@default BRep_API: command not done Error: can't build object CHANGE_ORIENTATION_NEW_OBJ_NAME Invert CLOSE_CONTOUR_NEW_OBJ_NAME CloseContour DEP_OBJECT Selected object has been used to create another one. It can't be deleted DEVIDE_EDGE_NEW_OBJECT_NAME NewObject ERROR_SHAPE_TYPE Object of incorrect type selected! Please, select face, shell or solid and try again iErr : 10 the Classifier is NULL iErr : 11 the Shape is NULL iErr : 12 Unallowed Type of Subshape iErr : 13 Unallowed State iErr : 15 Unallowed Surface Type iErr : 20 Triangulation is not Found iErr : 30 Can not Obtain the Line From the Link iErr : 40 A Point Can Not Be Classified iErr : 41 Invalid Data for Classifier GEOM_2D_CONTINUTY 2D continuity GEOM_2D_CURVE_MODE 2D curve mode GEOM_2D_TOLERANCE 2D tolerance GEOM_3D_CONTINUTY 3D continuity GEOM_3D_CURVE_MODE 3D curve mode GEOM_3D_TOLERANCE 3D tolerance GEOM_3_POINTS 3 points GEOM_ADD_POINT Add point GEOM_ANGLE Angle : GEOM_ANGLE_1 Angle GEOM_ARC_ELLIPSE Arc of ellipse GEOM_ARC Arc GEOM_ARCHIMEDE Archimede GEOM_ARCHIMEDE_TITLE Archimede Construction GEOM_ARC_TITLE Arc Construction GEOM_ARGUMENTS Arguments GEOM_AXE_MIRROR Axe Mirror GEOM_AXIS Axis GEOM_BASE Base GEOM_BASE_OBJECT Base Object GEOM_BASE_POINT Base Point GEOM_BEZIER Bezier GEOM_BINORMAL BiNormal GEOM_BLOCK Hexahedral Solid GEOM_BLOCKS_COMPOUND BlocksCompound GEOM_BLOCK_EXPLODE Sub Blocks GEOM_BLOCK_EXPLODE_TITLE Sub Blocks Selection GEOM_BLOCK_MULTITRSF Block Multi-Transformation GEOM_BLOCK_MULTITRSF_DOUBLE Multi-Transformation Double GEOM_BLOCK_MULTITRSF_SIMPLE Multi-Transformation Simple GEOM_BLOCK_MULTITRSF_TITLE Block Multi-Transformation GEOM_BLOCK_TITLE Hexahedral Solid Construction GEOM_BNDBOX Bounding Box GEOM_BNDBOX_OBJDIM Object And Its Dimensions GEOM_BNDBOX_TITLE Bounding Box Information GEOM_BOX Box GEOM_BOX_OBJ Dimensions At Origin GEOM_BOX_TITLE Box Construction GEOM_BSplineRestriction BSplineRestriction GEOM_BUT_APPLY &Apply GEOM_BUT_CANCEL &Cancel GEOM_BUT_CLOSE &Close GEOM_BUT_CLOSE_SKETCH Sketch Closure GEOM_BUT_END_SKETCH Sketch Validation GEOM_BUT_EXPLODE &Explode GEOM_BUT_HELP &Help GEOM_BUT_NO &No GEOM_BUT_OK O&k GEOM_BUT_APPLY_AND_CLOSE A&pply and Close GEOM_BUT_YES &Yes GEOM_BY_LENGTH By length GEOM_BY_PARAMETER By parameter GEOM_CENTER Center GEOM_CENTER_DEFAULT (Origin by default) GEOM_CENTER_POINT Center Point GEOM_CENTRAL_POINT Central Point GEOM_CHAMFER Chamfer GEOM_CHAMFER_ABORT Chamfer can't be computed with %1 and %2 GEOM_CHAMFER_ALL Chamfer On Whole Shape GEOM_CHAMFER_EDGES Chamfer On Edges From Shape GEOM_CHAMFER_FACES Chamfer On Faces From Shape GEOM_CHAMFER_TITLE Chamfer Construction GEOM_CHANGE_ORIENTATION Objects to change orientation GEOM_CHANGE_ORIENTATION_TITLE Change orientation GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND Check and Improve Blocks Compound GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_FAILED Check failed GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_ERRORS Errors GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_HAS_ERRORS The Compound of Blocks has errors GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_HAS_NO_ERRORS The Compound of Blocks has no errors GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_SUBSHAPES Incriminated Sub-Shapes GEOM_CHECK_INFOS Object And Its Topological Information GEOM_CHECK_SHAPE Check Shape GEOM_CHECK_TITLE Check Shape Information GEOM_CIRCLE Circle GEOM_CIRCLE_TITLE Circle Construction GEOM_CLOSECONTOUR_TITLE Close contour GEOM_CMASS Center Of Mass GEOM_CMASS_TITLE Center Of Mass Construction GEOM_COMMON Common GEOM_COMMON_TITLE Common Of Two Objects GEOM_COMPOUND Compound GEOM_COMPOUNDSOLID CompSolid GEOM_COMPOUND_TITLE Create A Compound GEOM_CONE Cone GEOM_CONE_TITLE Cone Construction GEOM_CONFIRM Confirm operation GEOM_CONFIRM_INFO Shape contains %1 sub shapes ! GEOM_COOR Coord. : GEOM_COORDINATES Coordinates GEOM_COORDINATES_RES Result coordinates GEOM_CREATE_COPY Create a copy GEOM_CREATE_SINGLE_SOLID Create a single solid GEOM_CURVE Curve GEOM_CURVE_CONTINUTY Curve continuity GEOM_CURVE_TITLE Curve Construction GEOM_CUT Cut GEOM_CUT_TITLE Cut Of Two Objects GEOM_CYLINDER Cylinder GEOM_CYLINDER_TITLE Cylinder Construction GEOM_D1 D1 : GEOM_D2 D2 : GEOM_DETECT Detect GEOM_DIAGONAL_POINTS Diagonal Points GEOM_DISK Disk GEOM_DISK_TITLE Disk Construction GEOM_DIMENSIONS Dimensions GEOM_DISTANCE Distance GEOM_DIVIDE_EDGE_TITLE Addition of point GEOM_DX Dx : GEOM_DY Dy : GEOM_DZ Dz : GEOM_DropSmallEdges DropSmallEdges GEOM_EDGE Edge GEOM_EDGE_TITLE Create An Edge GEOM_ELLIPSE Ellipse GEOM_ELLIPSE_ERROR_1 Error creating ellipse. Reason: minor radius is greater than major radius. GEOM_ELLIPSE_TITLE Ellipse Construction GEOM_END_LCS End LCS GEOM_ERROR Error GEOM_ERROR_STATUS Operation status GEOM_ERR_GET_ENGINE Failed to obtain GEOM Engine component. Reload Geometry module and try again. GEOM_ERR_LIB_NOT_FOUND GUI library corresponding to the user action can not be found or loaded GEOM_EXTRUSION Extrusion GEOM_EXTRUSION_BSV Base Shapes + Vector GEOM_EXTRUSION_BSV_2P Base Shapes + 2 Points GEOM_EXTRUSION_DXDYDZ Base Shapes + DX DY DZ Vector GEOM_EXTRUSION_TITLE Construction by Extrusion GEOM_SCALE_PRISM Scale