mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 03:27:56 +05:00
Issue 0019855 (Cannot delete objects with dependencies) : improve 'Delete objects' operation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1174,7 +1174,11 @@ Please, select face, shell or solid and try again</translation>
<translation>Do you really want to delete this %1 object(s):</translation>
<translation>Do you really want to delete %1 object(s)?</translation>
<translation>Do you really want to delete all objects?</translation>
@ -110,6 +110,73 @@ static QString getFileName( QWidget* parent,
return filename;
// function : getParentComponent
// purpose : Get object's parent component entry
static QString getParentComponent( _PTR( SObject ) obj )
if ( obj ) {
_PTR(SComponent) comp = obj->GetFatherComponent();
if ( comp )
return QString( comp->GetID().c_str() );
return QString();
// function : inUse
// purpose : check if the object(s) passed as the the second arguments are used
// by the other objects in the study
static bool inUse( _PTR(Study) study, const QString& component, const QMap<QString,QString>& objects )
_PTR(SObject) comp = study->FindObjectID( component.toLatin1().data() );
if ( !comp )
return false;
// collect all GEOM objects being deleted
QMap<QString, GEOM::GEOM_Object_var> gobjects;
QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator oit;
for ( oit = objects.begin(); oit != objects.end(); ++oit ) {
_PTR(SObject) so = study->FindObjectID( oit.key().toLatin1().data() );
if ( !so )
CORBA::Object_var corbaObj_rem = GeometryGUI::ClientSObjectToObject( so );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var geomObj_rem = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( corbaObj_rem );
if( CORBA::is_nil( geomObj_rem ) )
gobjects.insert( oit.key(), geomObj_rem );
// browse through all GEOM data tree
_PTR(ChildIterator) it ( study->NewChildIterator( comp ) );
for ( it->InitEx( true ); it->More(); it->Next() ) {
_PTR(SObject) child( it->Value() );
CORBA::Object_var corbaObj = GeometryGUI::ClientSObjectToObject( child );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var geomObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( corbaObj );
if( CORBA::is_nil( geomObj ) )
GEOM::ListOfGO_var list = geomObj->GetDependency();
if( list->length() <= 1 )
continue; // ??? why 1?
for( int i = 0; i < list->length(); i++ ) {
bool depends = false;
bool deleted = false;
QMap<QString, GEOM::GEOM_Object_var>::Iterator git;
for ( git = gobjects.begin(); git != gobjects.end() && ( !depends || !deleted ); ++git ) {
depends = depends || list[i]->_is_equivalent( *git );
deleted = deleted || git.key() == child->GetID().c_str() ;//geomObj->_is_equivalent( *git );
if ( depends && !deleted )
return true;
return false;
// function : GEOMToolsGUI()
// purpose : Constructor
@ -278,145 +345,149 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnEditDelete()
SALOME_ListIO selected;
SalomeApp_Application* app =
dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* >( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
if ( app ) {
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelMgr = app->selectionMgr();
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( app->activeStudy() );
if ( aSelMgr && appStudy ) {
aSelMgr->selectedObjects( selected, QString::null, false );
if ( !selected.IsEmpty() ) {
_PTR(Study) aStudy = appStudy->studyDS();
if ( !app )
bool aLocked = (_PTR(AttributeStudyProperties)(aStudy->GetProperties()))->IsLocked();
if ( aLocked ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning ( app->desktop(),
QObject::tr("BUT_OK") );
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelMgr = app->selectionMgr();
