mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 12:05:38 +05:00
Porting to Qt4.
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,8 +33,6 @@
#include "GeometryGUI.h"
#include <qevent.h>
// purpose : Constructor
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
#include "GEOM_GEOMGUI.hxx"
#include <qobject.h>
#include <QObject>
class SUIT_Desktop;
class SUIT_ViewWindow;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
DESTDIR = ../../lib
MOC_DIR = ../../moc
OBJECTS_DIR = ../../obj/$$TARGET
QT_INCLUDES = $$(QTDIR)/include $$(QTDIR)/include/QtCore $$(QTDIR)/include/QtGui $$(QTDIR)/include/QtOpenGL $$(QTDIR)/include/QtXml
VTK_INCLUDES = $$(VTKHOME)/include/vtk
PYTHON_INCLUDES = $$(PYTHONHOME)/include/python2.4
GUI_CXXFLAGS = $$(GUI_ROOT_DIR)/include/salome
CORBA_INCLUDES = $$(OMNIORBDIR)/include $$(OMNIORBDIR)/include/omniORB4 $$(OMNIORBDIR)/include/COS
GUI_LDFLAGS = -L$$(GUI_ROOT_DIR)/lib/salome
LIBS += -L$$(GEOM_ROOT_DIR)/lib -lGEOMFiltersSelection -lGEOMClient -lGEOMObject $${KERNEL_LDFLAGS} -lSalomeLifeCycleCORBA $${GUI_LDFLAGS} -lOCCViewer -lVTKViewer -lCAM -lSOCC -lSVTK -lEvent
CONFIG -= debug release debug_and_release
CONFIG += qt thread debug dll shared
win32:DEFINES += WIN32
HEADERS = GeometryGUI.h
HEADERS += GEOM_Displayer.h
HEADERS += GEOMGUI_Selection.h
HEADERS += GeometryGUI_Swig.hxx
HEADERS += GeometryGUI_Swig.i
SOURCES = GeometryGUI.cxx
SOURCES += GEOM_Displayer.cxx
SOURCES += GEOMGUI_Selection.cxx
SOURCES += GeometryGUI_Swig.cxx
GEOM_msg_en.ts \
includes.files = $$HEADERS
includes.path = ../../include
resources.files = *.qm
resources.path = ../../resources
INSTALLS += includes resources
@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
#include <OCCViewer_ViewModel.h>
#include <SALOME_InteractiveObject.hxx>
#include <AIS_ListOfInteractive.hxx>
#include <AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive.hxx>
#include <SelectMgr_EntityOwner.hxx>
@ -37,7 +35,6 @@
#include <SelectBasics_SensitiveEntity.hxx>
#include <StdSelect_BRepOwner.hxx>
#include <TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger.hxx>
#include <SelectMgr_IndexedMapOfOwner.hxx>
#include <NCollection_DataMap.hxx>
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
@ -198,12 +195,12 @@ void GEOMGUI_OCCSelector::setSelection( const SUIT_DataOwnerPtrList& aList )
QString entry = subOwner->entry();
#ifndef WNT
if ( indexesMap.IsBound( TCollection_AsciiString((char*)entry.latin1())))
if ( indexesMap.IsBound( TCollection_AsciiString(entry.toLatin1().data())))
if ( indexesMap.IsBound( (char*)entry.latin1()))
if ( indexesMap.IsBound( (char*)entry.toLatin1()))
TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& subIndexes = indexesMap.ChangeFind((char*)entry.latin1());
TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& subIndexes = indexesMap.ChangeFind(entry.toLatin1().data());
subIndexes.Add( subOwner->index() );
//indexesMap.replace( entry, subIndexes );
@ -211,7 +208,7 @@ void GEOMGUI_OCCSelector::setSelection( const SUIT_DataOwnerPtrList& aList )
TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger subIndexes;
subIndexes.Add( subOwner->index() );
indexesMap.Bind((char*)entry.latin1(), subIndexes);
indexesMap.Bind(entry.toLatin1().data(), subIndexes);
else // the owner is NOT a sub owner, maybe it is a DataOwner == GLOBAL selection
@ -257,12 +254,12 @@ void GEOMGUI_OCCSelector::setSelection( const SUIT_DataOwnerPtrList& aList )
Handle(AIS_Shape) aisShape = Handle(AIS_Shape)::DownCast( io );
if ( !aisShape.IsNull() && indexesMap.IsBound( (char*)entryStr.latin1() ) )
if ( !aisShape.IsNull() && indexesMap.IsBound( entryStr.toLatin1().data() ) )
TopoDS_Shape shape = aisShape->Shape();
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aMapOfShapes;
TopExp::MapShapes( shape, aMapOfShapes );
const TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& subIndexes = indexesMap.ChangeFind((char*)entryStr.latin1());
const TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& subIndexes = indexesMap.ChangeFind(entryStr.toLatin1().data());
const TopoDS_Shape& aSubShape = anOwner->Shape();
int aSubShapeId = aMapOfShapes.FindIndex( aSubShape );
@ -22,19 +22,13 @@
#include "GeometryGUI.h"
#include "GEOM_Displayer.h"
#include <LightApp_DataOwner.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Study.h>
#include <OCCViewer_ViewModel.h>
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewWindow.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewManager.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewModel.h>
#include <SALOMEDSClient_SObject.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDSClient_Study.hxx>
#include <SALOME_Prs.h>
#include <SALOME_InteractiveObject.hxx>
@ -56,7 +50,8 @@
// VTK Includes
#include <vtkActorCollection.h>
GEOMGUI_Selection::GEOMGUI_Selection( const QString& client, LightApp_SelectionMgr* mgr )
:LightApp_Selection( client, mgr )
@ -64,26 +59,26 @@ GEOMGUI_Selection::~GEOMGUI_Selection()
QtxValue GEOMGUI_Selection::globalParam( const QString& p ) const
QVariant GEOMGUI_Selection::parameter( const QString& p ) const
if ( p == "isOCC" ) return QtxValue( activeViewType() == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() );
if ( p == "isOCC" ) return QVariant( activeViewType() == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() );
if ( p == "selectionmode" ){
return QtxValue(selectionMode());
return QVariant(selectionMode());
return LightApp_Selection::globalParam( p );
return LightApp_Selection::parameter( p );
QtxValue GEOMGUI_Selection::param( const int ind, const QString& p ) const
QVariant GEOMGUI_Selection::parameter( const int ind, const QString& p ) const
// if ( p == "isVisible" ) return QtxValue( isVisible( ind ) );
// if ( p == "isVisible" ) return QVariant( isVisible( ind ) );
// parameter isVisible is calculated in base SalomeApp_Selection
// else
if( p == "type" )
return QtxValue( typeName( ind ) );
return QVariant( typeName( ind ) );
else if ( p == "displaymode" )
return QtxValue( displayMode( ind ) );
return QVariant( displayMode( ind ) );
return LightApp_Selection::param( ind, p );
return LightApp_Selection::parameter( ind, p );
QString GEOMGUI_Selection::typeName( const int index ) const
@ -106,7 +101,7 @@ bool GEOMGUI_Selection::isVisible( const int index ) const
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var obj = getObject( index );
SALOME_View* view = GEOM_Displayer::GetActiveView();
