DOC: explain the semantics of the precision preference parameters

This commit is contained in:
eap 2016-10-06 14:03:53 +03:00
parent 288dfec84b
commit cb20b7f5dd

@ -94,7 +94,14 @@ By default <b>Along U</b> and <b>Along V</b> are null and isolines are not drawn
<li><b>Input fields precision</b> - a group of preferences controlling input
precision for floating-point data.</li>
precision for floating-point data. The semantics of the precision
values is described in detail in <em>Using input widgets</em>
chapter of GUI documentation (Introduction to Salome Platform /
Introduction to GUI / Using input widgets). In brief: \b positive
precision value is the maximum allowed number of digits after the
decimal point in the fixed-point format; \b nagative precision value
is the maximum allowed number of significant digits in mantissa in
either the fixed-point or scientific format.</li>
<li><b>Length precision</b> - allows to adjust input precision of coordinates and dimensions.</li>
<li><b>Angular precision</b> - allows to adjust input precision of angles.</li>