diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_compound_of_blocks.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_compound_of_blocks.doc
index 486184871..5b95a8723 100644
--- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_compound_of_blocks.doc
+++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_compound_of_blocks.doc
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
\page check_compound_of_blocks_page Check Compound of Blocks
This operation checks whether a shape is a compound of glued blocks
-and tries to improve the shape to make it include only valid blocks.
+and improves the shape to include only valid blocks.
\image html measures10.png
@@ -29,16 +29,15 @@ In this dialog:
- Not connected;
- Extra or degenerated edge.
- Incriminated Sub-shapes field outputs the list of sub-shapes that cause problem.
-- \b Apply and Apply and Close buttons launch an improving process
-and publish a result shape which includes valid blocks only. The
-improving process tries to
- - remove seam edges and degenerated edges of surfaces of revolution;
+- \b Apply and Apply and Close buttons launch the improvement process
+and publish the result shape, which includes valid blocks only. The
+algorithm tries to:
+ - remove seam and degenerated edges from surfaces of revolution;
- re-approximate surfaces to exclude singularities on boundaries;
- unite edges and faces;
- glue faces.
\n TUI Command:
geompy.CheckCompoundOfBlocks(Compound, theIsUseC1 = False, theAngTolerance = 1.e-12). Checks if the shape
is a valid compound of blocks. If it is true, then the validity flag
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_self_intersections.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_self_intersections.doc
index c92695a10..8533274e2 100644
--- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_self_intersections.doc
+++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/check_self_intersections.doc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
\page check_self_intersections_page Detect Self-intersections
-\n To Detect Self-intersections in the Main Menu select
+\n To Detect Self-intersections, select in the Main Menu
Inspection - > Detect Self-intersections.
There are two ways to check self-intersections.
@@ -40,24 +40,35 @@ See also a \ref tui_check_self_intersections_page "TUI example".
\anchor check_self_intersections_fast
Fast intersection
-This operations allows to quickly detect self-interferences of the given shape by means of algorithm based on mesh intersections.
+This operation allows quickly detecting self-interferences of the given shape using the algorithm based on mesh intersections.
+The algorithm works on the face level, i.e. it computes only face-to-face intersections. No additional intersection types are computed.
+This can be useful to detect all intersections between subshapes of type "surface" in an assembly.
+The result quality will depend on the tesselation quality. However, small deflection values can significantly decrease the performance of the algorithm.
+Nevertheless, the performance of Fast Intersect algorithm is much higher than that of the topological intersection.
\image html measures13.png
-This algorithm works on the faces level, i.e. it computes only face-to-face intersections. No additional types of intersections is computed.
-This case can be useful in order to detect all the intersections between the subshapes of type "surface" inside assembly.
-Quality of result will depend on the quality of tesselation (managed via the deflection parameter). However, small values of deflection can
-significantly decrease performance of the algorithm.
-Nevertheless, performance of Fast Intersect algorithm is much higher than topological intersection.
+In this dialog:
+- \b Object - the checked object. \b Selection button allows picking it in the viewer or in the object browser.
+- Deflection coefficient - a linear deflection coefficient that defines the tesselation quality. If theDeflection <= 0, default deflection 0.001 is used.
+- Detect gaps with tolerance specifies the distance between shapes used for detecting gaps:
+ - if theTolerance <= 0, the algorithm detects intersections;
+ - if theTolerance > 0, the algorithm detects gapss.
+- Compute self-intersections button performs the computation.
+- \b Summary section contains the general report about self-intersections of the object and/or errors that occurred during the computation.
+- \b Self-intersections list contains the list of detected self-intersections. Select the intersection to show Sub-shapes in the field to the right.
+- \b Apply and Apply and Close buttons store the interferences selected in the Self-intersections list box in the study for further analysis.
+If no interferences are selected, all of them are published in the study. Each interference is published as a child compound of the source shape and contains a couple of intersecting sub-shapes.
\n Result: Boolean.
\n TUI Command: geompy.CheckSelfIntersectionsFast(theShape, theDeflection, theTolerance), \n
where: \n
\em theShape is the shape checked for validity. \n
-\em theDeflection is a linear deflection coefficient that specifies quality of tesselation. If theDeflection <= 0, default deflection 0.001 is used.
-\em theTolerance Specifies a distance between shapes used for detecting gaps:
- - if theTolerance <= 0, algorithm detects intersections;
- - if theTolerance > 0, algorithm detects gaps.
+\em theDeflection that specifies the quality of tesselation.
+\em theTolerance Specifies the distance between shapes used for detecting gaps.
See also a \ref tui_check_self_intersections_fast_page "TUI example".