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( app->activeStudy() );
if ( !aSelMgr || !appStudy )
// VSR 17/11/04: check if all objects selected belong to GEOM component --> start
// modifications of ASV 01.06.05
QString parentComp = getParentComponent( aStudy, selected );
CORBA::String_var geomIOR = app->orb()->object_to_string( GeometryGUI::GetGeomGen() );
QString geomComp = getParentComponent( aStudy->FindObjectIOR( geomIOR.in() ) );
// get selection
aSelMgr->selectedObjects( selected, "ObjectBrowser", false );
if ( selected.IsEmpty() )
if ( parentComp != geomComp ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning ( app->desktop(),
QObject::tr("NON_GEOM_OBJECTS_SELECTED").arg( getGeometryGUI()->moduleName() ),
QObject::tr("BUT_OK") );
// VSR 17/11/04: check if all objects selected belong to GEOM component <-- finish
_PTR(Study) aStudy = appStudy->studyDS();
// check if study is locked
if ( _PTR(AttributeStudyProperties)( aStudy->GetProperties() )->IsLocked() ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning( app->desktop(),
tr("BUT_OK") );
return; // study is locked
// get GEOM component
CORBA::String_var geomIOR = app->orb()->object_to_string( GeometryGUI::GetGeomGen() );
QString geomComp = getParentComponent( aStudy->FindObjectIOR( geomIOR.in() ) );
QStringList aNameList;
for ( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected ); It.More(); It.Next() ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = It.Value();
QString aName = anIObject->getName();
if ( aName != "" && aName[ 0 ] != '*' ) {
aNameList.append( aName );
_PTR(SObject) obj ( aStudy->FindObjectID( anIObject->getEntry() ) );
_PTR(ChildIterator) it ( aStudy->NewChildIterator( obj ) );
for ( it->InitEx( true ); it->More(); it->Next() ) {
_PTR(SObject) child( it->Value() );
QString aName = child->GetName().c_str();
if ( aName != "" && aName[ 0 ] != '*' ) {
aNameList.append( aName );
// check each selected object: if belongs to GEOM, if not reference...
QMap<QString,QString> toBeDeleted;
QMap<QString,QString> allDeleted;
bool isComponentSelected = false;
for ( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected ); It.More(); It.Next() ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = It.Value();
if ( !anIObject->hasEntry() )
continue; // invalid object
// ...
QString entry = anIObject->getEntry();
_PTR(SObject) obj = aStudy->FindObjectID( entry.toLatin1().data() );
// check parent component
QString parentComp = getParentComponent( obj );
if ( parentComp != geomComp ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning ( app->desktop(),
QObject::tr("NON_GEOM_OBJECTS_SELECTED").arg( getGeometryGUI()->moduleName() ),
QObject::tr("BUT_OK") );
return; // not GEOM object selected
GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg dlg( app->desktop(), aNameList );
if ( !dlg.exec() )
// if GEOM component is selected, so skip other checks
if ( isComponentSelected ) continue;
// check if object is reference
_PTR(SObject) refobj;
if ( obj && obj->ReferencedObject( refobj ) )
continue; // skip references
// ...
QString aName = obj->GetName().c_str();
if ( entry == geomComp ) {
// GEOM component is selected, skip other checks
isComponentSelected = true;
toBeDeleted.insert( entry, aName );
allDeleted.insert( entry, aName ); // skip GEOM component
// browse through all children recursively
_PTR(ChildIterator) it ( aStudy->NewChildIterator( obj ) );
for ( it->InitEx( true ); it->More(); it->Next() ) {
_PTR(SObject) child( it->Value() );
if ( child && child->ReferencedObject( refobj ) )
continue; // skip references
aName = child->GetName().c_str();
if ( !aName.isEmpty() )
allDeleted.insert( child->GetID().c_str(), aName );
// is there is anything to delete?
