To create a Local Coordinate System in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Basic - > Local Coordinate System
You can enter the values of X, Y, and Z coordinates of origin in the corresponding fields of the dialog box, or select a point in the object browser or 3D viewer, in this case the coordinates of origin are automatically filled in with the coordinates of the selected point.
The user then specifies components of X and Y axes direction.
Preview of the new LCS (small trihedron located and oriented according to parameters of LCS) is displayed in the 3D viewer and updated as soon as the user modifies some parameter.
Then the user presses «OK» or «Apply» button to create an LCS at the location with the specified coordinates. The new object is shown in the Object Browser and in 3D viewer.
TUI command: geompy.MakeMarker(OX, OY, OZ, XDX, XDY, XDZ, YDX, YDY, YDZ), where OX, OY, OZ are coordinates of the origin of LCS, XDX, XDY, XDZ is a vector of OX direction of the LCS and YDX, YDY, YDZ is a a vector of OY direction of the LCS.
1st Constructor : Name + Coordinates of origin, X axis direction, Y axis direction
2nd Constructor : Name + reference object.
3rd Constructor : Name + 1 point of origin + X axis direction, Y axis direction.
Dialog Box: