Repairing geometrical objects

Repairing operations are used for adjustment and modification of created geometrical shapes. The are:



The operations Suppress faces, Close contour, Suppress internal wires, Suppress holes and Add point on edge are available only if you are using OCC viewer.


To apply repairing operations:


In the main menu select Repair submenu.


Shape processing


Description: Processes a shape using various operators.


Result: GEOM_Object.


TUI Command: geompy.ProcessShape(Shape, Operators, Parameters, Values), where Shape is a processed shape, Operators is a list of names of operators ("FixShape", "SplitClosedFaces", etc.), Parameters is a list of names of parameters (“FixShape.Tolerance3d”, etc), Values is a list of values of parameters in the same order as the Parameters list.


Arguments: 1 or more shapes.


SplitAngle – this operator is intended for splitting faces based on conical surfaces, surfaces of revolution and cylindrical surfaces by angle

SplitAngle.Angle – angle (in radians) defining size of result segments.

SplitAngle.MaxTolerance – maximal possible tolerance on result shape


SplitClosedFaces – this operator is intended for dividing all closed faces in the shape according to the number of points.

SplitClosedFaces.NbSplitPoints – number of points for cutting each closed faces.


FixFaceSize – this operator is intended for removing small faces (case of the spot face and strip face)

FixFaceSize.Tolerance – work tolerance defining which faces will be removed.


DropSmallEdges – this operator is intended for removing small edges or merging with neigbour.  

DropSmallEdges.Tolerance3d – work tolerance for detection and removing small edges.


BsplineRestriction –this operator is intended for re-approximation BSplines curves and surfaces or conversion of the curves and surfaces to BSplines with specified parameters.

BSplineRestriction.SurfaceMode - mode of approximation of surfaces if restriction is necessary

BSplineRestriction.Curve3dMode -mode of conversion of any 3D curve to BSpline and approximation.

BSplineRestriction.Curve2dMode - mode of conversion of any 2D curve to BSpline and approximation

BSplineRestriction.Tolerance3d – work tolerance for definition of the possibility of the approximation of the surfaces and 3D curves with specified parameters.

BSplineRestriction.Tolerance2d - work tolerance for definition of the possibility of the approximation of the 2D curves with specified parameters.

BSplineRestriction.Continuity3d – desired continuity of the resultant surfaces and 3D curves.

BSplineRestriction.Continuity2d – desired continuity of the resultant 2D curves.

BSplineRestriction.RequiredDegree - required degree of the resultant BSplines

BSplineRestriction.RequiredNbSegments - required maximum number of segments of resultant BSplines.


SplitContinuity – this operator is intended for splitting shapes to achieve continuities of curves and surfaces less than specified ones.

SplitContinuity.Tolerance3d - 3D tolerance for correction of geometry.

SplitContinuity.SurfaceContinuity - required continuity for surfaces.

SplitContinuity.CurveContinuity - required continuity for curves.


ToBezier - this operator is intended for conversion of the curves and surfaces of the all types into Bezier curves and surfaces.

ToBezier.SurfaceMode - mode of conversion of the surfaces.

ToBezier.Curve3dMode – mode for conversion of the 3D curves.

ToBezier.Curve2dMode – mode for conversion of the 2D curves.

ToBezier.MaxTolerance – max possible tolerance on the resultant shape.


FixShape – this operator is intended for correction of the invalid shapes

FixShape.Tolerance3d – work tolerance for detection of the problems and correction of them.

FixShape.MaxTolerance3d - maximal possible tolerance of the shape after correction.


SameParameter – this operator is intended for fixing edges having not same parameter 2D and 3D curves.

SameParameter.Tolerance3d – tolerance for detection and fix problems.



Dialog Box:






Shape before applying Shape Processing (FixShape operator).




The same shape after applying Shape Processing.




Suppress faces


Description: Suppresses a face of a shape.


Result: GEOM_Object (ListOfGeomShapes).


