/*! \page create_arc_page Arc To create an \b Arc in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Basic - > Arc \n There are 2 algorithms to create an \b Arc in the 3D space. \n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge). \n Firstly, you can define an \b Arc by three \b Points that lie on it, where Point1 is the starting point, Point2 is a middle point of the arc and Point3 is the ending point of the arc. \n TUI Command: geompy.MakeArc(Point1, Point2, Point3) \n Arguments: Name + 3 vertices. \image html arc.png \n Secondly, you can define an \b Arc by \b Center, \b Start and \b End points. The arc is built from the \b Start point to the \b End point. The radius of the arc is defined by the distance between the \b Center point and the \b Start point. The \b End point defines the angle of the arc. If the distance between the \b Center point and the \b End point is not equal to the radius, the arc will be built anyway. \n \b Reverse radio button allows to change the direction of the arc. \n TUI Command: geompy.MakeArcCenter(Center Point, Start Point, End Point, boolean Sense) \n Arguments: Name + 3 vertices + Boolean. \image html arc2.png Finally, it is possible to create an Arc of Ellipse, which is also done by three points: the Arguments Point 1, Point 2 and the Center Point. The arc is built on the Ellipse that lies in the plane defined by the three points, with the center in the Center point. The major radius of the Ellipse is defined by the distance between the Center Point and the most remote Argument point. The minor radius is defined by the shortest distance between the other Argument point and the major radius. \n TUI Command: geompy.MakeArcOfEllipse(Center Point, First Point, Second Point) \n Arguments: Name + 3 vertices. \image html arcofellipse2.png \n Examples: \image html arcsn.png
Arc by three points lying on it.
\image html arcsn1.png
Arc by Start, End and Center.
\image html arcsn2.png
Reversed arc.
\image html arcofellipse1.png
Arc Of Ellipse.
Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of \ref tui_creation_arc "Basic Geometric Objects". */