mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 07:37:54 +05:00
21854: Add persistent dimensions
- Dumping GUI state to python
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,6 +32,42 @@
#include <SalomeApp_Study.h>
// Static patterns for casting value-to-string & value-from-string. The patterns are:
// ITEM: { name[string] : visibility : type : values[composite] };
// PLANE: a[float] : b[float] : c[float] : d[float]
// PROPS: flyout[float] : text h pos[int] : text v pos[int] : arrow pos[int]
// XYZ: x [float] : y[float] : z[float]
// FLOAT: value [float]
static const QString PATTERN_ITEM_GROUP = "\\{ (Name=(?::{2,}|.)*:(?!:)Visible=.*:Type=.*:.*) \\}";
static const QString PATTERN_ITEM = "Name=((?::{2,}|.)*):(?!:)Visible=(\\d{1}):Type=(\\d{1}):(.*)";
static const QString PATTERN_PLANE = "Plane=\\{(.*):(.*):(.*):(.*)\\}";
static const QString PATTERN_PROPS = "Flyout=(.*):TextH=(.*):TextV=(.*):Arrow=(.*)";
static const QString PATTERN_XYZ = "%1=\\{(.*):(.*):(.*)\\}";
static const QString PATTERN_FLOAT = "%1=(.*)";
static const QString PATTERN_LENGTH =
PATTERN_XYZ.arg( "Point1" ) + ":" +
PATTERN_XYZ.arg( "Point2" );
static const QString PATTERN_DIAMETER =
PATTERN_XYZ.arg( "Position" ) + ":" +
PATTERN_XYZ.arg( "NDir" ) + ":" +
PATTERN_XYZ.arg( "XDir" ) + ":" +
PATTERN_FLOAT.arg( "Radius" );
static const QString PATTERN_ANGLE =
PATTERN_XYZ.arg( "Point1" ) + ":" +
PATTERN_XYZ.arg( "Point2" ) + ":" +
PATTERN_XYZ.arg( "Point3" );
// function : Length::Init
// purpose :
@ -73,6 +109,77 @@ void GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::Length::Update( Handle(AIS_LengthDimension)& the
theIO->SetDimensionAspect( aStyle );
// function : Length::ToValues
// purpose :
void GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::Length::ToValues(std::vector<double>& theValues) const
// custom plane [2,3,4,5]
Standard_Real A, B, C, D;
Plane.Coefficients( A, B, C, D );
theValues.push_back( (double) A );
theValues.push_back( (double) B );
theValues.push_back( (double) C );
theValues.push_back( (double) D );
// flyout size [6]
theValues.push_back( (double) Flyout );
// text flags [7,8]
theValues.push_back( (double) TextHPos );
theValues.push_back( (double) TextVPos );
// arrow flags [9]
theValues.push_back( (double) ArrowPos );
// point 1 [10,11,12]
theValues.push_back( (double) FirstPoint.X() );
theValues.push_back( (double) FirstPoint.Y() );
theValues.push_back( (double) FirstPoint.Z() );
// point 2 [13,14,15]
theValues.push_back( (double) SecondPoint.X() );
theValues.push_back( (double) SecondPoint.Y() );
theValues.push_back( (double) SecondPoint.Z() );
// function : Length::FromValues
// purpose :
void GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::Length::FromValues(int& theIt, const std::vector<double>& theValues)
// custom plane [2,3,4,5]
Standard_Real A = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real B = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real C = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real D = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Plane = gp_Pln( A, B, C, D );
// flyout size [6]
Flyout = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
// text flags [7,8]
TextHPos = (Prs3d_DimensionTextHorizontalPosition)(int)theValues[theIt++];
TextVPos = (Prs3d_DimensionTextVerticalPosition) (int)theValues[theIt++];
// arrow flags [9]
ArrowPos = (Prs3d_DimensionArrowOrientation) (int)theValues[theIt++];
// point 1 [10,11,12]
Standard_Real aFirstX = theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aFirstY = theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aFirstZ = theValues[theIt++];
FirstPoint = gp_Pnt( aFirstX, aFirstY, aFirstZ );
// point 2 [13,14,15]
Standard_Real aSecondX = theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aSecondY = theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aSecondZ = theValues[theIt++];
SecondPoint = gp_Pnt( aSecondX, aSecondY, aSecondZ );
// function : Length::operator ==
// purpose :
@ -162,6 +269,97 @@ void GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::Diameter::Update( Handle(AIS_DiameterDimension)&
