@defaultError: can't build objectOperation abortedInvertSelect Edge WidthSelect Isos WidthCloseContourOne or more selected objects are used to create another ones or referenced from other modules.
Removal of these objects can result in invalid Python dump.
Do you still want to delete these objects?NewObjectObject of incorrect type selected!
Please, select face, shell or solid and try againthe Classifier is NULLthe Shape is NULLUnallowed Type of Sub-shapeUnallowed StateUnallowed Surface TypeTriangulation is not FoundCan not Obtain the Line From the LinkA Point Can Not Be ClassifiedInvalid Data for Classifier2D continuity2D curve mode2D tolerance3D continuity3D curve mode3D tolerance3 pointsAdd pointAngle :AnglesAngle 2 :AngleAngular step :Arc of ellipseArcArchimedeArchimede ConstructionArc ConstructionArgumentsAxis MirrorAxisBaseBase ObjectBase PointBezierBiNormalHexahedral SolidBlocksCompoundSub BlocksSub Blocks SelectionBlock Multi-TransformationMulti-Transformation DoubleMulti-Transformation SimpleBlock Multi-TransformationHexahedral Solid ConstructionBounding BoxObject And Its DimensionsBounding Box InformationBoxDimensions At OriginBox ConstructionBSplineRestriction&Apply&Cancel&CloseSketch ClosureSketch Validation&Explode&Help&NoO&kA&pply and Close&YesBy lengthBy parameterCenter(Origin by default)Center PointCentral PointChamferChamfer can't be computed with %1 and %2Chamfer On Whole ShapeChamfer On Selected EdgesChamfer On Selected FacesChamfer ConstructionObjects to change orientationChange directionChange orientationCheck and Improve Blocks CompoundCheck failedErrorsThe Compound of Blocks has errorsThe Compound of Blocks has no errorsIncriminated Sub-shapesNot a BlockExtra EdgeInvalid Connection # %1Not ConnectedNot Glued # %1Get non-hexahedral solids and non-quadrangular facesGet non blocksNonBlocksGroupObject And Its Topological InformationDetect Self-intersectionsDetection of self-intersections failedThere are no self-intersections in the shapeSome self-intersections detectedWarning: there were errors during the operation, so the list may be incomplete.CircleCircle ConstructionClose contourCenter Of MassCenter Of Mass ConstructionCommonCommon Of ObjectsCompoundCompSolidCreate A CompoundConeCone ConstructionConfirm operationShape contains %1 sub-shapes !Coord. :CoordinatesResult coordinatesCreate a copyCreate a single solidCurveCurve continuityCurve ConstructionCutCut Of ObjectsCylinderCylinder ConstructionAngle values 0 and 360 are unsafe to build proper volumes. Please uncheck the "Angle" box to use the regular cylinder constructor.D1 :D2 :DetectDiagonal PointsDiskDisk ConstructionDimensionsDistanceDistanceAddition of pointDx :Dy :Dz :DropSmallEdgesDraft angle:EdgeCreate An EdgeEllipseError creating ellipse. Reason: minor radius is greater than major radius.Ellipse ConstructionEnd LCSErrorOperation statusFailed to obtain GEOM Engine component. Reload Geometry module and try again.GUI library corresponding to the user action can not be found or loadedExtruded cutExtruded_cutExtruded bossExtruded_bossExtrusionBase Shapes + VectorBase Shapes + 2 PointsBase Shapes + DX DY DZ VectorConstruction by ExtrusionScale the face opposite to the baseFaceCoordinate systemGlobal coordinate systemLocal coordinate systemLocationsFacesFace creation from wires and/or edgesTry to create a planar faceCannot build a planar face: required tolerance is
too big. Non-planar face is built.Face or LCSFace SelectionCreate A FaceRectangle ConstructionRectangleFilletFillet 2DFillet 1DFuse collinear edges to allow bigger radiusFillet can't be computed with radius %1Fillet On Whole ShapeFillet On Selected EdgesFillet On Selected FacesFillet Construction2D Fillet Construction1D Fillet ConstructionFillingArguments And ParametersInput contoursMax degMin degNb. Iter :Filling Surface With EdgesTol. 