mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 22:58:37 +05:00
IMP 0020001 (replace set of GetInPlace commands by one RestoreSubShapes)
This commit is contained in:
@ -2991,11 +2991,11 @@ module GEOM
* considered as True, not regarding really passed value.
* \return True in case of success, False otherwise.
boolean RestoreSubShapesO (in SALOMEDS::Study theStudy,
in GEOM_Object theObject,
in ListOfGO theArgs,
in find_shape_method theFindMethod,
in boolean theInheritFirstArg);
ListOfGO RestoreSubShapesO (in SALOMEDS::Study theStudy,
in GEOM_Object theObject,
in ListOfGO theArgs,
in find_shape_method theFindMethod,
in boolean theInheritFirstArg);
* Publish sub-shapes, standing for arguments and sub-shapes of arguments
@ -3003,11 +3003,11 @@ module GEOM
* Work like the above method, but accepts study object theSObject instead of GEOM_Object.
* \param theSObject study object, referencing GEOM object, arguments of which will be published
boolean RestoreSubShapesSO (in SALOMEDS::Study theStudy,
in SALOMEDS::SObject theSObject,
in ListOfGO theArgs,
in find_shape_method theFindMethod,
in boolean theInheritFirstArg);
ListOfGO RestoreSubShapesSO (in SALOMEDS::Study theStudy,
in SALOMEDS::SObject theSObject,
in ListOfGO theArgs,
in find_shape_method theFindMethod,
in boolean theInheritFirstArg);
* Methods to access interfaces for objects creation and transformation
@ -102,19 +102,38 @@ static Standard_Integer ExtractDocID(TCollection_AsciiString& theID)
return aDocID.IntegerValue();
void ProcessFunction(Handle(GEOM_Function)& theFunction,
bool ProcessFunction(Handle(GEOM_Function)& theFunction,
TCollection_AsciiString& theScript,
TCollection_AsciiString& theAfterScript,
const TVariablesList& theVariables,
const bool theIsPublished,
TDF_LabelMap& theProcessed,
std::set<std::string>& theDumpedObjs);
std::set<std::string>& theIgnoreObjs,
bool& theIsDumpCollected);
void ReplaceVariables(TCollection_AsciiString& theCommand,
const TVariablesList& theVariables);
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) FindEntries(TCollection_AsciiString& theString);
void ReplaceEntriesByNames (TCollection_AsciiString& theScript,
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theObjectNames,
const bool theIsPublished,
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theEntryToBadName,
TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString& theObjListToPublish);
void AddObjectColors (const Handle(TDocStd_Document)& theDoc,
TCollection_AsciiString& theScript,
const Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theObjectNames);
void PublishObject (const TCollection_AsciiString& theEntry,
const TCollection_AsciiString& theName,
const Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theObjectNames,
const Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theEntry2StEntry,
const Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theStEntry2Entry,
const Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theEntryToBadName,
std::map< int, std::string >& theEntryToCommandMap,
std::set<std::string>& theMapOfPublished);
@ -477,24 +496,6 @@ TCollection_AsciiString GEOM_Engine::DumpPython(int theDocID,
Standard_Integer posToInsertGlobalVars = aScript.Length() + 1;
Handle(TDataStd_TreeNode) aNode, aRoot;
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction;
TDF_LabelMap aCheckedFuncMap;
std::set<std::string> anIgnoreObjMap;
if (aDoc->Main().FindAttribute(GEOM_Function::GetFunctionTreeID(), aRoot)) {
TDataStd_ChildNodeIterator Itr(aRoot);
for (; Itr.More(); Itr.Next()) {
aNode = Itr.Value();
aFunction = GEOM_Function::GetFunction(aNode->Label());
if (aFunction.IsNull()) {
MESSAGE ( "Null function !!!!" );
ProcessFunction(aFunction, aScript, theVariables, aCheckedFuncMap, anIgnoreObjMap);
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString aEntry2StEntry, aStEntry2Entry;
Resource_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString anEntryToNameIt;
// build maps entry <-> studyEntry
@ -516,97 +517,90 @@ TCollection_AsciiString GEOM_Engine::DumpPython(int theDocID,
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) aSeq = FindEntries(aScript);
Standard_Integer aLen = aSeq->Length(), objectCounter = 0, aStart = 1, aScriptLength = aScript.Length();
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString aNameToEntry, anEntryToBadName;
// collect objects entries to be published
TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString aObjListToPublish;
// iterates on functions till critical (that requiers publication of objects)
Handle(TDataStd_TreeNode) aNode, aRoot;
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction;
TDF_LabelMap aCheckedFuncMap;
std::set<std::string> anIgnoreObjMap;
//Replace entries by the names
TCollection_AsciiString anUpdatedScript, anEntry, aName, aBaseName("geomObj_"),
allowedChars ("qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM0987654321_");
if (aLen == 0) anUpdatedScript = aScript;
TCollection_AsciiString aFuncScript;
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString anEntryToBadName;
for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= aLen; i+=2) {
