mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 17:37:56 +05:00
PAL10015. Use GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOnQuad for GetShapesOnQuad(). Fix
PythonDump for GetShapesOn*IDs()
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
#include <Standard_Stream.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_IShapesOperations.hxx>
#include "GEOMImpl_IShapesOperations.hxx"
#include <GEOMImpl_Types.hxx>
#include "GEOMImpl_Types.hxx"
#include <GEOMImpl_VectorDriver.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_ShapeDriver.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_CopyDriver.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_GlueDriver.hxx>
#include "GEOMImpl_VectorDriver.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_ShapeDriver.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_CopyDriver.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_GlueDriver.hxx"
#include <GEOMImpl_IVector.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_IShapes.hxx>
#include <GEOMImpl_IGlue.hxx>
#include "GEOMImpl_IVector.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_IShapes.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_IGlue.hxx"
#include <GEOMImpl_Block6Explorer.hxx>
#include "GEOMImpl_Block6Explorer.hxx"
#include <GEOM_Function.hxx>
#include <GEOM_PythonDump.hxx>
#include "GEOM_Function.hxx"
#include "GEOM_PythonDump.hxx"
#include <GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOn1.hxx>
#include "GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOn1.hxx"
#include "GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOnQuad.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
#include <OpUtil.hxx>
#include <Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx>
#include "OpUtil.hxx"
#include "Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx"
#include <TFunction_DriverTable.hxx>
#include <TFunction_Driver.hxx>
@ -69,10 +70,6 @@
#include <gp_Lin.hxx>
#include <TColStd_Array1OfReal.hxx>
#include <TColStd_HArray1OfInteger.hxx>
#include <TColStd_ListOfInteger.hxx>
#include <TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger.hxx>
#include <TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerInteger.hxx>
#include <TColStd_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfIntegerInteger.hxx>
#include <vector>
//#include <iostream>
@ -1381,6 +1378,25 @@ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) GEOMImpl_IShapesOperations::GetShapesOnSphe
return aSeq;
//function : getCreatedLast
* \brief Select the object created last
* \param theObj1 - Object 1
* \param theObj2 - Object 2
* \retval Handle(GEOM_Object) - selected object
Handle(GEOM_Object) GEOMImpl_IShapesOperations::getCreatedLast(const Handle(GEOM_Object)& theObj1,
const Handle(GEOM_Object)& theObj2)
if ( theObj1.IsNull() ) return theObj2;
if ( theObj2.IsNull() ) return theObj1;
return ( theObj1->GetEntry().Tag() > theObj2->GetEntry().Tag() ) ? theObj1 : theObj2;
* GetShapesOnPlaneIDs
@ -1415,12 +1431,12 @@ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) GEOMImpl_IShapesOperations::GetShapesOnPlaneI
aSeq = getShapesOnSurfaceIDs( aPlane, aShape, aShapeType, theState );
// The GetShapesOnPlaneIDs() doesn't change object so no new function is required.
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = theShape->GetLastFunction();
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = getCreatedLast(theShape,theAx1)->GetLastFunction();
// Make a Python command
const bool append = true;
<< "listShapesOnPlane = IShapesOperations.GetShapesOnPlaneIDs"
<< "listShapesOnPlane = geompy.GetShapesOnPlaneIDs"
<< "(" << theShape << "," << theShapeType << "," << theAx1 << "," << theState << ")";
@ -1462,12 +1478,12 @@ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) GEOMImpl_IShapesOperations::GetShapesOnCylind
aSeq = getShapesOnSurfaceIDs( aCylinder, aShape, aShapeType, theState );
// The GetShapesOnCylinder() doesn't change object so no new function is required.
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = theShape->GetLastFunction();
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = getCreatedLast(theShape,theAxis)->GetLastFunction();
// Make a Python command
const bool append = true;
<< "listShapesOnCylinder = IShapesOperations.GetShapesOnCylinderIDs"
<< "listShapesOnCylinder = geompy.GetShapesOnCylinderIDs"
<< "(" << theShape << ", " << theShapeType << ", " << theAxis << ", "
<< theRadius << ", " << theState << ")";
@ -1513,12 +1529,12 @@ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) GEOMImpl_IShapesOperations::GetShapesOnSphere
aSeq = getShapesOnSurfaceIDs( aSphere, aShape, aShapeType, theState );
// The GetShapesOnSphere() doesn't change object so no new function is required.
