/*! \page geom_field_page Working with Fields A field object allows assigning some values to geometrical entities. These values can be later transferred to mesh entities generated on the geometrical entities during export to MED file in Mesh module. Geometrical fields can be stored in/restored from \ref io_xao "XAO format" files. A field object assigns values to either - all vertices of a GEOM_Object or - all edges of a GEOM_Object or - all faces of a GEOM_Object or - all solids of a GEOM_Object or - the whole GEOM_Object. Values can be of one of the following types: - boolean, - integer, - double, - string. \note Only integer and double values can be exported into the MED file. The field can hold several named values (components) per a geometrical entity. The field can include several sets of data called \a steps, each dedicated to a certain time moment. A step is described by - an integer ID, - a time stamp number, - values. To create a field, in the Main Menu select New Entity -> Field -> Create Field. \image html create_field_dlg.png "Create Field dialog" In this dialog you can: Later you can modify the values and the time stamp number of a created field and to add/remove steps to it. To do it, choose Edit Field in a contextual menu of a field or step in the Object Browser. Python API for field manipulations includes the following commands:
field          = geompy.CreateField(shape, name, type, dimension, componentNames)
shape          = field.getShape()
name           = field.getName()
type           = field.getType()
dim            = field.getDimension()
componentNames = field.getComponents()
nbFileds       = geompy.CountFields(shape)
fields         = geompy.GetFields(shape)
field          = geompy.GetField(shape, name)

field.addStep(stepID, stamp, values)
nbSteps        = field.countSteps()
stepIDs        = field.getSteps()
stamp          = field.getStamp(stepID)
field.setStamp(stepID, stamp)
values         = field.getValues(stepID)
field.setValues(step, values)
Our TUI Scripts provide you with examples of \ref tui_geom_field_page "GEOM fields creation". */