mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 08:55:37 +05:00
IMP 0016175: EDF455: Save GUIState don't redisplay the objects.
This commit is contained in:
@ -419,34 +419,34 @@ void GEOM_Engine::Close(int theDocID)
* DumpPython
TCollection_AsciiString GEOM_Engine::DumpPython(int theDocID,
TCollection_AsciiString GEOM_Engine::DumpPython(int theDocID,
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theObjectNames,
bool isPublished,
bool isPublished,
bool& aValidScript)
TCollection_AsciiString aScript;
Handle(TDocStd_Document) aDoc = GetDocument(theDocID);
if(aDoc.IsNull()) return TCollection_AsciiString("def RebuildData(theStudy): pass\n");
if (aDoc.IsNull()) return TCollection_AsciiString("def RebuildData(theStudy): pass\n");
aScript = "import geompy\n";
aScript += "import math\n";
aScript += "import SALOMEDS\n\n";
aScript += "def RebuildData(theStudy):";
aScript += "\n\tgeompy.init_geom(theStudy)";
Standard_Integer posToInertGlobalVars = aScript.Length() + 1;
Handle(TDataStd_TreeNode) aNode, aRoot;
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction;
TColStd_MapOfTransient aMap;
if(aDoc->Main().FindAttribute(GEOM_Function::GetFunctionTreeID(), aRoot)) {
if (aDoc->Main().FindAttribute(GEOM_Function::GetFunctionTreeID(), aRoot)) {
TDataStd_ChildNodeIterator Itr(aRoot);
for(; Itr.More(); Itr.Next()) {
for (; Itr.More(); Itr.Next()) {
aNode = Itr.Value();
aFunction = GEOM_Function::GetFunction(aNode->Label());
if(aFunction.IsNull()) {
if (aFunction.IsNull()) {
MESSAGE ( "Null function !!!!" );
@ -482,12 +482,12 @@ TCollection_AsciiString GEOM_Engine::DumpPython(int theDocID,
//Replace entries by the names
TCollection_AsciiString anUpdatedScript, anEntry, aName, aBaseName("geomObj_"),
allowedChars ("qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM0987654321_");
if(aLen == 0) anUpdatedScript = aScript;
if (aLen == 0) anUpdatedScript = aScript;
for(Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= aLen; i+=2) {
for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= aLen; i+=2) {
anUpdatedScript += aScript.SubString(aStart, aSeq->Value(i)-1);
anEntry = aScript.SubString(aSeq->Value(i), aSeq->Value(i+1));
if(theObjectNames.IsBound(anEntry)) {
if (theObjectNames.IsBound(anEntry)) {
aName = theObjectNames.Find(anEntry);
// check validity of aName
bool isValidName = true;
@ -530,8 +530,9 @@ TCollection_AsciiString GEOM_Engine::DumpPython(int theDocID,
//Add final part of the script
if(aLen && aSeq->Value(aLen) < aScriptLength) anUpdatedScript += aScript.SubString(aSeq->Value(aLen)+1, aScriptLength); // mkr : IPAL11865
if (aLen && aSeq->Value(aLen) < aScriptLength)
anUpdatedScript += aScript.SubString(aSeq->Value(aLen)+1, aScriptLength); // mkr : IPAL11865
// ouv : NPAL12872
for (anEntryToNameIt.Initialize( theObjectNames );
@ -612,7 +613,8 @@ TCollection_AsciiString GEOM_Engine::DumpPython(int theDocID,
anUpdatedScript += "\n\tpass\n";
//anUpdatedScript += "\n\tpass\n";
anUpdatedScript += "\n";
aValidScript = true;
// fill _studyEntry2NameMap and build globalVars
@ -633,7 +635,7 @@ TCollection_AsciiString GEOM_Engine::DumpPython(int theDocID,
globalVars.Insert( 1, "\n\tglobal " );
anUpdatedScript.Insert( posToInertGlobalVars, globalVars );
return anUpdatedScript;
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
#include "GEOMGUI_OCCSelector.h"
#include "GEOMGUI_Selection.h"
#include "GEOM_Displayer.h"
#include "GEOM_AISShape.hxx"
#include "GEOM_Actor.h"
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
#include <SUIT_MessageBox.h>
@ -39,31 +42,43 @@
#include <OCCViewer_ViewModel.h>
#include <OCCViewer_ViewManager.h>
#include <SOCC_ViewModel.h>
#include <SOCC_ViewWindow.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewWindow.h>
#include <SVTK_RenderWindowInteractor.h>
#include <SVTK_InteractorStyle.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewModel.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Study.h>
#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
#include <LightApp_VTKSelector.h>
#include <LightApp_DataObject.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Study.h>
#include <LightApp_Preferences.h>
#include <SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA.hxx>