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( obj ) && view ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io = new SALOME_InteractiveObject( entry( index ).latin1(), "GEOM", "TEMP_IO" );
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io = new SALOME_InteractiveObject( entry( index ).toLatin1(), "GEOM", "TEMP_IO" );
return view->isVisible( io );
return false;
@ -117,7 +112,7 @@ QString GEOMGUI_Selection::displayMode( const int index ) const
SALOME_View* view = GEOM_Displayer::GetActiveView();
QString viewType = activeViewType();
if ( view /*fix for 9320==>*/&& ( viewType == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() || viewType == SVTK_Viewer::Type() ) ) {
SALOME_Prs* prs = view->CreatePrs( entry( index ) );
SALOME_Prs* prs = view->CreatePrs( entry( index ).toStdString().c_str() );
if ( prs ) {
if ( viewType == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() ) { // assuming OCC
SOCC_Prs* occPrs = (SOCC_Prs*) prs;
@ -177,7 +172,7 @@ bool GEOMGUI_Selection::isComponent( const int index ) const
QString anEntry = entry( index );
if ( study && !anEntry.isNull() ) {
_PTR(SObject) aSO( study->FindObjectID( anEntry.latin1() ) );
_PTR(SObject) aSO( study->FindObjectID( anEntry.toStdString() ) );
if ( aSO && aSO->GetFatherComponent() )
return aSO->GetFatherComponent()->GetIOR() == aSO->GetIOR();
@ -195,7 +190,7 @@ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr GEOMGUI_Selection::getObject( const int index ) const
QString anEntry = entry(index);
if (study && !anEntry.isNull()) {
_PTR(SObject) aSO (study->FindObjectID(anEntry.latin1()));
_PTR(SObject) aSO (study->FindObjectID(anEntry.toStdString()));
if (aSO) {
CORBA::Object_var anObj = GeometryGUI::ClientSObjectToObject(aSO);
return GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow(anObj);
@ -224,4 +219,5 @@ QString GEOMGUI_Selection:: selectionMode() const
default: return "";
return "";
@ -36,14 +36,16 @@
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
class LightApp_SelectionMgr;
class GEOMGUI_EXPORT GEOMGUI_Selection : public LightApp_Selection
GEOMGUI_Selection( const QString&, LightApp_SelectionMgr* );
virtual ~GEOMGUI_Selection();
virtual QtxValue param( const int, const QString& ) const;
virtual QtxValue globalParam( const QString& ) const;
virtual QVariant parameter( const int, const QString& ) const;
virtual QVariant parameter( const QString& ) const;
bool isVisible( const int ) const;
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewWindow.h>
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
#include <SUIT_Tools.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewManager.h>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Study.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
#include <SalomeApp_Tools.h>
#include <SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO.hxx>
#include <SALOME_ListIO.hxx>
#include <SALOME_Prs.h>
#include <SOCC_Prs.h>
#include <SOCC_ViewModel.h>
@ -64,15 +66,11 @@
#include <SVTK_Prs.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewModel.h>
#include <SALOMEDSClient.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDSClient_SObject.hxx>
// OCCT Includes
#include <AIS_Drawer.hxx>
#include <AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive.hxx>
#include <Prs3d_IsoAspect.hxx>
#include <Prs3d_PointAspect.hxx>
#include <Graphic3d_AspectMarker3d.hxx>
#include <StdSelect_TypeOfEdge.hxx>
#include <StdSelect_TypeOfFace.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
@ -87,9 +85,6 @@
#include <vtkActorCollection.h>
#include <vtkProperty.h>
// STL Includes
#include <cstring>
// CORBA Headers
@ -378,9 +373,10 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Redisplay( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& theIO,
if ( app )
SUIT_Desktop* desk = app->desktop();
QPtrList<SUIT_ViewWindow> wnds = desk->windows();
QList<SUIT_ViewWindow*> wnds = desk->windows();
SUIT_ViewWindow* wnd;
for ( wnd = wnds.first(); wnd; wnd = wnds.next() )
QListIterator<SUIT_ViewWindow*> it( wnds );
while ( it.hasNext() && (wnd = it.next()) )
SUIT_ViewManager* vman = wnd->getViewManager();
if ( vman )
@ -849,7 +845,7 @@ SALOME_Prs* GEOM_Displayer::buildPresentation( const QString& entry,
if ( prs )
Handle( SALOME_InteractiveObject ) theIO = new SALOME_InteractiveObject();
theIO->setEntry( entry.latin1() );
theIO->setEntry( entry.toLatin1() );
if ( !theIO.IsNull() )
// set interactive object
@ -1002,7 +998,7 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::GlobalSelection( const TColStd_MapOfInteger& theModes,
TColStd_MapOfInteger aTopAbsModes;
TColStd_MapIteratorOfMapOfInteger anIter( theModes );
QPtrList<SUIT_SelectionFilter> aListOfFilters;
QList<SUIT_SelectionFilter*> aListOfFilters;
for ( ; anIter.More(); anIter.Next() )
SUIT_SelectionFilter* aFilter = getFilter( anIter.Key() );
@ -31,9 +31,15 @@
#include "GEOM_GEOMGUI.hxx"
#include "SALOME_Prs.h"
#include "SALOME_InteractiveObject.hxx"
#include "SALOME_ListIO.hxx"
class SALOME_ListIO;
class SALOME_View;
class SALOME_Prs;
class SALOME_OCCPrs;
class SALOME_VTKPrs;
class SALOME_OCCViewType;
#include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
#include <Quantity_Color.hxx>
#include <LightApp_Displayer.h>
@ -31,11 +31,16 @@
#include "GEOMGUI_Selection.h"
#include "GEOM_Displayer.h"
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
#include <SUIT_MessageBox.h>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewManager.h>
#include <QtxActionMenuMgr.h>
#include <QtxPopupMgr.h>
#include <CAM_Module.h>
#include <OCCViewer_ViewWindow.h>
#include <OCCViewer_ViewPort3d.h>
#include <OCCViewer_ViewModel.h>
@ -45,7 +50,6 @@
#include <SVTK_RenderWindowInteractor.h>
#include <SVTK_InteractorStyle.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewModel.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewManager.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
@ -56,8 +60,10 @@
#include <SALOME_ListIO.hxx>
// External includes
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <QAction>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QString>
#include <QPainter>
#include <Prs3d_Drawer.hxx>
#include <Prs3d_IsoAspect.hxx>
@ -69,6 +75,7 @@
#include <vtkCamera.h>
#include <vtkRenderer.h>
using namespace Qt;
extern "C" {
Standard_EXPORT CAM_Module* createModule() {
@ -129,41 +136,6 @@ SALOMEDS::Study_var GeometryGUI::ClientStudyToStudy (_PTR(Study) theStudy)
return aDSStudy._retn();
// class : CustomItem
// purpose : Set Font to a text.