the face opposite to the base GEOM_FACE Face GEOM_CS Coordinate system GEOM_GCS Global coordinate system GEOM_LCS Local coordinate system GEOM_FACES Faces GEOM_FACE_FFW Face creation from wires and/or edges GEOM_FACE_OPT Try to create a planar face GEOM_FACE_OR_LCS Face or LCS GEOM_FACE_SELECTION Face Selection GEOM_FACE_TITLE Create A Face GEOM_RECTANGLE_TITLE Rectangle Construction GEOM_RECTANGLE Rectangle GEOM_FILLET Fillet GEOM_FILLET_2D Fillet 2D GEOM_FILLET_1D Fillet 1D GEOM_FILLET_ABORT Fillet can't be computed with radius %1 GEOM_FILLET_ALL Fillet On Whole Shape GEOM_FILLET_EDGES Fillet On Edges From Shape GEOM_FILLET_WIRES Fillet On Wires From Shape GEOM_FILLET_FACES Fillet On Faces From Shape GEOM_FILLET_VERTEXES Fillet On Vertexes From Face GEOM_FILLET_TITLE Fillet Construction GEOM_FILLET_2D_TITLE 2D Fillet Construction GEOM_FILLET_1D_TITLE 1D Fillet Construction GEOM_FILLING Filling GEOM_FILLING_ARG Arguments And Parameters GEOM_FILLING_COMPOUND Input compound GEOM_FILLING_MAX_DEG Max deg GEOM_FILLING_MIN_DEG Min deg GEOM_FILLING_NB_ITER Nb. Iter : GEOM_FILLING_TITLE Filling Surface With Edges GEOM_FILLING_TOL_2D Tol. 2D : GEOM_FILLING_TOL_3D Tol. 3D : GEOM_FREE_BOUNDARIES Free boundaries GEOM_FREE_BOUNDS_ERROR Object is not selected GEOM_FREE_BOUNDS_MSG Number of free boundaries detected: %1 (%2 closed, %3 open) GEOM_FREE_BOUNDS_TLT Free boundary detection GEOM_FREE_FACES Free faces GEOM_FREE_FACES_TITLE Free faces GEOM_FUSE Fuse GEOM_FUSE_TITLE Fuse Two Objects GEOM_FixFaceSize FixFaceSize GEOM_FixShape FixShape GEOM_GLUE Glue GEOM_GLUE_TITLE Glue faces GEOM_LIMIT_TOLERANCE_TITLE Limit tolerance GEOM_HEIGHT Height : GEOM_HOLES Holes GEOM_IDENTICAL_NAMES_SELECT_BY_MOUSE Identical names : select by mouse ! GEOM_IMPORT Imported_Shape GEOM_INCORRECT_INPUT Incorrect Input Data! GEOM_INERTIA_CONSTR Matrix And Moments Of Inertia GEOM_INERTIA_I %1:1 : GEOM_INERTIA_IXYZ IX & IY & IZ : GEOM_INERTIA_TITLE Calculs Of Inertia GEOM_INF_LOADED File %1 loaded. GEOM_INTERNAL_WIRES Internal wires GEOM_INTERPOL Interpolation GEOM_KEEP_OBJECT Keep Object GEOM_LENGTH Length : GEOM_LINE Line GEOM_LINE_TITLE Line Construction GEOM_MAIN_OBJECT Main Object GEOM_MARKER Marker GEOM_MARKER_TITLE Create marker GEOM_MATERIAL_ID Material ID: GEOM_MATERIAL_MATERIAL Material GEOM_MATERIAL_SET << Set GEOM_MATERIAL_SHAPE Shapes GEOM_MATERIAL_TITLE Define materials for Dominant Fuse GEOM_MATRIX Matrix : GEOM_MAX Max : GEOM_MAX_3D_TOLERANCE Max 3D tolerance GEOM_MAX_TOLERANCE Max tolerance GEOM_MEN_ALL_FILES All Files ( * ) GEOM_MEN_ANGLE Angle : GEOM_MEN_COMPONENT Geometry GEOM_MEN_ENTER_ANGLE Enter An Angle In Degrees GEOM_MEN_EXPORT Export GEOM_MEN_IMPORT Import GEOM_MEN_ISOS Select Number Of Isos GEOM_MEN_ISOU Isos U : GEOM_MEN_ISOV Isos V : GEOM_MEN_POPUP_NAME %1 Objects GEOM_MEN_SHADING Shading GEOM_MEN_SKETCHER_X Enter a Length to Set X GEOM_MEN_SKETCHER_Y Enter a Length to Set Y GEOM_MEN_STEP_LABEL Step : GEOM_MEN_TRANSPARENCY Transparency GEOM_MEN_TRANSPARENCY_LABEL Transparency : GEOM_MEN_WIREFRAME Wireframe GEOM_MEN_X X : GEOM_MEN_Y Y : GEOM_MESHING_DEFLECTION Meshing Deflect. : GEOM_MIN Min : GEOM_MINDIST_OBJ Objects And Results GEOM_MINDIST_TITLE Minimun Distance Between Two Objects GEOM_MIRROR Mirror GEOM_MIRROR_TITLE Mirror An Object GEOM_MULTIROTATION Multi-Rotation GEOM_MULTIROTATION_DOUBLE Multi Rotation Double GEOM_MULTIROTATION_SIMPLE Multi Rotation Simple GEOM_MULTIROTATION_TITLE Multi-Rotation GEOM_MULTITRANSLATION Multi-Translation GEOM_MULTITRANSLATION_DOUBLE Multi Translation Double GEOM_MULTITRANSLATION_SIMPLE Multi Translation Simple GEOM_MULTITRANSLATION_TITLE Multi-Translation GEOM_NAME_INCORRECT Object name not found GEOM_NB_BLOCKS_NO_OTHERS There are %1 specified blocks and NO other solids GEOM_NB_BLOCKS_SOME_OTHERS There are %1 specified blocks and some other solids GEOM_NB_TIMES Nb. Times : GEOM_NB_TIMES_U Nb. Times U : GEOM_NB_TIMES_V Nb. Times V : GEOM_NODES Nodes GEOM_NUM_SPLIT_POINTS Number of splitting points GEOM_OBJECT Object GEOM_OBJECT_TYPE Object Type GEOM_OBJECTS Objects GEOM_OBJECT_I Object %1 GEOM_OBJECT_RESULT Object And Result GEOM_OFFSET Offset GEOM_OFFSET_TITLE Offset Surface GEOM_OPERATIONS Operations GEOM_ORIENTATION Orientation GEOM_ORIENTATION_OPT Reverse orientation with normal vectors simulation GEOM_ORIENTATION_TITLE Change Orientation GEOM_PARAMETER Parameter : GEOM_PARAMETERS Parameters GEOM_POINT_ON_EDGE Point on Edge GEOM_POINT_ON_FACE Point on Face GEOM_PARAM_VALUE By parameter GEOM_COORD_VALUE By coordinate GEOM_LENGTH_VALUE By length GEOM_PARTITION Partition GEOM_WRN_PARTITION_RESULT_EMPTY The partition result is empty, please verify the reconstruction limit parameter. GEOM_PARTITION_HALFSPACE Half-space partition GEOM_PARTITION_ORIENTATION Change Orientation GEOM_PARTITION_TITLE Partition Of Object With Tool GEOM_PATH_OBJECT Path Object GEOM_PIPE Pipe GEOM_PIPE_TITLE Pipe Construction GEOM_SEGMENT Segment of straight line GEOM_SELECT_UNPUBLISHED_EDGES Select unpublished edges GEOM_PLANE Plane GEOM_PLANE_MIRROR Plane Mirror GEOM_PLANE_PV Point + Vector GEOM_PLANE_PVC Point + Coordinate Vector GEOM_PLANE_SIZE Size of plane : GEOM_PLANE_TITLE Plane Construction GEOM_POINT