anUpdatedScript += aScript.SubString(aStart, aSeq->Value(i)-1);
anEntry = aScript.SubString(aSeq->Value(i), aSeq->Value(i+1));
if (theObjectNames.IsBound(anEntry)) {
aName = theObjectNames.Find(anEntry);
// check validity of aName
bool isValidName = true;
if ( aName.IsIntegerValue() ) { // aName must not start with a digit
aName.Insert( 1, 'a' );
isValidName = false;
if (aDoc->Main().FindAttribute(GEOM_Function::GetFunctionTreeID(), aRoot)) {
TDataStd_ChildNodeIterator Itr(aRoot);
for (; Itr.More(); Itr.Next()) {
aNode = Itr.Value();
aFunction = GEOM_Function::GetFunction(aNode->Label());
if (aFunction.IsNull()) {
MESSAGE ( "Null function !!!!" );
int p, p2=1; // replace not allowed chars
while ((p = aName.FirstLocationNotInSet(allowedChars, p2, aName.Length()))) {
aName.SetValue(p, '_');
isValidName = false;
if ( aNameToEntry.IsBound( aName ) && anEntry != aNameToEntry( aName ))
{ // diff objects have same name - make a new name by appending a digit
TCollection_AsciiString aName2;
Standard_Integer i = 0;
do {
aName2 = aName + "_" + ++i;
} while ( aNameToEntry.IsBound( aName2 ) && anEntry != aNameToEntry( aName2 ));
aName = aName2;
isValidName = false;
if ( !isValidName ) {
if ( isPublished )
anEntryToBadName.Bind( anEntry, theObjectNames.Find(anEntry) );
theObjectNames( anEntry ) = aName;
bool isDumpCollected = false;
TCollection_AsciiString aCurScript, anAfterScript;
if (!ProcessFunction(aFunction, aCurScript, anAfterScript, theVariables,
isPublished, aCheckedFuncMap, anIgnoreObjMap,
isDumpCollected ))
// add function description before dump
if (!aCurScript.IsEmpty())
aFuncScript += aCurScript;
if (isDumpCollected ) {
// Replace entries by the names
ReplaceEntriesByNames( aFuncScript, theObjectNames,
isPublished, anEntryToBadName, aObjListToPublish );
// publish collected objects
std::map< int, std::string > anEntryToCommandMap; // sort publishing commands by object entry
int i = 1, n = aObjListToPublish.Length();
for ( ; i <= n; i++ )
const TCollection_AsciiString& aEntry = aObjListToPublish.Value(i);
if (!theObjectNames.IsBound( aEntry ))
PublishObject( aEntry, theObjectNames.Find(aEntry),
theObjectNames, aEntry2StEntry, aStEntry2Entry,
anEntryToBadName, anEntryToCommandMap, anIgnoreObjMap );
// add publishing commands to the script
std::map< int, std::string >::iterator anEntryToCommand = anEntryToCommandMap.begin();
for ( ; anEntryToCommand != anEntryToCommandMap.end(); ++anEntryToCommand )
aFuncScript += (char*)anEntryToCommand->second.c_str();
// PTv, 0020001 add result objects from RestoreSubShapes into ignore list,
// because they will be published during command execution
int indx = anAfterScript.Search( "RestoreSubShapes" );
if ( indx != -1 ) {
TCollection_AsciiString aSubStr = anAfterScript.SubString(1, indx);
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) aSeq = FindEntries(aSubStr);
i = 1, n = aSeq->Length();
for ( ; i <= n; i+=2) {
TCollection_AsciiString anEntry =
aSubStr.SubString(aSeq->Value(i), aSeq->Value(i+1));
if (!anIgnoreObjMap.count(anEntry.ToCString()))
aScript += aFuncScript;
aFuncScript += anAfterScript;
else {
do {
aName = aBaseName + TCollection_AsciiString(++objectCounter);
} while(aNameToEntry.IsBound(aName));
theObjectNames.Bind(anEntry, aName);
aNameToEntry.Bind(aName, anEntry); // to detect same name of diff objects
anUpdatedScript += aName;
aStart = aSeq->Value(i+1) + 1;
//Add final part of the script
if (aLen && aSeq->Value(aLen) < aScriptLength)
anUpdatedScript += aScript.SubString(aSeq->Value(aLen)+1, aScriptLength); // mkr : IPAL11865
// Replace entries by the names
ReplaceEntriesByNames( aFuncScript, theObjectNames,
isPublished, anEntryToBadName, aObjListToPublish );
aScript += aFuncScript;
// ouv : NPAL12872
for (anEntryToNameIt.Initialize( theObjectNames );
const TCollection_AsciiString& aEntry = anEntryToNameIt.Key();
const TCollection_AsciiString& aName = anEntryToNameIt.Value();
TDF_Label L;
TDF_Tool::Label( aDoc->GetData(), aEntry, L );
if ( L.IsNull() )
Handle(GEOM_Object) obj = GEOM_Object::GetObject( L );
if ( obj.IsNull() )
bool anAutoColor = obj->GetAutoColor();
if ( anAutoColor )
TCollection_AsciiString aCommand( "\n\t" );
aCommand += aName + ".SetAutoColor(1)";
anUpdatedScript += aCommand.ToCString();
SALOMEDS::Color aColor = obj->GetColor();
if ( aColor.R > 0 || aColor.G > 0 || aColor.B > 0 )
TCollection_AsciiString aCommand( "\n\t" );
aCommand += aName + ".SetColor(SALOMEDS.Color(" + aColor.R + "," + aColor.G + "," + aColor.B + "))";
anUpdatedScript += aCommand.ToCString();
AddObjectColors( aDoc, aScript, theObjectNames );
// Make script to publish in study
if ( isPublished )
@ -617,47 +611,21 @@ TCollection_AsciiString GEOM_Engine::DumpPython(int theDocID,
const TCollection_AsciiString& aEntry = anEntryToNameIt.Key();
const TCollection_AsciiString& aName = anEntryToNameIt.Value();
if (anIgnoreObjMap.count(aEntry.ToCString()))
continue; // should not be dumped
if ( !aEntry2StEntry.IsBound( aEntry ))
continue; // was not published
TCollection_AsciiString aCommand("\n\tgeompy."), aFatherEntry;
// find a father entry
