mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:11:33 +05:00
[bos #35160][EDF](2023-T1) Keyboard shortcuts.
The branch must be synchronized with GUI:/dish/CR35160--Keyboard_Shortcuts. Most of GEOM module actions are available for shortcut binding using UI.
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ SET( _res_files
@ -319,7 +320,3 @@ SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE(GEOMCatalog.xml.in GEOMCatalog.xml INSTALL ${SALOME_GEOM_I
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -914,9 +914,10 @@ void GeometryGUI::OnMousePress( SUIT_ViewWindow* w, QMouseEvent* e )
// function : createGeomAction
// purpose :
// \param inModuleActionID is passed further without modifications. It is required by SUIT_ShortcutMgr.
void GeometryGUI::createGeomAction( const int id, const QString& label, const QString& icolabel,
const int accel, const bool toggle, const QString& shortcutAction )
const int accel, const bool toggle, const QString& inModuleActionID )
SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
QPixmap icon = icolabel.isEmpty() ? resMgr->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( (QString( "ICO_" )+label).toLatin1().constData() ), false )
@ -930,7 +931,18 @@ void GeometryGUI::createGeomAction( const int id, const QString& label, const QS
this, SLOT( OnGUIEvent() ),
shortcutAction );
inModuleActionID );
// function : createGeomAction
// purpose :
// Generates in module action automatically.
void GeometryGUI::createGeomAction( const int id, const QString& label, const QString& icolabel,
const int accel, const bool toggle)
createGeomAction( id, label, icolabel, accel, toggle, QString( "STB_%1" ).arg( label ) );
@ -1192,15 +1204,15 @@ void GeometryGUI::initialize( CAM_Application* app )
// Create actions for increase/decrease transparency shortcuts
createGeomAction( GEOMOp::OpIncrTransparency, "", "", 0, false,
"Geometry:Increase transparency");
createGeomAction( GEOMOp::OpDecrTransparency, "", "", 0, false,
"Geometry:Decrease transparency");
// Create actions for increase/decrease number of isolines
createGeomAction( GEOMOp::OpIncrNbIsos, "", "", 0, false,
"Geometry:Increase number of isolines");
"Isolines/Increase number");
createGeomAction( GEOMOp::OpDecrNbIsos, "", "", 0, false,
"Geometry:Decrease number of isolines");
"Isolines/Decrease number");
//createGeomAction( GEOMOp::OpPipeTShape, "PIPETSHAPE" );
//createGeomAction( GEOMOp::OpDividedDisk, "DIVIDEDDISK" );
@ -1450,7 +1462,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::initialize( CAM_Application* app )
createTool( GEOMOp::OpCurve, basicTbId );
createTool( GEOMOp::OpVector, basicTbId );
createTool( GEOMOp::Op2dSketcher, basicTbId ); //rnc
createTool( GEOMOp::Op2dPolylineEditor, basicTbId );
createTool( GEOMOp::Op2dPolylineEditor, basicTbId );
createTool( GEOMOp::Op3dSketcher, basicTbId ); //rnc
createTool( GEOMOp::OpIsoline, basicTbId );
createTool( GEOMOp::OpSurfaceFromFace, basicTbId );
@ -1821,7 +1833,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::addPluginActions()
QString actionTool = stools.last();
actionTool = actionTool.toUpper().prepend( "TOP_" );
QString actionStat = adata.statusText.c_str();
actionStat = actionStat.toUpper().prepend( "STB_" );
@ -1830,12 +1842,13 @@ void GeometryGUI::addPluginActions()
tr( actionName.toLatin1().constData() ),
tr( actionStat.toLatin1().constData() ),
QKeySequence( tr( adata.accel.c_str() ) ),
QKeySequence( tr( adata.accel.c_str() ) ), // Applied, if does not conflict with shortcuts in SUIT_ShortcutMgr.