Point GEOM_POINT1 Point 1 GEOM_POINT2 Point 2 GEOM_POINT3 Point 3 GEOM_POINTS Points GEOM_POINT_I Point %1 GEOM_POINT_MIRROR Point Mirror GEOM_POINT_TITLE Point Construction GEOM_START_POINT Start Point GEOM_POLYLINE Polyline GEOM_POSITION Location GEOM_POSITION_TITLE Modify the Location of an Object GEOM_PRECISION Precision : GEOM_PROPAGATE Propagate GEOM_PROPAGATE_TITLE Propagate GEOM_PROPERTIES Basic Properties GEOM_PROPERTIES_CONSTR Object And Its Properties GEOM_PROPERTIES_SURFACE Surface is : GEOM_PROPERTIES_TITLE Basic Properties Information GEOM_PROPERTIES_VOLUME Volume is : GEOM_PRP_ABORT Operation aborted GEOM_PRP_COMMAND No command associated with this id = %1. GEOM_PRP_DONE Operation done GEOM_PRP_EXPORT Exporting geometry to %1 ... GEOM_PRP_LOADING Loading %1 ... GEOM_PRP_MIN_DIST Min Distance not computed GEOM_PRP_NOT_FOR_VTK_VIEWER Not allowed in VTK viewer GEOM_PRP_NULLSHAPE Error, null or inappropriate shape ! GEOM_PRP_READY Ready GEOM_PRP_SELECT_EDGE Select edges and click on Apply GEOM_PRP_SELECT_FACE Select faces to suppress and click on Ok/Apply GEOM_PRP_SELECT_FIRST Select main shape first GEOM_PRP_SELECT_SUBSHAPES Select Sub Shapes GEOM_PRP_SHAPE_IN_STUDY Main shape must be in the study before GEOM_QUAD_FACE Quadrangle Face GEOM_QUAD_FACE_TITLE Quadrangle Face Construction GEOM_RADIUS Radius : GEOM_RADIUS_I Radius %1 : GEOM_RADIUS_MAJOR Major radius : GEOM_RADIUS_MINOR Minor radius : GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT Resulting Type GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_EDGE Edge GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_FACE Face GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_SHAPE Shape GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_SHELL Shell GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_SOLID Solid GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_VERTEX Vertex GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_WIRE Wire GEOM_REF_POINT Point with reference GEOM_REMOVE_ALL_HOLES Remove all holes GEOM_REMOVE_ALL_INT_WIRES Remove all internal wires GEOM_REMOVE_HOLES_TITLE Suppress holes GEOM_REMOVE_INTERNAL_WIRES_TITLE Suppress internal wires GEOM_REMOVE_WEBS Remove webs GEOM_REQUIRED_DEGREE Required degree GEOM_REQUIRED_NUM_SEGMENTS Required number of segments GEOM_REVERSE Reverse GEOM_REVERSE_DIRECTION Reverse Direction GEOM_REVERSE_PLANE Reverse the plane normal GEOM_REVERSE_U Reverse U GEOM_REVERSE_V Reverse V GEOM_REVERSE_VECTOR Reverse Vector GEOM_REVOLUTION Revolution GEOM_REVOLUTION_TITLE Construction By Revolution GEOM_ROTATION Rotation GEOM_ROTATION_TITLE Rotation Of An Object GEOM_SCALE Scale GEOM_SCALE_FACTOR Scale Factor : GEOM_SCALE_TITLE Scale An Object GEOM_SECTION Section GEOM_SECTION_TITLE Section Of Two Objects GEOM_SELECTED_FACE Selected face GEOM_SELECTED_OBJECTS Selected objects GEOM_SELECTED_SHAPE Selected shape GEOM_SELECTION Selection GEOM_SET_MATERIALS Set materials GEOM_SEWING Sewing GEOM_SEWING_TITLE Topological sewing GEOM_SHAPE Shape GEOM_SHAPEPROCESS_TITLE Shape Processing GEOM_SHAPES Shapes GEOM_SHELL Shell GEOM_SHELLS Shells GEOM_SHELL_TITLE Shell Construction GEOM_SKETCHER_ABS Absolute GEOM_SKETCHER_ADD_PARAMS Additionnal Parameters GEOM_SKETCHER_ANGLE Angle GEOM_SKETCHER_ANGLE2 Angle : GEOM_SKETCHER_APPLY Apply GEOM_SKETCHER_ARC Arc GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER Center GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER2 Center : GEOM_SKETCHER_WARNING Warning : The specified End Point is not on the Arc GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER_X Center X coord. : GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER_Y Center Y coord. : GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER_DX Center DX coord. : GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER_DY Center DY coord. : GEOM_SKETCHER_DEST Destination GEOM_SKETCHER_DIR Direction GEOM_SKETCHER_DX2 DX : GEOM_SKETCHER_DY2 DY : GEOM_SKETCHER_DZ2 DZ : GEOM_SKETCHER_EL Element Type GEOM_SKETCHER_RESTORE Restore GEOM_SKETCHER_LENGTH Length GEOM_SKETCHER_LENGTH2 Length : GEOM_SKETCHER_NONE None (Tangential) GEOM_SKETCHER_PER Perpendicular GEOM_SKETCHER_POINT Point GEOM_SKETCHER_POINT2 Point : GEOM_SKETCHER_END_POINT2 End Point : GEOM_SKETCHER_RADIUS Radius GEOM_SKETCHER_RADIUS2 Radius : GEOM_SKETCHER_REL Relative GEOM_SKETCHER_SEGMENT Segment GEOM_SKETCHER_SEL Selection GEOM_SKETCHER_TAN Tangent GEOM_SKETCHER_TITLE 2D Sketch Construction GEOM_3DSKETCHER_TITLE 3D Sketch Construction GEOM_SKETCHER_TYPE Type GEOM_SKETCHER_UNDO Undo GEOM_SKETCHER_VALUES Values GEOM_SKETCHER_VX2 VX : GEOM_SKETCHER_VXVY VX-VY GEOM_SKETCHER_VY2 VY : GEOM_SKETCHER_X X GEOM_SKETCHER_X2 X : GEOM_SKETCHER_X3 Abs. X : GEOM_SKETCHER_Y Y GEOM_SKETCHER_Y2 Y : GEOM_SKETCHER_Y3 Abs. Y : GEOM_SKETCHER_Z2 Z : GEOM_3DSKETCHER 3D Sketcher GEOM_COORDINATES_TYPE Coordinates Type GEOM_SOLID Solid GEOM_SOLID_TITLE Solid Construction GEOM_SPHERE Sphere GEOM_SPHERE_CR Center + Radius GEOM_SPHERE_RO Radius At Origin GEOM_SPHERE_TITLE Sphere Construction GEOM_SPLINE Spline GEOM_SPLINE_TITLE Spline Construction GEOM_START_LCS Start LCS SELECT_UNPUBLISHED_EDGES Select unpublished edges GEOM_STEP Step : GEOM_STEP_TITLE Step value for GUI constructions GEOM_STEP_U Step U : GEOM_STEP_V Step V : GEOM_STUDY_LOCKED The active study is locked and therefore cannot be modified GEOM_SUBSHAPE_SELECT Select Sub Shapes GEOM_SUBSHAPE_TITLE Sub Shapes Selection GEOM_SUBSHAPE_TYPE Sub Shapes Type GEOM_SUB_SHAPE Sub Shapes GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_FACE_SHELL Face or shell GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_SELECTFACE Select the face with hole GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_SELECTFACE_END Select end face (if hole traversing) GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_SELECTWIRE Select wire on face GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_SELECTWIRE_END Select end wire (if hole traversing) GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_SELECT_HOLES_ON_FACE Select hole(s) on the face GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_TITLE Suppress holes GEOM_SUPPRESS_RESULT Suppress Result GEOM_SUPPRESS_RESULT_INSIDE Inside GEOM_SUPPRESS_RESULT_OUTSIDE Outside GEOM_SUPRESSFACE Supress Face GEOM_SUPRESSFACE_SELECT Select Faces To Suppress GEOM_SUPRESSFACE_TITLE Suppress Faces In An Object GEOM_SURFACE_CONTINUTY Surface continuity GEOM_SURFACE_MODE Surface mode GEOM_SURFCONE Conical Face GEOM_SURFCYLINDER Cylindrical Face GEOM_SURFSPHERE Spherical Face GEOM_SURFTORUS Toroidal Face GEOM_SameParameter SameParameter GEOM_SplitAngle SplitAngle GEOM_SplitClosedFaces SplitClosedFaces GEOM_SplitContinuity SplitContinuity GEOM_TOLERANCE Tolerance GEOM_LINEAR_TOLERANCE Linear Tolerance GEOM_ANGULAR_TOLERANCE Angular Tolerance GEOM_TOLERANCE_CONSTR Object And Its Tolerances GEOM_TOLERANCE_EDGE Edge : GEOM_TOLERANCE_FACE Face : GEOM_TOLERANCE_TITLE Maximum Tolerance GEOM_TOLERANCE_VERTEX Vertex : GEOM_TOOL_OBJECT Tool Object GEOM_TOOL_OBJECTS Tool Objects GEOM_TORUS Torus GEOM_TORUS_TITLE Torus Construction GEOM_TRANSLATION Translation GEOM_TRANSLATION_COOR Translation With Coordinates GEOM_TRANSLATION_TITLE Translation Of An Object GEOM_TRANSPARENCY_OPAQUE Opaque GEOM_TRANSPARENCY_TITLE Transparency GEOM_TRANSPARENCY_TRANSPARENT Transparent GEOM_TRIHEDRON Trihedron GEOM_ToBezier ToBezier GEOM_VALUE Value GEOM_VECTOR Vector GEOM_AXIS_DEFAULT (Z axis by default) GEOM_VECTOR_LENGTH Vector Length : GEOM_VECTOR_TITLE Vector Construction GEOM_VECTOR_U Vector U GEOM_VECTOR_V Vector V GEOM_VERTEX Vertex GEOM_VERTEXES Vertexes GEOM_WATER_DENSITY Water Density : GEOM_WEIGHT Weight : GEOM_WIDTH Width : GEOM_WHATIS Whatis GEOM_WHATIS_OBJECT Object And Its Topological Information GEOM_WHATIS_TITLE Whatis Information GEOM_WIRE Wire GEOM_WIRES Wire(s) GEOM_WIRES_TO_REMOVE Wires to remove GEOM_WIREZ Wires GEOM_WIRE_CONNECT Wire creation from wires/edges connected GEOM_WIRE_TITLE Create A Wire GEOM_WPLANE Working Plane GEOM_WPLANE_FACE Plane, Planar Face or LCS GEOM_WPLANE_ORIGIN Select a plane GEOM_WPLANE_OXY OXY GEOM_WPLANE_OYZ OYZ GEOM_WPLANE_OZX OZX GEOM_WPLANE_TITLE Working Plane Selection GEOM_WPLANE_VECTOR Select 2 vectors GEOM_WPLANE_VX Vector X GEOM_WPLANE_VZ Vector Z GEOM_WRN_RADIUS_NULL Radius is null GEOM_WRN_WARNING Warning WRN_SHAPE_UNCLOSED Unable to create solid from unclosed shape %1 WRN_SHAPE_NOT_SHELL Unable to create solid from shape %1 as it is not a shell WRN_NULL_OBJECT_OR_SHAPE Shape %1 for solid creation is null GEOM_X X : GEOM_Y Y : GEOM_Z Z : GLUE_NEW_OBJ_NAME Glue LIMIT_TOLERANCE_NEW_OBJ_NAME Limit_tolerance MEN_ALL_SEL_ONLY Select All MEN_ARC Arc MEN_ARCHIMEDE Archimede MEN_BASIC Basic MEN_BASIC_PROPS Basic Properties MEN_BLOCKS Blocks MEN_BND_BOX Bounding Box MEN_BOOLEAN Boolean MEN_BOX Box MEN_BUILD Build MEN_CHAMFER Chamfer MEN_CHANGE_ORIENTATION Change Orientation MEN_CHECK Check Shape MEN_CHECK_COMPOUND Check Compound of Blocks MEN_CHECK_FREE_BNDS Check Free Boundaries MEN_CHECK_FREE_FACES Check Free Faces MEN_CHECK_GEOMETRY Check Geometry MEN_CIRCLE Circle MEN_CLIPPING Clipping Range MEN_CLOSE_CONTOUR Close Contour MEN_COMMON Common MEN_COMPOUND Compound MEN_COMPOUND_SEL_ONLY Compound MEN_CONE Cone MEN_CURVE Curve MEN_CUT Cut MEN_CYLINDER Cylinder MEN_RECTANGLE Rectangle MEN_DELETE Delete MEN_DIMENSIONS Dimensions MEN_DISPLAY Show MEN_DISK Disk MEN_DISPLAY_ALL Show All MEN_DISPLAY_MODE Display Mode MEN_DISPLAY_ONLY Show Only MEN_EDGE Edge MEN_EDGE_SEL_ONLY Edge MEN_EDIT Edit MEN_ELLIPSE Ellipse MEN_ERASE Hide MEN_ERASE_ALL Hide All MEN_EXPLODE Explode MEN_EXPLODE_BLOCKS Explode on Blocks MEN_EXPORT Export... MEN_EXTRUSION Extrusion MEN_FACE Face MEN_FACE_SEL_ONLY Face MEN_FILE File MEN_FILLET Fillet 3D MEN_FILLET_1D Fillet 1D MEN_FILLET_2D Fillet 2D MEN_FILLING Filling MEN_FUSE Fuse MEN_GENERATION Generation MEN_GLUE_FACES Glue Faces MEN_GROUP Group MEN_GROUP_CREATE Create MEN_GROUP_EDIT Edit MEN_RELOAD_IMPORTED Reload From Disk MEN_HEX_SOLID Hexahedral Solid MEN_IMPORT Import... MEN_INERTIA Inertia MEN_ISOS Isos MEN_LIMIT_TOLERANCE Limit tolerance MEN_LINE Line MEN_LOCAL_CS Local Coordinate System MEN_MASS_CENTER Center of Mass MEN_MEASURES Measures MEN_MIN_DIST Min Distance MEN_MIRROR Mirror Image MEN_MODIFY_LOCATION Modify Location MEN_MUL_ROTATION Multi-Rotation MEN_MUL_TRANSFORM Multi-Transformation MEN_MUL_TRANSLATION