/*! \page reduce_study_page Reduce Study The user sometimes needs to keep in the study only some objects that present the final result(s) of the design operations and to delete all other objects which do not contribute to these results. The feature is especially useful when the user designs the whole model through the GUI and wants to generate simplified "clean" Python dump only at the end of the model construction with no "useless" objects in the %GEOM module. User can open dialog box by selecting desirable object(s) in Object Browser or OCC Viewer and calling "Reduce study" popup item. \image html reduce_study_dialog.png <ul> <li><b> Objects to be kept</b> - objects that will be kept in the study after applying operation of reduce study. The list of objects being selected by the user are highlighted in bold font.</li> <li><b> Objects to be removed</b> - objects that will be deleted.</li> \note Mentioned views provide possibility to show/hide object(s) in current Viewer using "eye" icon near each item of tree. Also user can show/hide ALL objects in tree by clicking "eye" icon in the head of tree view. <li><b> Intermediate objects</b> group box allows to choose an action that will be performed with the objects that took part in the operations chain to produce the selected object(s): <ul> <li>Keep - object(s) will be kept in the study;</li> <li>Unpublish - object(s) will be unpublished (hidden) from the study;</li> <li>Remove - object(s) will be removed from the study. \note Since use of this option can lead to the broken Dump Python script, the warning message will be shown at the operation commiting to confirm/reject removing intermediate objects.</li> </ul> </li> <li><b> Sub-objects</b> group box allows to choose the same operations for sub-objects of selected item(s): keep, unpublish or remove.</li> <li><b> Remove empty folders</b> - if this option is checked, then all folders, which will become empty after removing unused objects from the study, will be also removed; otherwise, empty folders will be kept.</li> <li><b> Soft removal</b> - if this option is checked, operation will just unpublish the redundant objects from the study instead of their hard delete. \n Soft removal would keep all the data in the study to give the user a chance to revert this operation using \ref publish_hidden_objects "Publish Objects" dialog box.</li> </ul> */