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The are:</span> </b></p> <p class="whs1"><a HREF="#sewing"> </a></p> <ul type="disc" class="whs3"> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"> <a href="#Shape">Shape processing</a></p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"> <a HREF="#_Toc57113182">Suppress faces	</a></p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"> <a href="#CloseContour">Close contour</a></p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"> <a href="#SuppressInternalWires">Suppress internal wires</a><a HREF="#sewing">	</a></p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a HREF="#_Toc57113181"> <a HREF="#_Toc57113183">Suppress holes	</a></a></p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a HREF="#_Toc57113182"> </a><a HREF="#sewing">Sewing</a></p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"> <a href="#Glue_faces">Glue faces</a></p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"><a HREF="#_Toc57113183"> </a><a href="#AddPointOnEdge">Add point on edge</a></p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"> <a href="#CheckFreeBound">Check free boundaries</a></p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs1"> <a href="#Check_free_faces">Check free faces</a><a HREF="#_Toc57113183">	</a></p></li> </ul> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><img src="../i_blue.jpg" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="30px" height="30px" border="0" class="img_whs5"> The operations <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Suppress faces, Close contour, Suppress internal wires, Suppress holes </B></span><span>and </span><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Add point on edge </B></span><span>are available only if you are using </span><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>OCC viewer</B></span><span>. </span></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class=TODO>To apply repairing operations:</p> <p class=TODO> </p> <p class="whs6">In the main menu select <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Repair </B></span>submenu.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><a name=Shape><img src="../image41.gif" width="25px" height="24px" border="0" class="img_whs7"> <span style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"><font size=4 style="font-size:14pt;"><B>Shape processing</B></font></span></a></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Description:</b> Processes a shape using various operators.</font></span></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> GEOM_Object.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command:</b><i> </i><span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.ProcessShape(Shape, Operators, Parameters, Values)</I></span>, where Shape is a processed shape, Operators is a list of names of operators ("FixShape", "SplitClosedFaces", etc.), Parameters is a list of names of parameters (�FixShape.Tolerance3d�, etc), Values is a list of values of parameters in the same order as the Parameters list.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Arguments:</b> 1 or more shapes.</p> <table x-use-null-cells cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="whs8"> <script language='JavaScript'><!-- if ((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4)) document.write("</table><table x-use-null-cells cellspacing='0' width='100%' border='1' bordercolor='black' bordercolorlight='black' bordercolordark='black'>"); //--></script> <col class="whs9"> <col class="whs10"> <tr valign="top" class="whs11"> <td width="8.851%" class="whs12"> <p>1</td> <td width="91.149%" class="whs13"> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">SplitAngle � this operator is intended for splitting faces based on conical surfaces, surfaces of revolution and cylindrical surfaces by angle</font></span></p> <p class="whs4">SplitAngle.Angle � angle (in radians) defining size of result segments.</p> <p class="whs4">SplitAngle.MaxTolerance � maximal possible tolerance on result shape</td></tr> <tr valign="top" class="whs11"> <td width="8.851%" class="whs14"> <p>2</td> <td width="91.149%" class="whs15"> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">SplitClosedFaces � this operator is intended for dividing all closed faces in the shape according to the number of points.</font></span></p> <p class="whs4">SplitClosedFaces.NbSplitPoints � number of points for cutting each closed faces.</td></tr> <tr valign="top" class="whs11"> <td width="8.851%" class="whs14"> <p>3</td> <td width="91.149%" class="whs15"> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">FixFaceSize � this operator is intended for removing small faces (case of the spot face and strip face)</font></span></p> <p class="whs4">FixFaceSize.Tolerance � work tolerance defining which faces will be removed.</td></tr> <tr valign="top" class="whs11"> <td width="8.851%" class="whs14"> <p>4</td> <td width="91.149%" class="whs15"> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">DropSmallEdges � this operator is intended for removing small edges or merging with neigbour. </font></span></p> <p class="whs4">DropSmallEdges.Tolerance3d � work tolerance for detection and removing small edges.