Multi-Translation MEN_NEW_ENTITY New Entity MEN_OFFSET Offset Surface MEN_OPERATIONS Operations MEN_ORIGIN_AND_VECTORS Origin and Base Vectors MEN_PARTITION Partition MEN_PIPE Extrusion Along Path MEN_PLANE Plane MEN_POINT Point MEN_POINT_COORDS Point Coordinates MEN_POINT_ON_EDGE Add Point on Edge MEN_POP_COLOR Color MEN_POP_CREATE_GROUP Create Group MEN_POP_SHOW_CHILDREN Show Children MEN_POP_HIDE_CHILDREN Hide Children MEN_POP_ISOS Isos MEN_POP_DEFLECTION Deflection Coefficient MEN_POP_RENAME Rename MEN_POP_SHADING Shading MEN_POP_TRANSPARENCY Transparency MEN_POP_WIREFRAME Wireframe MEN_POP_VECTORS Show Edge Direction MEN_PREFERENCES Preferences MEN_PREFERENCES_GEOM Geometry MEN_PRIMITIVES Primitives MEN_ADVANCED Advanced MEN_PROPAGATE Propagate MEN_Q_FACE Quadrangle Face MEN_REPAIR Repair MEN_REVOLUTION Revolution MEN_ROTATION Rotation MEN_SCALE Scale Transform MEN_SECTION Section MEN_SELECT_ONLY Select Only MEN_SEWING Sewing MEN_SHADING Shading MEN_SHADING_COLOR Shading Color MEN_SHAPE_PROCESS Shape Processing MEN_SHELL Shell MEN_SHELL_SEL_ONLY Shell MEN_SKETCH 2D Sketch MEN_3DSKETCH 3D Sketch MEN_SOLID Solid MEN_SOLID_SEL_ONLY Solid MEN_SPHERE Sphere MEN_STEP_VALUE Step Value MEN_SUPPERSS_HOLES Suppress Holes MEN_SUPPRESS_FACES Suppress Faces MEN_SUPPRESS_INT_WIRES Suppress Internal Wires MEN_TOLERANCE Tolerance MEN_TOOLS Tools MEN_TORUS Torus MEN_TRANSFORMATION Transformation MEN_TRANSLATION Translation MEN_VECTOR Vector MEN_VERTEX_SEL_ONLY Vertex MEN_VIEW View MEN_WHAT_IS What is MEN_WIRE Wire MEN_VECTOR_MODE_ON Show Edge Direction MEN_VECTOR_MODE_OFF Hide Edge Direction MEN_WIREFRAME Wireframe MEN_WIRE_SEL_ONLY Wire MEN_WORK_PLANE Working Plane MEN_POP_POINT_MARKER Point Marker NAME_LBL Name: NON_GEOM_OBJECTS_SELECTED There are objects selected which do not belong to %1 component. PREF_DEFLECTION Deflection coefficient GEOM_PREF_def_precision Default precision GEOM_PREF_length_precision Length precision GEOM_PREF_angle_precision Angular precision GEOM_PREF_len_tol_precision Length tolerance precision GEOM_PREF_ang_tol_precision Angular tolerance precision GEOM_PREF_weight_precision Weight precision GEOM_PREF_density_precision Density precision GEOM_PREF_parametric_precision Parametric precision GEOM_PREF_param_tol_precision Parametric tolerance precision PREF_AUTO_CREATE Auto create PREF_DISPLAY_MODE Default display mode PREF_FREE_BOUND_COLOR Color of free boundaries PREF_GROUP_ORIGIN_AND_BASE_VECTORS Origin and base vectors PREF_GROUP_OPERATIONS Operations PREF_GROUP_GENERAL General PREF_GROUP_OCCVIEWER OCC Viewer 3d GEOM_PREF_GROUP_PRECISION Input fields precision PREF_GROUP_VERTEX Marker of Points PREF_ISOS_COLOR Color of isolines PREF_LINE_COLOR Color of edges, vectors, wires PREF_MARKER_SCALE Size PREF_POINT_COLOR Color of points PREF_SHADING_COLOR Default shading color PREF_STEP_VALUE Step value for spin boxes PREF_TAB_SETTINGS Settings PREF_TYPE_OF_MARKER Type PREF_BASE_VECTORS_LENGTH Length of base vectors PREF_WIREFRAME_COLOR Default wireframe color PROCESS_SHAPE_NEW_OBJ_NAME ProcessShape REMOVE_HOLES_NEW_OBJ_NAME SupressHoles REMOVE_INT_WIRES_NEW_OBJ_NAME RemoveIntWires SEWING_NEW_OBJ_NAME Sewing STB_ALL_SEL_ONLY Select all Objects STB_ARC Create an arc STB_ARCHIMEDE Archimede operation STB_BASIC_PROPS Show basic properties of the shape STB_BND_BOX Compute bounding box of the shape STB_BOX Create a box STB_CHAMFER Create a chamfer STB_CHANGE_ORIENTATION Change orientation STB_CHECK Check shape validity STB_CHECK_COMPOUND Check compound of blocks STB_CHECK_FREE_BNDS Check free boundaries STB_CHECK_FREE_FACES Check free faces STB_CHECK_GEOMETRY Check Geometry STB_CIRCLE Create a circle STB_CLIPPING Clipping range STB_CLOSE_CONTOUR Perform close contour STB_COMMON Common STB_COMPOUND Build a compound STB_COMPOUND_SEL_ONLY Select only a Compounds STB_CONE Create a cone STB_CURVE Create a curve STB_CUT Cut STB_CYLINDER Create a cylinder STB_RECTANGLE Create rectangular face STB_DELETE Delete object STB_DISK Create a disk STB_DISPLAY Show object(s) STB_DISPLAY_ALL Show all STB_DISPLAY_ONLY Show only STB_EDGE Build an edge STB_EDGE_SEL_ONLY Select only a Edges STB_ELLIPSE Create an ellipse STB_ERASE Hide object(s) STB_ERASE_ALL Hide all STB_EXPLODE Explode STB_EXPLODE_BLOCKS Explode on Blocks STB_EXPORT Export geometry to BREP file STB_EXTRUSION Create an extrusion STB_FACE Build a face STB_FACE_SEL_ONLY Select only a Faces STB_FILLET Create 3D fillet STB_FILLET_1D Create 1D fillet STB_FILLET_2D Create 2D fillet STB_FILLING Create a filling STB_FUSE Fuse STB_GLUE_FACES Perform glue faces STB_GROUP_CREATE Create a group STB_GROUP_EDIT Edit a group STB_RELOAD_IMPORTED Reload imported shape from its original place on disk STB_HEX_SOLID Hexahedral Solid STB_IMPORT Import geometry from BREP file STB_INERTIA Compute moments of intertia of the shape STB_ISOS Set number of isolines STB_LINE Create a line STB_LIMIT_TOLERANCE Limit tolerance STB_LOCAL_CS Create a local coordinate system STB_MASS_CENTER Compute center of mass of the shape STB_MIN_DIST Compute minimum distance between two objects STB_MIRROR Mirror a shape STB_MODIFY_LOCATION Modify shape's location STB_MUL_ROTATION Perform multi-rotation