'Sketcher_Utils::MakeInterpolation' were changed to interpolate each spline
section by the cubic B-spline passing through the control points that the
tangent vector in each control point P is calculated by the following way:
- if point P is preceded by a control point A and is followed by a control point
B then the tangent vector is equal to (P - A) / |P - A| + (B - P) / |B - P|;
- if point P is preceded by a control point A but is not followed by any control
point then the tangent vector is equal to P - A;
- if point P is followed by a control point B but is not preceded by any control
point then the tangent vector is equal to B - P.
* Issue 0022845: EDF GEOM: [HYDRO] Hiding the coordinates system part of the dialog box in the polyline editor
- Disabled display of coordinate system combo box
* Issue 0022843: EDF GEOM: [HYDRO] Polyline using a former polyline
- Changed algorithm of polyline and spline construction
* Issue 0022846: EDF GEOM: [HYDRO] Creation of a polyline: add intermediate points and remove points
- Added possibility to add/remove/modify new or intermediate points, select and modify them
- Added possibility to drag and drop points in a view
- Set violet color for preview in temporary Z layer
- Changed behavior of selected object