</td></tr> <tr valign="top" class="whs11"> <td width="8.851%" class="whs14"> <p>5</td> <td width="91.149%" class="whs15"> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">BsplineRestriction �this operator is intended for re-approximation BSplines curves and surfaces or conversion of the curves and surfaces to BSplines with specified parameters. </font></span></p> <p class="whs4">BSplineRestriction.SurfaceMode - mode of approximation of surfaces if restriction is necessary</p> <p class="whs4">BSplineRestriction.Curve3dMode -mode of conversion of any 3D curve to BSpline and approximation.</p> <p class="whs4">BSplineRestriction.Curve2dMode - mode of conversion of any 2D curve to BSpline and approximation</p> <p class="whs4">BSplineRestriction.Tolerance3d � work tolerance for definition of the possibility of the approximation of the surfaces and 3D curves with specified parameters.</p> <p class="whs4">BSplineRestriction.Tolerance2d - work tolerance for definition of the possibility of the approximation of the 2D curves with specified parameters.</p> <p class="whs4">BSplineRestriction.Continuity3d � desired continuity of the resultant surfaces and 3D curves.</p> <p class="whs4">BSplineRestriction.Continuity2d � desired continuity of the resultant 2D curves.</p> <p class="whs4">BSplineRestriction.RequiredDegree - required degree of the resultant BSplines</p> <p class="whs4">BSplineRestriction.RequiredNbSegments - required maximum number of segments of resultant BSp<span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">lines.</font></span></td></tr> <tr valign="top" class="whs11"> <td width="8.851%" class="whs14"> <p>6</td> <td width="91.149%" class="whs15"> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">SplitContinuity � this operator is intended for splitting shapes to achieve continuities of curves and surfaces less than specified ones. </font></span></p> <p class="whs4">SplitContinuity.Tolerance3d - 3D tolerance for correction of geometry.</p> <p class="whs4">SplitContinuity.SurfaceContinuity - required continuity for surfaces.</p> <p class="whs4">SplitContinuity.CurveContinuity - required continuity for curves.</td></tr> <tr valign="top" class="whs11"> <td width="8.851%" class="whs14"> <p>7</td> <td width="91.149%" class="whs15"> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">ToBezier - this operator is intended for conversion of the curves and surfaces of the all types into Bezier curves and surfaces. </font></span></p> <p class="whs4">ToBezier.SurfaceMode - mode of conversion of the surfaces.</p> <p class="whs4">ToBezier.Curve3dMode � mode for conversion of the 3D curves.</p> <p class="whs4">ToBezier.Curve2dMode � mode for conversion of the 2D curves.</p> <p class="whs4">ToBezier.MaxTolerance � max possible tolerance on the resultant shape.</td></tr> <tr valign="top" class="whs11"> <td width="8.851%" class="whs14"> <p>8</td> <td width="91.149%" class="whs15"> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">FixShape � this operator is intended for correction of the invalid shapes </font></span></p> <p class="whs4">FixShape.Tolerance3d � work tolerance for detection of the problems and correction of them.</p> <p class="whs4">FixShape.MaxTolerance3d - maximal possible tolerance of the shape after correction.</td></tr> <tr valign="top" class="whs11"> <td width="8.851%" class="whs14"> <p>9</td> <td width="91.149%" class="whs15"> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">SameParameter � this operator is intended for fixing edges having not same parameter 2D and 3D curves. </font></span></p> <p class="whs4">SameParameter.Tolerance3d � tolerance for detection and fix problems. </td></tr> <script language='JavaScript'><!-- if ((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4)) document.write("</table></table><table>"); //--></script> </table> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Dialog Box:</b></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs16"><img src="../pics/repair1.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="403px" height="469px" border="0" class="img_whs17"> </p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Example:</b></p> <p> </p> <p class="whs4">Shape before applying Shape Processing (FixShape operator).</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs16"><img src="../image154.jpg" width="300px" height="214px" border="0" class="img_whs18"> <img src="../image156.jpg" width="244px" height="214px" border="0" class="img_whs19"></p> <p class="whs20"> </p> <p class="whs1">The same shape after applying Shape Processing.</p> <p class="whs20"> </p> <p class="whs16"><img src="../image160.jpg" width="239px" height="214px" border="0" class="img_whs21"></p> <p class="whs20"> </p> <p class="whs20"> </p> <p class="whs20"><a NAME=_Toc57113182><img src="salome2_sp3_repairgui_functions_salome2_sp3_repairgui_functions_image121.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs22"><b> Suppress faces</b></a></p> <p class="whs1"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Description:</b> Suppresses a face of a shape.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> GEOM_Object (ListOfGeomShapes).</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command:</b><i> </i><span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.SuppressFaces(Shape, ListOfID)</I></span>, where Shape is a shape to be processed, ListOfID is a list of faces ID's to be removed.