const TCollection_AsciiString& aStudyEntry = aEntry2StEntry( aEntry );
TCollection_AsciiString aFatherStudyEntry =
aStudyEntry.SubString( 1, aStudyEntry.SearchFromEnd(":") - 1 );
if ( aStEntry2Entry.IsBound( aFatherStudyEntry ))
aFatherEntry = aStEntry2Entry( aFatherStudyEntry );
// make a command
if ( !aFatherEntry.IsEmpty() && theObjectNames.IsBound( aFatherEntry )) {
aCommand += "addToStudyInFather( ";
aCommand += theObjectNames( aFatherEntry ) + ", ";
aCommand += "addToStudy( ";
if ( anEntryToBadName.IsBound( aEntry ))
aCommand += aName + ", \"" + anEntryToBadName( aEntry ) + "\" )";
aCommand += aName + ", \"" + aName + "\" )";
// bind a command to the last digit of the entry
int tag =
aEntry.SubString( aEntry.SearchFromEnd(":")+1, aEntry.Length() ).IntegerValue();
anEntryToCommandMap.insert( std::make_pair( tag, aCommand.ToCString() ));
const TCollection_AsciiString& aName = anEntryToNameIt.Value();
PublishObject( aEntry, aName, theObjectNames,
aEntry2StEntry, aStEntry2Entry,
anEntryToBadName, anEntryToCommandMap, anIgnoreObjMap );
// add publishing commands to the script
std::map< int, std::string >::iterator anEntryToCommand = anEntryToCommandMap.begin();
for ( ; anEntryToCommand != anEntryToCommandMap.end(); ++anEntryToCommand ) {
anUpdatedScript += (char*)anEntryToCommand->second.c_str();
for ( ; anEntryToCommand != anEntryToCommandMap.end(); ++anEntryToCommand )
aScript += (char*)anEntryToCommand->second.c_str();
//anUpdatedScript += "\n\tpass\n";
anUpdatedScript += "\n";
//aScript += "\n\tpass\n";
aScript += "\n";
aValidScript = true;
// fill _studyEntry2NameMap and build globalVars
@ -676,10 +644,10 @@ TCollection_AsciiString GEOM_Engine::DumpPython(int theDocID,
if ( !globalVars.IsEmpty() ) {
globalVars.Insert( 1, "\n\tglobal " );
anUpdatedScript.Insert( posToInsertGlobalVars, globalVars );
aScript.Insert( posToInsertGlobalVars, globalVars );
return anUpdatedScript;
return aScript;
@ -716,15 +684,25 @@ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfAsciiString) GEOM_Engine::GetAllDumpNames() const
// Internal functions
void ProcessFunction(Handle(GEOM_Function)& theFunction,
TCollection_AsciiString& theScript,
const TVariablesList& theVariables,
TDF_LabelMap& theProcessed,
std::set<std::string>& theIgnoreObjs)
if (theFunction.IsNull()) return;
if (theProcessed.Contains(theFunction->GetEntry())) return;
* ProcessFunction: Dump fucntion description into script
bool ProcessFunction(Handle(GEOM_Function)& theFunction,
TCollection_AsciiString& theScript,
TCollection_AsciiString& theAfterScript,
const TVariablesList& theVariables,
const bool theIsPublished,
TDF_LabelMap& theProcessed,
std::set<std::string>& theIgnoreObjs,
bool& theIsDumpCollected)
theIsDumpCollected = false;
if (theFunction.IsNull()) return false;
if (theProcessed.Contains(theFunction->GetEntry())) return false;
// pass functions, that depends on nonexisting ones
bool doNotProcess = false;
@ -761,20 +739,44 @@ void ProcessFunction(Handle(GEOM_Function)& theFunction,
TCollection_AsciiString anObjEntry;
TDF_Tool::Entry(theFunction->GetOwnerEntry(), anObjEntry);
return false;
TCollection_AsciiString aDescr = theFunction->GetDescription();
if(aDescr.Length() == 0) return;
if(aDescr.Length() == 0) return false;
//Check if its internal function which doesn't requires dumping
if(aDescr == "None") return;
if(aDescr == "None") return false;
// 0020001 PTv, check for critical functions, which requier dump of objects
if (theIsPublished)
// currently, there is only one function "RestoreSubShapes",
// later this check could be replaced by iterations on list of such functions
if (aDescr.Search( "RestoreSubShapes" ) != -1)
theIsDumpCollected = true;
//Replace parameter by notebook variables
theScript += "\n\t";
theScript += aDescr;
if ( theIsDumpCollected ) {
int i = 1;
bool isBefore = true;
TCollection_AsciiString aSubStr = aDescr.Token("\n\t", i++);
while (!aSubStr.IsEmpty()) {
if (isBefore && aSubStr.Search( "RestoreSubShapes" ) == -1)
theScript += TCollection_AsciiString("\n\t") + aSubStr;
theAfterScript += TCollection_AsciiString("\n\t") + aSubStr;
aSubStr = aDescr.Token("\n\t", i++);
else {
theScript += "\n\t";
theScript += aDescr;
return true;
@ -1069,6 +1071,170 @@ void ReplaceVariables(TCollection_AsciiString& theCommand,
cout<<"Command : "<<theCommand<<endl;
* ReplaceEntriesByNames: Replace object entries by their names
void ReplaceEntriesByNames (TCollection_AsciiString& theScript,
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theObjectNames,
const bool theIsPublished,
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theEntryToBadName,
TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString& theObjListToPublish)
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) aSeq = FindEntries(theScript);
Standard_Integer aLen = aSeq->Length(), objectCounter = 0, aStart = 1, aScriptLength = theScript.Length();
Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString aNameToEntry;
//Replace entries by the names
TCollection_AsciiString anUpdatedScript, anEntry, aName, aBaseName("geomObj_"),
allowedChars ("qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM0987654321_");