class CustomItem : public QCustomMenuItem
CustomItem(const QString& s, const QFont& f) : myString(s), myFont(f) {}
~CustomItem() {}
void paint(QPainter* p, const QColorGroup& cg, bool act, bool /*enabled*/, int x, int y, int w, int h)
p->fillRect( x, y, w, h, act ? cg.highlight() : cg.mid() );
p->setPen( act ? cg.highlightedText() : cg.buttonText() );
p->setFont( myFont );
p->drawText( x, y, w, h, AlignHCenter | AlignVCenter | ShowPrefix | DontClip | SingleLine, myString );
QSize sizeHint()
return QFontMetrics( myFont ).size( AlignHCenter | AlignVCenter | ShowPrefix | DontClip | SingleLine, myString );
bool fullSpan() const
return true;
QString myString;
QFont myFont;
// function : GeometryGUI::GeometryGUI()
// purpose : Constructor
@ -186,9 +158,6 @@ GeometryGUI::GeometryGUI() :
gp_Dir direction = gp_Dir(0., 0., 1.);
myWorkingPlane = gp_Ax3(origin, direction);
myOCCSelectors.setAutoDelete( true );
myVTKSelectors.setAutoDelete( true );
myDisplayer = 0;
myLocalSelectionMode = GEOM_ALLOBJECTS;
@ -199,6 +168,11 @@ GeometryGUI::GeometryGUI() :
while (!myOCCSelectors.isEmpty())
delete myOCCSelectors.takeFirst();
while (!myVTKSelectors.isEmpty())
delete myVTKSelectors.takeFirst();
@ -210,19 +184,21 @@ GEOMGUI* GeometryGUI::getLibrary( const QString& libraryName )
if ( !myGUIMap.contains( libraryName ) ) {
// try to load library if it is not loaded yet
QCString libs;
QString libs;
#ifndef WNT
if( ( libs = getenv( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ) ) ) {
QStringList dirList = QStringList::split( ":", libs, false ); // skip empty entries
libs = getenv( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" );
if( !libs.isEmpty() ) {
QStringList dirList = libs.split( ":", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); // skip empty entries
if( ( libs = getenv( "PATH" ) ) ) {
QStringList dirList = QStringList::split( ";", libs, false ); // skip empty entries
libs = getenv( "PATH" );
if( !libs.isEmpty() ) {
QStringList dirList = libs.split( ";", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); // skip empty entries
for( int i = dirList.count()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
QString dir = dirList[ i ];
QFileInfo fi( Qtx::addSlash( dirList[ i ] ) + libraryName );
if( fi.exists() ) {
OSD_SharedLibrary aSharedLibrary( (char*)fi.fileName().latin1() );
OSD_SharedLibrary aSharedLibrary( fi.fileName().toLatin1().data() );
bool res = aSharedLibrary.DlOpen( OSD_RTLD_LAZY );
if( !res ) {
MESSAGE( "Can't open library : " << aSharedLibrary.DlError() );
@ -358,7 +334,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::OnGUIEvent( int id )
// fix for IPAL9103, point 2
if ( CORBA::is_nil( GetGeomGen() ) ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::error1( desk, tr( "GEOM_ERROR" ), tr( "GEOM_ERR_GET_ENGINE" ), tr( "GEOM_BUT_OK" ) );
SUIT_MessageBox::critical( desk, tr( "GEOM_ERROR" ), tr( "GEOM_ERR_GET_ENGINE" ), tr( "GEOM_BUT_OK" ) );
@ -562,7 +538,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::OnGUIEvent( int id )
if ( library )
library->OnGUIEvent( id, desk );
SUIT_MessageBox::error1( desk, tr( "GEOM_ERROR" ), tr( "GEOM_ERR_LIB_NOT_FOUND" ), tr( "GEOM_BUT_OK" ) );
SUIT_MessageBox::critical( desk, tr( "GEOM_ERROR" ), tr( "GEOM_ERR_LIB_NOT_FOUND" ), tr( "GEOM_BUT_OK" ) );
@ -577,7 +553,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::OnKeyPress( SUIT_ViewWindow* win, QKeyEvent* pe )
for ( it = myGUIMap.begin(); it != myGUIMap.end(); ++it ) {
SUIT_Application* anApp = application();
if (!anApp) return;
bOk = bOk && it.data()->OnKeyPress( pe, anApp->desktop(), win );
bOk = bOk && it.value()->OnKeyPress( pe, anApp->desktop(), win );
// return bOk;
@ -594,7 +570,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::OnMouseMove( SUIT_ViewWindow* win, QMouseEvent* pe )
for ( it = myGUIMap.begin(); it != myGUIMap.end(); ++it ) {
SUIT_Application* anApp = application();
if (!anApp) return;
bOk = bOk && it.data()->OnMouseMove( pe, anApp->desktop(), win );
bOk = bOk && it.value()->OnMouseMove( pe, anApp->desktop(), win );
// return bOk;
@ -613,7 +589,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::OnMousePress( SUIT_ViewWindow* win, QMouseEvent* pe )
for ( it = myGUIMap.begin(); it != myGUIMap.end(); ++it ) {
SUIT_Application* anApp = application();
if (!anApp) return;
processed = processed || it.data()->OnMousePress( pe, anApp->desktop(), win );
processed = processed || it.value()->OnMousePress( pe, anApp->desktop(), win );
// return processed;
@ -733,20 +709,20 @@ bool GeometryGUI::SetSettings()
void GeometryGUI::createGeomAction( const int id, const QString& po_id, const QString& icon_id, const int key, const bool toggle )
QIconSet icon;
QIcon icon;
QWidget* parent = application()->desktop();
SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
QPixmap pix;
if ( icon_id.length() )
pix = resMgr->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( icon_id ) );
pix = resMgr->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( icon_id.toStdString().c_str() ) );
pix = resMgr->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( QString( "ICO_" )+po_id ), false );
pix = resMgr->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( (QString( "ICO_" )+po_id).toStdString().c_str() ), false );
if ( !pix.isNull() )
icon = QIconSet( pix );
icon = QIcon( pix );
QString tooltip = tr( QString( "TOP_" )+po_id ),
menu = tr( QString( "MEN_" )+po_id ),
status_bar = tr( QString( "STB_" )+po_id );
QString tooltip = tr( (QString( "TOP_" )+po_id).toStdString().c_str() ),
