/*! \page create_divideddisk_page DividedDisk The Divided disk object is a disk divided into \b blocks. It means that it's a shape prepared for hexaedral meshing. \n Moreover this shape can be used as a basis in an \ref create_extrusion_alongpath_page "Extrusion along a path" operation in order to obtain any tube shape prepared for hexaedral meshing (see example below). Example: \image html divided_disk.png To create a Divided Disk in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Advanced - > DividedDisk \n Then there are 2 ways to create a Divided Disk in 3D space. \n For both operations : Specify the parameters of the DividedDisk object creation in the opened dialog box and press "Apply" or "Apply & Close" button. Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object. \n First way : by radius and orientation (plane "OXY", "OYZ" or "OZX"). The resulting disk is located at the origin of coordinates TUI Command: geompy.MakeDividedDisk(Radius, Orientation) Arguments: - \b Radius - Radius of the disk - \b Orientation - Plane on wich the disk will be built \image html divided_disk_dlg.png \n Second way : by giving its center, normal and radius. TUI Command: geompy.MakeDividedDiskPntVecR(Center, Vector, Radius) Arguments: - \b Center - Center of the disk - \b Vector - Normal to the plane of the disk - \b Radius - Radius of the disk \image html divided_disk_PntVecR_dlg.png Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of \ref tui_creation_divideddisk "Advanced objects". */