if ( !isComponentSelected && allDeleted.count() <= 0 )
return; // nothing to delete
// QAD_Operation* op = new SALOMEGUI_ImportOperation(.....);
// op->start();
// prepare list of SALOME_Views
QList<SALOME_View*> views;
SALOME_View* view;
// fill the list
ViewManagerList vmans = app->viewManagers();
SUIT_ViewManager* vman;
QListIterator<SUIT_ViewManager*> it( vmans );
while ( it.hasNext() && (vman = it.next()) ) {
SUIT_ViewModel* vmod = vman->getViewModel();
view = dynamic_cast<SALOME_View*> ( vmod ); // must work for OCC and VTK views
if ( view )
views.append( view );
_PTR(StudyBuilder) aStudyBuilder (aStudy->NewBuilder());
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
GEOM_Displayer* disp = new GEOM_Displayer( appStudy );
_PTR(SComponent) aGeom ( aStudy->FindComponent("GEOM") );
if ( !aGeom )
for ( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected ); It.More(); It.Next() )
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io = It.Value();
if ( !io->hasEntry() )
_PTR(SObject) obj ( aStudy->FindObjectID( io->getEntry() ) );
// disable removal of "Geometry" component object
if ( !strcmp( obj->GetIOR().c_str(), geomIOR ) )
//If the object has been used to create another one,then it can't be deleted
_PTR(ChildIterator) it (aStudy->NewChildIterator(aGeom));
for ( it->InitEx( true ); it->More(); it->Next() )
_PTR(SObject) chobj (it->Value());
if(CheckSubObjectInUse(chobj, obj, aStudy)) return;
//check subobjects
_PTR(ChildIterator) it1( aStudy->NewChildIterator( obj ) );
for( it1->InitEx( true ); it1->More(); it1->Next())
_PTR(SObject) child (it1->Value());
if(CheckSubObjectInUse( chobj, child, aStudy)) return;
for ( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected ); It.More(); It.Next() )
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io = It.Value();
if ( !io->hasEntry() )
_PTR(SObject) obj ( aStudy->FindObjectID( io->getEntry() ) );
RemoveObjectWithChildren(obj, aStudy, views, disp);
// Remove objects from Study
aStudyBuilder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( obj );
//deleted = true;
} // MAIN LOOP of selected
aSelMgr->setSelectedObjects( selected );
} // if ( selected not empty )
} // if ( selMgr && appStudy )
app->updateActions(); //SRN: To update a Save button in the toolbar
} // if ( app )
// if ( deleted )
// op->finish();
// else
// op->abort();
// show confirmation dialog box
GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg dlg( app->desktop(), allDeleted, isComponentSelected );
if ( !dlg.exec() )
return; // operation is cancelled by user
// get currently opened views
QList<SALOME_View*> views;
SALOME_View* view;
ViewManagerList vmans = app->viewManagers();
SUIT_ViewManager* vman;
QListIterator<SUIT_ViewManager*> vit( vmans );
while ( vit.hasNext() && (vman = vit.next()) ) {
SUIT_ViewModel* vmod = vman->getViewModel();
view = dynamic_cast<SALOME_View*> ( vmod ); // must work for OCC and VTK views
if ( view )
views.append( view );
_PTR(StudyBuilder) aStudyBuilder (aStudy->NewBuilder());
GEOM_Displayer* disp = new GEOM_Displayer( appStudy );
if ( isComponentSelected ) {
// GEOM component is selected: delete all objects recursively
_PTR(SObject) comp = aStudy->FindObjectID( geomComp.toLatin1().data() );
if ( !comp )
_PTR(ChildIterator) it ( aStudy->NewChildIterator( comp ) );
// remove top-level objects only
for ( it->InitEx( false ); it->More(); it->Next() ) {
_PTR(SObject) child( it->Value() );
// remove object from GEOM engine
removeObjectWithChildren( child, aStudy, views, disp );
// remove object from study
aStudyBuilder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( child );
else {
// GEOM component is not selected: check if selected objects are in use
if ( inUse( aStudy, geomComp, allDeleted ) ) {
SUIT_MessageBox::warning ( app->desktop(),