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Arguments:</b> Name + Faces which should be removed (you can select them in the 3D viewer).</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Dialog Box:</b></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs16"><img src="../pics/repair2.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="312px" height="289px" border="0" class="img_whs23"></p> <p class="whs16"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Example:</b></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs16"><img src="../image53.jpg" width="150px" height="131px" border="0" class="img_whs24"> <img src="../image54.jpg" width="150px" height="131px" border="0" class="img_whs24"></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs25"><a name=CloseContour><img src="salome2_sp3_repairgui_functions_salome2_sp3_repairgui_functions_image121.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs22"> Close contour</a></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Description :</b> Closes an open contour and modifies the underlying face (if needed) in accordance with user specified mode:</p> <ul type="disc" class="whs3"> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs4">By common vertex � a vertex is created between the end points of the contour and its tolerance is increased to a value of the gap between the ends of the contour;</p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs4">By new edge � a new edge is inserted between the end points of the contour.</p></li> </ul> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> GEOM_Object.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command:</b><i> </i><span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.CloseContour(Shape, Wires, IsCommonVertex)</I></span>, where Shape is a shape to be processed, Wires is a list of edges or wires ID�s which has to be closed within the shape (if the list contains only one element = -1, the shape itself is considered as a wire), IsCommonVertex if this parameter is True a closure has to be done by creation of a common vertex, otherwise an edge is added between the end vertices.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Arguments: <span style="font-weight: normal;">Name + 1 shape + contour</span> <span style="font-weight: normal;">(</span></b>Wire, or a set of Edges) + mode of closure (by vertex or by edge)</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Dialog Box:</b></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs26"><img src="../pics/repair3.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="312px" height="397px" border="0" class="img_whs27"></p> <p class="whs28"> </p> <p class="whs28">Example:</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"><font size=4 style="font-size:14pt;"><B><a name=SuppressInternalWires><img src="salome2_sp3_repairgui_functions_salome2_sp3_repairgui_functions_image121.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs22"></B></font></span> <span style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"><font size=4 style="font-size:14pt;"><B>Suppress internal wires</B></font></span></a></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Description :</b> Removes all internal wires or specified internal wires from user specified faces.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> GEOM_Object.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command:</b><i> </i><span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.SuppressInternalWires(Shape, Wires)</I></span>, where Shape is a shape where wires are to be removed, Wires is a list of wires ID�s to be removed; if the list is empty then all internal wires are removed.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Arguments:</b></p> <ul type="disc" class="whs3"> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs4">Name of the resulting object</p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs4">User specified face</p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs4">User specified internal wires (lying on this face except for its boundary), or, in case the <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Remove all internal wires</B></span> box is checked, all internal wires</p></li> </ul> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Dialog Box:</b></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs16"><img src="../pics/repair4.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="312px" height="350px" border="0" class="img_whs29"></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs28">Example:</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs16"><img src="../image163.jpg" width="200px" height="214px" border="0" class="img_whs30"> <img src="../image164.jpg" width="176px" height="214px" border="0" class="img_whs31"></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs20"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;"><a NAME=_Toc57113183><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><font size=4 style="font-size:14pt;"><img src="salome2_sp3_repairgui_functions_salome2_sp3_repairgui_functions_image122.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs22"><b style="font-size: 14pt;"> Suppress holes</b></a> </font></span></span></p> <p class="whs1"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Description :</b> </p> <ul> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">1st Constructor :</b> Suppresses a hole in a shape.