/*! \page view_geom_obj_page Viewing geometrical objects Newly created geometrical objects are automatically displayed in the OCC 3D Viewer. OCC 3D Viewer is described in the documentation on GUI module. After the object has appeared in the Viewer, you can select it with left mouse click to change its presentation parameters and access to other useful options by right-clicking on the selected object. \image html dialog.png Some of these functionalities are available through right-clicking on the viewer background: \image html image22.png
The following commands appear in the Object Browser context menu under certain conditions: \image html ob_popup_menu.png
At the bottom of the Object Browser, there is \b Information window providing some information on a selected geometric object: \image html creation_op_info.png Information window - Creation operation shows a name of the operation used to create the selected object. - In a table under Creation operation, \b Parameter and \b Value are a name and a value of a parameter used to create the selected object. */