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/dependency_tree.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/dependency_tree.doc
index 40e1a2ac4..b9bbe9566 100644
--- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/dependency_tree.doc
+++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/dependency_tree.doc
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ It is also possible to select an object(s) directly in the "Dependency Tree" vie
All necessary parameters of Dependency Tree Viewer can be edited in the \ref pref_dependency_tree "Preferences".
-\note This functionality is available only if GUI module is builded with Graphics view (set option SALOME_USE_GRAPHICSVIEW to ON when building GUI module).
+\note This functionality is available only if the GUI module is built with Graphics view (option SALOME_USE_GRAPHICSVIEW is ON when building GUI module).
\anchor dependency_tree_nodes_anchor Nodes
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/projection_on_cylinder_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/projection_on_cylinder_operation.doc
index 5cc528fb6..3d8978d8d 100644
--- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/projection_on_cylinder_operation.doc
+++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/projection_on_cylinder_operation.doc
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ the angle of the projection start.
- Length angle where the total length of
the wire should be projected. If it is unchecked the projection is not scaled and the natural
wire length is kept for the projection.
-- Rotation angle the desired angle between the tangent vector to
-the first curve at the first point of the theObject's projection in 2D space
-and U-direction of cylinder's 2D space.
+- Rotation angle the angle between the tangent vector to
+the first curve at the first point of the object projection in 2D space
+and U-direction of the cylinder in 2D space.
- \ref restore_presentation_parameters_page "Advanced options".
\image html proj_on_cyl_dlg.png
-\n The following figure explains meaning of each input angle:
+\n The following figure explains the meaning of each input angle:
\image html proj_on_cyl_angles.png "Input angles of projection on the cylinder"
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/shape_statistics_operation.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/shape_statistics_operation.doc
index 991d103b5..d1fb6fe25 100644
--- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/shape_statistics_operation.doc
+++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/shape_statistics_operation.doc
@@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ In this dialog:
- "Selected objects" standard selection box allows selecting one or more geometrical objects.
- "Type" combo-box with the following items: "Edges length", "Faces area", "Solids volume".
-\note "Type" combo-box includes only parameters applied to the currently selected shape (e.g. "Solids volume" will not be available for face or shell being selected); multiple selection is processed correspondingly (i.e. only types applicable for all selected shapes will be available).
+\note "Type" combo-box includes only parameters applied to the currently selected shape (e.g. "Solids volume" will not be available for a selected face or shell); multiple selection is processed correspondingly (i.e. only types applicable for all selected shapes will be available).
- "Number of intervals" spin box is used to specify number of distribution histogram ranges.
-- "Scalar range" checkable group box that, when switched ON, allows specifying custom values range used for plotting and creating groups.
-\note By default, "Scalar range" controls is empty; pressing "Compute" button allows automatic computing initial range of the chosen parameter. This is needed as computation of the parameters range can be time-consuming for large or complex models. In case of multiple selection, scalar range is computed as common from all selected shapes.
+- "Scalar range" checkable group box, when switched ON, allows specifying custom values range used for plotting and creating groups.
+\note By default, "Scalar range" controls are empty; pressing "Compute" button allows automatically computing the initial range of the chosen parameter. This is necessary as the computation of the parameters range can be time-consuming for large or complex models. In case of multiple selection, the scalar range is computed for all selected shapes.
- "Plot" button opens or uses an opened Plot2d viewer and plots the distribution histogram for the selected shape(s).
-- "Create groups" button allows creating a groups according to the currently specified parameters. The groups names will include numerical values of the range, e.g. "Edges_length_0-20", "Edges_length_20-40", etc. Empty groups are not created.
+- "Create groups" button allows creating groups according to the currently specified parameters. The group names will include numerical values of the range, e.g. "Edges_length_0-20", "Edges_length_20-40", etc. Empty groups are not created.
- Close dialog box, by pressing Close button.
-\note This functionality is available only if GUI module is builded with Plot 2D Viewer (set option SALOME_USE_PLOT2DVIEWER to ON when building GUI module).
+\note This functionality is available only if GUI module is built with Plot 2D Viewer (option SALOME_USE_PLOT2DVIEWER is ON when building GUI module).
diff --git a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/working_with_groups.doc b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/working_with_groups.doc
index 852047dfb..aa9951260 100644
--- a/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/working_with_groups.doc
+++ b/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/working_with_groups.doc
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ In order to filter out some entities:
The entities, which satisfy the entered filtering parameters, will be automatically highlighted
in the 3D viewer.
-\b Plot button into "Filter" group box provides an access
-to the \ref shape_statistics_operation_page "Shape Statistics" functionality with simplified look-n-feel:
+\b Plot button gives access
+to the \ref shape_statistics_operation_page "Shape Statistics" functionality with a simplified look-and-feel:
\image html shape_statistics_simple.png