theIO->SetDimensionAspect( aStyle );
// function : Diameter::ToValues
// purpose :
void GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::Diameter::ToValues(std::vector<double>& theValues) const
// custom plane [2,3,4,5]
Standard_Real A, B, C, D;
Plane.Coefficients( A, B, C, D );
theValues.push_back( (double) A );
theValues.push_back( (double) B );
theValues.push_back( (double) C );
theValues.push_back( (double) D );
// flyout size [6]
theValues.push_back( (double) Flyout );
// text flags [7,8]
theValues.push_back( (double) TextHPos );
theValues.push_back( (double) TextVPos );
// arrow flags [9]
theValues.push_back( (double) ArrowPos );
// circle location [10,11,12]
theValues.push_back( (double) Circle.Location().X() );
theValues.push_back( (double) Circle.Location().Y() );
theValues.push_back( (double) Circle.Location().Z() );
// circle normal [13,14,15]
theValues.push_back( (double) Circle.Axis().Direction().X() );
theValues.push_back( (double) Circle.Axis().Direction().Y() );
theValues.push_back( (double) Circle.Axis().Direction().Z() );
// x-direction [16,17,18]
theValues.push_back( (double) Circle.XAxis().Direction().X() );
theValues.push_back( (double) Circle.XAxis().Direction().Y() );
theValues.push_back( (double) Circle.XAxis().Direction().Z() );
// radius [19]
theValues.push_back( (double) Circle.Radius() );
// function : Diameter::FromValues
// purpose :
void GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::Diameter::FromValues(int& theIt, const std::vector<double>& theValues)
// custom plane [2,3,4,5]
Standard_Real A = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real B = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real C = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real D = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Plane = gp_Pln( A, B, C, D );
// flyout size [6]
Flyout = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
// text flags [7,8]
TextHPos = (Prs3d_DimensionTextHorizontalPosition)(int)theValues[theIt++];
TextVPos = (Prs3d_DimensionTextVerticalPosition) (int)theValues[theIt++];
// arrow flags [9]
ArrowPos = (Prs3d_DimensionArrowOrientation) (int)theValues[theIt++];
// circle location [10,11,12]
Standard_Real aLocX = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aLocY = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aLocZ = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
// circle normal [13,14,15]
Standard_Real aNormX = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aNormY = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aNormZ = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
// x-direction [16,17,18]
Standard_Real aXDirX = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aXDirY = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aXDirZ = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
// radius [19]
Standard_Real aRadius = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
gp_Ax2 anAx( gp_Pnt( aLocX, aLocY, aLocZ ),
gp_Dir( aNormX, aNormY, aNormZ ),
gp_Dir( aXDirX, aXDirY, aXDirZ ) );
Circle = gp_Circ( anAx, aRadius );
// function : Diameter::operator ==
// purpose :
@ -244,6 +442,74 @@ void GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::Angle::Update( Handle(AIS_AngleDimension)& theIO
theIO->SetDimensionAspect( aStyle );
// function : Angle::ToValues
// purpose :
void GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::Angle::ToValues(std::vector<double>& theValues) const
// flyout [2]
theValues.push_back( (double) Flyout );
// text flags [3,4]
theValues.push_back( (double) TextHPos );
theValues.push_back( (double) TextVPos );
// arrow flags [5]
theValues.push_back( (double) ArrowPos );
// point 1 [6,7,8]
theValues.push_back( (double) FirstPoint.X() );
theValues.push_back( (double) FirstPoint.Y() );
theValues.push_back( (double) FirstPoint.Z() );
// point 2 [9,10,11]
theValues.push_back( (double) SecondPoint.X() );
theValues.push_back( (double) SecondPoint.Y() );
theValues.push_back( (double) SecondPoint.Z() );
// center [12,13,14]
theValues.push_back( (double) CenterPoint.X() );
