mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 19:51:16 +05:00
Remove name from annotation. Dump/Restore study.
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,9 +48,6 @@ namespace
std::string PARAMETER_IS_2D( const int i ) {
return PARAMETER_I( "GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs_Is2D", i );
std::string PARAMETER_NAME( const int i ) {
return PARAMETER_I( "GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs_Name", i );
std::string PARAMETER_TEXT( const int i ) {
return PARAMETER_I( "GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs_Text", i );
@ -63,7 +60,34 @@ namespace
std::string PARAMETER_SHAPE( const int i ) {
return PARAMETER_I( "GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs_Shape", i );
// REGEXP pattern for converting array of entries into plain text string.
// The pattern has the following structure:
// ENTRY: { text[string] : visibility[bool] : screen fixed[bool] : position[xyz] : attach[xyz] }
static const QString PATTERN_ITEM_GROUP = "\\{ (Text=(?::{2,}|.)*:(?!:)Screen=.*:Position=\\{(.*):(.*):(.*)\\}:Attach=\\{(.*):(.*):(.*)\\}:ShapeIdx=.*:ShapeType=.*) \\}";
static const QString PATTERN_ITEM = "Text=((?::{2,}|.)*):(?!:)Screen=(\\d{1}):Position=\\{(.*):(.*):(.*)\\}:Attach=\\{(.*):(.*):(.*)\\}:ShapeIdx=(\\-?\\d{1,}):ShapeType=(\\d{1})";
static QString toPattern (const QString& theText,
const bool theIsFixed,
const gp_Pnt& thePosition,
const gp_Pnt& theAttach,
const int theShapeIndex,
const int theShapeType)
return QString( "{ Text=" ) + theText +
QString( ":" ) + QString( "Screen=" ) + QString::number( theIsFixed ? 1 : 0 ) +
QString( ":" ) + QString( "Position={" ) +
QString::number( thePosition.X() ) + QString( ":" ) +
QString::number( thePosition.Y() ) + QString( ":" ) +
QString::number( thePosition.Z() ) + QString( "}" ) +
QString( ":" ) + QString( "Attach={" ) +
QString::number( theAttach.X() ) + QString( ":" ) +
QString::number( theAttach.Y() ) + QString( ":" ) +
QString::number( theAttach.Z() ) + QString( "}" ) +
QString( ":" ) + QString( "ShapeIdx=" ) + QString::number( theShapeIndex ) +
QString( ":" ) + QString( "ShapeType=" ) + QString::number( theShapeType ) +
QString( " }" );
// function : FindAttributes
@ -133,7 +157,6 @@ void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::Remove( const _PTR(SObject)& theObject )
aParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_IS_VISIBLE( anI ), PT_BOOLEAN );
aParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_IS_2D( anI ), PT_BOOLEAN );
aParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_NAME( anI ), PT_STRING );
aParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_TEXT( anI ), PT_STRING );
aParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_ATTACH( anI ), PT_REALARRAY );
@ -143,6 +166,85 @@ void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::Remove( const _PTR(SObject)& theObject )
// function : ExportAsPropertyString
// purpose :
QString GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::ExportAsPropertyString() const
QStringList anItems;
for ( int anI = 0; anI < GetNbAnnotation(); ++anI )
Properties aEntry;
GetProperties( anI, aEntry );
anItems.append( toPattern( aEntry.Text,
aEntry.ShapeType ) );
return anItems.join( ":" );
// function : ImportFromPropertyString
// purpose :
void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::ImportFromPropertyString( const QString& theString )
SetNbAnnotation( 0 );
QRegExp aRegExpItemGroups( PATTERN_ITEM_GROUP );
QRegExp aRegExpItem( "^" + PATTERN_ITEM + "$" );
aRegExpItemGroups.setMinimal( true );
aRegExpItem.setMinimal( true );
int aPos = 0;
while ( ( aPos = aRegExpItemGroups.indexIn( theString, aPos ) ) != -1 )
aPos += aRegExpItemGroups.matchedLength();
QString aStrItem = aRegExpItemGroups.cap(1);
if ( aRegExpItem.indexIn( aStrItem ) < 0 )
QString aStrText = aRegExpItem.cap( 1 );