STB_MUL_TRANSFORM Perform multi-transformation STB_MUL_TRANSLATION Perform multi-translation STB_OFFSET Offset surface STB_ORIGIN_AND_VECTORS Create an origin and base Vectors STB_PARTITION Make a partition STB_PIPE Create a shape by extrusion along a path STB_PLANE Create a plane STB_POINT Create a point STB_POINT_COORDS Display point coordinates STB_POINT_ON_EDGE Add point on edge STB_POP_COLOR Color STB_POP_CREATE_GROUP Create Group STB_POP_SHOW_CHILDREN Show child objects STB_POP_HIDE_CHILDREN Hide child objects STB_POP_ISOS Isolines STB_POP_DEFLECTION Deflection Coefficient STB_POP_RENAME Rename STB_POP_SHADING Shading STB_POP_TRANSPARENCY Transparency STB_POP_WIREFRAME Wireframe STB_PROPAGATE Propagate STB_Q_FACE Quadrangle Face STB_REVOLUTION Create a revolution STB_ROTATION Rotate a shape STB_SCALE Scale a shape STB_SECTION Section STB_SEWING Perform sewing STB_SHADING Shading STB_VECTOR_MODE Change Edge Presentation Mode STB_SHADING_COLOR Set shading color STB_SHAPE_PROCESS Perform shape processing STB_SHELL Build a shell STB_SHELL_SEL_ONLY Select only a Shells STB_SKETCH Create 2D sketch STB_3DSKETCH Create 3D sketch STB_SOLID Build a solid STB_SOLID_SEL_ONLY Select only a Solids STB_SPHERE Create a sphere STB_STEP_VALUE Set step value STB_SUPPERSS_HOLES Perform suppress holes STB_SUPPRESS_FACES Perform suppress faces STB_SUPPRESS_INT_WIRES Perform suppress internal wires STB_TOLERANCE Compute tolerance of the shape STB_TORUS Create a torus STB_TRANSLATION Translate shape STB_VECTOR Create a vector STB_VERTEX_SEL_ONLY Select only a Points STB_WHAT_IS What is STB_WIRE Build a wire STB_WIRE_SEL_ONLY Select only a Wires STB_WORK_PLANE Create a working plane STB_POP_POINT_MARKER Set Point Marker SUPPRESS_RESULT Suppress Result SUPRESS_FACE_NEW_OBJ_NAME SupressFaces ShHealOper_ErrorExecution_msg Shape Healing algorithm failed ShHealOper_InvalidParameters_msg Incorrect parameters for Shape Healing algorithm ShHealOper_NotError_msg Shape Healing algorithm has done no modification of the original shape TLT_RENAME Rename TOM_O O TOM_O_PLUS + in O TOM_O_POINT . in O TOM_O_STAR * in O TOM_O_X X in O TOM_PLUS + TOM_POINT . TOM_STAR * TOM_X X TOOL_BASIC Basic TOOL_BOOLEAN Boolean operations TOOL_GENERATION Generation TOOL_PRIMITIVES Primitives TOOL_TRANSFORMATION Transformation TOOL_BUILD Build TOOL_OPERATIONS Operations TOOL_ADVANCED Advanced TOOL_MEASURES Measures TOP_ARC Create an arc TOP_ARCHIMEDE Archimede TOP_BASIC_PROPS Basic properties TOP_BND_BOX Bounding box TOP_BOX Create a box TOP_CHAMFER Chamfer TOP_CHANGE_ORIENTATION Change orientation TOP_CHECK Check shape TOP_CHECK_COMPOUND Check compound of blocks TOP_CHECK_FREE_BNDS Check free boundaries TOP_CHECK_FREE_FACES Check free faces TOP_CHECK_GEOMETRY Check Geometry TOP_CIRCLE Create a circle TOP_CLIPPING Clipping range TOP_CLOSE_CONTOUR Perform close contour TOP_COMMON Common TOP_COMPOUND Build compound TOP_CONE Create a cone TOP_CURVE Create a curve TOP_CUT Cut TOP_CYLINDER Create a cylinder TOP_DELETE Delete object TOP_RECTANGLE Create rectangular face TOP_DISK Create a disk TOP_DISPLAY Show TOP_DISPLAY_ALL Show all TOP_DISPLAY_ONLY Show only TOP_EDGE Build edge TOP_ELLIPSE Create an ellipse TOP_ERASE Hide TOP_ERASE_ALL Hide all TOP_EXPLODE Explode TOP_EXPLODE_BLOCKS Explode on Blocks TOP_EXPORT Export geometry to BREP file TOP_EXTRUSION Create an extrusion TOP_FACE Build face TOP_FILLET Fillet 3D TOP_FILLET_1D Fillet 1D TOP_FILLET_2D Fillet 2D TOP_FILLING Create a filling TOP_FUSE Fuse TOP_GLUE_FACES Perform glue faces TOP_GROUP_CREATE Create a group TOP_GROUP_EDIT Edit a group TOP_HEX_SOLID Hexahedral Solid TOP_IMPORT Import geometry from BREP file TOP_INERTIA Moments of intertia TOP_ISOS Set number of isolines TOP_LINE Create a line TOP_LIMIT_TOLERANCE Limit tolerance TOP_LOCAL_CS Create a local coordinate system TOP_MASS_CENTER Center of mass TOP_MIN_DIST Minimum distance TOP_MIRROR Mirror image TOP_MODIFY_LOCATION Modify location TOP_MUL_ROTATION Multi-Rotation TOP_MUL_TRANSFORM Multi-transformation TOP_MUL_TRANSLATION Multi-Translation TOP_OFFSET Offset surface TOP_ORIGIN_AND_VECTORS Create an origin and base Vectors TOP_PARTITION Partition TOP_PIPE Extrusion along path TOP_PLANE Create a plane TOP_POINT Create a point TOP_POINT_COORDS Point coordinates TOP_POINT_ON_EDGE Add point on edge TOP_POP_COLOR Color TOP_POP_CREATE_GROUP Create Group TOP_POP_SHOW_CHILDREN Show Children TOP_POP_HIDE_CHILDREN Hide Children TOP_POP_ISOS Isolines TOP_POP_DEFLECTION Deflection Coefficient TOP_POP_RENAME Rename TOP_POP_SHADING Shading TOP_POP_TRANSPARENCY Transparency TOP_POP_WIREFRAME Wireframe TOP_PROPAGATE Propagate TOP_Q_FACE Quadrangle Face TOP_REVOLUTION Create a revolution TOP_ROTATION Rotation TOP_SCALE Scale transform TOP_SECTION Section TOP_SEWING Perform sewing TOP_SHADING Shading TOP_SHADING_COLOR Set shading color TOP_SHAPE_PROCESS Perform shape processing TOP_SHELL Build shell TOP_SKETCH 2D sketch TOP_3DSKETCH 3D sketch TOP_SOLID Build solid TOP_SPHERE Create a sphere TOP_STEP_VALUE Set step value TOP_SUPPERSS_HOLES Perform suppress holes TOP_SUPPRESS_FACES Perform suppress faces TOP_SUPPRESS_INT_WIRES Perform suppress internal wires TOP_TOLERANCE