theValues.push_back( (double) CenterPoint.Y() );
theValues.push_back( (double) CenterPoint.Z() );
// function : Angle::FromValues
// purpose :
void GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::Angle::FromValues(int& theIt, const std::vector<double>& theValues)
// flyout [2]
Flyout = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
// text flags [3,4]
TextHPos = (Prs3d_DimensionTextHorizontalPosition)(int)theValues[theIt++];
TextVPos = (Prs3d_DimensionTextVerticalPosition) (int)theValues[theIt++];
// arrow flags [5]
ArrowPos = (Prs3d_DimensionArrowOrientation) (int)theValues[theIt++];
// point 1 [6,7,8]
Standard_Real aFirstX = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aFirstY = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aFirstZ = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
// point 2 [9,10,11]
Standard_Real aSecondX = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aSecondY = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aSecondZ = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
// center [12,13,14]
Standard_Real aCenterX = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aCenterY = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
Standard_Real aCenterZ = (Standard_Real) theValues[theIt++];
FirstPoint = gp_Pnt( aFirstX, aFirstY, aFirstZ );
SecondPoint = gp_Pnt( aSecondX, aSecondY, aSecondZ );
CenterPoint = gp_Pnt( aCenterX, aCenterY, aCenterZ );
// function : Angle::operator ==
// purpose :
@ -329,6 +595,85 @@ GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty( SalomeApp_Study* theStudy,
LoadFromAttribute( theStudy, theEntry );
// function : Init constructor
// purpose :
GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty( const QString& theProperty )
QRegExp aRegExpItemGroups( PATTERN_ITEM_GROUP );
QRegExp aRegExpItem( "^" + PATTERN_ITEM + "$" );
aRegExpItemGroups.setMinimal( true );
aRegExpItem.setMinimal( true );
int aPos = 0;
while ( ( aPos = aRegExpItemGroups.indexIn( theProperty, aPos ) ) != -1 )
aPos += aRegExpItemGroups.matchedLength();
QString aStrItem = aRegExpItemGroups.cap(1);
if ( aRegExpItem.indexIn( aStrItem ) < 0 )
// extract name
QString aStrName = aRegExpItem.cap( 1 );
QString aStrVisible = aRegExpItem.cap( 2 );
QString aStrType = aRegExpItem.cap( 3 );
QString aStrValues = aRegExpItem.cap( 4 );
// extract values
aStrName.replace( "::", ":" );
bool isVisible = aStrVisible.toInt() != 0;
int aType = aStrType.toInt();
RecordPtr aRecord;
switch ( aType )
case DimensionType_Length : aRecord = RecordPtr( new Length ); break;
case DimensionType_Diameter : aRecord = RecordPtr( new Diameter ); break;
case DimensionType_Angle : aRecord = RecordPtr( new Angle ); break;
QRegExp aRegExpValues;
switch ( aType )
case DimensionType_Length : aRegExpValues = QRegExp( "^" + PATTERN_LENGTH + "$" ); break;
case DimensionType_Diameter : aRegExpValues = QRegExp( "^" + PATTERN_DIAMETER + "$" ); break;
case DimensionType_Angle : aRegExpValues = QRegExp( "^" + PATTERN_ANGLE + "$" ); break;
if ( aRegExpValues.indexIn( aStrValues ) < 0 )
std::vector<double> aValues;
QStringList aStrListOfValues = aRegExpValues.capturedTexts();
QStringList::Iterator aStrListOfValuesIt = aStrListOfValues.begin();
++aStrListOfValuesIt; // skip first capture
for ( ; aStrListOfValuesIt != aStrListOfValues.end(); ++aStrListOfValuesIt )
aValues.push_back( (*aStrListOfValuesIt).toDouble() );
int aValueIt = 0;
aRecord->FromValues( aValueIt, aValues );
myVisibility.append( isVisible );
myNames.append( aStrName );
myRecords.append( aRecord );
// function : Destructor
// purpose :
@ -341,13 +686,77 @@ GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::~GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty()
// function : operator QVariant()
// purpose :
GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::operator QVariant()
GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::operator QVariant() const
QVariant aQVariant;
aQVariant.setValue( *this );
return aQVariant;
// function : operator QString()
// purpose :
GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::operator QString() const
QStringList anItems;
VectorOfVisibility::ConstIterator aVisibilityIt = myVisibility.constBegin();
VectorOfRecords::ConstIterator aRecordIt = myRecords.constBegin();
VectorOfNames::ConstIterator aNameIt = myNames.constBegin();
for ( ; aRecordIt != myRecords.constEnd(); ++aRecordIt, ++aNameIt, ++aVisibilityIt )
QString aName = *aNameIt;
const bool& isVisible = *aVisibilityIt;
const RecordPtr& aRecord = *aRecordIt;
// pack values
std::vector<double> aPacked;
aRecord->ToValues( aPacked );
// put values into pattern
QString aStringValues;
switch ( aRecord->Type() )
case DimensionType_Length : aStringValues = PATTERN_LENGTH; break;
case DimensionType_Diameter : aStringValues = PATTERN_DIAMETER; break;
case DimensionType_Angle : aStringValues = PATTERN_ANGLE; break;
int it = 0;
for ( ; it < aPacked.size(); ++it )
int aNextPos = aStringValues.indexOf("(.*)");
if ( aNextPos < 0 )
break; // invalid pattern
aStringValues.replace( aNextPos, 4, QString::number( aPacked.at(it) ) );
if ( it < aPacked.size() )
continue; // invalid pattern
// replace all ':' to '::' for pattern matching
aName.replace(":", "::");
QString("{ Name=") + aName +
QString(":") + QString("Visible=") + QString::number( isVisible ? 1 : 0 ) +
QString(":") + QString("Type=") + QString::number( (int) aRecord->Type() ) +
QString(":") + aStringValues + QString(" }") );
return anItems.join( ":" );
// function : operator ==
// purpose :
@ -651,129 +1060,11 @@ void GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::LoadFromAttribute( SalomeApp_Study* theStudy,
switch (aType)
case DimensionType_Length :
Length* aLength = new Length;
// custom plane [2,3,4,5]
Standard_Real A = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real B = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real C = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real D = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
aLength->Plane = gp_Pln( A, B, C, D );
// flyout size [6]
aLength->Flyout = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
// text flags [7,8]
aLength->TextHPos = (Prs3d_DimensionTextHorizontalPosition)(int)aPacked[it++];
aLength->TextVPos = (Prs3d_DimensionTextVerticalPosition) (int)aPacked[it++];
// arrow flags [9]
aLength->ArrowPos = (Prs3d_DimensionArrowOrientation) (int)aPacked[it++];
// point 1 [10,11,12]
Standard_Real aFirstX = aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aFirstY = aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aFirstZ = aPacked[it++];
aLength->FirstPoint = gp_Pnt( aFirstX, aFirstY, aFirstZ );
// point 2 [13,14,15]
Standard_Real aSecondX = aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aSecondY = aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aSecondZ = aPacked[it++];
aLength->SecondPoint = gp_Pnt( aSecondX, aSecondY, aSecondZ );
aRecord = RecordPtr( aLength );
case DimensionType_Diameter :
Diameter* aDiam = new Diameter;
// custom plane [2,3,4,5]
Standard_Real A = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real B = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real C = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real D = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
aDiam->Plane = gp_Pln( A, B, C, D );
// flyout size [6]
aDiam->Flyout = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
// text flags [7,8]
aDiam->TextHPos = (Prs3d_DimensionTextHorizontalPosition)(int)aPacked[it++];
aDiam->TextVPos = (Prs3d_DimensionTextVerticalPosition) (int)aPacked[it++];
// arrow flags [9]
aDiam->ArrowPos = (Prs3d_DimensionArrowOrientation) (int)aPacked[it++];
// circle location [10,11,12]
Standard_Real aLocX = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aLocY = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aLocZ = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
// circle normal [13,14,15]
Standard_Real aNormX = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aNormY = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aNormZ = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
// x-direction [16,17,18]