if (aLen == 0) anUpdatedScript = theScript;
for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= aLen; i+=2) {
anUpdatedScript += theScript.SubString(aStart, aSeq->Value(i)-1);
anEntry = theScript.SubString(aSeq->Value(i), aSeq->Value(i+1));
theObjListToPublish.Append( anEntry );
if (theObjectNames.IsBound(anEntry)) {
aName = theObjectNames.Find(anEntry);
// check validity of aName
bool isValidName = true;
if ( aName.IsIntegerValue() ) { // aName must not start with a digit
aName.Insert( 1, 'a' );
isValidName = false;
int p, p2=1; // replace not allowed chars
while ((p = aName.FirstLocationNotInSet(allowedChars, p2, aName.Length()))) {
aName.SetValue(p, '_');
isValidName = false;
if ( aNameToEntry.IsBound( aName ) && anEntry != aNameToEntry( aName ))
{ // diff objects have same name - make a new name by appending a digit
TCollection_AsciiString aName2;
Standard_Integer i = 0;
do {
aName2 = aName + "_" + ++i;
} while ( aNameToEntry.IsBound( aName2 ) && anEntry != aNameToEntry( aName2 ));
aName = aName2;
isValidName = false;
if ( !isValidName ) {
if ( theIsPublished )
theEntryToBadName.Bind( anEntry, theObjectNames.Find(anEntry) );
theObjectNames( anEntry ) = aName;
else {
do {
aName = aBaseName + TCollection_AsciiString(++objectCounter);
} while(aNameToEntry.IsBound(aName));
theObjectNames.Bind(anEntry, aName);
aNameToEntry.Bind(aName, anEntry); // to detect same name of diff objects
anUpdatedScript += aName;
aStart = aSeq->Value(i+1) + 1;
//Add final part of the script
if (aLen && aSeq->Value(aLen) < aScriptLength)
anUpdatedScript += theScript.SubString(aSeq->Value(aLen)+1, aScriptLength); // mkr : IPAL11865
theScript = anUpdatedScript;
* AddObjectColors: Add color to objects
void AddObjectColors (const Handle(TDocStd_Document)& theDoc,
TCollection_AsciiString& theScript,
const Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theObjectNames)
Resource_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString anEntryToNameIt;
for (anEntryToNameIt.Initialize( theObjectNames );
const TCollection_AsciiString& aEntry = anEntryToNameIt.Key();
const TCollection_AsciiString& aName = anEntryToNameIt.Value();
TDF_Label L;
TDF_Tool::Label( theDoc->GetData(), aEntry, L );
if ( L.IsNull() )
Handle(GEOM_Object) obj = GEOM_Object::GetObject( L );
if ( obj.IsNull() )
bool anAutoColor = obj->GetAutoColor();
if ( anAutoColor )
TCollection_AsciiString aCommand( "\n\t" );
aCommand += aName + ".SetAutoColor(1)";
theScript += aCommand.ToCString();
SALOMEDS::Color aColor = obj->GetColor();
if ( aColor.R > 0 || aColor.G > 0 || aColor.B > 0 )
TCollection_AsciiString aCommand( "\n\t" );
aCommand += aName + ".SetColor(SALOMEDS.Color(" + aColor.R + "," + aColor.G + "," + aColor.B + "))";
theScript += aCommand.ToCString();
* PublishObject: publish object in study script
void PublishObject (const TCollection_AsciiString& theEntry,
const TCollection_AsciiString& theName,
const Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theObjectNames,
const Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theEntry2StEntry,
const Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theStEntry2Entry,
const Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& theEntryToBadName,
std::map< int, std::string >& theEntryToCommandMap,
std::set<std::string>& theMapOfPublished)
if ( !theEntry2StEntry.IsBound( theEntry ))
return; // was not published
if ( theMapOfPublished.count(theEntry.ToCString()) )
return; // aready published
theMapOfPublished.insert( theEntry.ToCString() );
TCollection_AsciiString aCommand("\n\tgeompy."), aFatherEntry;
// find a father entry
const TCollection_AsciiString& aStudyEntry = theEntry2StEntry( theEntry );
TCollection_AsciiString aFatherStudyEntry =
aStudyEntry.SubString( 1, aStudyEntry.SearchFromEnd(":") - 1 );
if ( theStEntry2Entry.IsBound( aFatherStudyEntry ))
aFatherEntry = theStEntry2Entry( aFatherStudyEntry );
// make a command
if ( !aFatherEntry.IsEmpty() && theObjectNames.IsBound( aFatherEntry )) {
aCommand += "addToStudyInFather( ";
aCommand += theObjectNames( aFatherEntry ) + ", ";
aCommand += "addToStudy( ";
if ( theEntryToBadName.IsBound( theEntry ))
aCommand += theName + ", \"" + theEntryToBadName( theEntry ) + "\" )";
aCommand += theName + ", \"" + theName + "\" )";
// bind a command to the last digit of the entry
int tag =
theEntry.SubString( theEntry.SearchFromEnd(":")+1, theEntry.Length() ).IntegerValue();
theEntryToCommandMap.insert( std::make_pair( tag, aCommand.ToCString() ));
* \brief Constructor
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "GEOM_Gen_i.hh"
#include "GEOM_Object_i.hh"
#include <set>
#include <strstream>
//#include <sstream>
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@
#include "GEOM_Object.hxx"
#include "GEOM_Function.hxx"
#include "GEOM_ISubShape.hxx"
#include <GEOM_PythonDump.hxx>
#include "GEOMImpl_Types.hxx"
#include "GEOMImpl_CopyDriver.hxx"
@ -750,22 +752,26 @@ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr GEOM_Gen_i::AddInStudy (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
// purpose : Publish sub-shapes, standing for arguments and sub-shapes of arguments.