Tolerance TOP_TORUS Create a torus TOP_TRANSLATION Translation TOP_VECTOR Create a vector TOP_WHAT_IS What is TOP_WIRE Build wire TOP_WORK_PLANE Create a working plane TOP_POP_POINT_MARKER Point Marker WRN_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Sorry, this functionality is not yet implemented _S_ (s) NOT_FOUND_ANY Not a single entity has been found GEOM_FACE_I Face %1 GEOM_CONSTANT_RADIUS Radius : GEOM_R1 R1 : GEOM_R2 R2 : GEOM_BOTHWAY Both Directions GEOM_NORMALE Normal To A Face GEOM_VECTOR_NORMALE Vector_Normal GEOM_LINE1 Line 1 GEOM_LINE2 Line 2 GEOM_D D : GEOM_CHAMFER_EDGE Chamfer On Selected Edges SELECTED_EDGE Selected Edges GEOM_NORMALE_TITLE Create Normal To A Face GEOM_MEASURE_ANGLE_TITLE Angle Between Two Straight Edges/Lines/Vectors GEOM_MEASURE_ANGLE_ANGLE Angle GEOM_MEASURE_ANGLE_OBJ Objects And Results GEOM_MEASURE_ANGLE_IS Angle in degrees : GEOM_LINE_INTERSECTION Point On Lines Intersection GEOM_KEEP_NONLIMIT_SHAPES Keep shapes of lower type GEOM_NO_SELF_INTERSECTION No sub-shapes intersection (Compounds only) GEOM_CENTER_2POINTS Center and two points GEOM_REMOVE_EXTRA_EDGES_TITLE Remove extra edges GEOM_REMOVE_EXTRA_EDGES Object to remove extra edges GEOM_RMEE_UNION_FACES Union faces, laying on common surface REMOVE_EXTRA_EDGES_NEW_OBJ_NAME NoExtraEdges TOP_REMOVE_EXTRA_EDGES Remove extra edges MEN_REMOVE_EXTRA_EDGES Remove Extra Edges STB_REMOVE_EXTRA_EDGES Remove extra edges TOP_NORMALE Normal to a face MEN_NORMALE Normal to a Face STB_NORMALE Compute normal to the face TOP_MEASURE_ANGLE Angle MEN_MEASURE_ANGLE Angle STB_MEASURE_ANGLE Compute angle between two lines or linear edges TOP_POP_AUTO_COLOR Auto color MEN_POP_AUTO_COLOR Auto Color STB_POP_AUTO_COLOR Auto color TOP_POP_DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR Disable auto color MEN_POP_DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR Disable Auto Color STB_POP_DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR Disable auto color GEOM_RESULT_NAME_GRP Result name GEOM_RESULT_NAME_LBL Name GEOM_FILLING_APPROX Approximation GEOM_FILLING_METHOD Method GEOM_FILLING_DEFAULT Default (standard behaviour) GEOM_FILLING_USEORI Use edges orientation GEOM_FILLING_AUTO Auto-correct edges orientation GEOM_WRN_NO_APPROPRIATE_SELECTION No appropriate objects selected GEOM_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE Get shapes on shape GEOM_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE_ESHAPE Shape for exploding GEOM_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE_CSHAPE Solid for checking GEOM_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE_STATE State GEOM_KIND_OF_SHAPE Kind of Shape : GEOM_CLOSED Closed GEOM_UNCLOSED Opened GEOM_CLOSEDUNCLOSED Not defined, Closed or Opened. Possibly, error occured. GEOM_DISK_CIRCLE Disk GEOM_DISK_ELLIPSE Elliptical face GEOM_PLANAR_FACE Planar Face GEOM_PLANAR_EDGE_WIRE Wire with Planar Edges GEOM_POLYGON Polygon GEOM_POLYHEDRON Polyhedron GEOM_NORMAL Normal direction GEOM_DIRECTION Direction GEOM_UPARAMETER U-parameter : GEOM_VPARAMETER V-parameter : GEOM_X_I X%1 : GEOM_Y_I Y%1 : GEOM_Z_I Z%1 : GEOM_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE_TITLE Get shapes on shape GEOM_SCALE_FACTOR_X Scale Factor X : GEOM_SCALE_FACTOR_Y Scale Factor Y : GEOM_SCALE_FACTOR_Z Scale Factor Z : GEOM_STATE_IN IN GEOM_STATE_OUT OUT GEOM_STATE_ON ON GEOM_STATE_ONIN ONIN GEOM_STATE_ONOUT ONOUT GEOM_STATE_INOUT INOUT TOP_GET_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE Get shapes on shape MEN_GET_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE Get Shapes on Shape STB_GET_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE Get shapes on shape TOP_GET_SHARED_SHAPES Get shared shapes MEN_GET_SHARED_SHAPES Get Shared Shapes STB_GET_SHARED_SHAPES Get shared shapes GEOM_PUBLISH_RESULT_GRP Advanced options GEOM_RESTORE_SUB_SHAPES Set presentation parameters and subshapes from arguments GEOM_RSS_ADD_FREFIX Add prefix to names of restored subshapes GEOM_PREVIEW Preview GEOM_ALL_IMPORT_FILES All supported formats ( %1 ) GEOM_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE Unsupported format for the file GEOM_UNKNOWN_IMPORT_ERROR Unknown error GEOM_IMPORT_ERRORS Import operation has finished with errors: GEOM_PUBLISH_NAMED_SHAPES Create groups for named shapes (if there are any)? GEOM_SCALE_DIMENSIONS Would you like to take into account the units? Otherwise the dimensions will be kept without modifications. GEOM_ADVANCED Advanced shape: type %1 GEOM_PRECISION_HINT Input value precision can be adjusted using '%1' parameter in Geometry module preferences. TOP_PIPETSHAPE Create Pipe TShape MEN_PIPETSHAPE Pipe TShape STB_PIPETSHAPE Create new Pipe TShape object GEOM_ADVANCED_201 Pipe TShape HALF_LENGTH_MAIN_PIPE Main pipe half length HALF_LENGTH_INCIDENT_PIPE Incident pipe half length CIRCULAR_QUARTER_PIPE Circular quarter of pipe THICKNESS Thickness FLANGE Flange CHAMFER_OR_FILLET Chamfer or fillet CHAMFER Chamfer FILLET Fillet JUNCTION_FACE_1 Junction 1 JUNCTION_FACE_2 Junction 2 JUNCTION_FACE_3 Junction 3 GEOM_PLUGINS_OTHER Other BasicGUI_CurveDlg GEOM_IS_CLOSED Build a closed edge GEOM_BUILD_CLOSED_WIRE Build a closed wire GEOM_IS_REORDER