1) The names of the annotations and geometrical objects are not updated in the "Dimensions/Annotations" data tree:
- Create any primitive, box for example.
- Create annotation with text 'My initial annotation'
- Call edit annotation dialog box and set text of the annotation to 'My updated annotation'
= > As a result text is updated in the viewer, but not in the "Dimensions/Annotations" data tree.
- Rename box
= > As a result name is updated in the SALOME Object Browser, but not in the "Dimensions/Annotations" data tree.
2) Popup menu in the "Dimensions/Annotations" data tree: "Show all annotations" / "Hide all annotation" menu items appear / work incorrect:
- "Show all annotations" / "Hide all annotation" menu items should appear only for "Annotations" root object and for concrete geometrical object
- "Show all annotations" / "Hide all annotation" menu items should work in the following way:
If popup menu is called for "Annotations" root object, then show / hide operations should be applied to all annotations.
If popup menu is called for concrete geometrical object, then show / hide operations should be applied only to annotations which belong to this concrete geometrical object.
1. firstly it is updated according to object browser visual state of corresponded object
1. if we update it here, action "created OCC view" will show previous shown objects.
- update annotations visible state int text tree widget according to active view
- store annotation visible attribute current visible state of the annotation's entry in the current view
- store/restore annotation visualized in view as study visual state