QString aStrFixed = aRegExpItem.cap( 2 );
QString aStrPosX = aRegExpItem.cap( 3 );
QString aStrPosY = aRegExpItem.cap( 4 );
QString aStrPosZ = aRegExpItem.cap( 5 );
QString aStrAttX = aRegExpItem.cap( 6 );
QString aStrAttY = aRegExpItem.cap( 7 );
QString aStrAttZ = aRegExpItem.cap( 8 );
QString aStrShapeIdx = aRegExpItem.cap( 9 );
QString aStrShapeType = aRegExpItem.cap( 10 );
aStrText.replace( "::", ":" );
Properties aEntry;
aEntry.Text = aStrText;
aEntry.IsVisible = false;
aEntry.IsScreenFixed = aStrFixed.toInt() != 0;
aEntry.Position.SetX( aStrPosX.toDouble() );
aEntry.Position.SetY( aStrPosY.toDouble() );
aEntry.Position.SetZ( aStrPosZ.toDouble() );
aEntry.Attach.SetX( aStrAttX.toDouble() );
aEntry.Attach.SetY( aStrAttY.toDouble() );
aEntry.Attach.SetZ( aStrAttZ.toDouble() );
aEntry.ShapeIndex = aStrShapeIdx.toInt();
aEntry.ShapeType = aStrShapeType.toInt();
Append( aEntry );
// function : SetNbAnnotation
// purpose :
@ -158,7 +260,6 @@ void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetNbAnnotation( const int theCount ) const
myParameterMap->SetBool( PARAMETER_IS_VISIBLE( anI ), true );
myParameterMap->SetBool( PARAMETER_IS_2D( anI ), false );
myParameterMap->SetString( PARAMETER_NAME( anI ), std::string() );
myParameterMap->SetString( PARAMETER_TEXT( anI ), std::string() );
myParameterMap->SetRealArray( PARAMETER_POSITION( anI ), std::vector<double>(3, 0.0) );
myParameterMap->SetRealArray( PARAMETER_ATTACH( anI ), std::vector<double>(3, 0.0) );
@ -172,7 +273,6 @@ void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetNbAnnotation( const int theCount ) const
myParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_IS_VISIBLE( anI ), PT_BOOLEAN );
myParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_IS_2D( anI ), PT_BOOLEAN );
myParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_NAME( anI ), PT_STRING );
myParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_TEXT( anI ), PT_STRING );
myParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_POSITION( anI ), PT_REALARRAY );
myParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_ATTACH( anI ), PT_REALARRAY );
@ -192,24 +292,6 @@ int GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::GetNbAnnotation() const
return myParameterMap->GetInt( PARAMETER_COUNT );
// function : SetName
// purpose :
void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetName( const int theIndex, const QString& theName )
myParameterMap->SetString( PARAMETER_NAME( theIndex ), theName.toStdString() );
// function : GetName
// purpose :
QString GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::GetName( const int theIndex ) const
return QString::fromStdString( myParameterMap->GetString( PARAMETER_NAME( theIndex ) ) );
// function : SetVisible
// purpose :
@ -384,7 +466,6 @@ void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetProperties( const int theIndex, const Propertie
gp_Trsf aToShapeLCS;
aToShapeLCS.SetTransformation( gp_Ax3(), theShapeLCS );
this->SetName( theIndex, theProps.Name );
this->SetText( theIndex, theProps.Text );
this->SetIsVisible( theIndex, theProps.IsVisible );
this->SetIsScreenFixed( theIndex, theProps.IsScreenFixed );
@ -400,7 +481,6 @@ void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetProperties( const int theIndex, const Propertie
void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::GetProperties( const int theIndex, Properties& theProps ) const
theProps.Name = this->GetName( theIndex );
theProps.Text = this->GetText( theIndex );
theProps.IsVisible = this->GetIsVisible( theIndex );
theProps.IsScreenFixed = this->GetIsScreenFixed( theIndex );
@ -61,6 +61,15 @@ public:
//! Remove annotation data fields for an object.
GEOMGUI_EXPORT static void Remove( const _PTR(SObject)& theObject );
// Import / Export
//! Exports annotation records as a property string.