// To be used from python scripts out of geompy.addToStudy (non-default usage)
CORBA::Boolean GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapesO (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theObject,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& theArgs,
GEOM::find_shape_method theFindMethod,
CORBA::Boolean theInheritFirstArg)
GEOM::ListOfGO* GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapesO (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theObject,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& theArgs,
GEOM::find_shape_method theFindMethod,
CORBA::Boolean theInheritFirstArg)
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aParts = new GEOM::ListOfGO;
if (CORBA::is_nil(theStudy) || CORBA::is_nil(theObject))
return false;
return aParts._retn();
// find SObject in the study
// find SObject in the study if it is already published
CORBA::String_var anIORo = _orb->object_to_string(theObject);
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = theStudy->FindObjectIOR(anIORo.in());
if (CORBA::is_nil(aSO))
return false;
//PTv, IMP 0020001, The salome object <aSO>
// is not obligatory in case of invokation from script
// if (CORBA::is_nil(aSO))
// return aParts._retn();
return RestoreSubShapes(theStudy, theObject, aSO, theArgs, theFindMethod, theInheritFirstArg);
aParts = RestoreSubShapes(theStudy, theObject, aSO, theArgs, theFindMethod, theInheritFirstArg);
return aParts._retn();
@ -773,18 +779,19 @@ CORBA::Boolean GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapesO (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
// purpose : Publish sub-shapes, standing for arguments and sub-shapes of arguments.
// To be used from GUI and from geompy.addToStudy
CORBA::Boolean GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapesSO (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
GEOM::ListOfGO* GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapesSO (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& theArgs,
GEOM::find_shape_method theFindMethod,
CORBA::Boolean theInheritFirstArg)
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aParts = new GEOM::ListOfGO;
if (CORBA::is_nil(theStudy) || CORBA::is_nil(theSObject))
return false;
return aParts._retn();
SALOMEDS::GenericAttribute_var anAttr;
if (!theSObject->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR"))
return false;
return aParts._retn();
SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR_var anAttrIOR = SALOMEDS::AttributeIOR::_narrow(anAttr);
CORBA::String_var anIORso = anAttrIOR->Value();
@ -792,9 +799,36 @@ CORBA::Boolean GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapesSO (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
// get Object from SObject
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anO = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow(_orb->string_to_object(anIORso));
if (CORBA::is_nil(anO))
return false;
return aParts._retn();
return RestoreSubShapes(theStudy, anO, theSObject, theArgs, theFindMethod, theInheritFirstArg);
aParts = RestoreSubShapes(theStudy, anO, theSObject, theArgs, theFindMethod, theInheritFirstArg);
// function : addToListOfGO
// purpose : static local function
static void addToListOfGO( const GEOM::GEOM_Object_var& theObject,
GEOM::ListOfGO_var& theList )
const int oldLen = theList->length();
theList->length(oldLen + 1);
theList[ oldLen ] = theObject;
// function : addToListOfGO
// purpose : static local function
static void addToListOfGO( GEOM::ListOfGO_var& theSrcList,
GEOM::ListOfGO_var& theTrgList )
const int oldLen = theTrgList->length();
const int srcLen = theSrcList->length();
theTrgList->length(oldLen + srcLen);
for( int i = 0; i < srcLen; i++ )
theTrgList[ oldLen + i ] = theSrcList[ i ];
@ -802,15 +836,18 @@ CORBA::Boolean GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapesSO (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
// purpose : Private method. Works only if both theObject and theSObject
// are defined, and does not check, if they correspond to each other.