Standard_Real aXDirX = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aXDirY = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aXDirZ = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
// radius [19]
Standard_Real aRadius = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
gp_Ax2 anAx( gp_Pnt( aLocX, aLocY, aLocZ ),
gp_Dir( aNormX, aNormY, aNormZ ),
gp_Dir( aXDirX, aXDirY, aXDirZ ) );
aDiam->Circle = gp_Circ( anAx, aRadius );
aRecord = RecordPtr( aDiam );
case DimensionType_Angle :
Angle* anAngle = new Angle;
// flyout [2]
anAngle->Flyout = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
// text flags [3,4]
anAngle->TextHPos = (Prs3d_DimensionTextHorizontalPosition)(int)aPacked[it++];
anAngle->TextVPos = (Prs3d_DimensionTextVerticalPosition) (int)aPacked[it++];
// arrow flags [5]
anAngle->ArrowPos = (Prs3d_DimensionArrowOrientation) (int)aPacked[it++];
// point 1 [6,7,8]
Standard_Real aFirstX = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aFirstY = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aFirstZ = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
// point 2 [9,10,11]
Standard_Real aSecondX = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aSecondY = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aSecondZ = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
// center [12,13,14]
Standard_Real aCenterX = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aCenterY = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
Standard_Real aCenterZ = (Standard_Real) aPacked[it++];
anAngle->FirstPoint = gp_Pnt( aFirstX, aFirstY, aFirstZ );
anAngle->SecondPoint = gp_Pnt( aSecondX, aSecondY, aSecondZ );
anAngle->CenterPoint = gp_Pnt( aCenterX, aCenterY, aCenterZ );
aRecord = RecordPtr( anAngle );
case DimensionType_Length : aRecord = RecordPtr( new Length ); break;
case DimensionType_Diameter : aRecord = RecordPtr( new Diameter ); break;
case DimensionType_Angle : aRecord = RecordPtr( new Angle ); break;
aRecord->FromValues(it, aPacked);
myVisibility.append( isVisible );
myNames.append( aName );
@ -815,115 +1106,8 @@ void GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty::SaveToAttribute( SalomeApp_Study *theStudy,
// type [1]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aRecord->Type() );
switch ( aRecord->Type() )
case DimensionType_Length:
Length* aProps = aRecord->AsLength();
// custom plane [2,3,4,5]
Standard_Real A, B, C, D;
aProps->Plane.Coefficients( A, B, C, D );
aPacked.push_back( (double) A );
aPacked.push_back( (double) B );
aPacked.push_back( (double) C );
aPacked.push_back( (double) D );
// flyout size [6]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Flyout );
// text flags [7,8]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->TextHPos );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->TextVPos );
// arrow flags [9]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->ArrowPos );
// point 1 [10,11,12]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->FirstPoint.X() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->FirstPoint.Y() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->FirstPoint.Z() );
// point 2 [13,14,15]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->SecondPoint.X() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->SecondPoint.Y() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->SecondPoint.Z() );
case DimensionType_Diameter:
Diameter* aProps = aRecord->AsDiameter();
// custom plane [2,3,4,5]
Standard_Real A, B, C, D;
aProps->Plane.Coefficients( A, B, C, D );
aPacked.push_back( (double) A );
aPacked.push_back( (double) B );
aPacked.push_back( (double) C );
aPacked.push_back( (double) D );
// flyout size [6]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Flyout );
// text flags [7,8]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->TextHPos );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->TextVPos );
// arrow flags [9]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->ArrowPos );
// circle location [10,11,12]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Circle.Location().X() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Circle.Location().Y() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Circle.Location().Z() );