</p></li> <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">2nd Constructor :</b> Suppresses a hole in a face.</p></li> </ul> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> GEOM_Object.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command:</b><i> </i><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-style: italic;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;"><I>geompy.SuppressHoles(Shape, ListOfWireID)</I></font></span><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;">, where Shape is a shape where holes must be removed, ListOfWireID is a list of wire sub shapes ID�s. If it is empty, then all holes are removed.</font></span></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Arguments: </b>Name + 1 shape + Wires which should be removed.</p> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Remove all holes </B></span>checkbox allows to fill all holes of a definite shape.</p> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Detect </B></span>button allows to display the number of free boundaries in your shape:</p> <p class="whs16"> </p> <p class="whs16"><img src="../pics/neo-detect2.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="343px" height="123px" border="0" class="img_whs32"></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Dialog Box:</b></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs16"> <img src="../pics/repair5.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="312px" height="381px" border="0" class="img_whs33"></p> <p class="whs16"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Example:</b></p> <p class="whs16"> </p> <p class="whs16"> <img src="../image109.jpg" width="150px" height="136px" border="0" class="img_whs34"> <img src="../image110.jpg" width="150px" height="136px" border="0" class="img_whs34"></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs1"><b style="font-weight: bold;"><a NAME=sewing style="font-size: 14pt;"><img src="salome2_sp3_repairgui_functions_salome2_sp3_repairgui_functions_image119.gif" width="20px" height="20px" border="0" class="img_whs22"> Sewing</a></b> </p> <p class="whs1"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Description:</b> Sew several shapes.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> GEOM_Object.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command :</b><i> </i><span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.MakeSewing(ListOfShape, Precision)</I></span>, where ListOfShape is list of shapes to be sewed, Precision is a precision for sewing.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Arguments:</b> Name + 1 or more shapes + 1 value (sew precision).</p> <p class="whs4"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Detect </B></span>button allows to display the number of free boundaries in your shape:</font></span></p> <p class="whs16"> </p> <p class="whs16"><img src="../pics/neo-detect2.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="343px" height="123px" border="0" class="img_whs32"></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Dialog Box:</b></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs16"><img src="../pics/repair6.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="312px" height="346px" border="0" class="img_whs35"></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Example:</b></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs16"><img src="../image112.jpg" width="150px" height="132px" border="0" class="img_whs36"> <img src="../image113.jpg" width="150px" height="132px" border="0" class="img_whs36"></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><a name=AddPointOnEdge><img src="../image42.gif" width="22px" height="22px" border="0" class="img_whs37"> <span style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"><font size=4 style="font-size:14pt;"><B>Add point on edge</B></font></span></a></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Description:</b> Splits an edge in two in accordance with the specified mode (by length or by parameter) and a value specifying the position of the point on edge (for example val =0.5; mode = Length). </p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> GEOM_Object.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command :</b><i> </i><span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.DivideEdge(Shape, EdgeID, Value, IsByParameter)</I></span>, where Shape is a shape which contains an edge to be divided, EdgeID is the ID of the edge to be divided, if it = -1, then Shape is an edge, Value is a paramter on the edge or a length. IsByParameter if it is True then Value is the edge parameter in the range [0:1] otherwise it is a length of the edge in the range [0:1]</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Arguments:</b> Name + 1 Edge + 1 value setting the position of the point according to one of the selected modes</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs38"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Dialog Box:</b></p> <p class="whs38"> </p> <p class="whs39"><img src="../pics/repair8.