\page create_explode_page Explode
To \b Explode an object into sub-shapes, in the Main Menu
select New Entity > Explode. This operation opens the
Sub Shapes Selection dialog box.
\image html neo-obj1.png
To create a list of sub-shapes (vertices, edges, wires etc.) of the
given shape using the \b Explode operation, you need to define the Main
Object, which will be exploded and the Type of Sub-shapes you wish to
obtain from it.
The \b Result of the operation will be a List of \b GEOM_Objects
(vertexes, edges, wires, faces, shells or solids).
Available choices in the Sub Shapes Type combo box depend on the type
of selected Main Object:
- \b Compound: to extract compounds;
- \b Compsolid: to extract compsolids;
- \b Solid: to extract solids;
- \b Shell: to extract shells;
- \b Face: to extract faces;
- \b Wire: to extract wires;
- \b Edge: to extract edges;
- \b Vertex: to extract vertices;
- \b Shape: to extract top-level contents of the compound shape;
- \b Flat: to extract "flat" contents of the compound shape.
Note: "flat" contents means top-level simple-type sub-shapes extracted from
the compound object recursively (i.e. there is no compounds in the result).
For example, if a compound C1 contains a solid S1 and another compound C2 that
contains solids S2 and S3 (see picture below):
- Explode operation with \b Shape type given as parameter will return S1 and C2;
- Explode operation with \b Flat type given as parameter will return S1, S2 and S3.
\image html flat_contents.png
Switching on Select Sub-shapes check box allows manual selection of sub-shapes
to be extracted from the main object. In this mode the user can select sub-shapes
directly in 3D viewer.
When Select Sub-shapes check box is switched on, additional \b Filter controls
allow to automatically pick up entites which satisfy specified threshold value(s).
The numerical functor for each sub-shape that is compared with threshold value(s)
is computed according to the shape's topological properties:
- length for edges and wires
- area for faces and shells
- volume for solids, compounds, compsolids
Filtering capabilities are not available for vertices.
In order to filter out some entities:
- Activate one or two filtering controls by switching on corresponding check boxes;
- Select required threshold comparator type; the following choices are available:
- Less Than or Equal or Less Than for the first comparator;
- Greater Than or Equal or Greater Than for the second comparator;
- Enter required threshold value (values);
- Press \b Apply button in the \b Filter group.
The entities which satisfy entered filtering parameters will be automatically highlighted
in the 3D viewer.
Using TUI Commands you can perform this operation in a
variety of ways:
- geompy.ExtractShapes(Shape, Type, isSorted) explodes a
Shape into sub-shapes of a given Type and returns a List of sub-shapes.
This method does not return the Shape itself if it matches the
- geompy.SubShapeAll(Shape, Type) explodes a Shape on
sub-shapes of a given Type and returns a List of sub-shapes.
- geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(Shape, Type) explodes a Shape on
sub-shapes of a given Type and returns a List of IDs of
- geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(Shape, Type) explodes a
shape on sub-shapes of a given type and sorts them taking into account
their gravity centers, to provide stable order of sub-shapes.
It returns a list of sub-shapes.
- geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentresIDs(Shape, Type) explodes
a shape on sub-shapes of a given type and sorts them taking into
account their gravity centers, to provide stable order of sub-shapes.
It returns a List of IDs of sub-shapes.
- geompy.SubShape(Shape, Type, ListOfInd) allows to obtain
a compound of sub-shapes of the Shape, selected by they indices in a
list of all sub-shapes of the given Type. Each index is in the range
[1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type].
- geompy.SubShapeSortedCentres(Shape, Type, ListOfInd)
allows to obtain a compound of sub-shapes of the Shape, selected by
they indices in sorted list of all sub-shapes of the given Type. Each
index is in the range [1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type]
Arguments: 1 SHAPE + 1 type of SubShape.
\image html explode.png "A box, exploded into faces"