/*! \page create_sphere_page Sphere \n To create a \b Sphere in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Primitives - > Sphere \n There are two algorithms for creation of a \b Sphere. \n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (SOLID). \n Firstly, you can define a \b Sphere by the Center Point and the \b Radius. \n TUI Command: geompy.MakeSphere(Point, Radius) \n Arguments: Name + 1 vertex + 1 value (Radius). \image html sphere1.png \n Secondly, you can define a \b Sphere with the center at the origin of coordinate system by the \b Radius. \n TUI Command: geompy. MakeSphereR(Radius) \n Arguments: Name + 1 value (Radius from the origin). \image html sphere2.png \n NB! The is another way to create a\b Sphere, which is currently accessible only via \b TUI commands. \n You can define the \b Sphere by the coordinates of the Center Point and its \b Radius (in this way you don't need to create it in advance). \n TUI Command: geompy.MakeSphere(X, Y, Z, Radius) Example: \image html spheres.png Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of \ref tui_creation_sphere "Primitives". */