menu = tr( (QString( "MEN_" )+po_id).toStdString().c_str() ),
status_bar = tr( (QString( "STB_" )+po_id).toStdString().c_str() );
createAction( id, tooltip, icon, menu, status_bar, key, parent, toggle, this, SLOT( OnGUIEvent() ) );
@ -1096,26 +1072,26 @@ void GeometryGUI::initialize( CAM_Application* app )
QtxPopupMgr* mgr = popupMgr();
mgr->insert( action( 901 ), -1, -1 ); // rename
mgr->setRule( action( 901 ), "$type in {'Shape' 'Group'} and selcount=1", true );
mgr->setRule( action( 901 ), QString("$type in {'Shape' 'Group'} and selcount=1"), QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
mgr->insert( action( 8001 ), -1, -1 ); // create group
mgr->setRule( action( 8001 ), "client='ObjectBrowser' and type='Shape' and selcount=1 and isOCC=true", true );
mgr->setRule( action( 8001 ), QString("client='ObjectBrowser' and type='Shape' and selcount=1 and isOCC=true"), QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
mgr->insert( action( 801 ), -1, -1 ); // edit group
mgr->setRule( action( 801 ), "client='ObjectBrowser' and type='Group' and selcount=1 and isOCC=true", true );
mgr->setRule( action( 801 ), QString("client='ObjectBrowser' and type='Group' and selcount=1 and isOCC=true"), QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
mgr->insert( separator(), -1, -1 ); // -----------
dispmodeId = mgr->insert( tr( "MEN_DISPLAY_MODE" ), -1, -1 ); // display mode menu
mgr->insert( action( 80311 ), dispmodeId, -1 ); // wireframe
mgr->setRule( action( 80311 ), clientOCCorVTK_AndSomeVisible, true );
mgr->setRule( action( 80311 ), clientOCCorVTK + " and displaymode='Wireframe'", false );
mgr->setRule( action( 80311 ), clientOCCorVTK_AndSomeVisible, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
mgr->setRule( action( 80311 ), clientOCCorVTK + " and displaymode='Wireframe'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
mgr->insert( action( 80312 ), dispmodeId, -1 ); // shading
mgr->setRule( action( 80312 ), clientOCCorVTK_AndSomeVisible, true );
mgr->setRule( action( 80312 ), clientOCCorVTK + " and displaymode='Shading'", false );
mgr->setRule( action( 80312 ), clientOCCorVTK_AndSomeVisible, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
mgr->setRule( action( 80312 ), clientOCCorVTK + " and displaymode='Shading'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule );
mgr->insert( separator(), -1, -1 ); // -----------
mgr->insert( action( 8032 ), -1, -1 ); // color
mgr->setRule( action( 8032 ), clientOCCorVTK_AndSomeVisible + " and ($component={'GEOM'})", true );
mgr->setRule( action( 8032 ), clientOCCorVTK_AndSomeVisible + " and ($component={'GEOM'})", QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
mgr->insert( action( 8033 ), -1, -1 ); // transparency
mgr->setRule( action( 8033 ), clientOCCorVTK_AndSomeVisible, true );
mgr->setRule( action( 8033 ), clientOCCorVTK_AndSomeVisible, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
mgr->insert( action( 8034 ), -1, -1 ); // isos
mgr->setRule( action( 8034 ), "client='OCCViewer' and selcount>0 and isVisible", true );
mgr->setRule( action( 8034 ), QString("client='OCCViewer' and selcount>0 and isVisible"), QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
mgr->insert( separator(), -1, -1 ); // -----------
@ -1125,45 +1101,45 @@ void GeometryGUI::initialize( CAM_Application* app )
types = "'Shape' 'Group'";
mgr->insert( action( 216 ), -1, -1 ); // display
mgr->setRule( action( 216 ), rule.arg( types ).arg( "not isVisible" ), true );
mgr->setRule( action( 216 ), rule.arg( types ).arg( "not isVisible" ), QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
mgr->insert( action( 215 ), -1, -1 ); // erase
mgr->setRule( action( 215 ), rule.arg( types ).arg( "isVisible" ), true );
mgr->setRule( action( 215 ), rule.arg( types ).arg( "isVisible" ), QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
mgr->insert( action( 214 ), -1, -1 ); // erase All
mgr->setRule( action( 214 ), clientOCCorVTK, true );
mgr->setRule( action( 214 ), clientOCCorVTK, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
QString selectOnly = "(client='OCCViewer' or client='VTKViewer') and (selcount=0)";
int selectolnyId = mgr->insert( tr("MEN_SELECT_ONLY"), -1, -1); //select only menu
mgr->insert( action(2171), selectolnyId, -1); //Vertex
mgr->setRule(action(2171), selectOnly, true);
mgr->setRule(action(2171), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='VERTEX'", false);
mgr->setRule(action(2171), selectOnly, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule);
mgr->setRule(action(2171), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='VERTEX'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule);
mgr->insert( action(2172), selectolnyId, -1); //Edge
mgr->setRule(action(2172), selectOnly, true);
mgr->setRule(action(2172), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='EDGE'", false);
mgr->setRule(action(2172), selectOnly, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule);
mgr->setRule(action(2172), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='EDGE'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule);
mgr->insert( action(2173), selectolnyId, -1); //Wire
mgr->setRule(action(2173), selectOnly, true);
mgr->setRule(action(2173), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='WIRE'", false);
mgr->setRule(action(2173), selectOnly, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule);
mgr->setRule(action(2173), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='WIRE'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule);
