/*! \page create_wire_page Wire \n To create a \b Wire in the <b>Main Menu</b> select <b>New Entity - > Build - > Wire</b> \n You can create a \b Wire from several connected edges and wires by selecting them in the object browser or in the viewer holding Shift button. \n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object (WIRE). \n <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.MakeWire(ListOfShape)</em> <b>Arguments:</b> Name + List of connected wires or edges. \n <b>Dialog Box:</b> \image html neo-obj3.png \n <b>Example:</b> \image html wiresn.png Our <b>TUI Scripts</b> provide you with useful examples of creation of \ref tui_creation_wire "Advanced Geometric Objects". */