/*! \page common_operation_page Common To produce a \b Common operation in the Main Menu select Operations - > Boolean - > Common This operation cuts the common part of a list of shapes and transforms it into an independent geometrical object. The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. TUI Command: geompy.MakeCommonList(theShapesList, checkSelfInte)\n Arguments: Name + a list of shapes + an optional flag for self-intersection check.\n Advanced option: \ref restore_presentation_parameters_page "Set presentation parameters and sub-shapes from arguments". \image html bool2.png "Common dialog" \note This algorithm doesn't find all types of self-intersections. It is tuned to detect vertex/vertex, vertex/edge, edge/edge, vertex/face and edge/face intersections. Face/face intersections detection is switched off as it is a time-consuming operation that gives an impact on performance. To find all self-intersections please use \ref check_self_intersections_page "Detect Self-intersection tool". For a particular case with two shapes for the Common operation there is the following TUI command: TUI Command: geompy.MakeCommon(s1, s2, checkSelfInte)\n Arguments: Name + 2 shapes + an optional flag for self-intersection check. Example: \image html fusesn1.png "The initial shapes" \image html commonsn.png "The resulting object" Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of \ref tui_common "Boolean Operations". More details For a detailed description of the Boolean operations please refer to this document. It provides a general review of the Partition and Boolean operations algorithms, describes the usage methodology and highlights major limitations of these operations. */