mgr->insert( action(2174), selectolnyId, -1); //Face
mgr->setRule(action(2174), selectOnly, true);
mgr->setRule(action(2174), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='FACE'", false);
mgr->setRule(action(2174), selectOnly, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule);
mgr->setRule(action(2174), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='FACE'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule);
mgr->insert( action(2175), selectolnyId, -1); //Shell
mgr->setRule(action(2175), selectOnly, true);
mgr->setRule(action(2175), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='SHELL'", false);
mgr->setRule(action(2175), selectOnly, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule);
mgr->setRule(action(2175), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='SHELL'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule);
mgr->insert( action(2176), selectolnyId, -1); //Solid
mgr->setRule(action(2176), selectOnly, true);
mgr->setRule(action(2176), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='SOLID'", false);
mgr->setRule(action(2176), selectOnly, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule);
mgr->setRule(action(2176), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='SOLID'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule);
mgr->insert( action(2177), selectolnyId, -1); //Compound
mgr->setRule(action(2177), selectOnly, true);
mgr->setRule(action(2177), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='COMPOUND'", false);
mgr->setRule(action(2177), selectOnly, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule);
mgr->setRule(action(2177), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='COMPOUND'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule);
mgr->insert( separator(), selectolnyId, -1);
mgr->insert( action(2178), selectolnyId, -1); //Clear selection filter
mgr->setRule(action(2178), selectOnly, true);
mgr->setRule(action(2178), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='ALL'", false);
mgr->setRule(action(2178), selectOnly, QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule);
mgr->setRule(action(2178), selectOnly + " and selectionmode='ALL'", QtxPopupMgr::ToggleRule);
mgr->insert( action( 213 ), -1, -1 ); // display only
mgr->setRule( action( 213 ), rule.arg( types ).arg( "true" ), true );
mgr->setRule( action( 213 ), rule.arg( types ).arg( "true" ), QtxPopupMgr::VisibleRule );
mgr->insert( separator(), -1, -1 );
mgr->hide( mgr->actionId( action( myEraseAll ) ) );
@ -1197,27 +1173,35 @@ bool GeometryGUI::activateModule( SUIT_Study* study )
GUIMap::Iterator it;
for ( it = myGUIMap.begin(); it != myGUIMap.end(); ++it )
it.data()->activate( application()->desktop() );
it.value()->activate( application()->desktop() );
LightApp_SelectionMgr* sm = getApp()->selectionMgr();
SUIT_ViewManager* vm;
ViewManagerList OCCViewManagers, VTKViewManagers;
application()->viewManagers( OCCViewer_Viewer::Type(), OCCViewManagers );
for ( vm = OCCViewManagers.first(); vm; vm = OCCViewManagers.next() )
QListIterator<SUIT_ViewManager*> itOCC( OCCViewManagers );
while ( itOCC.hasNext() && (vm = itOCC.next()) )
myOCCSelectors.append( new GEOMGUI_OCCSelector( ((OCCViewer_ViewManager*)vm)->getOCCViewer(), sm ) );
application()->viewManagers( SVTK_Viewer::Type(), VTKViewManagers );
for ( vm = VTKViewManagers.first(); vm; vm = VTKViewManagers.next() )
QListIterator<SUIT_ViewManager*> itVTK( VTKViewManagers );
while ( itVTK.hasNext() && (vm = itVTK.next()) )
myVTKSelectors.append( new LightApp_VTKSelector( dynamic_cast<SVTK_Viewer*>( vm->getViewModel() ), sm ) );
// disable OCC selectors
getApp()->selectionMgr()->setEnabled( false, OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() );
for ( GEOMGUI_OCCSelector* sr = myOCCSelectors.first(); sr; sr = myOCCSelectors.next() )
QListIterator<GEOMGUI_OCCSelector*> itOCCSel( myOCCSelectors );
while ( itOCCSel.hasNext() )
if ( GEOMGUI_OCCSelector* sr = itOCCSel.next() )
// disable VTK selectors
getApp()->selectionMgr()->setEnabled( false, SVTK_Viewer::Type() );
for ( LightApp_VTKSelector* sr = myVTKSelectors.first(); sr; sr = myVTKSelectors.next() )
QListIterator<LightApp_VTKSelector*> itVTKSel( myVTKSelectors );
while ( itVTKSel.hasNext() )
if ( LightApp_VTKSelector* sr = itVTKSel.next() )
return true;
@ -1239,7 +1223,7 @@ bool GeometryGUI::deactivateModule( SUIT_Study* study )
GUIMap::Iterator it;
for ( it = myGUIMap.begin(); it != myGUIMap.end(); ++it )
// Unset actions accelerator keys
//action(111)->setAccel(QKeySequence()); // Import
@ -1256,308 +1240,6 @@ bool GeometryGUI::deactivateModule( SUIT_Study* study )
return SalomeApp_Module::deactivateModule( study );
// function : GeometryGUI::DefinePopup()
// purpose : Called from desktop to define popup menu [static]
void GeometryGUI::DefinePopup(QString& theContext, QString& theParent, QString& theObject)
QAD_Study* ActiveStudy = QAD_Application::getDesktop()->getActiveStudy();
SALOME_Selection* Sel = SALOME_Selection::Selection(ActiveStudy->getSelection());
theObject = "";
theContext = "";
if ( theParent == "Viewer" ) {
if ( Sel->IObjectCount() == 0 )
theContext = "NothingSelected";
if ( Sel->IObjectCount() == 1 ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO = Sel->firstIObject();
if( IO->hasEntry() ) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var sobj = ActiveStudy->getStudyDocument()->FindObjectID( IO->getEntry() );
