=0; -var goFont=null; -var goErrFont=null; -var goHoverFont=null; -var gsABgColor="#cccccc"; -var gbWhFHost=false; -var gbFirst=false; - -function setBackground(sBgImage) -{ - gsBgImage=sBgImage; -} - -function setBackgroundcolor(sBgColor) -{ - gsBgColor=sBgColor; -} - -function setFont(sType,sFontName,sFontSize,sFontColor,sFontStyle,sFontWeight,sFontDecoration) -{ - var vFont=new whFont(sFontName,sFontSize,sFontColor,sFontStyle,sFontWeight,sFontDecoration); - if(sType=="Normal") - goFont=vFont; - else if(sType=="Error") - goErrFont=vFont; - else if(sType=="Hover") - goHoverFont=vFont; -} - -function setActiveBgColor(sBgColor) -{ - gsABgColor=sBgColor; -} - -function setMargin(sMargin) -{ - gsMargin=sMargin; -} - -function setIndent(sIndent) -{ - gsIndent=sIndent; -} - -function updateCache(oCF) -{ - var len=gaCCD.length; - if(len0&&sURL) - { - var topic=new Object(); - topic.sTopicTitle=name; - topic.sTopicURL=sURL; - aTopics[aTopics.length]=topic; - } - } - oChild=oChild.nextSibling; - } - putFtsTData(aTopics); - } - } - else if(gnLoadFts==2) - { - var node=xmlDoc.lastChild; - if(node) - { - var oChild=node.firstChild; - var aFtsContents=new Array(); - while(oChild) - { - if(oChild.nodeName=="key") - { - var name=oChild.getAttribute("name"); - if(name&&name.length>0) - { - var item=new Object(); - item.sItemName=name; - aFtsContents[aFtsContents.length]=item; - var oChildChild=oChild.firstChild; - while(oChildChild) - { - if(oChildChild.nodeName=="#text") - { - var sIDs=oChildChild.nodeValue; - if(sIDs) - { - var nBPos=0; - do - { - var nPos=sIDs.indexOf(",",nBPos); - var sID=null; - if(nPos!=-1) - sID=sIDs.substring(nBPos,nPos); - else - sID=sIDs.substring(nBPos); - - if(sID) - { - var id=parseInt(sID); - if(!isNaN(id)) - { - if(!item.aTopics) - item.aTopics=new Array(); - item.aTopics[item.aTopics.length]=id; - } - } - nBPos=nPos+1; - }while(nBPos!=0&&nBPos0) - { - document.body.background=gsBgImage; - } - if(gsBgColor&&gsBgColor.length>0) - { - document.body.bgColor=gsBgColor; - } - writeResultDiv(); - loadFts(); - var oMsg=new whMessage(WH_MSG_SHOWFTS,this,1,null) - SendMessage(oMsg); -} - -function writeResultDiv() -{ - var sHTML="
"; - document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd",sHTML); -} - -function loadFts() -{ - if(!gbReady) - { - var oResMsg=new whMessage(WH_MSG_GETPROJINFO,this,1,null); - if(SendMessage(oResMsg)&&oResMsg.oParam) - { - gbReady=true; - var oProj=oResMsg.oParam; - var aProj=oProj.aProj; - gbXML=oProj.bXML; - if(aProj.length>0) - { - var sLangId=aProj[0].sLangId; - for(var i=0;i=0)&&(gsFtsBreakChars.charAt(nSep)=="|"))){ - gnCurrentOp=0; - gbNot=false; - }else if((sCW=="and")||((nSep>=0)&&(gsFtsBreakChars.charAt(nSep)=="&"))){ - gnCurrentOp=1; - gbNot=false; - }else if((sCW=="not")|| - ((nSep>=0)&&(gsFtsBreakChars.charAt(nSep)=="~"))){ - gbNot=!gbNot; - }else if(sCW!=""&&!IsStopWord(sCW,gaFtsStop)){ - var sCurrentStem=GetStem(sCW); - gsCW=sCurrentStem; - ftsFindKeyword(); - return; - } - findOneKey(); - } - else{ - displayTopics(); - checkAgain(); - } -} - -function checkAgain() -{ - gsCheckKey = ""; - gnIndexNum = 0; - gsSK=gsSK2; - gsSK2=null; - if(gsSK!=null) - setTimeout("findFTSKey();",1); -} - -function displayTopics() -{ - var sHTML=""; - var sLine=""; - for(var i=0;i"+_textToHtml(gaTI[i].sTopicTitle)+""; - if(i>>4<<4==i) - { - sHTML+=sLine; - sLine=""; - } - } - if(sLine.length>0) - sHTML+=sLine; - - if(sHTML.length==0) - sHTML="


" - else - sHTML="
"; - - var resultDiv=getElement(gsResultDivID); - if(resultDiv) - resultDiv.innerHTML=sHTML; -} - -function displayMsg(sErrorMsg) -{ - var sHTML="


"; - - var resultDiv=getElement(gsResultDivID); - if(resultDiv) - resultDiv.innerHTML=sHTML; -} - -function ftsFindKeyword() -{ - var sKey=gsCW; - var bNeedLoad=false; - var aFtsContentsCon=null; - var s=0; - if(sKey==null) return; - if(!gsCheckKey||sKey!=gsCheckKey||gnIndexNum==0) - { - aFtsContentsCon=new Array(); - gnCheck=0; - gsCheckKey=sKey; - gnTopicCheck=0; - gaTopicCheckInfo=null; - } - else{ - s=gnIndexNum; - aFtsContentsCon=gaFtsContentsCon; - } - for(var i=gnCheck;i=aTI.length) - { - aLS=gaTI; - aSS=aTI; - } - else - { - aLS=aTI; - aSS=gaTI; - } - var s=0; - for(var i=0;i=0) - { - var nM; - var bFound=false; - do{ - nM=(nB+nE)>>1; - if(compare(aTI[nM].sTopicTitle,oTI.sTopicTitle)>0) - nE=nM-1; - else if(compare(aTI[nM].sTopicTitle,oTI.sTopicTitle)<0) - nB=nM+1; - else - { - bFound=true; - break; - } - }while(nB<=nE); - if(bFound) - insertItemIntoArray(aTI,nM,oTI); - else - { - if(compare(aTI[nM].sTopicTitle,oTI.sTopicTitle)<0) - insertItemIntoArray(aTI,nM+1,oTI); - else - insertItemIntoArray(aTI,nM,oTI); - } - } - else - aTI[0]=oTI; -} - -function mergeTopics(aTI1,aTI2) -{ - var i1=0; - var i2=0; - var len1=aTI1.length; - var len2=aTI2.length; - var aTopicNew=new Array(); - var i=0; - while(i1>1; - if(compare(keys[nM].sItemName,sKey)>0) - nE=nM-1; - else if(compare(keys[nM].sItemName,sKey)<0) - nB=nM+1; - else{ - bFound=true; - break; - } - }while(nB<=nE); - if(bFound) - { - if(keys[nM].aTopics) - { - for(var i=0;i>1; - if(aFTCD[nM].nBegin>nTopicId) - nE=nM-1; - else if(aFTCD[nM].nEnd

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