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = theShape->GetLastFunction();
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = getCreatedLast(theShape,theCenter)->GetLastFunction();
// Make a Python command
const bool append = true;
<< "listShapesOnCylinder = IShapesOperations.GetShapesOnCylinderIDs"
<< "listShapesOnCylinder = geompy.GetShapesOnCylinderIDs"
<< "(" << theShape << ", " << theShapeType << ", " << theCenter << ", "
<< theRadius << ", " << theState << ")";
@ -1580,109 +1596,75 @@ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger)
if ( !checkTypeShapesOn( aShapeType ))
return NULL;
vector< gp_Pnt > points(4);
points[0] = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(aTL));
points[1] = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(aTR));
points[2] = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(aBR));
points[3] = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(aBL));
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) aSeqOfIDs;
// Algo: for each pair of neighboring point of a quadrangle, make a plane
// and find subshape indices having theState. Then
// - for IN state, find indices common for all pairs.
// - else, keep IDs that are OK for any plane
const bool keepOkOnAllPlanes = ( theState == GEOMAlgo_ST_IN ||
theState == GEOMAlgo_ST_ONIN ||
theState == GEOMAlgo_ST_INOUT );
// Check presence of triangulation, build if need
if (!CheckTriangulation(aShape))
return aSeqOfIDs;
// Find plane normal defined by corner points, it will be used to define a plane
// for each pair of points. For that, find non coincident corner points
vector< gp_Pnt > farPoints;
farPoints.reserve( 5 );
farPoints.push_back( points[0] );
for ( int i = 1; i < 4; ++i )
// check if i-th point is far from all farPoints
bool tooClose = false;
vector< gp_Pnt >::iterator p = farPoints.begin();
for ( ; p != farPoints.end(); ++p )
if ( p->SquareDistance( points[ i ]) <= DBL_MIN )
tooClose = true;
if ( !tooClose )
farPoints.push_back( points[ i ]);
// Call algo
gp_Pnt aPntTL = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(aTL));
gp_Pnt aPntTR = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(aTR));
gp_Pnt aPntBL = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(aBL));
gp_Pnt aPntBR = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(aBR));
GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOnQuad aFinder( aPntTL, aPntTR, aPntBL, aPntBR );
Standard_Real aTol = 0.0001; // default value
// Sets the minimal number of inner points for the faces that do not have own
// inner points at all (for e.g. rectangular planar faces have just 2 triangles).
// Default value=3
// Sets the maximal number of inner points for edges or faces.
// It is usefull for the cases when this number is very big (e.g =2000) to improve
// the performance. If this value =0, all inner points will be taken into account.
