// Copyright (C) 2013-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // File: CurveCreator_Curve.hxx // Author: Sergey KHROMOV #ifndef _CurveCreator_Curve_HeaderFile #define _CurveCreator_Curve_HeaderFile #include "CurveCreator_ICurve.hxx" #include "CurveCreator_Macro.hxx" #include "CurveCreator.hxx" #include "CurveCreator_Diff.hxx" #include #include #include struct CurveCreator_Section; class CurveCreator_Displayer; class AIS_Shape; class AIS_InteractiveObject; class Quantity_Color; class TopoDS_Shape; /** * The CurveCreator_Curve object is represented as one or more sets of * connected points; thus CurveCreator_Curve object can contain several * not connected curves (polylines or b-splines), each such curve has two * only ends "start and end points" in other words non-manifold curves * are not supported. */ class CURVECREATOR_EXPORT CurveCreator_Curve : public CurveCreator_ICurve { protected: typedef std::list ListDiff; public: //! Constructor of the curve. /** The dimension is explicitly specified in the constructor * and cannot be changed later. */ CurveCreator_Curve(const CurveCreator::Dimension theDimension); //! Destructor. virtual ~CurveCreator_Curve(); //! Get the dimension. virtual CurveCreator::Dimension getDimension() const; //! Return unique section name virtual std::string getUniqSectionName() const; //! Set curve creator Displayer object virtual void setDisplayer( CurveCreator_Displayer* theDisplayer ); //! Return curve creator Displayer object CurveCreator_Displayer* getDisplayer(); //! Remove curve creator Displayer object virtual void removeDisplayer(); /** Set depth of undo operations (unlimited if \a theDepth is -1 * or disabled if \a theDepth is 0) */ virtual void setUndoDepth(const int theDepth = -1); //! Get depth of undo operations. virtual int getUndoDepth() const; virtual void startOperation(); virtual void finishOperation(); /** * This method converts the point index to the index in * an array of coordinates. */ virtual int toICoord(const int theIPnt) const; //! For internal use only! Undo/Redo are not used here. virtual bool moveSectionInternal(const int theISection, const int theNewIndex); //! Move section to new position in list virtual bool moveSection(const int theISection, const int theNewIndex); protected: /** This method updates all undo/redo information required to be updated * after curve modification operation. It returns false if undo/redo * is disabled and true otherwise. */ virtual bool addEmptyDiff(); public: // TODO: remove public void getCoordinates( int theISection, int theIPoint, double& theX, double& theY, double& theZ ) const; protected: //TODO void redisplayCurve(bool preEraseAllObjects = true); public: /************ Implementation of INTERFACE methods ************/ /***********************************************/ /*** Undo/Redo methods ***/ /***********************************************/ //! Get number of available undo operations virtual int getNbUndo() const; //! Undo previous operation virtual bool undo(); //! Get number of available redo operations virtual int getNbRedo() const; //! Redo last previously "undone" operation virtual bool redo(); /***********************************************/ /*** Section methods ***/ /***********************************************/ //! For internal use only! Undo/Redo are not used here. virtual bool clearInternal(); //! Clear the polyline (remove all sections) virtual bool clear(); //! set erase-all state //! if true => erase all objects from viever, else remove only the current curve void SetEraseAllState(bool toEraseAll); //! get erase-all state //! if true => erase all objects from viever, else remove only the current curve bool GetEraseAllState() const; //! For internal use only! Undo/Redo are not used here. virtual bool joinInternal( const std::list& theSections ); //! Join list of sections to one section (join all if the list is empty) // The first section in the list is a leader, another sections are joined to it virtual bool join( const std::list& theSections ); //! Get number of sections virtual int getNbSections() const; //! For internal use only! Undo/Redo are not used here. virtual int addSectionInternal( const std::string &theName, const CurveCreator::SectionType theType, const bool theIsClosed, const CurveCreator::Coordinates &thePoints, const Quantity_Color& aColor); //! Add a new section. virtual int addSection( const std::string &theName, const CurveCreator::SectionType theType, const bool theIsClosed ); //! Add a new section. virtual int addSection( const std::string &theName, const CurveCreator::SectionType theType, const bool theIsClosed, const CurveCreator::Coordinates &thePoints); //! For internal use only! Undo/Redo are not used here. virtual bool removeSectionInternal( const int theISection ); //! Removes the given sections. virtual bool removeSection( const int theISection ); //! Get "closed" flag of the specified section virtual bool isClosed( const int theISection ) const; //! For internal use only! Undo/Redo are not used here. virtual bool setClosedInternal( const int theISection, const bool theIsClosed ); /** * Set "closed" flag of the specified section (all sections if * \a theISection is -1). */ virtual bool setClosed( const int theISection, const bool theIsClosed ); //! Sets color of section by index virtual bool setColorSection( int SectInd, Quantity_Color