GEOMGUI_EXPORT QString ExportAsPropertyString() const;
//! Imports annotation records from a property string.
GEOMGUI_EXPORT void ImportFromPropertyString( const QString& theString );
@ -68,7 +77,6 @@ public:
struct Properties
QString Name; //!< Application name of annotation.
QString Text; //!< Displayed annotation text.
bool IsVisible; //!< Application visibility flag of annotation.
bool IsScreenFixed; //!< Fixed screen mode flag.
@ -105,15 +113,6 @@ public:
//! Returns number of annotation definitions stored on the object.
GEOMGUI_EXPORT int GetNbAnnotation() const;
//! Sets application name property of an annotation definition.
//! @param theIndex [in] the index of the annotation definition.
//! @param theName [in] the new application name.
GEOMGUI_EXPORT void SetName( const int theIndex, const QString& theName );
//! Returns application name of an annotation definition.
//! @param theIndex [in] the index of the annotation definition.
GEOMGUI_EXPORT QString GetName( const int theIndex ) const;
//! Sets application visibility state of an annotation definition.
//! @param theIndex [in] the index of the annotation definition.
//! @param theIsVisible [in] the visibility state.
@ -196,8 +195,7 @@ public:
GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs( const _PTR(SObject)& theObject,
const _PTR(AttributeParameter)& theParameter )
GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs( const _PTR(SObject)& theObject, const _PTR(AttributeParameter)& theParameter )
: myObj( theObject ),
myParameterMap( theParameter ) {}
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ SALOME_Prs* GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr::CreatePresentation( const GEOMGUI_AnnotationA
aPresentation->SetOwner( anIO );
aPresentation->SetOwner( new SALOME_InteractiveObject( getEntry( theObject ).c_str(), "GEOM", getName( theObject ).c_str() ) );
//aPresentation->SetOwner( new SALOME_InteractiveObject( getEntry( theObject ).c_str(), "GEOM", getName( theObject ).c_str() ) );
SUIT_ResourceMgr* aResMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
const QFont aFont = aResMgr->fontValue( "Geometry", "shape_annotation_font", QFont( "Y14.5M-2009", 24 ) );
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ void GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr::Display( const QString& theEntry, const int theIndex
myVisualized[aView] = anEntryToMap;
// change persistent for the entry: set visible state in true for indices which presentations are shown
storeVisibleState( theEntry, theView );
storeVisibleState( theEntry, theView, theIndex );
void GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr::Erase( const QString& theEntry, const int theIndex, SALOME_View* theView )
@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ void GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr::Erase( const QString& theEntry, const int theIndex,
if ( !anAnnotationToPrs.contains( theIndex ) )
// erase presentation from the viewer
SALOME_Prs* aPrs = anAnnotationToPrs[theIndex];
aView->Erase( getDisplayer(), aPrs );
@ -208,7 +207,7 @@ void GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr::Erase( const QString& theEntry, const int theIndex,
myVisualized[aView] = anEntryToAnnotation;
// change persistent for the entry: set visible state in true for indices which presentations are shown
storeVisibleState( theEntry, theView );
storeVisibleState( theEntry, theView, theIndex );
void GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr::DisplayVisibleAnnotations( const QString& theEntry, SALOME_View* theView )
@ -347,6 +346,10 @@ QString GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr::getDisplayedIndicesInfo( const QString& theEntry,
SalomeApp_Study* aStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( getApplication()->activeStudy() );
_PTR(SObject) aSObj = aStudy->studyDS()->FindObjectID( theEntry.toStdString() );
if ( !aSObj )
return aDisplayedIndices;
const Handle(GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs) aShapeAnnotations = GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::FindAttributes( aSObj );
if ( !aShapeAnnotations.IsNull() )
@ -406,7 +409,7 @@ void GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr::getObject( const QString& theEntry, const int theInd
void GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr::storeVisibleState( const QString& theEntry, SALOME_View* theView )
void GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr::storeVisibleState( const QString& theEntry, SALOME_View* theView, const int theIndex )
SALOME_View* aView = viewOrActiveView( theView );
if ( !aView || !myVisualized.contains( aView ) )
@ -422,12 +425,9 @@ void GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr::storeVisibleState( const QString& theEntry, SALOME_V
_PTR(SObject) aSObj = aStudy->studyDS()->FindObjectID( theEntry.toStdString() );
const Handle(GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs) aShapeAnnotations = GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::FindAttributes( aSObj );
if ( !aShapeAnnotations.IsNull() ) {
const int aCount = aShapeAnnotations->GetNbAnnotation();
for ( int anIndex = 0; anIndex < aCount; ++anIndex )
bool aVisible = anAnnotationToPrs.contains( anIndex );
aShapeAnnotations->SetIsVisible( anIndex, aVisible );
bool aVisible = anAnnotationToPrs.contains( theIndex );
aShapeAnnotations->SetIsVisible( theIndex, aVisible );
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ protected:
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr& anObject,
GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::Properties& aProperty );
void storeVisibleState( const QString& theEntry, SALOME_View* theView );
void storeVisibleState( const QString& theEntry, SALOME_View* theView, const int theIndex );
std::string getEntry( const GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theObject );
@ -106,10 +106,19 @@ namespace
return !myAttr.IsNull() ? myAttr->GetText( theIndex ) : QString();
virtual bool GetIsVisible( const int theIndex ) Standard_OVERRIDE {
return annotationMgr()->IsDisplayed(myEntry, theIndex);
GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr* aMgr = annotationMgr();
if (!aMgr) {
return false;
return aMgr->IsDisplayed( myEntry, theIndex );
//return annotationMgr()->IsDisplayed(myEntry, theIndex);
//return !myAttr.IsNull() ? myAttr->GetIsVisible( theIndex ) : false;
virtual void SetIsVisible( const int theIndex, const bool theIsVisible ) Standard_OVERRIDE {
GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr* aMgr = annotationMgr();
if (!aMgr) {
if (theIsVisible)
annotationMgr()->Display(myEntry, theIndex);
@ -128,6 +137,9 @@ protected:
CAM_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<CAM_Application*>(myStudy->application());
GeometryGUI* aModule = dynamic_cast<GeometryGUI*>(anApp->activeModule());
if (!aModule) {
return NULL;
return aModule->GetAnnotationMgr();
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -2897,6 +2897,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::storeVisualParameters (int savePoint)
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>(application()->activeStudy());
if ( !appStudy || !appStudy->studyDS() )
_PTR(Study) studyDS = appStudy->studyDS();
// componentName is used for encoding of entries when storing them in IParameters
@ -2914,6 +2915,8 @@ void GeometryGUI::storeVisualParameters (int savePoint)
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*>::Iterator it;
GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr* aAnnotationMgr = GetAnnotationMgr();
// main cycle to store parameters of displayed objects
@ -3045,39 +3048,39 @@ void GeometryGUI::storeVisualParameters (int savePoint)
ip->setParameter(entry, param.toStdString(), aProps.value(GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::IsosWidth )).toString().toStdString());
std::string anAnnotationInfo = GetAnnotationMgr()->getDisplayedIndicesInfo(entry.c_str(), aView).toStdString();
if (!anAnnotationInfo.empty()) {
param = occParam + "AttributeParameter";
ip->setParameter(entry, param.toStdString(), anAnnotationInfo);
if ( aAnnotationMgr ) {
std::string anAnnotationInfo = GetAnnotationMgr()->getDisplayedIndicesInfo( o_it.key().toLatin1().data(), aView ).toStdString();
if (!anAnnotationInfo.empty()) {
param = occParam + "ShapeAnnotationVisibleItems";
ip->setParameter(entry, param.toStdString(), anAnnotationInfo);
} // object iterator
} // for (views)
} // for (viewManagers)
// store dimension attributes of objects:
// store shape annotation and dimension attributes of objects:
// since the displayed object always persists in property map, we remember the object entries
// on the passes when we store viewer related properties - to avoid extra iterations on GEOM component tree.