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="312px" height="388px" border="0" class="img_whs40"></p> <p class="whs41"> </p> <p class="whs42">Example:</p> <p class="whs41"> </p> <p class="whs43"><img src="../image167.jpg" width="200px" height="231px" border="0" class="img_whs44"> <img src="../image168.jpg" width="185px" height="231px" border="0" class="img_whs45"></p> <p class="whs46"> </p> <p class="whs46"> </p> <p class="whs46"> </p> <p class="whs46"><a name=Glue_faces><img src="../image61.gif" width="25px" height="24px" border="0" class="img_whs7"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"><font size=4 style="font-size:14pt;"><B> Glue faces</B></font></span></a></p> <p class="whs46"> </p> <p class="whs46"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Description:</b> Glues faces that are coincident with respect to the given tolerance </p> <p class="whs46">value.</p> <p class="whs46"> </p> <p class="whs46"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3 style="font-size:12pt;"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> GEOM_Object.</font></span></p> <p class="whs46"> </p> <p class="whs46"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command : </b><span style="font-style: italic;"><I>geompy.MakeGlueFaces(theShape, theTolerance)</I></span>, where theShape is a compound of shapesto be glued, theTolerance is a maximum distance between two faces, which can be considered as coincident.</p> <p class="whs46"><i><span style="font-style: italic;"><I> </I></span></i></p> <p class="whs46"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Arguments: <span style="font-weight: normal;">Name +</span> </b>1 <i><span style="font-style: normal;">Compound + Tolerance value</span></i></p> <p class="whs46"> </p> <p class="whs46"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Dialog Box:</b></p> <p class="whs46"> </p> <p class="whs47"><img src="../pics/repair7.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="312px" height="315px" border="0" class="img_whs48"></p> <p class="whs49"> </p> <p class="whs49"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Example:</b></p> <p class="whs49"> </p> <p class="whs50"><img src="../image201.jpg" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="200px" height="150px" border="0" class="img_whs51"> <img src="../image202.jpg" width="204px" height="150px" border="0" class="img_whs52"></p> <p class="whs53"> </p> <p class="whs53"> </p> <p class="whs53"> </p> <p class="whs54"><a name=CheckFreeBound><img src="../image44.gif" width="22px" height="22px" border="0" class="img_whs37"> <span style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"><font size=4 style="font-size:14pt;"><B>Check free boundaries</B></font></span></a></p> <p class="whs55"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Description:</b> Detects wires and edges that correspond to the shape's boundary, and highlights it</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> GEOM_Object. </p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command :</b><i><span style="font-style: italic;"> <I></i>(NoError, ClosedWires, OpenWires) = geompy.GetFreeBoundary(Shape)</I></span>, where Shape is a shape to be checked, NoError is false if an error occurred while checking free boundaries, ClosedWires is a list of closed free boundary wires, OpenWires is a list of open free boundary wires.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Arguments:</b> Shape</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs38"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Dialog Box:</b></p> <p class="whs38"> </p> <p class="whs26"><img src="../pics/repair9.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="243px" height="203px" border="0" class="img_whs56"></p> <p class="whs57"> </p> <p class="whs57"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Example:</b></p> <p class="whs57"> </p> <p class="whs57"><img src="../image170.jpg" width="209px" height="138px" border="0" class="img_whs58"> <img src="../image171.jpg" width="192px" height="138px" border="0" class="img_whs59"> <img src="../image172.jpg" width="191px" height="138px" border="0" class="img_whs60"></p> <p class="whs57"> </p> <p class="whs57"> </p> <p class="whs57"> </p> <p class="whs57"><a name=Check_free_faces><img src="../image10.gif" width="23px" height="22px" border="0" class="img_whs61"> <span style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"><font size=4 style="font-size:14pt;"><B>Check free faces</B></font></span></a></p> <p class="whs57"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Description: </b>Retrieves all free faces from a given shape.<span> A free face is a face not shared between two shells of the shape. </span></p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Result:</b> GEOM_Object. Returns a list of IDs of all free faces, contained in the shape.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">TUI Command :</b><i><span style="font-style: italic;"> <I></i>GetFreeFacesIDs(Shape)</I></span>, where Shape is a shape to be checked.</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs4"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Arguments:</b> Shape</p> <p class="whs4"> </p> <p class="whs38"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Dialog Box:</b></p> <p class="whs38"> </p> <p class="whs16"><img src="../pics/repair10.png" x-maintain-ratio="TRUE" width="322px" height="163px" border="0" class="img_whs62"></p> <p class="whs41"> </p> <p class="whs41"> </p> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2"> <!-- if (window.writeIntopicBar) writeIntopicBar(0); //--> </script> </body> </html>