CORBA::Boolean GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapes (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
GEOM::ListOfGO* GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapes (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theObject,
SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& theArgs,
GEOM::find_shape_method theFindMethod,
CORBA::Boolean theInheritFirstArg)
if (CORBA::is_nil(theStudy) || CORBA::is_nil(theObject) || CORBA::is_nil(theSObject))
return false;
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aParts = new GEOM::ListOfGO;
//PTv, IMP 0020001, The salome object <theSObject>
// is not obligatory in case of invokation from script
if (CORBA::is_nil(theStudy) || CORBA::is_nil(theObject) /*|| CORBA::is_nil(theSObject)*/)
return aParts._retn();
// Arguments to be published
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aList;
@ -834,7 +871,7 @@ CORBA::Boolean GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapes (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
if (aLength < 1)
return false;
return aParts._retn();
if (theInheritFirstArg || (nbArgsActual == 1)) {
// Do not publish argument's reflection,
@ -844,139 +881,214 @@ CORBA::Boolean GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapes (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
CORBA::String_var anIOR = _orb->object_to_string(anArgO);
SALOMEDS::SObject_var anArgSO = theStudy->FindObjectIOR(anIOR.in());
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aParts =
RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anArgSO, theSObject, theObject, theFindMethod);
aParts = RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anArgSO, theSObject, theObject, theFindMethod);
// set the color of the transformed shape to the color of initial shape
return (aParts->length() > 0);
else {
// Get interface, containing method, which we will use to reconstruct sub-shapes
GEOM::GEOM_IShapesOperations_var aShapesOp = GetIShapesOperations(theStudy->StudyId());
GEOM::GEOM_IGroupOperations_var aGroupOp = GetIGroupOperations(theStudy->StudyId());
// Get interface, containing method, which we will use to reconstruct sub-shapes
GEOM::GEOM_IShapesOperations_var aShapesOp = GetIShapesOperations(theStudy->StudyId());
GEOM::GEOM_IGroupOperations_var aGroupOp = GetIGroupOperations(theStudy->StudyId());
// Reconstruct arguments and tree of sub-shapes of the arguments
CORBA::String_var anIOR;
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = theStudy->NewBuilder();
for (Standard_Integer i = 0; i < aLength; i++)
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anArgO = aList[i];
if (!CORBA::is_nil(anArgO)) {
anIOR = _orb->object_to_string(anArgO);
SALOMEDS::SObject_var anArgSO = theStudy->FindObjectIOR(anIOR.in());
TCollection_AsciiString anArgName;
if (CORBA::is_nil(anArgSO)) {
anArgName = "arg_";
anArgName += TCollection_AsciiString(i);
else {
anArgName = anArgSO->GetName();
// Reconstruct arguments and tree of sub-shapes of the arguments
CORBA::String_var anIOR;
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = theStudy->NewBuilder();
for (Standard_Integer i = 0; i < aLength; i++)
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anArgO = aList[i];
if (!CORBA::is_nil(anArgO)) {
anIOR = _orb->object_to_string(anArgO);
SALOMEDS::SObject_var anArgSO = theStudy->FindObjectIOR(anIOR.in());
TCollection_AsciiString anArgName;
if (CORBA::is_nil(anArgSO)) {
anArgName = "arg_";
anArgName += TCollection_AsciiString(i);
// Find a sub-shape of theObject in place of the argument
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aSubO;
switch (theFindMethod) {
case GEOM::FSM_GetInPlace:
// Use GetInPlace
aSubO = aShapesOp->GetInPlace(theObject, anArgO);
case GEOM::FSM_Transformed:
// transformation, cannot use GetInPlace, operate with indices
GEOM::ListOfLong_var anIDs = anArgO->GetSubShapeIndices();
if (anIDs->length() > 1) {
// group
aSubO = aGroupOp->CreateGroup(theObject, aGroupOp->GetType(anArgO));
if (!CORBA::is_nil(aSubO))
aGroupOp->UnionIDs(aSubO, anIDs);
else {
// single sub-shape
aSubO = aShapesOp->GetSubShape(theObject, anIDs[0]);
case GEOM::FSM_GetSame:
// Use GetSame
aSubO = aShapesOp->GetSame(theObject, anArgO);
case GEOM::FSM_GetShapesOnShape:
// Use GetShapesOnShape. Can work only on solids, so it has sense to search only solids
aSubO = aShapesOp->GetShapesOnShapeAsCompound(anArgO, theObject,
case GEOM::FSM_GetInPlaceByHistory:
// Use GetInPlaceByHistory
aSubO = aShapesOp->GetInPlaceByHistory(theObject, anArgO);
if (!CORBA::is_nil(aSubO)) {
// add to parts list
addToListOfGO( aSubO, aParts );
// Publish the sub-shape
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSubSO;
if (!CORBA::is_nil(theSObject)) {
TCollection_AsciiString aSubName ("from_");
aSubName += anArgName;
aSubSO = aStudyBuilder->NewObject(theSObject);
aSubSO = PublishInStudy(theStudy, aSubSO, aSubO, aSubName.ToCString());
// Restore color
if (!CORBA::is_nil(anArgSO)) {
// Restore published sub-shapes of the argument
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aSubParts;
if (theFindMethod == GEOM::FSM_GetInPlaceByHistory)
// pass theObject, because only it has the history
aSubParts = RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anArgSO, aSubSO, theObject, theFindMethod);
aSubParts = RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anArgSO, aSubSO, aSubO, theFindMethod);
// add to parts list
addToListOfGO( aSubParts, aParts );
else { // GetInPlace failed, try to build from published parts
if (!CORBA::is_nil(anArgSO)) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSubSO;
if (!CORBA::is_nil(theSObject))
aSubSO = aStudyBuilder->NewObject(theSObject);
// Restore published sub-shapes of the argument