false /*toggle*/,
this, SLOT( OnGUIEvent() ),
QString() /*shortcutAction*/ );
QString::fromStdString(pdata.name + "/" + adata.label)
int menuId = -1;
foreach ( QString subMenu, smenus ) {
QStringList subMenuList = subMenu.split( ":" );
@ -1844,7 +1857,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::addPluginActions()
menuId = createMenu( tr( subMenuName.toLatin1().constData() ), menuId, -1, subMenuGroup );
createMenu( id, menuId, -1 );
if ( !stools.isEmpty() ) {
QString subTool = stools[0];
subTool = subTool.toUpper().prepend( "TOOL_" );
@ -1855,7 +1868,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::addPluginActions()
// add action id to map
PluginAction anAction( pdata.clientLib.c_str(), adata.label.c_str() );
myPluginActions[id] = anAction;
@ -1874,7 +1887,7 @@ namespace
bool GeometryGUI::activateModule( SUIT_Study* study )
// Fill in: Help Panel
SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( application() );
SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( application() );
int gb = app->infoPanel()->addGroup(tr("INFO_GRP_CREATE_MODEL"));
@ -2247,7 +2260,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::onAutoBringToFront()
bool isAutoBringToFront = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "Geometry", "auto_bring_to_front", "false" );
if( !isAutoBringToFront )
SUIT_ViewWindow* SUIT_window = application()->desktop()->activeWindow();
if ( !SUIT_window || SUIT_window->getViewManager()->getType() != OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() )
@ -2256,12 +2269,12 @@ void GeometryGUI::onAutoBringToFront()
if (!appStudy) return;
GEOM_Displayer displayer;
SALOME_View* window = displayer.GetActiveView();
if ( !window ) return;
int aMgrId = dynamic_cast< SUIT_ViewModel* >( window )->getViewManager()->getGlobalId();
SALOME_ListIO selected;
getApp()->selectionMgr()->selectedObjects( selected );
if (!myTopLevelIOList.IsEmpty())
@ -2279,19 +2292,19 @@ void GeometryGUI::onAutoBringToFront()
if (!isSelected && appStudy->findObjectByEntry(io->getEntry()))
appStudy->setObjectProperty( aMgrId, io->getEntry(), GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::TopLevel ), false );
if ( window->isVisible( io ) ) displayer.Redisplay( io, false );
if ( window->isVisible( io ) ) displayer.Redisplay( io, false );
for( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected ); It.More(); It.Next() )
Handle( SALOME_InteractiveObject ) io = It.Value();
appStudy->setObjectProperty( aMgrId, io->getEntry(), GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::TopLevel ), true );
if ( window->isVisible( io ) ) displayer.Redisplay( io, false );
if ( window->isVisible( io ) ) displayer.Redisplay( io, false );
@ -2499,7 +2512,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::createPreferences()
addPreference( tr( "PREF_DIMENSIONS_COLOR" ), aDimGroupId,
LightApp_Preferences::Color, "Geometry", "dimensions_color" );
int aDimLineWidthId = addPreference( tr( "PREF_DIMENSIONS_LINE_WIDTH" ), aDimGroupId,
int aDimLineWidthId = addPreference( tr( "PREF_DIMENSIONS_LINE_WIDTH" ), aDimGroupId,
LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "Geometry", "dimensions_line_width" );
setPreferenceProperty( aDimLineWidthId, "min", 1 );
@ -2518,7 +2531,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::createPreferences()
// add enginier font into combobox
/*int fontID =*/ QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont( aFontFile );
Handle(Font_SystemFont) sf = new Font_SystemFont( TCollection_AsciiString("Y14.5M-2009") );
sf->SetFontPath( Font_FA_Regular,
sf->SetFontPath( Font_FA_Regular,
TCollection_AsciiString( aFontFile.toLatin1().data() ) );
// register font in OCC font manager
fmgr->RegisterFont( sf, Standard_False );
@ -2584,7 +2597,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::createPreferences()
addPreference( tr( "PREF_SHAPE_ANNOTATIONS_FONT_COLOR" ), aShapeAnnGroupId, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "Geometry", "shape_annotation_font_color" );
addPreference( tr( "PREF_SHAPE_ANNOTATIONS_LINE_COLOR" ), aShapeAnnGroupId, LightApp_Preferences::Color, "Geometry", "shape_annotation_line_color" );
const int aShapeAnnFont =
const int aShapeAnnFont =
addPreference( tr( "PREF_SHAPE_ANNOTATIONS_FONT" ), aShapeAnnGroupId, LightApp_Preferences::Font, "Geometry", "shape_annotation_font" );
int aShapeAnnFontFeatures = QtxFontEdit::Family | QtxFontEdit::Size | QtxFontEdit::Bold | QtxFontEdit::Italic;
@ -2592,7 +2605,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::createPreferences()
