
\page create_explode_page Explode

\n To \b Explode an object into subshapes, in the <b>Main Menu</b>
select <b>New Entity > Explode</b>.

\n To create a list of  subshapes (vertices, edges, wires etc.) of the
given shape using the \b Explode operation, you need to define the <b>Main
Object</b>, which will be exploded and the <b>Type of Subshapes</b> you wish to
obtain from it.
\n The \b Result of the operation will be a List of \b GEOM_Objects
(vertexes, edges, wires, faces, shells or solids).

\n Using <b>TUI Commands</b> you can perform this operation in a
variety of ways:
<li><em>geompy.SubShapeAll(Shape, Type)</em> explodes a Shape on
subshapes of a given Type and returns a List of sub-shapes.</li>
<li><em>geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(Shape, Type)</em> explodes a Shape on
subshapes of a given Type and returns a List of IDs of
<li><em>geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Shape, Type)</em> xplodes a shape on
subshapes of a given type and sorts them by coordinates of their
gravity centers, returning      a list of sub-shapes.</li>
<li><em>geompy.SubShapeAllSortedIDs(Shape, Type)</em> explodes a shape
on subshapes of a given type and sorts them by coordinates of their
gravity centers,  returning a List of IDs of sub-shapes.</li>
<li><em>geompy.SubShape(Shape, Type, ListOfInd)</em> allows to obtain
a compound of sub-shapes of  the Shape,  selected by they indices in a
list of all sub-shapes of the given Type. Each index is in the range
[1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type].</li>
<li><em>geompy.SubShapeSorted(Shape, Type, ListOfInd)</em> allows to
obtain a compound of sub-shapes of the Shape, selected by they indices
in sorted list of all sub-shapes of the given Type. Each index is in
the range [1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type]</li>

\n <b>Arguments:</b>1 SHAPE + 1 type of SubShape.

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