/*! \page create_pipetshape_page PipeTShape To create a \b PipeTShape in the Main Menu select New Entity -> Primitives -> PipeTShape Specify the parameters of the PipeTShape object in the opened dialog box and press "Apply" or "Apply & Close" button. The result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object. TUI Command: geompy.MakePipeTShape(R1, W1, L1, R2, W2, L2, HexMesh=True, P1=None, P2=None, P3=None) Arguments: - \b R1 - Radius of the main T-shape pipe. - \b W1 - Thickness of the main T-shape pipe. - \b L1 - Length of the main T-shape pipe. - \b R2 - Radius of the incident T-shape pipe. - \b W2 - Thickness of the incident T-shape pipe. - \b L2 - Length of the incident T-shape pipe. - \b HexMesh - If True, the shape is splitted into blocks (suitable for hexaedral mesh). - \b P1 - First junction point of the main pipe (GEOM Vertex). - \b P2 - Second junction point of the main pipe (GEOM Vertex). - \b P3 - Junction point of the incident pipe (GEOM Vertex). \n Advanced options \ref preview_anchor "Preview" \image html pipetshape_dlg.png Example: \image html pipetshape.png A Pipe T-Shape can be created with a chamfer at the junction of the main and the incident pipes: TUI Command: geompy.MakePipeTShapeChamfer(R1, W1, L1, R2, W2, L2, H, W, HexMesh=True, P1=None, P2=None, P3=None) The arguments are the same as of the normal Pipe T-Shape plus: - \b H - Height of the chamfer along the incident pipe. - \b W - Width of the chamfer along the main pipe. Example: \image html pipetshapechamfer.png A Pipe T-Shape can be created with a fillet at the junction of the main and the incident pipes: TUI Command: geompy.MakePipeTShapeFillet(R1, W1, L1, R2, W2, L2, RF, HexMesh=True, P1=None, P2=None, P3=None) The arguments are the same as of the normal Pipe T-Shape plus: - \b RF - Radius of the fillet. Example: \image html pipetshapefillet.png Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of \ref tui_creation_pipetshape "Advanced objects". */