QObject::tr("BUT_OK") );
return; // object(s) in use
// ... and then delete all objects
QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it;
for ( it = toBeDeleted.begin(); it != toBeDeleted.end(); ++it ) {
_PTR(SObject) obj ( aStudy->FindObjectID( it.key().toLatin1().data() ) );
// remove object from GEOM engine
removeObjectWithChildren( obj, aStudy, views, disp );
// remove objects from study
aStudyBuilder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( obj );
aSelMgr->setSelectedObjects( selected );
app->updateActions(); //SRN: To update a Save button in the toolbar
@ -677,50 +748,11 @@ bool GEOMToolsGUI::Export()
return true;
QString GEOMToolsGUI::getParentComponent( _PTR( Study ) study, const SALOME_ListIO& iobjs )
QString parentComp;
for ( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO it( iobjs ); it.More(); it.Next() ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io = it.Value();
if ( !io->hasEntry() )
QString compName = getParentComponent( study->FindObjectID( io->getEntry() ) );
if ( parentComp.isNull() )
parentComp = compName;
else if ( parentComp.compare( compName) != 0 ) { // objects belonging to different components are selected
parentComp = QString::null;
return parentComp;
QString GEOMToolsGUI::getParentComponent( _PTR( SObject ) obj )
if ( obj ) {
_PTR(SComponent) comp = obj->GetFatherComponent();
if ( comp ) {
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
if ( comp->FindAttribute( anAttr, "AttributeName") ) {
_PTR(AttributeName) aName( anAttr );
return QString( aName->Value().c_str() );
return QString();
// function : RemoveObjectWithChildren
// purpose : to be used by OnEditDelete() method
void GEOMToolsGUI::RemoveObjectWithChildren(_PTR(SObject) obj,
void GEOMToolsGUI::removeObjectWithChildren(_PTR(SObject) obj,
_PTR(Study) aStudy,
QList<SALOME_View*> views,
GEOM_Displayer* disp)
@ -728,7 +760,7 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::RemoveObjectWithChildren(_PTR(SObject) obj,
// iterate through all children of obj
for (_PTR(ChildIterator) it (aStudy->NewChildIterator(obj)); it->More(); it->Next()) {
_PTR(SObject) child (it->Value());
RemoveObjectWithChildren(child, aStudy, views, disp);
removeObjectWithChildren(child, aStudy, views, disp);
// erase object and remove it from engine
@ -755,39 +787,6 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::RemoveObjectWithChildren(_PTR(SObject) obj,
// function : CheckSubObjectInUse
// purpose : to be used by OnEditDelete() method
bool GEOMToolsGUI::CheckSubObjectInUse(_PTR(SObject) checkobj,
_PTR(SObject) remobj,
_PTR(Study) aStudy)
CORBA::Object_var corbaObj = GeometryGUI::ClientSObjectToObject(checkobj);
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var geomObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( corbaObj );
if( CORBA::is_nil(geomObj) )
return false;
GEOM::ListOfGO_var list = geomObj->GetDependency();
if( list->length() > 1 )
for(int i = 0; i < list->length(); i++ ){
CORBA::Object_var corbaObj_rem = GeometryGUI::ClientSObjectToObject(remobj);
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var geomObj_rem = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( corbaObj_rem );
if( list[i]->_is_equivalent( geomObj_rem ) ){
SalomeApp_Application* app =
dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* >( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
SUIT_MessageBox::warning ( app->desktop(),
QObject::tr("BUT_OK") );
return true;
return false;
// function : deactivate()
// purpose : Called when GEOM component is deactivated
@ -70,21 +70,11 @@ private:
void OnOpen();
void OnSelectOnly(int mode);
// returns name of Module (Component) of given objects (usually selected objects)
// if objects belong to different Components, a NULL string is returned.