Reorder vertices taking into account distances BasicGUI_EllipseDlg GEOM_VECTOR_MAJOR Major Axis ORIGIN_DEFAULT Origin by default X_AXIS_DEFAULT X axis by default Z_AXIS_DEFAULT Z axis by default BasicGUI_MarkerDlg CAPTION Local CS Construction DX Dx DY Dy DZ Dz LCS_NAME LocalCS LOCALCS Local coordinate system ORIGIN Coordinates of origin VEC_PARALLEL Coordinate system axes cannot be parallel XDIR X axis direction YDIR Y axis direction BlocksGUI_BlockDlg FACE_1 Face 1 FACE_2 Face 2 FACE_3 Face 3 FACE_4 Face 4 FACE_5 Face 5 FACE_6 Face 6 BlocksGUI_ExplodeDlg NB_FACES_MAX Max. nb. faces NB_FACES_MIN Min. nb. faces BlocksGUI_QuadFaceDlg EDGE_1 Edge 1 EDGE_2 Edge 2 EDGE_3 Edge 3 EDGE_4 Edge 4 VERTEX_1 Vertex 1 VERTEX_2 Vertex 2 VERTEX_3 Vertex 3 VERTEX_4 Vertex 4 BlocksGUI_TrsfDlg FACE_1 Face 1 FACE_1U Face 1 U FACE_1V Face 1 V FACE_2 Face 2 FACE_2U Face 2 U FACE_2V Face 2 V EntityGUI_SketcherDlg CANNOT_CLOSE It is impossible to close sketch Number of sketch points too small EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg NO_SUBSHAPES_SELECTED Please, select one or more sub-shapes GroupGUI NO_GROUP Please, select a group to edit GroupGUI_GroupDlg ADD Add CREATE_GROUP_TITLE Create Group EDIT_GROUP_TITLE Edit Group EMPTY_LIST Please, select one or more sub-shapes to put into the group EMPTY_NAME Please, specify a non-empty group name GROUP_NAME Group Name GROUP_PREFIX Group MAIN_SHAPE Main Shape MAIN_SUB_SHAPES Main Shape And Sub-Shapes NO_GROUP Please, select a group to edit NO_MAIN_OBJ Please, select a main shape REMOVE Remove SHOW_ONLY_SELECTED Show only selected HIDE_SELECTED Hide selected SHOW_ALL_SUB_SHAPES Show all sub-shapes SELECT_ALL Select All SHAPE_SEL_RESTR Main Shape Selection restriction SHAPE_TYPE Shape Type NO_RESTR No restriction GEOM_PARTS_OF_SHAPE2 Geometrical parts of the Second Shape SUBSHAPES_OF_SHAPE2 Only Sub-Shapes of the Second Shape SECOND_SHAPE Second Shape MeasureGUI_1Sel1TextView1Check_QTD CHECK_SHAPE_GEOMETRY Check also geometry MeasureGUI_PointDlg CAPTION Point Coordinates COORDINATES Point and its coordinates POINT Point X X Y Y Z Z OperationGUI_ChamferDlg D D FACE_1 Face 1 FACE_2 Face 2 SELECTED_FACES Selected faces OperationGUI_FilletDlg SELECTED_EDGES Selected edges SELECTED_FACES Selected faces RepairGUI_FreeBoundDlg CAPTION Check free boundaries FREE_BOUND Free boundaries NUMBER_CLOSED Number of closed free boundaries: NUMBER_OPEN Number of open free boundaries: RepairGUI_GlueDlg FACES_FOR_GLUING_ARE_DETECTED There are %1 face(s) that can be glued. They are coloured on the screen with red colour. Please close this message box and select faces for glueing GLUE_FACES Glue faces SELECT_FACES Select Faces THERE_ARE_NO_FACES_FOR_GLUING There are no faces for gluing RepairGUI_ShapeProcessDlg ERROR_NO_OBJECTS Please, select a geometrical object for Shape Processing. ERROR_NO_OPERATORS Please, select at least one Shape Process operation to proceed. TIME_CONSUMING Enabling this option may result in a very time-consuming operation for some input shapes. Would you like to continue? GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg GEOM_REALLY_DELETE Do you really want to delete %1 object(s)? GEOM_REALLY_DELETE_ALL Do you really want to delete all objects? GEOM_DELETE_OBJECTS Delete objects GEOMToolsGUI_DeflectionDlg GEOM_DEFLECTION_TLT Select Deflection of Shape GEOM_DEFLECTION Deflection : GEOMToolsGUI_MarkerDlg SET_MARKER_TLT Set Point Marker STANDARD_MARKER Standard CUSTOM_MARKER Custom TYPE Type: SCALE Scale: CUSTOM Texture: BROWSE Browse... OK_BTN &OK CANCEL_BTN &Cancel HELP_BTN &Help LOAD_TEXTURE_TLT Load Texture OperationGUI_GetSharedShapesDlg GEOM_SHARED_SHAPES_TITLE Get Shared Shapes GEOM_GET_SHARED_SHAPES Shared shapes GEOM_SHARED_SHAPES_INPUT Input data MSG_SHARED_SHAPES_TOO_FEW_SHAPES To few shapes selected. GEOM_SHARED_SHAPE Shared_%1 AdvancedGUI_PipeTShapeDlg GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_TITLE Pipe TShape Construction GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE PipeTShape GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_MPIPE Main pipe GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_R Radius GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_W Width GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_L Half-length GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_IPIPE Incident pipe GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_CHAMFER Chamfer GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_CHAMFER_H Height GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_CHAMFER_W Width GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_FILLET Fillet GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_HEX Prepare for hex mesh GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_POSITION Set position GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_POSITION_P1 Junction P1 GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_POSITION_P2 Junction P2 GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_POSITION_P3 Junction P3 GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_POSITION_LBL_L1 New L1 GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_POSITION_LBL_L2 New L2