QString aDimensionParam = OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() + GEOM::sectionSeparator() + GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::Dimensions );
const QString aDimensionParam = OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() + GEOM::sectionSeparator() + GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::Dimensions );
const QString aAnnotationParam = OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() + GEOM::sectionSeparator() + GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::ShapeAnnotations );
QSet<QString>::ConstIterator aEntryIt = anEntriesToStoreShared.constBegin();
for ( ; aEntryIt != anEntriesToStoreShared.constEnd(); ++aEntryIt )
std::string aStudyEntry = (*aEntryIt).toLatin1().data();
std::string aStoreEntry = ip->encodeEntry( aStudyEntry, componentName);
std::string aStoreEntry = ip->encodeEntry( aStudyEntry, componentName );
// store dimension parameters
GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty aDimensions( appStudy, aStudyEntry );
if ( aDimensions.GetNumber() == 0 )
if ( aDimensions.GetNumber() != 0 ) {
ip->setParameter( aStoreEntry, aDimensionParam.toStdString(), ((QString)aDimensions).toLatin1().data() );
ip->setParameter( aStoreEntry, aDimensionParam.toStdString(), ((QString)aDimensions).toLatin1().data() );
// store annotation parameters
//GetAnnotationMgr()->storeVisualParameters(ip, aStudyEntry);
//_PTR(IParameters) ip = ClientFactory::getIParameters(ap);
_PTR(SObject) aObj( studyDS->FindObjectID( aStudyEntry ) );
const Handle(GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs) aShapeAnnAttr = GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::FindAttributes( aObj );
if ( !aShapeAnnAttr.IsNull() ) {
ip->setParameter( aStoreEntry, aAnnotationParam.toStdString(), aShapeAnnAttr->ExportAsPropertyString().toLatin1().data() );
@ -3160,6 +3163,13 @@ void GeometryGUI::restoreVisualParameters (int savePoint)
GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty aDimensionProp( aValuesStr );
aDimensionProp.SaveToAttribute( appStudy, entry.toLatin1().data() );
else if ( aParamNameStr == GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::ShapeAnnotations ) )
Handle(GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs) anAttr =
GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::FindOrCreateAttributes( so, appStudy );
anAttr->ImportFromPropertyString( aValuesStr );
@ -3215,8 +3225,8 @@ void GeometryGUI::restoreVisualParameters (int savePoint)
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert( GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::LineWidth ), val.toInt());
} else if (paramNameStr == GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::IsosWidth )) {
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert( GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::IsosWidth ), val.toInt());
} else if (paramNameStr == "AttributeParameter") {
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert( "AttributeParameter", val);
} else if (paramNameStr == "ShapeAnnotationVisibleItems") {
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert( "ShapeAnnotationVisibleItems", val);
} // for names/parameters iterator
@ -3233,9 +3243,9 @@ void GeometryGUI::restoreVisualParameters (int savePoint)
SALOME_View* aView = dynamic_cast<SALOME_View*>(vmodel);
displayer()->Display(entry, true, aView);
PropMap aProps = aListOfMap[index];
if ( aProps.contains( "AttributeParameter" ) )
GetAnnotationMgr()->setDisplayedIndicesInfo( entry, aView, aProps["AttributeParameter"].toString() );
PropMap& aProps = aListOfMap[index];
if ( aProps.contains( "ShapeAnnotationVisibleItems" ) )
GetAnnotationMgr()->setDisplayedIndicesInfo( entry, aView, aProps["ShapeAnnotationVisibleItems"].toString() );
} // for entries iterator
@ -3259,6 +3269,10 @@ void GeometryGUI::restoreVisualParameters (int savePoint)
if ( myTextTreeWdg ) {
// Compute current name mode of the viewer
@ -223,7 +223,6 @@ void MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::Init()
// default presentation values
myIsPositionDefined = false;
myAnnotationProperties.Name = getNewObjectName();
myAnnotationProperties.Text = tr( "ANNOTATION_PREFIX" );
myAnnotationProperties.IsVisible = false;
myAnnotationProperties.IsScreenFixed = false;
@ -708,7 +707,6 @@ bool MeasureGUI_AnnotationDlg::execute()
Handle(GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs) aShapeAnnotations =
GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::FindOrCreateAttributes( aSObj, aStudy );
myAnnotationProperties.Name = getNewObjectName(); // update here as we do not listen name modification
myAnnotationProperties.IsVisible = true; // initially created annotation is hidden
aShapeAnnotations->Append( myAnnotationProperties );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user