To Explode an object into subshapes, in the main menu select New Entity > Explode.
To create a list of subshapes (vertices, edges, wires etc.) of the given shape using the Explode operation, you need to define the Main Object, which will be exploded and the Type of Subshapes you wish to obtain from it.
The Result of the operation will be a List of GEOM_Objects (edges, faces, solids or compsolids).
Using TUI Commands you can perform this operation in a variety of ways:
geompy.SubShapeAll(Shape, Type) explodes a Shape on subshapes of a given Type and returns a List of sub-shapes.
geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(Shape, Type) explodes a Shape on subshapes of a given Type and returns a List of IDs of sub-shapes.
geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Shape, Type) explodes a shape on subshapes of a given type and sorts them by coordinates of their gravity centers, returning a list of sub-shapes.
geompy.SubShapeAllSortedIDs(Shape, Type) explodes a shape on subshapes of a given type and sorts them by coordinates of their gravity centers, returning a List of IDs of sub-shapes.
geompy.SubShape(Shape, Type, ListOfInd) allows to obtain a compound of sub-shapes of the Shape, selected by they indices in a list of all sub-shapes of the given Type. Each index is in the range [1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type].
geompy.SubShapeSorted(Shape, Type, ListOfInd) allows to obtain a compound of sub-shapes of the Shape, selected by they indices in sorted list of all sub-shapes of the given Type. Each index is in the range [1, Nb_Sub-Shapes_Of_Given_Type]
Arguments: 1 SHAPE + 1 type of SubShape.