theNewColor ); //! For internal use only! Undo/Redo are not used here. virtual void setColorSectionInternal( int SectInd, Quantity_Color theNewColor ); virtual Quantity_Color getLastRemovedColor() const; virtual void popLastRemovedColor(); //! Gets color of section by index virtual Quantity_Color getColorSection( int SectInd ) const; //! Returns specifyed section name virtual std::string getSectionName( const int theISection ) const; //! For internal use only! Undo/Redo are not used here. virtual bool setSectionNameInternal( const int theISection, const std::string& theName ); /** Set name of the specified section */ virtual bool setSectionName( const int theISection, const std::string& theName ); //! Get type of the specified section virtual CurveCreator::SectionType getSectionType( const int theISection ) const; //! For internal use only! Undo/Redo are not used here. virtual bool setSectionTypeInternal( const int theISection, const CurveCreator::SectionType theType ); /** * Set type of the specified section (or all sections * if \a theISection is -1). */ virtual bool setSectionType( const int theISection, const CurveCreator::SectionType theType ); //! A virtual method. const CurveCreator_ISection* getSection(const int theSectionIndex) const { if (theSectionIndex >= 0 && theSectionIndex < mySections.size()) { return (CurveCreator_ISection*)mySections[theSectionIndex]; } return NULL; } //! A virtual method. CurveCreator_ISection* getSection(const int theSectionIndex) { return (CurveCreator_ISection*)mySections[theSectionIndex]; } /***********************************************/ /*** Point methods ***/ /***********************************************/ //! For internal use only! Undo/Redo are not used here. virtual bool addPointsInternal( const CurveCreator::SectionsMap &theSectionsMap ); /** * Add one point to the specified section starting from the given theIPnt index * (or at the end of points if \a theIPnt is -1). */ virtual bool addPoints( const CurveCreator::Coordinates &theCoords, const int theISection, const int theIPnt = -1 ); //! For internal use only! Undo/Redo are not used here. virtual bool setPointInternal( const CurveCreator::SectionsMap &theSectionsMap ); //! Set coordinates of specified point virtual bool setPoint( const int theISection, const int theIPnt, const CurveCreator::Coordinates& theNewCoords ); //! Set coordinates of specified points from different sections virtual bool setSeveralPoints( const SectionToPointCoordsList &theSectionToPntCoords, const bool theIsToSaveDiff = true ); //! For internal use only! Undo/Redo are not used here. virtual bool removePointsInternal( const SectionToPointList &thePoints ); /** Remove point with given id */ virtual bool removePoint( const int theISection, const int theIPnt = -1 ); //! Remove several points from different sections with given ids virtual bool removeSeveralPoints( const SectionToPointList &theSectionToPntIDs); //! Get coordinates of specified point virtual CurveCreator::Coordinates getPoint( const int theISection, const int theIPnt ) const; /** * Get points of a section (the total points in Curve if theISection is equal to -1).. */ virtual Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) GetDifferentPoints( int theISection = -1 ) const; CurveCreator::Coordinates getCoords( int theISection = -1 ) const; /** * Get number of points in specified section or (the total number of points * in Curve if theISection is equal to -1). */ virtual int getNbPoints( const int theISection ) const; /** * Set skip sorting flag. If the flag is true - points sorting will be skipped. */ virtual void setSkipSorting( const bool theIsToSkip ); /** * Indicates whether the points can be sorted. */ virtual bool canPointsBeSorted(); /** * Saves points coordinates difference. * \param theOldCoords the old points coordinates */ virtual void saveCoordDiff( const SectionToPointCoordsList &theOldCoords ); /***********************************************/ /*** Presentation methods ***/ /***********************************************/ /** * Get the curve AIS object */ virtual Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) getAISObject( const bool theNeedToBuild = false) const; protected: /** * Removes the points from the section. It sortes the points and remove them * in the decreasing order * \param theSectionId a section index * \param thePointIds a list of section points */ bool removeSectionPoints( const int theSectionId, const std::list& thePointIds ); /** * Converts the list of pairs of section to point into map of a section to list of points * \param thePoints an source list * \param theConvPoints a converted map */ void convert( const SectionToPointList &thePoints, std::map > &theConvPoints ); protected: virtual void constructAISObject(); protected: bool mySkipSorting; AIS_Shape* myAISShape; //!< AIS shape public: bool myIsLocked; CurveCreator::Sections mySections; //!< curve data CurveCreator::Dimension myDimension; //!< curve dimension CurveCreator_Displayer* myDisplayer; //!< curve displayer Quantity_Color myPointAspectColor; //Quantity_Color myCurveColor; double myLineWidth; NCollection_IndexedDataMap mySect2Wire; std::vector myCurSectInd; private: int myNbUndos; int myNbRedos; ListDiff::iterator myCurrenPos; ListDiff myListDiffs; int myUndoDepth; int myOpLevel; bool myEraseAll; std::vector myRemColors; }; #endif