// Default value=0
// Interprete results
Standard_Integer iErr = aFinder.ErrorStatus();
// the detailed description of error codes is in GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOn1.cxx
if (iErr) {
MESSAGE(" iErr : " << iErr);
TCollection_AsciiString aMsg (" iErr : ");
aMsg += TCollection_AsciiString(iErr);
return aSeqOfIDs;
if ( farPoints.size() < 3 ) {
SetErrorCode("Coincident input points");
return NULL;
gp_Vec aVecX =
gp_Vec( farPoints[0], farPoints[1] ) ^ gp_Vec( farPoints[0], farPoints[2] );
//std::cout << " X Vec : " << aVecX.X() << " " <<aVecX.Y() << " " <<aVecX.Z() << " " << endl;
// Use datamap to find IDs which have good state with all planes:
// count nb of OK states for each ID
TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerInteger nbOkStatesOfID;
// loop on point pairs
int nbPlanes = 0;
farPoints[ farPoints.size() ] = farPoints[ 0 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < farPoints.size(); ++i )
// point1 -> point2 vector
gp_Vec aVecY( farPoints[ i ], farPoints[ i + 1 ]);
//std::cout << " Y Vec : " << aVecY.X() << " " <<aVecY.Y() << " " <<aVecY.Z() << " " << endl;
// plane normal
gp_Vec aVecZ = aVecX ^ aVecY;
//std::cout << " Z Vec : " << aVecZ.X() << " " <<aVecZ.Y() << " " <<aVecZ.Z() << " " << endl;
if ( aVecZ.SquareMagnitude() <= DBL_MIN )
// Check that normal direction is outside a quadrangle
// (Suppose there are no concave corners in a quadrangle)
int iPrev = i ? i - 1 : farPoints.size() - 1;
if ( aVecZ * gp_Vec( farPoints[ i ], farPoints[ iPrev ]) >= 0. )
Handle(Geom_Plane) aPlane = new Geom_Plane( farPoints[ i ], aVecZ );
// Find subshape indices
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) aSeq;
aSeq = getShapesOnSurfaceIDs( aPlane, aShape, aShapeType, theState );
if ( aSeq.IsNull() || aSeq->Length() == 0 )
if ( keepOkOnAllPlanes )
return NULL;
// put IDs to the datamap
//std::cout << " IDS in plane " << nbPlanes << " : ";
for ( int iID = 1; iID <= aSeq->Length(); ++iID )
int id = aSeq->Value( iID );
//std::cout << id << " ";
if ( nbOkStatesOfID.IsBound( id ))
nbOkStatesOfID( id )++;
nbOkStatesOfID.Bind( id, 1 );
//std::cout << endl;
Standard_Integer iWrn = aFinder.WarningStatus();
// the detailed description of warning codes is in GEOMAlgo_FinderShapeOn1.cxx
if (iWrn) {
MESSAGE(" *** iWrn : " << iWrn);
// select IDs that are OK with all planes
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) aSeq = new TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger;
TColStd_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfIntegerInteger id_nb;
for ( id_nb.Initialize( nbOkStatesOfID ); id_nb.More(); id_nb.Next() )
//std::cout << id_nb.Key() << " in " << id_nb.Value() << " planes " << endl;
if ( !keepOkOnAllPlanes || id_nb.Value() == nbPlanes )
aSeq->Append( id_nb.Key() );
const TopTools_ListOfShape& listSS = aFinder.Shapes(); // the result
if (listSS.Extent() < 1) {
SetErrorCode("Not a single sub-shape of the requested type found on the given surface");
return aSeqOfIDs;
return aSeq;
// Fill sequence of object IDs
aSeqOfIDs = new TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger;
TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape anIndices;
TopExp::MapShapes(aShape, anIndices);
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itSub (listSS);
for (int index = 1; itSub.More(); itSub.Next(), ++index) {
int id = anIndices.FindIndex(itSub.Value());
return aSeqOfIDs;
//function : GetShapesOnQuadrangle
@ -1785,7 +1767,11 @@ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger)
// Make a Python command
// The GetShapesOnCylinder() doesn't change object so no new function is required.
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = theShape->GetLastFunction();
Handle(GEOM_Object) lastObj = getCreatedLast(theShape,theTopLeftPoint);
lastObj = getCreatedLast(lastObj,theTopRigthPoint);
lastObj = getCreatedLast(lastObj,theBottomRigthPoint);
lastObj = getCreatedLast(lastObj,theBottomLeftPoint);
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = lastObj->GetLastFunction();
const bool append = true;
@ -251,7 +251,15 @@ class GEOMImpl_IShapesOperations : public GEOM_IOperations {
getObjectsShapesOn(const Handle(GEOM_Object)& theShape,
const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger)& theShapeIDs,
TCollection_AsciiString & theShapeEntries);
* \brief Select the object created last
* \param theObj1 - Object 1
* \param theObj2 - Object 2
* \retval Handle(GEOM_Object) - selected object
static Handle(GEOM_Object) getCreatedLast(const Handle(GEOM_Object)& theObj1,
const Handle(GEOM_Object)& theObj2);
Reference in New Issue
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