// circle normal [13,14,15]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Circle.Axis().Direction().X() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Circle.Axis().Direction().Y() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Circle.Axis().Direction().Z() );
// x-direction [16,17,18]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Circle.XAxis().Direction().X() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Circle.XAxis().Direction().Y() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Circle.XAxis().Direction().Z() );
// radius [19]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Circle.Radius() );
case DimensionType_Angle:
Angle* aProps = aRecord->AsAngle();
// flyout [2]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->Flyout );
// text flags [3,4]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->TextHPos );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->TextVPos );
// arrow flags [5]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->ArrowPos );
// point 1 [6,7,8]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->FirstPoint.X() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->FirstPoint.Y() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->FirstPoint.Z() );
// point 2 [9,10,11]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->SecondPoint.X() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->SecondPoint.Y() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->SecondPoint.Z() );
// center [12,13,14]
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->CenterPoint.X() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->CenterPoint.Y() );
aPacked.push_back( (double) aProps->CenterPoint.Z() );
// values
aRecord->ToValues( aPacked );
aRecordsAtt->AddColumn( aPacked );
aRecordsAtt->SetColumnTitle( it + 1, aName.toStdString() );
@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ public:
Diameter* AsDiameter() { return static_cast<Diameter*>( this ); }
Angle* AsAngle() { return static_cast<Angle*>( this ); }
virtual void ToValues(std::vector<double>& theValues) const = 0;
virtual void FromValues(int& theIt, const std::vector<double>& theValues) = 0;
DimensionType myType;
@ -140,6 +143,19 @@ public:
void Update( Handle(AIS_LengthDimension)& theIO, const gp_Ax3& theLCS );
* \brief Packs properties to array of doubles.
* \param theValues [out] the values vector to populate.
void ToValues(std::vector<double>& theValues) const;
* \brief Unpacks properties from array of doubles.
* \param theIt [in/out] the array index iterator.
* \param theValues [in] the vector of values.
void FromValues(int& theIt, const std::vector<double>& theValues);
* \brief Overload comparsion.
@ -195,6 +211,19 @@ public:
void Update( Handle(AIS_DiameterDimension)& theIO, const gp_Ax3& theLCS );
* \brief Packs properties to array of doubles.
* \param theValues [out] the values vector to populate.
void ToValues(std::vector<double>& theValues) const;
* \brief Unpacks properties from array of doubles.
* \param theIt [in/out] the array index iterator.
* \param theValues [in] the vector of values.
void FromValues(int& theIt, const std::vector<double>& theValues);
* \brief Overload comparsion.
@ -252,6 +281,19 @@ public:
void Update( Handle(AIS_AngleDimension)& theIO, const gp_Ax3& theLCS );
* \brief Packs properties to array of doubles.
* \param theValues [out] the values vector to populate.
void ToValues(std::vector<double>& theValues) const;
* \brief Unpacks properties from array of doubles.
* \param theIt [in/out] the array index iterator.
* \param theValues [in] the vector of values.
void FromValues(int& theIt, const std::vector<double>& theValues);
* \brief Overload comparsion.
@ -286,6 +328,11 @@ public:
GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty( SalomeApp_Study* theStudy, const std::string& theEntry );
* \brief Constructor. Inits property from formatted QString.
GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty( const QString& theProperty );
* \brief Destructor.
