
This commit is contained in:
Anthony Geay 2023-04-07 10:36:56 +02:00
parent 915f8d2ffb
commit 4bc55e3217

View File

@ -1774,116 +1774,11 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Update( SALOME_PV3DPrs* prs )
// //
// processing for usual geometry presentation // processing for usual geometry presentation
// //
MSGEL("...-> update SALOME_PV3DPrs");
{ {
GEOM_Actor *actor = GEOM_Actor::New(); GEOM_Actor *actor = GEOM_Actor::New();
updateActorProperties( actor, true ); updateActorProperties( actor, true );
actor->GetMapper()->Update(); pv3dPrs->FillUsingActor( actor );
vtkDataObject *ds = actor->GetMapper()->GetInput();//GetOutputDataObject(0);
vtkPolyData *ds2 = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(ds);
pqServer *serv(pqApplicationCore::instance()->getServerManagerModel()->findServer(pqServerResource("builtin:")));
pqObjectBuilder *builder(pqApplicationCore::instance()->getObjectBuilder());
pqPipelineSource *mySourceProducer(builder->createSource("sources","PVTrivialProducer",serv));
vtkSMProxy *producerBase = mySourceProducer->getProxy();
vtkSMSourceProxy *producer(vtkSMSourceProxy::SafeDownCast(producerBase));
vtkObjectBase *clientSideObject(producer->GetClientSideObject());
vtkPVTrivialProducer *clientSideObjectCast = vtkPVTrivialProducer::SafeDownCast(clientSideObject);
pv3dPrs->SetSourceProducer( mySourceProducer );
#if 0
// check that study is active
SalomeApp_Study* study = getStudy();
if ( !study ) return;
// set interactive object
Handle( SALOME_InteractiveObject ) anIO;
if ( !myIO.IsNull() ) {
actor->setIO( myIO );
anIO = myIO;
else if ( !myName.empty() ) {
// workaround to allow selection of temporary objects
static int tempId = 0;
anIO = new SALOME_InteractiveObject( QString( "TEMP_VTK_%1" ).arg( tempId++ ).toUtf8().data(), "GEOM", myName.c_str() );
actor->setIO( anIO );
// presentation study entry (empty for temporary objects like preview)
QString entry = !anIO.IsNull() ? QString( anIO->getEntry() ) : QString();
// flag: temporary object
bool isTemporary = entry.isEmpty() || entry.startsWith( "TEMP_" );
// currently active view window's ID (-1 if no active view)
int aMgrId = !anIO.IsNull() ? getViewManagerId( myViewFrame ) : -1;
// get presentation properties
PropMap propMap = getObjectProperties( entry, myViewFrame );
QColor c;
actor->SetShape( myShape, qMax( propMap.value( GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::Deflection ) ).toDouble(), GEOM::minDeflection() ), myType == GEOM_VECTOR );
} }
#if 0
// For now, display the bbox instead of the shape itself
Standard_Real XMin = -1, YMin = -1, ZMin = -1, XMax = 1, YMax = 1, ZMax = 1;
if (!myShape.IsNull())
Bnd_Box aBndBox;
BRepBndLib::Add(myShape, aBndBox);
aBndBox.Get(XMin, YMin, ZMin, XMax, YMax, ZMax);
MSGEL("BBox= X:[" << XMin << "," << XMax << "] Y:[" << YMin << "," << YMax << "] Z: [" << ZMin << "," << ZMax << "]");
// if presentation is empty we try to create new one
if ( pv3dPrs->IsNull() )
// Create a pipeline source with vtkPolyData output from a TopoDS_Shape
pqObjectBuilder* builder = pqApplicationCore::instance()->getObjectBuilder();
pqServer* activeServer = pqActiveObjects::instance().activeServer();
pqPipelineSource* source = builder->createSource("sources", "CubeSource", activeServer);
pqPipelineSource* source = builder->createSource("sources", "GeometryGenerator", activeServer);
if (!source) {
MSGEL("ERR: VTK source not found");
else {
// Set dimensions of bbox
vtkSMProxy* proxy = source->getProxy();
vtkSMPropertyHelper(proxy, "XLength").Set(XMax-XMin);
vtkSMPropertyHelper(proxy, "YLength").Set(YMax-YMin);
vtkSMPropertyHelper(proxy, "ZLength").Set(ZMax-ZMin);
// Standard_SStream ss;
// BRepTools::Write(myShape, ss);
// std::string str = ss.str();
// vtkSMPropertyHelper(proxy, "BRepStream").Set(str.c_str());
vtkSMPropertyHelper(proxy, "EdgeSubdivision").Set(2);
vtkSMPropertyHelper(proxy, "NumberOfSolids").Set(1);
else {
// presentation is being updated
// NYI
} }
} }