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aSubParts =
RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anArgSO, aSubSO, theObject, theFindMethod);
// add to parts list
addToListOfGO( aSubParts, aParts );
if (aSubParts->length() > 0) {
// try to build an argument from a set of its sub-shapes,
// that published and will be reconstructed
if (aSubParts->length() > 1) {
aSubO = aShapesOp->MakeCompound(aSubParts);
// add to parts list
addToListOfGO( aSubO, aParts );
else {
aSubO = aSubParts[0];
if (!CORBA::is_nil(aSubO) && !CORBA::is_nil(aSubSO)) {
// Publish the sub-shape
TCollection_AsciiString aSubName ("from_parts_of_");
aSubName += anArgName;
aSubSO = PublishInStudy(theStudy, aSubSO, aSubO, aSubName.ToCString());
// Restore color
else if (!CORBA::is_nil(aSubSO)) {
// remove created aSubSO, because no parts have been found
} // try to build from published parts
else {
anArgName = anArgSO->GetName();
// Find a sub-shape of theObject in place of the argument
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aSubO;
switch (theFindMethod) {
case GEOM::FSM_GetInPlace:
// Use GetInPlace
aSubO = aShapesOp->GetInPlace(theObject, anArgO);
case GEOM::FSM_Transformed:
// transformation, cannot use GetInPlace, operate with indices
GEOM::ListOfLong_var anIDs = anArgO->GetSubShapeIndices();
if (anIDs->length() > 1) {
// group
aSubO = aGroupOp->CreateGroup(theObject, aGroupOp->GetType(anArgO));
if (!CORBA::is_nil(aSubO))
aGroupOp->UnionIDs(aSubO, anIDs);
else {
// single sub-shape
aSubO = aShapesOp->GetSubShape(theObject, anIDs[0]);
case GEOM::FSM_GetSame:
// Use GetSame
aSubO = aShapesOp->GetSame(theObject, anArgO);
case GEOM::FSM_GetShapesOnShape:
// Use GetShapesOnShape. Can work only on solids, so it has sense to search only solids
aSubO = aShapesOp->GetShapesOnShapeAsCompound(anArgO, theObject,
case GEOM::FSM_GetInPlaceByHistory:
// Use GetInPlaceByHistory
aSubO = aShapesOp->GetInPlaceByHistory(theObject, anArgO);
if (!CORBA::is_nil(aSubO)) {
// Publish the sub-shape
TCollection_AsciiString aSubName ("from_");
aSubName += anArgName;
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSubSO = aStudyBuilder->NewObject(theSObject);
aSubSO = PublishInStudy(theStudy, aSubSO, aSubO, aSubName.ToCString());
// Restore color
if (!CORBA::is_nil(anArgSO)) {
// Restore published sub-shapes of the argument
if (theFindMethod == GEOM::FSM_GetInPlaceByHistory)
// pass theObject, because only it has the history
RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anArgSO, aSubSO, theObject, theFindMethod);
RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anArgSO, aSubSO, aSubO, theFindMethod);
else { // GetInPlace failed, try to build from published parts
if (!CORBA::is_nil(anArgSO)) {
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSubSO = aStudyBuilder->NewObject(theSObject);
// Restore published sub-shapes of the argument
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aParts =
RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anArgSO, aSubSO, theObject, theFindMethod);
if (aParts->length() > 0) {
// try to build an argument from a set of its sub-shapes,
// that published and will be reconstructed
if (aParts->length() > 1) {
aSubO = aShapesOp->MakeCompound(aParts);
else {
aSubO = aParts[0];
if (!CORBA::is_nil(aSubO)) {
// Publish the sub-shape
TCollection_AsciiString aSubName ("from_parts_of_");
aSubName += anArgName;
aSubSO = PublishInStudy(theStudy, aSubSO, aSubO, aSubName.ToCString());
// Restore color
else {
// remove created aSubSO, because no parts have been found
} // try to build from published parts
} // process arguments
set<string> anObjEntryMap;
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aResParts = new GEOM::ListOfGO;
int nbRes = 0;
int nb = aParts->length();
if (nb > 0)
Handle(GEOM_Object) aMainObj = _impl->GetObject(theObject->GetStudyID(), theObject->GetEntry());
Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = aMainObj->GetLastFunction();
GEOM::TPythonDump pd (aFunction, true);
pd <<"[";
int i = 0, j = 0;
for ( ; i < nb; i++ )
const GEOM::GEOM_Object_var& anObj = aParts[ i ];
if (CORBA::is_nil(anObj))
char* anEntry = anObj->GetEntry();
if (anObjEntryMap.count(anEntry))
continue; // already treated
aResParts[nbRes++] = anObj;
// clear python dump of object
Handle(GEOM_Object) aGeomObj = _impl->GetObject(anObj->GetStudyID(), anEntry);
Handle(GEOM_Function) anObjFun = aGeomObj->GetLastFunction();
if ( !anObjFun.IsNull() )
anObjFun->SetDescription( "" );
if ( j > 0 )
pd << ", ";
pd << aGeomObj;
} // process arguments
return true;
pd <<"]" << " = geompy.RestoreSubShapes(" << aMainObj << ", " << "[";
i = 0; nb = theArgs.length(); j = 0;
for ( ; i < nb; i++ )
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anObj = theArgs[ i ];
if (CORBA::is_nil(anObj))
Handle(GEOM_Object) aGeomObj = _impl->GetObject(anObj->GetStudyID(), anObj->GetEntry());
if ( j > 0 )
pd << ", ";
pd << aGeomObj;
pd <<"]" << ", " <<"geompy.GEOM.";
switch (theFindMethod) {
case GEOM::FSM_GetInPlace:
pd << "FSM_GetInPlace"; break;
case GEOM::FSM_Transformed:
pd << "FSM_Transformed"; break;
case GEOM::FSM_GetSame:
pd << "FSM_GetSame"; break;
case GEOM::FSM_GetShapesOnShape:
pd << "FSM_GetShapesOnShape"; break;
case GEOM::FSM_GetInPlaceByHistory:
pd << "FSM_GetInPlaceByHistory"; break;
pd << ", " << theInheritFirstArg << ")";
return aResParts._retn();
@ -991,8 +1103,9 @@ GEOM::ListOfGO* GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapesOneLevel (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr th
int i = 0;
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aParts = new GEOM::ListOfGO;
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aNewParts = new GEOM::ListOfGO;
if (CORBA::is_nil(theStudy) || CORBA::is_nil(theOldSO) ||