@ -294,7 +341,12 @@ public:
* \brief Overload QVariant cast operator.
operator QVariant();
operator QVariant() const;
* \brief Overload QString cast operator.
operator QString() const;
* \brief Overload comparsion.
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include "GEOMGUI_OCCSelector.h"
#include "GEOMGUI_Selection.h"
#include "GEOMGUI_CreationInfoWdg.h"
#include "GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty.h"
#include "GEOM_Constants.h"
#include "GEOM_Displayer.h"
#include "GEOM_AISShape.hxx"
@ -87,6 +88,7 @@
// External includes
#include <QDir>
#include <QSet>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QTime>
#include <QAction>
@ -2727,6 +2729,7 @@ void GeometryGUI::storeVisualParameters (int savePoint)
_PTR(IParameters) ip = ClientFactory::getIParameters(ap);
QSet<QString> anEntriesToStoreShared;
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*>::Iterator it;
@ -2758,6 +2761,13 @@ void GeometryGUI::storeVisualParameters (int savePoint)
if (!obj->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR"))
// remember entry of object to store shared GEOM properties
// (e.g. dimension properties).
if ( vType == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() )
anEntriesToStoreShared.insert( o_it.key() );
QString param, occParam = vType;
occParam += GEOM::sectionSeparator();
occParam += QString::number(aMgrId);
@ -2843,6 +2853,26 @@ void GeometryGUI::storeVisualParameters (int savePoint)
} // object iterator
} // for (views)
} // for (viewManagers)
// store dimension attributes of objects:
// since the displayed object always persists in property map, we remember the object entries
// on the passes when we store viewer related properties - to avoid extra iterations on GEOM component tree.
QString aDimensionParam = OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() + GEOM::sectionSeparator() + GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::Dimensions );
QSet<QString>::ConstIterator aEntryIt = anEntriesToStoreShared.constBegin();
for ( ; aEntryIt != anEntriesToStoreShared.constEnd(); ++aEntryIt )
std::string aStudyEntry = (*aEntryIt).toLatin1().data();
std::string aStoreEntry = ip->encodeEntry( aStudyEntry, componentName);
GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty aDimensions( appStudy, aStudyEntry );
if ( aDimensions.GetNumber() == 0 )
ip->setParameter( aStoreEntry, aDimensionParam.toStdString(), ((QString)aDimensions).toLatin1().data() );
@ -2899,12 +2929,36 @@ void GeometryGUI::restoreVisualParameters (int savePoint)
for (; namesIt != paramNames.end(); ++namesIt, ++valuesIt)
// visual parameters are stored in strings as follows: ViewerType_ViewIndex_ParamName.
// visual parameters are stored in strings as follows:
// 1) ViewerType_ViewIndex_ParamName
// 2) ViewerType_ParamName (shared for GEOM module)
// '_' is used as separator and should not be used in viewer type or parameter names.
QStringList lst = QString((*namesIt).c_str()).split( GEOM::sectionSeparator(), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (lst.size() != 3)
bool isShared = lst.size() == 2;
bool isViewer = lst.size() == 3;
if ( !isShared && !isViewer )
// shared visual parameters
if ( isShared )
QString aParamNameStr( lst[1] );
QString aValuesStr( (*valuesIt).c_str() );
// shared dimension properties are stored as attribute
if ( aParamNameStr == GEOM::propertyName( GEOM::Dimensions ) )
GEOMGUI_DimensionProperty aDimensionProp( aValuesStr );
aDimensionProp.SaveToAttribute( appStudy, entry.toLatin1().data() );
// per view visual parameters
viewerTypStr = lst[0];
viewIndexStr = lst[1];
QString paramNameStr = lst[2];
@ -358,6 +358,11 @@ bool MeasureGUI_CreateDimensionDlg::ClickOnApply()
if ( myDimension.IsNull() )
return true;
if ( !AddDimensionToOwner() )
return false;
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