QString getParentComponent( _PTR(Study), const SALOME_ListIO& );
QString getParentComponent( _PTR(SObject) );
// Recursive deletion of object with children
void RemoveObjectWithChildren( _PTR(SObject),
void removeObjectWithChildren( _PTR(SObject),
GEOM_Displayer* );
//checks if the object passed as the first argument depends on the second arguments
bool CheckSubObjectInUse( _PTR(SObject),
_PTR(Study) );
@ -30,12 +30,53 @@
#include <QTextBrowser>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <SUIT_MessageBox.h>
static bool isEntryLess( const QString& e1, const QString& e2 )
QStringList el1 = e1.split(":");
QStringList el2 = e2.split(":");
int e1c = el1.count(), e2c = el2.count();
for ( int i = 0; i < e1c && i < e2c; i++ ) {
int id1 = el1[i].toInt();
int id2 = el2[i].toInt();
if ( id1 < id2 ) return true;
else if ( id2 < id1 ) return false;
return el1.count() < el2.count();
static QStringList objectsToNames( const QMap<QString, QString>& objects )
QStringList entries;
for ( QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it ) {
QString entry = it.key();
QStringList::Iterator it;
bool added = false;
for ( it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end() && !added; ++it ) {
if ( isEntryLess( entry, *it ) ) {
entries.insert( it, entry );
added = true;
if ( !added )
entries.append( entry );
QStringList names;
for ( int i = 0; i < entries.count(); i++ ) {
int level = entries[i].count(":")-3;
names.append( QString( level*2, ' ' ) + objects[ entries[i] ] );
return names;
\brief Constructor.
\param parent parent widget
GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg::GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg( QWidget* parent, const QStringList& objects )
GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg::GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg( QWidget* parent,
const QMap<QString, QString>& objects,
bool deleteAll )
: QDialog( parent )
setModal( true );
@ -49,18 +90,37 @@ GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg::GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg( QWidget* parent, const QStringLi
topLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
topLayout->setMargin( 11 );
QLabel* lab = new QLabel( tr( "GEOM_REALLY_DELETE" ).arg( objects.count() ), this );
QLabel* pix = new QLabel( this );
pix->setPixmap( SUIT_MessageBox::standardIcon( QMessageBox::Question ) );
pix->setScaledContents( false );
pix->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
topLayout->addWidget( pix, 0, 0, 1, 1 );
QTextBrowser* viewer = new QTextBrowser( this );
viewer->setText( QString( "-%1" ).arg( objects.join( "<br> -" ) ) );
QLabel* lab = new QLabel( this );
lab->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
topLayout->addWidget( lab, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
if ( !deleteAll ) {
lab->setText( tr( "GEOM_REALLY_DELETE" ).arg( objects.count() ) );
QTextBrowser* viewer = new QTextBrowser( this );
viewer->setText( QString( " - %1" ).arg( objectsToNames( objects ).join( "\n - " ) ) );
topLayout->addWidget( viewer, 1, 0, 1, 2 );
else {
lab->setText( tr( "GEOM_REALLY_DELETE_ALL" ) );
QPushButton* buttonYes = new QPushButton( tr( "GEOM_BUT_YES" ), this );
QPushButton* buttonNo = new QPushButton( tr( "GEOM_BUT_NO" ), this );
topLayout->addWidget( lab, 0, 0, 1, 3 );
topLayout->addWidget( viewer, 1, 0, 1, 3 );
topLayout->addWidget( buttonYes, 2, 0 );
topLayout->addWidget( buttonNo, 2, 2 );
QHBoxLayout* btnLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
btnLayout->setMargin( 0 );
btnLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
btnLayout->addWidget( buttonYes );
btnLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
btnLayout->addWidget( buttonNo );
int rc = topLayout->rowCount();
topLayout->addLayout( btnLayout, rc, 0, 1, 2 );
/* signals and slots connections */
connect( buttonYes, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );
@ -70,6 +130,3 @@ GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg::GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg( QWidget* parent, const QStringLi
@ -27,15 +27,14 @@
#include <QDialog>
class QStringList;
#include <QMap>
class GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg : public QDialog
GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg( QWidget*, const QStringList& );
GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg( QWidget*, const QMap<QString, QString>&, bool = false );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user