if ( !sobj->_is_nil() ) {
SALOMEDS::SComponent_var scomp = sobj->GetFatherComponent();
if ( !strcmp(scomp->GetID(), IO->getEntry() ) ) {
// component is selected
theObject = "Component";
else {
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( sobj->GetObject() );
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( aGObj ) ) {
switch( aGObj->GetType() ) {
theObject = "Group";
theObject = "Shape";
// function : GeometryGUI::CustomPopup()
// purpose : Called from desktop to create popup menu [static]
bool GeometryGUI::CustomPopup(QAD_Desktop* parent, QPopupMenu* popup, const QString& theContext,
const QString& theParent, const QString& theObject)
GeometryGUI* geomGUI = GetGeomGUI();
// Deactivate any non modal dialog box to get the neutral point
QAD_Study* anActiveStudy = parent->getActiveStudy();
QAD_StudyFrame* aStudyFrame = anActiveStudy->getActiveStudyFrame();
QAD_ViewFrame* aViewFrame = aStudyFrame->getRightFrame()->getViewFrame();
SALOME_Selection* Sel = SALOME_Selection::Selection(anActiveStudy->getSelection());
QString parentComponent = ((SALOMEGUI_Desktop*)parent)->getComponentFromSelection();
bool isOCCViewer = aViewFrame->getTypeView() == VIEW_OCC;
bool isVTKViewer = aViewFrame->getTypeView() == VIEW_VTK;
int aDisplayMode = 0;
QString objectName;
if ( aViewFrame->getTypeView() == VIEW_OCC )
aDisplayMode = ((OCCViewer_ViewFrame*)aViewFrame)->getViewer()->getAISContext()->DisplayMode();
else if ( aViewFrame->getTypeView() == VIEW_VTK )
aDisplayMode = (dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewFrame*>( aViewFrame )->getRWInteractor()->GetDisplayMode();
int nbSel = Sel->IObjectCount();
if( nbSel == 0 ) {
else if ( nbSel == 1 ) {
if ( parentComponent != parent->getActiveComponent() ) {
////// selected object does not belong to GEOM module:
// remove all commands except Display/Erase...
while ( 1 ) {
int id = popup->idAt( 0 );
if ( id <= QAD_TopLabel_Popup_ID )
popup->removeItemAt( 0 );
else {
////// selected object belong to the GEOM module
// get interactive object
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IObject = Sel->firstIObject();
objectName = IObject->getName();
// if object has entry get SObject
SALOMEDS::SObject_var SO;
if ( IObject->hasEntry() )
SO = anActiveStudy->getStudyDocument()->FindObjectID( IObject->getEntry() );
if ( theObject == "Component" ) {
////// menu for component
if ( !isOCCViewer && !isVTKViewer ) {
popup->removeItem( QAD_DisplayOnly_Popup_ID );
popup->removeItem( QAD_Display_Popup_ID );
popup->removeItem( QAD_Erase_Popup_ID );
else {
////// not component (should be shape)
if ( IObject->hasEntry() ) /////// VSR : TO BE REMOVED
popup->removeItem( 804 ); // "Add in Study"
// Here could be analysis of the geom shape's type
// ... //
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var aTmpAttr;
if( SO->_is_nil() || SO->GetFatherComponent()->FindAttribute( aTmpAttr, "AttributeIOR") )
popup->removeItem( 9024 ); // "Open" /////// VSR : TO BE REMOVED
if ( !isOCCViewer && theParent == "ObjectBrowser" ) {
if ( theObject == "Shape" )
popup->removeItem( 800 ); // Create Group
else if ( theObject == "Group" )
popup->removeItem( 801 ); // Edit Group
if ( isOCCViewer || isVTKViewer ) {
////// current viewer is OCC or VTK
SALOME_Prs* prs = aViewFrame->CreatePrs( IObject->getEntry() );
if ( aViewFrame->isVisible( IObject ) ) {
////// object is already displayed in the viewer
popup->removeItem( QAD_Display_Popup_ID );
if ( isOCCViewer ) {
////// OCC viewer only
OCCViewer_Prs* occPrs = dynamic_cast<OCCViewer_Prs*>( prs );
if ( occPrs && !occPrs->IsNull() ) {
AIS_ListOfInteractive ioList;
occPrs->GetObjects( ioList );
QMenuItem* mi = popup->findItem( 803 );
if ( mi && mi->popup() ) {
if ( ioList.First()->DisplayMode() == 0 )
mi->popup()->setItemChecked( 80311, true ); // "Wireframe"
else if ( ioList.First()->DisplayMode() == 1 )
mi->popup()->setItemChecked( 80312, true ); // "Shading"
else if ( ioList.First()->DisplayMode() < 0 )
mi->popup()->setItemChecked( aDisplayMode == 0 ? 80311 : 80312 , true ); // "Wireframe" or "Shading"
else {
////// VTK viewer only
popup->removeItem( 8034 ); // "Isos"
SVTK_Prs* vtkPrs = dynamic_cast<SVTK_Prs*>( prs );
if ( vtkPrs && !vtkPrs->IsNull() ) {
vtkActorCollection* actorList = vtkPrs->GetObjects();
SALOME_Actor* ac = SALOME_Actor::SafeDownCast( actorList->GetNextActor() );
QMenuItem* mi = popup->findItem( 803 );
if ( ac && mi && mi->popup() ) {
if ( ac->getDisplayMode() == 0 )
mi->popup()->setItemChecked( 80311, true ); // "Wireframe"
else if ( ac->getDisplayMode() == 1 )
mi->popup()->setItemChecked( 80312, true ); // "Shading"
mi->popup()->setItemChecked( aDisplayMode == 0 ? 80311 : 80312 , true ); // "Wireframe" or "Shading"
else {
////// object is not yet displayed in the viewer
popup->removeItem( 803 ); // "Display Mode"
popup->removeItem( 8032 ); // "Color"
popup->removeItem( 8033 ); // "Transparency"
popup->removeItem( 8034 ); // "Isos"
popup->removeItem( QAD_Erase_Popup_ID );
delete prs;
else {
////// other viewer type (neither OCC nor VTK)
popup->removeItem( 803 ); // "Display Mode"
popup->removeItem( 8032 ); // "Color"
popup->removeItem( 8033 ); // "Transparency"
popup->removeItem( 8034 ); // "Isos"
popup->removeItem( QAD_Display_Popup_ID );
popup->removeItem( QAD_DisplayOnly_Popup_ID );
popup->removeItem( QAD_Erase_Popup_ID );
else {
if ( parentComponent != parent->getActiveComponent() ) {
////// not GEOM module objects or objects belong to different modules
// remove all commands except Display/Erase...
