Mantis 0054772: crash when select point in viewer inside created face

This commit is contained in:
Konstantin LEONTEV 2022-08-31 16:00:11 +03:00
parent a3eca73f94
commit 46676347f2

@ -1089,17 +1089,17 @@ gp_Pnt GEOMUtils::ProjectPointOnFace(const gp_Pnt& thePoint,
gp_Pnt GEOMUtils::ConvertClickToPoint( int x, int y, Handle(V3d_View) aView )
V3d_Coordinate XEye, YEye, ZEye, XAt, YAt, ZAt;
aView->Eye( XEye, YEye, ZEye );
// We can't rely on Eye and At points to get EyeDir, because they collapse
// for views with flat bounding boxes. For example if you create a circle and
// switch to the top view, then both camera's Eye and At points will fall to zero
// inside V3d_View::FitMinMax() method. It's by occt design.
// So, we should use camera direction instead.
aView->At( XAt, YAt, ZAt );
gp_Pnt EyePoint( XEye, YEye, ZEye );
gp_Pnt AtPoint( XAt, YAt, ZAt );
V3d_Coordinate XAt, YAt, ZAt;
aView->At(XAt, YAt, ZAt);
gp_Pnt AtPoint(XAt, YAt, ZAt);
gp_Vec EyeVector( EyePoint, AtPoint );
gp_Dir EyeDir( EyeVector );
gp_Pln PlaneOfTheView = gp_Pln( AtPoint, EyeDir );
gp_Pln PlaneOfTheView = gp_Pln( AtPoint, aView->Camera()->Direction() );
Standard_Real X, Y, Z;
aView->Convert( x, y, X, Y, Z );
gp_Pnt ConvertedPoint( X, Y, Z );