setPreferenceProperty( aShapeAnnFont, "mode", QtxFontEdit::Custom );
setPreferenceProperty( aShapeAnnFont, "fonts", anOCCFonts );
const int aShapeAnnLineWidth =
const int aShapeAnnLineWidth =
addPreference( tr( "PREF_SHAPE_ANNOTATIONS_LINE_WIDTH" ), aShapeAnnGroupId, LightApp_Preferences::IntSpin, "Geometry", "shape_annotation_line_width" );
setPreferenceProperty( aShapeAnnLineWidth, "min", 1 );
@ -3072,7 +3085,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::storeVisualParameters (int savePoint)
param = occParam + GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::Color );
ip->setParameter(entry, param.toStdString(), val.join( GEOM::subSectionSeparator()).toStdString());
if (aProps.contains(GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::Texture ))) {
param = occParam + GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::Texture );
ip->setParameter(entry, param.toStdString(), aProps.value(GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::Texture )).toString().toStdString());
@ -3232,7 +3245,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::restoreVisualParameters (int savePoint)
for (; namesIt != paramNames.end(); ++namesIt, ++valuesIt)
// visual parameters are stored in strings as follows:
// visual parameters are stored in strings as follows:
// 1) ViewerType_ViewIndex_ParamName
// 2) ViewerType_ParamName (shared for GEOM module)
// '_' is used as separator and should not be used in viewer type or parameter names.
@ -3636,7 +3649,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::updateMaterials()
\brief Check if the module allows "drag" operation of its objects.
Overloaded from LightApp_Module class.
This function is a part of the general drag-n-drop mechanism.
The goal of this function is to check data object passed as a parameter
and decide if it can be dragged or no.
@ -3704,13 +3717,13 @@ bool GeometryGUI::isDropAccepted( const SUIT_DataObject* where ) const
\brief Complete drag-n-drop operation.
Overloaded from LightApp_Module class.
This function is a part of the general drag-n-drop mechanism.
Its goal is to handle dropping of the objects being dragged according
to the chosen operation (move). The dropping is performed in the
context of the parent data object \a where and the \a row (position in the
context of the parent data object \a where and the \a row (position in the
children index) at which the data should be dropped. If \a row is equal to -1,
this means that objects are added to the end of the children list.
@ -3753,7 +3766,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::dropObjects( const DataObjectList& what, SUIT_DataObject* wher
_PTR(SObject) sobj = dataObj->object();
// check that dropped object is not a parent of target object
if ( parentIDs.contains( sobj->GetID().c_str() ) ) {
return; // it's not allowed to move node into it's child
return; // it's not allowed to move node into it's child
objects[i] = _CAST(SObject, sobj)->GetSObject();
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public:
virtual bool isDraggable( const SUIT_DataObject* what ) const;
virtual bool isDropAccepted( const SUIT_DataObject* where ) const;
virtual void dropObjects( const DataObjectList& what,
virtual void dropObjects( const DataObjectList& what,
SUIT_DataObject* where,
const int row, Qt::DropAction action );
@ -195,10 +195,14 @@ protected:
GEOMGUI* getLibrary( const QString& libraryName );
GEOMPluginGUI* getPluginLibrary( const QString& libraryName );
void createGeomAction( const int id, const QString& po_id,
const QString& icon_id,
const int key, const bool toggle,
const QString& shortcutAction);
void createGeomAction( const int id, const QString& po_id,
const QString& icon_id = QString(""),
const int key = 0, const bool toggle = false,
const QString& shortcutAction = QString() );
const int key = 0, const bool toggle = false);
void createPopupItem( const int, const QString& clients, const QString& types,
const bool isSingle = false, const int isVisible = -1,
const bool isExpandAll = false, const bool isOCC = false,
@ -210,7 +214,7 @@ private:
static GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var myComponentGeom; // GEOM engine!!!
typedef QMap<QString, GEOMGUI*> GUIMap;
@ -231,10 +235,10 @@ private:
int myLocalSelectionMode; //Select Only
GEOMGUI_CreationInfoWdg* myCreationInfoWdg;
GEOMGUI_TextTreeWdg* myTextTreeWdg;
GEOMGUI_AnnotationMgr* myAnnotationMgr;
SALOME_ListIO myTopLevelIOList;
friend class DisplayGUI;
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