CORBA::is_nil(theNewO) || CORBA::is_nil(theNewSO))
CORBA::is_nil(theNewO) /*|| CORBA::is_nil(theNewSO)*/)
return aParts._retn();
SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder_var aStudyBuilder = theStudy->NewBuilder();
@ -1073,53 +1186,68 @@ GEOM::ListOfGO* GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapesOneLevel (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr th
// add the part to the list
aParts[i] = aNewSubO;
// add to parts list
addToListOfGO( aNewSubO, aNewParts );
// Publish the sub-shape
TCollection_AsciiString aSubName ("from_");
aSubName += anArgName;
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aNewSubSO = aStudyBuilder->NewObject(theNewSO);
aNewSubSO = PublishInStudy(theStudy, aNewSubSO, aNewSubO, aSubName.ToCString());
// Restore color
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aNewSubSO;
if (!CORBA::is_nil(theNewSO)) {
// Publish the sub-shape
TCollection_AsciiString aSubName ("from_");
aSubName += anArgName;
aNewSubSO = aStudyBuilder->NewObject(theNewSO);
aNewSubSO = PublishInStudy(theStudy, aNewSubSO, aNewSubO, aSubName.ToCString());
// Restore color
// Restore published sub-shapes of the argument
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aSubParts;
if (theFindMethod == GEOM::FSM_GetInPlaceByHistory)
// pass the main shape as Object, because only it has the history
RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anOldSubSO, aNewSubSO, theNewO, theFindMethod);
aSubParts = RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anOldSubSO, aNewSubSO, theNewO, theFindMethod);
RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anOldSubSO, aNewSubSO, aNewSubO, theFindMethod);
aSubParts = RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anOldSubSO, aNewSubSO, aNewSubO, theFindMethod);
// add to parts list
addToListOfGO( aSubParts, aNewParts );
else { // GetInPlace failed, try to build from published parts
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aNewSubSO = aStudyBuilder->NewObject(theNewSO);
SALOMEDS::SObject_var aNewSubSO;
if (!CORBA::is_nil(theNewSO))
aNewSubSO = aStudyBuilder->NewObject(theNewSO);
// Restore published sub-shapes of the argument
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aParts =
GEOM::ListOfGO_var aSubParts =
RestoreSubShapesOneLevel(theStudy, anOldSubSO, aNewSubSO, theNewO, theFindMethod);
// add to parts list
addToListOfGO( aSubParts, aNewParts );
if (aParts->length() > 0) {
if (aSubParts->length() > 0) {
// try to build an object from a set of its sub-shapes,
// that published and will be reconstructed
if (aParts->length() > 1) {
aNewSubO = aShapesOp->MakeCompound(aParts);
if (aSubParts->length() > 1) {
aNewSubO = aShapesOp->MakeCompound(aSubParts);
// add to parts list
addToListOfGO( aNewSubO, aNewParts );
else {
aNewSubO = aParts[0];
aNewSubO = aSubParts[0];
if (!CORBA::is_nil(aNewSubO)) {
// add the part to the list
aParts[i] = aNewSubO;
aSubParts[i] = aNewSubO;
// Publish the sub-shape
TCollection_AsciiString aSubName = "from_parts_of_";
aSubName += anArgName;
aNewSubSO = PublishInStudy(theStudy, aNewSubSO, aNewSubO, aSubName.ToCString());
// Restore color
if (!CORBA::is_nil(aNewSubSO)) {
TCollection_AsciiString aSubName = "from_parts_of_";
aSubName += anArgName;
aNewSubSO = PublishInStudy(theStudy, aNewSubSO, aNewSubO, aSubName.ToCString());
// Restore color
else {
else if (!CORBA::is_nil(aNewSubSO)) {
// remove created aSubSO, because no parts have been found
@ -1129,6 +1257,8 @@ GEOM::ListOfGO* GEOM_Gen_i::RestoreSubShapesOneLevel (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr th
} // iterate on published sub-shapes
// add to parts list
addToListOfGO( aNewParts, aParts );
return aParts._retn();
@ -143,20 +143,20 @@ class GEOM_I_EXPORT GEOM_Gen_i: virtual public POA_GEOM::GEOM_Gen, virtual publi
/*! \brief Publish sub-shapes, standing for arguments and sub-shapes of arguments.
* To be used from python scripts out of geompy.addToStudy (non-default usage)
CORBA::Boolean RestoreSubShapesO (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theObject,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& theArgs,
GEOM::find_shape_method theFindMethod,
CORBA::Boolean theInheritFirstArg);
GEOM::ListOfGO* RestoreSubShapesO (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theObject,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& theArgs,
GEOM::find_shape_method theFindMethod,
CORBA::Boolean theInheritFirstArg);
/*! \brief Publish sub-shapes, standing for arguments and sub-shapes of arguments.
* To be used from GUI and from geompy.addToStudy
CORBA::Boolean RestoreSubShapesSO (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& theArgs,
GEOM::find_shape_method theFindMethod,
CORBA::Boolean theInheritFirstArg);
GEOM::ListOfGO* RestoreSubShapesSO (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& theArgs,
GEOM::find_shape_method theFindMethod,
CORBA::Boolean theInheritFirstArg);
// Transaction methods //
@ -255,12 +255,12 @@ class GEOM_I_EXPORT GEOM_Gen_i: virtual public POA_GEOM::GEOM_Gen, virtual publi
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theNewO,
GEOM::find_shape_method theFindMethod);
CORBA::Boolean RestoreSubShapes (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theObject,
SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& theArgs,
GEOM::find_shape_method theFindMethod,
CORBA::Boolean theInheritFirstArg);
GEOM::ListOfGO* RestoreSubShapes (SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theObject,
SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
const GEOM::ListOfGO& theArgs,
GEOM::find_shape_method theFindMethod,
CORBA::Boolean theInheritFirstArg);
// auxilary for PublishNamedShapesInStudy
void CreateAndPublishGroup(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user