/*! \page create_extrusion_alongpath_page Pipe Construction To generate a \b Pipe in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Generation - > Extrusion along a path \n Firstly, to create an extruded \b Pipe shape, you can define the Base Object (vertex, edge, planar wire, face or shell), which will be extruded and the Path Object (edge or wire) along which the Base Object will be extruded.
It is possible to select in GUI several Base Objects to make several pipes (using Shift button). \n In this mode the default pipe generation algorithm is used. The pipe is created so that the angle between the normal vector to the base shape and the tangent to the path wire remains constant at any point of the given path. \n Select unpublished edges checkbox - if checked, allows to select an edge of any other shape as the path object. \n The \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge, face, shell, solid or compsolid). \n TUI Command: geompy.MakePipe(baseShape, pathShape) \n Arguments: Name + 1 shape (vertex, edge, planar wire, face or shell) serving as base object + 1 shape (edge or wire) for definition of the path. \n Advanced options \ref preview_anchor "Preview" \image html pipe.png Example: \image html pipe_wire_edgesn.png "Extrusion of a wire" \n Secondly, you can define the Base Object (edge, planar wire or face), which will be extruded, the Path Object (edge or wire) along which the Base Object will be extruded and the BiNormal Vector (edge or wire). \n In contrast to the default mode, in this mode the pipe is generated to preserve the constant angle between the normal vector to the base shape and the BiNormal vector given as the third argument. \n Select unpublished edges checkbox - if checked, allows to select an edge of any other shape as the path object. \n The \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge, face, shell, solid or compsolid). \n TUI Command: geompy.MakePipeBiNormalAlongVector(baseShape, pathShape, binormalShape) \n Arguments: Name + 1 shape (edge, planar wire or face) serving as base object + 1 shape (edge or wire) for definition of the path + 1 shape (edge or wire) to set a fixed BiNormal direction to perform the extrusion. \image html pipe2.png Example: \image html pipebinormalsn.png "Extrusion of a face with BiNormal parameter" \n Third, to create a shape by extrusion of the profile shapes along the path shape, you can define the Base Objects (edges, planar wires, faces or shells), which will be extruded, the Locations (vertices that specify locations on the Path Object corresponding to the specified Base Objects; list of the Locations should be either empty or of the same length as list of Base Objects) and the Path Object (edge or wire) along which the Base Object will be extruded. Additional controls: - With contact checkbox - if checked, the section is translated to be in contact with the spine. - With correction checkbox - if checked, the section is rotated to be orthogonal to the spine tangent in the corresponding point. \n The \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (shell or solid). \n TUI Command: geompy.MakePipeWithDifferentSections(baseShape, locations, pathShape, withContact, withCorrection) \n Arguments: Name + list of shapes (edges, planar wires, faces or shells) serving as base object + list of locations (vertices) on the path corresponding specified list of the shapes + 1 shape (edge or wire) for definition of the path + 2 bool parameters (withContact, withCorrection). \n Advanced options \ref preview_anchor "Preview" \image html pipe3.png Example: \image html pipe3_init.png "Initial objects" \image html pipe3_init1.png "Extrusion of the profile shapes along the path shape" Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of \ref tui_creation_pipe "Complex Geometric Objects". */