2D :Tol. 3D :Free boundariesObject is not selectedNumber of free boundaries detected: %1 (%2 closed, %3 open)Free boundary detectionFree facesFree_faceFree facesFuseFuse ObjectsFixFaceSizeFixShapeGlueGlue facesGlue edgesCoincident edges detectionCoincident faces detectionThe tolerance value is too big. Sticked shapes are detected.Limit toleranceHeight :HexagonHolesInitial shapeIdentical names : select by mouse !Imported_ShapeIncorrect Input Data!Matrix And Moments Of InertiaCalculs Of InertiaFile %1 loaded.Internal wiresInterpolationKeep ObjectLength :LineLine ConstructionMain ObjectMarkerCreate markerMaterial ID:Material<< SetShapesDefine materials for Dominant FuseMatrix :Max :Max 3D toleranceMax toleranceAll Files ( * )Angle :GeometryEnter An Angle In DegreesSelect Number Of IsosIsos U :Isos V :%1 ObjectsShadingShading With EdgesEnter a Length to Set XEnter a Length to Set YStep :TransparencyTransparency :WireframeX :Y :Meshing Deflect. :Min :MinDistNo solution foundObjects And ResultsMultiple solutions foundDo you want to publish in the study all found solutions? If No, only the currently selected solution will be published.Minimun Distance Between Two ObjectsMirrorMirror An ObjectModeMulti-RotationMulti Rotation DoubleMulti Rotation SimpleMulti-RotationMulti-TranslationMulti Translation DoubleMulti Translation SimpleMulti-TranslationObject name not foundThere are %1 specified blocks and NO other solidsThere are %1 specified blocks and some other solidsNb. Times :Nb. Times U :Nb. Times V :NodesNumber of splitting pointsObjectObject TypeObjectsObject %1Object And ResultOffsetOffset SurfaceDivision patternProjectionProjection on FaceSource vertex, edge or wireSolution :Solution %1Target faceWith contactWith correctionOperationsOrientationReverse orientation with normal vectors simulationChange OrientationParameter :ParametersPoint on EdgePoint on FaceBy parameterBy coordinateBy lengthPartitionThe partition result is empty, please verify the reconstruction limit parameter.Half-space partitionChange OrientationPartition Of Object With ToolPath ObjectPipePipe ConstructionPathRestore PathPipe-like shell or solidFirst base face/wire/edgesLast base face/wire/edgesProfileSegment of straight lineSelect unpublished edgesPlanePlane MirrorPoint + VectorPoint + Coordinate VectorSize of plane :Plane ConstructionPointPoint 1Point 2Point 3PointsPoint %1Point MirrorPoint ConstructionStart PointPolylineLocationModify the Location of an ObjectPrecision :PropagatePropagateBasic PropertiesObject And Its PropertiesSurface is :Basic Properties InformationVolume is :Operation abortedNo command associated with this id = %1.Operation doneExporting geometry to %1 ...Loading %1 ...Min Distance not computedNot allowed in VTK viewerError, null or inappropriate shape !ReadySelect edges and click on ApplySelect faces to suppress and click on Ok/ApplySelect main shape firstSelect Sub-shapesMain shape must be in the study beforeQuadrangle FaceQuadrangle Face ConstructionRadius :Radius %1 :Major radius :Minor radius :Resulting TypeEdgeFaceShapeShellSolidVertexWirePoint with referenceRemove all holesRemove all internal wiresSuppress holesSuppress internal wiresRequired degreeRequired number of segmentsReverseReverse DirectionReverse the plane normalReverse UReverse VReverse VectorRevolutionConstruction By RevolutionRotationRotation Of An ObjectScaleScale Factor :Scale An ObjectSectionSection Of Two ObjectsSelected faceSelected objectsSelected shapeSelected shapesSelectionSet materialsSewingTopological sewingAllow Non ManifoldShapeShape ProcessingShapesShellShellsShell ConstructionShow length dimensionsShow angle dimensionsShow start/end point coordinatesSketchAbsoluteAdditionnal ParametersAngleAngle :ApplyArcCenterCenter :Warning: End point not on the arc, distance = X Center :Y Center :DX Center :DY Center :DestinationDirectionDX :DY :DZ :Element TypeRestoreLengthLength :None (Tangential)PerpendicularPointPoint :End Point :RadiusRadius :RelativeSegmentSelectionTangent2D Sketch Construction3D Sketch ConstructionTypeUndoValuesVX :VX-VYSelect a planar face or a planeVY :XX :DX :YY :DY :Z :3D SketcherCoordinates TypeControlsSolidSolid ConstructionSphereCenter + RadiusRadius At OriginSphere ConstructionSplineSpline ConstructionSquareStart :End :Start LCSSelect unpublished edgesStep :Radial step :Step value for GUI constructionsStep U :Step V :The active study is locked and therefore cannot be modifiedSelect Sub-shapesSub-shapes SelectionSub-shapes TypeSub-shapesFace or shellSelect the face with holeSelect end face (if hole traversing)Select wire on faceSelect end wire (if hole traversing)Select hole(s) on the faceSuppress holesSuppress ResultInsideOutsideSupress FaceSelect Faces To SuppressSuppress Faces In An ObjectSurface continuitySurface modeConical FaceCylindrical FaceSpherical FaceToroidal FaceSameParameterSplitAngleSplitClosedFacesSplitContinuityThicknessToleranceLinear ToleranceAngular ToleranceObject And Its TolerancesEdge :Face :Maximum ToleranceVertex :Tool ObjectsTorusTorus ConstructionTranslationTranslation With CoordinatesTranslation Of An ObjectOpaqueTransparencyTransparentTrihedronToBezierValueVector(Z axis by default)Vector Length :Vector ConstructionVector UVector VVertexVerticesWater Density :Weight :Width :WhatisObject And Its Topological InformationWhatis InformationWireWire(s)Wires to removeWiresWire creation from wires/edges connectedCreate A WireWorking PlanePlane, Planar Face or LCSSelect a planeOXYOYZOZXWorking Plane SelectionSelect 2 vectorsVector XVector ZRadius is nullWarningUnable to create a shell. Result is a compound of faces.Unable to create solid from unclosed shape %1Unable to create solid from shape %1 as it is not a shellShape %1 for solid creation is nullX :Y :Z :GlueLimit_tolerance2D PolylineCreate 2D polylineCreate 2D polylineSelect AllArcArchimedeBasicBasic PropertiesBlocksBounding BoxBooleanBoxBuildShape recognitionImport picture in viewerChamferChange OrientationCheck ShapeCheck Compound of BlocksGet Non BlocksDetect Self-intersectionsCheck Free BoundariesCheck Free FacesCheck GeometryCircleClipping RangeClose ContourCommonCompoundCompoundConeCurveCutCylinderRectangleDeleteDimensionsShowDiskShow AllDisplay ModeShow OnlyShow Only ChildrenBring To FrontBring To FrontBring To FrontClear Top Level StateClear Top Level StateClear Top Level StateEdgeEdgeEditEllipseHideHide AllExplodeExplode on BlocksExportExtrusionExtruded cutExtruded bossFaceFaceFileFillet 3DFillet 1DFillet 2DFillingFuseGenerationGlue FacesGlue EdgesGroupCreate GroupEdit GroupUnion GroupsIntersect GroupsCut GroupsFieldCreate FieldEdit FieldAdd Field StepReload From DiskHexahedral SolidImportInertiaIsosLimit toleranceLineLocal Coordinate SystemCenter of MassMeasuresMin DistanceMirror ImageModify LocationMulti-RotationMulti-TransformationMulti-TranslationNew EntityOffset SurfaceProjectionOperationsOrigin and Base VectorsPartitionExtrusion Along PathRestore PathPlanePointPoint CoordinatesAdd Point on EdgeColorCreate GroupEdit FieldDisclose child itemsConceal child itemsUnpublishPublish...IsosDeflection CoefficientRenameShadingShading With EdgesTextureEdge WidthEdge WidthEdge WidthIsos WidthIsos WidthIsos WidthLine WidthTextureTransparencyWireframeShow Edge DirectionShow VerticesPreferencesGeometryPrimitivesAdvancedPropagateQuadrangle FaceRepairRevolutionRotationScale TransformSectionSelect OnlySewingShadingShading With EdgesShading ColorShape ProcessingShellShell2D Sketch3D SketchIsolineSolidSolidSphereStep ValueSuppress HolesSuppress FacesSuppress Internal WiresToleranceToolsMaterials libraryTextureTorusTransformationTranslationVectorVertexViewWhat isWireShow Edge DirectionHide Edge DirectionShow VerticesHide VerticesWireframeWireWorking PlanePoint MarkerMaterial PropertiesCustom...Name: There are objects selected which do not belong to %1 component.Deflection coefficientDefault precisionLength precisionAngular precisionLength tolerance precisionAngular tolerance precisionWeight precisionDensity precisionParametric precisionParametric tolerance precisionAuto createDefault display modeTransparencyColor of free boundariesOrigin and base vectorsOperationsGeneralInput fields precisionMarker of PointsColor of isolinesTop level colorTop level display modeKeep current display modeShow additional wireframe actorColor of edges, vectors, wiresSizeColor of pointsDefault shading colorEdges in shadingStep value for spin boxesSettingsTypeLength of base vectorsDefault wireframe colorDefault materialShow predefined materials in popup menuSubshapes color for editing a groupEdges widthIso lines widthPreview edges widthMeasures lines widthAutomatic bring to frontDimensions (Measurements)ColorLine widthFont heightLength of arrowsLength measurement unitsAngle measurement unitsDefault flyout lengthShow units of measurementNumber of isolinesAlong UAlong VScalar bar for field step presentationX positionY positionWidthHeightText heightNumber of intervalsProcessShapeMaterials LibrarySupressHolesRemoveIntWiresSewingSelect all ObjectsCreate an arcArchimede operationShow basic properties of the shapeCompute bounding box of the shapeCreate a boxShape recognitionImport picture in viewerCreate a chamferChange orientationCheck shape validityCheck compound of blocksGet non blocksDetect Self-intersectionsCheck free boundariesCheck free facesCheck GeometryCreate a circleClipping rangePerform close contourCommonBuild a compoundSelect only a CompoundsCreate a coneCreate a curveCutCreate a cylinderCreate rectangular faceDelete objectCreate a diskShow object(s)Show allShow onlyShow Only ChildrenBuild an edgeSelect only a EdgesCreate an ellipseHide object(s)Hide allExplodeExplode on BlocksCreate an extrusionExtruded cutExtruded bossBuild a faceSelect only a FacesCreate 3D filletCreate 1D filletCreate 2D filletCreate a fillingFusePerform glue facesPerform glue edgesCreate a groupEdit a groupUnion GroupsIntersect GroupsCut GroupsCreate a FieldEdit a FieldReload imported shape from its original place on diskHexahedral SolidCompute moments of intertia of the shapeSet number of isolinesCreate a lineLimit toleranceCreate a local coordinate systemCompute center of mass of the shapeCompute minimum distance between two objectsMirror a shapeModify shape's locationPerform multi-rotationPerform multi-transformationPerform multi-translationOffset surfaceProject a point, an edge or a wire on a faceCreate an origin and base VectorsMake a partitionCreate a shape by extrusion along a pathRestore path from a pipe-like shapeCreate a planeCreate a pointDisplay point coordinatesAdd point on edgeColorCreate GroupEdit FieldUnpublish objectPublish objectDisclose child itemsConceal child itemsIsolinesDeflection CoefficientRenameShadingShading With EdgesTextureShow Edge DirectionShow VerticesAdd a textureTransparencyWireframeDisplays content of Materials libraryCustom...PropagateQuadrangle FaceCreate a revolutionRotate a shapeScale a shapeSectionPerform sewingWireframeShadingShading with edgesChange Edge Presentation ModeSet shading colorPerform shape processing Build a shellSelect only a ShellsCreate 2D sketchCreate 3D sketchCreate U- or V-IsolineBuild a solidSelect only a SolidsCreate a sphereSet step valuePerform suppress holesPerform suppress facesPerform suppress internal wiresCompute tolerance of the shapeCreate a torusTranslate shapeCreate a vectorSelect only a PointsWhat isBuild a wireSelect only a WiresCreate a working planeSet Point MarkerSet Material PropertiesSuppress ResultSupressFacesShape Healing algorithm failedIncorrect parameters for Shape Healing algorithmShape Healing algorithm has done no modification of the original shapeRenameO+ in O. in O* in OX in O+.*XCreate an arcArchimedeBasic propertiesBounding boxCreate a boxChamferChange orientationCheck shapeCheck compound of blocksGet non blocksDetect Self-intersectionsCheck free boundariesCheck free facesCheck GeometryCreate a circleClipping rangePerform close contourCommonBuild compoundCreate a coneCreate a curveCutCreate a cylinderDelete objectCreate rectangular faceCreate a diskShowShow allShow onlyShow Only ChildrenBuild edgeCreate an ellipseHideHide allExplodeExplode on BlocksCreate an extrusionExtruded bossExtruded cutBuild faceFillet 3DFillet 1DFillet 2DCreate a fillingFusePerform glue facesPerform glue edgesCreate a groupEdit a groupUnion GroupsIntersect GroupsCut GroupsCreate a FieldEdit a FieldHexahedral SolidMoments of intertiaSet number of isolinesCreate a lineLimit toleranceCreate a local coordinate systemCenter of massMinimum distanceMirror imageModify locationMulti-RotationMulti-transformationMulti-TranslationImport picture in viewerShape recognitionOffset surfaceProjectionCreate an origin and base VectorsPartitionExtrusion along pathRestore pathCreate a planeCreate a pointPoint coordinatesAdd point on edgeColorCreate GroupEdit FieldUnpublish objectPublish objectDisclose child itemsConceal child itemsIsolinesDeflection CoefficientRenameShadingShading With EdgesTextureTransparencyWireframePropagateQuadrangle FaceCreate a revolutionRotationScale transformSectionPerform sewingShadingSet shading colorPerform shape processingBuild shell2D sketch3D sketchIsolineBuild solidCreate a sphereSet step valuePerform suppress holesPerform suppress facesPerform suppress internal wiresToleranceCreate a torusTranslationCreate a vectorWhat isBuild wireCreate a working planePoint MarkerMaterial PropertiesSorry, this functionality is not yet implemented(s)Not a single entity has been foundFace %1Radius :R1 :R2 :Both DirectionsNormal To A FaceVector_NormalLine 1Line 2D :Chamfer On Edge common with 2 FacesSelected EdgesCreate Normal To A FaceAngle Between Two Straight Edges/Lines/VectorsAngleObjects And ResultsAngle in degrees :Angle in radians :Point On Lines IntersectionKeep shapes of lower typeNo sub-shapes intersection (Compounds only)Center and two pointsRemove internal facesCompound of solidsNoInternalFacesRemove internal facesRemove Internal FacesRemove internal facesRemove extra edgesRemove extra edgesObject to remove extra edgesUnion faces, laying on common surfaceNoExtraEdgesRemove extra edgesRemove Extra EdgesRemove extra edgesFuse Collinear Edges within a WireFuse edgesFuseEdgesFuse collinear edges within a wireFuse Collinear Edges within a WireFuse collinear edges within a wireUnion facesUnion FacesUnion facesNormal to a faceNormal to a FaceCompute normal to the faceAngleAngleCompute angle between two lines or linear edgesManage dimensionsManage dimensionsManage measurement dimensions of an objectShow dependency treeReduce studyShow all dimensionsShow all hidden measures (dimension) created for the objectShow all hidden measures (dimension) created for the objectHide all dimensionsShow all visible measures (dimension) created for the objectShow all visible measures (dimension) created for the objectAuto colorAuto ColorAuto colorDisable auto colorDisable Auto ColorDisable auto colorCreate folderCreate a new folderNewFolderSort childrenSort child itemsResult nameNameApproximationMethodDefault (standard behaviour)Use edges orientationAuto-correct edges orientationNo appropriate objects selectedGet shapes on shapeShape for explodingSolid for checkingStateKind of Shape :ClosedOpenedNot defined, Closed or Opened. Possibly, error occured.DiskElliptical facePlanar FaceWire with Planar EdgesPolygonPolyhedronNormal directionDirectionU-parameter :V-parameter :X%1 :Y%1 :Z%1 :Get shapes on shapeScale Factor X :Scale Factor Y :Scale Factor Z :INOUTONONINONOUTINOUTGet shapes on shapeGet Shapes on ShapeGet shapes on shapeGet shared shapesGet Shared ShapesGet shared shapesAdvanced optionsSet presentation parameters and sub-shapes from argumentsAdd prefix to names of restored sub-shapesPreviewDependency TreeHierarchy typeDisplay only ascendants treeDisplay only descendants treeDisplay both ascendants and descendants treesPossibility to move nodesColorBackground colorDefault node colorMain node colorUnpublished node colorSelected node colorDefault arrow colorHighlighted arrow colorSelected arrow colorAll supported formats ( %1 )Unsupported format for the fileUnknown errorImport operation has finished with errors:This compound cannot be exported in IGES format
without loss, because it contains entities, that must be saved in
different modes. It is vertices, edges and wires on the one hand and
shells and solids on the other hand.Create groups for named shapes (if there are any)?Input value precision can be adjusted using
'%1' parameter in Geometry module preferences.OtherShow only selectedHide selectedShow all sub-shapesSmoothing SurfaceSelect image...X=%1, Y=%2X=%1, Y=%2, Z=%3GeometryGUIBasicBlocksBoolean operationsModificationGenerationPrimitivesTransformationBuildOperationsPicturesAdvancedMeasuresImport / Export XAOSectionIndexXYBasicGUI_CurveDlgBuild a closed edgeBuild a closed wireReorder vertices taking into account distancesTangentsFirst tangent vectorLast tangent vectorBoth tangent vectors must be definedCreation ModeBy SelectionAnalyticalBasicGUI_ParamCurveWidgetCurve parametersX(t) equationY(t) equationZ(t) equationMin tMax tStepNumber of stepsBasicGUI_EllipseDlgMajor AxisOrigin by defaultX axis by defaultZ axis by defaultBasicGUI_MarkerDlgLocal CS ConstructionDxDyDzLocalCSLocal coordinate systemCoordinates of originCoordinate system axes cannot be parallelX axis directionY axis directionBlocksGUI_BlockDlgFace 1Face 2Face 3Face 4Face 5Face 6BlocksGUI_ExplodeDlgMax. nb. facesMin. nb. facesBlocksGUI_QuadFaceDlgEdge 1Edge 2Edge 3Edge 4Vertex 1Vertex 2Vertex 3Vertex 4BlocksGUI_TrsfDlgFace 1Face 1 UFace 1 VFace 2Face 2 UFace 2 VCurveCreator_NewSectionDlgNameTypePolylineSplineClosedAddOkCancelAdd new sectionSet section parametersCurveCreator_TreeViewModelX=%1, Y=%2X=%1, Y=%2, Z=%3CurveCreator_WidgetSectionsUndoUndoRedoRedoNew sectionInsert new sectionAddition modeAddition modeModification modeModification modeDetection modeDetection modeSet closedSet selected sections closedSet openSet selected sections openSet polylineSet selected section type to polylineSet splineSet selected section type to splineRemoveRemoveJoinJoin selected sectionsClear allRemove all objectsJoin all sectionsJoin all sectionsEntityGUI_PolylineDlgPolyline ConstructionPolylinePolylineImport polylineAdd sectionEdit sectionEntityGUI_SketcherDlgIt is impossible to close sketch
Number of sketch points too smallEntityGUI_FeatureDetectorDlgFeature DetectionScalingTop left cornerTop right cornerDetected_cornersCornersContoursFeaturesSelect a detection zone
(default is whole picture)Output typePictureFiltering sampleViewFront (Y-Z)Top (X-Y)Left (X-Z)Use region of interestKernel sizeQuality levelMin distanceType criteriaMax number of iterationEpsilonMax number of iteration or epsilonMax iterationEpsilonL2 gradientLow thresholdRatioSmooth sizeHbinsSbinsHistogram typeMulti-dimensional dense arrayMulti-dimensional sparse arrayThreshold valueMax thresholdChain approximation methodNoneSimpleTC89 KCOSTC89 L1EntityGUI_PictureImportDlgPictureFile nameImport picture in viewerEntityGUI_SubShapeDlgPlease, select one or more sub-shapesGenerationGUI_PrismDlgThickeningAdd thickness (edges or wires only)Thicken towards the insideGroupGUIPlease, select a group to editGroupGUI_BooleanDlgUnionUnion GroupsIntersectIntersect GroupsCutCut GroupsGroupsMain GroupsTool GroupsGroupGUI_GroupDlgAddCreate GroupEdit GroupPlease, select one or more sub-shapes to put into the groupPlease, specify a non-empty group nameGroup NameGroupMain ShapeMain Shape And Sub-shapesPlease, select a group to editPlease, select a main shapeRemoveSelect AllMain Shape Selection restrictionShape TypeNo restrictionGeometrical parts of the Second ShapeOnly Sub-shapes of the Second ShapeSecond ShapeThe selected shape is not a sub-shape of the main shape. Hide all extra shapes in the viewer for more suitable selection.EntityGUIPlease, select a field to editEntityGUI_FieldDlgCreate FieldEdit FieldField namePropertiesShapeTypeBooleanIntegerDoubleStringSub-shapeVertexEdgeFaceSolidWhole shapeNb. componentsValuesPrevious stepStepNext stepAdd stepStampRemove stepFieldNo study availableShape not selectedField not selectedPlease, specify a non-empty field nameNo steps added to the fieldSub-shapeShapeChange component nameName:The selected shape is not a sub-shape of the main shape. Hide all extra shapes in the viewer for more suitable selection.Step with such ID already exists.MeasureGUI_1Sel1TextView1Check_QTDCheck also geometryMeasureGUI_PointDlgPoint CoordinatesPoint and its coordinatesPointXYZMeasureGUI_ManageDimensionsDlgManage dimensionsObjectDimensionsAddRemoveShow allHide allDistanceDiameterAngleUnsaved changesThe unsaved changes will be lost.
Do you wish to continue?The unsaved changes will be lost.
Do you wish to save them?The unsaved changes will be lost.
Do you want to continue?MeasureGUI_CreateDimensionDlgAdd dimensionDimensionsLengthDiameterAngleArgumentsEdge lengthTwo pointsParallel edgesTwo edgesThree pointsEdgeEdge 1Edge 2Point 1Point 2Point 3ObjectLengthDiameterAngleCan not create dimensionThe dimension can not be created for the specified arguments.
Please specify suitable arguments.MeasureGUI_CheckShapeDlgCheck Shape InformationCheck ShapeFaultyThis Shape seems to be validThis Shape has errors:Invalid Point on CurveInvalid Point on Curve on SurfaceInvalid Point on SurfaceNo 3D CurveMultiple 3D CurveInvalid 3D CurveNo Curve on SurfaceInvalid Curve on SurfaceInvalid Curve on Closed SurfaceInvalid Same Range FlagInvalid Same Parameter FlagInvalid Degenerated FlagFree EdgeInvalid Multi ConnexityInvalid RangeEmpty WireRedundant EdgeSelf-Intersecting WireNo SurfaceInvalid WireRedundant WireIntersecting WiresInvalid Imbrication of WiresEmpty ShellRedundant FaceUnorientable ShapeNot ClosedNot ConnectedSubshape not in ShapeBad OrientationBad Orientation of SubshapeInvalid Tolerance ValueCheck FailOperationGUI_ChamferDlgDFace 1Face 2Selected facesOperationGUI_FilletDlgSelected edgesSelected facesRepairGUI_FreeBoundDlgCheck free boundariesFree boundariesNumber of closed free boundaries: Number of open free boundaries: Closed_Free_Boundary_%1Open_Free_Boundary_%1RepairGUI_GlueDlgThere are %1 face(s) that can be glued. They are coloured on the screen with red colour.
Please close this message box and select faces for gluingThere are %1 edge(s) that can be glued. They are coloured on the screen with red colour.
Please close this message box and select edges for gluingGlue facesGlue edgesSelect FacesSelect EdgesGlue all coincident edgesThere are no faces for gluingThere are no edges for gluingRepairGUI_ShapeProcessDlgPlease, select a geometrical object for Shape Processing.Please, select at least one Shape Process operation to proceed.Enabling this option may result in a very time-consuming operation for some input shapes.
Would you like to continue?GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlgDo you really want to delete %1 object(s)?Do you really want to delete all objects?Delete objectsGEOMToolsGUI_DeflectionDlgSelect Deflection of ShapeDeflection :GEOMToolsGUI_LineWidthDlgLine width:GEOMToolsGUI_MarkerDlgSet Point MarkerStandardCustomType:Scale:Texture:Browse...&OK&Cancel&HelpLoad TextureGEOMToolsGUI_MaterialPropertiesDlgColor and Material PropertiesFront faceBack faceAmbientDiffuseSpecularEmissiveShininess:PhysicalAdd materialRemove materialRename material[ Current ]ColorCustom materialChanging properties of pre-defined material is not allowed.
Do you want to create new material?Remove material %1?&OK&Cancel&HelpOperationGUI_GetSharedShapesDlgGet Shared ShapesShared shapesInput dataTo few shapes selected.Shared_%1GEOMToolsGUI_PublishDlgPublish ObjectsNameEntryU&nselect AllSelect &All&PublishP&ublish And CloseGEOMToolsGUI_ReduceStudyDlgReduce studyObjects to be keptObjects to be removedNameOptionsIntermediate objectsSub-objectsKeepUnpublishRemoveRemove empty foldersSoft removalDo you really want to delete intermediate objects? After applying this operation study will be broken.RepairGUI_UnionFacesDlgUnion facesObject to unite facesUnionFacesGEOMGUI_CreationInfoWdgInformationCreation operationParameterValue(No info available)EntityGUI_IsolineDlgIsoline ConstructionIsolineU-IsolineV-Isoline