TUI Command: geompy.SuppressFaces(Shape, ListOfID), where Shape is a shape to be processed, ListOfID is a list of faces ID's to be removed.


Arguments: Name + Faces which should be removed (you can select them in the 3D viewer).


Dialog Box:







Close contour


Description : Closes an open contour and modifies the underlying face (if needed) in accordance with user specified mode:


Result: GEOM_Object.


TUI Command: geompy.CloseContour(Shape, Wires, IsCommonVertex), where Shape is a shape to be processed, Wires is a list of edges or wires ID’s which has to be closed within the shape (if the list contains only one element = -1, the shape itself is considered as a wire),  IsCommonVertex if this parameter is True a closure has to be done by creation of a common vertex, otherwise an edge is added between the end vertices.


Arguments: Name + 1 shape + contour (Wire, or a set of Edges) + mode of closure (by vertex or by edge)


Dialog Box:





Suppress internal wires


Description : Removes all internal wires or specified internal wires from user specified faces.


Result: GEOM_Object.


TUI Command: geompy.SuppressInternalWires(Shape, Wires), where Shape is a shape where wires are to be removed, Wires is a list of wires ID’s to be removed; if the list is empty then all internal wires are removed.





Dialog Box:








Suppress holes


Description :


Result: GEOM_Object.


TUI Command: geompy.SuppressHoles(Shape, ListOfWireID), where Shape is a shape where holes must be removed, ListOfWireID is a list of wire sub shapes ID’s. If it is empty, then all holes are removed.


Arguments: Name + 1 shape + Wires which should be removed.

Remove all holes checkbox allows to fill all holes of a definite shape.

Detect button allows to display the number of free boundaries in your shape:



Dialog Box:












Description: Sew several  shapes.


Result: GEOM_Object.


TUI Command : geompy.MakeSewing(ListOfShape, Precision), where ListOfShape is list of shapes to be sewed, Precision is a precision for sewing.


Arguments: Name + 1 or more shapes + 1 value (sew precision).

Detect button allows to display the number of free boundaries in your shape:




Dialog Box:









Add point on edge


Description: Splits an edge in two in accordance with the specified mode (by length or by parameter) and a value specifying the position of the point on edge (for example val =0.5; mode = Length).


Result: GEOM_Object.


TUI Command : geompy.DivideEdge(Shape, EdgeID, Value, IsByParameter), where Shape is a shape which contains an edge to be divided, EdgeID is the ID of the edge to be divided, if it = -1, then Shape is an edge, Value is a paramter on the edge or a length. IsByParameter if it is True then Value is the edge parameter in the range [0:1] otherwise it is a length of the edge in the range [0:1]


Arguments: Name + 1 Edge + 1 value setting the position of the point according to one of the selected modes


Dialog Box:









Glue faces


Description: Glues faces that are coincident with respect to the given tolerance



Result: GEOM_Object.


TUI Command : geompy.MakeGlueFaces(theShape, theTolerance), where theShape is a compound of shapesto be glued, theTolerance is a maximum distance between two faces, which can be considered as coincident.


Arguments: Name + 1 Compound + Tolerance value


Dialog Box:









Check free boundaries


Description: Detects wires and edges that correspond to the shape's boundary, and highlights it


Result: GEOM_Object.


TUI Command : (NoError, ClosedWires, OpenWires) = geompy.GetFreeBoundary(Shape), where Shape is a shape to be checked, NoError is false if an error occurred while checking free boundaries, ClosedWires is a list of closed free boundary wires, OpenWires is a list of open free boundary wires.


Arguments: Shape


Dialog Box:









Check free faces


Description: Retrieves all free faces from a given shape. A free face is a face not shared between two shells of the shape.


Result: GEOM_Object. Returns a list of IDs of all free faces, contained in the shape.


TUI Command : GetFreeFacesIDs(Shape), where Shape is a shape to be checked.


Arguments: Shape


Dialog Box: