
To create a Face in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Build - > Face


To create a Face you need to select a wire, whose elements will be connected so that the surface of the resulting object was minimal. Check Try to create a planar face to create a planar face or nothing if it is impossible.

The Result will be a GEOM_Object (FACE).


TUI Command: geompy.MakeFace(Wire, isPlanarWanted)

Arguments: Name + 1 wire.



TUI commands give you some advanced possibilities.


geompy.MakeFaceWires(Wires, isPlanarWanted) - Creates a face on the given wires set. The argument is not a single wire, but a list of wires.

geompy.MakeFaces(Wires, isPlanarWanted) is a shortcut to MakeFaceWires().






Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of Advanced Geometric Objects.