while ( 1 ) {
int id = popup->idAt( 0 );
if ( id <= QAD_TopLabel_Popup_ID )
popup->removeItemAt( 0 );
if ( parentComponent.isNull() ) {
////// objects belong to different modules
else {
objectName = tr( "GEOM_MEN_POPUP_NAME" ).arg( nbSel );
else {
////// all selected objects belong to GEOM module
popup->removeItem( 901 ); // "Rename"
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( Sel->StoredIObjects() );
bool isComponent = false;
bool needOpen = false;
bool needDisplay = false;
bool needErase = false;
int needToPublish = 0;
for( ;It.More();It.Next() ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = It.Value();
if ( aViewFrame->isVisible( anIObject ) )
needErase = true;
needDisplay = true;
if( anIObject->hasEntry() ) {
needToPublish = -1; /////// VSR : TO BE REMOVED
SALOMEDS::SObject_var obj = anActiveStudy->getStudyDocument()->FindObjectID( anIObject->getEntry() );
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var aTmpAttr;
if ( !obj->_is_nil() && !obj->GetFatherComponent()->FindAttribute( aTmpAttr, "AttributeIOR" ) )
needOpen = true; /////// VSR : TO BE REMOVED
if ( !obj->_is_nil() && QString( obj->GetID() ) == QString( obj->GetFatherComponent()->GetID() ) )
isComponent = true;
else {
if ( needToPublish != -1 ) needToPublish = 1;
if( needOpen || ( !isOCCViewer && !isVTKViewer ) ) {
////// Data is not loaded yet or current viewer is neither OCC nor VTK
popup->removeItem( 803 ); // "Display Mode"
popup->removeItem( 8032 ); // "Color"
popup->removeItem( 8033 ); // "Transparency"
popup->removeItem( 8034 ); // "Isos"
popup->removeItem( 804 ); // "Add in Study"
popup->removeItem( QAD_DisplayOnly_Popup_ID );
popup->removeItem( QAD_Display_Popup_ID );
popup->removeItem( QAD_Erase_Popup_ID );
else {
popup->removeItem( 9024 ); // "Open"
if ( needToPublish <= 0 )
popup->removeItem( 804 ); // "Add in Study"
if( isComponent ) {
popup->removeItem( 803 ); // "Display Mode"
popup->removeItem( 8032 ); // "Color"
popup->removeItem( 8033 ); // "Transparency"
popup->removeItem( 8034 ); // "Isos"
popup->removeItem( QAD_DisplayOnly_Popup_ID );
if ( !needDisplay )
popup->removeItem( QAD_Display_Popup_ID );
if ( !needErase )
popup->removeItem( QAD_Erase_Popup_ID );
if ( !isOCCViewer )
popup->removeItem( 8034 ); // "Isos"
// check popup for unnecessary separators
QAD_Tools::checkPopup( popup );
// find popup menu's TopLabel item (with title)
int topItem = popup->indexOf( QAD_TopLabel_Popup_ID );
if ( topItem >= 0 ) {
// remove popup menu's title item
popup->removeItem( QAD_TopLabel_Popup_ID );
if ( theParent == "Viewer" && !objectName.isEmpty() && popup->count() > 0 ) {
// set bold font for popup menu's title
QFont f = popup->font(); f.setBold( TRUE );
popup->removeItem( QAD_TopLabel_Popup_ID );
popup->insertItem( new CustomItem( objectName, f ), QAD_TopLabel_Popup_ID, topItem );
return false;
// function : GeometryGUI::BuildPresentation()
// purpose :
@ -1597,8 +1279,8 @@ void GeometryGUI::onWindowActivated( SUIT_ViewWindow* win )
void GeometryGUI::windows( QMap<int, int>& mappa ) const
mappa.insert( SalomeApp_Application::WT_ObjectBrowser, Qt::DockLeft );
mappa.insert( SalomeApp_Application::WT_PyConsole, Qt::DockBottom );
mappa.insert( SalomeApp_Application::WT_ObjectBrowser, Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea );
mappa.insert( SalomeApp_Application::WT_PyConsole, Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea );
void GeometryGUI::viewManagers( QStringList& lst ) const
@ -1624,8 +1306,10 @@ void GeometryGUI::onViewManagerAdded( SUIT_ViewManager* vm )
// disable OCC selectors
getApp()->selectionMgr()->setEnabled( false, OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() );
for ( GEOMGUI_OCCSelector* sr = myOCCSelectors.first(); sr; sr = myOCCSelectors.next() )
QListIterator<GEOMGUI_OCCSelector*> itOCCSel( myOCCSelectors );
while ( itOCCSel.hasNext() )
if ( GEOMGUI_OCCSelector* sr = itOCCSel.next() )
else if ( vm->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type() )
@ -1634,8 +1318,10 @@ void GeometryGUI::onViewManagerAdded( SUIT_ViewManager* vm )
// disable VTK selectors
getApp()->selectionMgr()->setEnabled( false, SVTK_Viewer::Type() );
for ( LightApp_VTKSelector* sr = myVTKSelectors.first(); sr; sr = myVTKSelectors.next() )
QListIterator<LightApp_VTKSelector*> itVTKSel( myVTKSelectors );
while ( itVTKSel.hasNext() )
if ( LightApp_VTKSelector* sr = itVTKSel.next() )
@ -1644,21 +1330,25 @@ void GeometryGUI::onViewManagerRemoved( SUIT_ViewManager* vm )
SUIT_ViewModel* viewer = vm->getViewModel();
if ( vm->getType() == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() )
for ( GEOMGUI_OCCSelector* sr = myOCCSelectors.first(); sr; sr = myOCCSelectors.next() )
if ( sr->viewer() == viewer )
myOCCSelectors.remove( sr );
QListIterator<GEOMGUI_OCCSelector*> itOCCSel( myOCCSelectors );
while ( itOCCSel.hasNext() )
if ( GEOMGUI_OCCSelector* sr = itOCCSel.next() )
if ( sr->viewer() == viewer )
delete myOCCSelectors.takeAt( myOCCSelectors.indexOf( sr ) );
if ( vm->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type() )
for ( LightApp_VTKSelector* sr = myVTKSelectors.first(); sr; sr = myVTKSelectors.next() )
if ( sr->viewer() == viewer )
myVTKSelectors.remove( sr );
QListIterator<LightApp_VTKSelector*> itVTKSel( myVTKSelectors );
while ( itVTKSel.hasNext() )
if ( LightApp_VTKSelector* sr = itVTKSel.next() )
if ( sr->viewer() == viewer )
delete myVTKSelectors.takeAt( myVTKSelectors.indexOf( sr ) );
@ -1674,12 +1364,12 @@ QString GeometryGUI::engineIOR() const
return anIOR;
LightApp_Selection* GeometryGUI::createSelection() const
LightApp_Selection* GeometryGUI::createSelection( const QString& client, LightApp_SelectionMgr* mgr ) const
return new GEOMGUI_Selection();
return new GEOMGUI_Selection( client, mgr );
void GeometryGUI::contextMenuPopup( const QString& client, QPopupMenu* menu, QString& title )
void GeometryGUI::contextMenuPopup( const QString& client, QMenu* menu, QString& title )
SalomeApp_Module::contextMenuPopup( client, menu, title );
SALOME_ListIO lst;
@ -1738,7 +1428,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::createPreferences()
aModesList.append( tr("MEN_WIREFRAME") );
aModesList.append( tr("MEN_SHADING") );
QValueList<QVariant> anIndexesList;
QList<QVariant> anIndexesList;
@ -1752,7 +1442,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::createPreferences()
// Set property for type of vertex marker
QStringList aTypeOfMarkerList;
QValueList<QVariant> anTypeOfMarkerIndexesList;
QList<QVariant> anTypeOfMarkerIndexesList;
aTypeOfMarkerList.append( tr("TOM_PLUS") );
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
#include "SALOMEDSClient.hxx"
// QT Includes
#include <qmap.h>
#include <QMap>
// OCCT Includes
#include <gp_Ax3.hxx>
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
typedef QMap<QString, GEOMGUI*> GUIMap;
class QDialog;
class QPopupMenu;
class QMenu;
class GEOMGUI_OCCSelector;
class LightApp_VTKSelector;
class LightApp_Selection;
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public:
virtual void BuildPresentation( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)&, SUIT_ViewWindow* = 0 );
// virtual void DefinePopup( QString & theContext, QString & theParent, QString & theObject);
// virtual bool CustomPopup( QAD_Desktop* parent, QPopupMenu* popup, const QString& theContext,
// virtual bool CustomPopup( QAD_Desktop* parent, QMenu* popup, const QString& theContext,
// const QString& theParent, const QString& theObject );
// The Working Plane management
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public:
virtual void windows( QMap<int, int>& ) const;
virtual void viewManagers( QStringList& ) const;
virtual void contextMenuPopup( const QString&, QPopupMenu*, QString& );
virtual void contextMenuPopup( const QString&, QMenu*, QString& );
virtual void createPreferences();
virtual void preferencesChanged( const QString&, const QString& );
int getLocalSelectionMode() const;
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ signals :
void SignalDefaultStepValueChanged( double newVal );
virtual LightApp_Selection* createSelection() const;
virtual LightApp_Selection* createSelection( const QString&, LightApp_SelectionMgr* ) const;
GEOMGUI* getLibrary( const QString& libraryName );
@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ private:
gp_Ax3 myWorkingPlane;
QMap<int,QString> myRules; // popup rules
QPtrList<GEOMGUI_OCCSelector> myOCCSelectors;
QPtrList<LightApp_VTKSelector> myVTKSelectors;
QList<GEOMGUI_OCCSelector*> myOCCSelectors;
QList<LightApp_VTKSelector*> myVTKSelectors;
LightApp_Displayer* myDisplayer;
int myLocalSelectionMode; //Select Only
@ -27,16 +27,17 @@
// $Header$
#include "GeometryGUI_Swig.hxx"
#include "SALOMEGUI_Swig.hxx"
#include "GeometryGUI.h"
#include "SUIT_Desktop.h"
#include "SUIT_Session.h"
#include "SalomeApp_Application.h"
#include "SalomeApp_Study.h"
#include "SalomeApp_ImportOperation.h"
//#include "SalomeApp_ImportOperation.h"
#include "OB_Browser.h"
// temporary commented
//#include "OB_Browser.h"
#include "OCCViewer_ViewWindow.h"
#include "OCCViewer_ViewManager.h"
@ -50,15 +51,13 @@
#include "GEOM_Actor.h"
#include "GEOM_Client.hxx"
#include "GEOM_AISShape.hxx"
#include "GEOM_AssemblyBuilder.h"
//#include "GEOM_AssemblyBuilder.h"
#include "GEOM_InteractiveObject.hxx"
#include "GEOM_Displayer.h"
#include "SALOME_Event.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
#include "SALOMEDSClient.hxx"
//#include "utilities.h"
// OCCT Includes
#include <TopAbs.hxx>
@ -37,8 +37,6 @@
class GEOM_Client;
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ SUBDIRS += GEOM_I
SUBDIRS += GEOMFiltersSelection
#SUBDIRS += DisplayGUI
Reference in New Issue
Block a user