
To produce a Fillet in the Main Menu select Operations - > Transformation - > Fillet  


This operation creates fillets on the edges of a shape.

The Result will be a GEOM_Object.


To create fillets on all edges of the given shape, you need to define the Main Object to create a fillet on and the Radius of the Fillet.  

TUI Command: geompy.MakeFilletAll(Shape, R)

Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 1 value (fillet radius).



To create fillets  on the specified edges or faces of the given shape,  you need to define the Main Object to create a fillet on, select the necessary edges or faces in the object browser or in the viewer and define the  Radius of the Fillet.

TUI Command: geompy.MakeFillet(Shape, R, ShapeType, ListShapes)

Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 1 Selection of edges (or faces) + 1 value (Fillet radius).






Fillet on all                                           Fillet on an edge                             Fillet on a Face




Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation Operations.