#include <SALOME_ListIO.hxx>
#include <SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDSClient_ClientFactory.hxx>
#include <SALOMEDSClient_IParameters.hxx>
// External includes
#include <QAction>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QString>
#include <QPainter>
#include <AIS_Drawer.hxx>
#include <AIS_ListOfInteractive.hxx>
#include <AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive.hxx>
#include <Prs3d_Drawer.hxx>
#include <Prs3d_IsoAspect.hxx>
#include <Aspect_TypeOfMarker.hxx>
#include <OSD_SharedLibrary.hxx>
#include <NCollection_DataMap.hxx>
#include <utilities.h>
@ -1305,7 +1320,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::onWindowActivated( SUIT_ViewWindow* win )
const bool ViewOCC = ( win->getViewManager()->getType() == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() );
const bool ViewVTK = ( win->getViewManager()->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type() );
//const bool ViewVTK = ( win->getViewManager()->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type() );
// disable non-OCC viewframe menu commands
// action( 404 )->setEnabled( ViewOCC ); // SKETCHER
@ -1551,3 +1566,440 @@ int GeometryGUI::getLocalSelectionMode() const
return myLocalSelectionMode;
const char gSeparator = '_'; // character used to separate parameter names
const char gDigitsSep = ':'; // character used to separate numeric parameter values (color = r:g:b)
* \brief Store visual parameters
* This method is called just before the study document is saved.
* Store visual parameters in AttributeParameter attribue(s)
void GeometryGUI::storeVisualParameters (int savePoint)
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>(application()->activeStudy());
if (!appStudy || !appStudy->studyDS())
_PTR(Study) studyDS = appStudy->studyDS();
// componentName is used for encoding of entries when storing them in IParameters
std::string componentName = myComponentGeom->ComponentDataType();
//_PTR(SComponent) aSComponent = studyDS->FindComponent("GEOM");
//if (!aSComponent) return;
// IParameters
_PTR(AttributeParameter) ap = studyDS->GetModuleParameters("Interface Applicative",
_PTR(IParameters) ip = ClientFactory::getIParameters(ap);
// viewers counters are used for storing view_numbers in IParameters
int vtkViewers(0), occViewers(0);
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*>::Iterator it;
// main cycle to store parameters of displayed objects
vtkViewers = occViewers = 0;
for (it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); it++)
SUIT_ViewManager* vman = *it;
QString vType = vman->getType();
// saving VTK actors properties
if (vType == SVTK_Viewer::Type())
QVector<SUIT_ViewWindow*> views = vman->getViews();
for (int i = 0, iEnd = vman->getViewsCount(); i < iEnd; i++)
if (SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkView = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(views[i]))
vtkActorCollection* allActors = vtkView->getRenderer()->GetActors();
while (vtkActor* actor = allActors->GetNextActor())
if (actor->GetVisibility()) // store only visible actors
GEOM_Actor* aGeomActor = 0;
if (actor->IsA("GEOM_Actor"))
aGeomActor = GEOM_Actor::SafeDownCast(actor);
if (aGeomActor && aGeomActor->hasIO())
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io = aGeomActor->getIO();
if (io->hasEntry())
// entry is "encoded" = it does NOT contain component adress, since it is a
// subject to change on next component loading
std::string entry = ip->encodeEntry(io->getEntry(), componentName);
std::string param, occParam = vType.toLatin1().data();
occParam += gSeparator;
occParam += QString::number(vtkViewers).toLatin1().data();
occParam += gSeparator;
param = occParam + "Visibility";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, "On");
param = occParam + "DisplayMode";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number
vtkFloatingPointType r, g, b;
aGeomActor->GetColor(r, g, b);
QString colorStr = QString::number(r);
colorStr += gDigitsSep; colorStr += QString::number(g);
colorStr += gDigitsSep; colorStr += QString::number(b);
param = occParam + "Color";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, colorStr.toLatin1().data());
param = occParam + "Opacity";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number(aGeomActor->GetOpacity()).toLatin1().data());
int nbUIso(0), nbVIso(0);
QString isosStr = QString::number(nbUIso);
isosStr += gDigitsSep;
isosStr += QString::number(nbVIso);
param = occParam + "Isos";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, isosStr.toLatin1().data());
} // if (io->hasEntry())
} // GEOM_Actor && hasIO
} // isVisible
} // while.. actors traversal
} // if (vtkView)
} // for (views)
} // if (SVTK view model)
else if (vType == SOCC_Viewer::Type()) // processing OCC viewers
QVector<SUIT_ViewWindow*> views = vman->getViews();
for (int i = 0, iEnd = vman->getViewsCount(); i < iEnd; i++)
SOCC_ViewWindow* occView = dynamic_cast<SOCC_ViewWindow*>(views[i]);
if (occView)
//Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic =
// ((OCCViewer_Viewer*)(occView->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->getAISContext();
OCCViewer_Viewer* viewModel = (OCCViewer_Viewer*)(vman->getViewModel());
//OCCViewer_Viewer* viewModel = ((OCCViewer_ViewManager*)vman)->getOCCViewer();
Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = viewModel->getAISContext();
AIS_ListOfInteractive aList;
AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive ite (aList);
for (; ite.More(); ite.Next())
if (ite.Value()->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(GEOM_AISShape)))
Handle(GEOM_AISShape) aSh = Handle(GEOM_AISShape)::DownCast(ite.Value());
if (aSh->hasIO())
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io =
if (io->hasEntry())
// entry is "encoded": it does NOT contain component adress,
// since it is a subject to change on next component loading
std::string entry = ip->encodeEntry(io->getEntry(), componentName);
std::string param, occParam = vType.toLatin1().data();
occParam += gSeparator;
occParam += QString::number(occViewers).toLatin1().data();
occParam += gSeparator;
// Visibility
param = occParam + "Visibility";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, "On");
// DisplayMode
param = occParam + "DisplayMode";
int dm = aSh->DisplayMode();
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number(dm).toLatin1().data());
// Color
// is a property of GEOM_Object, it is stored by GEOM engine
// Transparency
param = occParam + "Transparency";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number(aSh->Transparency()).toLatin1().data());
// Isos
Handle(AIS_Drawer) aDrawer = aSh->Attributes();
int nbUIso = aDrawer->UIsoAspect()->Number();
int nbVIso = aDrawer->VIsoAspect()->Number();
QString isosStr = QString::number(nbUIso);
isosStr += gDigitsSep;
isosStr += QString::number(nbVIso);
param = occParam + "Isos";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, isosStr.toLatin1().data());
} // if (io->hasEntry())
} // if (io)
} // if (GEOM_AISShape)
} // for (AIS_ListOfInteractive)
} // if ( occView )
} // for ( views )
} // if (SOCC view model)
// unknown viewer type
} // for (viewManagers)
* \brief Restore visual parameters
* This method is called after the study document is opened.
* Restore visual parameters from AttributeParameter attribue(s)
void GeometryGUI::restoreVisualParameters (int savePoint)
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>(application()->activeStudy());
if (!appStudy || !appStudy->studyDS())
_PTR(Study) studyDS = appStudy->studyDS();
// componentName is used for encoding of entries when storing them in IParameters
std::string componentName = myComponentGeom->ComponentDataType();
//_PTR(SComponent) aSComponent = studyDS->FindComponent("GEOM");
//if (!aSComponent) return;
// IParameters
_PTR(AttributeParameter) ap = studyDS->GetModuleParameters("Interface Applicative",
_PTR(IParameters) ip = ClientFactory::getIParameters(ap);
std::vector<std::string> entries = ip->getEntries();
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator entIt = entries.begin(); entIt != entries.end(); ++entIt)
// entry is a normal entry - it should be "decoded" (setting base adress of component)
QString entry (ip->decodeEntry(*entIt).c_str());
// Check that the entry corresponds to a real object in the Study
// as the object may be deleted or modified after the visual state is saved.
_PTR(SObject) so = studyDS->FindObjectID(entry.toLatin1().data());
if (!so) continue; //Skip the not existent entry
std::vector<std::string> paramNames = ip->getAllParameterNames( *entIt );
std::vector<std::string> paramValues = ip->getAllParameterValues( *entIt );
std::vector<std::string>::iterator namesIt = paramNames.begin();
std::vector<std::string>::iterator valuesIt = paramValues.begin();
// actors are stored in a map after displaying of them for
// quicker access in the future: map < viewID to actor >
NCollection_DataMap<int, GEOM_Actor* > vtkActors;
NCollection_DataMap<int, Handle(GEOM_AISShape)> occActors;
for (; namesIt != paramNames.end(); ++namesIt, ++valuesIt)
// visual parameters are stored in strings as follows: ViewerType_ViewIndex_ParamName.
// '_' is used as separator and should not be used in viewer type or parameter names.
QStringList lst = QString((*namesIt).c_str()).split(gSeparator, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (lst.size() != 3)
QString viewerTypStr = lst[0];
QString viewIndexStr = lst[1];
QString paramNameStr = lst[2];
bool ok;
int viewIndex = viewIndexStr.toUInt(&ok);
if (!ok) // bad conversion of view index to integer
// viewers
if (viewerTypStr == SVTK_Viewer::Type())
GEOM_Actor* vActor = 0;
if (vtkActors.IsBound(viewIndex))
vActor = vtkActors.Find(viewIndex);
if (paramNameStr == "Visibility")
if (!vActor && displayer())
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
getApp()->viewManagers(viewerTypStr, lst);
// SVTK ViewManager always has 1 ViewWindow, so view index is index of view manager
if (viewIndex >= 0 && viewIndex < lst.count()) {
SUIT_ViewManager* vman = lst.at(viewIndex);
SUIT_ViewModel* vmodel = vman->getViewModel();
// SVTK view model can be casted to SALOME_View
displayer()->Display(entry, true, dynamic_cast<SALOME_View*>(vmodel));
// store displayed actor in a temporary map for quicker
// access later when restoring other parameters
SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkView = (SVTK_ViewWindow*) vman->getActiveView();
vtkRenderer* Renderer = vtkView->getRenderer();
vtkActorCollection* theActors = Renderer->GetActors();
bool isFound = false;
vtkActor *ac = theActors->GetNextActor();
for (; ac != NULL && !isFound; ac = theActors->GetNextActor()) {
if (ac->IsA("GEOM_Actor")) {
GEOM_Actor* aGeomAc = GEOM_Actor::SafeDownCast(ac);
if (aGeomAc->hasIO()) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io =
if (io->hasEntry() && strcmp(io->getEntry(), entry.toLatin1().data()) == 0) {
isFound = true;
vtkActors.Bind(viewIndex, aGeomAc);
} // if (paramNameStr == "Visibility")
// the rest properties "work" with GEOM_Actor
if (vActor)
QString val ((*valuesIt).c_str());
if (paramNameStr == "DisplayMode") {
else if (paramNameStr == "Color") {
QStringList colors = val.split(gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (colors.count() == 3)
vActor->SetColor(colors[0].toFloat(), colors[1].toFloat(), colors[2].toFloat());
else if (paramNameStr == "Opacity") {
else if (paramNameStr == "Isos") {
QStringList isos = val.split(gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (isos.count() == 2) {
int aIsos[2] = {isos[0].toInt(), isos[1].toInt()};
} // other parameters than Visibility
else if (viewerTypStr == SOCC_Viewer::Type())
//Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) occActor;
Handle(GEOM_AISShape) occActor;
if (occActors.IsBound(viewIndex))
occActor = occActors.Find(viewIndex);
// ViewModel and InteractiveContext
SOCC_Viewer* occVModel = 0;
Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic;
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
getApp()->viewManagers(viewerTypStr, lst);
// SOCC ViewManager always has 1 ViewWindow, so view index is index of view manager
if (viewIndex >= 0 && viewIndex < lst.count()) {
SUIT_ViewManager* vman = lst.at(viewIndex);
SUIT_ViewModel* vmodel = vman->getViewModel();
occVModel = dynamic_cast<SOCC_Viewer*>(vmodel);
if (occVModel)
ic = occVModel->getAISContext();
if (ic.IsNull())
if (paramNameStr == "Visibility")
if (occActor.IsNull() && displayer())
displayer()->Display(entry, true, occVModel);
// store displayed actor in a temporary map for quicker
// access later when restoring other parameters
AIS_ListOfInteractive aList;
bool isFound = false;
AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive ite (aList);
for (; ite.More() && !isFound; ite.Next()) {
if (ite.Value()->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(GEOM_AISShape))) {
Handle(GEOM_AISShape) aSh = Handle(GEOM_AISShape)::DownCast(ite.Value());
if (aSh->hasIO()) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io =
if (io->hasEntry() && strcmp(io->getEntry(), entry.toLatin1().data()) == 0) {
isFound = true;
occActors.Bind(viewIndex, aSh);
} // if (paramNameStr == "Visibility")
// the rest properties "work" with GEOM_AISShape
if (!occActor.IsNull())
QString val ((*valuesIt).c_str());
if (paramNameStr == "DisplayMode") {
ic->SetDisplayMode(occActor, AIS_DisplayMode(val.toInt()), false);
//ic->Redisplay(occActor, Standard_False, Standard_True);
// Color is restored by the GEOM engine
else if (paramNameStr == "Transparency") {
ic->SetTransparency(occActor, val.toFloat(), false);
ic->Redisplay(occActor, Standard_False, Standard_True);
else if (paramNameStr == "Isos") {
QStringList isos = val.split(gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (isos.count() == 2) {
Handle(AIS_Drawer) aDrawer = occActor->Attributes();
int nbUIso = isos[0].toInt();
int nbVIso = isos[1].toInt();
Handle(Prs3d_IsoAspect) uIsoAspect = aDrawer->UIsoAspect();
Handle(Prs3d_IsoAspect) vIsoAspect = aDrawer->VIsoAspect();
ic->SetLocalAttributes(occActor, aDrawer);
} // other parameters than Visibility
// unknown viewer type
} // for names/parameters iterator
} // for entries iterator
// update all VTK and OCC views
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
for (QList<SUIT_ViewManager*>::Iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); it++) {
SUIT_ViewModel* vmodel = (*it)->getViewModel();
if (!vmodel)
if (vmodel->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type()) {
SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkView = (SVTK_ViewWindow*) (*it)->getActiveView();
else if (vmodel->getType() == SOCC_Viewer::Type()) {
//SOCC_ViewWindow* occView = (SOCC_ViewWindow*) (*it)->getActiveView();
SALOME_View* occVMod = dynamic_cast<SALOME_View*>(vmodel);
if (occVMod)
@ -120,6 +120,9 @@ public:
int getLocalSelectionMode() const;
void setLocalSelectionMode(const int mode);
virtual void storeVisualParameters (int savePoint);
virtual void restoreVisualParameters(int savePoint);
public slots:
virtual bool deactivateModule( SUIT_Study* );
virtual bool activateModule( SUIT_Study* );
@ -68,6 +68,19 @@ Engines::TMPFile* GEOM_Gen_i::DumpPython(CORBA::Object_ptr theStudy,
"### of GEOM component\n\n";
aScript += _impl->DumpPython(aStudy->StudyId(), aMap, isPublished, isValidScript);
if (isPublished)
//Output the script that sets up the visual parameters.
char* script = aStudy->GetDefaultScript(ComponentDataType(), "\t");
if (script && strlen(script) > 0) {
aScript += "\n\t### Store presentation parameters of displayed objects\n";
aScript += script;
aScript += "\n\tpass\n";
int aLen = aScript.Length();
unsigned char* aBuffer = new unsigned char[aLen+1];
strcpy((char*)aBuffer, aScript.ToCString());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user